TO THB GIVES THB OHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT OREGON NORTHERN Ry. SHORT LINE. VIA VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha tun "1HD Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. Agent at Heppner, or address k N W. H. HURLBURT, Geo. Pass. Agt. Pobtland. Oregon, E. McNElLL, President and Manager. QtTXOXC TI3VI33 I TO And all DoinU in California, ia th Mt, Bhaeta runt of the Southern Pacific Co Tha a-rrnt hiehwa throna-h California tn I point East md Smith. Grand Boenlo Kout of the PaolAo Coast. Pullman Hnflet Bleeper. Beoond-olaas Sleepers Attached to express traina, affording superior aocomHiodatione for eaound-olass passengers, For rates, ticket, Bleeping oar reeervatli atn . null nnnn iiraririrMia K. JC.OKHLER, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon oabms mm OF THE THE CHBONICL ranks with tn arealest aewspapers tn the United States. THJ CHHONXCLB haa no equal on tha Pact So 'oast. It laada all tn ability, enterprise and news, TflB CHaOMCLlfn Telegraphic He porta ara the latest and most reliable. Its Local News tha fullest and spiciest, and It Editorials from th ablest pens In the country. TIIK CHKONICLB haa always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people aa against coinblnatlona, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent to averytulnf neutral la nouiln. ' pi LACKED LUXOKY. Newspaper Man's Trying perlonoe in GhioagO. Ex- i Delng I'nalAe to Obtain Employment He Live for Six Month on f 70 How He Man aged It. LOCAL SQUIBS. MARRY LN SECRET. The Chronicle Building-. THE! DAIL.Y lly Ma i, rvs'axe Paid. $6.70a .a. HUE YOU GOING E0ST? If bo, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie HormvBSiern Line ...THE... , CIHOAflO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TIIIH IS THB Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULDTIT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstlhuled Dining and l-Ml ih t ar Trains, and llntUi: "ALWAYS ON TIME" has glvati tills wad national reputation. All me u The Weekly Chronicle Tha Great st Wee';!y to (he tea ilrj, $1.50 i fei 'lasses ( iiasiiiKHra farrlnd on trains without utra charge, rtlilp jronr Irelitlit vestlbuled mr Irelitht All ageliti ml travel over this famous line. have ilrkt'ta. W, II. MR AD, r.rMUVAOR, lien. Agent, Trav. F. A P. Agt, lllh Washington St., Portland, Or. (including pnstiurit) to any purl of via United HlaUs, Canada and Mexico. TIIK WF.KKI.V CIllto.NtCI.K, the hrlthtest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints rniiit:irly 84 columns, or twelve pages, of News. I.IUiDtture and (leueral Informa tion; also a mitfnllicuut Agricultural Doparlmeut. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FR-E. DO YOU WANT THE chronicle: Reversible lap? CHICAGO Pimm & si. Paul try This Railway Co. Operate it trains on the famoni block system; Lights lis trains by elcotriolty through oal; Use the celebrated electric berth read ing lamp; Hans speedily eqnipped psaaengrr trains every day and mylit between Ht. Paul and Chicago, and Omaha sod Chicago; the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operate steam-heated veatttmted trains, tarrying lh . latest private enmpartmaot ear, Itiirary bunel ernok ln rara, and li-a drawing room lecpers. I'arlnr ears, free rerlitilng rhalr cars. and lb very beat timing ebalr ear servir. For in eat rate to any point in the I'll It d HI ale or Canada, apply to Ktil or Ufea 0. J. KDDT. J. W.TAHKT. liener) Ageet. Tra. I'm. Agent. 1'oflland, Ur. TIIKOUOH CARS SO ! tkfiaisHoL Oiaiona, ooviomt S m smwD S4.a Ii.hhx af S. ' ' it. W1 h i.mhm et if et.,,.iMe, I M.e.MlhMt , . 1 1 . r,,f l,tit tMis aeettt I . pmmt Mi We Wax (Miiti, '''' ! tkruaaa Ma A t .Mate aswual M ta IM SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, lm"'-'H IllaetiWa. kieX nnWba n 1 wiifc V a, e ea i n ...( . aMa mi- 4 UAaS " I 'aiaat mm Irwe. at lues MU4 CO., , ISI Krwaswa,, k. 1,.. SltOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON1C HIDE, Map of the World UN THIS OTIIKIt HI DIC Kend $2 and Get the Map and Wei kit bronli'le fir On Year, poeiagn prepaid on Mip and raps. ADiiur.m M. II. rte YOUKO, rruartetar a . nteaalnl, Ai rkANCl!A CAU IlllHC III Six months ago a newspaper man came to Chicago to get work on one of the big papers here. Like many another man from the country he thought that the fact that he was head and. shoulders above the other newspaper men in his little town was proof that he was able to stand the keen competition in Chi cago. But he found that the placea were filled, and that there were at least 50 per cent, more pegs than holes. He was determined not to go back o his little town, so he remained in Chicago in the hope that he would get a place. Meanwhile he had no money what ever and had to practice the closest economy. He wrote five or six columns of copy each week and tried to sell the stories to the Sunday papers. Now and then he sold something, but his income during the six months was not more than $2.50, his total earnings for that period, in fact, being only $70. Never theless he managed to live without bor rowing any money, for he had no friends in Chicago from whom he coud borrow, and he was too proud to write home for money. Instead he wrote home glowing tales of the progress which he was making and told of the advantages of newspaper work in a big city and its consequent rewards. Few people would believe that a man could live in Chicago for six months on $70, but he did it. Of course he did not dine at a fashionable restaurant. He arte hi meals on Clark street at some nacrifice of his pride, but without the knowledge of any of his acquaintances. No one would know where he ate, for none of the men whom he saw during the day would go to such a place. His meals usually cost him five cents each, nnd they were good meals, in quantity, if not in quality. You can buy a luxurious breakfaston Clark street for five cents. It will con sist cf three eggs, bread, butter and coffee, and anyone inclined to doubti the statement can go and try the meals. The places ai e easily found. There are nlwajs I iff signs outside of them con taining names of the articles of food and the pricc. For five cents he bought his dinner, which consisted of any kind cf meat, potatoes, bread and coffee. A similar bill of fare at the same expense formed his supper. Sometimes he would pay ten cents for his dinner and t hn he would get two more vegetables and some pie for dessert. Thus hie meals cost 15 cents a day, or $1.05 week. He slept in a ten-cent lodging house in the same room with a half dozen other men. Tlve beds were ttniall, but he al ways slept soundly, and none of the inmates knew him. They were not in quipitive and were too much bothered by tlicirown troubles to care to ask his Seventy cents a w eek wan the cost of his lodgings. This waa a total of $1.75 for a week'" board and lodging. His other fixed expenses were for tobacco newspapers and writing paper. He smoked a pipe, the tobacco costing tern cents a week. He had to buy a couple of newspapers each day, which meant 25 cents a week, although eonietimea h would look at those in tha reading rooms of the libraries. His copy paper cost him only tea cent a week, leaving a margin of 30 cent. The only drawback aloiit sleeping ia.1 w as no place afforded in w hich to write. but he t wed to go to the public or isew berry library and do hi writing there, win-re tin-re are ample facilities. Most of his time was sH-nt In traveling around on, the streets looking for good Sundny stories. Such the life he led for six luotitlut. A few week ngo he ww given a place ns a apnee writer on the city staff. Now he earns $10 or $12 a week, nnd he Is able to live more luxuriously. Hut the rrrt4'r I now willing to lie lieve, iim he knows by iTncticiil rx'rl- nice, tint a nuui who run niitkelwoor three dulliirs a week tired not starve Id a big city. Chicago Tlmca-HcroJd Si Bennett is back from Canyon City. Lswrenoe Sweek was in Tneeday and Wednesday. Robt. gayer was in from the Douglas section Tuesday. Two Armies the Regular sad Irregalar. To which would yon prefer to belonR? The regular, undoubtedly. The irreg ulars are, admittedly, the most numer ons, but they are in a very undesirable state of no-discipline. Hoetetter's Stomaoh Bitters will soon remedy this want in a disordered liver or bowels. Biliousness manifests itself in yellowness of the skin and eyeballs, sour breath, furred tongue, morning nausea, disoomfort in the vicinity of the liver, vertigo and siok beadaobe. Hosts of people suffer thus. These signs of insubordination to the governance of health, together with an irregular con dition ot the bowels, are soon regulated by the Bitters, which also overcomes malaria, dyspepsia, rheumatism, neural gia, nervousness and kidney trouble. As a means of checking premature decay , hastening oonvalesoenoe, and mitigat ing the infirmities of age, the great tonic is without a parallel. Strange Custom of the Mountain , People of the South. Weddlns Arc Conduct Wltaoat Any Ceremony and There Are K Sunday next being tbe seoond Sun day in July, there will be no service in the morning at the M. E. cburob, South, this being tbe regular appointment at Liberty sohool house. Usual servioe in tbe evening. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Ifo Feaatlnga or Congratulation. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. This is the best medioine in tbe world tor all forms ot Coughs and Colds and tor Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint. It has no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hsy Fever, Pneumonia, Bron chitis, Lia Grippe, Cold in the Head and (or Consumption. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure oure. It is always well to take Dr. King's New Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Disoovery, as they regulate and tone tbe stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfac tion or return money. Free trial bottles at Conser & Brock s drug store. Regular size DO cents and $1.00. Tbe bridge just above Mrs. French's plaoe oo the Long Creek road is in a dsnnerous oondition. A big bole is yawning to break some horses' leg. It should be repaired at onoe. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible so oident to be burned or soalded; but tbe pain and agony and the frightful dis figurements can be' quiokly overoome without leaving a scar by using De Witt's Witob Hazel Salve. For sale by Conser & Brock. Dick Neville's new residence Is ap proaching completion at tbe hands of 0. . Baoons, tbe contractor, Diok proposes to bave one of tbe neatest home on tbe row wben completed. You may bunt tbe world over and you will not find another medicine equal to Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolera and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. It isplessanl, safe and reliable. . For sale by Conser & Brook. Jaa, Sevey's wagon, losded with wood, lost a wheel on Main street, near Arm strong's saloon Wednesday. Tbe acci dent waa caused by tbe breaking of a thimble." Some for ten, some for twenty and soma for thirty years bave suffered from piles and then have been quiokly and permanently cored by using DeWitt' Witob Hazel Salve, tbe great remedy for piles and all forms of skin diseases. For sals by Corner k Brock. t TO Hr. PACI. MINSKAPOLI8 nn.iriu KAIUIO ntTiK II F.LENA Tickets istna,! to all points in the Coiled mates ami i;tii. O.UICKT1MF.TO 411 nil,.. point in Hi F.a.t and houtbrael llli' aim WaatltMiiTtill Mai. ri mons YoNS lWrri-o Omaha Kansas Citt Ht. Joakl'H ht. Lotus ( IltWTU" l'o too IVpot connection al HI. I', Minneapolis Kanaa City, Omaha, HI. Iat and other promi nent poial Uatfa'si checked Ibrongh ta tied I net ion ol tii iM. Throngs: Id kel lo Japan and China, via Taeom and Northern raviuo Htm ship Company' Una. Wall and Truly Maid. Over the triple doorway of Use cathe dral of Milan there are three Inscrip- Uon apmiuiiig the splendid archr. Over one it rarved a U-aut if ul wreath of roe-, and underneath i" the legend: "All lhat iilenav i but fir a moment" Ovw another I sculptured a eroas and the are the words timWnrath: "All Unit trouble la but for a moment.' Hut underneath the great central en tram in the main aiale la tit Inscrip tion: "That only la Important which Is etrrnal." Ko foil Information, tltu card, maps, ticket, l, call t or writ W. O. Au aw at, A. I, Aa-I N l lly. Aal.Ua l aa. Al. lb I 'al lee, Or. I'urllsnd, Or. Tha Talilea Turned. In r.nglrtnd il I a common thing ta ee clergj turn' wive Inviting Indira lo 'me In Ihrm a grtienil irnnnt for Mir honor and glory of tin thivp. but ilir table hiive Ut-n tun i d ly three 'udir in a IxhhIoii suburb, ho have ad vrrtiaid for a gfiitlewotnnn t-i dt ihr work of Ihrir roll age. Ihr grntlr taopian requirrd miul, according to Ihr iihi-rliwmiMit, not ntilv ! strong, nr live nnd nn rnrlv rl-r. tiiil tvuM le a let if) uian a or j'roii'a-ioiml man .liu-lilrr. A critic rrnmik Ibal hr nlxlttM-ra woulil doulillf lre de, riv1. d by ah-rplng In a l-d n'tolr by the hard of it )ou:iff wonisn vv lir (alio had lrrii In trwl". CATFOLKSffi0itc.10. 1Mb' ' I Ua-I llio Regulator Line" STSAUKltS omit cm" aho 'ticMtion" leat Tha IHe daUv (sepl Hnndav) ISt1a.tu. lae IVrtlaaJ at U) a m. WKs gn Irt I'orllatid, slop iff at Ti, Kill and lake a trip d..a Id (Vilntabts; yoa ill j 7 il, aol save mot.ay. W. C Al LAW AT, O -tierat Agent I. N. Prster and wife, reoeotly from lbs East, hays locate) Id Heppner. Mr, Prater la a practical painter and paper hanger and will follow his trade bers. "They ara dandies" said Tbos. Bow era, of the Crocket, Teiss, Enterprise. while writing shout DeWilt's Litlls Early Risers, tbs famous little pills for sick beadaobe and disorders ot tbe stora- scb and liver. For sals by Conssr k Brook. Milt Maxwell and Ben Tarker were down from Parker's mill on last Wed or- Not only piles ot lbs very worst kind can bs cured by Dswitt's Witcb Ilaiel Halve, but enema, scald, boras, bruis- btiils, ulcers and all other sklo troubles ean bs instantly relieved by lbs same remedy. For sal by Coosrr k Brock. There are few places and few grades of life, in either the rural or the urban world, where the word "wedding" is not a synonym for joy and festivity. Only the cynic or the misanthrope protests against the wedding celebration. We wear out most customs, but the wed ding feast remains. While very likely not the ondy place in the world, the only place in my experience where there is any general concealment of proposed connubiality and nuptial antent is in the mountains of the south. It may be generally known that "Zeb" is "keep ing" regular company" with "Lize." Suddenly the town will be apprised of the fact that "Zeb and Lize done got married last night." This constitutes what might be called an anticipated surprise. Sometimes in the large settlements due notice will be given and the wed ding take place in the little church or in the building used in common for all public purposes religious services, school, political gatherings and itiner ant shows. That practice is, however,' generally confined to the elite of the community. In one place in my experi ence the popular resort for the perform ance of the ceremony was the broad platform in the rear of a local sawmill. I could discover no ground for the popu-' larity of the spot. Sometimes a few inti mate friends would be invited to atetnd. Sometimes none was observer save the causal passer-by. More frequently there were no witnesses save the sun above the lumber-piles around. Concerning that spot a local magis trate tells an amusing story. A certain man had been unfortunate in the lon gevity of his selections, had been twice married and twice bereaved. He called Upon the magistrate to officiate at a third ceremony. As the happy pair took tiheir places before him, upon the mill platform, to pledge their faith and love, he said to the groom: "Move a little further over this way, John. Toe '.up to that line. That is where you've always stood before." And there was ;no proceeding until John had "toepup." ; A mau who was doing some work for i me came to me one day at noon and "asked permission to be absent until i "quartering time," 3:30 o'clock, lie Wid nothing to me or to his associates of his purpose. He returned promptly on time, to announce, in a casual and indifferent manner, that during his ab sence he had been married and, with the little f urniture possessed by the pair, had settled in a caDin 01 ms own. Again and ogam have I seen tne same plan fallowed in other cases. The ground for so general observance of secrecy I could not discover. Itholds with both the intention of marriage anu the precise time of the ceremony; I think it is due in considerable measure to fear of that harrowing performance known aa the charivari in the idiom, "shivaree." To those unfamiliar with that entertainment I can only describe it asamoBtexcruc'iPtingpandomonium, effected by combinations of pots and nans, horns and howling. It takes tne form of an evening serenade to the newly wedded pair. The officiating musicians comprise all the young men srtd boys for miles around. I htve been the unfortunate auditor of one or two such performances, and if J knew that one were to take place around the walls of my dwelling if I married I should choose to "live a tmcholor." 1 tuanie no man for retaining his secret to ovoid the experience. The poorer classes, with whom the concealment is a general practice, have no money to spend for the entertainment of their friends. Not Infrequently, there is no money for even new gown for the bride. The nffiilr then becomes a wimple matter of mutual agreement; the business la dis patched without fuss or feature and the journey to paradise Is taken by the most direct route. N. Y. Post Cmata. and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat- cat butinesa conducted for MoocRATC Ftl. OUR Orrici 1 0eoiTt. U . S. f ""T iai we can secure patent in leas time than taoec ur v.. remote irum , . Scad model, drawing or pnoto wiui u-"'F- tion. We advise, It pateniaoio mx, u v. . 1 f Mn An till natent k secured. . . . , "How to Obtain Patent," with cost of same m tha U. S. and foreign countries, seat free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Ore. atimT Ornei. Wahihotoh. D. C, ...eavs-a-. a as inrs Who ea think WANILU-An lUtMof aomoaimplar they mj rv ritu BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Waiuiigwiv brinS voTeiithV Writs JOHN ER- D. c., for their $1,800 prize offer. Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, under tbe firm name of Mathews & Qenlry, are associated together in tbe barber business in the new stand, two aoors south of the postoffioe. They eolioit a call. Shaving, 15 cents. tf. , Thb Boss Fkbd Yabd. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in HeDpner is that conduoted by William Gordon , next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon ia accommodating, baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare ot stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He has bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner Eobo Stage Line. Persons desirous of visiting Pendleton can save time anu monev by taking this route. By ac quainting tbe agents the previous even ing the stage will make connection with 2 o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton. Offioe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. Notice of Intention. tf. The Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or butter on subscription aocounts. Any one owing this offioe can settle their accounts in this manner qd can't do it too soon to suit us. "Never Fail" beadaobe wafers at Con ser k Brook's, Tbis medioine will oure any kind ot a headache in short order tf. Put a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till you get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars, Near city ball. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtenthal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioee. You oannct do better anywhere. tf Land Officii at The Dalles, Obkoon. June 22nd, 1897. 0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TRK ; fAiino,inv.n.nil settler has filed notice ox his intention to make final proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on August v n,i,v. tm. K Nn. 8999. for the BV4 NWJ and Ntf 8WJ4 Sec. 1, Tp 6 8 R 26 E W M. He names tne iouo ins ,v " K"f his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin H. Parker, J. F. Ward, Nelson Oumpton and Samuel Ensley, all of Hardman, Oregon. o llADi X iUVVLVAt 556-87 Register. i SHERIFFS SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the State of Oregon for the county of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and en tered In said court on the 9th day of Septem ber, 1896, in favor of Clara A. Cobb, Plaintiff, anrt mrntnat Morris D. Loiik. Linnie Long, bis Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is tbe time. You don't want to miss a whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being published in our "Only." Notice of Intention. . Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. June 3rd, 1897. X. OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE ll following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 20th, 1897. viz: HENRY CRAMER, Hd.E. No. 5970. for the NW!a NKV. Sec. 27. SySW and 8WJ SKJ4 Sec. 22, Tp. 4 8, R25 He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: jnnn Howru, tienry Moweu, Edwin S. Cox, and Fred Knighten, all of Hard man, Oregon. JA8. F. MOORE, 551-62 Register. BIDS FOR BUILDING WANTED. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE building committee of the Odd Fellows' hall at lone, Oregon, will receive bids for the erection of a 26x"i6 hall, everything to be fur nished by the builder. Plans and specifica tions for hall can be seen at J. A. Woolery's store at lone. Bids to be opened July 21, 1887. Tbe committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of committee. 556-83 J. A. WOOLERY. wife, F. O. Bucknum, Belle E. Bucknum, ms wife, C. A. Hughes, L. Hughes, her husband, H. J. Faust, Daniel B. Brown and Brown, his wife, Defendants for the sum of Three Hundred Seventy-One 85-100 Dollars with Interest thereon at the rate of eight per cent per annum from the 1st dav of March, 1895, and the further sum of $21.85 and interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from March 1st, 1894 and Fifty Five Dollars attorney fees and the sum of Fifty-one 75-100 dollars costs ana aisDursmems. Whereas by said decree and order of sale it was directed that the following described real property In Morrow county, Oregon to-wit: The East half of the South-west quarter and the WeBt half of the South east quarter of Sec tion 28, Township One (1) North Range 26 East, W. M to be sold to satiBfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will on Saturday, TheSltdayof July, 1897, at two o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell all the right, title and in terest of the said Morris D. Long, Linnie Long, his wife, et al., in and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash tn hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated July 2nd, 1897. 558-67 Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, June 1, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following named aettler has filed notice ol his Intention to make final Drool in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before i. w. Morrow, bounty Heppner, Oregon, on July loth, 1897. vis: EBEN H. ANDREWS, Rd. E. No. 81148, for the BE See. 18, Tp. 1 N. R. 6 F. W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, vis: W. B. Flnley, Arthur Hod aon. both of Galloway. Oregon, C. E. Musgrave, and Olen Hodadon, both of Lexington, Oregon. jab. r. huuki, frjO-561 Register. NORTH PACIPIO Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every fsrmer and breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample oopies free.) Rural Spirit and Gazette both for $3.50, cash, at tbis offioe. HEPPNER, Attorneys sxt IVaw, All business attended to in prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. 1 1 OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. MONEY IN THE ASHES. Word comes op to Dp or that one ot Jos Vej's camps, dows on McDonald Canyon, bas been robbed and boroed. Jos is out with I ISO reward for tbe arrest and conviction ot lbs perpetrators. NOTICE. I tt.t w it l. WantPrUEn Irfpa JTr:: MivietivB r nv ulll ' e v., hum iwwu iumkhmii Steading far ( KlUres. I had recently In my nrnio a prrll little boiieemaid, Imrely IV tear ol lust, rialle and good lemwrel. but a. 1 H-rtujllv do nt-aat thai abe Ihrevr a rloild 0rr our r net ful hMIrtil,l. t grew lurlam ImiI wati hlng her at work. One day, goihif Ihlo the kitrHrn, I saw Ing 0wu on a 1 hair, it Inn.W she had Just Wen reading. It mrMrled lo I tne experience el a mlaeUitiary In one ol our large etliea tot a divided Into nine ariiarat atorie. The were Ihrlr tit lea, eop Inl veilMtllnt on the MI : "The Infidel." "The lvhr Hanker." "The lrinkenl iNath." Th Miaer'a tVath." "The ll.pital." "lite Wanderer's twtlt," "The l)lhff Hltlrlmaker." "Tbe llrokea 1 1 fart." "The Intitule Poor." What under that, Ik lb KooU-hman'a ru inous daT. "life va full o' arlo'isne" fr bee, when religion and literature, hr to thii'r whtrh should mk up the em of our twtppinea, bat con aplrrd, tihiler Ihe gilt tf Hundst i huA fl. lion, . df-etroy tier gsvrly tf lart?-.glr lirppdcf. In fcvribner" All troai indebted in note and se eouute das lo Nobis k Co. ar requested lo Soma forward and settle sams 000 a paeuibl. W still ronlinas in bulnM snl will soil good low a ea b bosgbt any wbers la lbs stale, NoSLi k Co, Heppner, Or., Jaa It. V7. tf. V. ( g HofTord bas son fins ball trued Colwl buck, out of fcUrtno ews blcb fe wishes to ell able figure. Call os bins at lb Cms I"' Dlieartsa Tin Can Ileeue4 ana - Tamed latu Cash. I On eveiry dumping ground where the kcity contractor of llrooklyn pluce tlicir faahea one may aee constantly Italiana working hanl leveling the beopa, - as load after load 1 deposited, and care fully placing the tomato cans oud other rat-otT piece of tinware In pile by themeelvr. The contractors do not ob ject if the householder put old cans among the ahea, for Jthla inurcs a careful teveling by th Italian at the dumping ground at no eipetvat to the contractors. Th revenue front these enna that are collected by Ihe hundred of thousand I a mattrr of urpri to moi person. A two-home IoimI bring from to to H. It takes several days of hard work to get a big wsgon load, but the Italian don't arem lo mind Ihe laltor of It, for there la money Immediately In sight aa the pile of tin cans grow. They watch Jealously their picking grounds, and sometime make aweiJ arrangement with th contractor for ths privilege of acrapinf and raking Ih ab heajui over. The tin can ar sold to men with furnace, who place them In a big cal dron and tioder a alow fire melt the tin and udder ami run lhat part off for future ium and sale. Almost all the tin and aohter is ed by this procea. and la salable for use In making more ran for preaervlng vegetable. The beat is then made Intenae and th Iron that remain I melted and ct Into aaah welghta. The drmand for the old ran ia Atd In be greater than Ih upply. and one of Ihe moat valuable of the ravengv privilege that loe n 1 1 n in in 1 it in nmmn liivornnn rnmi. mm m uuiuiuiuiui 111 1 va vtsiva a v 1 ion I in ItllVU vv IV V rVVUlllA A 1 "V I Steamers TELLTDOXE, BAILEY 6ATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilweoo, Long Beech, Ocea Park and Nabeotta. Direct connection witb Ilwaoo leamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay with Seasbors Railroad. Leave Portland T A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, txcept Sunday. Leave Portland If.H. Pally, exrept Sunday. Saturday night. II P. M. Leave Astoria Dally a t(:4& A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M. OOBAN WAVE Leave Portland and runs direct to llwarn, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Satiirdayet I P. M Learea II war wadneaday and Friday at 7; J0 A. M. On Sunday night at t P. M. Bifjjse Chfflcd to R&Uroad Driiutio. Both Bfirbu Fret of Expense. Pot safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleaaur. Travel en th Tdepbona, Bailey OeUart and Orean War Wool Growers! It at lock ranch, 0 adJr blot r. Charley Jane bas rJaoed tbs prk of shaving tn 15 eeaU. v tea yoa want ft'! riae shsv sal at Ih srss old stsnd. If. Harkl' Ante Salve, Tbs IWt ttatvs la ths world for Cols, Bralsas, Note, rioers, tJt It baa Fever rtiwe, Telwf, Chapped lltadl, ( hllhiain. Corn, anil all Ms la r.rap- lions, and rxiiifly mre I'll. tars p rtire-l. Il I guaranteed to fiv terleH lifelloj fr money refunded frio real per bol. for Sal by ()oetr A 1'rock. Witb MoKialey ia tbs Wbll Donas, ws predict blgber prices tor wool during tbs coming Mason, sad feel a a red that Heppner will attract mors F. astern boy srs tbaa formerly. Tblr besdqaartert will bs at ths Wool Growers' Warehouse and it will bs to yoor loUreet to store your wool with as, losuraao rslas ar also Booh obssper tbao laal year. Ws fa m tab wool seeks sod twins to patron payabls wbsa wool is sold. Wo pay freight lo tmstre, and foraiab blaok reoelp s to woolgrowsrsoa sppllcailos. Ws bavs oa band rolled barley and f4 for toitra. Ws pay tbs highest ab prios for sheep pHs sod bid. v . - . . - t ai 1 j ? 1 il. . ... . . I e,Ma. t'li ire rll-a atum I th.t r' ""l9 m " laf Torino lot working over n ah dump. N. V. I P SllnSlal I U..h ! u.t. seJ Jlnwil IMf tum.l.M L. It. I . w i . .-.w.w j iwuf Ti sripnnsa, nppDr, Oregon. H. 1. IIY!N"D, Alanngor. St Hep- Mf A Vita r Th prvnident of a large accident rompaJiy Wll this remarkabl Ury ami Im-ale Ute occitrrene In llrooklya: ".Horn Iim ago a largvi policy bobler In my company aa run over by a trol ley rr and bis right leg painfully rriiaheil. Il remained coliacious afUr ib shoek for threw minuu-n, during which tiros be pulled out Ws wsu-h and calhol tbs alleotion ot U crowd to the fact that it lo 11 e'rlork. H IMion, and hi forealgli by Ihe ImtneiliBte mjnient of hi eek ly Indemnity litigation." T1IE PALACE HOTEL BAIL ntyetpd Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. rhl M rewanled intent of b I week- ' . " " without roMroveray o, Tho GAZETTE, $q.5o A Year for CASH.