FotUasd library Almost Blind Scrofula Affects the Eyes -Little Boy Treated by an Oculist With out Relief -But Now He Is Well. 'When my little boy was three months Tld his eyes became very sore and he was almost blind. I took him to an oculist who treated him for six months, and left him as bad as he was at the beginning. Finally Hood's Sarsaparilla was recom mended and I began giving It to him. In less than three weeks he was able to go Into the sun without covering his eyes, and today his eyes are perfectly well, and his ears and nose, which were badly affected, are also well. Hood's Bsxsaparilla has certainly done wonders tor my boy . Mfi James H. Painteb, Amador, California. Remember nfoO'dfe One Blood Sarsaparilla j Turlfler. All druggists. gl.alx for $B. GetHood's. u.. ji. rtiii we the only pills to take 1100(1 S PUIS with Hood's Sarsaparilla, Take Notice. X The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of : respect," Hats of wedding presents and donors, -and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetlnm for whittTnimiu 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainment Irom which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five ceuw a tine. 1 neae rules wm be strictly adher ed to In everv lnstanne. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A FATAL ACCIDENT. Lewis Meadows Aeeideatly Shot aad Killed Near the Gazette Office. At one o'olook this afternoon, Lewis Meadows, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bam Meadows, aged 14 years, was aooidental ly shot by Elza Sutton, a playmate, in the offloe of Wm. Qordeo's stable, next door to the Gazette 'office, dying a halt an boar later. The ballet straok yoang Meadows in the left groio, passing through the thigh and comiog oat near the anus. In Its passage the femoral artery, or one of ifs material branches, was oat, and nothing oould be done in time to save the boy's life. Lewis Summerfleld, who witnessed tbe shooting, Bays tbat Jas. Kirk oalled shortly after dinner and asked to leave s rifb in tbe offioe a 32 calibre. Marlio 'safety." Elza Sutton, a stepson ot Wm. Gorden, pioked up the weapon a few moments afterward from where it was standing in tbe comer. Lewis Meadows was standing in the door. Sutton play fully pointed the gun at Meadows and in some manner it was 'discharged, re sulting as above-stated. An exami nation of tbe weapon showed that not only was tbe gun loaded, bat there were also several shells in the magazine. Tbe unfortunate boy was born and raised in Morrow county and was uni versally liked. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal campaign is over and the winter season again with na, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this tbe Gazette has made dabbing arrangements with a number of periodicals sod now offers tbe following to all new and renew al subscribers: The G KL BTTB 13.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 1.60 18.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50. 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, 11.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, Sift) 8.75 Thrfce--Week N. Y. World, .1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, M 00 5.00 BLAUGTEUEU SHEEP. Here and There. Bather oool for tbe 4th. Fresh bread every day, st City Bakery. San Clark is over from Camas prairie. See Maria for sky-blue with trim mings. 58-tt W. E. Eabler was in Wednesday from Eardman. Ed. Day was in from Galloway Wednesday. Conser & Brook's for tbe "Never Fail' beadaobe wafer. tf. J. O. Williams was in from Spring Hollow Tuesday. Milk from single oows for babies st tbe Shorthorn dairy. 68tf Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old Herreo stand, see adv.. . s Jack Mills, of this offioe, is confined to his room with tonsilitis. Lexington will bsve s borne pionio to morrow in the grove near town. See Banons, tbe contractor, before letting oat yonr carpenter work. 3tf. Special sals pocket knives, pipes at cost, next thirty days, Orange Front. BS-tf O. E. Farnsworth went down to Port land oa Tuesday, returning tbii morn ing. Miss Maud Smith, sister of Mrs. O. R Howard, departed Wednesday for Fen-dleton. I.N. Hngbs' oblldren srs suffering from old-fashioned, Missouri riyer "sgsr." Elder Jenkins oamc np from The Dalles tbs first of the week and will re turn Monday. Jas. Doberty sod wife snd Miks Ken- nv and Tom Gllflllen srs in from lbs country todsy. a F. Wslker sud Msrcellns Williams wers no from Ions Wednesday. Their crops srs good. "Never Fail" beadaobs wafers st Con ser i Biook's. This medioins will oars sny kind of s headache in short order tf. POOB CREDULOUS 80UL. A Yakima Sport Came to Heppner and Got Jobbed. A North Yakima man who attended tbe reoent races at Heppner, says if God will forgive him, he will never go tbere again to a horse raoe, save tbe La Grande Obronicle. The jobbing, tbe orooked nees and the all round slioknees of the horsemen from outside were too mnoh for even bis credulous soul. The last day of tbe races Heppner got drunk. Che majority ofjthe male Heppnentes, at least, soaked it they did not "drown their troubles in the flowing bowl." Old Jim somebody, who owns tbe raoe track, took off bis bat and swore he would plow ud tbe track and sow it to alfalfa. But it is through no fault of Heppner tbat tbe Yakima man will ebno it. It has tbe gamiest pugilists, tbe prettiest women and tbe best girls' band ever beard. Tbe ladies, dressed in their uniforms, played on the street every evening, and they plav, too no stopping to see it their bats are on straight. Tbe Gazette feels sorry for oar Yaki ma friend. No doubt be was tbe biggest jobber of tbe outfit bat was oat classed. He does not belong to the race track, He should take sn infant olass in s Sun day school. TO 8AN FRANCISCO. Are Yon Preparing to Take In the Christian Endeavor Doings f The 0. B. k N. has authorized a rate of one fare to Portland from all points in Oregon, Washington snd Idaho on their rail line in oooueotion with the special steamship rate of $10 oabia passage, meals and berths inoliided, and tbe speoial rail rate of 820 via the Shasta route, Portland to San Franoieoo snd re turn, by either route. The selling days commenced with June 25th and again one 30th to July 4tb inclusive. The tickets are limited to August 15th, and under no oiroumstanoes will time be ex tended. Stop-over privileges allowed on the O. B. k N. rail lines. Tbe next steamer leaves Portland on July 6th. Call on Agent Hart, or his representative for tiokete. 8 9 Asa Thomsoa the Loaer Bat Whl Contest for Tbeir Bichts. , Serious trouble is expected between the sheepmen and settlers in ths north eastern part of Grant county, says tbe Heppner correspondent to tbe Oregon ian. Lest Wednesday, as the band of Asa Thomson, who is s resident of this oounty, was coming into camp on Io dian creek, in Grant county, 12 men armed with repeating rifles, knelt in front of tbe band and, as tbey ranged up to within about 15 steps, proceeded to empty their rifles into the band. The herder started around the band In see what the trouble was, Bnd when be got within about 50 steps of the men, tbey ordered blm to str p. Not doing so soon enough to suit tbem, tbey fired three or four shots over bis bead, and he obeyed thfir orders. Tbe sheep, in tbe meantime, bad run down into a small meadow about 150 yards snd bunohed. Tbe gang reloaded and went down near the sheep and again emptied tbeir guns into tbe band, killing altogether on the ground 125 head, and Irom 50 to 75 bead were so badly wounded that tbey since died, making a loss of over 200 bead. Tbe miscreants, before going oat to meet tbe sheep, barned tbe oamp and oamp outfit, consisting of blankets, grob, the herder's rifle, wbioh be left in oamp that morning, pack saddles and tbe clothes of tbe herder and oamp ten der, a loss to them and Mr. Thomson of over $200, tbe total loss being about $750. These sheep were ranging on government land, and were seven miles from tbe nearest . settlement. About two weeks previous to this affair, some one, presumably tbe same' persons. killed 75 sheep in a similar manner, near tbe same plaoe, while they were en route to Wyoming. No notice bad ever been given to Mr. Thomson, his oamp tender or herder that tbe herding of sheep was not allowed in that seotion. Tbe sheepmen are considerably ex cited over the matter iu this part of the ooaotry, as many of tbem have sheep ranging in that part of Grant ooanty It seems to be tbe general opoinioo that human life will be taken before tbe trouble ends, Tbe settlers of that part of Grant oonnty have said publioly that tbey would not be molested by tbe officials of Grant ooanty, no matter bow many sheep tbey killed, just so tbey did not kill any herder or camp tender. Tbe offloials of Grant ooanty are popu lists. Begardless of this attitude sheepmen will oontend for their rights, snd no doubt tbe perpetrators of these outrages will have ao opportunity to do some shoot ing at those who oan defend themselves. The laws of Oregon should defend the sheepmen on government land. Tbe Gazette has confidence thai tbey will. IN FOND REMEMBRANCE. Mies Birdie Gamble, sged 15 J ears, 6 months snd 20 days, daughter of Mr. snd Mrs. W. F. Gamble, of Well Springs, died st ber b ime, of consump tion, Jane 23. . The following bit of rhyme, written by one of ber yoaog friends, is respect fully dedica'ed to ber memory. While it does not bear the ba diwork of tbe trained writer of poems, yet it well servs tbe purpose intended. Birdie, we have missed you, we must miss you every day, As a thousand kind words linger we have often heard you say. No more yonr sacred presence can cheer our heart and home, Except like moonlight shadows your angel spirit comes. By the altar of our homes, by the bedside as we dream, Enter in and cheer our paths with Heaven cheering gleam; Let your spirit sro before us and watch us tolling through the day; Let your spirit hover o'er us in prayer at twilight gray. E'en in the early morning midst the carol of tbe birds, How lovely and extatlc to listen to your words; Engraven upon our hearts you mast lin ger with us still Reaped to the harvest home through Gcd Almighty's will. HE REFUTED THE LIE. Blessed God of grace and love, we commend this child to Thee Embalmed as our lost Jewel-Thy Jewel may she be. Receive her in Thy kingdom and grant her Thy love That may give her angel crown and angel life above. Written by her friend and school-mate, Lilah Warhoth, Toned Over Only Vive Times Attar Be Jumped. ' Bill Haw was an awkward, ungainly young man, whose life was spent on a Kansas farm, says the New York World. He lived near the little station of Hack ney and on one occasion came from a near-by town on the train. It dashed up toward the platform at a high rate, of speed. The engineer tried to apply the air-brakes to stop the train, but they refused to work. He whistled for the hand brakes and the brakemen. and the conductor began twisting them as if their lives depended upon stopping the train. Bill saw that something was the mat ter and concluded that he was the cause of it. The train was past the station, and he feared he would be taken past his home. Standing on the lower plat form he gave a wild leap oft the train. In describing Bill's descent after ward the postmaster , at Hackney, who had seen Bill's flight through the air, said; "I thought some one had thrown a saddle oft" the train. Bill rolled oft all in a bunch. When the dust settled down Bill emerged from the confusion with his clothes nearly torn off him, his face and hands skinned and an ap pearance of terror on his face. He actually turned over eight times after he lumped before he stopped. "That is a lie!" exclaimed Bill, who had listened to the narration. "I never turned over eight times. I turned over five times. I reckon I ought to know, I counted 'em. ' .-a THE LATEST FAD. Christian cbarob services, July '4 th. Sunday school at 10 s. m- snd preaching at 11 s. m., snd 8 p. m., by Elder J. W. Jenkins. All not worshipping else where srs invited. NOT DEAD. Pleasures of Camping. It is a carious phase in human nature that tbs savage instinots have never b'en sufficiently bred oat of men to pre vent tbem from being occasionally im polled to leave their oomfortable quarters, don tbeir oldest clothes, pack up gun and fishing tackle, bestride horses and go oat snd try to kill something or snare a little innocent fish, camp oat of nights, trying to Una a soft spot on a gravel bank or among bammooks of grass for tbeir blankets, oook or try to cook baoon over a oamp fire with face soorobed by tbe heat and eyes watery by tbe smoke, drink bad coffee oat of tin cap, slap st mosqaitos, pick wood tioks off themselves and anathematize all man ner of creeping things, get sunburned until the outiole all peals off tbeir faces and hands and endure more discomfort for a fortnight than tbey had experienced for s year, then oome borne ragged, dirty, an kempt snd sore, and tell lies and brag tor the rest of the season about what a good time they bad. This has been going on ever sinoe time supplied men with tbe oomforts of a home and releases no man from its inflaenoe, from tbe anxious business man snd sturdy laborer, to tbe oity dads. It is an iu stioct inherited from lbs stons age, brought down through savage semi' savage life, and never to be bred out of as by civilization. AM. . STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B TJT YOU DO WANT LOW PBICES groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You oan find what you want at T. B. Howard's . . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! IT. IRE. Howartl Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. THE ART OF BREWING. Autograph Bat Mow the Rage with Co!' ' lege Students and Bummer Girls. One of the new fads that started with the Oornell university boys is the fash' ion of wearing autograph hats. On sees them everywhere, for college men in other colleges have taken it up, and have scattered themselves here and there among the summer girls. The hats are made of white canvas, with stitched brims. Names can be written in ink anywhere on the surface. One of these had several names of well known men written upon it, amor them the man who pulled stroke for the Cornell eight that won Buch a glori ous victory over Pennsylvania, Harvard and Columbia in that memorable boat race at Poughkeepsie. Sentimental young men collect the names oi their sweethearts, uiougn this has its drawbacks, because there is always the chance that the last girl will want to know all about the other girls whose names she finds written on the hat before hers. The words are usual ly printed, though script makes a pret- tici hat and looks Ices like an advertis ing device. To see stalwart young col lege men stalking along with these hats on gives one the impression of one of those impecunious individuals who march up and down upon the business streets with a printed placard on their backs to the effect that "a regular din ner can be had at the Blank dairy lunch far 20 cents." However, the fad is growing, and by fall the white hats will be black. Was Perfected by the Production of HOI GOIvD And now the entire world Knows this perfect product as tne (Star isrewery oeer On draught at all popular saloons STAR BREWERY COMPANY, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. POKER AN INDEX OF INSANITY. Don't waste stamps, save up CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Sport's Side Partner Returns to the band of the Living. Still Racing at Heppner. It if commonly believed tbe editor of tbe Gazette is entitled to the pseudonym of "Sport." This Is a very esrioat er ror. Sport is a meek looking tool. Yoa might mistake blm for a clergy man bat for a man of sporting proclivities, never! lbs editor is Sport's side partoer. Sport has observed thai the editor Is back again. Some days ago certain gentlemen(?) who baven't lime to st- WOfd in One envelope, ieno io iuir own Dusiness wers very r- r n i oertsin that lb. editor had vamosed' Schtlttng S Best money that be was olosed out of business, back tea, at yOUI" grocer's. oyur, auuwa uu reason way suaa reports Dr. John W. Basmas, ot ths Redlight, bss keg besr oa draught lbs Hop Oold. Beit ot Honors sod cigars in took. tf Ed Tsmplstoa sod Bob Large have re turn from tbs trail. It was too "na uerooi" for tbem sad tbey gevs it ap io disgust. A good bicyols, suitable tor cither lsdy or gentlemen, Io floe repair, new pneo tnstio tires, for tsls cheap at Gilliam k Bubss's. " Cross k BtsckwsU's fancy piokles and canned goods, reduced prices. Orange Front, odd. Citv hotel. Cor. Main and Willow streets. 53" Z.T. Fiek.of Laos Co., passed thro' Iowa vesterdsy with a nioe baoob of owe snd eslvee, for tbs rsngs at ths bead ot Batter creek. D. A. Carrar, formerly of I'eodlstoo, bss opt ned op 1 15 soot barber shop Io tbsoldstsod on tbs Matlock corner. Work strictly first class. Call oo him. 8tl At ths Ciy bakery. Otto Friedrioh, brennstor. too will always flod frrab t-.ssd, eskes, oodls, oats, e botes gro ceries, cigars, tobmO't aitd all kinds of fresh traits. 2t Cards of loviUtbo srs oot for tbs mage ot Mr. Harry E- Bartholomew and Miss May Aogoata rmley, st lbs II. E. sbnreb, South, i.f tbis ploe, oo sell Booday evening st 8 o'clock. Dr. J. E. Adklos is op from Hillsboco sad tboss dssirtof sojihtogla tbs lies of dsstlstrf sboald rail oa blm st bis ofBss is tbs rear of V. O. Berg's Iswslrf slors, Will ree-sla ooljr abort . k . A Beob. Sperry wss in from Ions yester day. For a nobby sail ot olotbes go to tbs New York tsilor. 68tf Tbs Hop Gold beer is ths best beer. for sale st sll of ths saloons. 28 60 Oo Isst Wsdossdsy Tbs First Nation. si Bank ot Heppner declsred a dividend ot 20 per cent Mrs. Gray, wifs of es Sbsriff Grsy, deceased, ban been appointed post matter of Csnyoo City. Jss. Wstkins and wife, parents of Bsn sod Bob Wstkins, departed yesterday for tbeir boms ossr Corvsllis. Tbsrslsoo beer liks ths Hop Gold. It suits ths public. Yoa can nod it at sll ths drinking plsoes Io Heppner. Vergettlng to Ante Urged u Ground fov Breaking a Will. During the contest over the will of John B. Haskin, who was known in politics as "Tuscarora" Haskin, one of the witnesses gave testimony to show that failure to properly piny the game of poker is an evidence of insanity, says a New York dispatch in the Providence Journal. Mr. II ask in left an estate val ued n.tover 1.000.000. most of which he yOlir Chilling S li est yellOW bequeathed to hi son. His daughter tea-tlCketS, and Send Several Benjamin F. Cohn said Mr. Haekin was very fond of poker and was a very care' f Thia company carries dry goods, groceries, hardware, boots and shoes, hats, gents' fur niBhings, etc Large shipment of new and second hand furniture, wbioh is being sold re gardless of cost They have also hardware, wall paper, carpets, lounges, springs, mat tresses, all these at half price. Look for tbs sign at Herren's old stand on May street, next to Palace hotel. FRANK McFARLAND, Manager. guesses for that missing 58-60 Morrow ooanty crops will be first class, although tbs grasshoppers did s great desl of damezs io some sections. An excursion train will bo ran from Heppner to Fetteysvills tomorrow and thn on down to loos to etteod tbs ports. , Last evening s special cams np from below taking oat toslvs oars of eattis for J. 8. Mstliok, destination South Omaha. Ths City bote! was closed Sunday last and will hereafter bs under ths manage ment of Ihe Isssss of lbs Falsos, ass lodging boass. A. Weinberger sod wifs hsvs moved from Pendletoo to tbis place, Mr. Wsia befger bsving derided to locsts io tbs tailoring business. Tbs cow ordinance is now t-o forced snd B'ppoeritrs who sllow tbsir cows to ran st lsrgs of nights may.sspeot to pay for tbs privilege. Oet yonr eMb mfi by tbs New 1 fork tailor, lis Cirris s fins of foreign and dorneitio woiUna. Co St yon op io tbs leiest sttbts. W l Tbs (s tls will ooMais as article is lbs Beit iesns on British 'JolornMa as sseo by tbs ftaxtts mo. II rosy ont prove. InlereMlog but It will not lack for facts. Don't this yoor blood sitb sssssfrss or poison it with blos-msst; bat aid Ns tors by asisg Dswitt's Litlls Esrty Bissra. tbs famtas Utile pills torsos- stipatioo, billimaoees sad ttomseb troo- should have been circulated exoept that tbs sditor failed to speoifloslly inform ths sntirs population tbat hs intended to make a bastoess trip to British Col umbia. Heppner bss a great many good people. It bss a few, a very few, tbat oan be better snd mors elsgsntly olassed by a long daih. And they srs thoronghbrsds. Bsoiog bsso't stopped st Heppner. Mondsy Buffalo snd Anois J. contest ed a two hundred-yard dasb, lbs Istter winning. Then Buffalo wss tried for 200 ysrds against Billy Cowins' baggy borss, Billy winning by a whisker, bat it took two bests to deoids it, ths first beiog a lis. Yssterday Wayne Howard's snd Lome Campbell's horses wers matched for 200 ysrds, Louie's hires winning. Oid Hatt has gone towards Montana. Oid bas Sport's best wishes for soeoess bat Oid isn't very laaky. Oid might bs classed Dow, so far ss Heppner's sport log fraternity is concerned, at "tbs Isst of tbs Mohioans." Rules of contest published in large advertisement about the first Snd middle of each month. ai6 fill plnyer uutil the sjiringof 18U2, when he became careloss, often holding his :ards so that tlie other players could see them. "Did he ever forget to ante?" "Oh, frequently; and others did it for him." Though ths wool msrkst appesrs to bs quiet io Heppner today, doring tbs past week a number of sales segrega ting 600,000 pooods srs reported at good figures, ranging from 0 to 10 oente, or from 2 to 1 oents Io advanoe ot last season. Tiokets for PortWnd's 4th of July oelebrstioo on sals st lbs depot at tbs rats of oos fare for ths round trip. Heppner It tbs only towo receiving this concession, as other towns oo tbs main lino, similsry sitnstsd, cannot svsll tbemaelves of this low rats till to-mor row Sick beadscbs csn bs quickly sad com' pletsly overcome by using thoss famous littls pills knnwo ss "Dswitt's Littls Early Risers." For tsls by Conser k Brook. A 'orblddea Oaa ' "Bsrsa Xa Salta" is a peeul'ar gams which is much played in India, and it has recently hern prohibited by ths government. The gams consists in bets being made on rainy days whe'her little or much rain will fall. Upon lbs roofs or terraces of many houses In India there Is a water tank provided with a waste pips. Through this tubs ths water escapes it a ceruln amount of rain bss fallen. The point of tbs rams is to try snd gurs when a rain storm will begin and at what tlms ths rain water in Uie tank so high thst ths waste water will begin o flow out of the discharge pipe. Tbs natives devoted themselves to this gams with such psaaionsts Interest thst fights frequently occurred, which in some Instsnoes developed Into actual riots. So the government stopped sll ths troubls by stopping tbs gwnis. Golden Days. THE NEW YORK Merchant Tailor, The Leading Tailor of Pendleton, i "Well, that is hardly proof of insan-1 Ity," said counsel for the son. 'To jM 0pene(j a firet-olass tailoring establishment in Natter's building, betwen a1 next door to the gallery, and carries ft fine line ot Foreign and Do- Mr. nankin forget to play his hand mpstio Woolens; is ft practical tailor and cutter, with many years of when the other players bad their anU exDerience. Makes suits to order in the latest styles. Also ladies . . I t.!l... m.,1. Mt ! n n t.t.ii .nJ I. 1 anll t ...ann .V1 . NO " - i wiiui-iuwQ -.iiucuio, iiuiuB u-ftuibe auu uiujtviq iuiw vv isnouuBuig "Did be forget to take his winnings?" prices. "uu, no." Mr. Cohn alo thought that the old ... ..... . ..i man s habit ot letting His raise teem fall out of bis mouth without noticing it was another evidence of feeble-mind ed ness. I Cieanino and Repairing Done at Low Figures. i A Hoy's Letter. The Fortnightly vouches for the gen uineness of the following extract from "A Boy's Letter to Ills Mother:" "I am glad I have a new sister, but wish she had been a boy. Seems to me if ths Lord rouldn t have sent a boy He might at k-ast sent a pony. Can't I have griddle cakes tbe days I don't hsvs salad? You always used to let me. see There is lots of game A. WEINBERGER, Proprietor. At the old stand, have the usual spring outfit of habere sro m UTENSILS. HARDWARE rats In the barn, and chipmunks In the I . AMU LAMr UUlMlb, Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention. woods. I am going to bring home one. Is a boy a pig If be Is helped three times? I iiM-an If they are small helpings and tbey Insist?" . . .- ou Howe Iklal Ws offer ons hundred dollars rswsrd for sny eass of Cstsrrb that esooot bs cared by Hall's Cstsrrb Ours. F. J. Cbeney k Co., Props., Toledo. O. Ws tbs undersigned, bsvs koown F, J. Cbsaey for ths last 15 yssrs, sod bs lisvs blm perfect It boiorsbls la all baslnsss transactions sod Coaooially able ts esrry oat any hf their firm. H-ei .rnai. n ooiessis lroggisis, ; . ... , , rTOtmji)m. Toledo, O. Wsldlog, KIodsq k Martin, lrou rrM r V boleeals Droggtsts, Tolsdo, O. Cltarelle Saaeklef. Cigarette smoking in Kngland dotes bark to 1844. Ths great Impetus to their lnrmsed uae was esue 1 by ths Crimean war of 1AS4-M, when numUrs . i - .... , . i . obligation made nnnmrj ana Mtu omrm .."p.c. 1 this method of smoking from ths In- hftbitsats of Rusal. Turkey, Malts. Hall's Cstsrrb Cars ts taken Inter nally, so'ing directly spoo lbs blood asd n. neons sortsoes or ths system Fries Tjr. per bottl. Sold by si. Druggists ! Testimonials free. Ths Psiker's mill relebf alios will oo doablsdly bs well a! leaded. Quits a somber of flepposrites srs already eampiog Is Ibst vicinity aad a good tltos Is sotioipatsd. Every sew tsbesrioer of ths Oesette from tbis date, May 25, Vtfl, will recite Oaly tevealrh. It Is not long olnee the emieror ot Austria definitely settled the succes sion to the throne on his nephew, Arch duke Otto, passing over the Istter'seld er brother, Francis Ferdinand, .M-raiia? bs was on ths (mint of death from eon tumptlon. Frsnris Is spisrently re covering his health, however, and It Is blnted that be wss not suffering so much from consumption ss from blight ed sffertion. lie has long wished tc marry Archduchess Stephanie, lbs wid ow of Crown I'rlnce llulolph, who" tragic deatU at Meverllng a few year ngo will i -ft rersJira, sna ns was eon f lltutlonally debarred from doing ei while bo remslned In the direct line ol suoresalon to ths throne. GILLIAM & MSBEE, Kelt Por to first National Hank Ktilldltif. You con Wager Your Sox that You aro Always at Home ot .... THE WELCOME IeflalttBB. Mrs. IUnpeck (to Mr. II.. who Is read ing) Your little son Just ssked you a questltm, and you didn't tven notice blm. You ought to be ashamed of your self, gnd I shall - Mr. Ilenpetk I didn't bear Li in. Mrs. H. Ob, you never besr when a member of your own family speaks to yon. Yoa srs desf to ths eery ones you should lovs and cherish dsf to Mr. IT. What does bs wsnt to know? Mrs. li. He ssked you what a hermit was. imu iu- , a.; ei, I r, will re-f w . , . . l... Tt... .M ..(. ....UI.I.. rr!-. nr.-,l,,m. IwW .!. .' -..uH ' -m. m.n wwm. - r ' - - 1 wta loves neafS i pries of lbs ssbseripUeas tf ' Weald, I OUSetowe'S TereaUllty. la all ths stress snd troubls of tilt long politlral esreer, ssys tbs Drsmstlr Mirror. Glsdatons bss Deter gave snob rsASN Booms evidence of bis mentsl balance snd hit tit ! human sdrolrstlon ss bs did the oUifdoy st Hswsrden. lie was jndg snd prire-glver at a rompellUve meet ing of IS brses bends, lie heard tbem sll play, and b wss amiable to tin last. Os Maio Htrssl, in City Uotel Ituildiog. THE DEST WET GOODS in the MARKET, tbey try to ptssa sll. Fios stab rooms Io cooosctios. TOW TllyleARD. Prop. i. I. ftOStBTS Rogers & Roberts, -(V)utrs sutl DuilJurs.- sals by Oeassr k lirssb. aad quteV Js Y. , 1 Li Beet -a ,re 1aw.li4 Cat t I fj le If fc--'4 . f f I Y J' - las eTIaIer,js-. nans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Kcwir Work Done- OFFICE HOURS-Day and Niuht Leave your orders "An? Old. Race" and Roj. or Jia will ct em. o o o o o o o