Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 16, 1897, Image 2

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7 n
A town dog is not half so "nu
xneroua" as a town cow. Give the
canineB a chance with other pests.
The death of Senator Harris, of
Tennessee, has odco more made
Representatives McMillan and
Richardson, of that state, rivals;
they both want to go 1o the senate,
just as they both wanted the minor
ity leadership in the house that
fell to Bailey, of Texas.
Any person who does not believe
in government ownership of rail
road and telegraph lines Bhould
join the printing fraternity in its
opposition to the government do
ing private printing. The govern
ment can break up any individual
if it chooses to do bo, and this is
unfair. Let private enterprise fight
for supremacy. Let the govern
ment attend to its own private affairs.
erers, it is considered absolutely
necessary to avoid delay in the
final disposition of the bill. If
each agreement reached by the
conference should be announced,
there would be no peace for the
members of the committee, owing
to the objections of those who are
interested. It has also been de
termined, to avoid delay, that no
partial reports sball be made to
the house and senate, everything
being held back until a final agree
ment has been reached. Experi
ence has proven that paitial re
ports are productive of much de
lay, especially when the measure
under consideration is of such a
complicated nature as a tariff bill
necessarily is. Although there is
nothing official on the subject, we
have excellent reasons for saying
that the republican conferees the
democratic conferees will take no
part in the conferences until the
republicans have reached an agree
ment expect to complete their
work this week.
Lord has exhibited do delioaey. His
aotioni have been oonrte, palpable and
brutal. He baa disgraced and betrayed
his friends, bis party and bis state.
Corvallie Gazette.
Arlington still keeps up ber reputation
as a wool market. A clip ot wool was
sold Monday for 2 cents. At thai
rate the wool grower bas very httle to
complain of. Prioes have been better
and probably will again in the future,
but all things considered, the sheepmen
tbat sell their wool for 9 cents are
hardly ont and injured. Arlington Record.
As was Btated several months
ago, Mr. Cleveland's consolidation
of pension agencies, announced to
go into effect Sept. 1, 1897, will not
go into effect. The Cleveland or
der will in due time be officially
revoked by President McKinley, a
thorough investigation having
shown that the government would
save nothing by the proposed con
solidation, and thnt it would great
ly inconvenience thousands of pensioners.
Pbesident and Mrs. McKinley
have decided to spend a greater
Dart of their vacation on Lake
Champlain, which makes it certain
that they will not be able to make
their contemplated visit to the Pa
cific coast this summer. They will
not giye up the idea, however, as
tne President ia very anxious to
see this section of the country and
will go at the first opportunity,
probably go next summer. This
spirit manifested by our president
is quite different from that shown
by Cleveland who seemed never to
care to get beyond the confines of
Wall street, the banks of a fish
pond or to lose the companionship
of that stalwart old fellow, Mr.
Demi John.
Mr. Oorbett, who has a certificate
from bis lawyer, W. P. Lord, that he is
a United States senator, has found the
national senate unresponsive to bis woo-1
ings. There were no $80 TJ'Rens there
no Mulkeys to be bought with profes
sorships. His oase will not even be
considered until the next session of con
gress, and then well, Mr. Corbett's
present visiting oards will answer for
all his social purposes. Corvulllis Ga-
"Sumed up, this means that if the
governor oannot appoint a senator a
special session of legislature oould not
elect, henoe in order thnt every state
shall have its fall representation in the
upper house of congress, the appoint
ment by a governor must be recognized
This position will hiirdly be accepted by
the senate, for senators, although will
ing to get into the senate on almost any
pretext, are not ready to establish the
precedent tbat the seating ot Mr. Oor
bett would set. When a vote is taken
on the report next Deoember it is very
orobable Mr. Corbett will be re
turned to bis bank at Portland." Times
A New Law Create Cooaternatioa op at
Montana, B. C.
Great excitement prevails in oamp
among mining brokers and the officers
of the various companies, says a dis
patch from Bossland, 8. 0. During the
recent session of the provincial legis
lature a bill was passed exaoting a fee
ot 100 from all mining companies capi
talized for $1,000,000. It seems most of
them failed to deposit the money on or
before J uly 1, as required, and in conse
quence held no title to their properties.
The report tonight is tbat many of the
best properties and prospects have been
"jumped," and in censequenoe there is
a deep feeling ot interest at Bossland
From a reliable source it is said that
the same thing has happened at Grand
Thia Ia Your Oyi!ortuui:y.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or Stan,,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
moKt popular Catarrh and Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Halm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
56 Warren ft., Kcw York City.
Rev. JobnKeid, Jr.. f.f Orent Falls, Mont,
recommended Elf's Cream Halm to me. I
can emphasize his statement, '-It is a posi
tive cure for catarrh if used as directed."
Rev. Francw W. Poole, Pastor centrairres.
Church, Helena, Mont
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
cure for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor any injurious drug. Price, oil cents.
Notice of Intention.
Lakd Omc atThi Dallis. Obsook.
June 8, 1&97.
1 n)uu..n.mui aattior haa filed notice
of Ms Intention to make final proof In support
of hii claim, and tbat aaid proof will be made
before J. W. Morrow, county ciera, ai neiwuci,
Oregon, on July Ma, is7, via:
Administrator, and for the heirs of fancy
Coffey, deceased, Hd. E. No. 3895, for the bVtl4
Sec. 27, Tp. 1 8 R 26 E W M.
lie namea tne totiowing wimtiBa vu m"'
Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: John Barton, Wm. Barton,
Edward Duran, ana r ran c. eu, an oi nvyy
nor llrnn ' J A3. F. 110' RE.
11 and by virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow and to me directed and
aellverea. upon a juaKment renuereu auu en
tered in saw court on tne n aayoi miren, ib.
Forks and Greenwood. It is stated tbat
such immense properties as the Vol- Sr,Mn'u' f' klTkK 1
Oanic, Seattle and Others have been re- James K. Nunamakerana Maria n. jNunamaser,
staked by interested parties. It is al
leged that the Oaoadians have worked
up the soheme quietly and suddenly
sprung it on the miners, the larger pro
portion ot whom are Americans. No
one knew the real intent of the legisla
tive bill until some found that their
nl.liM. 1.11:1 Itnan .a.baJ TI.a anlinn
liioiuJB uu uccu icovnncu. luo niiiuu I ,l, w.r half nf tha Nnrth-wpnt. n
Of the authorities, if allowed to stand, Section 13 and the North half of the North-east
put all their mouey in the development
ot olaims. Many people in Portland are
affeoted by the law.
his wife, H. T. Anderson and E. D. Rood, De
fendants for the sum of Seven Hundred Eighty.
Six and 25-100 Dollars with interest thereon at
the rate of eight per cent per annum from the
4th day of March, 1897, the further sum of Fifty
Dollars attornev s fees and the sum of rnty-
Two and SO-100 Dollars costs and dtsbursmenta.
Whereas hv said decree and order of sale it was
direcied that the following described real
nrnnertv to-wit: The South half of the North
east quarter, the South twenty-five (25) acres of
the North-west quarter of the North-east quar
ter of Section 22 Township 8 South Range 24
and the West half of the North-west quarter ot
Cummings & Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
located at Heppner, in the state of Ore
gon, is closing up lta affair. All note holders
and others, creditors of said association, are
therefore hereby notified to present the notes
and other claims against tne association ior
paym-nt. ED. R. BISHOP,
OOO'iO UMllll
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B.
O., C. M. & St P., C. A A., P. Ft. W. & C.
and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads.
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sta.,
Every new subscriber of the Gazette
from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive
as a premium a book worth alone- the
price of the subscription.
Kanee25. East W M.. all in Morrow county.
Oregon, be sold to satisfy sairl judgment, costs
ana accruing costs, i win, on eaturaay.
The 3lst dav of July. 1897.
at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front
door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow
county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and In
terest of the said Samuel I. Gerslne.
Martha A Gerking, et al.. In and to
th Rhnvn described nrnnertv at DUblic
aiinttnn tt thft htfrhRflt. and heat bidder for
Some Good Advice That More Thau One caBh in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the
satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and
rotnsTDEr, is 70.
A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under
Military Discipline.
The 20th year under tve present management begins Sept. 14, 1897.
This institution ia thoroughly equipped for the mental, soci 1, physical
and moral training of boya. Thorough preuarat'on for any oollege or
acientifio school. Graduates at present in yale. West Point, .Massachu
setts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Oregon,
Pennsylvania, Stanford and HoOill. During vacation junto welcome
from 9 to 12 a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the
Principal, J. W. HILL, M. I)., Portland, Oregon. P. O. drawer 17.
Man Has Learned by Experience.
The reports come thiok and fast tbat
Rossland has become a very muoh over-
boomed town and is now ODe of the best
towns in the NorthweBt for a man to
slay away from, says the Oregon City
Enterprise. T. S. Lawrenoe, the well-
costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK,
Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon,
Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Flans and Estimates Given' on Snort Notice.
Tub report that Japan will file
an additional and stronger protest
against the annexation of Hawaii
excites such very little interest in
Washington that nobody appears
to caro whether it turns out to be
true or not. Hawaii will be an
nexed in duo time, and tieuator
Morgan, a dyed-in-the-wool demo
cratio member of the committee on
foroign relations, and one of the
most intense patriots in the sen
ate, says that if President McKin
ley winnes the treaty to bo ratified
at the present session of congresH,
iustead of at the regular session,
next winter, lie tins only to say ho
and it will be done.
ritEHinENT McKinley has indi
cated quite plainly to a number of
prominent republicans that he has
aluiut decided to modify Mr,
Cleveland's orders for the exten
sion of the civil nervico rules and
the president s order may be ex
pected at any tituo. It is not yet
certaiu how far this modification
will go, but it is the iuipressiou
of those who Lavetalkod with Maj
McKinley on the subject that dep.
uty collector of iuterual revenue
who have charge of the dutribu
tion of stamp, and deputy collec
tors of customs, who are in charge
of tub-stations, will be among
those placed outside the civil serv
ice rules.
Home years ago the town couuei
of this place, by resolution, re
duced the dog tax of Heppner from
$ I to II on males and from t to
f l on females, but the recorde
cannot find the resolution i
panned. The editor of thi pp
knows that ueh a resolution at
panned aud nineo that eriod taxes
have been collected accordingly
This year, however, taxes are being
c illected on the old ordinance.
The Council should reducn this ta
to a reasonable atut uut, as the ol
otdinancA rretenta any peraon not
a millioiiaite from owning a dog.
It U urged by tome who da not
pofr k raniue that the town
would be letter off without them.
If so, come out plainly and pass an
ordinance to that rnd.
ALTBOros the socrwy maio
talnsd by tl sou a tors aud rpr
ntative on tha ronferenw nra.
icitteti which is at ftoik ou tie tariff
bill panned by the aouata !t wtnk
is aggravating to tt ntaagath-
Governor, write a ten line message,
pat an extra padlock on the room where
the legislative demijohns are kept, and
oall those fellows in special session.
Salem Journal.
The report prepared by Senator Hoar,
in the case of the seating of II. W. Cor
bett as a senator from Oregon, has
been printed and ends as follows:
"We think, therefore, tbat tha gov
erner of Oregon was entitled to make the
appointmeot, aud that Mr. Corbelt is
entitled to a seat.
The seuate will doubtless think dif
ferent than the committee when the
case oouies before it Urowneville
and by virtue of an attachment execution
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of
brins-ci narnantar and pnntrnptnr nf this Oresron for the County of Multnomah and to
Known oarpenter ana contractor oi mis rttrKtprt .nd delivered, noon a iudement
,.t H,o k.nn. faufnraa ot Ham n Olty, Bpenl IWO BOOMUS
.lankaon last Hatnrdav was an Indian P"y recently returning
war dance executed bv a number of the a " uul "" " V""t and Fifteen Dollars with Interest thereon from
Tbev were clad in or money ne snoma aeep oui or noes- tnemaay o. , ,
- I . . - . , , . .1 C" v pel milium, mo m- duiuvi v.
Tnflin oarmnnts and Derformed all the lana for ,8Dor 10 every line IB very mnob ty.ffive Dollars with interest thereon from the
Ind.an garments and pe lormea I .pn . . . nnt mnnh ,5th day of June, vm, at the rate of 8 percent
1 1 1 .irM, n nii,aimnl rT Paul innionfl nra. I " - " - " . -,mnm a tw, tho turthal
mr I hiohap thara than hara while thft ftnat nf
paratory to going on me warpato. ine --- ------ -- ments in which judgment it was further or-
d ii... i . fl. .aio .iiar living 18 mnob greater. The Canadians deredbv the court that the property attached
jrouu.c.uu uu7 " - .7. . ....... lr..M.MlnnnnhMrd d.v nt JuriWv. 18.
and are equally good at personating Lo. r oiannisn ana oniy uanaaians anQ hereinafter described, t6-wit: The North-
Timna Mnnnlainaar allowed to work On the Streets, teaOD Bast wuarter oi section ininy-one y) ioo-HmeB-Oloantaineer.
ship Two 2) 8outh Range Twenty-Six (26) East
S0QOO1 or do anything tost IS Dnder gov- 0f the Willamette Meridian in Morrow County,
The town of Milton bad a celebration e'nment pay, and in business all the lrim&,tt"'mu1'
Poo V W lavoriiism poesioie is suown io lueui pimu-,, ui-o., ,,
M.6V. r. W. r at 2 o'nlock d. m.. of said dav. at the front
deliver the I over our people. Asa mining district of the court house In Heppner, Morrow County,
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
on tne Din, and invited
Parker, of Pendleton, to
at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front .ioor
" """"" u'". " m. T.." ' .Kiw. .u.. p',..!... Oregon, sell all the right title and Interest of
oration. Bro. Farker BO far forQOt him- u""uu' "''" the said A. Taylor and Christy Oakes in and to
tbs in Rossiand, renderldlnd'entereVinaidSour OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
, ... , day of June 1897, In favor of John Borwick, vi 1 1 ' '
from that place, plaintiff, end against A. Taylor and Christy Pl-rp" and Rntr fir llltl Will 0"Pt PIT1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
a man haa nlantv Oakes. defendante, for the sum of One Hundred lldCe dDU RUg. Ur J1U1 Will liCl Clll. U U U U U U U
Merchant Tailor.
Patrogize Hors Industry.
self as to imagine the heat of last fall's
campaign was on, and seeing a good
sized audience before him, delivered a
red hot partisan speech. lu oonsequenoe
the Eagle proceeded to give the Rev,
Parker a red hot roast, which be de
served, for fourth of July orations and
cainpuign speeches do not mix well to
gether, especially when the oration is
a brigbt tutare, but only a man or
wealth oan make a soooess, for it takes
so muoh capital to develop a mine.
Our Senator.
Senator McBride, who, with Senator
Foraker and other senators, was aotive
In obtaining an increased tariff on
rasbed wools of the second class, re-
the above described nrnnertv at Dubllc auction
to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand,
the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction
of said execution aud all costs, and costs that
may accrue. t, L jutlui,
Sheriff of Morrow County. Oregon.
Dated June 17th, 1897. M-63
and bv virtue nf an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow and to me directed and
Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building,
next door to the gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do-,
mestio Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, with many years of
experience. Makes suits to order in the latest styles. All at reason
able prices.
i i! !... .t.- i oeived a letter from Messrs. Kevser. delivered, upon a judgment ren-iered and en
uenvereu oy b uiiumier oi iuo Bu.UBi. - - - tered iu ift a court on tne 4th day of Mftrch,
Mr. Oorbett, he who would be senator,
i Just having an awful time get
iug a seat. The onmmiltea has jtmt
been disensaiug hi case, and have de
oided he must stand np still the next
esHlun of oongress, 'Tie sad to see an
old man iu his dotage thus imposed
upon. Wasco News.
It would seem that Senator Curbed
still has liying chance of being United
Hlnlea senator. The question has been
refirreil to a committee which will re
port at Ilia next itanlou of oongress.
This leaves Oregoo without a senator
but not without a prospect of one. 8o
we will not have a special st'ssiou ot
the Oregon legialatnrs until next winter
anjLow. West Hide.
Aotion on Heualor (Jorliett's casa is
postponed till the next session. Owing
to the deaire not to oonaider anything
Ibis session but (he tariff, and to the
knowledga that introduction of other
matters would delay aotion on tbs tariff
bill, this case, which would have caused
long disenasioo, Is laid over. Draidi,
there bas been a feeling on a part of
certain seuators that, if Mr. Ourbett't
eaaa were Dot acted on, the governor of
Oregon would And lu the vacancy rea
son tor railing a Special seaslon ft lb
legislature, whtrb won! J elect a senator
fur tbs full term. This, probably, is
miscalculation. Tu fact that this seal
is unfilled Is uot likely In be a rsasou
for calling tha legislature together iu
apodal esaion.Oregopian.
We doo'l know wiib what authority
tha Ore gonian presume to speak in lb
llut there are other reasons fur lbs
railing ot an e itra lon, more im
portant Iban the tilling ot a vacant seat,
to wblt'b Oregon is entitled, in the
I'liili il Htatos senate. On their aeoouut
llS d. lnand 10 urgent ohe-imper
live, from lb flaw point ot the etaU's
welfare. HaUm Htaleamao.
Strange Discovery Made by rronpector la
A speoial from Cripple Creek, Colo
rado, says: Photographer Yeltou yes
terday returned from a trip to Co
mountain, about six miles east of this
city, where he bad beep to obtaiu views
of a most remarkable osvern discovered
by sinking a prospect shuft. The cave
was dlnoovered by parlies who were
doing assessment on a group ot claims
Fuller k Co., commission merchants, of
Philadelphia, strongly recommending
bis oourse, aa follows :
" We take the liberty of thanking yon
for your work in behalf of the Ameri
can wool growers in stopping the big
gest loop bole iu all the past tariff, I. e.,
ashed second-class wools coming in at
a single duty
1897, In favor of A. 8 Bennett and F. P. Mays.
Plaintiff, and against Charles Kimseyand Clara
Klmsey, his wife, A. J. Kimsey and Kimsey,
lils wife, Win. Kimsey ami Pi. Kimsey, niawue,
W. 8. Mercer and Hrirah Mercer, his wife, L. A.
Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard
Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife, Samuel Hall
and Mary Hall, his wife, Wm. Farrel and Eva
Farrel his wile, I nomas Kimsey ana fteiuej.
Croft, Defendant, for the sum of One Thousand,
Two Hundred Twenty-Three and 46-100 Dollars
run interest tnereon irom tne na aay oi
Cleaning am Retailing Done at Low Figures.
A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor.
we are
March. IH'17. at the rate nf tii percent Der annum
TIia ornr tiaa anfTMrait I and HAVAiirv.lTlvA nitllara Mttnrnevl Ihm and
. ., 4. ., I IIIH Illrllier Slllll UI iweiuy-rour ifliimi, i.ww
more from this than any Other evil and a, di.bursments, and wherca la was further
lu,l ihsi at luat thia nnt-1 ordered and decreed bv the court that the
glad tnai ai last mi ont-1, pri)perty ,le.crit)ed a follows
ineaualitv ia to be DO more. I to-wit: The East half of the North-west quar-
t. U.....V. ...... .......... I ,ka NnMhMll I
Lvery WOOl grower Owes you au '1 quarter and the North-west quarter of the 1
,,tM I Mouth east quarter of Hectlon 18. Township One I
111 South Haniii Kant W. M . In Morrow
Senator McBride sy tbat tbe rate county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy aid Judgment,
rows auu auuruniK cuki. k win v
nn Pnur mftnuluin. A liian 111 nlcklna
i.. .i . i . .. . m . .. k. fixed by the eenate on first class wools Uturdav.
iu iub uoviuui ui iu-iuui uuib wucu m - ....... ' ' Tha Slat dav of Julv. 1R97.
suddenly struck the point of his pick len C1" P" P""u"-' uu" at two o'clm k p. m., of .aid day. at the front
He ha anything In this line that you may desire and you can depend on It you get a
good article when Mat guarantees It,
Old Stand, MlrvStrtt. Repairing m Specialty i
i . ft a 1. 1
throng!, the rock iulo an apparently o"' im ac. toe woo.. . ... -r
n.,l,,it-,1 ...... 11. nan t Imial v Invaa- OlasS Will all be imported, Skirted. AUS- tereat of the aaid almre named Defendant In
unlimited Space, lie cautiously loves- ........ .kirted and to the above described property at public
tigated aud gradually opened up a pit Italian and other wikjI. that are siirteu hlth t I.t bhiiier u.t cash
," , .... .. ,, . i, . . for the American market are trimmed In hand, the proceeils to be applied to the aatls-
that led lo Hit) Other world, lo all appar- ,ur , faction of aaid execution and all costs, and
door nf the court house tu Heppner. Morrow
county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and In-1
auoc. Kn'ki dropped into the bole,
however, struck bottom in about two
secouds or less, showing that the cave
w as not deep at that point. The men
gut a rope anJ fastening it securely
above, descended lo explore the osvern,
which proved lo be a veritable tore-
bonne of ice. HtaUgmitea aud sta
laotitesuf pure ic stood like oypreas
tree from lb Hour and bung like
ghostly fringe from Ihe eeiling.
Exploration was not carried very far,
for a yawuing ab wm encountered al
disiauo of about CO feet from the eo
traooe. Chunk of u thrown down
Ibi aby could I beard rattling and
clanking on Ihe idea, bul never a sound
ot lb bottom being touobed.
Photographs were taken by flashlight,
a- d lbs pictures reveal Ihe ice in cry
11 condition forming moat fanoiful
figutea. Aa effort will be made lo opa
lb cave to a tno thorough explora
lion. The chamber what lhe pic
ture were taken I 79 feel high and 150
feet wide. UeyouJ Ibi lb oat wid
ens and Ihe interior eeui b)tul.
in snob a way a lo make I hem almost Coau that may accrue. K. u matuhk,
l- ...I l l.i. trm . nrth . h.rtff '. W"ow County, Oregoa
...M.cu i iMtea vuiy itio, liw, aae-07.
at least two cents to four oeni per
pound mors than nnskirted fleece. Notice Of Intention.
Therefore, a dulv of ten cents per oound
on fir.l-ol.ss wools, skirted, is eq-iiva- Tu hb7,,v. thai
lent M a proteotiva duty lo not more th followlng-named aettler haa filed "otic, oil
than an eigbl Cent per pound rate on his claim, and that said proof will be mad be-
.,. 1. i,i-.l .hlflh la II.. form "' Morn.w, 1 omiiy dors, at ueppn.r
In wbicb American wools are marketed.
to York Weekly Triiiiiii)
How Iblsl
W offer one hundred dollars reward
for any rasa ot Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Calerrb Cur.
F. J. Cheney ft Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We the undersigned, bava koown F.
J. Cheney lor Ihe last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfectly honorable in all
bnalne transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by their firm.
Weal 6 Trnx. Whole! Druggist,
Toledo, O. Wi.lding, Kinnan ft Marvin,
Wboleeat Drnggial. Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Core is taken Inter
nally, acting directly opon lb blood and
rtiQOou snrfacao of Ibecyilem. I'rie
75c. per buttle. MJ by all lirnggiit.
Testimonial free.
Ilrvann. on Jiiit 17. vl:
Id. T No wet, for th owl eee. il, Tp. t 8,
K .'I K W M.
He name th following w Urease to prove
hi. continuous residence upon and cultlratlon
ol aaid land, vis: A. W. Mallng. Harlan Stanton.
K. tt. Koliliiaon, and 0. 1). ( oat., all of Ktgbll
Mile. Oregon. J A. F. MtMlKK,
MV-MU Keglater.
How to
Get Rich
Farmers and Villaoers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Dauohters,
All the Family.
With tbe cloaa of the rreaideutial camDaien TUE TRIBL'NR
$25 will earn you recognizee the fact that the American people are now aoiioui to give
7 weekly their time to home and boeineas intereata. To meet thia oomlilion
politic will bare far leaa space aod promiceooe, until another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for the principles for
which THE TRIBUNE bas labored from its inception to the present
day, and won its greateat victories.
Every possible effort will be put forth, and money freely soent.
Try us with 123 and e what to male TUE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
we can do. Absolutely no
risk. WnU lor particular, to Nnf.nn! P.. 1 NAU,rn-,nrtH
HamuMtl. P.rHah, i.rhM of polica Ooaranta. Ilroker.g. Co. Offlee.. 213 .vMv.VtiMi . J I V O JU I 9
and o. of th. lc.t kuo-n cit.g.nt ot " ""'U'D-. ' inteiesting. instroctivA entertaininc and inJwDenaable to earh memU,
With our plan ot investment;
yon Cannot Iom. Two men
mad tQOn and tOoO Isel month
nnf.'B. Yon ran do likswine.
If you don't to veal, and keep
your money In your pocket.
Too will be poor all your life.
Wat of Mat farrlafe.
(lovernor Lord's political degenera
tion ilali-e from Ihe litnof hi sffllladoa
with Hitaon. Tbe appointment if Henry
M.Hlien a eireuil ju.lg fr Multnomab
enunly wa Ihe tirat tiibllrp. Nine
tliell the dr(Vlil baa lxrO rapid. II
baa bo popular (olloweg, aod be ba
deerl. Hi only pollliOal friec l wboU
be rould ItuaL
lrd's debanrbmenl t lb alale's
eduealiual Iniliiulion c'i never be
forgiven. It was la spile of him ttial
Ihe Agrleultural (S'lUg ba eep.t,
Lilly ws Iblae.led t 'f the College, t ut
S ttj rtly of l! fegenl wars opHid lo
bias and be fote-l apo ib atl
ttnivereily. Ld n4 eveey paihl
iffjrl ! rUl al.IUr.be! Mill saelled
of politwe anJ lb guveroov fall,.
Kaeelne V ntkey, el Palk SAwaty, ba
Wmn ai I lr hi diH0 lo H.m u laal
lliler. tit feeeully giv) a p'i"
feaauratiip at aluumoulb. la all this
Ktiialoa U JueaUocal luatiUtktta,
Home men fail lo appreciate lb value
ot ilvertlalug, because they do not nn
deraland tbe l-nocllile that underlie
II. Tbeir experience miy ba been
niifavorabl tlirougli Ibeir igoorai'ff of
Iheatt. HuaineM men who put a eard
ia the neaet.apef, and leave it tbr I'otllabd. died ot pareei al Ht. Vinoenl's
week after wek and mnnlb after Bxuilb biMpilal Monday afternoon, after an lll-
lllioul giving It tnrlber al'enlion, do new of Ibrea week. Mr. I'arriah. al
mt resp Ihe benefit ll.ey would if they iboagb siek fur sum time, bad been
ban.ll It wilb lb m ear Ibey or- eon fined to hi bom but a week, lie
iliuarily give Ibeir bow window. A I wm taken la lb boepilal nn Monday
snoowful tuereliaut Joea not fill up bis morning, it being lb pnrpoea of his
a at a la . - a.
display window witu gHk nn4 lenr pnysician Kt remove ny aa operauoa A anod blrvrle. cnitabla for either ladi
I hem without a ehang wtk after week Ib fatal preMura oa bl brain, it be tin- of aTatttai(te. la fin repair, new poo-
Com l lb 0glt offie
decent lot ot eoveli
Government envelop look
beaidew yon cannot gel your bnin
card prlnUd tbereoa. If
r "ir We lornlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. weeklu
k cheap, and Tnlhnnn" aha !n,n (nn o ff
1IIUUII0 U1I0 JCdl lUI Of).UU.
i all Ordars to
and month aflef m nlh.nJ yet wme.
Ilii.e find blas advertisers wl.. do
thai with Ilia pe Ihey oe. up; lu lb
newspaper Newafapeflom.
K. 11. Wlle, about "0 rt old. who
was lb oldest printer ia Oregon,
dropped dead at Melees Toeeday. Th
printer were U plav the bather a
ga ct baat.all. WslU f aula I a
print'' lowel a a b f r lb
priaUi ia I be parade. tl tait4 Iroai
tbe beat tad r ragaiaad octerlon
l-roTrd euffifleoily to wilbatanj II. tit
began to sink Immediately after reach
teg the boepilal, and shortly after 1
o'clock paaaed quietly awy.
What i Uop (KildT Heal
ear lb He ad. elaewbere.
br r
Call np No. S wboa yon weal aa ad.
! lb Osteite.
SIMM, 14 b In ewf taniry
mr4rim tift a4 e
banliM' gi-p Tkf a
a!M( ik
mails lire, for sal ebeap al Gilliam A
N01 II t.
Nt WarraaU will be rtTlved for
latea after Joly 1877.
F- L. Matwx-k.
Hber iff Morn.w On., Of.
ft.) 6,
au a.aa
SaaktM Araaca) Salve.
Tb Beet Halv In In world for Cats,
Braaaaa, Horwa, riser, tall Rbwaaa,
Fvw 8.rea, Tettaw, CbaprJ Hand.
CblJblalaa. Cofw. and all ftkta Ian
tlon. an 1 pnelttvely rwrwa l1U of
; pav rinrr.L It I gqaranlrexl lo five
rrleei eiifaeliua or one rwfaniUd.
I'nrw33 eent ( bI. for by
i Co user t Brock.
Do You Waint .i Rig ?
Don't You V.nnt a Place to
Put up Your Team ?
Are You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
AH these can be procured at Thompson Binos, Lower Main Street
Heppner, Oregon. '
Taaaa tCau ae wall arqnalnfcad 0nV ttamar. Cea OlMUax aaj aaaae aaaatio
aM aaa ear axMwy "4 Uaaa la aaaalng th aartwrn alia trata.lng aa. mnwif
tfXrm la latHag alia U Uaaaa.
THoLso7s & inisrisrs.