Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 13, 1897, Image 1

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    ForUasd Library
fUl-UHUU A44.Utm.y
With New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
'With a New Summer Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 561
. - ' - -. , . . . , '
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and But. Man.
At $S.50 per rear, $1.25 (or eiz month, 75 ot.
tor three monuu, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Madem Known on
THIS PAPER .kept on file at E. G. Dake's
Advertising Aeanav. 04 and fill MmhTit
Gxohanga, Ban Franoisoo, California, where eou
: Taota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. m.
leaves Heppner Janodon 8:4u a. m, and ar
rives at Heppner 6:11) a. m
Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:15
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junotion 610
a. m. and arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rive at Heppner Junotion 8: DO a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
Portland 7:50 a. m.
For further information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
ornciAii eihectortt.
United States Official.
P. eeident William McKintey
T'ee-Vresldent Garret A. Hobart
Beoretaryot State John Sherman
Oeomtaryof Treasury Lyman J. Oage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Hnssell Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James A. Gary
Attorney-Genaral Joseph McKenna
Secretary ( Agrioultnre James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of Btat H. K. Kinoald
Treasurer Phil. Hetsahan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General G. M. Idlemaa
Consre-men iwi.TEUrnn
Printer ... W. H. Leeds
!K. S. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge.. Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow County Official.
Joint Senator... ... A, W. Gowan
Hepreaentativ. J. N. Brown
t'tnnty Judge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioner J.U.Howard
J. W. BeoketU
" Clerk. ....J.W.Morrow
' Sheriff E. L. Matlock
M Treasurer Frank Gilliam
Aaeaesor A. C. Fetters
" Burveyor... J. W. Hornor
School Bup't Jr W. Shipley
' Coroner...... B. F. Yaughan
nrirn tows- offiotb.
MlAP Thos. Morgan
Councilman Geo. Conner. Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, K. J. Blocnm. U.
Lichtenthal and J. K. Simons. . .
tt....w W. A. Richardson
Treasurer L. W. Hriggs
Marshal A. A. Robert
Preeiaet Ofaeerr.
Jnt(anf the Pauia W. K. Bichardaon
Constable. N. B.Whetaton
Calted State Laad Officers.
tww hillu. oa.
J.V.Moor Hegiater
A. 8. Bigg Booeiver
LA eaASDa, os. .
B. F, Wilson Register
i. H. Bobbins Heolvr
V ta at Lexington. Or th but Batardar
arc month. Alt veteran are Invited to )oin.
(1 W. Smith. C. G. FduDA.
Adjutant. tf Command-.
Dr. P. B. McSwords.
Office in tbe City
City Hotel
Drog Btor, near
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offlos boon, 8 to 10 tn , tod 12 to
2 p. m , at rrsideooe. Ilr. H. Welch'
property, aod 10 to 11, a. m , to 2 to 5
p. m , at offlo Id tbe rear of Borg't
Jewelry stors.
Mad oo Favorable Term.
First National Bank
C. A. FtHCA,
T. A. Ruga.
s. w. s pin cm.
Vlee PrweldeM
Aee't CeehUr
Trusvil l Gcstnl Eukisg Bosism.
O all parte ot the world
Bought and Sold
ColteOaae iaa4 all 4Dt
reaaooable TeraM.
tarvltM and 1lrt44 Proate. 141.000 00.
Thai Oatett doe Bt wtio tb
koeealf of aef pereo. bat rt le m-
pwtJed to laitat tpo tbe aab 'to eJ?De
plea of eabeoripUoa, beirxf im tno.
M,ibr be Oorsella Vaedrfbilt ot tbe
mm wbo eeroe bl bre4 by boaat toil.
Wa aaaoot rtM Ibe pasor oa aar other
, tf
Waal U Hop UoldT Beat brr ra
aril). t tta ,
Mm w
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton. Baker
City, Elgin and Huntington.
Going East?
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the lines to that point will
afford jou the very best service.
SECOND See that the couoon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
ine makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in everv
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Ja. C. Pond, or Geo. 8. Batty.
Gen. Pa. Agt, General Agent,
Milwaukee, Wil. 246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
While yon aeep roar sabsoription paid np yen
on keep yonr brand in free of charge.
Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horse, P B on left
shoulder; cattle, aame on left hip.
Cook. A. J. .Lena. Or. Hnrma anon riirhtahnnl
aer; itue, sums on right hip: ear mark square
wrap uu avlii nuu iuli, in roguu
Donalam. W. H.. Gallowav. Or. CuttU R Timi
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; hone, B D
on left hip.
Ely. Bros.. Donslaa. Or. Hone branded ELY
on left ihonlder, oattle earns on lefthip. hole
w no ear.
FloTenoe. L. A.. HeDDner. Or Cattle. LP nn
right bin: bone. F with bar nndar on riahi
Im. n.M trMU 1. it i j j
tf J on the left shonlder: oattla bmiirind J nn
right hip, also anderbit in left ear. Bangs in
morrow oonnty.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horaaa. iiirnUT on
left stifle; oattle, same on right hip, nader half
srop in riant and sulit In left ear
Kennv. Mike. Reonner. Or. Rnraaa hmndxt
KNX on lefthiD oattle same and eron off lafr
an nnaar wop on we rignt
Lmhev. 1. W. Hannnn ih- Ifur... hrnJJ
L and A on left shoulder; oattle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three elite In right
Minor. Oaear. Mennnnr Or 4 .aft!
M D os
right hip; hone. M on left shonlder.
organ. B. a., Heppner, Or. Hone
left abonldei oattle aame on left hip.
Osborn. J. W.. Dons las. Or.! horana O on laf
shonlder; eattle aame on right hip.
Parker ft Glaaann. Hardman.Or. Hnraaa IP na
ten aoouaar.
Pioer. J. H.. Lmlnaton. Or. Hones. JK eon.
eeoted on left shonlder; oattle, same on lef hin.
nnaer un in eacn ear.
Hector. J. W.. HeDDner. Or. Horeea. JO ot
left shoulder. CetUe, Ooe right hit.
Rnerrv. K. (i- Hennnar. Or. CaHIa W f! nn
left hip, emp of right aad anderbit in left rear.
Thompaim, J. A., Heppner, 111 ITnlsss. lull
left ahoaldfT; cattle. on left shonldar.
Tnrnar K. W., Heppner. Or. Small oapltal T
left shonlder, hone; eettia aame on left nip
wim apiil la oof a aara.
Wattenbargar. W. J.. Gallowav. Or.t honea
quarter oirola JW on right shoulder; eattle
Quarter circle J W on riaht did and riant sirii
crop and hole in left ear. Bang in Morrow ani
Umatilla oouutiaa.
following school warrant of School Dlst.
No. I, Morrow county. Oregon, will be oald at
the offire ol th clerk a follows: From N.
thi to 847. Interest cease after date of tbtt
notice. J. 4. ROBERTS,
Clerk Dll. No. I, Morrow county, Of.
Dated, Ueppuer, Or, July 10, leV7. l-2
1 J June , 1mb7. Notlr I hereby given that
th following named aettler has Bled nottreof
hi intention to mak Bnal proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be mad
befan J, w. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppi
Oregon, oa Ausust 1m, IMT7, vis:
Hd. E. No. ICTJ0, for tb eWla, gee. ft, Tp. It,
E.14E . W. M.
II name th following wllnmrl to orov
hi continuous raMnc uewn and enlUvatlon
Ol. eaia taua, vis:
Charles Anderson, of Eight Mile, Ongon
jnna a. yirnnn, rranl A. Lnndail and An
drtw M. frtteraon, ail of tionaeherry. Oregon.
4 Mi. F. MtMiRt,
Ve Begtster.
Notice ot Mention.
J J June an. IW7. Notl Is hereby aiven
that Ih following namn) saltier ha Sled nnlr
of bis Intention In Biak Inal proof In support
of Ms rial m, and that said pnil will ha mad
hrlois 4 w. Morraw.imnty Clert.at Heppner,
inrfou, on Anguss I. nil, vis;
Rd. E No. 3M14, tot the t. See. ,Tp, Is.
K. n a. w.n.
H the fnllnwlag wltneeae to pi
hlaennlfnuou realrleikce upon and cultivation
Ol, Bald Mod, vis:
marie Annarson, of ritni Mil, (rregoa,
Jr.ha K. Fetorami, Fnnk A. lin.Ull and Juhn
Jobnaun, all of uwtrrj, firegon.
IAS. r. M"KK.
Tb regnla aobMrtptioo prioo of tb
tJ.-ir.r- Weekly Ostwtlo it 12. W esd tb
regular prtoo of I be Weekly Orfoalsa
111.60. AeyoM abeorililaf for IU
Oasell and paying for ooo year ii
eilveooe raa get botb the Oaaelte e4
Weekly OregoeMHi tor S3.E0. All ol4 tab
on bora peylsc their iabaeris1tnt lot
ose year la edvane will I ea tit led It
IB aama
Walt. Tbompeoa met etag-e totoeea
d Mo bom I, arrtTtnf every
I $ Monday eei leavisg: ererjr
day eieepl Roadsy, Bbortewt.aoil bap-
e mote W tb Islsrtof. E. J. r-Wieooi,
The Lancashire Insurance Go.
Hew Life of erant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begin in December.)
Rudyard Klpllng'a first American erial, "Captain Courageou." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ive." ! The only novel of Stevenson' still niiDuhliahed
(Begins in May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollection of War Time."
year of tbe Civil War practically a member
fitted than any other man living to give ah
recollection and correspondence.
Portraits of ereat Americans. Many of them
VJ .!0JJ!,alM li " inwsnfled to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title ol
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "8herlock Holmes" tories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau.
IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will
v. nVwu..iuu.ivn.tu.iiuiiD uuuiiwuuu
appear In McClure's Maoazinb.
Rabbit" and tbe "Little Mx. Thlmblefinger"
RUDYARD KIPLING. Beside "Captains Courageous." Kinlin will contribute tn McCi.tim'.
all of the short stories he will write during
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazinc a series of short torie in which the same
uiun.ni niuiiiiwar, siiuuugn eacn win De complete in men.
Anthony Hopo ' Bret Hart Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories In McClube's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and
ism, tne subscription priee of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begin with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
A Campaign ' ,
Of Education
How to Get It tr r A A
mmate skill.
8uch a paper 1 a great popular educator. It should be in every
The subscription price of Leslie's llpe nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ver made before. No uch offer will ever be made
again. The two paper mak a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of th giver' kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to th
Heppner, Ore con.
Pabllsaet) Every Satarday
13 Astor Place
New York
Tba Outlook will be la 1897, as It bas
been daring each of ita twenty-seven
years, a Uiatory of Oar Owe Times. In
its various editorial departments Tbs
Outlook gives a compact review ot tbe
world's progress; il follows witb care
all ibe important pbilantbropio nod la
a a trial movements of tba asyj Has
complete department ot religious news;
devotee mrjeb. space to tba interact of
tba b'ime; reviews eurrent literature;
famishes cheerful table-talk about men
aod thing: aod, lo short, aims to give
freeb Information, origioal obearvstion,
and reasonable entertainment.
Beginning wltb tbs fifty fiiftb volant,
tba paper will see a roe tbs regalar mags
tins sis, which will add greatly to it
noovenietiae and attractiveoeaa. Tb
Outlook la pabliebed every Htordy
efiy-two Issues year. Tba first leeae
la eaob toonta is aa Illustrated If sgasias
N ember, aontaining shoot twice as sassy
pages as tba ordinary lasuee, togttbet
with large Sort) bef of pKtaee,
Tba priee of Tba Outlook la three
dollar a year re edvease, or leas Ibea a
Read for a rpemavta anpy aad Illustrat
ed preefyeatus to Tba Oetluok, 13 Astor
riaoa, New Toil OH v.
B.t ithe
Mr. Dana was for three of the moat critical
of Lincoln' Cabinet, and 1 probably better
authoritative history of thi period from his
unpublished. In connection with this series
the editor' direction.
DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
write during the coming year, with the exception
wuwu were euKUKou iruui mm long ago. will
animal gtorie in the same field a the
the coming year.
lmportaut feature of McClubc'r Magazinc for
4) J.UU
To be educated one must read
the beat literature.
The best literature i expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
Mew York, Ii full of the best things
Its illustration ar superb; it
stories charming; and it literary
department are edited with oon-
Now is tba lima to get tbs Weekly
Oregonian, tbe greatest newspaper of
lha Wast. With tba Osset la, botb strict
ly In advance, ooe year, $3.50. No better
ootrbiostion of newspapers oaabe mads
Id tba slate.
Few rrelise that each squirrel de
troys 11.60 wortb of grain annually
Wakelaa's Squirrel and Oopber i ter
minator is the most effeotivo and aoo
aomical poison known. Pries red need
to 80 oeals. Custer A Brook aad Minor
A Co., ageots, Heppner; . A. Woolery,
agent, inne; mohol at Lieacb, sgents
lif Virtu of an aiM-utlon laaiisd out
of the Clrr-tiit Court of th Hut of Orrgon lor
lb County ol Morrow and to m dlm-u-d and
delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en
tered In said court on lb 1Mb day of May, Iw7,
in iaT.tr vi i riomen ann w. n. H. Cola,
iiainuna. nl against w. u Haling. (IHanitan
r me sum oi una uunorl. 1 weut.Taa
aviiw Dollars In U. S gold mdn with Interest
uiaremi in us go 14 coin at Ilia rate of Sishl
per rent per annum from lha rth rtav of Aurll.
IMT7. and Ih further mis of KIhUi Ikitlars
eoat and oni.urar man's In whlrh Judgment It
aa ttrderad bv lb rourt that the propaMy
alUrbed In laid artloa and betelnafter d
rrlbed, lo witt South half of th Month Kaat
Quarter of Sertlon J and the Worth Bast Oner.
lar l wviion Ml sb1 Ih Aoulh Mall of th
Boith West QnarUr nf Hrriinn fv a4 h Kaat
Hanoi Ih eonlh RaM OuarUr of Baaima ti.
and Ih Month Half nf Ih arniifl Wast guarur
4 Satllna U, til In tnnhlp on (i ana Ik
rang jl aaat Wlllamatl marlolan, Morrn
eminly, nragon, be id to (atlsfy said ludg.
manv. rai( bbi aorruing eoeu. I at 111. o
naitiMay the list nay of Jair, mt), si
eriork p. . of aald day at the front door
oi the eonrt ftoue In Hepunar, Mormw
eoBBiy, lHtn, tl ell the rlgkt, till and
Intareatolthe aald W. l Baling In aM lo th
alT ilearrtliad rofrty al pnhlle aortlos lo
so ih kigaeai bsI b lltlet lor raah la kaa.1
th pnia tu be applied lo lha eatlefertloa iM
b.hi aaavwiioB boo u eoats, bub rf a thai may
Briw. a. u maium K,
Shan fsl Morrow eounty, Oregon
Da lad inn ft, s7. MM
Low Tiller 4, proprietor of "Tba. Wat-
oalooa bas Banted ia(o tba Cttr
bolel bnlldlnf no Ml la Street, wbers be
wil be pleaeml lo greet bMj frieads Wilb
tba etioiaeet breeds of lk4ers aad
eifre. f
I'roved to Be False.
"I m told," said ahe, eaucily, "that
though you are a militery man, you are
afraid of powder." .
"To prove that the assertion is calum
nious," replied he, "I have only to do
this." ,
Whereupon he lightly kissed htr
cheek, and his lips showed that he was
not. Nj,Y. Journal.
Ml-ht Lead to Expectations.
Boarding Mistress That isn't the
meat I ordered at the butcher's.
Servant He didn't charge no more
for it, mum.
Boarding Mistress Take it back at
once. I won't have my boarders get ac
customed to such meat. Brooklyn
The Dost of Risks.
Life Insurance Manager (in astanish
ment) What under the aun ever made
you t&ke a riak on this man's life ? Why,
he swears he has been a confirmed in
valid for five yeans.
Agent One of the best risks, sir.
Confirmed invalids never die of any
ting but old e?e. Tit-Bit.
A Wish.
"Turn backward turn backward, oh, time
in thy flight:
Mak me a child again" yes, that is right.
For if you do thi, why then I can sneak
Out of paying that bill which falls due next
N. T. journal.
She Sympathize with me, general.
I found a gray Jioir in ny heud this
morning. .
He Congratulate me, maltm, I
found a black one in mine. Funcih.
OlteylAgr Order.
I wrote a poem, "Come Hack to Me,"
I thought 'twould bring in gold,
But by return of post 1 found
It did as it was told.
-N. Y.' World.
He Lost HI Case.
"Gentlemen of the jury," wild a low-
yer the other day, "there were 36 hogs.
Please remember that fact just three
times as many as in the jury box, gen
tlemen.' Tit-Bit.
Then He Felt Hart.
"Life is a utage," quoted a preten
tious man.
"Too bad that moat people are ama
teur," ahe replied. And somehow he
felt hurt. Town Topics.
Victims of tho Dael.
Critic The hero and tho villain had a
duel last night on the stage.
JTiend ho got the worst of It ?
Critic The audience. N. Y. Trib
Woaldn't Hare Beea
"Methuselah must liave
la It.
felt very
"Tut! If he'd run tip agnJneit some of
our modern young mrn he'd have felt
like a ohikl." N. V. Truth.
Aboat the SI of It.
Little Elmer 11a, what la a r form
One who advorate reforms lu
others, my win. N. Y. Journ;.
rittlaar Memorial ot the Peel at Port-
laad, 1Mb lllrlhplare.
One of the beat instances of what the
statue of sny great man should be at
any rate, in the reeprrt of Ita situation,
IU prvKpri-tlve with ygsnl to other
memorial snd the Ik-uI rot i unit ion in
whlrh It is held Is the statue of Umg-
Mlow st rortland, anye the Atlantic
It Is a itigniflfd awahrd figure of the ihk-1
In bronze, orinpylng a rvnaplruoiw site
in the liest part of the town, In tbe mid
die of a squnre w hich Is know n as Long
frlkrw square. Tbe statue wss rslar a
frv year ago by a fund aollclil
through a wide field, but chiefly ob
tained in Portland. The erulptor wss
rhnaen throuirh thstrurlous local spirit
whit-Ji has sfTfcleil unfavorably many of
our nrr.li !! turn I and otheir nionu-
5nts, He wa avowedly aelrvlrd lie
miiee he wa a "Maine man." ttmgh he
haul never eeen the jawt. However, the
reeult In this roe anrrna to have been
haptiy. The wtstiie hss mwh liraitty
antl I he llkeneas in aald to tie errllent,
Thia afatiie atamla in the por-l' native
town, a Is entirely rotwr. It may sn
jieal e-very dny Ut lh eye nf 'hoiuumds
of young tieople, Inirn eiy rm i-h ss he
was Urn. who ahould are In St Iheaug.
getU-m of .il.ility for tin hi. Port-
it-ally it makes I he slranrr fanry tbe
gri.iuB or ai.lrit of Ibe man atill ling
ing among (he arrnea of 1,1s j onlh, end
It ajnilxilire Ihe tifiirti..ti whloh
etrvy man feela to have his nams r-
rnmrirfr1 in Ma ntlve twn
Aa Island aad a realaaala.
At a ss hool the irther day s !( hT
having sakrd mo-t of bia pupil Uie dif
ferencti lirlwern an Island snd a iriln
tula. wiUiout re-rivlng a aailfclory
ariarr, rim li Ihe t U.y " ran
explain H, air." ish! the brlirht youth
"Hut, get two glaaaea; (III one with
water ami the other with milk. Then
re Mi a fly and t'le It In the glaaaol
wat. r. That fly la an latand, Im-eu
It i railrrlv Biirriunilel bv water. Iv-i
now .l tln fly In tbe glaaa of Billk
ard it will U a inlbeula, brrtoM It la
nearly e-irr ow;i l 1 by water." Tbe boy
fTit to lis Wnvf tbetlM.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Hemedy la the Best.
1. Because it affords almost instant
relief in ease of pain in tbe stomach,
oolic aod cholera morbus.
2. Beosuae it is tbe only remedy that
never fails in the most severe oases of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3. Because it is the only remedy that
will care obronio diarrhoea.
4. . Because it is the only remedy that
will prevent bilious oolio.
5. Beoause it is tbe only remedy that
will cure epidemloal dysentery.
6. Because it is the only remedy that
can always be depended upon in oases
of obolera infantum.
7. Because it is the most prompt and
most reliable medioioe in use for bows)
8. Because it prodnoes no bad
9. Beoause it is pleasant and safe to
10. Beoause it bas saved tbe lives of
more people than any other medioine in
the world.
The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Oon-
ser & Brook.
The new corporation reoently formed,
known ss the Umatilla Publishing Com
pany, says the Pendleton paper, bas
eleoted a direotory and will oontinue
the publication ot the daily aod weekly
Tribuoe. The policy of tbe Tribune un
der tbe direotion of the new board, will
be to give the people of Umatilla oouoty
oreditable republican newpaper, broad
in principle and above petty conditions,
to recognize no faction and to use ever;
endeavor to promote harmony in the re
publican ranks to tbe end that tbe party
of honest money and proteotion to home
industries may oontinue to triumph.
Tbe Tribune is to be a republican news
paper in the broadest sense, free and
unhampered by offioe seeking politicises,
and will persistently advocate what
seems to be for the best interests of the
community that gives it support.
Don't neglect a cougb because tbe
weather is pleasant: before lbs neit
torm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair, Ooe
Minute Oougb Cure is easy to tska snd
will do what its nams implies. For sale
by Cooser A Brock.
Meeting al Swedish Loth, oburob, al
Gooseberry, Sunday, July 25, at 10:30
m. The Revs. J. A. Edlnnd, from
Astoria, and H. Lind, from Vancouver,
Wash., will be present. Rev. Ed loud
will preach in English and Lind in
Swedish. All are cordially invited.
W. B, Joboson, Newark.O., ssys "One
Minute Cougb Cure saved my only ohild
from dying by croup." It bas ssved
thousands of others suffering from croup
pneumonia, bronchitis aod other serious
tbrost and Inog troubles. For sale by
Cooser A Brook.
Tba bol wave is killing many people
in tba East. Hsra tba warm weather
is warm but soratrokes never ooeur.
Th crescent waves on Cretan shores,
Th cross of Christ goe down j
Th Turks are helped by Christian power
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia' eagle hear nor heed
Poor Cut' plerrlng ory;
Then let u drown the shameful deed
In Rierry' "Unwood Ky."
For sals at tba Belvedere saloon, E.
. 8 perry, proprietor. tf
Anton Pfsoner, tba bank president
bo disappearsd suddenly from II ill
born not long ago. bas turned ud la
Viotoria sick and mentally unbalanced.
Don t tbio your blood witb seeaafrae
or poison It witb blue-mess; bat aid Na
lure by using pewltt'a Little Early
Risers, tba fsmoas little pills for eon
stlpetloo, biliousness and stomeob Iron
bles. Ibey are pursly vegetable. For
ssla by Oonser A Brook.
Ben Bweggert will send bis ohlldrso
to sobool at tba Weatoa Normal this
toter, and will locale bia family there
lor that purpose daring Iboes months.
Tetter, ftali-llheum and ICctoma.
1 Ii. Intjtna It.'titni ,nd .m.Hiittf Ini-I
dmitUithneedineasna. U Instantly allayed
by applying Chamber Iain's fcye and
Hkln Ointment. Many very bad cases
have bwn permanently cured by It. It
IS equally efurfent far Itching pllea and
a favorite retneiiy sore ntpidee,
charrped bands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic aura eyea. kV eta, par bog.
Dr. Cadi's CaadllUa Powders, are
jnst what a horse nexU Wben la bad
ooiKlttlon. Tonic, blond partner and
vermifuge. They are not food but
medicine and the boat In a) to put
bores In prima condition. I'nr.a ii
t&Upnr package.
BKaw m m. Bkaxaxaxaw gaga g.
tea i , - .
ItmSiwwIfisMM IAjri.'sSlT..
r-ir " tsewiad dk. . flff
raewy lat Ik anaoiia. Da
Jiil tw4 a gins
Eli's Cream Balm
I trBffWtedf4 IB W OX MW iMrnafW rt fa
Maaal aaiTB.rt4 la llaaS aad Mr fa al a. I
raiwadiea. Il aw aM tn umitt, saal aaasr fa.
fiars aal a4 loaaaMaatM, haa IMana. p
San It w"aa, fnai a4a, lajB.ias lae mm
iw!"1! PniTv atftr,riMwkraM4
kU.1 BfcVTUIIta, M Wama BUbH, Mew lata
. Absolutely Pure
Wedding Bells.
Mr. Theodore Anderson and Miss
Norma Irene Beckett were married at
tbe borne ot the bride's parents last
8unday, July lltb, Rev. 0- B Howard
officiating. A number ot invited rela
tives and friendA were present to wit
ness the ceremony.
The bride and groom were very tsste
fully dressed for tbe ooossion. Follow
ing the ceremony the guests were in
vited to partake ot a very delioioas
dinner, wbioh was highly enjoyed by all.
Electric Bitters.
Eleotrio Bitters is a medicine suited
for sny season, 'but perhaps more gener
ally needed when the languid, exhausted
feeliog prevails, when the liver is torpid
and sluggish snd the need of a tonio and
alterative is felt. A prompt use of this
medioioe baa often averted long and
perhaps fatal bilious fevers, No medioine
will aofe more surely in oounteraoting
and freeing the system from tbe malarial
poison. Headaohe, Indigestion, Consti
pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotrio Bit
ters, 50o. and $1 per bottle at Oonser
A Brook's drug store.
Portland Hebrew News: Mrs. Henry
Bluckman, the wife ot Internal Reve
nue Collector Blsokmao, arrived from
Heppner last week with ber children,
to pass tba holidays in Portland witb
Mr. Blaokmao, after whioh tbey
will leave for a tew weeks' outing at tbs
All the People
Bbould keep themselves healthy aud
especial oars should bs given to tbis
matter at tbis time. Health deoenrie
upon pare, rich blood, for when tho
blood is impure and impoverished dis
eases of various kinds are almost certain
to result. Tbe ona trus blood purifier la
Hood's Sarssparilla. By ita power to
purify and vitalize tba blood II bas
proved itself to bs tbe safeguard ot
bealtb, and the reoord of remarkable
oures effected proves that it bas wonder
ful power. It aotually and permanently
oures wben all other preparations fait
to do any good whatever.
E.O.: General Manager A. L. Mobl-
er and Superintendent J, F. O'Brien
earns np from Porllsnd to Tba Dalles
Thursday avsoing and era today looking
oarefolly over lbs lioo inspecting ibe
condition of the rails. There will be
laid several boodrsd tbonssod miles of
new railroad Iron aod tbs object of lbs
present Inapeotion trip is to ascertain
at wbat pointa tba iron eso be put down
to the beet advantage. The are in
private oar "01" snd will bo taken aloog
today wilb a special engine.
Long Creek Eagle: Josef - Mueller
sod Mr. Bartholomew arrived from
Heppner Monday avsuiog la tba Interest
of Wiley B. Allen A Co., of Portlaod.
"Last summer ons of oar grand-
Ohildren was sick with a severe bowal
trouble," ssys Mrs. E. 0. Oregory. nf
Frederioktowo, Mo. "Oar doctor's
remedy bod failed. Ibeo ws triad Cham
berlain's Oolio, Cbolera tnd Di trr ho a
Remedy, wbiob gsvs very speedy relief."
for sals by Cooser A Rrork.
Tbs oyster so I tba strawberry bsvs
boilt mora cborohes snd paid off mora
church debts aod pastor's salaries than
soy other thing, log cream comes ntil.
All good person should make Dots of
Oso, Armstrong, wbo Is now running
tba popular saloon on tba Msllook cor
ner, bas put in the Hop OolJ draogbt
beer. Milwaukee and Hop OolJ bottle
beer, floe liquor sod cigsrs always oa
band. John Dorbam, sssitlaol mliolo
gist, Csll on tbs boys aad gt your
beer by glss ur qnsrt C3-tf
Tba obituary of Lewis Meadows
wblob appeared la last leeae sboaU
have been signed by lbs peelor. Rev. 0.
IL Howsrd, who was the author of tba
tame. Tba asms was loalvsrleotly
Ima ftock afsgs leaves Ueppnerat
7o'ol.iek, a. Toeed, Tbore-lay.
and Hstardsys; arrives al elnek, p.
ss., Moadsys, We.lses.lsys aad FHJsys.
' V fUOwdl
Frslnlil I,
conoeeiloa wltb brtoeb trsla
ire.1. rsrs 11 tsrb wsr.
Frlht eol per pound. J. H.
Bellenbrork, Prop. Offlca at Harry
Wsrrea's dm. store. if.
Wot. Itoaa got in from Burs last
aigbl al I a'sloek. lis reports lbs reaeo
al Bam as being very saoraaeful la
very (artiaulsr.
Call at la Tillard's for all kla tsof
l.oo-l,al bia a pleat la tk City
boltl baildlag. f