I'orUasi Library 1 V " ;'W-V-.- OFFICIAL PAPER GET IN AND RUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. The Gazette Does Job Work GET IN AND HUSTLE With a New Summer Ad. 77e Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JULY 6, 1897. NO. 559 SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays . BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor 'and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year, $1.26 for six months, 75 ots. or three monens, striotly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIB PAPER is kept on file at E. G. Wake' L Advertising Agency, M and 65 Merchants Sxohangs, Ban Franoieoo, Calitornia, where oou- mot for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. FRED HENDLEY Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. uninnr s V.J J-L 1 1 r East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junotion 1:30 a. m. Ijeaves nepDuer Junction aJ a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 8:11) a. m l Spokane Express No, 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. ana uni ma ;io p. m. Mint OOOOOOOOOO 00SJ 50 000000000 oos $ SPRAINS 'If, St. Jacobs Oil the foil Use 11 and ' 1 ' ' O it and promptly feel the cure. That's PAINS HHl j all, but that is something sure. lcClure SEVEN s Magazine For 1897 GREAT SERIALS FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- Portland Express No. 8. from Spokane, arriveB CaU86 the lines to that point will at Umatilla 5:05a. m. and Heppn r Junction 8:10 j , , , a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. i aflord yOU the Very best Service. SECOND See that the coupon I'ast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and beyond St. Paul reads via. 1 the rives at Heppner Junction lsil a. m. and at m; . , , , .. , Portland 7:51 a.m. For further information ir quire of J. 0. Bart, Agent O. K k N., Heppner, Ore. United States Officials. President ..William McKinley Vee-Presldent... Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman secretary or treasury Lyman J, Gage A New Life of erant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of ; juram ever puousnea. ; (uegini in oecemDer.) Rudy&rd Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana.' "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical i ; . ,r years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better ' fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his ' recollections and correspondence. Portraits of 6reat Americans.' Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series ., I of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of juAivtus uk this UMUd from waablngton to uncoin. Pictures of Palestine.. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories ot Adventure. A serial by CONAN BOYLE, in which he will rise his extraordinary ' - - talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holme's" stories, given him . a place Desiae roe ana uaoonau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS v IAN M ACLAREN, AU the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception ' -. of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will nnrmjt r 1 n Mrl.lTRR'a MiniliHi. -. . teriDg the Union Depot there, and JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS., a series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer ii. j.. ? - ! l i I - -Rabbit" and the "I.ittla Mr. TWNiwiir atari. Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en- lts service is particular. first-class xn every THIRD -For information, call the Cornelius n! Bliss on your neighbor and friend Beorfltary of Interior tSSSS of N.Vy".V:::::.-::"uj8otm i. lSZ newest ticket agent-and ask for a &SS r,ef.diDg vitu he Wisconsin Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson Central lines, Or address 3an. 4 Jai. c. Pond, Governor W. P. Lord Gen. Pas. Agt, Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Milwaukee, Wis. a rewumr mil. neuuiuu Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCmjre's - an oi tne snort stories ne wui write during tne coming year. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same cnaracters win appear, aitnougn eacn win De complete in itseii. Anthony Hop Bret Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton . Stanley Weyman Clark Russel will all have stories in McClube's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClum's Maoazins for isw, tne suDscnption pnee oi wnicn is oniy 8upt. Public Instruction. Attorney Ueneral... Senators , Congressmen Printer Supreme Judges., ..G.M. Irwin ...C. M. Idleman ( 0. W. McBride I J. H. Hitchei I Ringer Hermann 1 W. H. Ellis .... n. n. ijeeos R. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. ' Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'rosaouting Attorney H. J, Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint 8enator... ... A, W. Rowan or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St.. Portland Or, BeDreeentative. . . . ('imnty Judge " Commissioners.. J. W. Beokett. " Clerk " -Sheriff " Treasurer " Assessor " Bnrreyor School Sup't... '' Coroner J. N. Brown G. Bartholomew ... J.H.Howard ...J. W. Morrow ..E. L. Matlock .. Frank Gilliam J. r. WUlls ... J. W, Hornor .Jay W. Shipley ...11. F. Vaughan Mijor...... .' Thos. florgan Uinrilmen Geo. Conner, brank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J. Blooum, 31. Liohtenthal and J. K. Simons. K oorder W. A, Richardson T easarw t W. Driggs Marshal A. A. IlooerU Precinct Officer. Jnstieeof the Peaoe..... W. K. Richardson Consutbla N. S. Whetstone United States Land Offlosrs. TBB DALLES, OB. J. t. Moore Register A. 8. Biggs Baowver LA OSASDB, OB. . B. F, Wilson Register J.H. Kobbins Keoslvsr 7 8BCKBT BOOIETIES. BAWLIN8 POST, NO. IL O. A. B. fseUatLexingtoa, Orthe bat Saturday ot -arh month. All veterans are invited to loin. H. W. Bmlth, 0. O. FryOA. Adiuuuit, tf Commandar. STOCK BRANDS. While yon keep yonr subscription paid np yen I eankeep your brand in freeof charge. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Hones, P B on left snonider; oattie, same on leit tiip. Cook, A. J.,Lna, Or. Homes, 90on rightshool der; Cattle, sams on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Douglass. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Don right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, B D on left nip. Ely, Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole in right ear. Florence, h. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF oo right hip horses. V with bar under on right snouiaer. t ........ vrM ir.-nn.. i nM. v.un i If J on the left shoulder; cattle branded J on I right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. Range in morrow county. Johnson. Felix. Luna. Or. Horses. eirolaT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half nop in nnt ana sum m leit ear Kennr. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horses branded KNY. on lefthip oattie same and orop off left I sart under slops oo the right Leahey. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; nettle sams on left I hip, wattle over right eye, three elite in right I One Dollar a Year iv volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It ..: For . Minor, Oaoar, neppner. nr. Cattle, M D on right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. ' Morgan, S. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left snoniuei oattie same on lert nip. Osborn, J. W., Douglas. Or.; horses O on let shoulder: oattie same cn right hip. Parker A Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on iMt snouiaer. Piper, J- H Lexington. Or. Horses, JE eon. nectsd ou left shoulder; oattie, same on laf hip. under bit in each ear. Hector. J. W Heppner, Or. Horses, JO ot left shoulder. Cattle, Q right hip. 1 U N P flRfl LLELED OFFER Sparry, K. O, Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on left lap, orop off right and nndernit li dew lap: horses W Con left shoulder. ThouiDson. J. A.. Heppner. Or. Horses, t OB I left shoulder; cattle, t oa left shoo lder. I Turner H. W Heponer. Or. Small oapltal T I left shoulder, horaw; cattle sains oo left hip I . f I i isre snouiaer, norsse; eacue Dr. P. B.McSwords4--v . ... . .. I quarter circle J w FHrwuiAH ana sunulun. .llowa. Or.: homes I right shoulder; cattle I Offln in the City Hotel. City Drug Store, near tf ouarter circle J W on right hip and right sine, crop and hole in left ear. Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. F I MrUoillk M 11 rV0 ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No- -f J mwi ui mi I A- tire Is herehy given that I have on the 1st I I day of May, IKM7, been appointed as assignee of I Uc,l X rlCn, vjrtcuu.t. i me estate ot u. w. Hwaggart, iiisoiveni, ana .... I all persons holding claims against said iiisol- Offioe bonrt, 8 to 10 a. to. , sod 12 to I vent, or his estate, are hereby notified to pre-1 t m at raalrianna Mra. (1 We lob's sent the same to me at my odlce In Heppner, I ?.P- 1 r",Ae." . ,.,2 county, Oregon, property v.riLl by proper iy, uu m m m. u, , - -1 oid acooraing to law, within tnree niontn at omoe 10 id rear ot isorg s alter date oi this notice. to. a, hismop, To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. . Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, li full of the best things. Its illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- inmate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be in every home. The subscription price of Leslie's is 14 pe nnum. We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No snch offer was ever made before. No snch offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Orecon. The MONTHLY p, rn , jewelry store. Heppner, Or., May 7, 1W7. Assignee, Mi-04. national Bani oi jsm , r l J June 10, lwr7. Notice Is INTENTION. WH PKNLAND. RD, PrralsML R. BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS 1 GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Had on Favormbla Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD HEFFNER. OREOON DALLKH.ORF.OON. nsrrhy given that the following-named settler has Bled notice oil his Intention to make anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made I before J. W. Morrow, County ;lerk, at Heppner, ureg uu, on aususi is, imn, vis: JOHN JOHNHON, Hd. K. No. tnno, for the sWta, See. a, Tp. 1 8.. It. U K , W. M. He namee the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cslUvsUon oi. saiq tana, vn: ( harlra Anderson, of Eight Mile, Oregon, John R. I'elersnn, Frank A. lindell end An. drew M. I'ellerson, all of Gooseberry. Oregon. JAS. F. M'HikK, y4 Keglstar. Notice ot Intention. Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York First National Bank vi!LVlVJ9tyta OF HEFTNER C. A. Rhea, T. A. KHC. GEO. W. CONtCN, s. w. srcNccn. Preeldeot Vie Prweldent - Cashier Aes't Cashier Tnnsifli i Cfwril Bu.ii; BdntA 32XCriA.2STGK i all paruof the world- ibsl the follnwliig nained settler has filed nollre oi his Intention In make Dual proof In suprt of his rlslm, and that asld pmol will ha made hiirej. w. Horruw.i Miniy i ira,ai urppner, Oregon, on August II. vis: AHllW M. MTTtMf)N, Hd E No KM. for the KWH. Reo. .Tp.lt, a vt K. W M Hs name the following wltneeaee to prove his continuous msidsare upon and cultivation of. said land, vis: ( liar lee Aadaraon, of r.lgnt Vine, Oregon, John B. peteraon, rmnk A. In nd. 1 1 and John Johuaun, all tA trowel"". "f j as. r. MOORK. Vm Register. ACROSS SPITZBERGEN. An English. Explorer Penetrates the Ia- terlor ot the Island. A dispatch from Tromsoe, Sweden says that the expedition organized in England by Sir W. Martin Conway for the exploration of the interior of Spits bergen crossed the islands from weBt to cast and back from east to west in the middle of July. The crossing was ex tremely difficult owing to the preva lence of storms, fogs and floods. This is the first crossing of Spitsbergen on record. Sir William Martin Conway, who, it is reported in the above dispatch, has succeeded ia crossing the icy wastes of Spitzbergen, set out on his daring jour ney, from London early in June. His purpose was to explore the interior of the islands. He sailed from Tromsoe, in Sweden, in company with his nephew, Mr. Trevor Battye, and four other per sons. The expedition was provided with Norwegian ponies, sledges, tents and other supplies. They reached Spitzber gen in safety, as letters received in Lon don a few weeks ago testified. It now seems, if the above report is true, that they have succeeded in accomplishing their purpose, and it may be hoped will soon be ready to turn homeward again. Spitzbergen is not one island, but, a group oi islands, lying in tne Arctic sea about 400 miles north of Norway. The three largest members of the group are Weet Spitzbergen, Northeast Land and Stans Tnreland. By far the largest and more important of these is West Spitzbergen, with an area of 15,860 square miles. The entire region is ice bound, and there are splendid glaciers and several eharp peaks almost a mile in height, whence the German name Spitz(needle like) Bergen (mountain) comes. The eastern shores are usually very difficult of access owing to their being swept by a cold arctic cunent from the north, but the Gulf Stream tempers the climate on the west aide of the group. For this reason nearly all attempts at exploration have heretofore been confined to the east. According to reports previously re ceived, Sir W. Martin Conway may add much that is new to our knowledge con cerning this land no vegetation flourishes in Spitzbergen but a polar willow and a couple of berry bushes, barring, of course, several species of mosses and lichens. Reindeer, polar bears, arctic foxes and vast swarms of sea fowl, such as gulls, eider duck and wild geese, are the chief animal in habitants on the islands, though arctio explorers and whale hunters frequently visit the land. Earlier, whales and seals were very abundant in these waters, but, on account of wholesale depreda tion by the hunters, they have been al- rpoat exterminated. The islands are. laid to have been discovered as early as 1553. Sir William Martin Conway is an ex plorer of wide experience. He won his spurs in the Himalayas. In 1804 he con ducted Important explorations among the mountain summits of India, and by reason of his discoveries he was knighted by the late liberal govern ment. He has also done much climbing in the Alps, and a few months ago pub lished a book called "The Alps from End to End," which described his Jour neys among the high peaks, passes and Ice fields of Switzerland. Sir William Martin Conway was at one time pro fessor of arts In University College, at Liverpool, and he climbs and explores because he enjoys It. Detroit Frc Press. TQ BUY AN AMERICAN GIRL. Proposition of a Chines Grandee at the Russian Coronation. At the recent celebration of the coro nation of the czar a txttutiful American girl, wbo had Una honor of a special In vitation to all tbe state functions, at tracted mn oh attention, and among her many admirers wan a magnificent and altogether illuert.rloiui young grandee of the east, attached to the suite of tha am bassador extraordinary, LI Hung Chang. Thla youth calmly announced to her people that tie) would like to buy her, whatever ttie prioe might be. When it was) explained to him that AmrrUan girla were not regarded a marknlabl cominoditiea, and that In any event her family did not deerire to part with her, he wsa crratlv dint)iiiitMl: but trracv Few realise that eech squirrel das fullv awcirtLnir hi a dinroiwtal. x asked KEAS0N8 WHY Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea - isemedy la the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in case of pain in tbe stomach,! oolic and cholera morbus. 2. Beoaase it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe oases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3 Because it is the only remedy that will core obronio diarrhoea. i. Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious oolio. 5. Beoause it is tbe only remedy that will cure epidemioal dyeeutery. ' 6. Beoause it is the only remedy that can always be depended upon in oases of oholera infantum. 7. Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medioine in use for bowel complaints. 8. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Beoause it is pleasant and safe to take. 10. Beoause it has saved the lives ot more people than any other medioiue in the world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Coo ler & Brook. Absolutely Pure . Celebrated for its great leavening strength and heallhfnlnees. Assures the food against alnm and all forms of adulteration oommon te the aheap brands. ROYAL BAKING FOWDXB CO., NEW YORK. THE GREEN LANES OF TBE PAST. Arlington Reoord: James M. Johns has reoeived the appointment of post master at this place. Mr. Johns was warmly recommended for tbe appoint ment . and his aeleotion gives general satisfaction. $5.00 ' Don't neglect a cough, because tbe weather is pleasant; before the next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair. One Minote Cough Cure is easy to take and will do what its name implies. For sale by Cooser & Brock. , Arlington Reoord: Married at the home ot the . bridegroom Mr. John Franklin Morel and ot Bardman, and Miss Ethel Myers, of Qooseberry, Rev. J. W. Hughes, of Baker City, offloialiog. Any lady desiring to purchase a se- ig maobine should call on J. W. Vaughan and examine bis latest Im proved White machines. A happy com bination ot a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. William MoFall, head of the whole sale paper firm ot Tbe Blake-MoFall Company of Portland, died of apoplexy on Baturday morning of last week. I care not to gaze at the years coming on, Thiclt-mantled in mist and with doubts overcast, But would rather stray back to the days that are gone, . Along the green lanes of the past Across the cool mcadowa of memory, where The birds ever sing, and the wild waters fall, And the laughter of children Is borne on the air, And love shineth over it all. The painter may picture the future in dyei That rival the rose and the rainbow, and till It may leave him at last but a guerdon of sighs, And a hope'that It failed to fulfill; The poet may sing of the splendors supreme, Of the opulent ages, far-comlug and vast I question hliu not, yet I ask but to dream On the old quiet hills of the past. The past Is my own there Is nothing oncer- . tain In all its wide range, and my title Is clear While the future, at best, is s face on the cur tain, That fades as my feet draweth near; Then give me the blossoms, the birds and the bowers, And every loved scene where my soul cllngoth fast, Like an evergreen Ivy that mantles the towers And feeds on the dews ot the past. Jamss Nswton Matthkwi in July Ladies' Home Journal, W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., says "One Minute Congb Cure saved my only child from dying by eronp.'' It ' has saved thoaiabdsof others m tiering from oroup noenmnuis, bronchitis and other serious thiost and long troubles. For sale by Conser & Brook. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison of Wortbington, Iud., "Sun," writes: "Yon have a valuable prescription in Eleotric Bitters, and I can cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation, Biok Heslaobe, and as a general oystem tonic it has no equal." .Mrs. Annie Htehle, 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chicago, was all ran down, oonld not eat nor digest food. Dad a bnokaobe whloh never left her and felt tired and weary, bnt six bottles of Eleotrio Bitters restor ed ber health and renewed her strength. Prioe 60 omits and $1.00. Get a bottle si Conser de Brook's drug store. l'ocketbook Lost. The crescent waves on Cretan shores, The cross of Christ goes down; The Turks are helped by Christian powers Who bombard tort and town. Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds Poor Cuba's piercing cry; Then let us drown these shameful deeds In Bperry'i "Llnwood Rye." For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E (J. Spsrry, proprietor. tf CAHl) Or THANKS. On July 2, between Wagner aol Heppner, an imitation Moroooo pocket book, containing three five dollar bills, and tbre checks for 920, $3 and $5.25, respectively. Finder will be suitably rewarded by leaving same at First National Bank or E. W. Rhea k Go's., Heppner. 9-lt J. 8. Baooxs. Tbe pastor and members ot tbe M. E. ohurch, Booth, express tbeir thanks to the ministers and congregations ot lbs several cburohei tor the kindness shown in dismissing lervloe to attend tbt funeral service in memory ot Lewis Meadows, oborch. fas tor, "Last summer one of oar grand children was sick with a sever bowel trouble," ssyt Mrs. E. Q. Ore gory, of Frederiokatown, Mo. "Onr doctor' remedy bad failed, tbeo w tried Cham berlain's Colic Cholera i.nJ Diarrhnaa conducted in Ibe above lUmadv. whinh Q H. Howard, for iai by Conser A Brock. " Now is tb time to get the Weekly Oregonian, tb greatest newspaper of the West. With tbe Onaette, both strict ly in advance, on year, $3.50. No better oombinstion of newspapers can be made lo tbe state. SAVE YOl'K OfUlN. Bought and Sold. Collertlane Ba4 on all snlau on reasonable Terate. tarptiie and andlrVled Profit, Ml.OOO 00. Tb regular subscription pric of tb Heoii-Weekly Oaa.lt i $2 60 and tb regular rk el tb Weekly Oregon! is 11.60. Any oe oboriblag for tlx Ossett and baying lot on year is advene eno gel b"a tb Oaiett and doe sot qnetlofl lb Weekly Uregnoias or an ou sot- Bwrao. bat It I com-1 err i bore paying their snlwrtpliooe ri will b entitled W Tb Oerett Iuibmiv of anr plld to Insist BP"" b ' feivsne ue year la adt nt .1 anhaaritrtto. wneiiwr id iiic w ii k- rvtfnaiins Vender but or tb his bread by boseet loll Walt. Tbompeo. runs itage btw. W eaooot ron tb pop" m aey other Oepp-er soi Memoes!, arriving every tf 6' pt Monday asd leaving every ' day ept Hnnday. Hbortot a4 besp- br r eat route to tb ia Wrier Tb Outlook will be ia 1897, as II bs been during eaob of Us twenty leveo years, History of Oar Owe Time, Io it virions editorial department! Tb Outlook gives a oompaot review ot tb world's progress; it follows with car all tb important pbilanlbropio sad io dastrisl movement of the diyj bs i complete department ot religious news; devotes mooh spec to tb interests of ' lb bom; renews correal literal a re; farolsbee rbenrfal table-talk about oiea sod things: aod, lo short, eimi to give freeb Information, rriginal obeervetion, aod reasonable entertainment. Beginning with lb fifty flifth volume. lb paper will aeeam tb regular mega tin sis, wbioh will add greatly to its ontebieDO and attractiveness. Tb Outlm ki published every Hstsriley Bfty-tno laaoes a year. Tb first lesa la eaeb month i so Illustrated Uagasiae Number, containing about Iwioe as msey page a lb ordinary issue, together with large somber ot picture. Tb pnee of Hi Outlook is tbre dollar a year In advance, or lea lbs a enot a day. trove 1 M wortb of grain annnsll) Wskelee's Squirrel and (lopber Exter- niinaior is lb moei trTnetiv aod eoo- oomloa'i poison known. Prioe rednced to 80 cent. Conser k Brook and Minor k Co., sgents, Heppner; J. A. Woolery. sgent, lone; Nichols A Leach, sgents Islington. What ia ll. p QoU? aartb. the aX !bT, gnt Bead for spednMn eipy and lllostrat- . J. Kloeum, u proepeeto toTb Oatbiok, 13 Astor Mb ol PUe. New Turk Citv. ls 811 E RIFFS SALE. IOTK K ID IIFREBY OIVEJt TRT I'NfiRR A v and by vwtua of an sieenllnn Issued ool of the Circuit C ourt of lb state of Hresoii lor the i.ouiiiy or Morrow and to n dlrerivd and delivered, npon a lunametil renderMl and en- Uired In said court on Ut l h dy of May, tn lanr of U reldmati snd W. II H f ol. laln(ISs, and against W. U Kalliig. defendant, lor the urn of Una lluadred, 1 euty 1 mo and a Hi) IMillsrs in I'. R (old coin allh liilereat thereon la like gold roin at thereto of Rishl per refit Mr annum Iron Wis ih dy nf April, s!. and the further sma of Klibleen Ixiliars fviMssnd dislmraenienis In hl' h )nt(ineot It pas orierii i,v lf, eourt inst ism prnty attwhed In Said action and hM-ltifir ile s-rlt-t, to - Ko.iih half nf the h.Mith Kl tintrwruf Hn'tioa n and the Horth RaatUMi Wr of ixelW.n li sod lb auuH Half ol Ui "th wt Cf rter nf Mention VSnd the West Half ul Ihs ".mi Hi TmH uaarter el Meetlen tl. snd tb South Half ol the Moult) M net lyuerler oi MmSlnti it. all In township nn (I, south ran V ut wihametie awrtdlsn. MiM-row WHiuty, Oren, m sold tn sallaly said luils meni, eu( ana n'nnnf eots. ll, on stariUy ih Sl.l dsy of July, lVT, at t o rlo I a. m, ol sel'l day st Ih front rtuuf of tl cmirt nooM In Heiiner, Morrow eHibty, nriii, H all tli rlrlil, tin sad lolerMt of the aakt V. I. e!lna tn aa4 to I lie almv dearntied prmertf St (.iiiille Sil' tlon to to tb hl(ht sad ImI hlddar frh ta hand. the bnireelB to h Sl'lilled Ul Cli SatisflM-Hot e.ld esecollofl and all costs, and fi. it, at atay auctne. V. L. ItTMM K. SherlfTof Mortua eeuuli. umn pa 14 Jnn n. l. Vfl Tillerd, propriator of "Tb Wei. saloon bal mnvsd into tb CM b'M building oej Mil rl, where i will ba nleaael to great ai frlanda wrb least breed! of Ikioj ir and tt leave to rx-rform to Isrr an "act of bon' age," nii h bji wa offiTed In hi country to prinnensc of the blood royal. This courttw-y, of oourw, could not be returd, and a day was apriirtrd fsr the crremoiiiaJ, the young lady and ber friitud f'litig tuittirully very rurio-ia snd a trifle nervous as to what t hi "art of homage' Uilgbt oonaisrt of. At till tlmn apolnbMl the young oriental no ble arrlvevl, arnrmipand by a nuinrrtjiia trtlnue of friends and nvs-vanU, quil like Aluddin In tbe story of the wotnli-r- f ut Uiop. All were cliul In the most tnagnlflrimt garrtK-nts. Tltry divw up Ix-fore the liounei wln-re Uwt girt ws vtsylng, while Use rr J t-l suitor, rrr rathrr um rmiM-ie purrhar, with a smaller following, eoteretl, hi at- tenibtnta leHng an endrtncnui rsorre hm or half rlrt W-t rf flimer. TbU b laid at tliei young ludy's fwt, whil hn dVllverrrl so rriilly flowery rwetUni in hi native tongtie, which waa trariHlateI for her brnefitby hialnurprede-r. It km ajlifvi hrr nn etntiarraesilng bot very prrtty reremonlal. 'h b-agt Tribune. Prrr4 paeba t Par the tx-arbes or drop them Intol boiling water, letting thtn aland for two rnlnutr. thrn the skim cn lie stripped off really. Drop them, it hen Sklliueil, Into rold wttrr to prevrnt ilia roloritloo. Allow three-fourth of a twiind of augar to one ournl of fruit, and on ni fill of wafrr loearh Mitml of sugar. V hen the sirup Mills, add the pe a-b ei, a few at a time, and rook until tender, then put thein In jars. Whri, all are done, fill up the jr with sirup. rear be may hiilved or ur'l hoe, a few stones left In the hahea git a good flavor to the presrt. Owl Jiounkitplng. Don't thin yonr blood with sassafras or poison it with blue-mass; bnt aid Na ture by using Dew Ill's Little Early Riser, tb fsmons little pills forooo- llpation, billousnea and stomach troa bles. They are purely vegetable. For sale by Conner k Brook. CAHD OP THANKS. To lb many friends who so kindly as sisted in lb late sad bereavement, which raroe to oar borne, deiir to J press oar heartfelt g'atitnd. W also express oar Ibsnks to Ih ministers snd tbeir reepeotiv oharcbei tor tb reepeol and sympathy shown In dismissing their service end attending Ih funeral servlo Ma. a no Mrs. Pan Miadown. E. O. : J. r. McMauus left Ibis morning for Portlend and will return next Toesday with his new plant for tb pnblicstion ol lb Pendleton Hepnbli- oan. lie will stop today and loin In Ih oelebralion at Athena. Ulok Mathews end V. Gentry, under th firm Dsm ot Mathews A Gentry. ar associated together in th barber baainea in th new stand, two doors south of Ih postoffloe. They olieit a call. Hbavlng, 16 oent. If. On last Wednesday th postofflc at Baker iu roblied by parties unknown. A safscontaioiog over $1(XI0 was blown open. Tettr, HaK-llheuiri anil Kctema. The InUinne lt hlng and smarting, Inci dent to thnaei diwajHL Is Instant 1 v allayed by applying Chatiitwrlalu's Ky and Kklo Ointiiieot. Many very bail caeca have tie-n psrrnanently runsl by It. It la eually enU tont for Itching pile and a favorite remedy for sore nlpidx, chapped hands, chilhlalna, frost Lite and chrotiio aor eyni. (U, per box. Dr. Cadr'i foBtlltlon Powdcn, are Just what a home rtewda when in bad condition. 1 utile, tl'KKi purifier and vermifuge. They ar twit fod bnt medicine and the lxt In ue to rmt horaa In prima omdltlon. Prion 23 cent pr package, CATARRH inni merier a Is lit ewe) at sMs khJ 4aaMw) 0eBWMl 9WY'V4a It i mm k rntm4 try a unt rmedy www im.inI Su J( lata th ewfia k en -il sty trtat 4 gives rol MH'. Oeo. Armstrong, who Is now rnnoiog th popular ssloon on the Matlook cor ner, ba put in Ih liop Gold drsogbt beer. Milwaukee and Hop Gold bottle beer, On liquors am cigars always on band. John Darham, asenUnl tuiiolo giL Call on tb boy and get yonr beer by glass or quart. U-tf Horn Pendleton people ar trying lo (revenl tb Germane from having Bundey picnic. Might a well try to prevent rain. Ely's Cream Bata i I A,MnAll -Tt1 'm I Im Itvrk stsg leave Heppner at To'olook, a. m TaeJys, Thnrsdays, and Halonlsyi; arrive al 6 a'look, p. U., Mondays, We.loea.lay aad Fridays, Will neks conneeilon with branch train whan deaire-L rare (acb way. Freight H cent per pound. J. II. iJellenhrork, prop. Offlo al Harry Warren' drug store. tl. Call st Low Tillsrd's for all kind ot si goods, al his new plao In tb City bolel bull.liug. ( Is at kawledl t h tH sl rhneaart) ears fn RMiiar.IM4 I liaad a4 Hay Irmt of ail e'wlie. It stft cpaap th al as r yea. aiiats IMi ant twlawiaiauoa, he. It4nr, io. let U wetal.es in roat MBltina III MiiM ml mm A ,. rni.e lrvi(w y mm 14.1 asWlMiaMW'srrMkUw.lvWts F.vry new inhsoriber of lb (lasetl from this date, Msy 25, KtJ, will reoriv a a premium a book worth alon Ih pravtet tb auUcrlption. tf