Tcrtland Librar j OFFICIAL s-V PAPER GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. , The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAft HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 23 1897. no. m Sa S 'v 5 EM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. FOBLI8HID Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING . COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At 3.80 per year. $1.25 for six months, 75 ota. tor three monens, strictly in advance. . Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at K. C. Dake' Advertising Aoenov. 64 and 65 Merchant Gxohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou raota for advertising can be made for it. RED HENDLEY Pendleton, Oregon. L C01 Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL At SOLD Heppner, Echo. Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington, o East? 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET 11 p. m. daily except junction i:sua, 3:40 a. m. and s Three I Train leaves Heppner Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 1:30 a, Lieaves Heppner Junouoa rives at HeiiDner 8:10 a. m i' Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 T. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 8:15 p. m. and Umatilla 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 . m. ai d arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 3:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a.m. .: L. M..;i XT.. , I Tl ... 1 1 1 , n . i A .. 1 com utnu uui A iDmn uuinu JN X6.u p. tu. HUU I arrives at Heppner Jnnction 1:47 a. m. and at bey 011(1 r unuutu i ;ui, a. in. For further information ipqnire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. iportaot mCX-A-Xi SIBECTOBT. United States Official. P esident William McKinley nnrf irmlnr ce-Presldent Garret A. Hobart r FIRST Go via. 8t Paul be cause the lilies to that point will anord you the very best service. , SECOND See that the coupon St. raw reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is nrst-clasB in every .John Bherman .... Lyman J. Hage :::::.SS7."ajSS pa your neighbor and friend the THIRD -For information, call Secretary of State -Beerotary or treasury .Secretary of Interior., (Secretary of War Booretaryof Navy.. .John d. Long nearest ticket agent and ask for a Poattnaater-Oeneral James A. Gary , . Attorney-Uensral Joseph lucllenna ucaet reauiDg Via. IUB VV1BCODB1Q Secretary I Agrioulture.... Jimei Wihm n im1 ij... .,,jj,.m . Z THERE ARE NO EXCUSES NOT TO USE ST. JACOBS OIL'0' BRUISES T A PROnPT AND CERTAIN CURE NO ONE REFUSES. McClure s Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6 rant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of uraut ever puDiianea. (Begins in uecemDer.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous.", (Begun in November.) . Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time."' Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits It Is Intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of MAktKS or the umuw irom waanington to Lincoln. Specially taken under the editor's direction. A serial by CON AN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord tieoretaryof State H. K. Kinoaid Treasurer !.... Phil. Metachan flnpt. Pnblio Instruction . M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman . 1 G. W. McBride oQiuiiun j j Hi Mitchell . , i ; Congressmen.... Printer Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 216 Stark St.. Portland Or. G. W.M J J. H. M I Binger Hermann ( W. R. Ellis W. H. Leeds ( R. B. Bean. Rnnnim Judaea i F. A. Moore. 1 1. jl. vv oirenon Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Btephert A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney..., H. J. Bean Borrow County Officials. Joint Benator - A. W. Gowan Henrosentative. County Judge " Commissioners., J. W. Beckett. " t!lrk " Bheriff " Treasurer Assessor " Snrreyor School Sup't... " Coroner J. N. Brown .A. G. Bartholomew J.H. Howard J. W. Morrow , K. L. Matlock Frank Gilliam A. C. Petteys J, W, Hornor , Jay W. Shipley B. F. Vaughan bippnks tows ofiob. i!,yor , ihos. morgan Cmn.-Umen Geo. tkinasr, Kraiik Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. J. Blooum, U. Lichtentlial and J. H, bimony. K border W. A, Kirhanlson Treasurer ; W.Hnggs marshal A. A. Boberta Precinct Olllaerp. Jostles of th raaoe W. K. Kiohardeon fonstebls N. 8.WheUtone United State Lasd Officers. TBB DAIABS, OB. , J. t. Moor Register A. B. Biggs Receiver LA OBABDB, OB. B. f. Wilson ,?"1rUr J.H. Robbina Beoelvor BXOIiarr OOI3BTI!S. BAWUNS POST, DO. IL G.A.R. Ma4aatUxinirton.Or.,th last Saturday of n4 month. Ail Tetarmaa art Invited to Join. Q. W. Bmllh. m CO. Fovit'A. AdiDtant, tf Commsnilsc. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. BTOCE BEANOS. While you aeep yonr subscription paid up yen I eankeep your brand In free of charge. Borst, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B cu left I sbouider; cattle, same on lert nip. . Cook, A. J. .Lena, Or. Horses, 80on rightshonl der: Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I orop on lert ana spin in ngnu Douglass, W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle, B Den right side, awailow-fork in each ear; horses, B I) en left hip. Elv. Bros.. Dona-las. Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, oattis lame on leftnip. hole I id right ear. Florence. L. A.. Heppner, Or. Cattle. LP on right hip; horses. I with bar under on right I nouloer. wtfiivw, iiaiij. u.uim, " . . .... i nu, mi tl Jon the left shoulder; cattle brauded J on I right hip. also anderbit in left ear. Bangs In I morrow oounty. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horses, circle T on left stifle; esttle, same on right hip, under half I wop in nsm uhi lout :n lert ear Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNX on left hip eattle same and orop off left ear; nnuer Slops on tne rignt Lmhey, J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder: esttle same on left hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar, Msppner. nr. 4ttle, U D ml righthip; bnsa m on lert sbouider. Morgan, rl. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left shotudei oattie same on lea nip. Oshorn, J. W., Douglas. Or.; horses O on let shoulder; oattie same on right hip. Parker A G lesson, Hardman.Or, Horses LP oa left shoulder. Piper. J. H.. Lexington. Or. Horses, JK eon. I Dsotsd on lert shoulder; oatue, ssios on 1st up. under bit in ssoh ear. Hector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO left shoulder. Cattle, Oon right hip. RneiTT. K. O. HeDDnsr. Or. Cattle W C on left hip, orop of right and anderbit in left year, I dewlap; horses W Con left shoulder. I l oom pn, 4. A., Heppner, ur. norsss, on I left shiHilder; eatile, 1 oa left shonlilsr. I Turner It. W- HsoDner. Or.- mail eardtol t left shonlder, horses; eattle amine oa IsA hip I Willi split IB IKMh ears. Wsltenhurcer. W. J.. GsJlowar. Or.t horses I quarter oiroTe JW on right shoulder: Mills I quarter circle 4 w on right hip aim right sirs, I narge la Borrow ana i Pictures of Palestine. Stories of Adventure. talent for mystery and Ingenuity which have, lu the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a piace Desiae roe ana uaDonau. , TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception , of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in mciluke s magazink. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of hew animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblefiuger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLJNQ. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClubk's an oi me snort stories ne wui write during tne coming year. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hope) Bret Hart Robert Bsrr ' Frank R. Stockton : Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McCmjbe's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the (treat and Important features of McClubk's Magazine lor ios, me suDscription pnee oi wmcn is omy , One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education flow to Get it (rr a a A2i UHPflBHLLELED OFFER rniD and hols in left ear. Offlne In the Cilr IJfoa btore. O'er bmstiiiaooanusa. City Hotel. tt D.J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNEB, OREGON. Offloe boors, 8 to 10 e. m., and 13 to 3 p. m , si reeldeooe. Mrs. U. Wrloh's property, sod 10 to 12. to , to 2 to S p. m , at offloe io tbe rear ot Borg'a jewelry store. First National Bank OF liEPrNER NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFirK AT Till DALLK8.ORK0ON. J June Su, 1MV7. riothw Is hereby given that the followliig-nsmed settler has filed nollreof his liilentlou to Rinks final proof la support ol bis claim, and thst said proof will l mads belnre J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August la, im7, vis: JOHN JOHNttO, ltd. t. Ko. nno, for the . Hc. a, Tp. I .. K. U K . W. M. He names the following wltnessee to prove his con tl ii nous residence upon ana cultivation ol. ssld land, vts: C harles Anderson, of Eight Mile, Oregon, John K, Peterson, yrant A. linden ana An. drew M. I'eiisrson, all ol onerrv. Ores on. r. jioons, To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly PubMsned at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full ot the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- mmate skill. " Such a paper Ii a great popular educator. It should be In every "y borne. Vf The subscription price of Leslie's la tt pe nnmo. We make tbe unparalleled offer of a copy ol Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made O gain. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday Li gilt, and will be constant reminders ot the fiver's kindness. p Remit by postal order or check to the 4f GAZETTE, . X KA.f j Heppner, Orecon. y 5M-SS jas. r. Register, C.A. MCA. T. A. RHtA. CIO. W. CONtCft, S. W. 8rCNCCt, e President Vlee President Cashier Ass't Cashier Tmstds I Geneni Bulicj Eaisess. EXCHANGE On all parte of the wottd Bought and Sold. CollscUone made oa all pofiiis oa reaeonable Terms. Surplus and nadlvtded Profile, llt.OOO 00. Notic$ Of Intention. Us Orrti s at L Oaaefg. Ossoe. inlv llh l"". X'OTlf ll I KIsllT OUaJI TMT THE V 1..JI. ..,.. kerned settler bee filed nxe el fcislt.lloe lomsSe el pr In uitert of Q e-J kis rislm. s4 lel s.14 prmrf elil U ee4e U,M1" " V kei,.re .nty C lerk. M..rn. c mtatv. Ttm, I Sxlvsnre eaa Bt Notice ot Intention. T and nrricr. at the rALi.r.soRoo, J j Janll, le7. Notice Is hereby liven I tbst lbs ffillowlng. named eettlsr hss Died notice of bis Intention to snsse final proof In support ol his rlalm. and thst ssld pmol will be made befiirsj. W. Mormw.Cminty f ' lisppner, Oregon, on August is, m,, vis: ANDREW M. fETTIIWOIC, Hi E Ko 4i4, tor the sWV Dec. 4, Tp. I a., St 'H E. W. M. lis navies the following wltnessee prove I hlseotitlnuous reside ore upon end culUvstloa ol. sell land, vis: C harles Anderson, el Clgnt sins, Oregon. John E. Peterson, frank A. UiMeil end John Johnsun, ell of Oouseberry, dregon. 4 an, i. a. ve fcegisur. WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook pwbllahed Every Saturday 13 Astor Place Mew York 4 HeppBse.Uretroa, en august leVI, VU ItiWilBtntritS, H4 , He l f" hsW'4rH .Mrsrt Li m sod a nr' a V t B a I w w. lie ui the Inline) lug llneeses to peovs fcte rm,llsiHe reetneeew spn. iwim. -I A"? Ji'.a l l.t. Of . rharl-e fsusi.ertT.eC Vloensi.iir- aUreish fce-lee . M Seppner. dr.. and I eM fit. jM Itegislif. Tbe Osteite does sot qaeetkni tbe baeeelyotsaf trs'". bet It to eotii ImUshI to Iete4 at tbe eeeb la a"lvsoe ..leg, tebeHtlo, whetbf tbe snb- eribetbe Ooraeltod VaadnbUI of tbe ia wbo earae Lie ere4 by bofteet loU. j Tlie regular nbeonpttoo pfine ot lb Bemr-Weekly Uasette to 12 .60 sod tbe rearuisr prioe ol tbe Weekly Ore jonlne Isll.bO. As? one abrribia fur tb peyiof lor one year to both tbe Ossein ao4 Wtkly Orefiialaa tor tl.bx All olJ eat- miliers pa) lof their sotevrlr.ltons let oae year la advanne will he entitled U thesem Now Is tbe lime to get the Weekly Oregootnn, tbe great est neeepaper ol the West. With tb(Wtt.botb strict ly In sdvanc , ooe yeer, $3.6a No better tiotpbiostinn of tipNicrs Oau be made o tlie state. fMBLTLANCE ON "WATER.- Steam Lannch Added to the London Hoa- pltal Service. The; managers ot the Metropolitan : asylums board, London, have just passed upon plans for an ambulance launch tor river service. Her dimen sions, says the Philadelphia Record, are as follows: Length between perpen diculars, 60 feet;., breadth, 12 feet 6 inches; depth, four feet; draught of water when fully equipped, two feet eight inches. The hull is built of Sie mens-Martin mild steel throughout to hoard of trade requirements for passen ger certificate. She is built in five com partments. In the fore part of the ves sel is a cabin for the accommodation of the staff and for visitors proceeding to visit patient"! in the hospital ships in Long Reach, Dartford, and is capable of accommodating about 20 persons. In the after part there is a cabin fitted up as a hospital, wit"h four berths two be ing fixed and two portable and with all the necessary requirements for carry ing four recumbent patients. Both of these cabins are heated with steam and. are provided with suitable skylights and all the necessary fittings for a boat of its class. The machinery is fixed amidships and is of the triple-expansion type, with sur face condenser, and capable of driving the vessel at a speed of ten knots. A water-tight trimming tank is built at the fore end of the vessel of sufficient capacity that when filled with water it will bring the vessel to an even keel of two feet eight inches. A HOLY TERROR. But the Little Battenburgs Love Her All the Same. : . The ruler of Balmoral castle, accord ing to the Strand Magazine, is not thu queen, but the housekeeper, a Mrs. Mussens, a typical personage of her class, gowned always in rustling black silk, lace-trimmed apron and white cap. eie and the queen ore said to be excel lent friemla, and many a gossip have they had together when affairs of state have been laid aside.. ... Mrs. Mussens also stands high in the favor of the little Battenbergs, who are sure to seek her out as. soon as thev have landed at the castle, for she fair ly idolizes the little ones and keeps many a treasure in her apartments with which to regale them. To the world ot Inrge Mrs. Mussens is a holy terror. Her word is law, and she enforces it at tbe point of tbe bayonet or the broomstick. It to said that once tne queen wanted a certain maid to 1 whom he had taken a fancy detailed to the care of her own room, but the housekeeper remonstrated, telling her majesty that It ww quite out of order and she really must not spoil tbe serv ants by undue notice. The queen was wise enough- not to insist, and "dear Mrs. Mussens" won the day. BARE-NECKED SKATERS. nolland Women Appear on the Ire with Ilall-Oown Ilodices. We are at-customed to sec women bun dled upin fiirsasthey glide over the ice. To witness a woman s rnon In Holland would give us a greater chill than to niet a ghost at midnight. A foreign correspondent, in mentioning a contest on skates, deKcriUlta follows: "It was snowing slightly, but In every nvmluble moment l)etweu the rnces troops of men were told to clear the course. At a given signal six worn en started for tin- firatrace. Tbey were dresser In very short skirts, snd trans Iurentrlooking blouws, low necks, with no sleeves at all. were told thev were from among the lower peasant people, and that the shop cIhkhcs nevi i entered the Hats at all. The N-rd tbey went at wss something wonderful, and recially remarkable at the comers. For the moat part they raced with their arms liehiiid Uiein, but the girl who won the prize (two pounds sterling) skated wKh Ikts folded In front," Hare anna and necks in midwinter! Our physicians think women are court ing death by wearing low-necked dresses in ballrooms. What must it be to wear them as outing costumes? HEASON3 WHY Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Keiuedy is the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in oase of pain in tbe stomach, oolic and cholera morbus. 2. Beoause it ia tbe only remedy that never ails in the most severe oases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3- Beoause it is the only remedy that will onre obronio diarrhoea. i. Because it ia the only remedy that will prevent bilious colio, 5. Because it is the only remedy that will onre epidemical dysentery. 6. Beoanse it is tbe only remedy that can always be depended upon in oases of cholera infantum. 7. Because it is tbe mo6t prompt sod most reliable medioine in use for bowel oomplatnts. ' 8. Because it produoea no bad results. 9. Because it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Beoause it bas saved tbe lives of more people than any other medioine in tbe world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Con ser k Brook. Don't neglect a cough because tbe weather is pleasant; before tbe next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minbte Oongh Oure is easy to take and will do what its name implies. For sale by OoDser & Brock. POWDER Absolutely Pure Tbe feo and mileage ot U. S. deputy marshals will receive a heavy reduotion under tbe new sundry oivil approprifr lion Din reoentiy passed by congress, says tbe Asblund Tidings. The red no tion will amount to 50 per oent and will oonform to what deputy marshals receive in tbe Eastern states. It is claimed nnder this Dew rate that deputies to Eastern or Southern Oregon would not receive traveling expenses and that tbe objeot of the new law is to induce tbe ac oeptance ot a salary in hen of tbe fees heretofore paid. - As yet U. 9. Marshal Grady has reoeived uo notioe tor the en foroemeot of the new law. W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., saya "One Minute Cough Care saved my only ohild from dying by oronp." It bas saved thousands of others luUeriDg from orou pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious throat and long troubles. For sale by Conser k Brook, i:t THE LECTURE. Those Who Heard It Well Pleased-Amnsing, Pathetic Instructive. ' Dr. Rasmus' leoture on tbe subjeot of Battoned np Possibilities" was deliver ed at the M. E. oburch as ner Drevious arrangement, on last Wednesday even ing to a fair-sized audience, though not as large as was expeoted. A great many of our people were out of town and un luckily, too, for tbey missed a treat. Tbe dootor's introduction was amus ing and prepared bis bearers tor tbe die. oussion of bis theme. It was handled masterfully, and the audieooe were shown the laughable.' tbe nsthetia. stories of real, true life. The writer bas beard Bob Burdette in his "Rise and Fall of the Mustaoue," and in justice to Dr. Rasmus will say that it rivalled the noted lecturer's best effort. Tbe perora tion was a grand review, a fitting ending of sn excellent, instructive reoitsl ' of real facts. Dr, Henry Rasmus arrived here, from Portland to deliver the promised leotore, nn Wednesday morning, leaving for borne last night. Ills many friends hope that he may sgaio visit Heppner in tbe very near future. When a person begins to grow thio ' there is something wrong. Tbe waste is greater then the supply and it is only a question of time when tbe end most come. Io nine oases oat ot ten tbe trouble is with tbe digestive organs. If yon oso restore them to a bealtby oonditioo you will stop tbe waste, put on new flesh and cause them to feel better id every way. The food tbey eat will be digested and appropriated to tbe needs of tbe system, and a normal appetite will appear. Consumption frequently follows a wasting of bodily tissue beoause nearly all consumptives have indigestion. Tbe Shaker Digestive Cordial will restore the stomsob to a healthy oonditioo io a vast majority of oases. Get one of their U-j-j from your druggist and lesro about this new and valuable remedy. When tbe children need castor give them Laxol; it Is palatable. , The crescent waves on Cretan shores, Tbe cross of Christ goes down; The Turks are helped by Christian powers Who bombard fort and town. Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds Poo. "uba's piercing cry; Then let us drown these shameful deeds In Hperry's "IJnwood Rye." For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E. U, Sperry, proprietor. tf A brother ot Mrs. J. D. Brown, a Mr, Abbott, arrived Wednesday more In a rnm tbe East to visit his sister, aod wag disappointed lo not finding ber here fibe bad been In attendanoa oo the En- esvorers' meeting and from that point took the train eastward to spend the summer with relatives. Harrison little is 'tending camp for Crocket and Cbas. Kirk this summer lis wss down from Ureeuboro esrly this week. Charley Jones bss redooed tbe price ot slisving to 15 oeots. Wbo you wsnt a first class shave osll at tbe same old stsnd. If, "Last summer one of oar grand- ohildreo was sick with a severe bowel trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Oregory, ol Fredcrlokslown, Mo. "Our dootor's remedy bsd failed, tbeo we tried Cham berlain's Colio, Cholera und Diarrhoea Remedy, wblob gave very speedy relief." For ssle by Conser k Brook. Ueorys Ureeo and weloo were over from the John Day early this week. HUMOR ON THE BENCH. Bowea tlrpptier lo I'etidlet.rn vie ll'ipejt-r F.obo blags Line. I'eraooa deetione rf vuiliog 'ee dialog esa este time and money ty taking thte rrote. liy ae qnaltitlne the egeote the pre loos eea tag the stage will ra-ite rontewo with u' clock train at K bo to remileloa ( Xfloe at City Dreg Ktore, W. V, Loao. I'roprtetof. Walt. Thorn pen q rase tage bet We aaool ran the PH tbef . Heppaer ssd atawefMaot, arriving- every plan. Tbe Ootlook will be la 17, ae it hss been dortog each of Its twenty seven rears, a History ol Oar Owo Time. Id it various editorial departments Tbe Outlook ives a compact review ol lbs world's progress : it follows witbrsre all tbe important philanthropic Sad ID' dust rial movement ot the day; bae complete department ol religious oews devotes moeb spare to tbe Interest of tbe bom; reviews correot literature; fore is bee cheerful table-talk about men acd things: and, la short, aim to give freeb Informative, crigioal observation, sad reasonable entertainment. Beginning wltb the fifty fiifth volume, tbe paper will so urea lbs regular mag sine lit, which will adJ greatly to it Oooeuienee aed aKrartiveoeee. Tbe OoMixkto paUtehed every Hslardey fifty too lesue a year. Tbe first Isso la rarb aaaelo to aa Illustrated Magstie Nstuber, eotiblebonl la-ire rosny page as tbe crdieary to nee, together wltb a large ember ol picture. Tbe pnee el Tbe Outlook to ta Idler a year Id advance, or Ire fh g et a day. Reed (or a reiie copy aad lllnstrai- HAVE YOIK UBA1M. Few train thst cb squirrel des troys II 60 worth of grain snnoallj I Wskelee's Squirrel snd Gopher Filer- tntnaloi is tbe most effective sod eco nomical poison known. Frio redooed to 30 oente. Oooer A Brook sad Mloor k Co., agent, Heppner; J. A. Woolery, agent, I ne, Nichols k Leaou, agent beiingti n. siiKJiirra sale. Notice u Hrttr.Br nivr.n th t i s if.r and by virtue of an sierutlon laiel nut of the I Irrult ourt ol lbs elate of Oregon lot the onuljr of Morrow aod Io roe dim led and delivered, lllani mil ntelll rendered Slid ei. tered In ssd court on the lih dayol Mar, In Isvor of L reldmaq slid . II H Cole, rdsliitlrl. snd assln.t W. I. esllng. delrndsnt, hi. the sum of One Hundred. 1 eeuly Tee sod avlisi IhHiara In I'. S fold eoln Hu Interest thereon e like gold e..n st the retool kht r rent her snniiin from the rih da of aprll. i"W7 snd the further sum of rtshte-, I., liar. ts sod fll.liueefmeh'S III t,lh liidfteeut II esa otdered by the rourt that the i,roM etterhed In said Hon s' d herrlusli.'t rte rrlhed, to wit Sooth It i f the south keel Quarter nf eW tloe J snd tlie Morlb fe.l (juer- lev nf Mertlon l snd the Koolh II. I uf th ' III nI ijM.fler of extlon rand Ihe Meet Halt of Ihe ..,, Ih feat J""r ol eevtloa t. and ll eaoulh Mall ol Ihe south- est 4""" nt i. all In loe u.t,ii on (1 south nee i east wlllam-ite iixndlait. Morrow eounly, IHe,n. ! .Id lo seil.ty ssld led. meot. rte and e-rrttlnf ria. I tu, on Helurlat I he l.t day of Jmv, I'T, si 1 nrloh p in ol ssld der si Ihe flout doof uf the nmrt limtae In Ifei.i.uer. VfMn ronelf. lreofl, sell sll n. ri.l.l, I1 1 . a4 Inlereel nt Ihe Seld W I. eell'g lu audio the sbov deerrOied .rrtfly St t,I.Sie sunll.fS tfl to tie. tits-heal snd heel hid let lor reah In hand the p -re-'f in he sf-t'lled t4 the seitala. i.hi M Id aiernlltm Slid sll m4 r.el.lli.1 Mst rfoe, V 1. MtTMM K Bneetgnf Morrow eouhtl. tr'l I led June at. tmfj, 4 What to Hop (kUf Cnt Mia. Bflll Hil"t-r9. I day einept Monday aed 1 eerie every i slay eieept Haadey, Hbortt 84 bep- Ui ra esd male lo th lUrr, , J. Hor,j0 pfpetoe to Tbe Ootlook, 3Atlofl MU I'Uoe, SstTwkCttv, Trtaturtr't Notice. Vott'f t iirnrnt .vr." Tfl.t am. il M arrow CWnmiy esrrsot r.f'.'eiad tirhe id snd lorludlog f. lev ei.l tie lellon si Ihe 1 odi. ee sli' f Ihe date ut tl '. "te ratk .Mll, treere u M .ii'.e i t4ite, t-'4, II' jt i.l, VIH JU, i d) il, V 4,, t'baracterlstle Anecdote of Lord the Kngllah Jaii.t. The late Lord llowrn, brsliV Iw-lng a great judge, was also a great wit, and tunny luten-sting lon mots of hi are lM-liig recallitl Jtiat now, , On the occa sion of the queen's Jubilee, say lloiiae hold Word, the Juilgrw were drawing up an adilrrwa in the queen. "Conscious aa we are ot our abort coming," ran the addrraa; "conarioua a we are of one emit hers siiorteom liigs." siiggniu-d Inl Bowrn. Not long ago he was aakrd to alt In the ad tnlralty court. I'ikiii Uiking bis seat he kaki'd linlulgiMire on account of In t'kprrlrfic In admiralty biialnrs. "And may there lie no moaning of the liar, be vlilnl, "when I put out to era,' Hutiietlinr hi wit km Very derisive, ne, fur Instance, when lie remarked Truth will outeven In au affidavit. Not the least happy of bU rvronll witticisms wsa the remark lie made when eoigrltilnll nn his anoolnl- went lo lie a law lr1. He would, lie aalil, find U,e work , hi duly lirlng Jo give hi opinion after so many other I. ad given their. "In fart. 1 only hate to atfre. ami miglit well have Wo riae to Uv jrrage as 'leird Ton KirrjV" aewnus ar ins enarw. A small fish i ailed Ihe pilot Is nesrly alwsvs found with the rnan rating rbark. Ka h si. ark I (iomiuinlrd by from fits to set ii (slwsys by an tll immtirr, It I i luime.)) f thee little taaaala, and while hi aharkahip aeems to Isr Incessantly keikibg foraouvetblng wbrrewllh to autiafy hi voracious sp- tit he never raU tin-so lilUe piloU, thoupb tbey keep very iojr to hi ID. Another frejtient asaortateof Ike shark to the reniora, or awrkef fj,n. Nsture ha pro piled Itwlibalsrgeirrulsrdi'k f'tt the top of Its brad. By wrn ol thi "stwker It Sltf-S itself to tb Mf t iirfa i f tie alu-ik tub Is car ikU 1 It r 1'Tf tr It cms, Don't thio your blood wilb sassafras r poison it wltb blue mass; bat aid N tore by osing Oewitt's Little Esrly Risers, tbe famous little pills for cod- stlpslion, billonsaess and slomaoh trou ble. Tbey are purely vegetable. For ssle by Oneer k Brock. ' Joe Bannister came op frets below oo Hoodsy, bsvlng gone below with a oattie train. Trtur, Halt-Ilheam and tWrtna, T, m Inlunu Ili.Vlne .nit.inarllni. (net dtmt to these) dlaeaw-a, la Instantly allayed bv amilvlmr Chamljerlalu s Lve and Skin Oiiitiimnt. Many very bad cases have been permanently enrod by it. It to eually efni tont for itehlng plh-s and a favorite) remedy for sore nippies chapped hands, chilblain, frost bite and chronic sure eye, ko eta. per uoi rr. fady'g Condition Powder, are jtiat what a horse need when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and vermlfaire. Thev are not food but medklne and the beat In nse to put borne In prima condition. cent per pac kage. Irice V I). A. Ctirrar, formerly of 1'eodletoo bss opened op a 15 cent barbershop I the old slam oo tbe Met lor corosr, Work strictly first else. Call on bira Stf Horn-To the wileol Will Mallory, In Heppner, nn Thursday, Jely Mb, a gir oil, Ja. Thompson, wbo started over tbe trail with one ot Carson's bands of beep, bss returned. He left tbe sheep some plsoe (near Boise. Carson seem to bsve bsd luck lu holding bis men, as several of bis bsnds bsve returned with out completing the drive. Qo. Armstrong, wbo Is oow running tbe popular ssloon oo tbe Mstlook cor ner, bss put Id lbs Hop Gold drsugbt beer. Milwaukee end Hon Qold bottle beer, fine liquors sod cigars always on bsnd. Jobo Durham, saslstsot mixolo gist. Cell on lbs boys and get your beer by glass or quart. 63-tf A fsw dsys sgo whiles little son of J. L. Yesger wss assisting bis latbsr In opening a bog ot merchandise, over at the furniture store, a Urge Iron rod blob waa being manipulated by tbe parent, slipped and atrook tbe boy oo tbe bead cutting a gb 1 ioohee long lo tbe skull. Oae of bis Angers wsg slso badly braised. Ine Rock stsg leaves Heppner at 7 o'clock, a. m Toedys, Thursdays. end Halurdsys; arrives t A c'look, p. m., Mondays, Wedneadsys aod Fridays. Will maks connection with branch train when desired. Far 12, ob wsy. Freight J cent prr ponnd. j, rj, BelleDbrork, Prop. Offloe at Usrry Wsrreo'g drug store. tf. CATARRH' ( a LOCAL DISEASE CM ! th eaeed ,. 9aVeXeweaes ftUsWBs)4a9 ll esa ks ene4 hy . fleMSnt r ndt S MSftilNMl rwtif Ism Ins a-wri.s. Ie- By'sCriam Balm Is m knswtvlvMl UMP asnst Umroeftl tsrs f'SJ haesl I euti, ( .4 la head s4 Hsf Frve ef a. I f-iail H iqr. tM (li Ins sl peeaf snsrs est hdewi.e keei. Ihe sores, la-1 the anaealeee lf-n eaeda, la, n US ths .lee- Sf eea e-4 e-Me'l, rTH see at lntt f e or h e.4. AiI ftttVletet,M(ISSusslr . fistrW M74J(IAIP1 Visitor to Klghl Mil ssy tbst that locality to one ma nf golden wheel and that th bappv farmer are preparing for the harvest Morrow eoooly Is very lor. Innate la all r. U th year. Yon may bust Ihe world over aoJ you UI aot find another medieio iaal to Chruberlia's Colle, C'boler and Dl rboa lUmedy for bowel complaints. II to pleasssl, safe sad reliable. Fur sale by Conser A Brock. e Ham V. Coobrao eam la Huodsy with time ot Henry Welch's wool. John Carter aecompanlexl blm with aaotber lot. Potb toft yeeterUy with merehaa- Tfl Thotuss II .rgn, of EgU JJ,!t wit lo Utyyott Tuf.i'iy, ut i.:- :. r: I