Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 20, 1897, Image 4

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    f&$t & fTT
Of Two Transcontinental
Spokane Salt Lake
St. Paul Omaha
Chicago Kansas City
Ocean Steamers Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details oall on 0. R. A N
Agent at Heppner, cr address
Geo. Pass. Agt.
E. McNElLl, President and Manager,
THE CHBONICLK ranks with sbe greatest
Bewspapers in the United Slate.
THE CHRONICLB bn no equal on the Paclftc
Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise ami newt
THB CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports arc
the latest and most reliable. Its Local News tlie
fullest and sploiest. and 1U Editorials from to
ablest pens In the country.
THE (JUHON OLE has always been, and always
will be, the friend and champion of the people as
against combinations, cliques, corporations, 01
oppressions of any kind. It will be Indupuuden'
La everything neutral La auUiing.
if I pilMiS
: i t -"- ptyj
London' Big; WheeL
The big wheel at Earl's Court, Lon
don, has so far been an undoubted suc
cess. It has only a record of 15 weeks'
work, but during; that brief period re
ceipts amount to upward of 23,000,
or an average of 260 per day. The
total number of passengers carried
round the wheel was 430,000. The re
sult is an interim dividend of ten per
cent, and a future dividend of nine per
cent., with 2,000 carried to the depre
ciating account. t
Where Water Is Deep.
A deeper spot in the ocean than yet
known has been found recently by her
majesty's surveying ship Penguin In
latitude 23 degrees 40 minutes south,
longitude 175 degrees 10 minutes west.
A fault in the wire caused the sounding
to be abandoned after 4,900 fathoms
had been run out without touching
I S I WW tie,
!& J8.S)Ssl I Mi isSl
"hw:..eH' .an
Sati lranolsoo
Atid all points in California, via the Mt. Bhasta
route oi uia
Southern Pacific Co
The RTat highway through California to all
point East and South. Grand Honnlo Iterate
of the l'aiiiflo Coast. Pullman Hnffet
Hlee tiers. Heoond-olasa Hleepera
Attached to exprnea trains, affording superior
accommodations for second-olaai passengers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping ear reservations,
to,, nail npnn or suitress
R. KOKHi.KR, Mansirer, C. H. MARKBAM
Qen. k. 4 P. Agt., Portland. Oregon
If so, be sure and see that your
ticket reads via
me NortuwestBTn. Line
Great Short LiQC
Thi'lr Magnificent Track. Peerless Vcstllitiled
J M ii 1 1 ik ami Hlfi-iilug Car
Trains, ami MulUi:
"always on timk"
has I veil this road a national reputation. All
I'lnKses of iiaas4ut(ers rarrti'il on the vi'stllinltwl
trains wltiiiiiit cktia I'harga. Hilp your freight
and travel over this fainom lino. All agent
have tickets.
W. II. MKAD, F. C. fllVAOIt,
Urn. Agent, I ray. T. A P. Agt.
Hit Mashlngtun Ht., I'nrlland, Or,
The Chronicle Rulldlng.
the: daily
Hi- Mil l, Fnstae Tiild.
The Weekly Chroni
Thj Gmtst Wce'dy h the Icmlry,
(luoUidln potftKn) Hi ftny purl of t?i Untl)l
kuuimi. i:nnalu hi.1 Mexico.
TtlR WKKKLV CIHtiX.C.,K, tlie hrUhti
aiifl mint ronijilnLH Weekly Novvipnpejf In thf
world, print ri'tful'irly 4 column, or IwIvh
tiauiti.uf New. IMar itum mi I (lom'rnl Inform
lloniHlno it miigitliWittnt Atfrlcu'tiiifil UeuiirtniiMii,
a h
Reversible Map?
The United States, Dominion oi
Canada and Northern Mexico
ON ONM H 11)10,
Q And the y
Map of the World
Honil V'J and net thn Map and
W klj lironli lr f ir One) Vnur,
uiiK" I ri-pulil on M ip anil r.gi,)r,
M. II. t VfllTVO,
rrnurtetof A V. (Tirenlels,
111) fHANI-.l.lU CAU
Ittee & SI. Paul R'y
This Hallway Co.
0irle Its trains on tlis f ainoiii Hook
y ate id;
DgbU lit trains bf lootriolljr tliroutfb
ool; Usee iha oeliibraloj eleolrio bvrlb reil
I till lamp;
Ran ilily qnl(ai paasenger trains
vrr day suJ ighl botveeo HI. I'anl
nil Cbioago, tuj Oinaba sol Chicago)
Chicago. AilvvauUcc &
St. Paul
Also oMraliHi tlearo-lieale.l veatilmleJ
train, carrying Hi la 'eel privals
eoiuiiarlnient rare, library buffet mol
InaT or, snj alace tirstsiusj room
I'artor cars, free rx'litilng rlialr fart.
nil lb Tery tai uioiug cba.tr car
For liir4it rales la any point in h
I'nlteil Htalee or Catiala, lI'!r to
Kent or J lrrea
c. J. i:itY.
SfflC 11
Tickets lititeil to !( (minis In tU Coiled
HUtrs anJ Cana.U.
Trtr. I'aaa. Agnt.
(ieneral Agent.
l'oftlsnil, Of.
a iAat
A en4in a m4 )ii,i, ef
a4 ..if M.HI. f, u. k4 . ,tMti.w 4
1 -I , Hta. il.i I (wnqftiMBii.. .1. 4 1 .
,..! I'l (' l-4 MMrl IM-MeH. p.M4e
e M a to Mfcu,.!. ,am.
' ihrnek) kM A l Noaist)
'"'' ilfMM w,.a ew.iii t
f 4B' "'5. r WM4tl II 9
kSS fc -1 fek.it bMM .i iIab.
a l faist Wm4 la as lmm4
I IimS.si, Ksr lark.
- - Mfc .U m Mm f- m
!. V til t fta,t.t.
mm m 4 - Hb let I - -' M
They Are Made This Season to Look Well
Without Wrap.
Toilets for calling are being built
with special reference to outdoor wear
without a wrap, or, at best, for a loose
cloak or mantle of fur, to be left in the
carriage or the hall. Bodices of heavy,
warmly lined broadcloth are popular,
with boleros or small Etons of fur or
velvet. A tiny black velvet bolero in
trimmed down the fronts and most odd
ly al)Out its edge by a frill of thickly
plaited black ribbon which stands out
from the figure almost like a ruche
above a very tight and high ceintuire
of moire. The bodice beneath is pluin
to the point of severity, with a military
choker, about which is tied a black rib
bon, with a short, square bow under the
chin. In the tortoise-blue broadcloth.
with black velvet bolero, overlaid with
rr.itifi if' cream' Honiton and earacule
fur, black moire riblwn ruffles, and
ceinture, the effect is stunning. Motifs
of fur and lace are used to trim tle
skirt in deeo. sauare scallops, knee
deep, with plaitings of black ribbon
beneath. Whole blouses of glace-printed
velvet are very French , with thick
ruches of fur about the throat, and
perhaps fur sleeves and a yoke of fur
on the broadcloth skirt. Kuches of
fur seem a bit improbable, but de
signers are capable of making a fab
ric serve every purpose, however for
eign to its popular use. They are usually
ni:ule ot ciii iicule, that thin, expensive
and very fashionable fur, that is so
adaptable Unfiles of this fur are also
stvlish. Thcv are. rather, circular
flounces in ilitferent widths, sometimes
in nn edge to a very short bolero, some
times ciii-ircling a skirt about hem and
knees and titill higher about the back
breadths only, giving that smart, bouf
fant effect to the tournure. Choix of
sable, of seal, of 1'ersUin lamb are worn
tw well as of carncule. They are
formed ly two loops of four and two
sharply-pointed cutis thrust through a
buckle under the chin, to fasten a boa
or collar reaching fur lielow the waist
and edged with sable tails.
Northing is so trig and appropriate
for these autumn (lays a a tight-fitting
bnsxpie and a plain skirt of conrse can
vasen olose that it rwems woven of
curds, with fully nn eighth of nn Inch
of bright lining gleaming through its
meshes. Hluck braiding put on by hand
about the bnsOue mid the hips, a sninil
capote of coral velvet and biack wings,
with the tiniest of veils, the biggest of
cantcule 4id blucK fentl.t r ruche, and
n riifltv muff to match, with a coral
lining, make a stun it ensemble for call
Another costume for this weather,
when lowly woman goea out "in her
figure," is also of coarse canvns, with.
it large tuft dotting it all over, the
color being a rich purple. It luis a
l.liiek moire i:toii,tlie nhortedge slashed
Into sultan tabs, wkred to stand out
fiiuii lite figure alune the folded vel
vet ceinture. th front rolling away
from the Aiiislcout in tiff trtblwrt rev
era. Tim t'louno beneath is of black
eliriicule, of vthich the alrevea arenlso
built, a velvet choker Iihv ng carncule
vvIiil'S flnrinif out heiirntli each ear
V wrv rough and coarse arrge Is hand
Mime, lirsiiled In I'lm U in a lmnd band.
hut encircles the skirt oblioticly In
tilritl. n 1hw of ci'raetile and a steel
Iiiliikle fu'ftcinil on one kucc, where the
'trultltnir eoii'iiiiiH'i. A ceitilure of
Mni'U it. one, ulllitbil mpliriolialM'liilid,
liing tiitiiiwt to the kiieea, and a
twloite rrnvtil rf black moire.
a iieetil;nrlv novel gown, the
alec wit tptile cnMTiil w tth t he brulding.
- SI. lAuis Heptil'lic.
J as. Young is back to Heppner sfttr
several months' absenoe.
V. A. Stephen and son were down
from Hardman yesterday. '
The Grandest Remedy.
Mr. R. B. Qreeve, merubant, ot Chil
bowie, Va., certifies that be bad con
gumption, was given np to die, sought
all medical treatment that money conld
procure, tried all oongh remedies he oould
bear of, bat got no relief; spent many
nights sitting op in a obair; was indnoed
to try Dr. King's New Discovery, and
was oared by use of two bottles. For the
past tbree years has been attending to
business, and says Dr. King's New Dis
covery is the grandest remedy ever made,
as it bas done so muob for him and
also for others In his community. Dr.
King's New Discovery is guaranteed
for Conghs, Colds and consumption. It
don't fail. Trial bottles free at Conser
& Brock's drag store.
C. B. Johnson 'phones in from John
Day that on last Saturday nigbt J. M.
Franklyn's bouse and saloon at John
Day were totally destroyed by fire.
Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible ac
cident to be burned or soalded; bat the
psin end agony and the frightful, dis
figurements can be quickly overcome
without leaving a scar by using DeWitt's
Witob Hazel Salve. For sale by Conser
& BrooK '
The damaged bridge near Wm.
Hughes' bas been looked after by the
oounty judge, and if not repaired at this
date , will be in the near f ratare.
Yon may bunt the world over and you
will not find another medicine equal to
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera BDd Diar
rboea Remedy for bowel complaints. It
is pleasant, safe and reliable. For sale
by Conser & Brook.
. O.: E. H. Clarke returned this
morning from a trip to various points
donng the past week.
Some for ten, some for twenty and
some for thirty years bave eoffered from
piles and tben have been quiokly and
permanently oared by nsiog DeWitt's
Witob Hazel Salve, the great remedy for
piles and all forms of skin diseases. For
sale by Ounser & Brock.
E. O. : W. W.Caviness bas oome borne
from Lehman springs. He will return
soon to the mountains and go into tbe
mining district.
Old Woman Who Hunts for
tbe Precious Metal.
Report Says She Have av Rich Boars
aa the Result of Maar Years
ot Hard Work and ,
Fragral Living;. i
J Or., July 19, 1897.
Kenoyer, H 8
.vtooro, r rati it l
Noetzel, U
When calling
Smith, Miss Lulu
Hlack, Geo A
Williams, Jesse
lor these letters please say
i. P. Williams. P. M.
How s Tnlsl
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh tbat cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cbeney ft Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We tbe undersigned, bave known F,
J. Cbeney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfectly honorable in all
business transaction! and financially
able to oarry out any obligation made
by their firm.
West ft Trnax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnso A Marvin, done gin up all hopes now,
Marv Odom, gold bunter, lives in a lit
tle cabin on the mountain side, about a
mile from Auraria, the ancient mining
town, of north Georgia, whose best days
were those prior to the discovery of
L'old in California in 1849. The cabin
waa built by a miner named Odom, and
when the excitement in. California be
gan he bade his wife and daughter Mary,
then a girl 12 years, old, farewell, and
started west. His family never heard
from him again.
His wife managed to support herself,
and, having some knowledge of gold
minhur, taught Mary how to wash tne
golden grains from the sand in the beds
of the mountain streams. I ne two were
quite successful and gathered a great
deal of gold dust. , When. Mary waa 16
vears old her mother died. , That was in
1832, and the United States mint was
still in operation at Dahlonega. Mary
soon grew expert in finding gold, and
many a pennyweight did she carry to
the mint. Having disposed of it, she
secreted, invariably, half her profits in
the cabin at the mouth of the gulch
above Auraria.
The war came on and the mint was
broken nip and for four years Mary
Odom had a hard time of it. The con
federate government needed all the
money it could-get and the tithe gather
ers ouade frequent visits to her cabin
in search of gold; but she was able to
keep her hoard hidden. After the war
matters settled down a little, and when
she was assured of the protection of the
civil authorities she went about her
work boldly and devoted all the time
that she could spare from the cultiva
tion. of her little patch of cleared land
to the business of gold hunting. The
richest deposits had been worked over
so much that they were not so profit
able as they had been when she first be-
gau to wash gold in the mountain
streams. She lived very frugally and
raised her own crops of corn, cabbage
and potatoes, and spun and wove her own
clothing. She has always kept up the
habit of putting aside half her findings,
whether they were large or small.
Sometimes her washings would not
amount to 'much during the week, but
if she secured only 50 cents she would
put aside a quarter and spend the rest,
piecing out her wants by going into
debt. She is now in her sixty-first year,
and she has hoarded away a sock filled
with gold dust, whioh she has shown to
some of her most trusted friends, and
is worth several thousand dollars. Still
she keeps at work, and on any fair day,
when not busy about her cabin, she
may be seen tramping over the hills in
search of gold. She will tuck up her
homespun skirt and stand knee-deep
in the chill waters of the mountain
streams all day long washing the sand
and gathering up the shining particles,
"It ain't so easy as it wer' 40 year
ago," she said, as she smoothed back
her Iron-gray locks from her forehead.
"but I kin make a purty good livirv
out'n it yit. I've Beed the day when I
could wash out fom four to five penny
weights a week, but I hardly everstrike
sich a streak as that nowadays. I 'spect
cd nan to come home old an' po' fur
yearn a'ter he lef fur California, but I
I seed so
Aa Eminent New Tork Chemist and Scientist
HkfS a Free Offer to Our Headers.
Uf A MTCf AM mm Who can think
linn i lu nn iiuioti
' some simple
thing to patent Protect your Ideas ; they may
Dnnir you wealtu. write JimjM mum
you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDEB-
A CO.. Patent Attorneys. WaabinsTton.
D. C, (or their 81100 prize offer.
Tbe distinguished chemist, T. A. Slo-
oom, of New York City, demonstrating
bis discovery ot a reliable oure for Con
sumption (Pulmonary. Tuberculosis),
brooohia), long and oheBt troubles,
stubborn ooughe, oatarrbal affeotions,
general deolioe BDd weakness, loss of
fleBb, and all conditions of wasting
away, will send lUKx-Hi tiub& cui
TLES (all different) of his New Dis
coveries to any afflicted reader of this
paper writing for them.
His "New Scibntifio Treatment" bas
oared thousands permanently by its
timely use, and be considers it a simple
professional duty to suffering humanity
to donate a trial ot his infallible onre.
Science daily develops new wonders,
and this great chemist, patiently experi
menting for years, bas produced results
as beneficial to humanity as can be
claimed by any modern genius. His
assertion tbat lung troubles and con
sumption are curable in any olimate is
proven ' by "heartfelt letters of grati
tude," filed in bis American and Euro
pean laboratories in thousands from
tbose onred in all parts of the world
Tbe dread Consumption, uninter
rupted, means speedy and certain death,
Simply write to T. A. Slooum, M. 0.,
98 Pine street, New Tork, giving post
office and express address, and the free
medioine will be promptly sent direct
from bis laboratory.
Sufferers should take instant advan
tage of bis generous proposition.
Please tell the Dootor that yon saw
this in the Gazette, published at Hepp
ner, Oregon. July 9-7-1 yr.
Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, under
the firm name ot Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
business in the new stand, two doors
south of the postoffloe. They solicit a
call. Shaving, 15 oents. tf.
Come to tbe Gazette offloe and get a
decent lot of envelops printed.
Government envelops look obeap, and
besides you cannot get your business
card printed tbereon. tf
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu
matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam &
Biabee's. tf
Dr. John W. Rasmus, of the Redlieht,
bas keg. beer on draught the nop
Gold. Best of liquors and cigars in
stock. tf .
Notice of Intention.
Land Office at Thb Dalles, Oregon.
June 22nd, 1897.
fnllnwlnsr-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in support ot
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at HeppDer,
Oregon, ou August 7th, 1HS7, vis:
Hd. E. No. 399, for the N WJ and NVi 8W
Sec. l,Tp6SR26E WM.
he names the following witnesses to prove
bis continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F.
Ward, Nelson Cumpton and 6amuel Ensley, all
of Hardman, Oregon.
55(1-67 Register.
building committee of the Odd Fellows'
hall at lone, Oregon, will receive bids for the
erection of a 26xfi(i ball, everything to be fur
nished by the builder. Plans and specifica
tions for hall Can be seen at J. A. Woolery's
store at lone. Bids to be opened July 21, 18CT.
The committee reserves the right to rejecc any
or all bids. By order ol committee.
656-tB J. A. WUOLtKY.
Thb Boss Feed Yabd. The first feed
yard (be teamster strikes in Heppner
is that conducted by William Gordon ,
next door to the Heppner Gazette
ranoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating,
bag a good yard and abundant facilities
to take care of stock in first class shape.
His prices are very reasonable. He bas
hay and grain for sale. Has lately
added a car load of baled timothy.
and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Morrow and to me directed and
delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and en-
tered In said court on the 9th day of Septem
ber, 1896, In favor of Clara A. Cobb, Plaintiff,
and against Morris D. Long, Llnnle Long, his
wife, F, O. Bucknum, Belle E. Bucknum, bis
wife. C. A. Hughes, L. Hughes, her husband, H.
J. Faust. Daniel B.Brown and Brown, his
wife, Defendants it the sum of Three Hundred -Seventy-One
85-100 Dollars with interest thereon
at the rate of eight per cent per annum from
the 1st dav of March, 1895, and the further sum
of $'2185 and' Interest at the rate of eight per
cent per annum from March 1st, 189 and Fifty
Five Dollars attorney fees and the sum of
Fifty-one 75-100 dollars costs and disbursments.
Whereas by said decree and order of sale It waa
directed that the following described real
property in Morrow county, Oregon to-wlt:
the East half of the South-west quarter and
the West half of the South east quarter of Sec
tion 28, Township One (1) North Range 26 East,
W. M., to be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs
and accruing 'costs. I will on Saturday,
TheSl-tdayof July, 1897,
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and in
terest of the said Morris D Long, linnie Lone.
his wife, et al., In and to the above
described property at publlo auction to
the highest and best bidder for cash in hand,
the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction
of said execution and all costs, and costs that
may accrue. E i. mailuir,
enenn oi morrow vouuiy, ureguii.
Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67
Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or butter on subscription aocounts.
Any one owing this offioecan settle their
acoouots in this manner snd oan't do it
too soon to suit ua.
"Never Fail" headache wafers at Con
ser ft Biook's. This medioine will oure
any kind ot a beadaohe in short order.
Pat a quarter in your pooket and
don't spend it till yon get down to Low
Tillard's. Finest . liquors and cigars.
Near city ball. a
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Our is taken inter
nally, acting direotly upon the blood and
oioooua surfaces ot the system. Pnoe
75c. per bottle. Sold by ah Droggists.
Testimonials free.
Charley Beymer t
Mile Salordsy last.
well witb bim.
res io from Eight
Crops are looking
many o' them po' ol' fellers come back
broke dowrt'thout noth'n to live on 'at
I thought. I'd save up part of all I foun'
so'a to he'p '1m out w'en he come back,
an' thnt'si how I come to save up my
little pile. The Lord knows hit's little
'nough, in spite o what folks says "bout
my bein' a rich 'oman an all sich aa
that." X. Y. Run.
See those new Russian Tan shoes
down at Liobtenthal's. Latest styles,
best quality, reasonable prices. You
cannot do better anywhere. tt
Y Mut'U i
l.lg VI ;
I finish
"They are dandies" said Tboi. Bow
ers, ot tbe Crocket, Tex, Enterprise,
while writing about DeWitl's Little
Early Risers, tbe famous little pills for
sick headache and disorders of tbe stom
ach and liver. For sale by Conser A
William Ilngbea waa ill most of last
wrek, and left Saturday for Portland
here be wrf receive mrdioal treatment.
All other
la lb
Kut and
Naw Vnsa
KaNaaa OlTK
Ht. JfosrH
ht. Ifia
1'oioa Ivpot connections
at Ml. I'anl, Minneapolis,
Kansas City, Omaha, Ml.
Units and other promt
tie tit points
lUtfitate check.! through to destination
ill tu kvla.
Through tick eta lo Japan ami China, via
Te.ro ami Northern lVitJo hlsiin
ship Company's line.
For full information, lima cards, tnsps.
tirkrU, etc., eall ihi or writ
W O. Ausmi, A. I) Cn at.ro.
As-t N I Uy AseUGen l aw. Agt.
IbePallra.Or. i'ortlaod, Or.
"Tlic IWator line"
V Mai i Ufa Nuigilioi (V
... ar&AUiM
'DHiti crr" 'ntcvwon"
ta The I)lU dalle .Mtl Ha"iU)
al H 45 a. as. Us Portias! at 70
a u.
Wha g" Pttlaal, so c-tT at
T'. Kllre end lass a trip ilowa ft.
- Ulail.is; )ob ill j 7 it, sai set
W.O. At LAW. T.
Oeoeral AgeaL
Wanted-An Idea 553
fv rtt . 1-? - ..
! ; i ii'V'Hi i Kttx, i "
aa. stM I r t ihi t Iv raisf
imtm i Jn4 a ism.
To Transparent.
iNiirmna tMfe Hie cows grave
more milk than iikiihI to-night.
iMirymun Yes; but I ran explain
thaU It's kind of funny, but I actually
forgot to milk them tlua morning at
all until I had gone otrr the t hole route.
I noticed the imple ecrliwil to grumble
more than iuiU hrn I filled tholr
ilU'hrr. 1' t.v-Patc.
I Idle fcl.aanr'a fraakavsa.
KU anor had been sent down to enter
tain the young man until be big a la
U-r waa rwuly.
"You wrkmily haa a werry wed no,
Mr. NU'olls," sthe aaUl, luirong other
aUrtliiig thing; "it'sawkful wedilra'
like iirr' i'lir U-tkva Jini paint It
to if a tonl toia leaf or dee' I'ilH h? Wa
ter d. both. N. Y. WorW.
"Ilaa jour ami taken up the highvr
liiaiirhiAtn-?" tniii!rr! the friend.
"I ikut'1 know for sure." rrplird the
fathrr, to ho looking er a numlwr
of lulls; "nn)io, he'e gelling a great
il.'l more familiar II ti figures than he
Hard lo I."- Washington SMar,
Mi lU jron Ititl IVar liir! 8trai.ge.
but I -iniol rriiuiulwr. Wliera Is
!trek-ti ?
Iioiing lkrate-O. tliata easy, la
Chin, rtaw Ike akkvra In a !
window ! - I'lulaulrlpliia I'rrssa.
with Tsssss,
lit I had my pa lure takes along
tth Norn, my b'g flu llernant, yon
know. May I bate the pleasure of pre-
srnling you toilii a ( ?
She 4h, I furs ao. eU)e did ad
Ultra nan.la.wiie d. -T-Vltiie.
Tha lUppy Mas 1 w41 yea, obi fel
low, a man dorsn't knvw w hat real aep
pine Is I" nl 1 1 )' rt.arrirj
C),fl i rr-M 1 liea h ruvs utai it
pialt4 U berrw a.t W. Preokiru
L.f. .
Alt SUM la Mta Ft.
Yfa - Tn 5fT. irekrr U Ul r'v la
t rntlriV Right J rt are. fVit
the IrviWe Is he won't g there.
"t,j l,.arer , '
"l!fflir -YutikrrB tfuilesksuaa.
Nortbpcrt, Wash, will get
U Hoi smelter. Tbe La Rul
located at Iloeslsnd. B. C.
tbe big
mine la
Not only piles ot tbe very worst kind
ran be cured bf Daw itt's Witch llstel
Halve, but ectema, scald, boroa, bruis-
m, ImiII. ulcers and all other skin
troubles oaa be instantly relieved by
the same remedy. For Bale by Cooser ft
ttapt Gardner, ot Hie Portland lloya'
and Girls' Aid aooUtv, la eoavelsscloi
from aeverw attack of typhoid fever.
atklea' A rate aalvsv
The Iteet Halve in the world for Cute,
Braieee, Mores, C leers, Pelt Kbeam,
Fever Korea, TetUr, Chapped tfsads,
Chilblains, Corne, and all Nkia Er op
tion, and positively cures I'll. or no
par required. It ia guaranteed to give
lerleel sallsfaolloa or money refunded.
fries 3a reals ne boi. for sale by
1'ooaer ftroek.
t.aU.ii tVum nillvllle.
We recently purchaeed a bicycle,
The doctor aaya that with careful nurs-
inir we will lie out in six weeks.
We lost one leg In the war and the
nihnr runnintr for congrena. We arc
till able, however, to play a full hand.
There Is only one gold bug In Ilill
ville now, and he'a In a dime museum
under the direction of a sllvrr manager,
There la no use to run for coroner In
ltillville, Tbe only time a man drops
dead here Is when some one goee crory
and nnvs him teadollarson account.
Money ia so urarce In Hillville that
we are compelled to run for office on the
Installment plan; but it looke like we n
iitver be fully Installed. Dlllvtiie ban
Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo."
Sow ia the time. Yon don't want to
miss a whole lot ot good, hard reading
that is now being published m our
Any person who is interested io
British Columbia should writs to W. H.
Hurlburt, general pssseoger agent of tbe
O. R A N., tor a copy ot Pat Donan's lit
tle "booklet," "The New BoDscr.sland."
It la well worth the trouble. fiO-tf.
How to
Get Rich
$25 will earn you
$7 weekly
With our plan of Investment;
you cannot lose, two men
made $500 aod $650 last month
on $!5. Yon can do likewise. .
It you don't invest, and keep
your money in your pocket,
you will be poor all your life. .
Try us witb 825 and see what
we osti do. Absolutely no
risk. Write for particulars to
Guarantee Brokerage Co., Offices, 213
and 215 Byrne Building, Los Angeles,
Rural Spirit
Published Weekly at
Portland, Or.
Isliara Laurence and Ik II. Miller
have put In a smelter aear Prairie City.
It ta said lo be saeeees.
NuTIt K.
Tbe different countries of the world
now use 13,400 different kinds of poet-
age atamps.
One hunter la Connecticut shot 130
lrt ridges and more than 200 woodcock
during tbe game season recently closed.
A free lodging bouse for tramps is to
bo eatabllahrd in New York, where the
rile will be, "no bath, do bed."
In Jewish marriages the bride stands
at the right of the bridrgrooin; with
the people of every other creed It la the
custom for the bride to take a poaltion
to the left of her male. .
Prisoners In the county jail at Holt.
Mo., stuck a pole with a stocklru; tied
to It through the bars on Christum eve
and left It there all Christmas day. A
considerable) quantity of small eolu
waa dropped into the tot king by peo
ple passing the Jail.
Leg Wins
l " vv 1MB i' ir ii in
All rreoat indebted in Boles and ac
count due ! Sotile ft Co. are requested
o earns forward eed eel lie sme a
soon as paeeilde. We still fon'iene ia
bnstntM anl will evil g xxU aa low a
see be boaght anf where la In
Noat.i ft Co.
Iie pner, Or., Jaae 54. V7. If .
A fatal ryrlltig aeridetit happrrxtl re-
renlly it MsImhi I.af!itte. Two young
Englishmen. V. Morria, live trple-ha
yrf, ami K. iHi'ie. ftrxl alablruian la
the employ tf I fiolrt, tbe trairxr,
hail arraiigfil a hirvrle tnaUh of all
kllometrra from the Maiwn lnille rati
way bridee U tbe Croi de Noolllre and
Isark. They had almost completed the
rare when Morris, who waa a little
ahead, looked bat k to set how far lUtls
w a behind, and la Ul"g to hd Icil hie
machine run arsittat tbe rurbstoi.e. fba
unfortunate rider ratne to the ground
and broke hia leg below tbe knee. Mor-
rta, who waa followltig rlosie behind,
could not avoid bis fallen opponent and
waa thrown heavily to tbe ground.
where 1st remained tuarcubie.
DtsregwrdiBg both his ewa broken lef
and hi friend tyi? me louleea oti tbst
ground, Mvrr'., la t.' tsx'.tty o wtB
the If. rrKii n w J I b:rkk and aooa
Charley Jnaee kaa re,lae4 Ibe tk rearSed the winning p.U with oi fwr
of Biasing to II eaU. W I )o ' o'"i-r nang rg uwwaa
w.M . fi,. ,IM 4 ... eatt u IU same ',n ' ' , ' ,t
. t . -a .... rsrrM b.n., lut h f d durirff tlie
o:a stsi.4 ir. I -1 .v , s
Oa Jaly Its al IVbfneouvitIs aotu
Ihlevx h'bhed elatee botes of roosider
able gold.
flick header he eaa be quickly aad roos
pleMy eterwosae by asing Ihoee faasoaa
little pills knewa aa "IW will's Lillle
Early Rir.M Tot sals by Cvtser ft
Broek. - .- -
3. t. Ilsyde, tbe pepelef haeelisg
aaas, waa la Ileppoae last HaiqrJsy.
Cavtats, aad Tiada-Marlrs obtaiaed aod all Vu
eateusiaess conducted far Meesaarc rite, i
ou omct i OeeoaiTS U, . PsTiirrOr net
sua ti caa serurs patent ta Its urn Uuut Uwac
rsmats Irora Washmstoa. ....
Bead model, erasing or panco wiia oncrip
tloa. W aifTis, U patentable or aot, ire oi
imp lea ant due till oatent Hi ssevrvd.
A esweMLCT nnw w uhuo riinn, wun
st ol tarns in the V. 8. ao4 locaiga couatnss
Mat tr. Addrass,
sBa bbsb tmnm tftf aBlM I Nat TOM B. C
and Turf.
Worth its weight io gold to every farmer
aod breeder in Oregon.
Sample copies free.
Rural Spirit and Osiette both for
$3.50, easb, at Ibis offloe. .
Attorneys tit Luw,
All busioeea attended to it prompt and sstlsfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
tlEPPNER, i 1 i ; i
m Www nhfl Piififil Aiinfl Mn
uituuui iuiu l uUrjuuiiuninmti
Leaving Alder Street IXck. Portland, for Atnria, Ilwaoo, Long Death. Ooses
Park aod ftaheolta. IXreot sonneetios witb Ilwaoo eUamers sod rail
road; also at Young's Hay witb Seashore Railroad.
Leatse rortlan4 T A. M. Dalij. tcept Sumlay. Learas Astoria 7 P. M. Dslljr, tieept Buaday.
ImtM Portland t. M lailjr. sirri snn.i.r. Naiuntav rjlrht, 11 p M. tMrrs Astoria ball a
at ISA. at , srit aun.lar si.4 Mnnnar. SuiKlaf bliht, 7 t. M.
LmtM PnrtlaM n1 runs itlnrl o llvapn, Tuaa4sv an4 tharwlst st A M SaliiMifat It H
Leaves li are Wednewlss and frt'lar al I a A. M. Oa Suoday atfltl at S p. M. '"
Ei&t Chfdci to Eiibid Dfstisttki B4 LWubn Frtt cf ExptB.
Pot laiety, Speed. Co fort, Pleasara. Trarsl ee the TslepKaoe. Salley Oatiart aad Ocwa Wav
ssiaaaaassMaa aaa
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.