Wool and wheat are still ad vancing, say late reports from the East. Peof. Andbee has made bis start in a balloon from northern Norway, en route to the north pole. Chas. B. Nelson, of Chicago, was shot through the heart recent ly and defied nature and the doctors by living. WHAT OCR EXCHANGES SAT. BOOTS FROM OLD HARNESS. SHOULD KNOW BETTER. The T.-M. in commenting upon an article in the Baker City Re publican says: "The republicans had 34 mem bers, or three more tban a majority, and it was the duty of that party to organize lha house, elect a speok er and other officers, and proceed to business, failing to do this the en tire blame of any extra burdens that may be thrust upon the tax payers, rests upon them. True the democrats and populists might have united with one of the fac tions in the republican party and organised the house, but it was not incumbeut npon them to settle Tbe Browosyille Times very perti nently remark that "gome of oar legis lators, who were scared nearly to death for fear a session of tbe legislature would be beld last winter, and tbey be compelled to carry out tbeir election pledges, are now worrying themselves to death for fear that an extra session will c ot be called, and a chance given them to redeem themselves." Senator MoBrlde ot this state, who proposed an increased duty on washed wool of the seoond class, is heartily commended by wool dealers throughout the counlrv. It is nnriprstnnd that Con- LEONARD J. CRAWFORD, of Ken- greseman Tongue ot this district greatly tucky, was elected president of the aided Senator MoBride in tbe matter Rprmhlinnn Nnrinnal I.AftonA nr. 8na tD8' Mf- line's private canvass Till 1 K nvA MmntiD nrta.f n a J ' fhn flriA niinntiATi nf fhp BinAnnmont. ii i i i ii : 1 r me piace or noiamg ine nexi con- Hil,BDoro independent. vention. A slek scoundrel is working tbe school districts of some Dortions of the 1BE conference report On tlie Utate. says tbe Huntington Herald. He tariff bill has been signed and it claims to be selling a handsome new is now in tbe hands of tbe house, edition of Webster's dictionary. His A vote will be taken immediately, Price i. ver, low, and on every order be , , r, ,, , ,. . , demands an advanoe payment. It is and the Gazette believes that be- needeag to gBy tbat be jg Dever beard fore the week euds the bill Will from iherfinfter. School directors should have been passed by both houses watota out for him. Union Scout. aim sigueu vy ma presiueuu w ... t,, that the J ananese lao- KUHce has no profane words in it. The TrtF. ninnrlvkft rrnld fields nf thfl "P" mR' mw n"fin 8lnos: nioey w,,n iUI. 1 l.t..w. OUin. Un( uVVixuuu o.o Uw at"""K ibey bad better reviee tbeir vocabulary attention, ana 10 me wanaerer wdo before severing diplomatic relations with expects to flDd better and "greener the United Slates. Eugene Register. pastures" just ahead, this offers an Cheap Footwear Made from Cast Off Horse Trappings. Olil Onv. DnHonra hn been reftdintr excellent excuse for rushing away loD inde(1 baraoeu.es to tbe youth of family quarrels in the party that from doing fan ly well to what ap- the land at tbe State-Sobool-that-nses hnA i mm'nritv Tt is not npcessfti v pears to be a newer bonanzaland. np-so-muoti-money, near Pullwoman. to pervert the truth about the la- Old Judgment proof, who went square montWI forfln f Rftlom hnt. it. i . .. back on Dip Kriok Jones and Testimony 3JJ vuvv a. a -- - v " - - necessary that the responsibility Senator Wolcott, one of the Smith and the others who wasted wealtn for thn hnlrl-nn should rest where American silver commissioners helping elect him, is a model old pigeon it belongs." who is now in Europe, is reported to talk bonestv and high, noble aspira- I I . 1 1 k j l. .' u l, Any man who lives in Oregon to have been successful in bis ef should know better than to write forts to get together an interna such stuff as this. The organiza- tional conference. He is assured tion of the house was effected by 31 tbat one will meet which will set men, and if the pops and demo- at rest further financial disturb crats had not joined with the Si- ances. mon republicans in the senate the "Benson house" would have been j0HN F. Caileb, of Portland, recognized. If, as the Times- U89 been appointed consul to Val Mountaineer says, less than forty paraiso, Chilli. Judge Caples has hi i.i: u I - I . ... . ... i ot repuuiicaue uouiu imve Deen a llte-lODg republican ana Heretofore the Gazette's iob depart legally organized the bouse and did iH8t year labored earnestly through ment bai tried to do no work other than do so, then the pops and democrats the campaign that McKinley might Plain printing. However, this shop i wilfullv committed a wronc when narr lannn anA in. thia nm,. now prepared to laoklti anything In any ' . . . ru"J ' they joined with the bimonites to tributed as much as any public Hons to young men. Aim high there s rum at tbe top. Puyallup Commeroe. FOll YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Oet the Gazette's Estimates. defeat said legal organization. The plain truth is that a man who is elected to any office, either as a republican, pop or democrat, should show no partisanship in the administration of that cilice, else he is not a servant of the people, and no flimsy excuses like that of fered by our fiieud of the T.-M. will suffice. speaker on the republican rostrum. line and will meet prioes of any person under tbe sun in Ibe line of druggists' supplies, blank bonks, bank work, oouoty work, or any sort of book bind ingwork tbat you have heretofore sent way to get done. Tbe Gazette shop is not a charity TBE rortlaml unronicie is wrathy because tbe editors of tbe Gazette and Eagle do not get down concern nut if you will give ui a ohanoe nn thir ItnAPB tn f!orht.t and hi. ' "oe voa r a.lsaed in :w : .i- pariiouiar, Hnv vtinr anniiM At homM. lUniAnihttr fnua nnd 1 1 tr a -rnv o rtrvfifinul I .... . . . ... lu" r""1"" itial Abe Ldnooin shui that when one coipse. The position of nearly all bought goods away from borne tbe the papers in Oregon render it foreigner gt tu money and we got tbe vf.ru cpi tain that Iia u not wantml Ba' wnen ,De 8(,0l,, . ,. ,r, .. , , ., Iionght at home we had both money are willing to abide bv it. When tbe SOMK MISREMESENTATIOXS, Thone who are bitterly opposed material it has used to even men to any action that will "help silver" tiou the name of Ucrbett in theBO printing drummer comes to town, re by increasing its coinage all over j columns, the world misrepresent the pinna member It and call up 'phone No. 3 500-tf of the cornmiBHiouprs who are now abroad in the interests of au inter national conference. luey sny that Germany is for the main tenance of the gold staudard aud will consent to no move that will tend to change the preseut finan cial conditions. It the freo and unlimited coinage of silver will do what is represented it will not lUHtter which metal is used as the standard or measure of value. Id fact it one will look mto the subjoct he will find that the "double standard" i a misnomer. "Com" tolls you that, aud any There are laws in this country. These laws can bo enforced. It is au insult to the officers of the law! to presume otherwise. It leads the outside to think tbat a repub lic is a hham. That the sheepmen ' break the laws is no excuse for others to aUo break tho laws by committing arson and outrages that none but savages would stoop to do. No doubt there have been 01 Cancer the Breast. ; Inorarai Qaaatltlea of the Material Consamod In Thla War Dis carded Saddle Also v ItUlsed. . "Old harness thrown away? Not likely," said a dealer in old leather. "Every scrap of it is worth, money ; in fact, I can't get enough of it. Old har ness collecting is as good as gold dig ging, if a man can only forage out enough horse owners to keep him well supplied. When you just think how many thousands of horses there are working in harness in London alone, you can imagine how greaUthc supply is. "Nearly all the cast-off harness is consumed in making cheap boots. Peo ple will have cheap boots, and. the boot manufacturers find that for making a serviceable article at a low figure there's nothing to beat old harness. Then again, whip-thongs and bootlaces are also made from old horse-trappings. "In t he first place, the greater part of it is bought up by big marine store dealers, who collect it from the harness makers, and from army Bales of con demned goods, also from railway com panies' sales,- the average buying pa-ice being twopence per pound. These dealers have it taken to their ware houses, where it is sorted into different. qualities and prices ranging from one ptnny to sixpence a pound. It is then sold to smaller dealers of tlie same kind, who in turn distribute it to the boot manufacturers and others. . "Now, if it wasn't for the enormous quantity of old harness used by boot manufacturers, a workingman would not be able to purchase a pair of new boots for a few shillings. No boot maker could afford to sell a pair of men's boots made entirely of new leather for three and sixpence; yet hun dreds of pairs are sold at this price every week in our great towns, and, as long as horses are worked in harness, will continue to be. "Old saddles are mostly used for mak ing tne inner soie oi a dooi, as mey are cenerallv composed of the best leather, and, besides being more durable, will not crack or perish. The most profitable saddle to cut aip is a hiding saddle. You see, they contain a tre mendous quantity of good, sound leather; and then they are frequently thrown aside more because they are dingy than anything else. Undoubted ly a hunting saddle makes the finest boots; but military riding saddles are usually made of the very best leather, "The 'reins' used for driving a horse form an important item in the con1 struction of cheap boots, being Bplit by machinery and laid under the sole- Then the 'blinkers and 'trace are never very much worn, especially when they come from rich people. Some pets of harness saieh as is used by omnibus companies, aire very often useless when thrown aside, being cracked and per ished through hard wear and long ex posure to the weather. "The demand for old set of military harness is much greater than the sup ply, as it is very little worn, and, being well cleaned and always kept in good condition, is much more .pliable and works up newer. Any poods made trom the- caiooff harness of railway com1 panics are also pretty serviceable, the largesizeand good quality of the leather making them very uneful for workin up into other goods. In facts this leather, when used in bootmaklng, looks so well when trimmed and ironed that it is impossible for anyone except thow in the trade to detect it. "Small flioemakeir use up a great deal of the cheap harness. In the w in ter time they use most of It. for football II ItrmladPd llrr. Mr. Gadley Mydearest.in thatdress, with thati cluster of roaebuda in your hair and tbat dreamy, tender light in your eyes, you look aa young as you did when I first saw you. It iiii to me that every year bring some new charm, some additional grace to our manner. tell you there are few women in the world who could retain the freshness, CoU ELY'S CREAM BALM ! a positive cure. Apply into the nostrils. It is qnickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drnegists or by mail : samples 10c. bj mail. KLY BKOTHEKS. 6 Warren SU. New York Ciur. notice of Intention. Land Orrics at The Dalles, Oregon. June 8, 1S97. "VT"OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE IN following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before J. w. Morrow, county cierK, si uepnuer, Oregon, on July 20tb, 1897, viz: W. W. KIRK, Administrator, and for the heirs of Nancy Coffey, deceased, Hd. E. No. 3895, for the bW'li Sec. 27, Tp. 1 8 R 26 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Barton, Wm. Barton, Edward Duran, and Frank E. Bell, all of Hepp ner. Oregon. JAS. K. MO 'RE, 552-63 Register. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable NOTICE. Notice Of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July lath 1K97, XTOTIPE 18 HEBB.BY GIVEN THAT THE IN followlne named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on August 28th, 1897, viz: EDWARD CHAPMAN, Hd E. No. 4941 for the NM 8EM and 8E NEi Sec S4 and 8W4 F W 8ec 35 Tp 3 8 R 29 E W w. He names tne louowing witnesses to prove ma continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Jesse D. French, of Heppner, Or.. Charles B. Daugherty, of Vinson, Or., Micajah Keeder, of Heppner, Or., and ; evl L. Hiatt, oi Gurdane, Or. B. F. WILSON, 503-74 Register. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at Heppner, in the state of Ore gon, is closing up Us affair . All note holders and others, creditors of said association, are tnereiore nereuy noiinea to present tne notes and other claims against the association for paym nt. iu, tt. bishuk, aaa-ye uasnier. Gault House, ' CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. A Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATES .oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CXXXC.AJ3-0. XXJU. Every new subsoriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as a premium a book worth alone the price of the subscription. tt SHIPBUILDING ON THE CLYDE. Immense Trade of the Scotch Hirer Last year a Record Drenkcr. People g-cncrallv have n very faint idea of the extent of the shipbuilding in dustry on he river Clyde, Scotland, says the Fall Itiver News. Some statistics have come to hand, however, which tell the story in a measure. In a recent ssue of the North British Mail, oi Uias- trow. 70 firms are named who are con structing from one to ten large vessels from twin-screw steamers of. 1,000 tons up to first-class cruisers and battle ships of 10,500-horse power. The year 8 was a record-breaker on tne Liyae, but the prospects for 1897 are equally atisfactorv. The work on hand rep- esciits about 310,000 gross register .iv i a v.: ons. comparea wun uiei. vcsii m shows an increase of 50,000 tons. The marine engineering trade is also well epresented in 336,000-horse power, or 0,000 over that of the previous year. The government orders include one ne of Imttle ship, two first-class cruis ers and tliree seconii-ciass ciubtib. Hie largest order given to the Clyde for a long time was that for the Nippon Yusseu Kaisha, of Japan. This con sisted of ten eteamevs of 5.R24 tonB reg ister and 7.!0O deadweight tons each. Four of these are already launched and six are neing uuiit mrec m w ju.u of D. & W. Henderson and three in that of Napier, Shanks & Bell. The money value of the contract represents well on to $5,000,000. . A Gentle i.euutf. It is stated that recently a young unbeneficed clergyman in an English suburban parish received a spontane ous and unsolicited offer from a laay member of his flock to her "heart. money and hand." In reply the spinster was advised by the unsentimental cleric to give her heart to the Lord, her money to the poor and her hand to the man who asked for it. BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. FOVITOEII, 1370. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. The 20th year under the present manamment begins Sept. 14, 18B7. This institution is thoroughly equipped for the menial, soci 1, physical and moral training of boys. Thoronuh pret-Rrat on for any college or scientific school. Gra iaates at present in Yale, West Point, Massachu setts Institute of Technology, Htate Universities of California, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Stanford and MoQill. During vacation visitors weloome from 9 to l'i a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL, M. I)., Portland, Oregon. P. O. drawer IT. 61-Sept. 13. FRANK ROGERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0FFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. m ii ir t mi , nace ana Kog. or jim win get em. .0.0 0 0 0 0 0 THE NEW YORK Merchant Tailor. PatroQize Home Industry. Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building, next door to the gallery, and carries a fine lirie of Foreign and Do mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, with many years of experience. Makes suits to order iq the latest styles. All at reason able prices. Mr. A. II. Craushy, of 158 Kerr St., the l-uty. the Mrntpbin, Tenn., aayt that hit wife paid no attention to email lump which annearcd in her breast, but it toon de veloped into a cancer ol the worat type, and noiwiuisuntiiug me treatment oil impoMltlona upon the ronidonts of the beat physician, it continued to spread bdu K'ow rapiuiy, rating two hulca in her breast. The doctors Grant county. These can be riulitml without an appeal to mob law. Iu reality the Gazette be-1 licves that it it a content in Giant I ti ar aili'ap nf ti.trittf r.f tai.nfA ... ... ,- .... 1 , county that has behind it the ob- m.tll 1 r 11 A uilli Itlin 1 linn Kit I ' nil i ii n htct of driving Morrow couotf , . ,, ... , , ., . uhcepmen off cowument rang, retain the gokl utMidnril bo that ' " tbey RHttint in the rehabilitation of ilver. The commiitaioiiers, an the The KrbIa tlps tho peculiar (1 srot to uudcrHtftUtU it, are iiot ground, iijfereutinlly, that mob law tryiug to chatige standard, but i riht, or at letat justifiable, io they propose that the world shall soiua caaea, but inentiona the re itirreaae its supply of money of ul-jreut troubles in Grant county as timate redemption by uwitig both Iwing deplorable, yet as "a scrap metals without restrictions ou for bread and butter on tho part of either. It gold has gained iu pur the resideut ranchers aud rattle, chaaing power, as many claim, its men, and they have, as a last retort, uae as a standard has not b(en re- applied the moat desperate rcnie. sponsible for it, but rather the dis- dies in order to preserve their use ot silver. When silver was the homes" If the laws of Oregou are measure of value gold never lost not suflicieotly strong and the ofll anything on that account Tuere is a large faction iu this country who supported McKiulet and the republican platform and who were never in sympathy witU the moi.ey plank, so far as apply, ing to the rehabilitation of silver, and now if the leigns of govern mett should bo wrenched from the safs hands in which they Lsvs WfU trusted, t be taken up by llii'so ho are very rtlreino silver cers not patriotic or elTiei. ent enough to see that the laws are enforced, why we had letter try font other plan of government. The outrages committed in Grant county will riot correct these wrong, nor will they prevent sheepmen from using government grass. I2very sheepman who fails to respect the last should be made to pay ths penalty, but io couo try where good government pre vails, do recourse to tuob law men aid whom this eiduaivs class lavs Uo wont to denominate as should X necessary "ri uJiatur," eouptrj with rdiJ. Cal ft lia.U stations, this faction cai ii uauuu, luia lacuog mm am MB will t held wnolly responsible 1 1 J I s J ' -- for lha upheavaL Tb pani..,.! I Uli UJl III I Q wmtwillf.ll alike co all and if," U W VfcV VLU it should rum tunco who are to NMwiu4iii lOallrw bl.m. i fid rrov r. jo. an4 , t'AJT HIS soon pronounced her incurable. A celebrated New York specialist then treat ed ber, but ibe con tinued to grow worse and when informed tbat both ber aunt and grandmother had died Irotn cancer be commended 8.S.S. sod though little hope remained, the begttn it, and an improvement was no ticed. The cancer commenced to heal sod when the bad taken several bottles 11 disappeared entirely, and although sev eral years have eiapaed, not s sign oi the disease has ever returned. A Real Blood Remedy. S.S.S. (furantftJ fntrlf tfgtUhU) it a teat blood remedy, sod never tails to curs Cancer, Ixirma, Rheumatism Scrofula, of any other blood disease. Our books will b mailed free to anv ad- dresa. Swift Fpeitfic Co., Atlanta Ua. Tmm I as)arrail. "Ilnw mmra II," I Mi l to lh pn")'. "Tral fnu r In aurh a I aa Otis Is "tVtll," h si.. " I m a ll iiimii:af AnJ onlK ilij a riil ti.hra " -CMi Tlm.s-M-ralil Truth ciuied to ewr'h ri iirsin. qiioiej th rirnnl man "Tbat'a trne." rrpld rVi-a(rr Sort-hum. "twt. IB many cr, not until afur ths n (rc ha counud leB." WaaUington Eur. Miaat otteli, "I would not marry a woman wbudid Bel know how to cook." -Oh. X uiijfUt o-rlok a UtCs turf Mra. liadlcy (wearily) I had forfrot- ten that the lodf-e mwU to-nilit. Henry. I'lraae be careful of the milk pitcher tthen yon come up the ttepa In the morning', will you? IX-trolt Kree l'reaa. A Sa4 Aslalr. Jay Oreen That bhrk atot oer there on the side of the alope la w here yomtf Anaon Dubby, who was croaned In love, committed auiokle by aettin fire to the hayatrk Into which he had bur rowed. Cltv Couain Ms siKwlneaa! That waa awful! Jay Green Yep; 'upeoially as thy only aawd part of the y. . V World. Tolerate Thesa. "Who set theaw propls that live next donr?H asked the caller. "I've forpotten thekr nsme." said the wife of the iirosneroua puirilit. "Tliey have queer ways ami thry are rattier tnr, tnit they aeem to t rraiM-rtable The hualwml, I think, la a profiwr In swie k-UkiI or other. It Ukra aU klnil of wtl to make a orUL" '! Uwrc Tribune- A rreelse Iertll. Willie Wishliirton ba.1 Just said some thinff In the way of an effort to be amu' In-. " hat did du thick of IhatT he In qulrsal, ItiirrnuoualV. . -It waa capital." - -!id )U think ao?" -I am aure f it; trrowrd eaplul W aaliliijt..n Star. Maulas mt Ik rieae-Ss-Llt. The uniform of Knirlun drummrra must be familiar rnoush lo every Y.na lUhmsn, )t few kn the sifnirli'ane of the K.ltr .1 ar with which tbel tunica are demrstrd. The bins spot I tne eiebrael fi-.ir-!e I s t.f rranre wh h, hng moru h the hh kt rank la the I rciica am y. w At, as a tmtk of military superiority, beitowrd by the prioes rvfvnt upon ths lowest ranks. SHERIFF'S SALE. 0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVKN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution lmued nut nf the Circuit Court nf the Htate nf Oregon fnr the County nf Morrow and to me directed and delivered, unon a Judgment rendered and en tered lu said court on the 4th davof March, 1H1I7, In favor of Julia K. Parrel, Hlatutlrr, anil against Hamuel I. Oerklna. Martha A. Clerking, his wife, James K, Muuamakeraud Maria E. Nunamaker, his wife, H T. Anderson and E. I). KihmI, De fendants for the sum of rteven Hundred Kluhty- x and K-100 Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate nt eight per cent per annum from the 4th day of March, ln'i7. the further sum of Fifty Dollars attorney's fees and the sum nf Flfty- I'wo and M-UW Dollars costs and illsliursmcnts. Whereas by said decree and order or sale It waa dlrecied that the following described real proivertv to-wit: The Month half ol the North east quarter, the Ho th twenty-five CJ'i) acres of the Mirtn-west uuarter oi tne norm easi qusr ter of Krctlnn 11 Township Xrouth Range 'it nd the West hall nf the North west quarter ol Hectton I.Hand Ihe North half of the North east uarter of Hectloii H. Townshln 6. South Range ift. Kat W M.. all In Morrow county. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs nd accruing coms. I III, on ei unlay. The Hist (lay of July. 1W7. ttwon'cliH-k P.m. nf said day. at the front liHirof the court house In Heppner, Morrow ounly, Oregon, sell all the right, title aud In. rest ol tne asm raiiiucl 1. er.ing, artha A Oerklng, et a'.. Ill and to the above described property at public ui'llon to the highest and nest bidder for h In hand, the proceeila to be applied to the Olfaction nf said execution ani all costs and coats that may accrue. K. I. MATUM'K, tuierin oi Morrow l.ountv, nregon. Paled Jul; 2nd, 1XV7. V t1. Gleaning am Repiing Done at Low Figures. A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor. B 00TS AND SHOES THE PLACC TO CCTTHCM I AT Be has anything In thla line that you mar desire and you ran depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Strsst. Repairing a Speolalty THE: SHERIFF'S SALE. TTOTICIt IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT t'NDKR li and by virtue nf an attachment execution luauetl out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of ircKon fur the County nf Multnomah and to me directed and delivered, upon a Judgment rendered and entered In aald court on lbs Hth day of June Iw7, In favor nf John Borwlt-k, plalntlft. and against A. Taylor and t nnsty Oakes defendants, for the suia of One Hundred and fifteen tmllara with Interest thereon from ths Uih day ot June, 1"97. at the rate nf per rent per annum, and ins turther aura nt 1 wen 'y rne imiiars wnn interest inereon trom ine Hth day rH June, Iff7, at the rale of per rent per annum, and tne further aura oi Mtteiy. Three and s iu Imilars, cos is and dlsburs menls In which ludimenl It waa further or. dered by Ihe curt that the pmiwrty allache. In aald action on Ihe .'.ird dy of January, lew, and herelnaltrr described, lo wtl lhsNonh- Rast Uuarier of section Thirty-One (til 'town ship Two ill South Hanre Twenty-Mi (l East of the Mlllarnette Mertdlsn In Morrow Coontv. reon. be sold to satisfy sld juuimeot, cos's and accrniiig eeia i wuinn Mednelay th 21st day ol July. !. at 1 o'cl.n-k p m., of said day, at Ihe front nnr ot tbe eouri hotis In Menpttrr, Morrow County, o egon sen ail me nim, tine ani inierewt oi ha said A 1st lor an. I t hrt.ly Oakes la aud in the above deo-rtlird pr'i'erty at public auction tbe highest and best bidder tor cash In band, the proceeds In be applied Io the aallstacUnn oi said etc ullon and all msia, a-d costs that may accrue. K. t. Ma11,n k, enertrr ot Morrow iuiiniy, urer a IStlrd June l id, lv7. MM all TeaJtaleml lalesstawi la rraU. Tbs duke of lirdfard hat placed at the htitrxwe.1 of tbs igjb1cJ lastrMtioa liks that, tf ahs bs.t money srenufh to com re ef the Hedfordakira rerun ty ,4r bv,rJ.- Indianapolis JcrurBivl. cttuaeij a farm nf ::iacrea, li0f w!U b ' - " -.. w ar.bls Ian 4 sad th rest eraee. a . . , T V a i a fa. rS SfS frUd ffW KWlf i:-a,fuuvei-.vu.wbtuTii1rsr V9 ltf y,, wutf 0awtX ,nutU siiEiurrs SALE. VoTicit i HKsrsY tiivrn that rsnra iV and by virtu nt an evernttoo las ud ou ot thai in ml Court ot the Male of Oregon fnr the I iranty of Morrow and to me dim led and Sellert, npa a )iitgninl ren rd and en tre. in aald rourt on th siaday ul Marra lt. In la or n M Knni and f. f Mava, I'lslnlirT. and aealnsl ( barlea Klmaey and I lara aitncv, an il. a I annvy ami Klmary, blawl', Wm KlmeeyandM Klmaey. bis wita, a Merrer ad Mercer, hut wile. K A finrenre a-l Rila rinrenre. hiswtla, BP bar Hall and M'nnte Hail, he wile. Mmul Ha and Mary Hall. Ma wife. Was garrel and ' farrel bla wli. Ibnexaa Klmaey and Nellie J I mil ntanta. for Ihe in oi ihu rhmiaand Twn Hnndrrd Twenty 1 aed ss-lfO t-l :ar wna Inter thatena Imm tha 4th day Marvh !'" al tha rat ot la a per cent sMinson a" aenty rie loi.ar atlotnrvs ha aa th further sum ol Twenty rnr Iwllars and dist'iiranienia, and wheta to waa turtbef win. .. i .14 I' , ' l' niur, li.ei Hi. i moreed pnp,( d--nb.t as hiloa ' t-wit lb l.a.1 h. f el ihe Nnrta-wt e-iar. ! Iwe ibe a."ith ert a-ir..r of IHa N"na eat i eiartr a"4 ihe North. wel a-iarter ol ihe .' rw a-iarur of imn ta ig.MMi ii i ID ftmttB naiie Saal W M. 11 wo row eM,iiy, imfua. h .l. toaatiafyasMJuderaeti, iwta a4 aogfulLg euaxa, I wUi oa Hlurxlty, n list dav al Jtiy Hart, at two A'el-va p ra . aj aald day. at O Inmt 4ne n( lha eivurt bo la Mpper, Mnrrir rwaatv.oraeoa. eu aU ke nai ttt e iM Iw. tMl ot tka aald aVte ttael tVf.rvl.ei. la aud ia INaaiiv .IwriM pr,.(Mv al p'ibite I band. In frwAt s be arri-d te lb sail- ! Isii.hi of said tie-twin s l ait cwra aa4 ' m York Wcd (ly Tri FOIt Farmers and Vlilaoers, FOIt Fatliers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Dauonters, von M the Family. With tbe close of the Presidential campaign TUE TRIBUNE recognizes the (act that tbe American people are dow anxious to give their time to borne ana business interests. To meet this condition, politics will nave far lesa space and prominence, nntil another State or National occasion demands a renewal of tbe fight for tbe principles for which TUE TRIBUNE baa labored from its inception to tbe present day, and won its greatest victories. Erer j possible effort will le pat forth, and money freely spent to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We lornlsh "me Gazette" and "N. y. weekiu TrlDime" one Year tor $3.00. Addr OAMII i all Orders to IN AIIVANCIC. THE GAZETTE. Do You Waint a Rig ? Don't .You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? AU these oan be procured at TVmprvin A Binoa, Lower Mala Street, Heppoer, Oregon. rtM ewr.ria ae wall e-etne4 t. Baesev. r H".Us ea4 ctr emalee ana eaasa.s asnney a' a suae la slu taese axitm wiu lrsM.n( sa. pfVs la lt.lr elis taa Ucs, . THO.rPSOTNT & BINN6, , S W.t vr" l,L kill"ii. ara-ijef u-re Cti r ' y,-e ra4 r4. 'J,: i W. a ,.i-.M,.fiIMMl,MNlMM4aniHMikU