Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 16, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
" When my little boy was three months
old his eyes became very sore and he was
almost blind. I took him to an oculist
who treated him for six months, and left
him as bad as he was at the beginning.
Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom
mended and I began giving it to him.
In less than three weeks he was able
to go into the sun without covering
his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly
well, and his ears and nose, which were
badly affected, are also well. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
for my boy." Mrs. James H. Painter,
Amador, California. Remember
Purifier. All druggists. fl.slx for $5. Get Hood's.
u , , i 1 1 are the only pills to take
riOOU S HlIIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of weddtnE presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever Durnnan.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a Une. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great politloaroampaign
ia over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter tor the
long evenings. Cognizant of I big the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 1.50 $3.50
" 8. F. Examiner, tl.50 8.7S
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2. 50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Sunday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
in a. ra. f.;ia,eea no. l ana t at lf.m p. m.
Epworth League Devotional meeting at 1 p. m.
rrayer meeting, murtuny, Bp. m.
"The Spirit and the bri ' hhv. Come."
The paotor may be found at the iwreontura ad.
Joining the church, where he will be glad to
meet any wvo may disire to consult him on
religious, somrI. oivio, philosophio, educational
ur any outer suDject.
J, W. FLE8HKR, Minuter.
Here and There.
See Maria for sky-blue with trim
mings. 68 tf
Cooser k Brock's for the "Never Fail"
headache wafer. tf.
Grave Bubjects Seriously Considered -The
Canines In Trouble.
The town oanines are now in serious
trouble, the city fathers ot Hoppoer
having declared that the old ordinance
on dogs is in effect and that you must
pnogle op $3 or $5, as the oast may be,
or lose your dog. Sport has a oar that
never misses a meal and consequently
this last overt Bet of our honorable
couDoil strikes right home; ahem 1
Seriously, this tariff is a little steep.
It is not of the protective order ; it is
prohibitive. It should be reduced to tbe
old eohedule, as prescribed in the reso-
ution passed by tbe city dads a few
years ago. Then common people as
well as millionaires can indulge in that
privilege, usually acoorded an American
citizen, and never refused a Siwash,
that ot owning a dog.
We know that Heppner has been
slandered by jealous outsiders who oall
it a big sheepoamp. We resent the fa
ult. We know tbat the blat ot the ewe
or tbe lamb, the sonorous bellow of
tbe buck and tbe wl eezy squeak of tbe
old "pelter" on ber last less, are often
beard in the neighborhood ot Heppner.
But this don't make it a sheepoamp any
more than clothes make the man
neppner pats on some city airs occa
sion ally.
It may be that some of tbe population
think tbat tbe stain on oar fair city can
be eternally and everlastingly wiped
oat by running oat all the sheep dogs
It can't be "did." Give tbe dogs an
equal obanoe and stand by our colors.
Heppner is all rigbt.
airs. uerDert Bartholomew oan cive
tbe ladies ot Heppner some points in
sorubbiDg kitohen floors. Add to tbe
warm water a certain amount of plain
grease instead of lye. 8orob vigorously.
Tbe effect is said to have been pleasing
in tbe extreme on tbe boys who in
vented this.
Bowling is now tbe rage, ladies as
well as gentlemen participating. It has
always been popular with some Hepp
ner gentlemen, but tbe "oooked bat '
part ot it, in tbe degrees ot intensity,
was generally indicated by tbe number
of "bowls" participated io.
Baoing still goes on up at Aoaoonda
but our boys don't seem to be doing
better than just 'getting inside of the
money, ibis is not always tbe way to
get outside ot the money.
The following is tbe result ot tbe
races on last Monday : Three furlongs
Leora won, Harry N. seoond, Bed 8.
third; time, QM.
On tbe 13th mat. in tbe five and one-
bait furlongs, Bootblack won In 1:10',
Sable second and I-Don't-Eoow third.
On tbe same day Geo. Coxey took third
money in a five and one-halt furlongs,
ueen "Lil" first, in 1:11; Zanne seoond.
Ou tbe 14th the Oregon horses tailed
to show tip.
Sport desires to say tbat Heppner's
oow ordinance is being enforoed and that
tbe oows are now doing no damage.
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
Heppner, Oregon.
61-Oct M
to the
babies at
mayor ot
For a nobby sail of olotbes
New Tork tailor.
Milk from single oows for
the Shorthorn dairy.
Jaoob Belz was re-elected
Walla-Walla Monday.
Let Matlock has returned from bis
trip to tbe mountains.
Heppner Outfitting Co., io tbs old
Herreo stand, see adv. a
Banous is still on ths tart doing a lit
tie carpenter basinets. tf
Submit your plans to Banous before
giviog oat your oontraot tf
E. O.: Allen Evans, of Ileppoer, is
at the Ooldsn Bale hotel.
E. O. : J. L. Morrow returned boms
to Heppner Wednesday evening,
His oars of baled wool wars shipped
out ot Ileppoer Wednesday last.
Jas. Johnson and Mr, rblppe wars
ovsr from Butter Creek yesterday.
E.O.: W. B. Flnlry, of Heppner, is
registersd at tbe Golden Bute hotel.
Special sale porket knives, pipes at
eost, Beit thirty days. Orange Front.
found-Near Lena, a quautltyof barb wire.
Tbe owner can call on Jo Larsmao, prort
property, pay charges and get same. SO 1
Best accommodation and ooorteoo
treatment at tbs Imperial Hotel, Seventh
sod Wash. 8ts., Portland, Oregoo.
Dr. Jobs W. Rasmna, of tbe Redlicht,
has keg beer oo draogbt lbs Hop
OolJ. Beet ot llouors aod eigars io
took. tf
TtoM bo desire to bnild should not
forget tbat O. E. lUooos, lbs ooo
tractor, la ready to make estimate al
aey tims. 0)tf
Ileppoer is bow ooooecled with Ces
oo City by telephone, aod oo fo
made eboot It anther. The Ilea was fit
tebed yesterday.
Cross A Black waif fancy pickles and
seod goods, reduced prire. Orange
F root, odd, Citr botL Oof, Mala and
WUlow lrte. 63 If
E. O : Mies OrtraJ Bishop re
turned home to Ileppoer Wednesday
vmlng. Kb baa beta vialtlng (Heads
bre tor several week.
Oo Joly 11 19 aod 3Mb O.K.N
will aeU tteoraioa tickets to Belt Uk
City aod relaro at a rata of tS.
Ticket eipiro July 77. 60 S
CM year rMb tne-le by lb Nsw
foik tailor, tie earrta a flaa eWetoa
of torwlfa aad dome. tie wwleoe. Ca
fit yoa op to lb lit ink W:f
Heppner and Morrow Connty People Visit
Pendleton aad Betnrn With a Kf port of a
Dclightlal Trip.
The large and enthusiasts Heppner
delegatioo, about 80 strong, who went
over Io Pendleton Monday to bear the
free silver-orator, returned on Wedoee-
ay's train. Tbey express themselves
as being delighted with Bryan's address
and are loud in their praises at tbe on
ounded hospitality acoorded tbem by
tbe people of Pendleton duiing their
brief visit to tbat bustling little metrop
olis. In commenting oo tbe oooasioo of
Ibeir visit, ths E. O. of Wednesday con
tains the following:
Oos ot tba moat eotboslastio delega
tions in town during tbe day was from
Heppner aod otber Morrow county
points. The Heppner vire-presldeoi,
Dr. P. B. Mcflworde, Sheriff E. L. Mat-
oek aod Al Binoe, president of the
Heppner Bryao club, procured a special
oar and by giving personal attention to
Mr. Tbeo. Anderson and wife took in
the Bryan doings at Pendleton.
Johnny Gates oame over from Wagner
for bis wife and baby on Tuesday of
this week.
Jas. Sevey has sold out his Morrow
county possessions and moved to the
Walla Walla oouotry.
Tbe live business man ot Heppner is
the one from whom to bay your goods.
See his ad. io tbe Gazette and patronize
F. M. Conrter and wife were in from
Eight Mile Wedneeday. Mr. Courier is
happy over bis orop wbioh ia an excel
lent ooe. ,
Tbe people who advertise are doing
tbe business in Heppner. Tbe others
don't know tbey are alive neither does
the onstomer.
Jane Ellis, wbo was arrested on last
Monday obarged with adultery, was
disobareed by Judge Richardson on
Wednesday. Geo. Harrington oan give
tbe full particulars.
T.-M.: This morning two car loads of
horses passed through here, going to tbe
oannery at Linntoo. Tbey were shipped
from Heppner. A carload of cattle was
also shipped to Troutdale.
A. MoCorqaodale, traveling freight
and passenger agent ot tbe "Burlington
Route," with headquarters at lortlaod,
was io Heppner yesterday looking after
the interests ot Lis road.
Mr. G. W. Pkelps, a rising young
Iswyer ot Tbe Dalles, is here this week
with Ibe view ot asoertaining tbe needs
ot tba Heppner ssotioo ss to attorney
Ha may decide to looata in Heppner.
Tba Rev. Henry Rasmoa, D. D., pas
tor Grsoa M. E. Church. Portland, Ore.,
will lectore on "Buttoned-Up Possibili
ties'' at tba Metb. Episc. oburoh oext
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock
Admission 25ols.
Emil Voruz, wife and baby arrived
from Baker City overland on last Wed
aesday and will remain two weeks.
Dr. P. B. MoSwords, ot this plaoe,
had tbe honor ot being one ot the guests
at the Golden Rule banquet given in
honor ot Hon. W. J. Bryan.
Walt Bartholomew and Joset Mueller
have returned from their tour ot the in
terior, visiting Gilliam, Crook, Harney
and Grant counties on tbe trip.
Ask Wilson Brook if advertising has
sold any ot bis headache wafers and if
ths new onstomer comes baok again?
If yo a have a good thing advertise it.
Wm. Douglass and family, of Butter
creek, intend to move to Canada in the
near future, me uazeue regrets io
.August 31st
is thj last day of the $1000
missim; word contest
Sc uliim s Best tea is
the matter needled io braglnc t.mot WOndcrfllllv fresh and fine
enj yruui iruiu iu vitwuv vt mu-
ords was the only ons ot tba three
vice-presidents wbo cams over oo the
eiooraino. lie was accompanied by
Mrs. Mo3ords and Mis Mary Mo-
onla, and tbey were gni ot Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Ayera, jr., during lbs
io addilioo to tbs eompaoy tbat earn
Io tba special car, quite a number gam
from Morrow oonnly by team. Tbs
comber who oame by private eooveyaoo
eaooot be estimated with any aocoraey,
bat there were representations from
every part of tbs Soontr.
Those wbo earns by train reiarord
borne to lbs evening, their ear being at
tec bed to Ibe regolar passenger weet
bound. The Ileppoer vlsitore were
pleased witb the day's prooeedlegs. II
bad beeoexpreted al fi'st I bey would
rtmalo over and to borne Ibie eveolog.
bol Ibis wss fonnl Io be Inpfsetioable,
so tbey relorosl Toredey eveolog.
Rules of contest published io large
advertisement about the first aad middle
of each month. Ati
ose tbem as residents ot our oounty.
We oan ill ufford to give up any of our
good oit'zens.
Lee Ointwell writes down from tbe
mines about a bear hunt in wbiob there
were much ooisa and waste ot powder
but oo game killed. He concludes by
saying tbat be will have bear meal be
fore he oomes borne or "bust a sullus'
io tbe attempt, may be both.
Bev. Henry Rasmus is "billed" to
leoture here in tbe M. E. ohurch oo tbe
evening ot July 21st Subject "But-
toned-np Possibilities." Nearly every
body in Heppner knows Henry and be
hould have a good house; ' As an
orator be stands in tbs front rank; as a
minister aod a man he ia loyed and
respeoted by all.
Estimates put on tbe wheat orop of
Eastern Oregon era that tbere will be
io tbe neighborhood ot 15.600,000 bush
els harvested this season, asys Ths
Dalles Times-Mountaineer. Umatilla
oounty is pot down for 5,000,000 bushels,
Union for 3,000,000, Sherman for 8,500,-
000, Wasco for 1,000,000, Morrow aod
Gilliam for 1,600,000, while Baker, Wal
lowa and Crook will probably yield
1,600 ,000.
John Jordan, an old timer ot Willow
creek, in conversation with one of cor
leading olliieo a taw days ago, called
to miod wheo one ot bis oeigbbors was
Tom Ayers, 45 miles away, aod tbat tbey
used to changs work, just like neigh
bore will anywhere. Jordao need Io
ride over to Tom's, do a fall day's work,
go home aod do tba chores, aod then
get bsok rssdy for the orxl day. Oar
informant did oot ask bow muon aleep
was required io thoee ds;s, bat II shows
Jwbat" people can do when Ibey will.
Visits Pendleton and Knns Afoul of tbe
Tribune Reporter.
Tbere is at tbe present time in this
city one of tbe pioneers of Oregon who
has seen all tbe cities ot Eastern Oregon
sprout and grow, says tbe Pendleton
Tribune. This visitor is none other
than T. W. Ayers, ot Heppner, father ot
T. W. Ayers, ot this oity, whom bs is
viBiting. Mr. Ayers, senior, oae Io
this oouutry from Iowa in the full of
1862 and settled on Butter oreek. Dor
ing the years 1863, 1804 and 1865 be ran
the paok train from Umatilla to Sdbau-
ville and surrounding oountry and io
those days coined moDey, He usually
oolleoted 25 oents per pound freight on
all goods bandied. He put tbe money
be made in this way into stook and as
Idabo was stocking up at that time ow
ing to the mining boom, sales of cattle
were readily made at good price. "Tbe
whole ot this oountry at that time was
simply a world of grass," says Mr. Ayers
to a Tribune reporter.
Id those days tbere was nothing where
this oity now stands but the Goodwin
station aud that station was later aban
doned and tbe old Swift station took its
Heppner, where Mr. Ayers located in
tbe spring of 1878, was then not even
dreamed of as tbe site for a towu and a
few years later, wheo a oity bad beeo
laid out tbere, Mr. Ayers found himself
the possessor ol half of it,
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
A VegfUkl frvak.
A peso llsr freak Io lbs radish family
was left at Ibe Osteite effleeooe day
Ibis week by Jobo C Brown wbo reoides
oo Blseb bore over town. Tba radish,
so far as IU g eoeral appearance la aoa
Oeroed. rrtomblee a bamao betsr, ha
ing two legs, two arms aod body. Tbisl
bamao vobls treat wss foaod sit-
tisg sstrtd of soother beallby radish
wbsa drawo from lh ground, and the I
eambioetioo present a somawbal It
dVroa spectacle, beviog the eppeereae
ot two arbwil bote If) Ing to deelde lbs
ebmptoebip of a reetling sealed
Tbe oaogbly things may be a o eg-
btbiitoo al lb 0tt e mie.
Io feet, any peraoo, or persons, rel)log wit bio
lb oity limits, or ooonty limit, who shall b
sogbl rldiog, or walking, by Ihs skits of
grooeries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. .
Alain Street, Heppner, Oregon.
"Jonlird" tbs Postmaster.
Jiro Johnson, ths postmaster, saun
tered into lbs Golden Bula hotel last
eveuing just io time to be one of the last
men to meet Mr, Bryan, says tbe Pen
dleton Tribune. He did Dot go tbere
(or that purpose, but when Mr. Walter
Pieroe requested him to oome torwsrd
and meet tbe famous silver advooste,
Mr. Johnson graciously consented.
This is Mr, Johnson, oar MoKinley
sound money democratic postmaster,"
said Mr. Pieroe, Orasping tbe band of
tbs postmaster Mr. Bryao sstd: "May
Ibe Lord bsvs meroy on your poorsnol."
Wheo Iba roars of Isngbter thsl greeted
Ills expreesioo bsd subsided, Mr. John
son replied, still holding Mr. Brysn's
bsnd: "That's all right, old mao. We
didn't dn a thing to jou and ws got
our president Inst tbs same." And then
tbs crowd laughed soms mors. .
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knows this vertect vroduct
An the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
Withoat stopping at lb above mentioned lwe
will b0oliae4 by tba City Msrabsl tbst tba
only plasa la Uppor yo eaa boy r...
Is as Baa
A teWpbuola tg0 froso tost
Crfc oo lb Hbaais; ILL. Barvb,
of Portland, to fool to lb but spring
ia ibis xOBy ta s-rob ol health, be.
aoddMl ieeaa while oa Iba
sWge eat Irvoa Ueppear, ao4 aalbi
gaoroiai dVtata! by to affldala of tbia
Borah la xi lore! bera!, asl
til r la MsDjIB sprisga, as direct
b; to Porliaftd fii-4a.
1 Trust Uka
Tonight a party nMtta of Mr. and
Mre. Wa Dene and ebildrea, Mr. aod
Mr. II. W. Barlboloos aad il Irvo,
Mrs. f. K. Itrtbnloow aad little
daogbif , Fay, will te Ine Trool Ink.
'oib Iba l sb4 ot M-oal
AJama. Ws,b, ilwt lby will
oc mwotb. Tbey will bo
IsKstoa by Mrs. & W. f poc sod O
D. Fall 04 wife, wbo will drlv oavm
tba ooootry. Tba party will doabtieM
J"y too
t4aal let eat of (1st
r i mi
I at Iba Hior of MINOB k OO. Oar enllr
Ilea most go to BBk room fur fall stook...
Wool ant Mkeep Nstr.
W, P. Pillion sold his wool of 100 Imss. aisr.
gstlng 40.no pounds, at to rent on last
Wednesday- Inla is willow trevk wnol and
until Ihs adToiit of P. H. Johnsun In Hrif
t'i penu was lb best offer ftiad. Mr-
Jobusoa reprnMiit SlllMrnisn Hr., ol CliU
raso. II I buying eotitlderalil wool In llils
fheOaselt does nut know that thrt Is
comblnallon her among woulburrs, but II
will ,r franklr that Ihtr I every apneararaw
that on hs tl,td. Ths Oaselt dne not
blam any buyer lor gelling wool as cheaply ss
ptieelliltl but the grower rannot benture4
llher (, doing lh beat he ran. This paper
Is Internet ad In the grower getting good price,
lor his pnidiirt. Al present wool Is on lb sd
vanr and lb Hpi' buyprs are peylng every
dollar lh nli I Is worth.
Geo. f renc h dltpneH of hi clip on We1n
day l rents. Ibis I rale of of a rent
on a lormer offf ,
Murd (MM In thai ob furrln'S sheep her
kva (red Into In lb u,nl wiannev ever in the
$nhn fMy ennntry, Ths Ouutl nl In
lormed s In lb Urn ,
lh woolsmwers of Morniw enunly hcl I
errel meellng on tul Slar-tr al lh mart
huiiee. Cunlng lmlllly alter tliee nut
rates In 11 rani enunly on seed not be a pmphet
to uree whal was the purpoee ol lh weelltig-
203 Washington St., Portlana", Or.
niiniin i m nnnrn
mm ai im p,
Heppner Outfitting Co.
Ccill oil.
At this popular stand and get goods at hall
the old prices, ract.
rr rrwosaoli aad Harry lUreaj r. ... ... . --..vw J .
I. A. fruti l over Iruta Wsgner.
Mel Moea-rov, lepreeenllng Flelsrher, )!
AC., I Is V.wn. j
Krf Te lb wife ul Will l.rl.Ue. on Sun
day, inly I ith.S daughter.
T. H lleberl, rpnenllng f Smith A
wf rhl'eg'N Was her O adneaday Uei.
rVrfn-Toth, wile of Wa. Strslaiil, on Hull,
rnt, Wadnee'lay, July 14th, s eight pound
M tWIollh, at Ibe rv-1 I pt Cu , lib
headiiarWrsl rnrlld, was her Oednea-lay
ealM o I'S OaMtlo Mkt tMd;.
tfuk flrti, ot Mardaia, suffered dk?
bntiloa of the kite rap e Ul Sanday alf hi.
He was bnrufhl to M,ppnr 'id I'f Moarl
repaired lh (,
H e at I. khe . , I I r
evlpl f blraj toay troa Hef I. I Moot
pew ol aWlii. rk , lueatariy Hppf
thai will 4'' with f t'sdarwend.
Uiteet la "Ire Utuaaht." U aaiMferVMy ar
rateHie rmm wm mwh, ia www w mwvw
I W,fMf la lb bear lulur. I
Bm blcb ab'iickly aod rota-,
pl.uty riat by aeing lba Isatous
lull pi! I kouw a !) will's Itila
Karly KierM." fat sal j tvr
At the olJ 0U0J, bate tbe usual
priog outlit ot
DMMira tba thousand ol.la and eods tbat r too numerous to mention.
Kelt Donr I rim national Kens Building.
You can Weger Your Sox that You
arc Alwnys ot Homo ot ....
Oa Msie Htreel, lu City Hotel DuilJlng.
tby try to ot ail. flea slnb rooeaa la eooesctlao.
TIIeleARD, Prop.
Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH.