because the tax will add to the expense of buying and selling stock for speculation, but there are thousands who will regard it a blessing to the country if stock speculation as a business was en tirely broken up. It is a business that produces nothing useful aud adds nothing to the real wealth of the country, while it annually demoralises and drives to the dogs thousands of business men who might continue to be useful citi zens if it were not for stock specu lating. dimmer with you when your ground are surrounded with trees. Horticul ture cannot be carried oo iocoessfolly without bird oaltare. It is true that some years odb mar get fair crops of many things without the aid of our in articulate friends bat this is Dot the general rnle. Eaoh homestead anould be planned to make it a resort for help ful birds. When feeling entirely safe their musio is enough to pay for their keep. Then their singing power is marvelous. In Fossil, the Journal tells as, some fine songsters are making their borne since the shade trees have grown up, and there are hundreds of nests within reach of passers, whioh even the boys do not molest. This summer sev eral mocking birds have added their varied notes to the doily oonoert. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. Mr. N. 13. Scott, the West Vir ginia member of the republican national committee, says he has beeninfoimed that the big strike in the coal mines is part of a demo cratic scheme to carry Ohio. He says the idea of the democratic instigators of the strike is that it will cut off tbe supply of coal and result in at least a partial par alysis of the big manufacturing industries of Ohio. Then they will charge the republican party with the responsibility for that condition of affairs and will make an attempt to hold up Senator Ilanna as an oppressor of labor. Mr. Scott added that he did not believe the scheme would succeed, and that the strikes would do the republicans of Ohio little if any harm. Thobe people who oppose gov ernment ownership of railroads and telegraph lines on the ground that the government has no con stitutional right to become a com petitor of other kinds of trans portation lines, such as steamer and steamboat lines, should be just as energetic in their advocacy of the rights of the printing fra ternity. The government is con stantly doing work that belongs to the printers, and which if were given to the latter would help both the printers and stationers. The government from its peculiar position cau crowd all competition to the wall by giving special rates on stamped envelops and the printers cannot help themselves. The printers should mako them selves heard on this matter. The government hns just us much right to go into the hardware busi uchs, boII merchandise or peddle pills as it has to do private printing. One great long step towards settling tbe financial problem of today would be to change tbe present statute of things and instead of farmer boys coming to town for employment, let there be general stampede to the farm by tbe hearty young bloods of the city. That would start progress in the right direc tion. State Journal. A remarkable law aimed at foreign immigration went into effpct In Penn sylvania July 1st. It imposes a tax of three cents a day on all employed uo naturalized foreigners. Tbe tax is to be collected from tbe wages of this class beginning Jnly Int. Tbe bill will put about $100,000 a year into tbe treasuries of tbe various on unties of the state One-half goes to the school fund on tbe basis of the number of schools, and tb balanoe to the general expenses of tb oonnties. Roseburg Review. A norliGulturaliHt says: When a cu onmber is taken from the yioe let it be cut with a knife, leaving about an eight of an inoh of the cucumber on tbe stem, then slit tbe stem with a knife from its end to the vine leaving a small portion of tbe ououmber on eaoh division, and on eaoh separate slip there will grow a new cucumber as large as tbe first. Try this. COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS. Wednesday, July 7, 187. All members and offioers of tbe oourt preseot on this day. "' The following bills were allowed: J. W. Matlock, 1166.66; Q. W. Wells, 8166. 66; E. L.Matlock, $400; J. W. Shipley, $106.85; A. O. Petteys, $192; Frank Gil liam, $83.33; J. W. Morrow, $400; Austin Yocum, $20; A. G. Bartholomew, $150; J. H. Wylaud, $46; O. H. Hams, $10; E. L. Matlock, $1.05; The Irwin-Hodson Co., $9.50; Gilliam & Bisbee, $57.54; T. R. Howard. $15.85: Glass k Prud- homme, $33.48; Welle 4 Warren, $15.57; J. P. Williams, $22.90; H. L. k W. Oo, $5; Jas. Sever, $12; Conser k Brook, $7; Patterson Pob.Oo., $5.75; John Zil linger, $20; P. B. MoSwords, $119.50; humming birds may be seen, and vari ous other rare members of tbe feathered tribe, sbed sweet musio on the fragrant evening air. A ooaple of bee martins are rearing their young in the Journal door yard and Bro. Stewart "honestly believes that tbe ouildren would rather loso their beads than that nest." Moro ObBerver. El.Y'8 CREAM BALM Is a posltWe cnre. Apply Into the nostrils, it is quickly absorbed. 60 centa at Drneeists or by mnil : samples 10c. by nail. KLY BROTHERS. M Warren Su, New York CitJ. Notice of Intention. Land Orrica at The Dallbs, obeook. June 8, VOnCE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I ft n, 1 fallnvnir-ninwl asttlpr has filed BOHCe of his Intention to make anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. w. Morrow, county cierx, ai nejiwui, Oregon, on July 20th, 1897, vis: W. W. KIRK, Administrator, and for the heirs of Iancy Coffey, deceased, Hd. E. No. 3896, fortlie &V ec. , Tp. l s K as e w M. Be names me lonowing wiinesnes u iiuc his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Barton, Wm. Barton, Edward Duran, and rrank E. Ben, an or nepp- ner. Oregon. jab. r. u, SHERIFF'S SALE. A LITTLE STRONG. The Dalles J. W. Morrow, $20.30; Irwin HodsoD Co., $17.50. Costs in the oase State of Oregon vs. Al Wilkinson were allowed as follows: Tom Morgan $2 40; K. M. Counter, $3. 20; D. 8. Barlow, $2 .80; John Allstott, $2 80; E. B. Stanton, $1 60; Harlan Stan ton, $1.40; Jno. E. Sevenoaks, $1.50; Rosa Sawyer, $1.50; Amelia Sawyer, 81'. 50; Mrs. Mary lnguam, $150; Manuel Sawyer, $1 50; Floy Jones, $1.70; J. H. Inskeep, $1.50; Bob Warren, $1.50; Glaus Johnson, $5; .Mrs. H. E. Warren, $1.50; Wm. Oraddick, $1.50; John Scriv ner, $3.10; W. D. Ingrum. $11.80; C. E. Not the Only Can on tbe Trash Pile." Pendleton, Heppner and Baker City hnve heen attraotintf attention as wool markets this season, but they mnst Jones, $9.75, stand Bside when oomparea with I. he The bill of costs io Dalles. Alrexdv there are in the neign l, .U,.wl nt A OOO Afifl nnnnHa atrtrad hara Ulll m u,u ,...,....,. , . Hi Tl TT r Q llC. T ar.rl the Diicr-s ntevniliuff t present '""w: u. n. jeunms. 90 . a. sre from one to one and one-half cents Hardman, 18 80; J. J. MoGee, $4.30; U. higher here than at any other piece east Qompton, $4.10; Robert Knighton, $3 70; O. N. Deane, $410; J. A. Woolery. $7 90 case, State of were allowed Tbe Prineville Review says tbe post master of that town, Geo. Summers, re ceived bis appointment on orders from Portland. He bad no petition and it was not even known that be was a can didate. The Review says there is gen eral difisatisfnotion about Portland run ning evorj thing, it is more than likely that this appointment was made on tbe recommendation from tbe gentleman from Heppner. Fourth olass poslofnaes sve always been the property of tbe ower bouse member from tbe district which they are looated. Petitions are no valne without tbe necessary pull. Portland Diepatob. It would almost pay Oregon to guar antee Mr. Corbet! an election to the uited Slates senate, if this were neces sary to secure a call for an extra ses sion of tbe leginlstnre. lie oonld at east be guaranteed that be would be seated if elected by the legislature at ucb session, whioh consummation will be never hug to bis bosom under tbe oertiuoate whioh be now holds. Salem Statesman. The Inst dumncialio sfnntor to find out that Senator Chandler is always loaded, was White, of Cali- forma. Mr. Chandler was making a few remarks on the reciprocity ameudmeut to the tariff bill, which was reorted from the finance coramitteo aud adopted by the senate, wheu Mr. White tiied to be "funny" by asking him if he had been comminsioned by the finance committee to occupy the fliHir nntil the next amendment was ready. Quick as a flush, Mr, Chandler responded, Willi an ex asperating smile: "Oh, no! I have been asked meiely to occupy the tloor to lk out for anything that the senator from California may say worthy of notice. At nothing of the kind has occurred, I will continue to confine, my remarks to reciprocity." Mr. White droppei! into his seat aud sought consola tion by putting extra vigor in the movement of a big palm leaf fan while reuator lillman, who iiaa received lit doae of Chandler drop several days before, made no attempt to conceal abroad grin ruon.U'iv no amendment which had been added to the tariff bil by the aenale will give more geu cral ntifaction than that which iin poor a a tax on every crttifteat of tot k and txuid other than those iosued by the government, tuition state or municipal, la addition to raising revenue to a large amount froin a class who will not find it a burden, this atnerdinrn if it remains in the bill nntil it becomea a law, aa it probably wil will drive tbe places, known as "bucket ahopa" out of busineaa. 1cua to fail t pay the tax on each transaction will 1 to ae. knowleJge that they tin not actual ly tell the stock, bat cmrly accept Ms on whether the prlc will go np or down, and to make their propiii'tora auA'Dablo totho laws of gambling; to pay tla tax will bankrupt Ihem. It will proh- nf the Cacoades. A large quantity of wool ohanged bands here yesterday at prices ranging from 10J to 11 onnts, and holders anticipate still higher prices before the season shall close. These high prioes are attributed to two oansps. tbe quality of wool stored here, sfforrling buyers a large range of coon's to select from, and the low freight rates obtninable from this point., lhese ounces will always make The Dalles the bent wool market in Oregon, and will consequently indnoe woolraisers . to bring their product here; and that now en route to The Dalles will amount to onnside'ably more than 8,000000 pounds thot will be handle! this season by the different warehouses which at an aver- acre even of 10 cents a pnnnd will 01s. Robert Wilmot, $8 50; Geo Grier, $8.30; Mr. Van Orsdall, $3.70. Thursday, July 8. Road petition No. ' 146, of ' Andrew Rood, et al,, was aooepted and J. H Allen, J. H. Royse and Jas, Hams ap pointed viewers; J. J. McGee, surveyor, to meet at the place of beginning on July 17, 1897. Miscellaneous bills allowed: J. W. Beokelt, $13; H. E. Warren, $7.05; Rhea- & Mathews, : $11.55; C. C. Sargent, $16.80; H. J. Bean, $57. In the matter of road application No. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and hv virtue of an exerutlnn Issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow and to me directed ana aeuverea. uoon a jnaermenc renaerea ana en terea in said court on the 4th day 01 Mnrcn. invtv in favor of Julia E. Farrel, Plaintiff, and anainBt Samuel I. Oerkinfc, Martha A. Gerklng, his wife, James K. nunamaKerana Maria fc. MinamaKer. his wife, H. T. Anderson and E. D. Rood, De fendants for the sum of Seven Hundred Eighty- Six and 25-100 Dollars with interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 4th day of March, 1897, the further sum of Fifty Dollars atto'ney s lees ana tne sum ot riity two ana su-iuu Dollars costs ana aisDursments. Whereas by said decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real DroDertv to-wit: The 8outh half of the North east quarter, the South twenty-five (25) acres of tne iNortn-west quarter 01 me nortn-casi quar ter of Section 22 Township Sr'outh Range 24 and the West half of the North-west quarter ot Section 13 and the North half of the North-east quarter of section 14, Townsmn e, Houtn Range 25. East W M.. all in Morrow county. Oregon, be sold to satisfy said Judgment, costs and accruing costs. 1 will, on Saturday, The 3ist day of July. 1M)7. at two o'clock p. m., of said day. at the front door 01 tne court nouse in Heppner, Morrow county. Oregon, sell all the right, title and in terest of the said Samuel I. ering, Martha A Gerking, et al., In and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow Countv. Oregon. Dated July 2nd. 1897. 558-67. NOTICE. THE NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER, located at HeDDner. In the state nt Ore gon, is closing up Its anair-. All note noiaers and others, creditors of-said association, are therefore hereby notinea 10 present tne nvust and other claims against the association for paym nt. ED. R. BI8HOP. Cummings & Fall,- PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half Work west of the Union Depot of Q., C. M. & 8t. P., C. A A., P. Ft. W. & C., ana tne ot. u mtmuou.. HATEH 8,00 PKH DA"V Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts.r CSICAOO, XXjXj. Every new subscriber of the Gazette: from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive as a. premium a book 'worth alone thei price of the subscription. tf BISHOP SCOTT ACADEMY. 1870. A Boarding and Day School for Boys Under Military Discipline. Tie 20th year under fe pri m-MAnt mnnaffemAnt. begins Boot. 14. 1897. This institution is thoroughly equipped for the mental, sooi 1, physical and moral training of boys. Thorough preiiarat on for any oollege or scientific school. Grainates at preBent. i- f ale, West Point, Massachu setts Institute of Technology, State Universities of California, Oregon, Pe"nsylvania, Btanfo'd and MoGilL During vacation visitors weloome from 9 lo 12 a. m. For catalogue and other information, address the Principal, J. W. HILL. M. D., Portland, Oregon. P. O. drawer 17. 61-Bept. 18. ' FRANK R06ERS SHERIFF'S SALE. tribute very nearly $1,000,000 in this 145, M. A. Olden, Lntber Huston and vioinity for wool. The Dalles Times Monntaiheer. The Dalles oan seonre better freight rates than most Eastern Oreon towns, because of the "open river," and yet the noisette will venture to say that tbe wools whiob bring snob high prices there will not fall far behind their figures in either Pendleton, Baker City or Hepp ner. Tbe wools that brins tbe best prioes in Tbe Dalles corns from the in tericr, much of it from parte of Grant Ofnnty. Add to the Heppner price of that wool tbe difference in Retting it to The Dalles market and tbe Henpner sales will Qpmpare favorably. Dalles, yon Bre not the only bone in the alley, Wool Notes. The araonnt of wool received so far this season nt the lower warehouse is nH 1 r.fVl nnn. hi1a Tl. Hnnnner A Co. report as their share more than 1,000,- "a 101 ,f. wru ., wo.ry 000 pounds. It is evident that the total Tbe appointment, made by Mayor Nolan aud confirmed by tbe council are generally scocntiible to tbe people of The Dalles. Messrs. Laner and Wiley ave filled tbe dfllnet of mars'ial and liibtwatoh tbe past year very aoospt bly, and their reappointment was but just reccgnition of tbeir faithfulness, od the appointment of Roger Hinuott as not only good selection but r cognition of ability and worth. Mr, Hnnolt was born and raised in Tbe Dalles, and by close application te bis Indies has won an enviable position as one of the rising young attorneys of the oily. His prrdeoeftsor, Mr. l'helps, is so a young man of ability and worth, who lias filled the offlcs of recorder most acceptably the past two years, and though he retires from tb position with many honors, it is lo lm expected that Mr. Hiunott will fill the ptacs equally well. Times-Mountaineer. U'llen, Is of Clackamas, is traveling about lbs stale, delivering lectures oo tbe Initiative and referrndam. Having stood la (for oonsideraliou) with tb Mirono Honm Corhett crowd, ) has beeo duly initialed, and ha will soon get bis referendum sod Imperative man dale right 1U lbs traitorous oerk of bim For it is high lima this hypocritical olJ populist was referred to bis political grave. Weston Lfsdor. rrof. Oatob, I'tesi. lent elect of tb Htale Agricultural college at Corvallis, is a man fur whom th people of Oregon have especial liking, lie was for many years leading educator of this slat. Its I loyal patriotic eitisen. He will bavs a hearty welcome back lo Oregon Hatem Hlalesruav F. M. Conrter were appointed reviewers to assess damages olaimed by Frank Lundell, said viewers to meet at tbe latter's place Monday, July 19, 1807, at 10 o'olock, a. m, Tbe following costs were allowed io this oonneotion: J. M Baker, $5.20; A. H. Akers, $4.80; T. J. Porman, $4 80; Jaoob Bround, $1.70; J. J. McGee, $21. Delinquent taxes for 1896, and of previous years, ordered oolleoted. The sum of $5 per month allowed for tbe Boys and Girls Aid society. Tbe county aooepts the proposition ot Geo. Ferry, et al., to bnild a bridge across Rock oreek, tbe oounty to supply lumber and iron and to build one span, tbo hauling and all work on approaches to be done by outside parties, and to pay $10 00 construction. E. L. Matlock ordered to make tax NOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an attachment execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 14th day of June 1897, in favor of John Borwick, plaintiff, and against A. Taylor and Christy Oakcs. defendants, for the sum of One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with Interest thereon from the 14th dav of June. 1897. at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum of Twen. ty-Flve Dollars with interest thereon from the 14th day of June, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum of Ninety Three and 45-100 Dollars, costs and disburse ments in which judgment it was further or dered by the court that the property attached in said action on the 23rd day of January. 1890. and hereinafter described, to-wit: The North East Quarter of section Thirty-One (SI) Town ship Two (2) South Range Twenty-Six (26) East of the Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs ana accruing costs 1 win on Wednesday. th 21st dav of Julv. 1897. at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front ,oor of the court, house in HeDnner, Morrow County. Oregon, sell all the right, title and Interest of the said A. Taylor and Christy Oakes in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the Droceeds to be amilied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. 1.1 maii,ui:k, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated June 17th, 1897. 54-63 SHERIFFS SALE. ville Friday. July 9. V ' Miscellaneous bills allowed: J. L. Howard.l $19; Geo. D. Barnard, $27.70; Boys and Girls Aid society, $10. Books ot oounty clerk examined by the oourt on this day from Jnly 1, 1896, to July 1, 1897, and tbe same proved to b correot. olip coming to Heppner this year will xceed that of any previous season and will total np something near 3,500,000 ponnds and perhaps more. Growers receive fair treatment at Heppner and tbe town gains business rather than loses it. Tbe best clips of wool are bringing 10 cents at Heppner. with a good market The prospects are good for the fat 11 re, Tbe sales left week were light. Press Thompson sold 40 000 pounds of Morrow oounty wool at 9) cents. Gso. D. Fell buying same for H. O. Jadd k Boot. A It Chnpman sold his lot at 0 cents, Ham Wilkinson purchasing it for Knsbland A Co. Nwt. Robinson sold bis olip to Geo. II. Fell late last week at good figures. The lower warehouse, of whioh R. F. Hyn 1 is manager, began yesterday tbe meot has tried to do no work other than baling of 000,000 pounds of wool for plain printing. However, this shop I E'Mtern shipment. This lot will be now prepared to tsokU anything In any graded here. lioe and will meet prioes of any persoo The Utiles burets have been oat In under the snn In Ihe line of druggists tbe Mt. Vernon country and hava bought supplies, blank books, bauk work some wool at 7. 'oenls that wonld briog oounty work, or any sort of book biod- ' 1 . . 10 cents lu Heppner, without the ex- log work that you have heretofore sent ohange of a half dor mi words. It I away lo get dons. dau't taka 2',' cents lo bring Mt. The Guilts shop is not a charity Vernoo wool to Heppner. Ona ceut will concern but it yoo will give ot a ohaoee FOR YOU! Now Prepared to do Any Kind of Printing Don't Send Your Orders Away 'Till You Get the Gazette's Estimates. Heretofore tbe Gazette's job depart- do it. LITKIURY NOTCH. Tb July Magaxioa Number ot The Outlook baa a timely article 00 tbe Debs Commonwealth from special corre spondent, Mr. Ray H. Baker. Tb perusal ot this article and the editorial mmmant Mrh anflom DaoieS It lf fS to tb reader a juster idea of tb latest Cv '" " "' p oi,erativa schema than Is obtained from P"n,lo arumur ths daily press. I3 a year. Tb Out- look Company, 13 Aslor Tlaoe, ftew Yorkl wc will sec thai you are sananea id every particular. Buy your goods at home, Rmember that Abe Liooolo said tbat when one bongbt goods away from borne the foreigner got the money tod w got tbe ootla. But wheo tbe goods were tionght at home we had lth money and goods. Tbia Is good doctrine. W It. When the romrt to town, re member It and call np 'phone $ 8. Cftltt be Now that the enmrailUe having the ease of II, V. (Vbrtt Id charge bas re ported that the (polities should sealed, liters eo I little hope of (lot ernur lo'd's calling an eilra aessioa 1 lb legislator, la lb minds of hold a repubm-sns, popnlisle and detnnciel III election rf a lolled HUle senator is remonnt la Its Importance lo all nllirf const. I radons and vo neeei tie. La lo ths pMtpl en ao unt of business pot doos by lh eia!etiv IxHly fur lh good ot Oregon, term lo b a srwn.Ury consideration.. Tb (sllurslo make keeerv appropriations f f stats institutions will oust the people larg snm t f mop.y, and st.onld b remedied by railing the leUlaliv body In eitra km.-Hasr City RtoH. Ilea. I This cwranitttew bas never rr hhIJ.-F.i.! Tba follow ing from an iohangs is full nt sound sens aud shooM b ral by all girls and parents: "Th poorest girls in Ibis world nr Ihoae who bay never been taught to work. There ar tbnus'nd ot them. Rich parent bav pelted! hero, they have tU taught li J. J. ROBERTS) Rogers & Roberts, . Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Nonce. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0FFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old- Place" and Rog. or Jim will get 'em. o o o o o o o- XTOTICE 18 HKREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER 1 v and by virtue ot an execution Issued out or me circuit court 01 tne state 01 ureiton tor the County ot Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered ana en terea in said court on tne 4tn nay 01 warcn 1M!I7. In favor of A H Bennett, and F. P. Mays, rialutitf, and avainst Charles Kimsey and Clara nnsey. nis wlte. A. J. Kimsey ana Kimsey, his wife, Wm. Kimsey and N. Kimsey, his wife YV. R. Mercer and Parah Mercer, his wife. L. A Florence and Ella Florence, his wife, Richard Hall and Minnie Hall, his wife. Samuel Hall nd Mary Hall, his wife. VVra. Farrel and hva f arrel nis wlte, I nomas Kimsey ana neinej, Croft. Defendants, for the sum of One Thousand Two Hundred Twenty-Three and 40-100 Dollars with interest thereon from the 4th day of March, 1W7. at the rate of ti n per cent per annum and Seventy-Five Dollars attorneys fees and the further sum of Twenty-Four l)ol lars costs and dlsbursments, and whereas Is was further ordered and deureed by me eoun to at ine mortgaged property descrllied as follows to-wit: The East half of the North-west quar ter, the South-west quarter of the North-east quarter and the North-west quarter of the noiiui east quarter 01 Pectlon id. lownsnip une (I) Kouth Kange&'i East W. M , In Mo-row county, Oregon, tie sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, The ,11st day of July. 1H97. at two o'clm'k p m ,of said day, at the front door 01 the court house 111 Heppner, Morrow county. Oregon, sell all the right, title and In terest 01 tne sam auove tiameu iieienuams in aud to the above descrllied property at public auction to the highest and best binaer ror casn in hand, the nrnreeds to he amilied to the satis faction 01 said enecutuin ana an costs, ana cosis that may accrue. E. U MATUK'K. Htierirroi Morrow couii'y, urcgua. Dated July Hud, 1W. V 67. ThJE NEW YORK Merchant Tailor. PatroQize Home Iodustry. Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building, next door to tbe gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, with many - years of experience. Makes suns to order in tne latest styles. All at reason able prices. Cleaning ana Repairing Dons at Low Figures. A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor. ' B 00TS AND SHOES IS AT THE PLACE TO GET THEM AI. WCHTENTHAlv'S He has anything In this line that you may desire and yon can depend on it you get a good article when Mat guarantees It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Straat. R.palrlng a Spaolaltyi arms: Notice of Intention. I AND OFKlf'K AT THE DA1XF.S. OREGON, 1.4 May 2a, 1HH7. Notice la hereby given that I the following-named settler has filed notlc. oil his Intention to make linal proof In support of I his tlnlin, and that said prool will lit mane oe-1 for. j. w. Morrow, rounty Liera, ai ueppuer Oregon, on July 17. ln, vis: (HA KI.ILB W. iniiSAtlAN. lid. K No. Or), fur the HW Hee, i Tp. S 8, K 'J4 K VV M I He names the following witness to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: A. . Haling, Harlan Htanton. K. M. Kohlnson, and O. U. t'oats, all nt Elgni Mile Ori-gull. JAS. r. MtMIKK, MVIMO Register. lew York Weekly Tribune Plrgaa Tali Is farty Few will bliT it impOMilita lor 3 month' el J child to Ulk. HoT.r, noh Utha , rtlilea tba Kli?ilU Manner, and oy on can vrifj tli Irtithfuloeo of I Ma tatsmeol with vary lilll Innble. Tb paraoti ot th cbllJ ara liiohsra ana rrnn ieviou, How to Get Rich . $25 will earn you $7 weekly With oar pUn ot Investment; yoa cannot Iim. Two men ml lAOO od Go0 Ut month on $25. Yon can do likewiae. It yoa Jon't loTrat, and keep yonr money in yoor pocket, yoa will ba poor all your I if. Try a with $'i3 tod wbat r en An. AIolnfely no rtk. Writ lor priloolr to Ourn ltrnkirg Co., Offlo, 213 nd 215 Byrne UaiMing, Lo ADgclta. tahfornl. FOR .l,.! labor and J.o I upon tbr. f.w . , .. . . 8h , , , , lb. aliimi.andaraH.rfri'tly b'pl. Tba ... . . uikloa .loo it 00 .HittrorBWorablootdtbl.eU. wk (l)J Uaojj. ht il.d tb It I lb duly l par.oU to prvturt thir t) woB(1f mJ h,f ,ff,b ho0M .tarigMerfromtbl.dpl.rblcoBdilio. ,,,, ......fl-a what tl.ay b.t Tb dn thm frt wrona: It tby aiiWt it. Krf dnabler hoold b langbl to ro br owa liing. Th wheal ol lortao mil awiftly roond-tb rich ar likely to b poor, aad lha r""' rich. Hk lit added lo labor u ao duaJ. vaotag to th Hh, aad I lndiptitl lo tb p'"f. Well-to dl paraait mnst due' thair daurfbur to work; nor, form I mora lmpr.M than thl. s . .1 Tb planllnt I l Ulrgs r1ivin4y i,laaae.t tiuii.iiMi I . t..... 11. ably a!. a lt-co tbe tatinaii tbc l5j r , f ffB(, Tb, f..ib it. tbO U.illf tti l0Ur.gtl."t";Egttrifi:lVBiJ nlood's M'tmjUis tkg stowsr k. timse th 1 f rtir h I'mts !. b.l-b. 4'littirss. eaMIlV Pills and bard. Tb rhild I a firl tod differ noly tmm otbr UHn la Ibal It talk a plainly aad bamlrsood m dietloelly M a rowo proB. Iba fnio, otooora la aatnraHy waak, bat ba wa ot tba baby pralil atinl II. la addition to tb hild' talking proposlli II aeatn lo b poJ bl apnnr atlli(oo aod i oloa lo atlraac ol aa toundiBg. ciiTt) a lby do Imm not aa yns". Com lo th ngllt offlo aod gel I dcot lot ot aotrclnpa pnotad. Uovromot aovrlopa look cheap, and ties! le yoa ranoot gel yonr boi Csrd brio tod tbereon. If Minor A Co. lb ldr la floa font wear, ar closing oat tbir fpriog and m turner liaa lo nk room fur tba fall tnrk. loa'l Ml to call befora tb (lock I broken. IWiO-ft! FarniGrs and Vlllaoers, FOIt Fattiers and Mothers. FOR Sons and Dauoliters, FOR All tne Family. With tbe close ot the PresideDti&l campaign TOE TRIBUNP recognizee the fact that the American people are now anxiona to gi?e their time to home and bnsineea Interests. To meet this condition !! Mil ! 1 ... . ' poiHica wm uaTo iar letta apace ana prominence, until another State or JNattonal occaaton demands a renewal or the fight for the principles for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from lU inception to the nra.Ant day, and won its greatest victories. Every possible effort will be pnt forth, and monej freely snent to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE . 1 ' National Family Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member Wc lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly iiiuuiic une ycdr ior J3.UU. tf ADVANCK. THE GAZETTE. OANII A4drai all Ortlsrs to N 01 ICR. r4v4 for N warraota will b tia aftar Joly M, 901. V. L. MTtort, Hbariff Morrow 0., Or. CO C3 Rl atea't antra Balv Tba bt Bal In lh world for Cats, Drataa. Nora. Clr Ynt Korea, Tettaf, t'b j I J aa T . r f I I ''"''"n ; Do You Want a Rig ? Don't. You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Arc You in Need of a Saddle Horse ? i. Salt Bbaam, All thM can b procured at Thompson & liiscs, Lower Main Rf,. Lb.pi-d U.ada, Heppnr, Oirgon. otreet, Ta tatiBeoMa I qaars4 Oram. f Q, n.m ftvau ka(4B wttk laaHaaaa, THOAIJPRON & m NKS, -1 f. 4 St n ri I tsj V l4l Whii tm Mi r.M