Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 16, 1897, Image 1

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With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 562
Tuesdays and Fridays
. BY
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At 19.50 par year, 11.25 for nix months, 75 Ota.
:or three moncna, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
T'HIB PAPER is kept on file at E. G. Dake'
L Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchants
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
racts for advertising can be made for it.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Eobo, Pendleton, Baker
City, Elgin and Huntington.
A Thumbscrew Torture to the BIQQEST NERVE is
St. Jacobs Oil
It turns back the screw. - It unwind, the twtrt IT SOOTHES.-IT CURES. X
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily exoept
onnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. ni
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a. m
Spokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and u ma' ma v:io p. m.
? Three I
FIRST-Go via. St Paal be-
Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives CftUS6 the lines to that point Will
at Umatilla 5 05 a m. and Heppn r Juuctun 6:10 I , ,, , , r .
anoru you me very oeei service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en-
a. m. and ar-ives at rortland 11:1ft a. m.
Fast Mffil No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar-
rives at Heppner J motion 8:30 a. m. and at
Umatilla 1:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 D. m. and
arrives at eppner Junction 1:47 .. m. and at
Portland 7 :SC a.m.
For further information irquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent 0. 114 N., Heppner, Ore.
A New Life of 6 rant by Hamlin Garland.' The first authoritative ana adequate Life ol
. Urant ever published. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in Kay.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
var nf the civil War nrm-tli-ftll v a member of Lincoln's uuDinec. ana is proosDiy peuer
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
' recollections and correspondence.
DArtrlt nf Amit Amerlr.an. Manv nf them nnmihlltihed. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
MAKltKS ur the u in ion iroin waanington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. ' Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and Ingenuity wnlch nave, in the "Sherlock, uoimes stones, given mm
a place beside roe and Uaborlau,
IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
or two contributions to another publication wnicn were engagea irom nun jong ago, win
teriDg tue Union Uepot tnere, ana JOEL, CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
its service is first-class in every
rninj u... .... nm.i.1.
P.osident. .William McKinley particular.
V cn-PraAldent Garret. A. Hoharr. I
Secretary of State .John Sherman THIRD For information, Call
oworeiaryof Treasnry Lyman J. (lags . . , . , . , ' .,
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss On V OUT neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent-and ask for a
Postmaster-General ...James Gary ticket reading via. the WisCODBin
axborner-ureusrni joBepn wicrienoa i , . ,. , -
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson Central 111)68, OT address
State of Oregon.
Heoretaryoi State.,
..A. O.
...W. P. Lord
H. R. Kinoaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Snpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. ldleman
' Q. W. McBride
Benators j, h. Mitchell
I Binger Hermann
U)iwrwuju 1W.R, Kllie
Printer W. H. Leeds
( R. S. Bean,
Innrama JnrlirM i F. A. MKre.
( C. E. Wolverton
81xth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen A.
rrotwoiit.ing Attorney n
Morrow Count; Officials.
Joint Senator A, W
Conoty Judge....
' Oommiftflionen
J. W. Beckett,
" Clerk .V'.
. " Sheriff
" Treasurer
rtn r..nr .
School Bap't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner Vauglian
nvevam towh nmatBfl.
Miyor - ;Thos. Morgan
r...,mrillnaii Geo. Conner, frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor. K. J. Slocum, M
:nkt...(l.al an.l 1 H MimonN.
u W. A. Richardson
Tnunnl I W, Brings
M.k.i A. A. Roberts
Precinct OfBoere.
..:.. h. p.n- .....W. K. Kichanlson
Con.ubla. N- B.Wbetstous
United States Land Officer.
J. 9. Moore Register
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. Pas. Agt.,
Milwaukee, wis.
or Geo. S. Battv.
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
While you atxp yonr subscription paid np yen I
can keep your brand In free of oharge.
Bora. P. O.. Heppner. Or. Horses. P B on left
shoulder; oattle, same on lelt nip.
Rabbit" and the"Little Mr. Thlmblefluger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLTNG. BeBtdes "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCldrs's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazink a series of short stories in which the tame
cnaracters win appear, aitnougn eacn win oe complete in iiseii.
Anthony Hop Bret Harto Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton . Stanley Weyman Clark Russall
will all have stories id McClubk's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McCluri's Maqazini for
18'jv, tne subscription priee 01 wnicn is oniy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November, Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Won of a Dutch Phyalclnn Who Dalit
b. " Hygienic House."
What is called a "hygienic house" has
just been built by a Dutch physician
and illustrates rather forcibly the pos
sibility of preventive measures being
worse to undergo than several mala
dies, says the New York Times. The
walls of this extremely modern and
scientific dwelling are made of parallel
plates of ground glass several inches
apart, with a concentrated solution of
alum or salts of soda between them.
These plates are fixed in metal frames,
by which they are built together. The
roof is not translucent and is made of
materials which are impervious to heat,
thus keeping out the sunshine and hold
ing in the warmth of the rooms. The
house is entered by an underground
door, to which a stair leads. The air
also enters underground and passes
through a microbe filter of cotton, wool
and glycerine. It circulates through
the rooms by means of prutings and
escapes under the roof. The house is
heated by the sun, except whn a stove
is found to be necessary. The salt solu
tions between the panes absorb the
heat by day and give it forth by night.
In summer the air is cooled by its pas
sage underground and tempers the
tropical warmth of the climate. The
illumination inside is diffused from all
parts of the walls, but there are no win
dows out of which the inhabitants can
look, and it is difficult to see how they
will be able to endure, life in a placo
so horribly wliolesome and dull.
Chamberlain's Colte, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy la the Best.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in case of pain -in tbe stomach,
oolic and cholera morbuB.
2. Beoaaee it is the only remedy that
never fails in the moat severe cases of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy that
will core cbronio diarrhoea.
4. Because it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious colio.
5. Beoause it is the only remedy that
will oure epidemioal dysentery. "
6. , Beoause it is tbe only remedy that
can always be depended upon in oases
of oholera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt and
most reliable medioine !d use for bowel
: 8. Because it prodnoes no bad
9. Beoause it is pleasant and safe to
10. Because it bae saved tbe lives of
more people than any other medioine in
the world.
The 25 and 60c sizes for sale by Con
ger & Brook.
Absolutely Pure
, Lowell
, J. Bean
' n
j. N. Brown
J.U. Howard
....J. W. Morrow
...E. L. Matlock
... Frank Gilliam
A. C. Petteys
J. W, Ilornor
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, Won rightshonl
orop off left and split in riant.
A. & Biggs.
B.T. Wilson.
J.H. Bobbins..
. Raomvar 1
Q. A. B.
Hvti at Laiinrton. Or., tha Uat Saturday of
srh month. All t starans are uviiaa m pnn.
11 w Mmith. C. G. FouOA.
AdioUnt. . i . CouunaaiUr.
Donalaaa. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Den
right side, swailow-tork in each ear; horses, B D I
on left hip.
Elv. Bros. Donalas. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole I
in ngnl ear.
Florence. L. A.. Heppner. Or. Cattle, LF on I
right hip: horses. F with bar Tinder on riant
Jonas. Harrr. HeDoner. Or Horses branded
H J on the left shonlder: cattle branded J on
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Range in I
Morrow oonnty.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horaaa. nirclsT on
left stifle: oattle. sama on riant hlo. under hall
mop in nnt ann spin .n len ear
Kan nr. Hike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hi d oattle same and crop off left
sari under slops on the right
Laahe. J. W. Hennner Or. Horses branded
L and A on lelt shoulder: cettls same on left
hip, wattle over right sys, three slits in right
Minor. Oscar. Meppner Or. t attle. M D on I
right hip; horse. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, H. N., Heppner. Or. Horses, M )
on len snoainei oauie same on len nip.
Oahnm. J. W.. Douglas. Or.i horses O on let
shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Parknr A Glsason. Hardman.Or. Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Pioer. J. H.. Lsxlnctoo. tr. Horses. JK 000.
Darted ou left shoulder; oattle, Sanson lef hip. I
ondsr bit In son ear.
Hector. J. W.. tiappoer, ur. Morses, 01
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
nm. K . O. Harmnar. Or. Cattle f Cm
left hip, crop off right and anderbit in left year, I
dewlap; bones w ton Ian snoniosr.
Thompson. J. A., Heppner, Ur. Morsaa, I or I
laft ahnalaer: natda. 1 oa left shoulder.
Turner R. W- Hnoonsr. Or. H mall oapltal 7
tsft shoulder, boraasi sattis earns on left hit I
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW 10 Get It (TC A A ;
For J) J.UU
. i a a a lil a sbonldar, noraaai ss
Dr.' P. B. McSwords, .
..... : ..... I qnartar cirvls JW
Offloe in tb
City Hotel.
City Drag Store,
Galloway, Or.l horses I
anansr cirvls JW on right shoulder; rattle I
quarter circle i w on rig ni nip sua ngnisira.
rmp snd hols in left sar. Bangs in Morrow ana
Umatilla eonnuee.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, Is full of the best things
Its Illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill.
Buch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription pries of Leslie's Is M pe nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
(lit, and wll' be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Orecon.
Beeeatrlo Count Dornberjr Leaves It
1B,(MM),000 Marks.
By the recent death of Count Ernest
Von Dornberg the town of Regensburg,
in Bavaria, comes into an unexpected
legacy of 15,000,000 marks. The author
of this benefaction wa the last of one
branch of the Ilornberg family, which
holds great estates in Austria, 1'russia
and Baden. In his younger days he cut
a brilliant figure at the court of Vienna,
and as captain of hussars distinguished
himself highly on the field of Magenta,
lie then took up horticulture with ex
travagant ardor, his park and gardens
in the environs of Kcgensburg eclipsing
Ihe gardens of Schonbrunn. Suddenly,
for reasons unknown, he dropped all
interest in his favorite pursuit and with
drew altogether from human society.
Ilia castle was allowed to go to rack
and ruin, his conservatories fell to
pieces from, neglect and biB coRtly
plant moldered away. Every morn
ing the solitary gardener retained for
.dispensable work used to se a bent
figure with hnpgnrd features Issue from
aide door and wander over the forlorn
omain. Rome months ago his former
self revived for a moment. He bought
quantity of young trees for pluiit-
nff, end as he walked up and down tlu
rows of saplings he broke silence for
once to his solitary attendant, explaini
ng: "God be with you! lie then re
turned to the house .where he was found
few hour 3 later dead from heart dis
Arlington Beoord: John , McGratb,
the balloonist who jumped from the barn
was not killed, jast shaken op a little
He will soon be oat sod no doubt en
gaged in some other dangerous pastime.
After all a balloonist must be possessed
of a daredevil onurage akin to being fool
hardy, else be would never expose him
self to tbe dangers attending his aerial
Don't neglect s couth because tbe
weather is plessnot; before tbe nex
storm rolls around it may develop into
s serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Oongh Oure is essy to take and
will do what its name implies. For Bale
by Conser k Brock.
Electric Bitters. -Eleotrio
Bitters is a medicine suiter!
for any season, bnt perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeling prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish and the need of a tonio and
alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
medioine baa often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers, No medioine
will aofc more sorely in counteracting
and freeing the system from tbe malarial
poison. Headaobe, Indigestion, Consti
pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotric Bit
ters. 50o. and per bottle at Conser
& Brook's drug Btore.
A Portland paper says the horseflesh
oannery at Liinnton will resume opera
tions as soon as tbe water subsides
snffloiently, some of the maobinery now
being submerged. Three thousand nioe,
young, juioy horses have been purobased
in Eastern Oregon at prices ranging
from $2 20 to $3.00 per head.
D.J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boors, S to 10 e. m., and 12 to
1 n m . al residence. Mrs. U. Welch's
property, sod 10 to 12, a. m , to 3 to 6
p. m , at offloe lo the rear of Borg'i
jewelry store.
Haiionai lit ol 'imn.
rrsaUeak Casals.
VOTtrE is
hool warrants of arhoot Pl.t.
So. t. Morrow county. Oregon, will be paid al
theofltraof the clerk as lollows: From Nos.
71.3 to s47. interest ceases alter date nf this
not Ics. J.J. KtiittKm,
Clerk nisi. No. l. Morrow county, tir.
Dated, Haulier, OrH July 10, Iw7. M-Al
Made oo Favorable Terms.
First National Bank
of HF.rrsEir-
T. A. RMl.
CCO. W. CONtc),
. President
Vie President
Ass'l Cashier
1 j Jons mi. Iiw7. Nut lea Is harrliT slv.n thsl
the following. nsmed setllar has filed onllrs ol
his Intention to mass final proof In support ol I
bis claim, anil that aal.l proof will ns mans
before J. w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on Ausust la, imi, vis:
fid R ho. U, for the IWIa, Sec. , Tp. I i.. I
He names the Mlnwlst witnesses to prove
his continuous resilience upon and cultivation
ol. said uuid.vls:
I'harles Anderson, of Elf hi Mile, Oregon,
Jobs K. Peterson. Frank A. Lusnell and A a. I
drsw M. I'vtterson, all of tooael-rry. tireson.
JAS. F. M'mikk,
V at Keg later.
a now is ine urns w get ins weeny
I IIC MONTHLY 0re0Dlani lha Ertest newspaper of
ine wesi. who tneustPiie, doiu sirict
ly in advance, one year, 3.60. No better
oomliloation of neespsprrs can be mads
la tbe state.
Pusllshsd Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tnavli i Gfsenf Buli&g Imm.
sll rets el the world
Bought and Sold.
(oi turns Bsbe all etnw oa
raKibla Tarsae,
a,,rpls an4 aa4ll-M Froit. 141.000 OO.
Vofcr? of Intention.
t June s. 17. Kotl.a Is keretif siren
Dial the billowing named "tiler has flle1 n, it Ire
rH his latantma In make final pro"! In support
ol hlarlalm. and that aaM pr.f will hm n.a.l.
belirtej. w, Mnrmw.cnnnfy t terk.al ll'I'poer,
Ofrgan, oe A us net IS, Im;, vis .
114 I Hv S4tt, far the WV see. 4, Tp. I A,
H. U R. W. M.
Henawes the lt! tewing witnesses peiws
Ma nuitlnieHts fllts upon au4 culUfsUoa
Of, sall Isb4. ls
(l.arioe Anoeraon, ef Fight Mils. Oregnn,
John K I'elarw.n, Frank A. lin.UII aa4 Juhs
JuhnsuB. sil ut tMeherry. -n.
JAa r. p'ma
Vt Regietef.
Tbe Oaielle does pot ( tbe
koeestr t4ftf iwreoe. but H le
tt-l ia laauri one tbe sasb Is eJvseee
otaeel SBbeerttrUoe, wbettur the
sertber be OfBsllue VaeJeibUt of tbe
snee. wftO seree bis tee4 by boeest V1L
We eesvyl roe the fepef oe ftey othef
tl... "
Tbe recnlerstibeeripitoo prme of lb
Baoit- Weekly Osteite ta 12 60 sod tbe
tt nlar prife ol tbe Weekly Orrol foivoiree
Ull.W. Aeyooe eoWfiblsf fr tw
Oaietle end tjtt Ut ene r It
edvsor ceo ge Uitb the Oaselle e4
Weekly Oregoelae for ll.&X Ail ol J mV.
ambers beylef their nUritithm foi
oee year lee.lv eeiM will he snltll-1 fa
h aema
Tbs Ootlook will be la 1807, as it bss
bean during each of lie leeoty eeveo
years, llistory of Oor Owa Times. lo
lie various editorial departments Tbe
Ootlook gives oompaot review of tbs
world's progress; il follows wilb ears
II ibe Important pbilaotbropio sod lo
dostrial movemeote of the day; bae I
complete department of religlnos oews
devotes mocb space to tbe iulerests of
Ibe borne; reviews eorreet liteialore;
fa re la lies cheerful tsble-talk sbout men
sod things: sad, to short, aims to give
fresh Islormalloe, ortgioel obsorvetioB,
sod reasooable etiUrtalnmeot.
Beginning tn tlx Ofy Biflb volume,
tbe paper will sesame tbe regular mage
tine sis, which will add f really to its
end allrartlveoeae. Tot
OulhxkU published every Halarday
fifty teo teenae a year. Tbe first tesae
lo eeitb moolh is so tllustreted Msgesiae
Nember, aoataiBieg sbontlelreM mssy
pages ae Ibe nrdioery teenee, tngether
etlb a Urge fin tuber of ptctaiwe.
Tbe pries of Tbe OulUn k m lures
dollar a year la edvaoee, or lees Ibas a
reot day
Heed fr epeHmea e py seJ it!otrat
Few rralite that rsch squirrel det
trove 11.50 worlb of grain annually
Wakelee'e Squirrel and Onpber Eiter
mlualnr is tbe most effective and eoo
aomlca'i poison known. Prioe redooed
to SO orals. Cooeer k Broek aad Minor
k Co.. a ifei) la. Heppner; J. A. Woolery
agent, lone; Niobolt k Leaob, sgenls
Tbe passengers on a Chester trolley
oar were very mnob amused recently
by a conversation between two oolored
men, one of whom was a ilesooo in a
down-town ohurcb. He introduoed tbe
subject of a oew tenoe around a grave
yard, and asked bis oompaoion, who bad
more worldly inclinations, for a contri
bution for that purpose. His rsply was:
"What yo' want a fenoe 'round dat
graveyard fo'? Live pussont duan' want
to git in, and I'm doggone sure de dead
ones ain't a-gwine to try an git out. I
aiu't got oo money foh graveyard
fences." And Hie argument was olinobed
right there. Philadelphia Beoord.
Eternal Vigilance
Is tbe price of perfeot health. Watoh
oarefully the first symtoms of impure
blood. Core boils, pimples, humors and
eoofala by taking Hood's Sarsaparills.'
Drive away the pains and aches ot
rbeomatlsm, malaria and stomaoh trou
bles, steady your nerves and overcome
that tired feeling by taking the same
great medioine.
Hood's Pills are tbe best family cathar
tic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable,
J. H. ttellenbrook, tbe Lone Bock
stage man, brings in word that some
party in Lone Rook had bis band badly
injured reoently by tbe explosion of a
sliotguo shell wbiob he wss loading.
Emits a Dnaallnst I.lstht That t'aa Be
Seen Two Miles.
The native of Natal, South Africa,
have an implicit faith In the exiHtence
of the lnni snake, which they call
"umnlnpl." This reptile is supixised to
frrmicnt wnnis or lakcn uil in of a
size, so vast that on an 04'rin w hi-n
one or the specie was attacked ami
killed by a Iloer hunting" party Its
cart'oss filled a- couple of wap;onfl. ' In
fact, the imm!np;i'B proportiona are al-
moat unlimited. Tlio lirht eniitttvl by
this moiiHtiT U brlifht and (lnlin in
the extreiup, and can be easily tlia-
cerntvl from a distance of a eiiiile
of miles or more. Naturally thla radi
an ne U risilile. by night only. Many nil
live rail the lamp snake Ivimliela, but
anually this tin tne la applied lo a mt
pent vthoae. dwelling le In the -a, nil
whose rweni, though great ami mrtr
velous, are not displaced In river or
fraiiR-ht with mriKie lijrht. A unlive
say lie has often seen Ihr lampsftake In
the pools of llin I'mvoli river, where It
paksea ttiroiit'li thorn country. He says
It is not uncommon anil In color la very
pale, almost w bite, with brow n Hitrhrt
alKitit II; it la rnther a Urge aniike.
On a dnrk tilirht It "mnkef." a llirht In
the pHil, which alilnea so briihtly tluil
when one first awe It one's crs blink.
W. B. Johnttm, Newark, 0., says "One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only ohild
from dying by oroup.'' It has saved
thousands of others suffering from oroup
poeumonia, bronchitis and other serious
throat and long troubles. For sale by
Conser k Brook.
"Africans," writes a missionary, "have
some very striking expressions, showing
that they are full of poetical Ideas. Tbe
Moongues oall thunder 'the sky's goo,'
aid tbe morning is with them 'tbs day's
ohild.' The Zulus call tbe liligbt 'tha
eye-lasbes ot tbe tun.' Ao Atrioan wbo
osme to America wss shown some ice,
wbioh be bad not seen before, and be
oalled it 'water fast asleep.' "
Tha crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cros of Christ goes down;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town,
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cube's plsrclng cry;
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Hpsrry's "Mnwood Rye."
For sale at Hie Belvedere sslooo, E.
. Bperry, proprietor. tf
'Last summer one ot onr grand-
ohildren was siok with a severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. G. Gregory, of
Frederiokstown, Mo. "Our dootor's
remedy bad failed, then we tried Cham
berlain's Colio, Cholera und Diarrhoea
Remedy, wbiob gave very speedy relief."
For ssle by Conser k Brook.
Tbe British Columbia Developing as
sociation, one of the wealthiest oorpora- -
Hons In tbe West, has arrangement for
constructing 20 miles ot railway la Cen
tral Alaska, for patting la a big saw mill
snd for tbs establishment of a towa site
at Sbsgaway Bay, Alaska.
811 EM Ft' S SALE.
1 V snd virtue of sn eieeutloa laaued nut
nf the Irriilt t'oiirt nf tha Mate of lr-n lor
l)i I utility of Morrow snd lo tns dirarled Slid
delivered, upon a judgment remlerrd and en
Urd la said court on tha IMh day of May, i7,
In laor of I- Foldman snd W. II h I'ola,
plaintiffs, and agelnat W. I. hallos, defendant
f the snifs of One Hundred, 1 weiity i s and
a? Im IMIer In I". a (old ruin with Interest
thereon In like gold eln at tha rale of gutit
r rent per annum from the I Ui oay of Al.ru,
fl. snd the further sum nf KlshlMi iNillars
pfMissnd rilatoiraemenis In shl h lu lsinent It
I ordered t,y tha rourt that the proMily
allarhad In said srthrii snd hereinafter de.
srrli-d, lt wll iith half nf Ihe a.ih Mat
Owner of (wtlon tt and the norm ra.iu.iar
ler of s-rthiB l and Ihe anutb Mall uf tha
ai"th Weal Quarter of Krrtlnn tw snd the eleal
Half of II. a noiih Feat Quarter of nerlloa ri.
and Ihetbmih Mail of Ihe uih'eet Warier
of Keetlns 41, all la lownahlii nns (I; south
ran, '7 aaet Wlllametla meridlaa, Motrnw
enunty, Oreon. lei i)d In sail. if said judg
reant. imwis sni iwriuiii ria. a w,u,
Nsturdar tha Slat day of July, aw7, st
rnk m of said daf si lbs front Am
uf Ilia rourt bo.ia In lleffner. Vlorrne
eounlr. OreatHi, sell sll Ihe right, litis snd
I n Ureal nf ma said . I. kallna la and In tha
at-.. ileat rid prot-erty al eunlle sim lion In
In las highest snd heal l.lddet !- rsah la hand
lh p eaeewla la he applied Ui the saiialar tine
S Id laeuUa Snd sil Slid e.art. thai Ma
sraroe. K. U MsIUm K,
SheetrTof sjnrro ewinly, tlir,.t
fiaied June n.
What kt l!E tiaUT Crtt W
fcrtt). 8e,1, 'Mit'i
Wstl. TVmipeoa raoe sIms beteses
Usppeer aad Mooaeeeat, arrtvief every
day einept Mnday aed leavte every
day eieepl un Isy, Hrfirteal an ebesp
1 eet mete to tbe taUrmr, J. tum, I e0 prospectus to 1 be Outlook, 11 Astor
' ajef , f I riarw, S T "r
Low Tiller!, proprietor of "The Wei-
talnoa see eeoved lalo ibe City
hotel boll line fin Mile Street, where be
will be please , fo greet bis fries ts with
the rlKitrret bree-Js of litjmrf end
fl'. If
Mel a-..... ....... IUBBI.
"That youner ifcicUir makes an Im
meikse nunilxT f calls on Mra, Oglesby,
Is she very su-k V
So: she le very pretty." IIUla.M
i ia rreea.
Owe lllearaaee.
Nl I'd marry tluit girl if It weren't
for one thing.
Tmn-Wbsvt'a that?
.Ne.1 Kite refused me laet nlfrbt.
rVinrrville Joiirial.
1'iiiler Uie te not only a flir lotiklinr
irirl, but Uien aay ehe baa a fortune In
her own rijrlit. What wonWl you II
you hrwl a wife like that?
Mititer rtiiiiiir. . . journsn.
V.ell Arraaaee.
"Mrw, JrlrStniih retsirnrd oe tntirh
rhenprr nifTre then ab Imrrowed of iia,"
"Well, jnil It In a Jar by liwlf aim
Vend II her wleeo etie eotnes agmlo."
Chicago lleerrrd.
Mesnarh Helreye4 Mlaa.
He eet In tbe smoking ronipaiiment
of the parlor rar romplaeenlly po 111 tig a
erfe-ii. Hla eesy manner and hie rt
lahed laniruuge priM'Iallned dim to te a
limn of the tai.rlil
"flf one 1 It i ii r I am certain." he asilil,
"and llw,l is I bat I uixli ralatid wiMuea
lliirouglily and r'nnpl'-U ly ."
Ilia fellnw paeael.rra Ii -iked at eaeh
iU-r iineeaily bihI maile various eg.
eus lo leave the compartment.
Two keepers lnlel tbe irsln at the
nest sialimi sri'l tor.lt ihe eoiitery
sitKrker liil rtialotly, lie IhmI ri'A-d
Rev. Father Briody, of Condon, will
bold services in the Catholic ohorob In
Heppner oo Hunday, July 25-tbe last
Hut-day lo July. 62 2t
Don't thin your blood with sassafras
or poison It with blue-mass; bat aid Na
tnre by nsir-g Dewitt'a Littls Early
Risers, tbe famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach troa
bles. They are purely vegetable. For
ssle by Conser k Broek.
Over Zl.f.'X) Christ aln Endsavorers are
said to bavs beeo lo alteodancs at the
Hso Fraticiaco eooventioo.
Trlter, Halt-lUirum and Icne.
The Intense lUhlnir and smarting, tncl
dtit to theaedtM-aaee. I Instantly allayed
bv ai'tilviiiif CbnmWtalu's Eye and
Hkin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have ben peirmanently enred by tt. It
is tonally efilt tent for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for Sore rjllitiles.
cbappwl bands, ihilblalns, frost blt
and chronic eore ryes. eta. per uoi
lr. fadr's (enilltlori I'ewdert, are
Just what a horse need when In bad I
condition. Tonic, Moon ponner ami
vnrtnlftigei. They are Bt fond bnt
medicine and the beet In nee to pat a
home In prime; condition. Price M
cents per package.
Geo. Armstrong, wbo Is now ruoniog
tbe popular saloon on tbs Matlook cor
ner, bss put in ths Hop Gold draught
beer. Milwaukee and Hop Gold bottle
beer, fine liquors and oigsrs always oo
band. John Durham, assistant mixolo
gist. Call on tbs boys aad gat your
beer by glass or quart. 63-tf
W. 8. Bysrs, ot tba Peodlotoo flour
ing mills, bat oonlrsoted to deliver
15,000 barrels ot flour for tbipmsnt lo
What oss Is there io estiog when food
does yoa oo good in feci, when It dose
yoa more barm tbsn good, for tuoh is
tbs caas if it is not digested.
If yoabsvs a loathing for food there
Is no use of forcing It down, for it will
aot be digested. Yoa mast restore the
digestive organs lo their natural strength
sad ososs tbs food lo be digested, when
an appetite will come, and with it a
relish for food.
Tbe tired, languid feeling will give
place lo vigor and energy; then yoa will
put fl'sb on your bones snd become
strong. Ths Hheker Digestive Cordial
a made by lbs Mount Lc oanoo Hl.akers
contains ford already digested and is a
digester of foods ss well. Its action la
prompt aed its effects permsneol.
Doctors prescribe leaiul because it
baa all the virtues ol Castor Oil and la
Cbaa. Royee passe d through Heppner
MuBilay on bis way lo Dayton, Wash,
frpoi B IbSSUe SsvluPI tlrulDt.- tm s-A., wMiine
v v n , , I af isatasadsiMit, I'i.) si Ir eisoi sy
I, mil, "Z Bm H tt arra Bifsemisw I
end Is the rsesn sf ssMs s4
Sjp4sj3sj)ae SVVsWsTrf m 9ltJejr'SjgtSwi
Il raaj be rsred tf s (ilejunt
feaaedy Whieh IS S.IUt4 Se
eariiy lata the eoatitie. Ka
legMil'air aurba4aglre
Ely's Cream Balm
la uIimWmJ la ha ths swisS Iknenst I
IVaaali stanh. 14 la Head sad llaf Fevef f s,
feied.ea. Il eipen. ai.d tli aiiMS the BaaliS iisSfea,
ears pain S.. I li.S.i..el . in sea. p"e.
sses fne
Geo. Duran leaves this week with bis
attls for Ibe Okaoogao eouotry,
Lone llork stage leaves Heppner at
To'olock, a, m., Taeedays, Thuredsy.
and Halurdsys; arrive at 6 o'look, p.
m. , Mondays, Wedoeedays aed Fridays.
Will make ronDoetlnu with branch train
lien desired. Fare ti, rscb way.
reighl i cent per pound. J. II.
IMIenbrotk, 1'rop. Offloe st Harry
Warrea't drng alore. tf.
, D. A. Ourrsy, formerly ot I'suJlsloo,
bee opened op a 15 oenl barber shop la
Ibe old ataod oo the Msttnek torasr.
Work strictly first eleaa. Call oo him.
Call at Urn Tillar l't for all kinds ot
wst goolt. at bit or w 'f a tht City
bjt.i iai:,i;i.. if