Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 20, 1897, Image 3

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    Marvelous. Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned-Health Re
stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"For fifteen years I have suffered with
catarrh and Indigestion and my whole
system was broken down. I had almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur-
chased six bottles of Hood's Sareaparilla
and Its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me feel like a new man. I am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
and I have gained several pounds in
weight." James WiLDEK,Oroville, Wash.
"I had a scrofula swelling on one side
of my neck and ulcerated sores in my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had
small, itching sores on my limbB. ' I
bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla and began taking It and the sores
soon healed. My blood Is purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared." O. D.
McMantjs, Mission, Washington.
I'm Sarsa-
& narilln
Is the best-In tact the One True TJlood Purifier.
HOOd'S Pills W nausea, indigestion,
,uuu 1 1113 biliousness. 2S cents.
jmcmanus, Mission
Take Notice.
1. The sum of nve cent per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
ia over and the winter season again with
ne, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied readiDg matter (or the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
TOO GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.50
' 8. F. Examiner, $1.60 8.75
N. Y, Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 6.00
item, episo. catJKOH.
Sunday 11 a, m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Classes No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 7 p. m.
Praye meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Hpibit and the bn my. Tome."
The pastor may be foond at the parsonage ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any w' o msy d'Sire to consult him on
raliaious, sotinl. civio, philosophic), educational,
or any other subjects.
J. W. KLEBHER, Minister.
Here and There.
for sky-blue
Bee Maris for sky-blue with trim
mings. 58 tf
Will Andrews was, up from Alpine
J. B. Campbell was oyer from Vinson
last Saturday.
Mrs. A. A. Robarts and soo are back
from Pendleton.
John Royse was down from Ilardmao
on last Monday.
Conser & Brook's for tbs "Never Fail"
headaobe wafer. tf.
Mrs. Wm. Rosa arrived from Spokane
last Wednesday.
For a nobby suit of clothes go to the
Kew Tork tailor. , C8tf
Morris Maok was in from Long Creek
early la tbs week.
Brace Haines was io from Eight Mile
on Saturday last.
Milk from single cows for babies at
tbe Shorthorn dairy. 58lf
Ilaok Boheruoger dropped Id Salar
day for a brief period.
Dee Matlock ia over from the Ma-
Donald oanyos raoch.
Ranous Is still 00 the turf doing a lit j
tie carpenter business. tf j
Heppoer Outfitting Co., io the old
Ilerres stead, aee adr. a
Submit your plana to Raoous before
giving out your oootraet. tf
Tbe weather is warm bat ia eioellent,
all Id all. for sprits crato.
Special sate pocket knives, pipes at
ftost, next thirty days, Orange Front.
r3 tf
Oilberl Coats, of Bardmao, was one
of Beppaer't visitors oa last SatorJey.
C. E. Raoous left tbia moroiog tor
Oooseberry where be is erecting a school
Tbe Uop Oold kf beer at lb Wel
come. Oo la, oo thirsty deoiaeos, aod
ass the boys. tf
Oeo. Hufford was ever from the Case
Matlock ranch oa McDonald eeoyoo
Saturday aod Sunday.
Deery Cramer Bade proof May be
fore Clerk Morrow, with Ed Coi ud
Fred Heighten e wiloee.ee.
W. S. Coeoof was op from loos last
Sslordsy aod u happy over tbe proe.
prts of a boootods harvest.
We eaa fit you out wit b sot paper oo
earth at the Gsite office. We charge
oo cutting fur takieg tbe soUripli"0. ;
lie. Father Bflodjr, of Cvedno, will
bold service ta the Catholic church io
tleppnaroo Boedav, Joly 33-the last
Monday Io Jaly. UU
Iu.t aoconmodatioB aaj courteous
treatment el the Imperial lloWl. Seventh
ad Wash. fU., Portland. Orrgoe.
Those oka deelre to boild should not
forget Ibet C. E. Roa, lb do
traotoe, as ntij le ske eetmaue at
aey tine, 0't
( A Ula-k wall's faery plcsUe aod
eenoed good, tedm-ed prices. Orange
Frier, epp. City fatal, 6r. Mai a end
Willow eireete. 811
D. O. Jeetoe gate the OsfMle chop
toe ebecfteg aewe, o tact Saturday,
that Ibis
any dunes
big saoe.r
A Few Hard Facts From Old Sport's Mote
The proud possessor of the flea-bitten
canine has not as yet received the mnoh
prayed for relief at the bands of the
counoil. He might- as well did up tbe
neoessary. But it ia awful steep aod
will result disastrously to tbe dog en
terprise In Heppner.
Eli Eeeney has one of the 85 sort.
He was bound to make Boole money this
summer till the tax matter oame op. Now
he thinks that he will go out of bueiness.
Every dog that doesn't belong to yoa
is a worthless cur. Your dog is as plen
did dog, "smart as a whip" and if be
bad been trained would have been a
very, very valuable dog.
Dogs as regards ownership are like
children. Your neighbor's child is a
naughty brat, basu't any manners,
shows up "bad blood," ought to be
oowbided till be couldn't see and will
surely end in prison. Our child is a
dear darling, is full of good, wholesome
mischief, harmless as a lamb, intelligent
beyond one of his years and takes after
mamma's father who was a justice of
tbe peace 10 Posey oouoty and followed
horse doctoring tbe rest of tbe time.
, Sport is very particular about starting
any scandalous rumors, but we fear
that Fred Bartholomew will have to
straighten matters a little with his wife
on her return from Trout lake. Judge
Bartholomew knows more about the
oironmstauoes, next to Sport, than any
other living per sou, and it may be that
tbe judge will keep the matter quiet and
thereby prevent any family disturbances.
It is naughty for Diok Neville to fix
up bis tables so that one of the liberal
dimensions and ample form of the Ga
zette's editor can't rest a moment while
be discusses the important issues of tbe
day with a friend.
Sport saw tbe editor try to make a
reserved seat out of one of Diok's tables
Sunday afternoon. Aside from spoiling
an excellent thought, Diok's device was
ibe instrument that proved to the satis
faction end general edifloation of the
gathered olans that tbe editor had a
good, bass voice that would prove im
mensely valuable to a bog ranoher. He
jumped some distance into tbe air, said,
'O-u o-b; ?
1 :
1 ! r Then he
oaughtooand did the sensible thing.
He laughed ton.
The summary of tbe races up in Mon
tana, so far as tbe Oregon horses are
ooDoerned those shipped from Hbdd-
ner are as follows, for the 15th inet.:
Io the free-for-all paoe, Kate Medium
won in 2:11, Felltare second and
Chehalis, the Pendleton horse, third.
Tbe Oregon runners failed to appear,
On the 16th no Oregon horses partici
pated, or, at any rate, won place
On the 17th lost., I-Don't-Know won
tbe five furlongs in 1.04, May second
aod Bill Howard tbird.
Tbe seven furlopgs was woo by Ala
babal in l&X, Close second, Latab
Io the five and one-half furlongs,
Cherry Leaf was first in l:12)i, Gen.
Coxey seoond and Chinook third.
The Eagle gives this aooount of tbe
Burns races :
The races closed at Burns with tbe
major portion of tbe laurels earned
away by outsiders, which In this in
slaooe fortunately happened to be boys
irom iug urrrK. mm Williams was
there with as two good animals as sver
ruo 00 tbe interior tracke, Dutch and
Uray Vict. Dutch won Ibe quarter
vn" V-
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
H3iiaciL3re Oregon.
ei-Oct it
From our Grant County Exchange.
Olate Hioton ' returned from Burns
Sunday with Gray Dick and Dutoh.
Tom Williams got in Tuesday from the
Burns raoes. Long Oreek horses were
striotly "in it" at tbe late meet in Burns.
Thornton Williams and wife passed
through the city yesterday en route to
their home at Canyon City from a trip
to Portland.
Tbe John Day Sentinel has again sus
pended publication. Tbe Eagle is sorry
to learn of any brother's misfortune, but
it takee money to run a newspaper, and
no small amount of it either-
Uncle Jack Morrow oame over from
tbe McDuffee hot springs last Friday en
route to his borne at Heppner, after a
six weeks' stay at Grant oounty'a famous
resort. He goes borne much improved
io health.
The Heppoer telephone line was com
pleted to John Day yesterday and no
doubt by this time it is conneoted with
Canyon City. Burns is to bave tbe line
extended on from Canyon City, and it it
possible that this will be done yet this
fall by a local company In Harney ooun
ty it the Heppner company does not care
to take bold of tbe proposition.
messrs. 1. u. ana Jodd Lyons came
io this morning from Walls Walla.
Mr. Joho Lyons will remain a few days
before going to his home at Condon.
Obaa. E. Miller is bauliog in
Faroawortb's lthea oreek clip.
O. E
a Large Number of Instruments at
Heppner Seeks Other Fields.
Tbe public at large were aware that
Joseph Mueller was doing au immense
business io this section for tbe Wiley
B. Allen Co., but will Dot be prepared
tor tbe large list that tbe Gazette here
with presents. He has sold instruments
to tbe following parties:
Henry Blabm, C. O. Sargent, J. B,
Lake, Wm. Dunn, Fred E. Bartholo
mew, E. G. Sperry, W. P. DuttoD, Judge
Bartholomew, Christian Cburob, Jas. P.
Rhea, Joe Mason, Joe Woolery, E. W.
Rhea, T. A. Driskell, D. E. Oilman, J.
W. Vsughan, Cbas. Beymer, I. O. O. F.
lodge a I lone, 'Gene Campbell, A. T.
McNay, and several ooantry sales of
which this paper has no special koowl
cose exoept that tbe instruments were
Mr. Mueller was in GolJeodale two
weeks this summer and made the record
of ten instruments, all to tbe leading
families of the place. Aside from giving
every customer full value reoeived, Mr,
Mueller was very kind to the Heppner
lodges last winter, assisting them in
their eotertalnmenta. They have not
forgotten this.
Mr. Mueller will be aooompauied on
bis proposed trip to Northern California
by Walter Bartholomew who, by the
wey, ia a rattling good fellow aod wor
thy of tbe confidence reposed Io bim by
his employer. Tbe Gazette expects to
bear reports of big business from lbs
Quick !
The sooner you begin to
n.lle daub in against Dick liooten. I r.;. . r, . .1
Old Ben, Bill Nye aod Butcher Boy. uic OCfWllllg 5 eSl lt3i, tllC
Uray Dick wno Ibe three-eights mile Winm un, ,.1, -4. U,4
dash against Dick Hooton, Bill Nye and Dler your Chances at that
Old Ben, io 38 16. fcirw nff-A
The halt mile dash failed to fill aod 'v'w vwvivvi iwi uiv. mias-
tbe judges made a speoial quarter-mile jnrr word hr;ir1; thr rv-
dasit and barred Dutch. Gray Diok was ,nft uora DCS1UCS U1C CX-
ets sent in
Schilling's Best tea is at
your grocer s
last race. This Diok won eaalli .
A roosolatioo parse wae bung for de
feated borers. This of course barred
both Diok and Dutch, and ClaU Hintoo
mounted Oregon Chief, Ham Croae' Day
ville aoimal, aod woo this race, leaving
only Ibe eaddle borse race to be carried
off by Haroey county boreee.
Tbe boys at Burna are all good fellows
aod win no Ibeir beet the oexl oppor
loony onereci.
Rural Spirit: frnalor Bland and I
Dm't Koow lei tbe talent fall pretty
bard la at Toesday at Aoaeooda.
Oo last svsning tbe town dads met
aod after doe aod deliberate oonslder-
atioo, proceeded to Ireeea Ibe hardens
of the oiiiseos who own dogs by passing
a resolution making tke tax 11 aod 13
for nalee aod femalee, respectively .
This ia somf thleg like it Now ever-
body eao oo a yellow car with foarleeo
cords of bark in bis, tf be waote to
providing bo poeeeMee tbe dollar, of
which be most become dispossessed at
the same moment that be seeks Tresorer
Brigte for a receipt Hporl rtlaroa thanks
for favors received io the eeroe of )
lloppner dogs aod soff.riug an over
tsisd humanity.
Tbnae who bave paid their dog let eaa
get a "draw.dowa." It is baody to bave
a little kxiee ebaog e this warm weather.
The eouoeil pnl ealde vw) last eight
with which te redeem outstanding war
rants, lIppor haa a lot of smart
durke ea Ibe towo eooocil. lotereet
saved is mosey bade.
Hon, John 0. Looe is over from
Joho Day looking after bis wool.
Tbe John Day wools are amoug tbe
best, if not tbe finest, that oome to Heppner.
Bradstreet's last report shows adeoid-
ed advance io the prioe of wool. This
is oheering news to tbe produoer.
F. H. Johnson, tbe Chicago wool
buyer, has gone to Montana aod prob
ably will not return again thie eeason.
The wool busioess is a little quiet
now, owing to tbe faot tbat the buyers
have all hem "called off" by their re
spective firms. This is owiig mainly
to the delay in the bouse aod enae
getting together oo the tariff bill. How
ever, as an agreement bat beeo reaohed
and the passage of tbe bill as deoided
upoo by tbe oonferrees is assured aod
will soon become a law, buyers will
agaiu go into the markets lo tbe very
near (o lure. According to E isteriv re
ports wool is slowly advancing in prioe,
despite the large amount of wool tbat
has been imported this year.
Elegant dips from the John Day still
oontinue to arrive. These should st
traot buyers.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. R. Howards. .
a roar race on.
Notice to tbe Penile.
Jong Ton, of the Dalle, baa bought
out the Wing Lee laundry oo Court
street. AH obligations ot Wiog Lee
will be settled by Wiog. Jong You will
continue the laundry busioeee at tbe
same old ataod and soliolts tbs patron
age ot tbe Ileppoer people. Everything
dooe Id first class shape.
Jono Yor,
Heppoer, Or.
Dated, Heppner, Or., July 19, 1H07.
63 64
Wright Baling, of Eight Mile, feels
like "a four-time winner" this spring
so be said lo a reporter ot this sheet
last Hatordsy. He has a good crop,
Rules of contest published in large
advertisement alxjut the first and middle
af each month. au
T. W. Ay era insists tbat the Gazette
got tbe distance a little too long lo tbs
"neighbor" story ia last iesill. It should
bave beeo 25 miles Instead of L'u
Two Mea Who are Maid to be 't borliitirs
to Try Conclusions.
Home time ago a toot race was ar
ranged between Bert Haynee, of Pen
dleton, and Frank Matthews, of tbia
plaoe, but Ibe boys failed to get off the
toratob in the allotted two hours, and
the race was deolared off. However,
these meo have been anxious sver sinoe
to ruo this off. Both have admlrera
and backer, and Knnday matters
reached a climax by Hayoea arriving
from Pendleton, accompanied by Broug
bam Thompson, of Johnson, Whitman
Co., W. W. Csvioees aod S. L. Morse, of
Pendleton. Matthews haa loroe Hepp
oer banking, besides a lot ot "valley"
money behind bim. A Mr. Mioto Is
here from below, aod it ia said tbat be
is willing to show bl confidence io
Matthews by baokiog bim with a lot of
bard cash. Let tbia be ae It may, it
report! are true tbe Heppoer people
will see a splendid contest
Tbe main etakee are for $300 a side,
aod the race will be run oft hetweeo
the hours of 10 a. m. and 12 o'clock to
morrow, at tbe raos track. Come out
and see tbe fuo.
T. 1. Howard
A 4 a' .
) main ax reex, neppner, uregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
K nows this nertect nroduct
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Waahlngton St., Portland, Or.
la fact, aey peraon, or persons, rei ling within
tbe city limits, or ooonty limiu. ho shall be
esogbl rtdlog, or walking. I., the etors of
Oo. freeeb rame over late last ak
li sell Lie wool but foond on arrival
that tt is bed b eo doe, aad at a satie-
fselory pries.
CM year clothes me1e by Ibe Kew
frxk teilnr. Beeerrie alee el.,o
of foretg a aad dmtke wotleee. Ceo
Bt roe op lo tbe l.it stJ.a. tif
Woj, LMif1ee Informs, tie OasMte
Ibat be IbUoJs la fi lo Ceoede oa 0
visit, bet will iot Mate there, lie w III
prcbably f Itito butaM ia some Eet
ere e eie.
- H
ri a
Witboat stopping at tbe above mentioned elore
III be eotiOed by tbe City Marshal Ibat the
only place la Uepptier yoa ceo bay
le at tbe Store ot MINOR k CO. Oor eetire
Hoe mosl go lo make room tut fall stock..
Davo Aokerinen, tbe traveling man,
viaited hie Wagner ebeep reorh last
week, getting back to Heppoer on Nt
orday. Uile Cor bio was doeo from "Ibe res
ervatioo," as Free Oreeo calls It, oo
Saturday. Heoaya tbat there will be
ae Immense potato crop op that way.
Mrs. Tbos. I'olteo died at Looe Kfk
at 2 p. m. Monday, of cancer of the
breast. The remains were Interred lo
Ibe Lone It tck cemetery Tunedsy after-oooo.
0. W. roller, who oaed to be located
ia Morrow county over oo Itbee creek,
but who bee beeo absent for the psel
three years, living io Hoothsra Oregon,
la back to baorbgraee agaio.
D. F. CsmpUII, tbe Purtlaod coo
trad r, vac bare laal week, the guest of
William llaabee. Mr. Cemptll built
Ibe I'ortlaod hotel aad Domeroae other
la'ge structures lo Portland,
II II. Kobineoo, a young baisnree
ms fcf Arlington, wae bare laal wrrk.
Im.kieg 'mood." Mr. IlMnea has
ald hie Arlinstoa elore and le "winding
op" tbe old business.
te ble tet year with eb-ee ef ! fc rmm, , Ml'f . J
la ebo whea wool en t -M - H .
' , r .T'T Tm t.tt -i l
M! 'Mil' it its trim K r v . I
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Cull on.
At this popular stand and get goods at hall
thc old prices. Fact.
('nil Op No.
le lbs Oai'tt.
who )iu weal an a I.
fJ IssiiwS fe
Kt,f lw im awr,c K
ef k f autket M etna
El3f'$ Cream Bafni
At the old otaod, ba tbe nsaal
pring out til of
Deaidea tb thousaud x!Ja and eud that are too numerous to mDtioo.
Dill Donr te rirtl Hatlnaal hank Bnlltlu(
You con Wager Your Sox that You
are Always ot Home at ....
KiwrtlMl M W 9- SXM( vVMrt SM
e'"i. i mm M 'iimn l -lMr jem,
, M s4 il.ni,,lvMlk.r w
vv.wYwV'ino UAbiTb, Sa.so A Yoar for DASH
Oa Mala Htreei, lo fit llote) llmldlog.
Tbf try t please all. Flee elob tonmt la eoaaectleo.
af H "
r - -r
' . . . e e