Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, July 09, 1897, Image 1

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    I'oiUaua ibr.rj?
With a New Summir Ad.
The Gazette Does Job Work
With New Summir Ad.
t The Gazette Does Job Work
I With a N.w Summ.r Ad. 4t7? VSv ' W Yf? Vw?
- : : . Xiasr fe3ac3Bii
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man.
At S2.50 per year, $1.25 for six monthi, 75 ote.
tor three monine, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB ii kept on file at E. C. Date's
Advertising Agency, 64 and 95 Merchant!
Exohangs, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
raota f or advertising can be made f or it.
0. R. & N. '-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p. m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a, ni.
Leaves Heppner Junoiion 3:40 a, m. and ar
rive! at Heppner 6:lU a. m
v Spokane Express No. 1 leaven Portland at 2:45
p. m. and arrive at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Umatilla 9:15 p. m.
Portland Exoress Mo. S, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 56 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. and arrives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leave Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m.
Fast Hail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at Heppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :5t a. m.
For further information inquire of J. 0. Hart,
Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
President... William McKinley
V ee-Preeldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
oeorniaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss
Secretary of War Uuseell A. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James k. Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
State of Oregon.
Governor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer Phil. Hetschan
Bnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
u 1 G. W. McBride
id. W.
J. H.
J J. H. Mitohell
I Hinger Hermann
" I W. K.
....... W.
W. H. Leeds
( B. 8. 1
. F. A. i
fC E.1
( K. H. Hean.
Suureine Judaea F. A. Moore.
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Btephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Borrow County Officials.
Joint Senator... ... A, W. Oowan
Representative. J. N, Brown
County Judge A. G. Bartholomew
" Commissioners,.... I.U.Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
Treasurer.. Frank Gilliam
Assessor A. G, Petteys
" Surveyor.. J. W. Hornor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner.. B. F. Vauglian
iipnn towi omons. .
Mayor Thos. Morgan
Ummnilmen Geo. Conser, Frank
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E, J. Blooum, il.
Uchtenthal and J. li. Simons.
H icorder W. A, RlrhBrditon
T.-eaaurer L. W. Hriggs
Marshal ....A. A. Roberts
Preoinet ODeers. .
Justioe of the Peaoe W. K. HichantUon
Constable. ..N. B. Wbetatone
United States Land Officers,
ni dau.es, on,
J. F. Moors Hegistev
A. B. Biggs Beoaver
u obakdb, on.
B. F, Wilson Register
J. H. Bobbin.; Receiver
'u at Lexington, Or, the last Saturday of
ach month. Ail veterans are Invited to Join,
G. W. Smith, C. G. FoyUA.
Adjutant. tf Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offloe in tbe City Drag Store, near
City Hotel. tf
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe boars, 8 to 10 n. m., nod IS to
2 p. m., nt residence, Mre. U. Wr lob's
property, nod 10 to 12, to , to 2 to 5
p. m., si oflloe In the rssr of Burg's
jewelry store.
national Baoj; ei-ftpr.
wliMl Cashier.
MaJ oa Fevorabls Terma.
First National Bank
or HEprNER
C. A. Rhea,
T. A. Rhka,
Vlee PreeleleM
- Cannier
Ase't Caehler
Trisarfj t Gentril Busking Boms.
i ail sart 4 Ike world-
Bought and Sold.
ColterUon made oa all solot en
retainable Terma
aratite ami nadlrMed FrU, Ml.O()0 OO.
Xbe OsioKe dos pot qeii the
boseel; ot eny pereo, bot it ie foot
MllaJ to Ieeis4 apo Ibe aeea-'ia eJvsoee
plea of sober1(Hke, btuf Ibe snb
artber be Oa-osllue Vaa4rtbUI or Ibe
snea aba enr ble bread by boael 1011.
We eao not nm tbe pper ay KHer
plea. '
Wbnt la Hup CroU? W ra
aartb. tew a4. eUeabera.
. I I - 11 - - ' -, ...... .
ccht wrnvi v " t i-ttt i n - i i ;
ocm i w cem i vjaci in. i, 1 11,111 11 1 11,11 111 nj
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo. Pendleton, Baker
j vuy, .uigin nna unntinston.;
Three kportant " Points.
FIRST Go via. St Panl h-
cause the liDes to that point will
afford j on the very best service.
SECOND See that the eminon
beyond St. Paul rends via. the
VVisCODBin Central hannnaa ttiaf
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union DeDot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agent and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
central lines, or address
Ja. C. Pond,
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General A (tent, 1
246 Stark St.,
Portland Or.
uen. fas. Azt.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
While yon aeep yonr snbsoripUon paid np ten
eaa keep vonr brand in free of charge.
Borar. P. O.. Hannnar. Or. RnraAa P n !
bonlder; oattle, same on left hip.
Cook. A. J..Lena,Or. Horsea. BOon rihthml
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square
orop on! left and split in right.
Doiurlae. W. M - Oallowav. Or. rVttla R T
right iide.ewailow-fork in saoh ear; horses, B I)
on left hip.
Ely. Bro Dnoclas. Or. Borne hraniliwl V.T.V
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip. hole
iu riau ear.
Floreno. L. A.. HeDDner. Or Cetfle l.w
right hipi horses. F with bar nndar on ri.M
Jones. Harnr. HeDriner. Or. flrmM Wil
li J on the left shmililer: nettle hmirfut J nn
right hip, also nnderbit in left ear. Range in
Morrow eonntj. .
Jobnaon. Felix. Lena. Or. Hnrsee. nlmUT ,
left atifle: oattle. earn on riirht hin. nariar hll
orop in rit and olit In left ear
Ken nr. Hike. Hennner. Or. Hniaea hnljut
KNY on lefthlD oattle am and nrun nff 1
ear; under dope on the right ,
Iwthev. 1. W. HlnraiM t Yr U.. U...4-J
Laud A on left shonlder; nettle same on left
hip, wattle over right ere, three slits in right
sar. ,
Minor. Oaoar. nennner Or. ttl M n
right hip; horse, U on left shonlder.
Morgan. H. N.. Rennnw. Or IThmo M
on left ehonldei oattle earns on left hip.
On horn. J. W.. Donslaa. Or.! hnreea C) mi lf
honider; eattl same on right hip.
Parker a. Oleaaon. Hardman Or. Rm 1 P
left shoulder.
Ploer. J. R.. Lexington. Or. Hnnee. JK nrm.
neoted onlaft ebooideri oattle, easae on lef hip,
nnder bit in eaob ear.
Keotor. J. W Heppner, Or. Horses, JO M
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
SDernr. K. O. HeDDner. Or. Cattle W n mi
left hip, orop of right and nnderbit in left rear,
dewlapt horses W C on left eiumblar.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Or . Horee. I on
left ehoulder: oattle. x en left ahnaldev.
Tamer K. W.. Heppner. Or. Small ospital T
left shonlder, nor i oattle same on left hip
vim eym id doio
Wattenbarger, W. J., Omllowav. Or.i horses
quarter oircle JW on right shoulder; eattls
quarter circle JW on right hip and rtghtsida.
rmp and hole In left sar. Bangs in Morrow and
umauua eoanues.
A tli-e Is beretir siven that I have nn the lat
da of May, w.n, (een appointed a saalgneeof
the estate ol U. W. Swagrart, IneolvenL and
all persona holding claims agsinst seld Insol
vent, or his MUM, are hereby noil fled to pre
sent th same to me at my office In Hanpner,
Morrow county, Oregon, properly verified by
oih sreordtng to law, elihln three months
alter aate oi uiis notice. ID. K. Biaiior,
Heppner, Or., May 7, 1W7. Mi-,'4.
I and ornrK at thi dallka, orkoon,
lj June mi. IW7. Notice 1 herrhv Ih thl
the dillow lug named settler ha Bled entire ol
ht lutenllna to make dual proof In stibport of
bis claim, and thai aald proof will he made
bvlnre J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Utruner.
Orvfun, on August Is, U7, vis:
Hd. r.. No. snoe, for the BWia, Nee. &, To. I .,
He names the fnllowlnf wftneeaee to ntmi
of, aald land, vis:
ni miuinnoti reaioencs UDoo ana euiuvaBoa
f harlea An4raon. of Efarht Mile. Oregon.
Jnba K. Ceterson, frank A. ,nrw1l and An.
drew at. fetterson, all of Unnmmrrf. Oerctin,
V Register.
Notice of Intuition.
lj June n. e7. NiMli I herehy given
thai the lollowlng named Miller has tiled it.rilre
of bis Intenlion u make Anal .rl In siipfmrt
of hie claim, and Uiat said pmol will I med
wiotej. w, i.rrtr1i,niy i lets, at llef-pner,
vregtia, on aeguai in, iw,, tii:
Rd. I! Nn MIS, fw the WV Mec. , Tp. 1 1 ,
.M K. W. M.
He Hemes the fnlloe-lng tllmni s tn prove
sit eonnnitoBS reemeiete upon sua culUtattun
of. Mid laud, vti:
( lierlee Aaderaoa, of f Iftil Mile, Owtos,
..he B rir.. frmnk A 1-an.laU and iobn
iohnaoo, sll uf itnmmtjrttl, rs .
JA. 9. MfOFI!.
hf Kegteter.
Tbe reinlar ealieanptKia prtce of tbe
hVffit-Weekly (ietetU k 12 50 and Ibe
reirnler prtoa of tba Weekly Orgnnlae
UI1.&0. Aoyoee eoWribina for Ibe
Ossstle eod payief fr ooe year It
adteaea tea lt With Iba flsselle and
Weakly Or foalaa for ll.fio. All old snt
aonbera payiac tl.elr eabanriptioaa fcf
eaa year la edvanee nili ha entitled M
m e
WnlL Tbomrjane ran ataa ttwa
nropaer aad Bfoaoaet, erriviof stsff
dey eipt Monday aad lwtaf every
gay sieepi rxindef . rinnrtewi anI ebeep-
rra a tsve inwnor. a. . Moen
feat a
stUn 4VTB A lALfTsTU lia I I sk w
McClure's Magazine
For 1807
A New Life of erant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of
(irant ever published. (Begins In December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
R?be(Begns,in May)"180"'" "St IVe'' " The "ly Vel ' 8teTeuon, "tiu unpublished
Charles A. Dana. 'Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. ,
Portraits of ereat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
tl A1? m raSmfrbll!f "1!?c1r1 i",,PUc"1 ,tuJies under the general title of
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by C0NAN DOYLB, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for myntery and Ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Oaboriau,
IAN M ACLAREN, All the Action that he will write during the coming year' with the exception
of two contributions to another nnhHcatlnn whl. h Ar..n...i V..m i
appearin McClueb's MaoasinbT B "
,0ELRKwPI R,1,HA.?.I,8 A.eu0,,new en'mal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. - :
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCluri's
Rll nf in A ihnrr sifrtriua Via will ui i t iijn sv. n .
v v. . uw nwTOuuiins biic wiiiiukj y uttr, k
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoajinb a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself.
ntnony Hope Brat Hsrts Robert Barr
Frank R. Stookten Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaell
will all have stories in McClubs's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCLung's Maoazike for
187, the subscription priee of which is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November., Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
A Campaign
Of Education !
HOW tO GGVlt ..(T fr A A
For $ D . U U
mmate skill.
Such e paper is a great popular educator. It should be in every
The subscription price of Lealle'a U 14 pe nnttm.
We maks the unparalleled offer of e copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever mads before. No such offer will ever be msde
again. These twe papers make a most acceptable Chrlstmss or blrthdsy
(tft, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
U Heppner, Orecon.
Publish Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
Tba Outlook will be la 1W, aa il baa
been dorlo aaoh of IU tweoty eeeea
yenra, a History of Oar Owe Time. Ia
ita vartoos editorial departments Tba
Outlook fire a oompnot review of tbe
warld'a progreee; il follows witb care
all iba Important pbileatbrople aad io
doetriel movements of tbe day; bee a
complete department of religious news;
devote mocb Spar to tba iotereet of
lb borne; reviews current liter el ore;
faraiebea cbeerfal teble-telk about mea
eod ILIngs: and, ia short, aims to give
freeb lolormeiloa, ori(ina) obewrvetioa,
aad reeeoneUe eoteHaiameat.
lUgioDloi wltb lb fifty fliflb volume,
lb peper wUI aeeaaa Iba reg ular mega
tin i, wbinb will add greatly Io ile
eoOTrniroee aad attrartiveoeea. Tbe
Ontlrx kla pablisbed every Hatordey
flfty leo laeoee a year. Tba Orel Issue
la aeab month i aa Illuetrnted M sgeiias
Namber, aoateioinff eboat Iwtraa meay
peer ee Iba ordinary iaeae, logatber
Mb lerg eomber of pertare.
Tbe pnef Tba Outlook I Ibrea
dollar a year la edveoee, or l Ibea a
cent a dy.
Road lor a eitetea py aad illaetrel
eO pfoepeetq to The Oattuoe, 13 Aetor
t'laaa, New Tusk Cttv.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
Th best literature is expensive.
Lealle'a llluatrated
Published at 110 Klfth Avenue,
New York, is full of the best things.'
It illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and its literary
department are erilijwl with win.
Now ia tba lima to set tba Weekl
Oregooian, Iba greatest newspaper of
ilievveet. With tbeOatetl,botb strict
ly io ad ranee, one year, 3.60. No better
oorrbioetion of pespsprrs esobe mada
to iba ilits,
Few realise tbat escb rqalrrel de
troys 1160 voitb of grsln annanlly
Wskelee's Squirrel and Onpber Eiter
oiiDetor is tbe moel effeefiva aad mu
aomlcal poison koowo. Priee redaeed
to 80 oeala. Goo sar k Brook aad Mloor
Ca, atrenU, fleppner; J. A. Woolery,
eieat, Ioee; Niobols k Lenob, ageote
MOTU t ie Hrkr.uy ut. tht inma
lv and by virtu ol an eierution laaued out
of the ( Irt ult ( niirt of II. Rial nf lirrg.m lr
thrtoniitynl Morrow and to m dlrertad nd
1.ll.rl. nmm a ii.lrmnt rendered and
trl In said rrt nn Ih 1Mb it.r of May, l7
In U..r e4 I. rldinaa and . It. H. rl
lliitlff. and agaliiai W. L. Haling. 4i-ilant,
hit theeum of One llundrw), T eriily Two and
V. lui U.narv In 1'. a gi.ld rn wlih tit.fM
Uiervoej k US gold Hn al It. rate erf gieht
Gr irnil ft annum front th Mh day of Asrll,
n and Ik lurtber sum erf t ll.la i iMM.ar
il nd ritefiurarniM,) In ,t. h Judgment It
mdoent by Ih court thai Ih .rin
tiarkad In said artlne and Kfriiuilit da
- rnl, to ll a,,.,ia half nf ! hnith KaaS
viarv, m "-tlon n eni lh r.i.rth r.at Ouar
l rf -nl.,o tu and IM nrMiia Nail rrf Ih
n tit.wal ijuarler of pmtinn r'kM Ih
Hall erf ih e.,h Tut Uuael e.t briina xi
and Ih "em I a Mall erf ll,a amlti V (V.in.f
tt wi.n si, i n nuMp (I, awm
rarr l' wniamriw ,fl.llan, M.irr..
ex.uiily, Irrtvin, l nld In atlfy aald ludg
mwni, wm.m ne rrruing eweie. I li, oe
Hal. i flay the Jl.l day nf July, Mr, r
ew p He., frf Said eiay Ih fremt (mn
at in roe . a In H'futf, Hone,
r.mair, '",, aail all ha right, tin and
l.veeai ia Hi. aii w, l eelln
!"""( in aid W. I. Marin In ai.d In u
ltndrtiled pnMy af ., t. u- .M-l.en n
lei Ih hiir.'M and ImI M'l.lw l. eah m hand
th .ee.1a u r a i... Xu in aaiilaie,n erf
Id (ulleMi aad all , nd thai way
g, I. "All" a,
Mivneof MefreW pe,ui,r !),,,
hM ie J. IV7. 4
Um Tillard. proprietor of -Tbe SSeL
vmm" Wk. bee moved Into ibe City
bM rHitl tinf oa Miia street, where be
will ta fha1 tn gr bis fneala wilk
tla elwjieeel bread f l'(re ad
etse. !
Now the Bone of Contention Be
tween Greece and Turkey.
Something About the Cradle of Class
ic Civilisation Ita Paat His
tory and Ita Present
In a political view the addition of
Crete to the small kingdom of Greece
would not be very considerable, though
that island is three-fourths as large aa
Connecticut and is capable of support
ing 1,500,000 people, as it may once have
done. It now has perhaps 300,000, or
about one-tenth of the present popula
tion of King George's domain which,
by the late census, Teaohed nearly 3,000,
puO. It is a mountainous land, and ita
highest peak, Ida, is nearly 7,700 feet
high but 400 feet lower than, Par
nassus. In the later period of ancient Greece,
and when first controlled by the Ro
uians, Crete was a epeoies of maritime
Switzerland, furnishing archers and
sailors and other mercenaries to the
powerful sovereigns around it. The
right of insurrection was recognized
there "by law, if the riders were unjust
and usually they were. From mercenary
soldiery to piracy was but one step, and
the Cretans took ,it. They were the
vorst pirates in Pompey's day with
whom the Romans had to deal. Even
earlier, in the time of Polybius, they
had a bad name, for he says: "Crete is
the only country in the world where
money-making, no matter how, passes
for honest and legitimate. If you look
at ,ie individual Cretans, few men are
more knavish. If you examine the gov
ernment, there is none which cherishes
more unjust designs." This Is what
most nations have to hear about them
selves from their enemies; but there
is a singular agreement of opinion con
cerning the Cretans. To lie was to "jJsy
the Cretan."
And yet the cradle of claneic civiliza
tion was in that mountain land; and its
fertility has always been famous.
Aristotle said that no position (in the
narrow Mediterranean world) was ever
more favorable for the establishment
of a great empire; and Plato drew from
Cretan sources his kletU laws, as Lycur
gus was said to have done when he re
formed Bparta, Minos, the mythical
lawgiver, and Daedalus, the mythical
artist, were both Cretans, and Zeus
himself is fabled to have been born upon
Mount Ida, named for the Phrygian
mountain that overlooks Troy, The
worship of several of the Grecian dei
ties came from Crete the Eleuslnlan
Ceres, for Inutance; EpimenUlee wee a
Cretan, and the Delphic Apollo got his
Pythian priests from the same holy isle.
St. Paul established a church in Crete,
and it was for centuries an orthodox
'slund. Venice did what nhe could tej
make It Roman Catholic, ami when the
Turin finally held it, but little over two
centuries ago, they did thejir beet to
make it Mohammedan. The fierce
orthodoxy of the Islondem rclnted It;
and now but a fifth prt of the resi
dents follow the crescent, and most of
those are of Greek descent renegades
for the sake of gain and power.
For the Interests of learning and
urxshaeologicol reeearoh. the control
of Crete by the Greek government
would be all imwrtont.TbeTurk have
latterly allowed excavations tlirre, and
many discoveries have been made; but
he difncultli's of nuch work in a Turk
ish dpendeMiry are always grent.
Twelve yearn arro Halbhrrr and Fnb-
rlcltis discovered the antique Inns of
Gortyna, curved In mnrhlr, and lying
in the rer of a null stream; and for the
pat four years Arthur Onus, the Fjtg-
glish arehni'ologist, tins lieen finding
.vondroti Myrrnrun remans, vthiclt
eeld tntic-h to our thcoretlcnl know ledire
of thst prehistoric -erlod which Pmf.
Manatt, of Jlrown, hna drarrilird no
clearly in his iww work. Hut all this
research would go forward faster If
Kavmlin. and Tsottntns, and the ot'n-r
Irarnrd (in-rks who have done so much
oil the rmilnkind, would extend thn'r
Inquiries over Crete, and open Ha frrns
tirew to the American, the Ilritish, llif
Ge-rtimn, and the French school, nw
so busy d gitif In Girere. Hirmgfli-ld
imam.) lir publican.
( oalela'i .ea t TI.
A aiiarp Yankre went Into Well street
about two y.-ra ego with fl.mx) end
hse since cleared f Soo.Oon. A, this was
something really re-mark able, n will
known broker W a aakr.l the eerrrt of
the Yankee's sniccess. anel K r...i:.,t.
"He U etone deaf, and thrrefeare cannot
liaiern to VieirlhlrM tine."
laeU t gbl la lha awaassa rf Maaiee
ft rent gat Iter.
The report made from Irfiredo to the
treasury department at Vahinrun
make constant rrfrrrnc to one of the
iueret artirles of ltnrl brought inlet
I his country. Three are elriril Mrsican
fliea, whiih nre brought to the t'uttrel
htata in large quantities to b ue-d aa
ffievl for H-t Slhgltig leirela.
Three flies lite in Ibe swemfes !u srl
on nrv'tlirns In Mrlei, vt here I try sre
ratlfbt by men who d'Veilr Ihe r lite
ti the work. Tbe fly raJe-hrm uae
silren nrt, and make latg haul at
etery rest. The tnlii.lul fly IsmlM
moarna. It Is afjiaJI and drhrsle, and
II wbole body tia Ihe aprarshrw rf
having been gUdeel.
The fl ire when al.ve are beanUM rid
harmlraa. There le a duty oa th
Vetlrsn fliea, dotibtlrse to enroure
tie home fly Induatry, but tip to th
preewnl tint th Sneam litiain baa
tii'l lliturib In this country to any
narked eiteid. TJe Imported Die are
imrknl la barrete, aad Utff sell for a
b gb rlce.
reataaers trtt Crevbaea.
Tb Isrgeef orrbard In Great Ilrileln
la at Tottlnr'on, In ifc rotifafy t,t
l.loorr.'rr. t Is soo arra In eUnt,
red In er?i jtnon yield it owner,
tfd Mueller, a profit if ivi.noo. Tbe
tre nre rbirfty st' t end plum.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Keiuedy is the Best.
1. Beoanse it affords almost instant
relief in oase of pain id tbe stomach.
oolic and cholera morbus.
2. Beoaase it is the only remedy that
never fails in tbe most severe oases of
dysentery and diarrhoea.
3- Beoause it is the only remedy that
will cure obronio diarrhoea.
i. Beoanse it is tbe bnly remedy that
will prevent bilious oolio. ;
5. Beoause it is the only remedy that
will oure epidemioal dysentery.
6. ' Beoanse it is tbe only remedv thnt
can always be depended upon in oases
of oholera infantum.
'. 7. Because it is the moBt prompt and
moel reliable medioine io use for bowel
8. Because it orodnoea no haA
results. ..........
9. Beoanee it is pleasant 'and' safe to
10. Beoause it has saved tbe lives of
more people than any other medioine in
tbe world.
The 25 and 50c sizes for sale bv CW-
Ber & Brock.
An enthusiastic Frenoh glassmnker ia
building a glass residence, tbe floors,
walls, drapinge, piping, and muoh of
tbe furniture being of glass. The outer
walls will be Ibiok, and where exposed
to tbe gaze of outsiders are to be deeo-
oolored glass. A glass ward Is beina
constructed io the London Temperanoe
hospital. Tbe glass is an opaque white
resembling porcelain with a biuh sheen
and is fixed in rectangular tiles one-
eighth inob tbiok on a cement back
ground and "pointed" aa brioks are
when finished, ao as to afford tbe least
possible bold for the ferocious beast,
tbe microbe, and Io be easily washed
witb a boss.
Don't neglept a cough because tbe
weather ia pleasnnt; before tbe next
storm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure ia easy to take and
will do what ita name implies. For sale
by Conser A Brock. e
Joe Eddington, of Mount Vernon,
sold his olip for 10 oents Wednesday.
Although Fendleton has a aoouring mill
and olaima tbe benefit of competing
freight. rates,, the Gazette faeere of no
better prices being paid than al Hepp
ner, Naoseo's obiet discovery in tbe far
North ia Ibat a very deep aea exists
north of tbe Fram Josef group of is
lands, and ita waters are comparatively
warm at a depth of J00 fathome. One
theory is bat tba differeno io tempera
lore ia due to tba golf stream.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., saya "One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only obild
from dying by oronp." II baa saved
tboosanda of others suffering from oronp
pnenmonia, bronchitis and other serious
tbrost and long trouble. For aala bv
Conser k Brook.
Dan Morrow' aix-borsa team look tbe
wagon longo out In short order on
Main slreel Wednesday. Teaming U
not all profit.
The crescent waves on Cretan shores,
Ths eroits of t'hrlat goes down ;
Ths Turks srs helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and Iowa.
Columbia's eagle hears nar heeds
foot Culm's piercing rryj
Then let ns drown these shsmefut deeds
la "perry's "IJnwood By,"
For sal at Iba Belvedere saloon, E.
(J. Bperry, proprietor. tf
A Bomber of loaded tesma polled out
for Long Creek Wednesday.
Don't tbio yoor blood witb aaaaafraa
or poisoo II with blue-mass; bat aid Na
ture by oaiog Dewitt'a Little Early
niaer. tba fsmoo little pills for con
stipation, billooenea and stomach I rou
bles. Tbey ar purely vegetable. For
eale by Ooneer k Broek. e
Trof. John a McOretb wea aerionsly
Injured al Arlington Taeedav L I nmn.
- r 0 a "
Ingoffof a barn wltn a balooo pere
chote. IJe fell ebon! 45 ft witbont
th paraohot opening. Ha will prob
ably recover.
Tetter, nalt-lliioum and rU-tcnta.
Tbe lntn Itching and smarting. Inci
dent to UieMdlmeajtr, Instantly allayed
by applying CbamlwrUln'a Kya and
8k In Ointment. Many very bad cear
nave rwen permanently rnn-d by It. It
la equally enVirnt for Itcldng plica and
a favorite reuiexly f,,r aeira nltmlea.
chapiK-e) hanela, rhilblalna, frost lltW
ana cbrolih! neir eyes. M Ha. per bol
Dr. fady' f oaditieMi I'ewdVra, ar
Jnat what m horaa hnU when In bsxl
condition. TtiW, blotid pnrlfler and
varmlfnga. Thee ara ant femd but
medicine and tba eit In turn to put a
kvima In prim) onIltlin. l"ria K
eetits per pakaK.
aa H f) Sa
sta Miie !.,. u.
II re k rveva) f ( ( nl
r--1 If wain.. 4 Ot.
.f lertj. ifca ,,,( . Ka.
f Vb ' " 4 ffS
M M axe.
Eli's Cream Balm
Uela4 Mtaaa aanat Owen jf fear
aaank. i4 la Ilea et tlaf f , T .)
emmlaa. Il mt-t aexewa ma aal i.aaare. a,
OWr pf a. -t itUUmeM, leM Helena, prm
Smw II m.i 'm Irotet 4a, netoea ua
lai,ia4M1 P.M.ana Mlm,)iM naff M.I.
I tal avIuIfc,1SrrBSueart,a t
No kai .
Absolutely Pure
.Sa Til8? ifor ,ta .Rreat lesvening trength
and healthfulnees. ABsnres the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common to
the ohoap brands. .- . , , .
Let us labor for tbe'seourity of free
thought, free speeoh, free press, pure
morale, unfettered religions sentiment
and equal rights and privileges for all
men, irrespective of nationality, color or
religion ; encourage free Bohools; reaolva
that not one dollar aoDroDriated lo ih
shall go to the support of any sectarian
sohool; resolve that neither state nor na
tion shall support any institution save '
tboBe where every ohild mav mi i
oommon school eduoation, unmixed
'tth any Btheistio, paiian or sectarian
tesohiog; leave tbe matter of relioion.
teaching to tbe family altar, anil k'nan
oburob and state forever sepraated.
All the Pennln '
Bhould keep themselves healthy and
especial oare should be given to thi
matter at Ibis time. Health dependa
upon pure, rich blood, for when the
blood is impure and imnoverishail Hi.
eases of various kinds are almost oertain
to result. The ons true blood purifier is
Hood' Sarsaparllla. By ita power to
purify and vitalize the blood il has
proved itself to be the safeguard of
health, and the reoord of remarkahla
oures effected proves Ibat it baa wonder-
rui power. It aotually and permanently
onre when all other preparation fail
to do any good whatever.
A Valuable Preaorlptlon. . ,
Editor Morriaoo of Worthinglon, Ind.,
"Bnn," writes: -Too have a valuable
prescriotion In Flontrin nut.. ,i r
- v.. vols, HUH x
oan obeerfollv renommnml it rn. rv
j - . - .wa, vwual-
pation, Siok Headaobe, and as a general
system tonic it has do equal." Mr.
Annie btehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ar.,
UblOSBO. Waa all rnn Anmn ee.nlJ i
nor digest food, tad a backache whlob
uvor mis ner ana felt tired and weary.
bot BIX bottles of F.I MAtrie, I I In., m.
ed ber health and renewed her strength.
Prioe 60 oe tile and 1.00. Get a bottle at
uonser a. urook a drug store.
Crop bulletin aara that th a,h..i
oata, barley, and rya orop throughout
17 s . a-
eastern uregoo are now safe and good
orops ar sure. A careful estimal
pleeee the yield al from 80 to 40 buabela
per tor for winter wheat and from an
to 80 bushels for spring wheat.
"Last summer on of onr aranet.
oblldren was sick witb a severe bowel
trouble," says Mrs. E. 0. Oregory, of
Frederiokstown, Mo. "Our doctor'
remedy bad failed, tbeo we tried Cham
berlain's Oollo, Cholera und Diarrhoea
Hemedy, whlob gave very speody relief."
For sale by Cooaer k Brook.
Threshing outilta ar being fitted np
tbroagboot Ih ooanty and ao active
eampafga of reaping tba golden art iota
will soon be tba order of tbe day,
Oeo. Armstrong-, who Is now roooiog
the popular aaloon on tba Matlook oor
ner, baa pnl lo Ihe Hop Ool.l draught
beer. Milwaukee and Hop Gold bottle
beer, fine liqtiore and cigars always on
band. John Durham, assistant mixolo
gist. Call on tba boy and get your
baer by glass or quart 63.(
Tbe Golden Kale hotel at LaOraod
burned oo tba morning of lb 41b. Ixt
Im flock sisga leaves Heppner at
To'oloak, a. mM Toeedays, Tbnrselays,
and Hatordays; arrives al 6 o'loek, p.
m.. Mondays, Wedneedaye aad Friday a.
Will make conoeoiioo with branch train
when dealred. Far 12. eb way.
Frishl I,' cent per pouOiU J. U.
B-llnbrtHk, Prop, Offlo al Harry
Warree' drng store. if.
I'aol Flsnlgan, who I wl kaowo
among lb ahrarers throughout tbi
eeetitm aad who loft here ahool sli
weak age f-r Montana, baa Ueo beard
from al Cheater. He isys Ibat rw,
tormy waatbar killed a great maay of
tba abeara.) sheep tbrooghoal thai pari
of Montsaa.
1 1 la r port J thai I he potato' orop
Ihrooghoal Ibi seotinn will be an usual
ly Lssvy this aon.
Alrsb PnH.reon, formerly entiaaet.!
Itb Iha ()gtia, I attending , Greed
l-xlrfs of Kike, widt h la now lo oesloo
at Miaaespolla.
. Tster IU.trr.nn, WM Bp from Dwog .
lae vTedaeaday aa bntinrei conaaoted
witb tl.e('oi mUIs
Call at law Tillard for nit kind of
wsl goods, al ,ia new ple Is lb Ctly
bolel baiidlng. (