Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 13, 1897, Image 3

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    I'oiUaad Library
On the Neck and Great Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood -Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
When my son was 5 years old he was
In very poor health and we could get
nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7
years he began to complain of soreness on
both sides of his neck and soon lumps be
gan to gather on one side and grew to
half the size of an egg. We then became
more uneasy and began to doctor him for
scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how
ever, until at the age of twelve years we
had lost all hope of his recovery. He be
came so wealt he could sit up but a few
minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's
Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
before we saw he was Improving. He
continued taking it until he was in very
good health. He Is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla for all troubles caused by impure
blood." 8. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
; 'Hood's Barsaparllla is sold by all druggists.
H six (or $5. Get only Hood's.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of nve oents per line will be
charged for "carts of thanks," "resolutions of
respect " lists ol wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit!
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
S. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
el to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
Jane Ellis Arrested at the lnstaaee of Her
Husbaad, Charging, Ber With Adultry.
Yesterday Sheriff Matlock went oat
to the mountain and arrested Mrs. Jane
Ellis, oo complaint of ber husband that
abe bad committed adultery with one,
Bob Beaoh, dow minns quantity, bo
far aa this neighborhood ia concerned.
Tbe witnesses against Mrs. Ellis ere
said to be Nye and his wife who had
one Hayes arrested not long ago,
obarged with an attempt to commit
rape on tbe person of Mrs. Nye.
Mr. Matlock arrived with bia prisoner
last night, too late to catch tbe excur
sion train to Pendleton, on which be
bad contemplated going to bear Mr.
Bryan. Mrs, Ellis is in ouslody of tbe
sheriff. Her examination will occur
Now that tbe great political campaign
ia over and tbe winter season again with
as, ell will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with e number of periodicals end now
offers tbe folio wing to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE IU.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 1.60 $3.50
" 8. t. Examiner, 11.80 8.7S
" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.2S
Webfoot Planter, 60c 8.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Ewing Threshed by Otto Summers With a
Rawhide Rope.
Recently W. H. Ewiug, who lives near
Rhea's Sidiug, on Willow oreek, brought
complaint against Otto Summers, charg
ing him with assault with a lariat. Tbe
examination brought ont tbe fact that
Ewing was a little obnoxious to Bum
mers and tbe latter chased bim about a
mile, striking him at every step with a
rawhide rope. Summers was arrested
and bouud oyer in tbe sum of $300
bonds to appear before tbe next grand
jury at Condon.
During the trial Ewing was discov
ered to have a weapon on bis person for
whioh indiscretion be paid 850 and
How's This!
We offer one hundred dollars reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
P. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We tbe undersigned, have known F.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and be
lieve bim perfectly honorable in all
business transactions and financially
able to carry out any obligation made
by tbeir firm.
West & Trnax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Care is taken inter-
ally, aotingdireotly upon the blood end
muoous surfaoes of tbe system. Pnos
75c. per bottle. Sold by ah Druggists.
Testimonials free
Banday 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sunday school
10 a. m. Claose No. 1 and 2 at 12:10 p. m.
Kpworth League Devotional meeting at T p. m.
Prayer meeting, Thursday, 8 p. m.
'The Spirit and the bri say. Coma,"
The pator may be fonnd at the parBonaxe ad
joining the church, where he will be glad to
meat any w'o may d eire to consult hira on
rohaioas, social, civio, philosophic), educational,
or any other subject.
J. W. FLESHKR, Minister.
Dr. J. W. Hill, of Bishop Soott Acad
emy, was in Heppner over Sunday,
leaving last nlgbt for Pendleton. The
doctor has been at the bead of the aoad-
emy tor twenty years, and its general
prosperity and anocess stand as a fitting
tribute to bis ability as an ednoator and
to bis good business management.
Here and There.
See Marls for sky-blue with trim
mings. 58 tt
Too can't belp but see tbe adv. of
Celery Kola.
- Conser & Brook's for tbs "Never Fail"
headache wafer. If,
For a nobby suit of olotbes go to tbe
New York tailor. C8tf
Milk from single oows for babies at
tbe Shorthorn dairy. 58lf
Any one wanting vehicles will do well
to cell on Minor k Co. 500-61
Heppner Outfitting Co., in tbe old
Her reo stand, see adv. e
Any low shoes in tbe house at oost,
80 dsys'-Mioor k Co. &I10-61
Tom Matbews and Fraok Sloan were
over from Butter Creek Saturday.
Cbaa. Green, tbs veteran woolbuyer,
came ia Saturday from The Dalles.
Cbas. Dobbins end family bave ds
parted for the stale of Washington.
Special sale pocket knives, pipes at
oost, next tbirty days, Orange Froot.
f3 tf
Frank MoKarland end family bavt
Jiioed tbe oampers down at Hood River.
Found-Sear Lena, a quantity of barb wire.
The owner can call on Joe Lursmao, prove
property, pay charges and get same. SO 1
Bomethiog swift in shoe. Don't
overlook us, Mioor 4 Co. We lead.
others follow. 560-61
To errivs for Mioor k Co., one ear of
wagons, bock-boards, becks end bog
glrs-Fiib brand. 600-61.
Beet accommodation end eoorteons
treatment el tbs Imperial HoWl, Seventh
end Week. Bis., Portland, Oregon.
Mioor k Co., bave now se routs 00s
ear of lbs celebrated Fisb Bros.'
wagons. Don't boy nntil Too see tbtm.
i Dr, Jobo W. Rasmoe , of tbs Redliabt,
ha t beer oa draught the Hop
Oold. Beet of Honors end oigsri in
stock. If
A good blcycls, soitabls forsithsr ledy
or gentlemen, In floe repair, new peso
metis tires, tor sale cbeap at Gilliam k
Bwbte'e. tf
Tboee who desire to build sbeold sot
forget Ibat 0. E. lUnons, tbe 000
trertor. ts reedy to sake stioeles el
say lime. !
Crose k Black wall's faory pickles end
sinned goods, redaced price. Orange
Front, epp. City hotel. Cor. Male end
Willow streets. 53-lf
Oe Jell H, 19 sod lbs O.RN
'will sell eieuraioa Ueksls to Sell Lake
ra anJ reiore el e rsie ot
Tickets ripire July 'it.
Owl yoor cMbee tnsde by Ibe Hsw
rofkletlor. Us serrt e fise election
of foreign ted domeatie woolens.
fit yoe sp In tbe leiaet stylee.
P. A. Corral, forexvly el lVedltloe
bas opened barfcaf stop l
tbeoldsusd oa Ibe Wstl
Wot. aticily fliet eleis. Call
vo bim.
fWk needarfce see be sslrsly sad eoo
ptoly ereos by asing tboee faaoos
h.tt. trills keewe ee -Dawilfs LMUe
A True Nerve
Tonic and Blood Purifier
Restores Vitality, Renews Strength, Cleanses and Enriches the Blood,
Regulates the Liver, Bowels and Kidneys.
1, uregon.
tU-Oct IS
Rev. J. H. Miller will leave tomorrow
nigbt for Tbs Dalles where he bas been
oalled to preach. His removal will be
permanent, and Heppner loses an excel
lent oitizen thereby. On tomorrow
evening lie v. Miller will preach bis
farewell sermon in tbe Baptist obnrob.
All should oome out.
Aotelope Herald: Married, at tbe
residence of Mr. and Mrs. E M. Shalt
at this place, on Monday evening. Jnly
Mr. Jobn M. McLennan and Miss
Dolly M. Glisan, Rev. Leeob performing
tbe ceremony. Tbe Herald j iius their
many friends in wishing tbsm a bappy
and prosperons future.
Mr. J, N. Brown has returned to Hills-
See adv. Bishop Scott Academy in
tbis issue.
Miss Emma Botsford is on the siok
list tbis week.
Mrs. J. D. Brown attended tbe En-
deavorers' gathering at 'Frisco.
Uncle Jaok Morrow has returned from
MoDuffie springs, feeling much improved.
It was 100 to 106 in tbe sheds last
Sundsy, and tbe weather is still tropical.
Ed. Smith, of Monmontb, is visiting
bis siBter, Mrs. 'Gene Noble, and bus-
J. J. Peterson,' representing Bal
four. Gotbrie & Co., came up from
Arlington yesterday aod will leave to
nigbt for Pendleton.
Clay Folsom is over from Lone Rock,
having disposed of bis photographing
W. E. Brook and family returned
from Parker's mill where they had been
oamping since the 4th.
Geo. Armstrong end family bave
moved into Ibe Dodson property, oppo
site tbe National Bank ba ilding.
Married On Jane 30tb, on Eigbt
Mile, Moses Ashbaagh end Mies Mary
Jones, daughter of J. H. Jones, Judge
0. E. Jooes performing the ceremony.
Tbe Gazette extends congratulations,
Wm- Barrett writes his partner, R. F.
Hynd, that he was within four boars
sail of Qaeenstown, end we woald infer
to say that he is now enjoying tbe
luxuries of his old Chester home, baok
in England.
Who will get it?
Tx(le That Won.
The Doctor Here's the bill for your
husband's treatment. I'll be glad to al
low you 20 per cent, off for cash.
The Widow But you said that you
would not charge anything1 if you didn't
relieve him!
"So I did. Have you heard him com
plain lately?" Cleveland Leader.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is f because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing vord ?
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 31st.
One word allowed for every yellow ticket.
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
Hoping for tbe Best.
She You know, dear, we won't gt
any of father's money while be lives.
He I know, but he a going to reside
with us snd you're jrolng to do tbe cooli
ng. Let's hope for tbe best Cleve
land World.
en Other Marata.
"We have luul a dkpwte," said tea
board ing-lkouee proprietor, ae Slrapely
took tils seat et the break font table.
"Indeed," said Streiiely, corralling
the butter.
hind In your board, and Mr. Bean says
you're ahead. Will you settle ItT
Not this morning, replied Strapely,
Yonkers Statesman.
It's DISTereet Tka.
"They eey," he eaid, "that talk W
"I vs heard such statements marie.
"Hut I venture to eey," end the
spmker grew very eerneet, "Uiat Mi
nien who man it never bed bed occa
sion to eoneuit e lawyer pro fesakro al
They were ell egrced upon tbe prop
oafUon. Chicago I'aeU
It Wit siue.
"By the way," aeked tbe former resi
dent of the villa?, "did Jonn end
Pmitb ever rrt that iliapute settled as
to which one o ned that atI p of land T
"O, yea; that was settled some time
"And who got Itr
"I forget the lawyer's name." I'p-toilets.
Fatar Wilt Rriti Defeat.
"I"! Is JrttW, you know," ah
said, petulantly, "and be tells me that
the eng-agrmsut ring you gec toe Is
"I presume eo, for t bouglrt It at his
store. Hut you esn depend on ma to
get en In time, darlMieT." Detroit
rree I'reaa.
. MMMMir (after havliig been ab
sorbed for bourt In a rile of rare, mscu
scrlj ui-Lst toe ee. 1 wm poire to 0
sor.tlhiDr "blt the deura wsa I go
log to do, eaywsyT (After thinking
beif aa hour ) Ok, yea, now I rrem
ber. 1 wanted to go to bad. Illejretids
Tealaa- teer.
Mre. Brown-l you k vr tUt Mr
etajent fs gnbf (aui the miaittfr?
Mrs Ormrm No. You s OT-rWe txe.
I thought tw w(i oinc to 14 aaaitnr
It M uitinc kox:e. Ue metier W4J
me be was rotr take otdere, you
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
I June 15 and the end of the contest August 3 lit.
fvf f I7 Cfgtef i kno.--I Tr,.r:jit,
. ? j
Cut this out.
for two weeks.
won't see it again
SHorrnRs, etc. 4
la fsflt, say person, or persons, residing wit bin
lbs elty limits, or county limits, a bo shall be
sngbl riding, or wslilog, by lbs slors of
Wilboal slopping si lb aUive meolionsd store
III be notified by lb City Marshal ibat tbe
only plaee la Ileppnsr yoa eeo boy
fs l Ibe Rtnre of MINOR A OO. Oar entire
Hoe meat go to aks room fur fall stool. ....... ,
The Anaconda Kacci and a Number of Other
Tbe oow ordinance is being enforced,
to all intents and purposes, at least.
Oows are kept op at nights and once
more shrubbery bas a ohanoe to grow.
A oow is a goodtbtng if properly taken
oare of. Some of tbe beasts in Heppner
have eaten enough green timber daring
the past two years to be gi.ing shoe
pegs instead of milk. Tbeee are oattle
Ibat are well oared for by tbe neigh
bors. The Bryan delegation to Pendleton
last night was large and enthusiastic.
Boy Willie draws better than Walter L.
Main's cirons.
Did yoa ever ootioe that tbe big,
thirsty man these hot days takes s
schooner of beer to qoenob his thirst,
and pots in a little salt to create a tbirsl
for another one. Queer world, this.
Tbe Anaconda boys, formerly of Hepp
ner, are not getting riob rsoiog tbeir
own stock. Tbe weary sojourners will
return wben tbs leaves begin to fall.
Tbe rsoing at Anaoonda was good on
June 29tb, the 31 day. Ou tbatocoasion
Red 8. took second money in a three
forlongs' dash. Tommy Tucker coming
ont first in 0:35, pretty good lime con
sidering lbs track. Harry N. was third.
Red 8. and Rattler were favorites iu tbe
pools. .
Heppner was silent in the fourth day's
work. Also failed to show rjp on the
On tbe sixth day, July 2, Latab started
in tbe seven furlongs aod look Its
third mouey; Jim Boxeman, fl'eljLeua,
second. Time, 1:84 'i. Latah did well.
tor tbere were tblrtecu horses no tbe
Oo July 8rd, Heppner was silent. It
wss Marcos Daly's races, winning every
running race except Ilia bardie.
Jnly 6b Col. T whs second in e flve-
eifc-hts' desb, Dora Wrod being Aral in
He'i Quicksilver third. On tbe same
da) Red 8 ran second to Tommy Tnck'-r
in 0.3-1 and narry N third.
On Ibe Ctb inst, no lleppoer bnrsrs
started, or at leant if they did, failed In
sel Inside of the money.
OnJnty7tb, I-Don'l Know was s'O
ond lo Bill Howard in a half mile dash,
In tbs time of 0:4!) '4. with Tuiun
Tacker third.
Nous of lh Heppner sports mads au
sppsaranee on tbe 8th insl.
Ou Jnly 9ib Red 8 was third in three
forlongs, won by Leore in 0 :3I ! . wltb
Hsrry N. seonnd.
On tbs 101b iusl., Dots Wood won tl e
four snd a half furlongs In 0 Jl5j 1 Dm'l-
Know, second end May W, third.
Rural Spirit: Tbs Oregon horses
bsve not woo fsme, fortotis or glory in
Montana so far.
A number of yooog people prepared
to hsta a good time lal Friday eight
over at T. A. Rhea's. However, wbeo
il cams lime to partake of refreshment
they were foaod lo be missing. The
lemonade had fathered Into It obloktn
feathers snd ell. All el once remem
bered Ibat Art Mioor was yst 10 lowe.
Vat tbe girls got here el Llm On
evening not long sgo Art was snrprlead
in his lent, w hers be sleeps during Ibe
healed term, with a large backet of in
water. Art is a hard man lo hea l oft
tbongh, end bs esa rest assured Ibat
lb girls er si ill atr him.
rrei a Waalgl Mas.
"I was Ironbled wltb hesdscbe snd
biliousness snd wse very wesk. On
dat I saw teatitnooials from peoplawbo
bad Ipi cared by Hxd's Harsaparllla
and I dei led to Iry It. When I bad
taken Hire hollies the hesderhe end
slomerb trouble bed all disappeared."
Kdesrd Mellasdl, Brookfleld, Washington.
Iluud's llllsar Ibe best eller-dineaf
pills; eastal diitlino, cor beedeohe.
23 oenle.
Afsi Uart reports that Ibe eslirs sale
.( etcoraloB lieket ysetsrdsy oa lb
l.rsteb wunld ludlrele IbslTI fereoos
w.rl lo hear flryso. Q il's a noniber
i f He pner npt wot nvsr, emnng
il.rrelif. ai. I Mrs.MeHeord, Mr. A. A.
It ib r Is ski son, Ctiris U-jfobars. (No.
sad Jake Walls, flsrb Bartholomew,
B-b Witt, snd rnaey etbsrs Ibat be
eoelJ ec. name. The Morrow Siooly
rood leslsdas masy repabliraee
You Don't Expect
6oods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; yoa want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon osn find
what yoa want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
IT. IS. Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now Vie entire world
K noivs this verfect product
As tte Star Brewery brer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Tbia oompaoj carriea dry good groceries,
bard wars, boots and shoes, hats, geota' far
DishiDRS, eta Large ahipment of sew and
second band furniture, which ia being told ra
gardleea of coat They bave also hardware,
wall paper, carpeU, loungoa, springs, mat
tresses, all tbeee at half price. Look for tbe
ign at H men's old stand on May street, oeit
to I'alace botel.
At tbe old stand, bave tbe usual
spring outfit of
lioatdeg tbe thousand odd and ends that are too numerous to mention.
Mel! rr lo first KatlfinaJ kt,s Rulltln.
You can Woger Your Sox that You
ore Always at Home ot ....
Mitor li f. sre li ;ii'erm lW
iltVlftlM, fwei
Os lists Htreet, ta City Ilotst Doildlnf.
FVy fry te plee ell. flee slab roosts la eossectlos.