Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 09, 1897, Image 3

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    I'oiUaad Library
Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and
Sick Headache the Results-Doctored
for Years Without Relief.
" My blood was oat of order, and I be
gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has
purified my blood and relieved me ol
rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick
headaches. I have been afflicted with
these difficulties for years. I am now able
to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has
troubled me since I was a child, but I am
how entirely well." Miss Pheobk Bai
ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California.
"I have suffered from the effects of im
pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased six bot
tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils
and pimples have all disappeared since I
began taking thiB medicine. I am now
entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412
11th Street, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Puri
fier. All druggists. SI, six for $5. Get Hood's.
r:i! are purely vegetable, re
HOOd S HlllS liable, beneficial. 25c.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (otheivthan those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of loeclal meetings for whatever ournosA.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue Is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line, i oese rules wui oe strictly aaner
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
tie, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE la. 50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.50 13.50
B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 .
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
More Oatraces on the Joha Day Sheep
Butchered and Property Barned.
About two weeks ago, along in the
last days of Jane, six masked men went
into Mrs. H. Weloh's camp on the head
o( Canyon oreek, Grant oonnty, and
butchered 125 bead of sheep in the same
manner that those belonging to Asa
Thomson were killed by shooting
them. Billy Welch, a nephew of Mrs.
Welch, was 'tending camp bat was
absent at the time the outrage was com
mitted. Jaok Eads, one of the herders,
was approaobed by the gang first and
held op, and his guns taken away from
him, after which the ammunition was
destroyed and the guns broken over a
tree. Tom Bnarly was also herding a
band in the vicinity and when asked to
give np bis gun did so bat said that the
weapon was bis and that be didn t want
it broken. After shooting away the
ammunition the gan was returned.
After ridding the oamp ot firearms the
band ruthlessly killed the sheep as
stated above.
Billy Corson was herding a band of
sheep for Tunis Swick within a half
mile of the Welob bands and was not
molested at that time, but the Gazette
is informed that later the oamp was en
tirely destroyed, bat oar informant was
unable to say whether or not any sheep
were killed.
It is plain indeed that these outrages
are not direoted against Morrow county
sheep alone, but rather a determined
effort to drive sheepmen oat of the
country.' It has been said that the
officers of tbe law in Grant oounty,
notably the sheriff, is in sympathy with
these marauders and that nothing will
be done. The Gazette hopes that this
is not true. It is a blot upon the fair
name of Grant oonnty, and unless
stopped now by prompt action ot tbe
authorities will result in the death of
some person.
Here and There.
See Marls for sky-blue ith trim
mings. 58 tt
Conser & Brock's for the "Never Fail"
headache wafer. tf.
John Boyse was down from Hard man
Wednesday last.
For a nobby suit of clothes go to the
New York tailor. 68tf
Milk from single oows for babies at
the Shorthorn dairy. 68tf
Any one wanting vebloles will do well
to call on Minor k Co. 560-61
Heppner Outfitting Co., in tbe old
Her ren aland, see adv. a
Any low shoes in the house at ooat,
30 deys'-Minor t Co. 500 61
Minor ft Co. have again opened np (or
business with a fine, big ad.
Frank Ralston and Cal Robinson were
over from Looa Bock Friday.
Tbe Hon Gold beer is tbe best beer,
tfor sale at all of tbe saloons. 28-60
Special sale pocket knives, pipes at
oost. next thirty days, Orauge Front.
53 tf
Heppner will send quite a number to
bear Mr. Bryan "orate" at Pendleton on
lbs 13th.
Bevan John Day wool teams came in
Mooday, leaving Tuesday, with mer-
Something swift in shoes. Don't
overlook us, Minor A Go. We lead,
Others follow. 660-61
To arriva for Minor k Co., one ear of
wagons, back-boards, backs and bog
glee-Fish brand. 600-61.
Best accommodation and courteous
treatment at tbe Imperial Hotel, Seventh
and Wash. 8ts., Fortland, Oregoo.
Tbers Is bo besr like the Hop Oold.
Tt aniu lha Dnblio. Yon can find it at
all lha drlnkiot- oleOCS lo HeDDOSr.
Minor k Co., lave bow so root one
ear of .tbe eelebrated Fish Bros.'
wagons. Don't bay notil too sea tbem.
Death of Mrs. Stanley.
Mrs. Susie A. Stanley, the wife of Pro
fessor J. H. Stanley, and a sister of Mrs.
W. D. Fen ton, of this oity, died at her
borne in Hillsboro, Washington county,
on Monday, says tbe Oregonian. Mrs.
8 75 Stanley bad only been ill since Satur
day noon, and her death proves a great
shock to a large circle of friends. She
as a daughter of A. W. Lucas, de
oeaeed, formerly living at Monmouth,
and leaves a son and four daughters, to
mourn tbe loss ot a kind and loving
mother. Tbe funeral takes plaoe today
from tbe family borne in Hillsboro.
Death baa again entered one of our
"homes and left his mark. Where only
a few days since there was joy and
happiness, today there is a bouse of
mourning and tears. The loss is
rendered the more painful beoaose ot
the sad death of the loved one.
Lewis Henry Meadows, eldest son of
Samuel and Minerva Meadows, was
born in Heppner, Morrow oonnty, Ore
gon, Aug. 7, 1882, met death July 2, 1897,
by an accidental gnnBhot wound, aged
14 years, 10 months and 25 days. In
perfeot health, he left the borne after
tbe noon-day meal and in just a few
minutes tbe shot bad been fired which
took bis life. He only returned to con
sciousness long enough to reoognlze his
father, the doolor and a few others who
stood by his side.
Not only has this brought a deep grief
to the hearts ot the family, but a gloom
has been cast over the whole town.
Perhaps no boy of tbe town was more
generally known or was more universal
ly esteemed. Lewis possessed some
sterling qualities. With a natural
frankness and a friendly disposition be
surrounded himself with a host of
friends among the young and old alike.
During the special service held tbe past
winter Lewis felt impressed that be
ought to be a Christian and acting on
this impulse, be gave his heart to God
and united with the M. . churoh,
South, of wbicb he was a member when
called into eternity. Tbe funeral serv
ices were oondnoted in the M. E. churoh,
South, by the writer, assisted by the
pastors ot tbe several churches. The
sermon was preached from xtev. Aiv
13, and after looking upon the face of
the deceased for tbe last time the body
was borne to tbe Heppner cemetery,
where, amid tears anl heartaches, we
said farewell, but with this last farewell
there is a bright hope the Christian's
hope. We shall meet again, " And God
shall wipe all tears from oar eyes."
"We shall meet beyond the river,
By and by, by and by,
And the darkness shall be over,
By and by, by and by ;
With the toilsome Journey done
And the glorious battle won.
We shall shine forth as the sun,
By and by, by and by.
"There our tears shall all cease flowing,
By and by, by and by,
And with sweetest rapture knowing,
By and by, by and by;
All the blest ones, who have gone
To the land of life and song,
We with shoutings shall rejoin,
By and by, by and by."
Sport Keeps Bis Ears Opea For a Few
It was currently reported that Mr.
Geo. Conser, oashler of The First Na
tional bank, ot this plaoe, bad made ar
rangements to attend tbe Bryan speaking
at Pendleton on the 13th. Mr. Conser,
however, says that be will not have
time to go.
It a statistician desires any data on
tbe number of recks In tbe road between
Heppner and Parker's mill it would be
well to see Geo. Conser. One cannot
afford to guess about these things.
Tom Buckley thinks that because be
has lost all ot his teeth at the bands ot
the dentist, and his hirsute appendage
for the upper lip at tbe barber shop,
there is no speoial reason why be should
be maligned by being compared in
looks to tbe ugliest man in the country.
The editor ot the GnZ3tte was beard
to say that np in British Colombia tbe
inhabitants, take their "constitutionals"
out of beer classes. It's a wonder he
ever came bads.
A few oharjters in "love and war" are
reported from Hamilton. Sport has tbe
deeD saeaoity not to publish any of
From a Washington Man.
"I was troubled with beadaohe and
bilionsness and was very weak. One
day I saw testimonials from people who
had been cared by Hood's Sarsaparilla
and I deoiled to try it. When I bad
taken three bottles the headache and
stomach trouble bad all disappeared."
Edward Meilandt, Brookfield, Washing
Hood's Pills are tbe best after-dinner
pills; assist digestion, cure beadaohe.
25 oents.
The plaoe to take the measure of a man
is not at the market plaoe, nor the amen
oorner, nor tbe forum, nor the field, but
at bis own fireside. There be lays
aside bis mask and yon oan tell whether
he is an imp or bumbug. We oare not
what the world says ot bim whether
it orowns him with jewels or pelts bim
with ancient eggs, we oare never a cop
per wbat his reputation may be. It
his babies dread bis borne ooming and
his wife swallows her heart every time
she asks him for a dollar, he's a fraud
in the first water even tho' be prays
from night to morn until he shakes tbe
eternal hills. Ex.
The New Iasect Which Has Beta Destroying
Grasshoppers by the Millions. Will Now
be Knows a the "Tachlna Fly."
That sprightly and industrious new in
sect which has come to put an end to tbe
maoh dreaded and destructive grass
hopper has been the subject ot consider
able comment among the farmers as well
as the publio in general. No'ooe seems
to have been able to give the new visitor
a name exoept that it is a "newfangled
something" that is far more welcome
than tbe industrious " 'hopper." Mr.
Arthur Smith, ot Heppner, has taken
considerable stock in tbe enterprise and
gathered a small boxful of the viotims
and nent them to the experiment station
at Oorvallis for examination, and receiv
ed the following statement wbioh is
Oregon State Agricultural College, Ex
periment (Station, Uorvallis, Uregoo,
July 5th. 1897.
Mr. Arthur Smith. Heppner, Ore.
Dear 8ir: Your letter of the first with
accompanying box of infested grass
hoppers it at band. The grasshoppers
are infested, as I supposed, by a soeoies
o: Taoninany. ine ooourrenoe is very
interesting from the fact tnat aooording
to your description and from the large
number of tbe maggots present in the
" 'hoppers" you sent, it would seem that
the flies are far more abundant and de
structive than they have ever before
been reported to be. Yours truly,
A. 6. Cobdlbt.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
wbat you want at T. B. Howard's .
TT. M. Howard
Main Street. Heppner. Oregon.
Minor & Co. are slaughtering ladies'
end gents' low shoes. 560-61
Gone to Heppner.
Josef Mueller, representative of Tbe
Wiley B. Allen Co , and Walt Bartholo
mew, his assistant, left for Heppner
Wednesday of this week. Mr. Mueller
travels overland behind his fast team,
"Fauny and Prinoess," during tbe sum'
mer months. Lnst Monday and Tues
day he sold two more pianos in Golden-
dale, one to Almon Baker and the other
to the Artisan lodge. We must con
gratulate Mr. Mueller on his great suc
cess; and we hardly think that he oan
be beat as a piano seller. Mr. Mueller
is a gentlemanly business man and sn
tertainer in every sense ot tbe word.
and if yon bear bim sing, "She never
oame baok, or "Uiri wanted, men
yon don't have to study very long why
be sells so many pianos. One dozen of
such salesmen, and no hard times for
The Wiley B. Allen Co. We only hope
that Mr. Mueller will soon return to
Goldendale. He has our best wishes on
the road. Goldendale Sentinel.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now the entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
E. O.: Mrs. Geo. Armstrong has gone
over to Heppner, where Mr. Armstrong
has gone into business.
Bill Brown Is over from Lone Rock.
Andrew Neal and John Hayes are over from
Lone Rock.
Ell Keeney and Thos. Rhea have returned
from their visit to the metropolis.
Park Garrlgues returned yesterday from
Portland where he spent the 4th.
W. H. Hermann, O. H. Rlsser and A. H. Mo-
Ewan, knights of the grip, were In Heppner
John E. Lathrop his returned to hli duties as
city editor of the E. O., after spending a few
days with friends in this vicinity.
Found Near Lena, a quantity of barb wire.
The owner can call on Joe Lucaman, prove
property, pay charges and get same. 60-2
C. F. Drake, who has been In charge of the
depot during Mr. J. C. Hart's absence, left yes
terday for Portland, Mr. Hart returning
Mrs. Jas. Bennett is over from Lone Rock to
receive medical treatment Borne days ago she
ran a rusty nail Into her foot which li earning
her much trouble.
J. B. Eddlngton, of Mt Vernon, went below
Wednesday to meet his Invalid wife who has
been down in California for the past three
years for her health.
Hick Mathews, George Barker and Andy Til-
lard. In one party, and Jack Matlock and Lee
Matlock In another, left yesterday for the
Oreeuhorn section. They will visit Sumpter
before returning.
Aotone Binge retarosd from Portland
oo Wednesdsy last.
L Blumen'bal returned from Port
land, ber bs ipeot the 4tb, on last
E. Campbell is in from Rida with
one ot the Bo est clips of woo! in Depp
Green Matbswa Is back from MoDofBs
springs where ba went to get rid of
rbomtim. Green is much better.
A boiler ti plosion in a harvest field at
Herlsvill. Tennessee, Toetday, killed
oios persons and serloosly wounded
fiva others.
Airs, H. A. Kelly departed on
Wednesday evening for her old boms
la Ysrmont where aba will visit bar ret
Dr. John W. Basmos, ot tbe Bedluht,aliffS snd old friends for a few weeks.
a IK a linn I ..... . 1
DM Beg Deer on m.,-, Mr. It E. Macintosh, of B.ls, earn
Oold. lkt of llqoora and cigars to ,D Mtf 00 , b , fom Piodetool
took. 11 sod left this afternoon tor The Dalles
A food bicycle, soitabls tor either lady .here ba will lets lbs boat to Portland.
$400L not $200
Two San Francisco grocers Ring Bros, and T. Salomon
won $100.00 each because they sent the most yellow tickets
before June 15th.
But grocers and clerks can get more tickets than other
1 1 t V ..I .
consumers; so we aiso paia $10000 eacn 10 me iwu pcr&uns
named below :
Mrs. Wm. Funk, Winnemucca, Nevada, 131 tickets.
Mrs. L. During, 819 Bryant Street, San Francisco, ji tickets.
Mrs. During: got a number of friends m San Francisco
and near by (one keeps a boarding house) to give her their
tickets ; and she used the tea herself.
By the way, she uses Schilling's Best baking powder and
extracts too bad she doesn't know how good Schilling's Best
spices are I But she says the extracts and baking powder
are wonderful.
A woman in Stockton, who keeps a restaurant, came very
. r t I
near getting a prize. 5ne deserves one lor supplying ner
customers such good tea.
Better read our advertisements every day some contain
suggestions how to win the prize.
By the way, grocers can't compete for the two $150.00 prize offered for the
most yellow tickets in one envelope between June 15th and August jiHt. They
cm, however, compete for the $1000.00 prize. 4
A Mining Giant Adrift.
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
At tbe Grant Brothers' mine, on the
-..tt. ttu.i. ,.f tu. tnk. n. in
UUtbll A'ULK HI W1U VUUU MO 11.11, A J j - . . a A
mileswestof Granite, 001 of tbe giautg OUTF1 i 1 lllCj CO.
I nnt m A w (i U k nfliAit Ann an A harran i
throwing its stream ot water, eight in
ones in diametor, io a circle, li. F.
Grant ran to set the machine, but was
hurled aside like a bit of paper. A ,
miner named Berry sprang at the giant,
and hia arm was broke: in two pi hops
I But this brave aotion no doubt saved
several lives. The mighty bolt ot
rrter, eight inches in diameter, swung I
io eyery direction. One ot Mr. Grant a
sons, a lad of 14 years, was sitting on a
knnUai . Knllt 1 1V) (..I itiatant mil
when tbe water struck It threw himlO hHANK iTlChAKLAOU, manager.
feel into tbe air. When tbe lad tell, be
I struck on his bead among some ragged
rooks, sorely braising his faoe sod nar
rowly misssd destroying one of bis eye.
The men were rolled and crnshed
airaiost the banks and rocks, sii of
tbem being badly braised and cat. A
yoang miner named Montgomery had I
bis shoulder dislocated, being injured so
be will not be able to work for at least
x weeks. An idea of the danger may
lbs gleaned from the faot that this bolt
I of eight inches In tbioknres, consider
ably larger than tbe tblokosss of a com
moo stovepipe, was hurled from a
pressure of aboot 100 feet fall.
This company carries dry goods, groceries,
hardware, boots and shoes, hats, gents' fur
nishings, etc Large shipment of Dew and
second hand furniture, which is being sold re
gardless of cost They have also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, lounges, springs, mat
tresses, all theBe at half price. Look for the
sign at Herren's old stand on May street, next
to Palace hotel.
cDr ctr si
aw s vr.
The Mount Lebanon Hheaers bave re
oently perfected an logeninus enre for
dyspepsia. Their Digestive Cordial
consists of food already digested aod a
diuealar of foods batmily combined. '
The importance of this invention
be appreciated when wa realize
proportion of the commuoity are vio
tims of some form of lbs stomach
troubles. Thousands ot pale, tbin peo
ple have little ioohoalion lo sal, and
wbat they do eat eausea tbem pain aod
The Dig-native Cordial of tl Hbakrs
oorreots any stomach derangement at
once. It makes thin people plump.
Every oaaaill ha greatly Interested in
tl.s little Ikm. k which )s boeu placed lu
tbe bands of drnggiata fur free distribu
Merchant Tailor.
Patror)ize Home .industry.
Has opened a first-class tailoring establishment in Natter's building,
next door to tbe gallery, and carries a fine line of Foreign and Do
mestic Woolens; is a practical tailor and cutter, with many years of
experience. Makes suits to order in tbe latest styles. All at reason
able priors.
:i Gleaning ana Rnjaiiii Done at Low Fipres.
or teotlemao. la One repair, new po so
matic tire, for saU cheap at Oilliam k
Btsbes'a. t(
Tboaa wbo deelra to build should oot
forcal tbat O. E. Reooae, tbo coo
trtetor. la ready to make aslimatec at
ay ttmt.
Cross & Black wall's taory ploklaa and
eanoad goods, reduced prices. Orange
front, opp. City boi.l, Cor, Mala and
Willow street. &3-f
Oo July l,19eed 3n, lbs O.Mi,
will sell ticursioB ticket to Halt Lk
City aod rsloro al a rat of
Tickets sipiro Joly 27.
01 year cloib neda by tb Ns
fork tailor. B earHos a Be aeUctioo
of lorelfo asd dowaati wooleos. Caa
It yoa op to to laiMt aitl. &t
D. A. Corraf, formerly of Peodletoo,
ke oood opolSot barber shop la
lbs old sUad oo lb Mailoek eoraar
Wok strictly first el Call .
Hick fceaderfc eaa l slickly aod roro-
blatol ovt hj l" !
ii.ii. tiu a 'Deolll' Li'll
f -
... itu..." rat sals t.T Cvfiaf
" If yoa ar goto? FredWUa W
It,... .naak .t CtJt tKk.t U.
W ... a . A .1
for Waving. II 7 " 1 "
pf day; iorao t-V la ra-o of
&-h, 113 P- ;"bi,t,-
tt agt at ifc ft. 60U
Word comes to Heppner that oa last
Wednesday lbs resldsDC and barn of
Ed. Uollaod, below Laxlogloo, war to
tally destroyed by fir. TL boos and
bars iosored for T50 sad tb fur
niture for I'm all io tb Firemeo's
Food, of Bso Francisco.
Tbosopaoo k Bioos ar Dallas; ito
slv repair la tk False aod wbea
flolsbed tb boos will present a freab
aod allractiv appearance, kleasra
Tints paon k Binea ar enterprising
IoiIomo aod lb occ lib wblob I
lny at aires J y meeting U srsll merited.
Tb Gatett olabe tbem eontiaa-d I
so see.
lo faot, aay person, or persons, residing wit bin
tbeiiy limits, or county limits, bo shall U
caught ridlog or walking, or walking by lb
str of
What Is Lalol? Not hiltg but Castor
Oil mads as palatable a bone y. Chil
dren like it.
A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor.
At the old stand, bave the nsual
spring outfit ot
Hnaides tbe thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention.
CJsall oe.
j n., July i. I'i7.
ALIHr h, (IllUrt M.
Hunt, I. A.
Ii kit-Mr. ii
lAtmmiJ, J.inr.
When railing fur tli
alrtlwMt. J.
IrtlarS plus
r. MILLUS. I'.
Haw s Iklal
W offer en hundred dollar reoarJ
l..r ass Ma of Catarrh ibat caoooi b
ear4 by II all's Catarrh Oar.
f. I. Cbeoey Co.. Prop., Tolado. IX
We lb osdeftirfoeJ, bavs
J. Cboy tor lha laat IS years
list blta prfartl? feunorabl lo all
balo traosactiofl aoJ naeeeially
abl lo aarry oot any oblinslwo ansd
br thMr firm.
Weal k Trust. Wboleeal Drat giats,
ToUdo, O. W aid lag, Klanao k Mar? la,
WkoWaU DrflSfleta, Toledo, O
U all's Catarrh Cnre I lake letr
ally, affUag directly opoo Ik blood aad
.oo Mrfa f Ihosycteoa, l'n
7 . bf tx'tll. M4 by U Drotiists.
Testimonials f r.
i i nit
W'ltboot stopping al lb store of kllNOH k GO.
Ill b Bonded by lb City Marshal Ibal th
only pises lo iieppner yoa can boy
w m a
N warrants will N reovivad for
tsies after July 1M. W7.
HbtnrT Morruw Oo , Or.
61 C2
N.it W la flnl National Hank Billtln.
You con Wogcr Your Sox that You
ore Always ot Homo at ....
Is st thHtorof MINOHACO Oarentir
line most go lo make rmm fur fall stonk ........ .
V.ndNl H II
i t
hotict Of Intention.
I nrri) s st I. (aaM. iimwh
Mar xh mtt
vmg l nri,Y .ir- iimt iiir.
i rnlli.ali iml lllr hu Slri iwUmH
hi. i'Uilli'ii in ii. k. Sal In Mi..rt M
hi. ri.lm, a4 lll Mlt ri "III t ia.te
tlnt. iiuiit; I Irrk. Muffti I tmntj, Kf.jun,
al Mnnf. tf."n. an iiilf tt mn, vis.
x . tt i'r 'i an a as n4i
Hit, I H I t M
II. m th. loitosltta alln.M.. Vi ne
t.t. rnfiiiniioua r.l'l.iw ijUin art .mMI atl'in
..(. aKt l.n-1. ti a.,irl y llr.H. M ihi.m N
h.ei.il. ) Mllame eu! Iln.. C1.11U;, all
IJ.l r. nn ,
a. r. WH''.
f4T I Ki.if
m.w,m mi. l ii hi
Oa Mala Hire!, in City llutsl Building.
They try to pleaas all. fie slob rooms la rneasrlioa.
IOW riIrvA.IJt Prop.
Uii 4 iiu m. ra
rAM aoorna
1. 1. aottatt
Rogers &. Roberts,
-ContracUirt and liuiKlcra.-
nans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
AH Kin Is of Kftair Work Done
OFFICE HOUKS-Par an! Night Leave four orders "Anr 01J.
nice" and Kcj. or Jim will cct em. o o o o o o o