I D 1 OFFICIAL smx-wk PAPER l tsass9 ijjjl J j 00 BUSINESS FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 2. 1897. NO. 558 FUBLISHBD Tuesdays and Fridays BT THE PATTERSON PUBUSHINS COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 par year. 11.25 for montht, 75 eta. tor throe moncns, strictly in advanoe. Advertising Rates Made . Known on Application. THIS I PAPER is kept on file at E.C. Uake'e Advertising Agenoy, 61 and 65 Merchant Exohanga , San Franoitoo, California, where oou. raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner J miction 1:30 a. m. Leaves Heppner Jnnolion 3:40 a. m. and ar rives at Heppner 8:10 a. m Bpokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Jnnction 8:15 p. m. and TJma ilia 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No. , from Bpokane, arrives at Umatilla 516 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 8 p. m. and ar. rives at Heppner Jnnction 1:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:10 p.m. and arrives at Heppner Junotion li!7 a. m. and at Portland 7 :St a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart. Agent OKA N., Heppner, Ore. OSTIOlAi XJirRBCTOJRTr. United States Officials. President... William McKinley V ce-Presldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State. John Bherman secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Seoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph MoKenna Seoretary f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregoa. Governor..: W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. R. Kincaid Treasurer ..Phil. Hetschan Bopt. Pahlie Instruction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senators '. 1 McHnde JG. W Jj. H t Binger rvnOT m. 1 Binger Hermann JUIU1UD1I JW. R. W Ellis rnaiier...... ... Supreme Judges.., ....W. H. Leeds R. S. Bean, ( R. S. 1 F. A. (C. K. Moore, Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator... ... A, W. Gowan Representative. J. N. Brown County Judge A. G. Bartholomew ' Commissioners J. Ii. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J.W.Morrow H Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam " Assessor J. K. Willi. " Surveyor.. J. W, Hornor School Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner .. ...B. F. Taughan BBPPHBB TOWN OFFIOXBS. Mayor..., Thos. Morgan (Jiuncllmen Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Slocum, U. Liohtenthal and. J. H. Simons. K border W. A. Richardson Treasurer L. W. Hriggs Marshal A. A. Robert Precinct Officer. Justice of the Feeoe W. E. Richardson ConsUble N. S.WheUtona UBltcd States Laad Officers. TIB DALLES, OB. J. P. Moore Register A. S. Biggs Beoeiver LA OBARDB, OB. B. F. Wilson Register J. H. Robbina Beoeiver JcosocT ocxirrixa. KAWLINS POST, NO. IL G.A.B. fastest Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of err. month. All veterans are Invited to Join. Q W. Smith, 0. G. KcyCA, Adjutant, tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Offlfl in the City Drag Store, near City Hotel, tf D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Office boon, 8 to 10 . m., nod 12 to 2 d. m. at residence, Mri. II. Wr lob's property, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 lo 5 p. m , at oflloe io Ibe rear ot Borg'e jewelry More. National Bank of nmi mU. PINLAMD. ED. B. BISHOP. PreaUsat. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BiN'alSfl BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made oo Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT h SOLD HEPPNER. tt OREOON First National Bank IIEPPNER- C. A. Rhca, T. A. Rhca. GEO. W. CONSER, S. W. SPCNCCft, President Vie President Cashier Aee't Caehler Truiifti a Getters! Banting Basinea. all pen of the world- Bought and Sold Collection Rifle oa all points oo reasonable Term. Surplus end BftdlvtJed fronts, I I l.OOO.OO. Tbo Oaflte daeo ool aeatioa lb boaaalr of ao perwoo, bul it M eom- (rtllad to IdsmI a poo Ibe eash-ia adrsnoe laa of eubeeripUoa, wbstw im eno Mriberba Ooraelloa VaadrtbUt or the Ba b4 eero hie btiA by booewt toil. W e an not ran ibe paper oa ae otber plan. Wtat is Uip Gold? Ileal bear fa wlb. a4. atoawbero. m Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances . Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo. Pendleton, Baker vjny, xugin ana Huntington. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET fhree Important Points. FIRST Go via. St Paul be cause the lines to that point will afford you the very best service. SECONDSee that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin UeDtral because that line makes close connection! with all the' trans-continental lines fil tering the Union Depot there, and its service is hrst-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest uoKet agent and ask tor a ticket reading via. the Wisconsin i. i in it uenirai uneB, or address Jan 0 Pnnrt. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 Stark St, Portland Or. lien. Pas. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. BTOCR BRANDS. While too s.eep yonr subscription paid tip yen eao keep jronr brand in free of charge. Bora. P. O.. Hennnar. Or.-Rnnaa P R r.n lr shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. flOon riehtahnnl. der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square srop off left and split in right. Oonalas. W. M.. Oallowav. Or. CattJa. R T) n right side, swailow-tork in each ear; horses, B D i ioiv liip. Ely. Bros.. Douglas. Or. Horses branded FT.Y on left shoulder, cattle same on lefthip. hole is right ear. Florence. L. A.. Herjnnar. Or. Tattle. T.P right hipi horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. uuw, n.iij, uoiiyunr, vr.n(RHi Dranuea rJ J on the left shoulder: settle branded J nn T II TJ 1 T I . I right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. fiange in Morrow county. Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horses. eirnlaT nn left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under half arop in rioht and solit in left ear UMn W:ir. EI a- n- TT v J.J KNY on left hi D oattle asms and oran nff lafi ear; under slope on the right LAAhpw. J. W. Hnnnnif Ik-Hnnu h,u L and A on left shoulder; oettle asm on left hip, wattle of er right eye, three slita in right ear. Minor. Oscar, ii sooner nr. tattle. M n nn right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, H. N Heppner, Or. Horse, M ) on left shonldei oattle same on left hip. Osborn. J. W.. Donclaa. Or.: hones ( nn lf shoulder; oattle same on right hip. Parker A Glaaaon. Hardmmn.OT. HoraaslPna left shoulder. Pioer. J. H.. Lexinrton. Or. Horses. JE eon. acted on left shoulder: oattle. same on lef bin. under bit in each ear. Hector, i. W.. BeDDner. Or. Horse. JO ot left shoulder. Cattle, O on tight hip. SteiTT. K. O. HeDoner. Or. Csttle WOn left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. Thompeim, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, I on left shoulder: oattle. a on left shonlder. Turner n. W.. Heppner. Or. Small oapltal T left sbooldsr, horses; eattl same on left hip with split in Dotb ears. Wattenbnrcer. W. I.. Hallows. Or.: horse quarter circle JW on right shoulder; oattle quarter circle 4 w on ngni nip sun right sifle, rrop and hole in left ear. liange in Morrow and Umatilla oounues. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. mo ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No A ttce is hereby liven that I have on th 1st day of May, 1h;i7, been appointed as ssslgnee of the estate of G. W. Hwsggart, Insolvent, and all persons holding claims against said Insol vent, or tils estate, are hereby notlfled to pre sent th same to m at my office In Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, properly verified br oath according to law, within three months simr aaie 01 wit none. eo. K. BisHor, Assignee. Heppner, Or., Msy 7, 1897. Ui-ta. NOTICE OF INTENTION. IAND OmCK AT THE DALI.F.8, ORF.OON, J June so, IW7. Notice Is hereby siren that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to aiaks final proof la support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. W, Marrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Vri'gUII, QH AUgUSt LB, IH1, VIS! JOBN JOUNHON, Hd. K. No. moo, for the Bw, Bee. &, Tp.lt. R. 7 .. W. M. He name th following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon aad cultivation of, said land, vli: Charles Anderson, of Eliht Vila. OrHM jonn p.. reierson, rrani a. Liinneii and An drew M. rettarson, ail of Gooseberry. Oregon. JA8. F. M'MiHE, 56A0 Register. Notice ot Intention.' T and ornrt at the dallmoreoon U June Iw7. Notice Is hereby siren that the following-named settler has fllad notice of his Intatitlon to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said prcMif will be mails before t . w. Mormw.Lonnty Clerk. at Urppusr uregon, oa augusi in, i"ni, vis; ANDREW M. fETTEaWON, Hd E No. 4I4. for the NWV see. 4Tp.il a. 24 E. W. M. Henemr th following Unease to pmvs bis continuous reaidsnc upon aua euitivatloa of, said land, vli'. fharlea Anderson, of Rlsbl Mils. Oregon Ji.hn E. rvtrraon, frank A. Uiiulell and Joha Jobnaon, all of (rooseberry, Oregon. JAM. t. MOORE. 06 AS lUvtsUf, Tie regular obeonptioo prios of tb Hmi-Weekly OsaelU ia 12. M arxl Ibe reffnlar prioo ot tba Weekly Oregoolaa ia 11.60. Aoyoee aataoribia for lbs Qasette and pariof for ooa year is ajvaace reo gal butb tba OanelU aod Weekly Oregooias for sM.&O. All old lob senbera paylaf Ibeir eobeoriptlooa fct oae year la adranoa will ba eotitled U th aaeee Walt. Tbompeoa ruoe etace btwa Happaef aad kioDDBMWit, arriving every day aioapt Monday aad lea vie: every day eioepl Haaday. Bbortaat aod ebaap. aat mala to tba lata nor. Si J. Eloaosj, ftgeat. v J f - aar w v v w VVWWVVVVVVVVbr O SPRAINS St. Jacobs Oil the foil Use g f and Kfi u ana D A I MCra ' Kf fjjj si A 1111 a . "gj s McClure For 1897: SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins in December,) . Budyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Beglus in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION irom Washington to Lincoln. - ;. ; Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in whioh he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and Ingenuity which have, in the "8herlock Holmes" stories, given htm a place beside Poe and Gaborlau. . t . . . TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN. All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which Were engaged from him long ago. will appear in McCldbb's Magazin. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the tame field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. ThlmbleSuger" stories. . RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCldbb's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANKT Is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in iuelf. Anthony Hope) Bret Harts) ; , Robot Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Ruaaoll ' will all have stories in McClcbb's for the coming year, i These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of HoClubb's Magazini for 1897, the subscription priee of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. ' Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get It (TET AA For 01111, , UNPARALLELED OFFER mmate skill. Buck a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every borne. The subscription price of Leslie's U4pe nnum. We msks th unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer wss ever mad before. No such offer will ever be mad again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy mi ft anjtwlll h AAnit.nl Mmlnrf.M nf lh. Lln ..... ..., . . Remit bv Dot Lai order or check to GAZETTE, rieppner, Oregon. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York The Outlook will bo Id 1897, as It baa been dnrlof each of its twenty seven years, a History of Oor Owe Time. Io its various editorial departments Tba Outlook give a compact review of the world's progress; it follows with care all tba important pbilantbropie and 10 dnstrial movement of toe day; baa complete department of religious news; devotes moob space to tbe intereets of Ibe borne; reviews correal literalare; faroMbe cbeerfal table-talk about me aod tblnge: aod, io abort, eima to give fresh information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tbe fifty flifth vol o me, tbe paper will eeeume tbe regular mage line sis, wbiob will add greatly Io it ooovenietiee and atlrertiveaeee. Tbe Outlfx k Is pabliahed every Hatarday fifty-two Issues a year. Tbe first Issue la each moata ie to Illustrated Msg sue Number, containing about I wire a msey pagee ee Ibe ordinary taeoee, together ilk large Bomber ot picture. Tbe prteeof Tbe Oollook la Ibree dollars year lo advaoee, or lee Ibso a eeot a day. Bend for a p4tnB epy tai illostral C proepMtue lo Tbe Ostluok, 13 Astor Fleoe, New Twk OUv. promptly leel the cure. Thaf s , w fir u oumtiuiuj sulci Magazine JJJ.UU To be educated one must read the best literature. ' , : The best literature Is expensive. Leslie's llluitrated ' Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, is full of the best things Its Illustration ar superb; It : stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- . .... . uuuun . i tha Now is tba lima to Bet tha Weekly Oregonian, the greatest newspaper of thaWeet. With ibe Oaeette, both itriet- !y io advance, one year, $3.B0. No better ootcbioetion of newspapers ean be made to the atata. HAVE YOIJK 0RAIH. Few realiae tbat each eqolrrel des Iroys 1160 wortb of grain annually Wakelee's Squirrel and Oopber Eiter mlnatnr is tbe mnel effeelive aad eeo oomlcal poison knowo. Priee rednoed to 30 oral. Oonser k Brook and Minor A Oa, agenta, Oappner; J. A. Woolery, agent, lone; Nichols Leaob, agenta Leiingtrm. SHERIFFS 8 ALE. XTOTlrg IM RKRRRY GIVF THAT rxnitlt iv and by Virtue of an eseetiltoa taanad out of the Circuit Court of (he niais of ttrrgon lor tha ountjf of Morrow and lo me dlrm ul and oeiivereti, upon a ui(ani rendered and en. tnrvd In said court no the lulu Say of May, Iw7 in laror oi u reioman ant n, II. r). I oi plaintiffs, aad asalntt W.I. Haling. dxf-mtanl, lor the sunt of One Hundred, t wauty o and sa-Hu iNillars In I'. H gold coin with Interest Ihereoa In Ilka gold enla st the rate of Sisht per rnl par annum from Uie Flh day rf April, 1V7, and the further sun of KlchtMn Ih.liars aostsend dlaburaf men's la whli ii judsatenl N as urdarwt ty (he rourt lliat tha propeity atlwIiMl In said atlon and heralnaMrr de- a rlld, W wtt Honth half of tha Hnnth-Kaet gonr iH HkIIosi m snd ths Nona Kaat JMr. Ur of lWI.,o li sod the auulh Half of th RoHth Quarter of nation to and lha W r1 Half of th Mouth Kael guarwr el aarlioa fi. and thsKouth Half of lha itb Weet guarta, of ,ua M, all In township im (i snath range V east Wlllsmtte atarvilaa. Morrow eountv. Orraon. ,,ld lo satlslr said lud aiant, coats and accruing aoala, I will, on net ii Mar lha gist day of July, lv?. at 1 o rlork p. m. of said day at the front door of the court bouas In Hffor. Morrow eoualy, ttrrgon. sail all the right, title a4 InUraat uf tiia said W. L Halli.s In sni In tt ebova diarr1ld trropariff at public soniifo w. lo the hlgkeat alii beat blddar lac naali la haad tha pruewda to he ull"l Ui tha saiuilarlloa af Sl4satutton and i vl snd eoet dial wjr aatrv. K. U MTIx K, ShentVof Morrow eouiity, Oregon Da lad iuss m. VW. sul Low TlHard, proprietor of "Toe Wel oota" eslooej baa noted Into tbe City boUl building oo Miio etrewt, where he j will ba plaaeed to greet at frteede wit b I lb e&oiOMi or audi or, itqanre a4 etgei. U j FRESHNESS OF FEELING. How to Retain This Most Charmlna- 1 Charaeterlstlo of Middle Age, Freshness of feelinxr is nna nf ih most charming characteristics of a midQlft-aed man or woman. We are all familiar with men and women, not out of the 20's, who have the air of having exhausted all the resources of delight. , They appear to havo been, through the whole round of human in terest and to have explored them so thoroughly that they oaunct be sur prised or greatly moved. . Children of wealthy parents introduced too early to me me oi tneir elders, oiten be tray this unlovely characteristic. The zest of work they never knew and t.h zest of amusement and diversion has palled upon them. On the other hand, those who have worked too lono- nr intensely in a single line often sxhaust At . . m . . . . inpir power oi taking interest in other things, or of being strongly moved by them. The business man on a vaca tion, though confronting him is the loveliest landscape, sees nothing but etock quotations, or the clercvm nothing but the heads of Bermoms, , It is aouDtiui ii anything but a profound upheaval of the inner life can impart freshness of feeling to the man who baa drunk so freely of pleasure that he stirred up a muddy and impure sedi ment in the very fountains of happi ness. ! But most of us have it wholly within our power by moderate living, by 'wholesome recreation, by occasional change of scene.andbycultivatingevery day a variety of interests, to preserve that emotional responsiveness which enables us to greet thelightof themornr ing and the glories of the heavens with keen delight, to enter into the joys and sorrows of others, to welcome the ap pearance of a bright book, or to refresh ourselves with the conversation. I friends. Outlook. . Tlmbaies of risk. Timbales are French dishes, so named from "timbale," a metal cup, because they are generally made in plain; molds, either round or oval. They are somewhat difficult to make, however, .requiring both: care and practice. They are lined with force meat and filled with a creamed force meat of fish, chicken, sweetbreads or spaghetti or rice. They are very pop ular aa an entree for a company luncheon. For 12 small molds or tim bales, sometimes called dariole molds, 1V4 pounds of cold, fleshy fish of any kind, such as salmon or halibut, will bo required. Cook a half pint of bread crumbs with a pint of equal part of milk and rich cream for ten minutes, and meantime, pound to a paste the fish, with half a dozen frrah stewed mushrooms; rub this through tne puree sieve, fteaxon with salt net per and nutmeg, and when the bread and cream mixture fa cold noun aJI together until well mixed; add four wen-beaten eggs, flu the molds not quite full, cover with buttered paper, plaoe them in a deep pan and pour in hot water almost to the rim of the molde. Cook in a verv moderate oven for 2S minutes. Tipton Herald. Very Muperlor. Mollie (at tbe Mountain bouarWW had a german lout night. rollie (a vlaitor from the Valler house) roohl We have a Frenchman at our houRe for thft whole Bummer.- Carper's Round Table. KIPLING'S LITTLE JOKE. Hw Be Oar Out a Pwlley far the Aaa- trallaoe. Itudyard Kipling ia usually repre sented as being very cold and distant, to young newspaper men, and proof against their efforts to Interview him. There is evidently a kind side to his na ture, however, as la shown by n story that ia told by tbe Literary Digest. In regard to the statement In an Austra lian paper tbat he landed on tba. Island at 12 o'clock and 16 minute later "had formulated an Australian policy," Mr. Kipling, according to the Digeat.inakes the following explanation: "A young reporter cornered me Juat after I landed. I treated him kindly, but said firmly that I was not to tie inter viewed. 'I have not thought of Inter viewing you,' replied the reporter, wltb a sadaras In his voice. 1 ssk a much greater favor than that.' It turned ont tbat the reporter had an Australian policy which he knew would be of the greatest benefit to th country. No paper would print It. Ills modeat re quest was that Kipling would let him put forth his theory a tbe scheme of the novelist. They will print It, he said, 'if I give It aa coming from you.' All right,' agreed Kipling, 'fire ahead.' So the young reporter got In four mortal columns telling the people) of Australia how to govern their country. I never read the article,' Mr. Kipling placidly says, "but there must have been amazing theories in It from the storm Jt raise.' Aa rasawt4 Aaswav. Ob a recent Hunday night a minister waa preaching la Ik-1 fast, when a young man io the congregation, getting weary of the aermon, looked rrprat4ly at bis watrb. Just as he was In the act of ex aminlag hi tlturpie fur the fourth or fifth time, the ptor, with great earn tstoeaa, was urging tbe truth ujkip the ronacU-nr of his brarrrs, "Young man," said he, " bow is It wltb you 7" Whereupon the young man with, the gold re prater bawled out, In the hrarlng OI nearly tbe whole mngrt ration: "A qtiarW pt elgbL" As may be sup poaed. the gravity of the aeariubly wss very much tlialurbrd by Die oecurrrnoe. rrv! If I" p aw a a r im. i Mother- Horrors-! Where did you ret thai dog? Young HopefulI!) followed me bom. i -If urn t Did you eoag hirer I l Aida'tooai him. I threw tblnge al aim. out rat wovHl noriie. I That's atruge. What did yo rwrWT- I "A tot bard, ugly bones the boUbe ft fiMtV-Oddw fc4 Elide. REASONS WHY Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedy is the Best. 1. Because it affords almost instant relief in oase of pain in tbe stomach, oolic aod cholera morbus. - 2. Beoaose it is the only remedy that never fails in the most severe cases of dysentery and diarrhoea. 3- Beoause it is the only remedy tbat will onre obronio diarrhoea. i.' Because it is the only remedy that will prevent bilious oolio. 5. Beoause it is tbe only remedy that will cure epidemloal dysentery. 6., Beoause it is tbe only remedy tbat can (always be depended upon in oases of obolera infantum. 7.- Because it is the most prompt and most reliable medicine in use for bowel complaints. 8.. Because it produces no bad results. 9. Beoause it is pleasant and sate to take. : 10. Beoause it has saved tbe lives ot more people than any otber medioine in tbe world. The 25 and 50c sizes for sale by Oon ser A Brook. E. 0. : W. J. Waldron, while jumping from a passenger train as it palled into the depot at Walla Walla Sunday even ing, tell under tbe oars and bis left foot was out off, Waldron lived on a farm four miles from Salem, Ore. A few days ago be left bis wife and five obildren and started out in search of work. The loming harvest in this seotion presented an opportunity and he beaded this way , Being without money to pay bis tare he was compelled to beat bis way and waa riding the "blind baggage," Don't neglect a cough because the weather is pleasnnt; before Ibe next storm rolls around it may develop into a serious difficulty beyond repair, One Minote Oongh Oure ie easy to take and will do wbat its name implies. For sale by Conser A Brock. Athena Paper: Beo Svsggarl re turned to Heppner. Mr. Bwaggart will remove his family to Athena eooo. Owing to the faot tbat grasshoppers have eaten np everything in Morrow county, be will bring bis stook up here lo winter. Any lady desiring to purchase a eew- ng maohine should call on J. W. Vanghan and examine bis latest Im proved White machines. A happy oom- linatinn of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy ronning. tt. Athena Paper: Tbe Eastern grey rat ia rapidly multiplying in tbia county. J. E. Reeder reports killing 100 of these "varmints" at Lis ranoh west ot town Monday, with the aasistsnoe of a dog. W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., saye "One Minute Congb Cure saved my only child fmm dying by croup." It baa saved tbouaands of others suffering from oronp pneumonia, bronchitis aod other serious tbrost and long troubles. For sale by Conser A Brook. Wm. Mstlonk arrived Wednesday from Orant county with 300 bead ot cat tle which were shipped yesterday by Nebraska mao to range io tbat state. The orescent waves on Cretan shores, Th erons of Christ goes down; 1h Turks srs helped by Chrlstlsn powers Who booiliard tort and town. Columbia's eagle hears nor heed I'oor Cuba's plsrclng cry; Then let us drown these shameful deeds Jn flperry't "l.lnwood Ky.M For eale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E. (1. H perry, proprietor. If For the paat two weeks Ibe Gazette bas lieeo io charge of oew bands, most ly oovioee at tbe business of editing e paper and getting np news items, it ap pears, aod grammatical errors aod other mistakes were plentiful. The Osteite hopes, however, that Ibe publlo will be as lenient with Ibe paper's short- omiog ae II Ie with their fault. ii i ii Tntrv, Halt-ltheom and Kotema. Tin Intense lU hlng and smarting. Inci dent to theses diaoaa la Instantly allayed by applying Chamberlain 'a Eye and Hkln Ointment, Many very bad cane have bi-en permanently cured by It. It la ejtilly efflclnrit for lMiing plli-e and a favorite renutdv for wire nipples, chapped hands, chilblain, frost btUw and chronic ,r ryt-. Hi rte. per box. lie rd.a t'AUUm l.. in ' " I vim s a wrvesB wsis Just what a horae n"'U when In bad oomlltlon. Tonic, Mood purifier and vermirtige. liter are not rood but mMllrliiej and tlie fieet In use to put e boraaj In iirliaa condition. Irfua 23 cents per pac kage. Dr. MrHwords aad Hieriff Matlock are preparing to take a large crowd from Heppner lo attend Ibe Ilryea speaking ia IVmlletoa m July 1 lib. No doubt many republicans will gi over to bar Ibe "boy orator," CATARRH hi LOCAL DISEASE e la a eseae t eats - Ii tea as awa 1 a pimsl waa Uai.ua Sw lata ifca anam faa tag v, ua iy aniwa gtva ea4Hifa. Ely's Cream Balm k) arS',ailtad la k the saaat lknrnaj Saes fnv t"ii awn. h Mae sad Uar Imw af a-l 'aiifc itym-u fe4,li amas n a-aal laafy-a, Siiars Maia e4 tuilaiMMUR, aais niia prm IrtW Ua awmaifina aanta, iu.r aaa. f iM,l ra a (rrm hf a, sU.1 TMAlMHMWarratfa,kw Ie a, a. I iBi! a WW lJLMM Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfnlness. Assures the food against , alum and all forms of adulteration common to -the cheap brands. BOTAL BAKINQ POWDKB OO., NBW YORK, HARD CD8T0MEBS. Some Canadian Cnlprlts Captured After aa Exciting Tnssle. Murderer Woods and Burglar MoDon- aid, who created quite a furor in Nel son, B. O., on last Thursday by holdimr up tbe sheriff and esoaping from jail,' were oaptured last Sunday night.bat only after a bard struggle in whiob one of the officers would have been killed if Woods' gun had worked. The editor of the Gazette, aooomnan- ied by H. 0. Gregg, ot the Walla Walla Union, arrived from Kaslo, B. 0.,on the steamer Alberta on Thursday evening, ana found all exoitement. The 8250 re ward offered for the oapture ot Woods stimulated every man to turn offioer, and men ooold be seen everywhere arm-" ed with little popgun pistols, bat most . of tbem did not bunt for Mr. Woods where there was any partionlar danger ot hie being fouud. It was generally conoeded tbat he would prove a bard customer to baodle, bat say wbat yon like regarding the bravery ot tbe aver age Canadian, the ofTioers are in most . cases nervy men who will lake desperate ohaooee. "Last summer one of oar grand ohildren was siok with a severe bowel trouble," eayi Mrs. E. Q. Gregory, ot Frederiokstown, Mo. "Oar dootor'i remedy bad failed, then we tried Cham berlain's Oolio, Obolera und Diarrhoea Remedy,' wbiob gave very speedy relief." For sale by Oonsat, Brook. A psrty consisting of Messrs. Frank Borg and M. B, Oalloway and Missee Cora Hart, Oora Rhea, Lena Kb.ee and Lena Robison left yesterday to attend tbe celebration at Parker's mill. Diok Malbews and V. Gentry, under the firm name ot Mathewe A Gentry, are associated together in the barber business In tbe new stand, two doors south of the postoffloe. They solioit a call. Shaving, 15 oenta, If. B. Lynob arrived from Tbe Dalles yesterdsy and al ones accepted a posi tion io Cbaa. Jonee' tonsorial parlors. Old People. Old people wbo require medloioe to regulate tbe bowel and kidneys will Qnd the true remedy In Electrio Bitten. Tble medicine does not stimulate and oontslns no whisky nor other intonoant, bat sols as a tonlo and alterative. II sols mildly on tbe stomach aod bowels. adding etrengtb and giving tone lo the organs, thereby aiding Nature io Ibe performeooe of the functions. Eleotrlo Hitters is so excellent sppetixer and aids digestion. Old People find it just ex actly wnai may neeu. I'riee nrty cents and 1.00 per bottle al Cooaor A Brock'g Drag Htore. Tbe Oexette Is anJer obligations lo Miss Aona Browo for a oopy of tbe program ot Ibe commencemenl eieroleea of lbs New England Conservatory of Miialfl, 1'J7. Tbe Hbakers bsve made discovery wbioh ie destined lo accomplish much good. Realising tbat Ibree-foorlbe ot all of oar sufferings arise from stomach Iroablae.lbal tbeeountry ie literally filled with people wbo eanool eal and digest food, without eiibsfqueotly snffering paio and distress, aod that many are sietving, wasting lo mere ekelelons. be eanse tbeir lood does Ihem oo good. they bsve devoted moob eludy aod thought lo Ibe abject, and Ibe recall ie Ibis discovery of their Digestive Oordisl. A little book reo be obtained from your draggle! that will polo I oat Ibe way of relief at onoe, Ao investigation, will cat coining and will recall la much good. Children ell bate to lake Castor Oil, but ool Lasol, wbicb ie palatable. June show ere have been merged lutd July shower. Ferroere wilt be com plaiollig eooo about their grain (ailing down. Oeo. Armstrong, who I now raooieg tbe popular saloon oo Ibe Mallook cor ner, baa pul la Ibe Hop Oold draught beer, Milweukea and Hop Ool.l bottle beer, floe liquors and cigars always eo band. Jobo Dor ham, assistant mixolo gist. Tell eo lbs boys aod get ye or Wr by gl or quart, M tf Jobs E. lAibrop, silr edtk of Ibe E. 0, earn) over TiarsJay ki speed a brief yeealioo.