oliuo iiuo TO THK GIVES THE CHOICK Of Two Transcontinental OREGON SHORT LINE. VIA GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane Salt Lake MINNEAPOLIS DENVER St. Paul Omaha AND r AND Chicago Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leaue Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details oall on 0. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND. OltEdON E. McNElLL, President and Manager. San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt, Shasta route of the Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all points Kant and South. Grand Hoenlo Route of the Paoi&o Coast. Pullman Buffet Bleouere. Beoond-olnse Uleepera Attached to exprnea trains, affording superior accommodations for seoond-olaas passengers. For rates, tioketa, sleeping oar reservations, eta., call nnon or address B. KOElII.KR, Manager, E. P. R0GKE8, Aiat, Oen. F. A r. Agt., Portland, Oregon HUE YOU GOING ERST ? If bo, be fi re and see that your ticket reads via tug Horinweslern Line ....THE.... CHI0AC10, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAIIA RAILWAY TI1IH IS THB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTfl, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND BOOTH. Thi'lr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlliuled Ululug and Sleeping Cur Tralni, and Motto: ALWAYS ON TIMK has Riven this road a national reputation. All i-laMce of passengers carried on the v.-.tlliillc.l trains without extra charge. Ship your (rcliiht ami travel ovur tills (unions lluu. All ageula have tickets. W. II. MEAD, t. C fHVAOR, Umii. A Kent. 'I'rav. F. A P. Agt. 2ia Washington tit., Portland, Or. CIIIOAGO M APHIS PAPEIa DFTHE THE CHRONICLE ranks wltta Iks greatest aewspapers In ths United Htatea. THK CHRONICLE bas no equal on tha Pactoe Coast. It leads all in ability, enterprise and news. TUB CliftONICLK'B Telegraph to Reports arc tbe latest and most reliable, its Local News Ui fullest and spiciest, and Its Kditorlais from tbe ablest pens in the country, THECHUONICLE has always been, and always wtll be, the friend and champion of the people aa against combinations, cliques, corporations, or opprcnnlonn of any kind. It will be independent In everything neutral in nothing. Milwaukee & St. Paul Ju This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lights its trains by cleotrioity through out; Uses the celebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Hans speedily equipped passenger trains every day and mitlil tietween Nt. Paul and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operates steam-heated veatitmUd trains, carry lug Ilia latest private compartment cars, library buffet ara.tk Ing cara, ani palace drawing room sleepers. 1'arlor oars, free redlining ctialr oars. ana the very beat iliuing clialr oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United HI ales r Canada, apply to agent or adJrees 0. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHET, General Agent. Trsv. Puss. Agent. l'orllaud, Or. 0 VtARt xPtaisMOL TRAD! MARRt, DISICNB, eoaViOMTl Aa a tu, ftw, h.t,r en it,, i .r,,t.i., i.,t.ll I ,mMMitt,IMrt.. M.llf I" '" We a. I i.t, n tiixwgh Mu,a a u mwr SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, tatUtlf.air MHtstirnlfa,! '. I fif t. -tarts! r.lastttte J ' tomfc. mmn Hi tN sw4 it UN UtlB Irv A-Ue MUNN 4 CO., 1 rv4t, mm ) pi iListppgi The Chronicle nnlldlng. PUNGENT PARAGRAPHS. "" She "Since my return from the south of France I'm another woman." Sarcastic Friend "How delighted your husband must be." Tit-Bits. "Sister McGinnis, you nrast exer cise patience with your husband's in firmities." "Dr. Fourthly, the weather is too warm for exercise and I won't." Chicago Tribune. No Need to Look. "O, IlarryP ex claimed Mrs. Cumso, "do look at that bug crawling across the mirror." "It must be a ladybug," Teplied Cumso, without raising his eyes from his news paper. Detroit t ree .tress. Mr. Meanitall "That Miss Flurt some is literally throwing herself at Cholly Cbumplcigh's head." Miss Coldeal "I don't doubt it. She said, the other day, she would stop at noth ing to make a hit." Brooklyn Life. She "Did you have a pleasant even ing at Gaybirdis?" He "Glorious." She "What did you do ?" He "That's just like a woman. How could it have been a glorious time if we could remem ber anything we did?" N. Y, Evening World. TheRetort Trampean. Mies Chille- dame "Don't you know that nature re bels against laziness? A man can gef nothing in this world without labor." Wrestling Off en "Humph! Can't he? He can git hungry, I guess." Harper's Bazar. Piano Teacher (to father of one ol his pupils) "I have come to ask you for your daughter's hand." "Ohoj that's your game, is it? You have been making love to my daughter instead of teaching her? Very well, you can have her, but I shall deduct the money I paid for the lessons from her dowry." Fliegende Blaetter. Aunt Mary "But tell me, how did you happen to marry him?" Berthat "Why, you see everything was ready; ne had asked me to have him and I had consented; he had procured the license and engaged a clergyman; and I had sent out cards and ordered the cake; so, you see, we thought we might as well go through with it. There, aunt, that is the reason, as near as I can remember it." Boston Transcript. LOCAL 8QC1BS. Pretty oool for July, Advices from tbe East giva the infor mation that it is smothering hot. Dr. King's New Discovery for -; . Consumption. This is the best medioine in tbe world for all forms of Coughs and Colds and for Consumption. Every bottle is guar anteed. It will cure and not disappoint. II bas no equal for Whooping Cough, Asthma, Hy Fever, Poenmooia, ifron obitiu, Lia Grippe, Cold in the Heaand for Consumption. It is safe for all ages, pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure on re. It is. always well to take Dt. King's New Life Pills in oonneotion with Dr. King's New Dieoovery, as they regulate and tone tbe stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect satisfac tion or return money. Free trial bottles at Oonser & Brock's drag store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. E O.: W. F. Matlook bas gone up to An eeond a, Montana, where be will re main for a month at tbe cirouit races, and tben be in Butte for the month following. Terrible Aooideut. It is a terrible ac cident to be burned or soalded; bat tbe pain and agony and tbe frightful dis figurements can be quiokly overcome without leaving b scar by using De Witt's Witob Haael Halve. For sale by Oonser 8c Brook. Mrs. Annie Williams , made proof on her homestead before Clerk Morrow last Saturday. Practise Economy In baying medioine as in other matters It is eoonomy to get Hood's Sarsaparilla because there is more medioical value in Hood's Sarsaparilla than in any other. Every bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla oon tains 100 doses and will Bverage taken aooording to direotions, to last a month, while others last bat a fortnight, the: daily By Ma i, Poslae I'nld, Only $6.70 a Year. The 'Weekly Chronicle Tha Groat st Wc';ly in the Ccmlry, $1.50'i hi (Iiicludlnfr imstiure) to any p'trt of Vie United HtiiU'S, Canada and Mexico. TIIK WKKKI.Y CIIIIONIOI.K, the brl;litet anil most complete Weekly Newepuper In the world, prlnti rt.ul'irly 81 column, or twelve patfes, of Mows, l.lteniture aud (leueral Informa tion; also a iniinlhci-ut Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FRiE. FASHION NOTES. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible lap? KIIOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ONK SID1C, , And tha j Map of the World ON 11tH OTIUCri MDB, heml $2 and Got thn Map and Weekly t tironlcle f r One Tear, oinge prepaid on M ip and I'apjr, ADiJitr.HM M. II. An YOITNO, I'rotMl'Uir a. t. (ttrenlele. sail rkAMciMiM, cau PACIFIC I s THROUGH CAU8. I I Wat and Stylish Garments for tbe Com ing Heaaon. A stylish costume is made of dark blue Irish poplin. The skirt is five gored, the half-fitting sleeveless waist is of fancy silk, and there is an Eton jacket of the poplin. The sleeves are leg-o'-mutton, with flaring cuffs, above which are bands of dark blue velvet. A rather novel idea is shown in the revers, of which there are two sets. The lower ones are made of dark -blue velvet, and are corded with yellow satin, and are embroidered with a vine of black silk. The round collar is of blue velvet, and above this are rolled over points of the yellow satin with the black embroidery, The effect is pretty, although rather striking. A cape suitable for cool days or au evening walk is made of black satin. It is cut in sections, and left open in very slender V-shuped divisions. These are filled in with embroidery or lace, and the satin is edged with galloon cov ered with spangles. There is a high flaring collar, a very large bow at the back of the neck, and at the front small bow with very long ribbon ends, The cape is lined with taffeta, and there is a frill of lace around the lower edge. A costume for a young lady is made with a skirt of dark-blue silk. The skirt is plain and made with five gores The waist la of blue and rose-colored changeable taffetft. A very wide collar with stuure tags reaching out over the sleeves Is of uutiiue lace over rose-colored silk. Long points of the lace ex tend down the front of the waist, and are tucked under the rose-colored silk belt. A rone collar with bows at the sides finish) the neck. A much-admired costume is made of blue taffeta silk, embroidery and bro cade iu two shade of heliotrope. The flve-gtrel skirt and upcr revers are of the blue, the Kton jacket and sleeves sre of the brocade. The full vest front, the Undc r-rcvers and the cuffs are of em broidery. The collar, belt and sleeve- bnnds nre of blue and gold gnlloon. Anew sleeve Is In leg-o'-niutton shap, but is gathered very full front wrist to piliow. This gives the effect of a pulT to the lower portion of the sleeve. N. Y, Uxlgrr. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy and efficient. Hon. J. N. Brown and wife, aooom pauied by their little son, Vivian, arrived trom below Saturday and will -remain s few days. The Lives of Infants Pre served by Artificial Means. D Yon may hunt the world over and you will not find another medioine equal to Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera and Diar rhoea Remedy for bowel complaints. - It is pleasant, Safe and reliable. For sale by Conser A Brook. Josef Mueller and Walt Bartholomew returned Friday from Ooldendale, escapes, lolenM's Substitute for 'atnre Dolus, Wonders for Prematurely Born Nursling In Mew York City. He was Incubated," the proud moth er of some great man of the future will say of her son. For the baby incubator is a success and has come to stay, ine doctors declare that incubators have already been the means of saving the ives'of one hundred infanta in Jnew York. In fact, the new-born baby who under old-fashioned methods has no chance of living, now, if put into an in cubator, stands about an even chance Df becoming a healthy, crowing young- ter. Baby incubators are now in use in two hospitals in the city. A cozier place for a baby could not be imagined, says the New York World. Here the embryo citizens have every opportunity the world affords to hold on to life and to grow healthy and 'strong, while in the tenements where their parents live the lives oi the Iran little things would have Deen snunea out in less than a day after they first saw the light. The incubator is used only for prematurely-born babies and for babies which are so weak that ithe wise young woman doctors are pretty sure they will die if left in the open air. Strange ly enough, the incubator is shaped something like a coffin, while its par ticular aim is to keep babies out of cof fins. There are two kinds of baby in cubators, and they differ somewhat in construction. The babies are taken out of the incubators at the Maternity hos pital to get their nourishment directly from their mothers, who live in the building; but the mother in the Post Graduate hospital may not see her off spring from one week's end to an other.' Therefore the youngster must be fed by artificial means, and, after much experiment and study, the doctors have completed an incubator by means of which the baby is nourished without being removed from its snug little nest The moment a baby for the incubator arrives at the Maternity hospital the white-capped nurses and the doctors gather about the little wooden box, which rests upon a stand some three or four feet high. Baby is swathed very carefully in warm clothes, and is then weighed, clothes and all, Deiore ne is laid inside and the glass cover is placed over him. Underneath the board upon which the little mite rests are three bottles that are kept constantly full of hot water. The air passing in from below tlows over these and through an open ing in the board into the chamber where the infant is. A thermometer :eeps the attendant continually in formed as to the temperature, and a little aluminum anenometer in tne small chimney through which the air and which lurmsnes tne 'A ! Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat eatbusinesa conducted for MODERATE FEES. land we can secure patent m leas tuna than tnoac I - W..h,.rtna. Send model, drawing or photo. With descrip-' Ition. Wo advise, it patentable of not, free of; cnarjre. mr ice noi out uu paicm w.u, w, r 1 . " How to Obtain Patents," with icost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oep. Patent OrricE. washinoton. d. C. ' WANTED-AN IDEAr.. BUKN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,, D. O., for their $1,800 prize offer. Thb Boss Febd Yabd. The first feed yard the teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoled by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette rsnoh. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bas a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first olass shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. , Notice Of Intention. Land Opfics at La Okamdk, Orkoon, May 20th 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE" followitifr-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 3rd. 1897, via: ANNIE WILLIAMS, formerly ANNIE CRUMP, T. No. 2256 for the NU NE & NH NWJi 8ec. 22 Tp. 18R27EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Robert F. Hynd, William B. Barrett, John Williams and Elmer Gentry, all of Heppner, Oregon. B.r,m1oK M7-58 Register. Notice of Intention. The Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or batter on subscription accounts. Any one owing this office can settle tbeir acoonnts in this manner and can't do it too soon to sail us. C. E. Baoous, tbe contractor and bnilder, is doing considerable work this season, and is taking new contraots right along. ' 8tf . Pat s quarter in your pooket and don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars. Near city hall. a See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtentbal's. Latest styles, best quality, reasonable prioes. You cannot do better anywhere. tf Come in and subscribe for the "Gazoo." Now is the time. You don't want to miss s whole lot of good, hard reading that is now being published in oar "Only." Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 24, 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE following-named Bettler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on July loth, 1897, viz : WILLIAM E. DRI9KELL, Hd. E. No. 3992, for the VI 8E and S 8WK, Bee 18, Tp 2 6, R 25 E, W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ot said land, viz: Stephen Lalande, Jay w. Shipley, Hat Bnaw, C. N Peck, all of Heppner, Oregon. 548-59 J AH. If. uuohis, itegmer. For Bale or Trade. If yon want Heppner property don't fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. For the right person, one wno wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc., I have a fine proposition to offer one. Onoe developed will produce revenne of $1200 yearly. Will be sold on easy terms, would not object to taking 160 sores as part payment. 623tf Notice of Intention. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. June 3rd, 1897. 0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 20th, 1867, viz: HENRY CRAMER, Hd. E. No. 5970. for the NWU NEU. Sec. 27. H'SWiaud BYV!4 Bee. 22, Tp. 4 B, R25 He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: John Howell, Henry Howell, Edwin 8. Cox, and Fred Knighten, all of Hard man, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, 551-62 Register. BIDS FOR BUILDING WANTED. XTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THB Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLE8. OREGON. May 28, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice o his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner Oreifon. on Julv 17. 1897. viz: UHAKLLo W. INliBAUAM, Hd. E. No. 6023, for the SW'H Sec. 25, Tp. 8 8, R24EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. ft. Baling, Harlan Stanton. R. W. Robinson, and G. D. Ooata, all of Eight Mile. Oregon. JAB. F.MOORE, 549-560 Register. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppoer Eobo Stage Line. -Persons desirous of visiting Pendleton osn save time and money by taking this rente. By ac quainting tbe agents the previous even ing tbe stage will make conneonon with 2 o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton. Offioe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. m..,. u... j i ......j.- ... iL. rim.iifrM. that keens the baby supplied U building committee of the Odd Fellows' w ami., out uepttrieu yeHierusy lor tue . . j, C hall at lone, 1 ... . . . 'i j! .4.. H.l.nth, I nan at iuiih, wrexuu, win receive uios lor me Thpv Wltn resn alr' alwav8 lldCate8 wnetn ere(,Hon of a 26x56 hall, everything to be fur iup ..n.nntth nirpnlat.ion of the air is ntshed by the builder. Plans and sneclnca- Sale of A tlons for hall can be seen at J. A. Woolery'g gwu. store at tone. Bins hi ne openea juiyzi, ihht. The weiirht is a very important mat- me committee reserves tne ngnt to reject any for Dnn bahv in the incubator is Some for ten, some for twenty and weip;hed every day. A healthy baby some for thirty years have snffered from should show a slight diurnal increase oountry to remain a few days. have been very suooessful in the pianos. or all bids. 556-63 By order of committee. J.A. WOOLERY. piles and then have been quiokly end in weight, and if the doctors find that permanently oared by using De Witt's I Witob Hazel Salve, the great remedy for j piles and all forms of skin disesses. For sale by Ounser k Brook. Mrs. Baker, mother ot ez-Commis- sioneo JJaker, rail out ot tne wagon on tbe trip home from the lone oelebrstinn, brssking her srm. Dr. McF.al ws. gregate weight is ordy oalled and reduoed the fracture. "Tbey sre dandies" said Thos. Bow ers, of the Crocket, Texas, Enterprise, bile writing about DeWitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for sick headache end disorders ot tbe stom ach snd liver. For ssle by Oonser A Brook. Not only piles ot the very worst kind can be cured by Hewitt's Witob Hazel Halve, hot eczema, soalds, boms, bruis- boils, nloers snd sll other skin troubles osn be instantly relieved by tbe same remedy. For sale by Oonser k Brook. Ben Parker snd J. F. Wsrd were in from Tarker's mill yesterday. TO Ht. TAUL MINNEAPOLIS DUI.UTU KAK(K) HUT I K UhXENA Tickets issued to all points In the United States and Csnsds. QUICK TIME TO r Ciiicaik) 1 All other Wasriniitun points IUltimohk. io the NSW YoHK F.aat snd Bvrrau) I Hontheaat Omaha Kansas City Ht. Joosra ht. Ijoims 11. w ton Union IVmit connections st Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. 1-oula snd other promi nent potots Dsuusie oheckej thmngh to destination ol tu sets. Thmngh Ih kets to Japan anj Chins, via Tannine and Northern I'ax iflo Htssm ship Company's tine. For full Information, time erJ,tnapa, tickets, rtc, call on or writs W.C. Auawat, A. ! ClMNLTilN, Atrt N I' Uy, Asst. Oen I'aas. Agt. Tbelalle,Or. Portland, Or. Ills h.r. The distinction of lieing the richest snd the meanest man in the town In which h lived la-longed to old Andy Perogga, No one (mentioned his right to this honor when old Andy's wife died and he went to four different under '.alters trying to get the m to make hints coflln for five dollars out of some worm rntcn old Murk walnut Ixmrds he had krpt in hi Imrn for 20 yrnrs "for that cry ptirHe," aa lu admitted. Whrn he visa worth over $150,0:0 a commit tew went to him to solicit something for a widow with six littlo children who had been burned out of hiiue snd home. and wlio luul nut s pi-tiny in the worm luir s change of rlolhipg for tier chll drvn or beraelf. "I iu tlreailrul sorry for her," miid old Andy, "dn-iiilful sor ry, sn' 1 ngrrti hh you that It's right ftir her friends and neighbors to help t.rr ouf. I'll do mv sherr, glntlemln I'll do my sheer." lie waa ninkiiig his UMtutl fire or six tuna of mniile nignr at the time, and, aflrr it few inniiiriita' re rlectkm. he said; "I'll tell ye whnt I'll do; I'll tid her over two quart maple siruii If she'll W nuns to send bark the In r I'll bate to put it In. think that'll lw 'Umt lit)' sheer, rinUr. mln." Ivtrvit Free Pre. TL I) ualo r raranatloa ( tka Ann. The male flow m of the task are gain- the diminutive patient is not growing heavier they seek remedies for his in disposition. This Ih the truest meinoa they have of ascertaining the baby's progress, and therclore tne greater, care is taken that its clothes shall al ways be of the same weight, as two or three ounces is a considerable increase for a young man or woman whose ag- Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, June 1, 1897. Notice is herebv given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, flrnn nn t.,lv KltV. 1UU7 .,! UIGRUU. V... Wl.IT IVV.I, .'W,, EBEN H. ANDREWS, Hd. E. No. 3948, for the BE bee. 18, Tp. 1 N. R. 46 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol said land, viz: W. B. Flnley, Arthur Hod- N0T1CE. All persons Indebted in notes snd so- ooants duo to Noble k Co. sre requested to ooms forward snd settle same ss soon ss psssibls. Ws still continue in business snd wtll sell goods ss low ss oso be bought sny where in the stahal NoBLI k Co. Heppner, Or., Jons 24. W. tf. Oeorgs llofford bas some fins hal( breed Cotswell bucks, out of Merino swes wbiob bs wishes to sell st ressoo sbls fig ores. Call on bim st tbs Cms Mstlook raoob, or sJJrrss bim st Hep- ner. Bit Charley Jones bas red need the prh e of sbsving to IS oeota. Wben yon wsnt S first class sbsvs oall st tbe asms old stsud. . tf, to man riuNciaco. Are Yos fr-partac la Take la Iks rkiiallas Kadeavar Doles, t Tbs a H. N. bss authorised rats of oos f sre to Puritan J from all points in Oregon Wsahlngtoa ssd Usho on tbeir rail lios is connection with Iks sperlsl steamship rsts of f 10 esbia paasegs, meals sod berths (noliid!, sod lbs eitrht nounds. About seventy per cent. of the "Incubated" babies nave nveu, and at least fifty per cent, of these would have died but for the Incubator. Th tncubator which will lie in the babies' ward of the new building of the Post-Urnduate hospital is a great im provement on that at the Maternity hospital, although It lacks tne senti mental surroundings of the one in charge of the young woman doctors. The Incubator is set upon bicycle wheels, so it may be moved about when ever desired. The fresh air is heated by passing between two strata of hot water, rises tip Dotn st tne ncau anu the foot of the mattress and is kept in motion by an aluminum fan run by clockwork, thus preventing any possi bility of the littlo patient's suffering for want of sir. i here ib aiso itm for the supply of oxygen, liiieral quan tities of which sre gKid for babies who are hanging on to life by the merest thread, and it is tielieved this improve ment will save a great many lives thai would have been lost in the old incubator. Bv means of s clever mechanical de vice the weight of the baby is always registered, so that the phynlclan may discover the slightest vsrlntion st sny time, Infnnts sre subject to tuliercuisr diseases, which develop licfore the doc tor knows whst I the matter. ll courae, the lnentutor must bo opened In order to feed the bsby Its artUW inl food, but by mesne of s deft sliding ot the covers the entrance of any cold sii trout the ouUlde is prevenU-d. Tht temperature of the inaide of the Inou bator is kept ss near ninety -eight de greea aa pnMihle. The roaUirsduaie noapnsi gets more subject for incubators than ths Ms ternity hiwpltal. and the tak of bring tng the little ones by r.low stages U vigor snd health latlieiii.irciitiii--i.il tHH-auae the mother sre nut present to nurae them. The learned il.-rtor u! this Institution hsve literally snsU-heil life from the jaws of desth on mon than ons occasion. OF AMERICAN WOMEN. 650-561 jab. t. MOORE. Register. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit. (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly PortlandOr. at DEVOTED TO Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth Its weight in gold to every termer sod breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: $2.00 PER YEAR. (Sample oopies tree.) Raral Spirit sod Gazette both for $3.50, oasb, st this offioe. TFs.1T mlT iIS cS& IjYOBJS, Attorneys tit Iaw, AU business attended to in s prompt snd satisfactory manner. Notaries Public snd Collectors. HEPPNER, OFFICE IN NATIONAL t t BANK BUILDING. OREGON GoiDmma R dinrilfi UtIVII J V WHITE COLLAR LINE. ivftr and Piiffftt Snnnd Navi V Vaaat SB. USaVV IV V UU VI V I "A 1 JBk, u u Steamers TELEPHONE, BAILET GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portlsnd, for Aatnris, Ilwsoo, Long Beseb, Ooess Psrk snd Nsbootts. Direct eonaeetion with Ilwsoo steamers snd rail road; also st Young's Bsy with Sessbors Rsilrosd. t xx xj zi i n o to ara Leaves Portland T A. M. Dally, sieept Sunday. Leaves Astoria T P. M. Dally, except Sunday. DAXXjIIV OAT5BB1T.T Uavss Portland I P. M. Jially. xcent Sunday. Saturday night, 11 P. M. Leaves Astoria Dallr s at.4A A. M., except Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 V. U. OOBAN WAV33 Laaves Portland and runs dlrart to Ilwaen. Tuesday and Thursday at I A. M. Satnrdav'at IP I Laavas llaaco Wednesday and Friday at 7. A) A. M. On Sunday night at 4 f. M. Bagjigt Checked io Railroad Niutioi Bolb Best brt Frti of Expense. For Safety, speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel ea ths Tale phone. Bailey OatMrt and Ocean Wav Wool Growers! With MoKlnlsy la lbs White Donee, w predict higher prices for wool derieg tbs coming season, ssd feel sasnred that Heppner will st tract more Esatera hov ers tbsn formerly. Their besdqosrters will be st tbs Wool Growers' Warehouse RIOUCID CATFOLKSS a) MM I f- - -t a ., T kll,il..u 4 I. O In,, I.vMkrM A X. I f K- ..wtt,,. .ikm ,4 NU.w t 111 JJ The PJks rertlaii I A turia Nuifitioi Ca. CTSJlVtZXtaj onus cm" ahq -ittGuitto" I-eaveThe lallea daily (et t Mnmlay) StH4js.ru. Utis I'uHlaui st 7 00 s. in. Whsa yes go Io IVrlland, al-p ( ff st The I Hi I let sod take S trip down the (Vilnmbts; yon will esj.iy it, snj ssve money. W. C. All. A WAT, Orearal Ageol rred In distant rluaters round a long, speoial rail rate of t'JO vis tbs Hhssts awa)ing alalk; they spprtmeh much routs, FortlsnJ to Han Frsneiaeo ssd rs tM-nrer to the routrntionsl liles of tors, by either rook. The selling days I flower inditlduslly. Inst! of brinf , soaaseseeJ with Juss i'.lh ssd sgsm .r,4i siMrs4 ! sJt i kift 4tlMs S4 ttta-IS taSa. ttMA.4N .1 - r se ! It t I i is- m mi It...' nil Wanted-lin Idea .'.' i. r ni- nS E"'.f?"J 1?". .""? r-. ," ' " " ill i- a r.l It . ... n i J"" aui'Shsl aa ni Wi ait. PATH NTS TREATED BY MAIL s mere t'grrKwlo of an I hera or ollrn if lis ( ainiple ainh-a. tluww of the esk are pnae mo of distinct atarlike, hairr tslyera, each marked off Into sis or artru hils-a, snd conlsinlitg ten slender atamrna, with lwivrllrd an there. Then the female flu era. which are usually two or Ih tee, near ra h other, but nut rvtinocied. ronalat rseh of sn o'sry, with three abort nmnl at) lea, and In- fatej by a calys. thst adheres closely to it snd becomes tbe huak snd shell ot the scorn. Th whole, except the styles, la held in s ri p formed of many small Sier-lnpping sealea, wLlch after ward loe their lodividuality snd shrink Into iner rotiirhneoa n the outside of the cup that huhle th siHwn. For only Sue of H.e ai niulra ronlslnrd In the ' eisry i1tr.i4 Ints sn scorn a4 Of i rrs cf tht sc. or ck. Sclrni-a. Jnne 3Hh In July alb Inclusive. Tbe tickets sre limited to August 15th, snj noder no eireuro.taneea will tirae be ei- tended. Mtop-over privileges alloeej oo tbe O. R. k N. rail line. The oeit steamer leaves Portlsnd oa JnlyfUh. Cell ea Ant tltrt, or his repreaeststlve fur tickets. H 9 Ha-k less Ara Ira Salve. Tha Beet Halve la the world for Cola, Br o Was, Hnree, Cleers. Halt Rbeosa, fevwr Hree, Tetter. Cbspp4 Uaede, Chilblains, Corns, ssd ail Hkla Krup tiniis. snj tHwiiively ruree lllee or ae pay resqirvd. 1 1 is guaranteed to give Hlel sattafaettoa or tnorivv rcsa4j Prioe i& e.ala pa bo I. foe sale by (Josser 13 rock. and It will be to yoor iotereate to store yoor wool also oaooh cheeper tbsn Isst year. Ws farnlab wool sseki sod twine to patrons psysble whae wool is sold. Ws psy freight to tsamsters, sod forsteb blsok reorlp s to woolgrowtro oa spplkatioa. Ws bsvs oa bsnd rolled barley sod feed for teamsters. Wa psy tbe highest cash price for sbsep pells and bides. Wa ara agents for Little's FlnM Dip, aad the famous Blsek Leaf Tebaoeo Dip. Mark your wool sacks 0 ssd direct year tesmaUrs to ths lower Warehouse, Ueppner, Oregon. H. 1. I-TYISTD, ALannor. THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, j. o. Bononisns, Pioi. XiKtlP5 the Fincst Wincs' U("QK and Cigars. 'Uh os. losursooe rtUe ara Mm. TurJi Sfrsirn Masst sue- reeded to tli.i Inw JT irtlee .f her Lite huHliand, tit n. Mav v. ami la one of the lll.v t kUi-Ceanful luMJera in Wsatf Ingt.in. Mn. I. I. Watt, of Omaha, hsa been elected auiirrme ora-li of the order ViM.nn a the t:al Neighlra of Aiin-rti a. A w..ii jh ratir In such an on I. r oiik'hl t I O Mni-ea. :i'.J III. t J rxioi. th daughter of the I t. in t. ti-ri f t'.e tl. '.le Mrs.V st.-ck fai in. i i.;i-...i tin- .Iciry nn the i-tate, w hU !i 1 1. 1 ! i n r, Sit t f itout r it'htven thu i.i. il iUir-t a iir Mi ".! ' ti Iah. Li-irvs, .i the si- mMt fi'i-iliiia f -rt.n -ni.i le In llaaa ale, h. ni n r had a h;-l velrrtdrraa, and t'.at litiury U liiM,t rtta-t b In slu.h ! in th tninawaii now eliig pre- parw.1 l..r her. Mna. Mast Waim rlty, N J , r.von!l; a; tsiun-'il f r iK-rm. j.l-in I w ,tr k iml the on the rH t Ir. r.M.,.y with he hO VjAiLL I I L, 0)2,0 A YQdiT IQT CASr-l hwatauX TUert ws graatsO. ' J ' Wl n,