155 ai gg 83 sd as ail ftglppRffl $ 1 lit A decent department decision holds that a blind man cannot serve in the capacity of postmas ter. Strange! Has the blind man been guilty of reading postal cards? The editor of a farm journal tenders the young people this piece of wholesome advice: "Never make love in a corn field. Corn has ears and is easily shocked You should make an oat of this." A man who has no time to read the newspapers, says Press and Printer, can usually find a little leisure in which to buy an excep tionally fine gold brick or a par ticularly choice variety of green goods. An exchange says: "The man who has enemies amounts to some thing, lie is a live man. He is a fighter. People don't kick at a corpse. A live man can swim against a current a corpse floats down without hindrance. God bless our enemies. We love them. They make life worth living. liUFFOONEity and cheap witti cism are sometimes effective un der certain circumstances but hardly so in the senate of the United States. Senator Vest has found this out in the failure of his attempt to lessen the influence of those democrats who voted for protection by dubbing them "cot. ton-tailed democrats." Senator Vest's crocodile tears have ceased to flow with reforence to the Bugar features of the pond ing tariff bill since the newspapers callod bia attention to the f..ct that the increase in the value of sugar-trust stocks under his manip ulation of the Wilson bill was ten times as groat as it has boon since tho Dingley bill was taken up. A woman's character is likened unto postage stamps. Ouo black murk ruin it. Man's like a troas ury note; no matter how many stains it lian, it will pass at par. When a woman falls from grace Lor character is generally mined forever. On tho other hand a man may straighten up and be received into tho best society again. All of which is too true but being true does not make it right. Ex. W'nEN Prof. Roentgen an nounced his diaeovery of tho X ray, eighteen months ago, his films were exposed for two hours. Now a radiograph is taken in three or four minutes. Prof. Roentgen unod a preparation of barium, which conts $1.23 a grain, but Kdi son fouud that the tungUte of calcium, costing a ninth as much, answers tho purpose. No doubt other important improvements in tho proees will be made duriug tho next year. The free-silver democrats who rejoiced in alliancfl with wtulim lant fall will intort-Hled to know that the ni.MlM.f. he-road j,.p. uliHts whoaro BHMured of tho con trol of lh coining convention of populihts at Memphis are out in a ptonunciamento againt further monkeying with tha semifut dol. lar, and ropose to go to tho full riurrno oi an aosoiute lut paper currency. Tom Watson, who lends the middle-of-the-roaders, says io a recent istus of Lis paper: "We genuine populists contend that LatiKtn which is go.! fur 40 cents is good for 100 cents. H tho principle of lUtUui is sound, it is sound all the way. If the eov eminent stamp can make 40 cents out of nothing, it can taxkd 1U) csots out of the same mtrial." Business indications from all parts of the country continue ex tremely encouraging. This is found both in the statements of daily papers of all political classes, and especially in the reports of the financial reviews which make a special study of the field through the unusual facilities which they have built up by long years of con tact with business people in all parts of the country. Dun's Re view, whose statements on this subject are accepted as an accurate financial picture of conditions, in its issue of June 19th announces that the failures for the week were but 198 as against 276 for the cor responding week in the preceeding year, and adds: "The gain in business has become clear to all. There is evidence of greatly en larging business in every impor tant department. More establish ments have been Bet at work and more hands employed, while re ports from various cities show a very general progress and a con tinuing large distribution through retail trade. A miserable im poster, says an eastern exchange, is working his game on some of the neighboring cities, selling from house to house a salve which he gauarantees to cure warts. All sensible people know that the only way to remove a wart is to rub it with a raw po tato, which is afterwards to be buried by a cross eyed negro in the noitheast corner of a grave yard at midnight in the dark of the moon. As the potato decavs the Wart will rliHnnnnnr Tliia f juui, J. UIO wart salve put up in tin boxes is a delusion and a snare. The new Chinese consul-connm! , , 0 . has issued a proclamation, copies Of Which he is Hfil.rHner in liit. - ' O w "ID countrymen throughout the Uni ted States, urging them in eonao their feuds and to respect the laws of this country. He warned them against becoming entangled with white lawyers, who be savs. will do his people no good. If an era of peace and uprightness is finally established by the Chinese in this country, the consul-general savs he believes he can obtain a modi. fication of some of the restrictions against immigration. The workers in the cotton mills of New England are already able to note the contrast between a re publican and a democratic adminis tration in the fact that the usual summer suspension of work, which has prevailed each year under the Wilson law, is to be omitted this season and tho mills run on full time duiing the summer. Ki-flinlloiM of a Bachelor. From the New York Prea. Flirtation li marriage antitoxin. The svernae woman outsrnwa fi.h. fulness before aim pnti her bair np. Tbe devil probably tolj Ere thai an- plee were flood for tbe complexion. Love doei'l bruin in friendnhlD o ofteo ai friemUblp begins lu love. Wben women beKin to amok tobannn tbe men can all use aaobet powder. After people have uhmoJ a oerUIn te of fatneaa, they always bein to look like Hub. A roao alwaya inerrei In tha ky Dial be IiiikIii, ami s woman in tha mi key aha criea. Ever woman lives all her life iih the fear tbt if the dirt flnt ber husband HI get married again. Wben Btirl ninth SI tliodub aha araa going to cry, if it j. jD a uoTel. it ia aai.l that aba bad tears iu her Voloe. A woman can never resist a rm,l that is said to m muni fur th. ,.-.. w .... iuv WJ IIIU phobia, s apralned ankle and f.llino hair. A woman ran ne er nniinntaii.l ber husband doesn't aot delinbted bo he calls him back s blook to see that the penliiuis lis ve groan a a bole half turn. When s girl ia sixteen aha ihinka most about a mso's hair aud erea: h.n he's twenty ah thinks most about his eioines; when she's thirty she Ibiuks most about bia bank sooount. This i topsy-turvy world, says an exelmnge. One man is struggling for Ju.lioa and another Is tl-ein from it Oua is saving hd a house and another Is trying to srll his for less than it Oit. One man ie spending all the money he can make in taking a girl to an entertaiitmrnl and tstidlng flowers la tbe hopes, eventually, to make her bis wife, while his neighbor Is spending be gold bs has to a,( t dlfor(,,, 0 man escapee all the diaeasss man ie heir to, end gets killed os the railroad. An other goes without being burl, snd dies with the whooping toogh. Bach is life. Hakla s Aratra K1, Tbs Heat Halve In the world for Cuts, ..,u-, o,(rM, uoers. Halt Hbeu im.iiki..- A "" vu. i wi nanus, I hllblaina, Corns, and all 8k la Kroo! ti.a. and p.M.,,y cures ",l,, , z:i r?;. r' ... .r,f IHrn Mrs or 00 hf rrun ml. ! i- . . , 7 "'iMri in give " u: ,njoa reruoa Jed. J S a Thought for Thinkers. Folly ie soon learned Cowper. Envy is a kind of praise. Qay, Affection ie deformity. Blair. Bread ia tbe staff of life. Swift Beauty ia truth; truth, beauty. Keats. To err is human; to forgive divine. Pope. Labor is tbe girdle cf manliness. Fairer. Decision is tbe soul of dispatch. Baoon. Habit is ten times nature. Welling ton. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Pope, Whoever is contented, he is rich. Firdasi. Not failure, but low aim, is crime. Lowell. A light heart lives long. Shakes peare. Lack of desire is tbe greatest riobes. Seneca. Virture is tbe title to nobility. Moliere. Strength of mind is exeroise, not rest. Pope. Tbe virture of prosperity is temper ance. Baoon. Confidence is a plant of slow growth. Wm. Pitts. Life is not altogether a jar of honey. Farjeon. Be wise today; it is madness to defer. Young. The Toilers' Home. Home is the wage earner's paradise. Wben on returning from his daily task almost worn out he finds his wife cheer ful, a substantial well-oooked supper on tbe table, plain though it be, his chil dren olean and orderly and his bouse neat and in good trim, bis arms grow strong. In such a presence he soon forgets his weariness, and after a night's refreshing sleep in a clean bed he feels as thoroughly equipped for another hard day's toil as David did wben, with five smooth stones in his shepherd's bag, be went out to meet Goliah. God bless the homes of tbe toilers of Amerioa! Tbey are the foundation of our free in stitutions, the laboring man's paradise, the hope of tbe oountry. And God bless tbe wives and mothers wbo turn their thoughts from tbe fashions and gayetiea of society and give their heart's best energies to husbanding the earnings of their companion in toil and to tbe mak ing of happier homes for them and their ohildren. Detroit Free Press. Tbe most pernicious kind of economy is to deprive your family of a local paper. Tbe wife does not get out to see aud learn as do tbe father and children, and benoe is deprived of an enjoyment that serves to relieve many hours when sbe is alone or with tbe small ohildren; and tbeu tbe home paper is an eduoator of tbe ohildren, as tbey will rad of tbe people and inoidents with which they are acquainted. There is nothing that oan be introduced into a family that will teach tbe children to read better and faster than the borne paper. Ex, LETTER M8T. IKTTERS ADVEIHTSED AT HEPPNER J Or., June 28, 1W. Allen, Torn Kiiyes, Mrs. Paulina HHti'a, Mllliain Oman, Mm. Anna lliTiimii. Mm HtanaKC 4 Cramer Hurdle, Mita Jane. Whmi ratlins (or those lettnra nleana nni Mvertiied. J. P. Wn.LUm. P. M. rHoodT Men to take after dinner; apaav prevent dltrea, aid rimes- aV .1 I a tion, cure constipation. h III 4 Purely vegetable; lo not nrlxi Si or tom pain. Hold by all drug,!lt. V eenti. I'rejwrvd onljr by C. 1. Hood Co., Lowell, Dm SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT CNDER anil ly virtue of an execution luiiied oot of the circuit Court of the Hlate of Orciion for the County of Morrow and to me directed and delivered, tiixin a judirment rendered and en- lereu in miiiI court on the INth ilny of May, 1'J7, fti favor of L Feldntan anil W. II. R. Cole. ilaiulilla. and AKaiimt W, l Haling-, defendant, or the urn of One Hundred. Twenty Two and ht HO Dollar! In I1, ft. Rold coin with Intercut thereon in like sold coin at the rate of Kntlit er rent per annum from the '.th day of April, ini;. ami trie further aiiin of Klahleen Dollan coati and dlihuraemeti'a In which Judgment It uroereo. mr ine court mat tha prope'ty atlr.t'hcd 111 said aetlon and hereinafter de- acrltml. to-wlt: Houth half of the Kouth-Kt Wuirterof Kectlon VM and the North Eaat Uoar l r of ertion KJ and tha Mouth Half of tha Ko 'th We.t yiiarter of (tectum Wand the Weal llallol the miuth Kaat uuarter of Hecllon X2. and the Houth Half of the Houth-Wrtt Quarlrr ol Ks tlnn :tl, all in townahlp nna (I) moth rauan if eaai nniaineiie niennian, .Morrow counly, Or.-non, l aold to aatlaty aald luclic nieni, coaia ami accruing coal a. i will, on "atuntay the Hlat day of July, 1H7. at 2 o'cliM'k p. in. of aald day at tha front door of tha court honaa In Heppuer, Morrow county, orcKon, aell all the riant, title and luieteal ol the aald v) , u eallus In and to tha aluive deai'rlliel uroerty at public auction to to tha ill i! Iieat and brat bidder for caih In hand. Ihe p'o ela to lie applleil to the aatlafaetlon of .Id e (edition and ail coal a, and coat a that may ae.ru a. K. I. MA I UK K. Hherlff ol Morrow eoiiutv. llreaoii. taUst June vn, Imff. ,Vi7 . Notice of Intention. I.akp Orrn I at Tmi ii.i . OaannM. June '.'nd, If T. VOTICK 1 1IKHKBY tllVKN THAT Till il follow In named aettler haa filed notice of Ilia Intention to make final proof In auppoit ol li.a claim, and that aald proof will Ih made Ufore i. W. Morrow, county clerk, at Heppuer, Oregon, OU Auauat 7th. I'v'T. vl' M A K I II A I . ll-MNH, lid. K. No. M, for ihe Ht, NW and HW, lre I, 1 p a K JR K W M lie iiamea the following wltneaee to prove hla contiitiioua maldem-a upon ami cultivation oi aald land, via: Heujainlii H I'arker. J, P. went, Neleon t uinptoa aud Camuel Kualrr.all ol llardnian, Oregon, 4 AS. r. J1IHIHF. A Reg-later. How to Get Rich axW $25 will cam you $7 weekly Willi our plan ol ioveetmeot, yon eanaot oa. Two men mail tMM aod SG60 laat month on $ IS. Yon ran do likewlae. If you don'l loveat, and keep your money to your pocket, Ton ill ba poor ill your life. Try tit with 13 tad lee what we ear. do. Absolutely no riak. Write tor particular! Io Guarantee Drokcraa Co, Offloea, 213 and SIS tiyra UuilJlBf , Lm Aog-ah-a, CaltfoTiti. An Unpopular Hatch. The betrothal of Princess Maud to her Danish first cousin, who is three-! years her junior and not in the line of succession, is extremely unpopular everywhere in England. She is the one member of the Marlborough house family who is reputed to be above mediocrity ' mentally, and the public had the idea that she would do some thing worth while in the marriage market. Her choice is so disappoint ing from every point of view that some excuse skeins to be necessary. The story has been started 'that her be trothed is Russia's secret choice for the Bulgarian throne, and that Ferdinand is to be frozen out to make room Xor him this winter. tr 1 Pulled Two Teeth for Revenge. Dr. Dougal was a famous Scotch phy sician, and as eccentric as learned. One day a man came to consult him, in an agony of pain, and, after an examina tion, the doctor told the patient he had an ulcerated tooth and advised him to poultice the jaw. An argument ensued, during which the sufferer cried out: "What do you know about teeth?" At this, the doctor seized a pair of for ceps and Bhouted: "I'll draw every tooth in your head!" The alarmed pa tieut ran out of the house, with the doctor in pursuit, who finally overtook him in the market place, and took out two of his teeth, in the midst of an inter ested crowd. THE BIGGEST CAT. It Is Thirty Inchea Long and Weighs Twenty-Fonr Fonnds. J ust plain "Tom" is the unpretending name of probably the greatest domestic cat in the world. Edward Simmons, a fish and oyster dealer of New York, is the proud pos sessor of "Tom." This giant of cats ia 30 inches in length, from his head to the tip of his tail. He is a foot high, and weighed last spring 24 pounds. The recent hot weather has caused him to drop a few pounds of flesh, but has not impaired his health or happiness. Thomas is black and white, and is rather peculiarly marked. lie has two complete rings of white around his tail, which makes him look like first cousin to a raccoon. Mr. Simmons picked up the cat two years ago while walking along South street. Thomas was but a stray kittea then, so that his pedigree has never been ascertained, and it is not known whether or not heredity has had any thing to do with his enormous size. A Diamond Wedding. An event at all times sufficiently rare to create interest, and more especially in this country, has taken place in the small village of Gloignes, in the depart ment of the Oise, says a Paris corre spondent. An old couple, M. and Mine. Andry, amid the rejoicings of the whole parish, celebrated recently their dia mond wedding. The husband first saw the light in 1810, and his wife was born five years later. The cure who offici ated on tbe occasion of the golden wed ding of this happy old pair presided again. M. Andry is still a hale and hearty old man, and hopefully looks! forward to still some years of married I life, although his spouse is somewhat feeble, and required the stalwart arm1 of a grandson, who is a non-commissioned officer, to lean ou. Human NatureT A new and handsom- apartment bouse on the upper west side WaK .noccupied for seteral months because of the high rental demanded for flats. - .8iu, .ay, me .ew York Tress Wegant flats of eight and nine room, with beautifully decorated butier'sZ: try. In loan 41,..-, , flat ww, takea! It, isn't given to eve v occupant of a flat to h.. . Z l 1 flat " "mil UVYfJ WPOUI m. ...... pantry. "ulKr Long Telegraph Line. The longest telegraph line In the world, above ground and without a breok, has just been completed in Australia, that land of long distances. The line runs with a circumbendibus, from Kockhampton, in Queensland, to Broome, in western Australia, and crosses about two-thirds of the entire continent. The total length is borne thing over fl.ooo milca. The Greedy Crocodile. The moment that a young crocodile breaks its shell it ia to nil Intents and purpoHe as netive na it is at any time during its life. It will make straight Tor the water, even if it be out of sight and a good distance off, and it will pur sue its prey with eagerness and agility during the first hour of its free exist ence. The War to Advance, The following new story ia told of the lute Lord Aiupthill. When he waa a junior clerk in the foreign office, Lord I'alinerstton, then foreign secretary, in troduced an innovation whereby in stead of being solemnly eiimmoned by a verbal message the clerk were ex pected to answer hia bell. Some haugh ty spirit rebelled against Wing treated like footmen and tried to organize re aiHtance, but Odo Run ell, an he then was, refused to join tbe rebellious move ment, anvlng that whatever method ap prised iim most quk'kly of Lord l'alinerston'a wlahee waa the method which he prelt-rred. The aggrieved clerk regarded him ai a traitor to hi order, but he died to ambassador. Nt'laon'a old vessel. Uie Komi roy ant, baa Wn rrfltfed again at a coat of $100, oco for exhibit at the coming Kiel naval exhibition. Her timber are in good con dition in apite of her 107 years. She waa .eiwui a nagfhip for only one year It wna front the tardnrm of the Kotldrrivaiit thnt. l'rim Pjirraj.f-lfill aul iniriil of Uw republican flert, a primmer of war, wna hanged without a trial. It was on the iin.i IcnWk of the Fou (irovaiit that Sir lialnh Alvn-mmha died of hia wound after defeating the rron. h at Alexandria in li01. MARDLEHEAD BOYS. Marvelsaa Depravity with Which Thef Have I teen Charged. Speaking of boy remind me, iy a writer in tbe Itnaton (iatctte, of toy whlcJt Tolly told the other day, when she came up from Marhlrhrml N.rk to cheer my malarial gloom. It aiem Marblchead boya have the reputation cf worat In Se alale ami - A woman In a t rench ho.,,n. ,a, aa !....,..,.... u.al a. a a - ....voiiKu -iiico tin, retiatcd alllrcal n.cnt for four !. she ua a.k.Hl .. an. i,cr fongtie.at.d It xa noticed ht y .ill, the putting out of lhp ton .,vw lrica, ana with auc- ceam In other eaae. All that la nec enry apparently I to atrongly puah the tontrue out of the mouth and hold haa h..n . i i ... n o, for a minute or two. Ii i ,1 -ori:.tc,i r.ow to try the an me ihtff It. B-i:Torati eon?,. whoopinir ccufrh. inJ rMikl; Vy Irrt.j.irtb'e Tho Uvea of Infants Preserved by Artificial Means. (clenoe'f Snbetltnte for Nature Doing Wondera for Prematurely Born Huntings In New l'ork Cltj. "He was incubated," the proud moth er of some great man of the future will say of her son. For the baby incubator is a success and has come to stay. The doctors declare that incubators have already been the means of saving the lives of one hundred infanta in New York. In fact, the new-born baby who under old-fashioned methods has no chance of living, now, if put into an in cubator, stands about an even chance of becoming a healthy, crowing young ster. Baby incubators are now in use in two hospitals in the city. A cozier place for a baby could not be imagined, says the New York World. Here the embryo citizens have every opportunity the world affords to hold on to life and to grow healthy and strong, while in the tenements where their parents live the lives of the frail little things would have been snuffed out in less than a day after they first saw the light. The incubator is used only for prematurely-born babies and for babies which are so weak that the wise young woman doctors are pretty sure they will die if left in the open air. Strange ly enough, the incubator is shaped something li'.:c a coiTH, -vhile its par ticular.aini is to keep babies out of cof fins. There are two kinds of baby in cubators, and they differ somewhat in construction. The babies are taken out of the incubators at the Maternity hos pital to get their nourishment directly from their mothers, who live in the building; but the mother in the Post Graduate hospital may not see her off spring from one week's end to an other. Therefore the youngster must be fed by artificial means, and, after much experiment and study, the doctors have completed au incubator by means of which the baby is nourished without being removed from its snug little nest. The moment a baby for the incubator arrives at the Maternity hospital the white-capped nurses and the doctors gather about the little wooden box, which rests upon a stand some three or four feet high. Baby is swathed very carefully in warm clothes, and is then weighed, clothes and all, before he is laid inside and the glass cover is placed over him. Underneath the board upon which the little mite rests are three bottles that are kept constantly full of hot water. The air passing in from below flows over these and through an open ing in the board into the chamber where the infant is. A thermometer ;eeps the attendant continually in formed as to the temperature, and a little aluminum anenometer in the small chimney through which the air escapes, and which furnishes the draught that keeps the baby supplied' with fresh air, always indicates wheth er or not the circulation of the air is good. The weight is a very important mat ter. One baby in the incubator is weighed every day. A healthy baby should show a slight diurnal increase in weight, and if the doctors find that the diminutive patient is not growing heavier they seek remedies for his in disposition. This is the truest method they have of ascertaining the baby's progress, and therefore the greatest care is taken that its clothes shall al ways be of the same weight, as two or three ounces is a considerable Increase for a young man or woman whose ag gregate weight is only six, seven or eight pounds. About seventy per cent, of the "incubated" babies have lived, and at least fifty per cent, of these would have died but for the incubator. The incubator which will be in the babies' ward of the new building of the Fost-liradunte hospital is a great im provement on that at the Maternity hospital, although it lucks the senti mental surroundings of the one in charge of the young woman doctors. The incubator is set upon bicycle wheels, so it may lie moved about when ever desired. The fresh air is heated by passing between two strata of hot water, rises up both at the hend and the foot of the mattress and is kept in motion by an aluminum fan run by clockwork, thus preventing any possr bility of the little patient's suffering for want of air. 1 here is also a tube for the supply of oxygen, liberal quan titles of which are good for babies who are hanging on to life by the merest thread, and it is lielieved this improve ment will save a great many lives that would have been lost in the old incu bator. By means of a clever mechanical de vice the weight of the baby is always registered, so that the physician mat discover the slightest varint ion at an time. Infants are subject to tuWreulai diseases, which develop before the doc tor knows what is the mutter. Ot course, the incubator muht Ik; opened in order to feed the baby it. nrtitk'ial food, but by mcuiis of a deft olkling n the cover the entrance of nny eold itii from the outsido is prevented. Th temperature of the InsMe of the incu bator is kept as near ninety-etgm de grees as poMsible. The Fost-tiradunte hot-pltal get more subject for IncuimtorH than the Mn ternity hospital, and the task of brng Ing the little one by slow stages t vigor and health is the more diillc 1 because the mother r.re not present V nurse them. The learned doctor o this institution have literally Miatchc life from the jnw of death on mon than on occasion. OF AMERICAN WOMEN Mrs. Ei.i.kjj h-km kr Mmv ... reeded to the law pr.tfllif of lu r late hushand, lieu. Mashv. uml la mix of t) niit auccfhuful lawyers in Wa.h ington. Mb. E. I). WATT, of Omaha, haa tw... elected supreme oracle of the order anown as the Koyol Neighbor o America. A woman orator in uoh a order ought to a aueceM. .Mia Li.i.a JArKMi.ii. the !aiuhtrro llie proprietor' the Ile'.le M.-a.le t.. farm, iimnum a the dairy 011 the eMute winch iU UK a pruut of tU.ut fitflilet thousand d dlara a y ar. Ml Nil I IK tUaa. hein-t to ll... . nt.t fiibulo.w fortune made hi liar ale, ban never had a buo'.t velvet dreaa at that luxury ah luxKt mu .i K.. in eluded In the trouwau now beinjf pro pairvu ior ner. mhr. Mahv "AtarK. of Atlantie rity, J., reeontlv aprt'ie I to the ri' eotin.'il f,r Hrm! mI:i t -v ir' out f. luouul ol lu r Uxcn In d-.iitfeity work eu ia itncta. m coiaj aay it hut '" rrfim fat4. PRIMITIVE WOMAN WAS NEW. Indian Bellea Prove That the Flrat Pot ter Waa a Woman. The discovery near Maurice river, in the neighboring state of New Jersey, of large numbers of stone implements used by Indian or other tribes in the long gone centuries bring into notice the primitive woman, eaya the New York Tribune. In New Jersey, as everywhere else in the world, she appears to have been industrious and energetic and ingen ious. Among the implements discov ered which she employed in prehistoric New Jersey were flint knives, with which she cut meat and probably veg etables; flint scrapers, with which she cleaned the skins of deer and bear, wild cat and other animals, preliminary to drying and smoking them for use as wearing apparel; clay pots and pans, pipkins and dishes, which she made in primeval potteries, at fiTst the sun dry ing them and thereafter burning them in hot wood fires. The pottery shows here and there artistic yearnings on the part, of the unknown makers, more un couth and rudimentary than those of the ancient cliff-dwellers, but never theless they disclose the artistic senti ments and confirm the long list of ex amples collected by Prof. Mason, of Washington, showing that the first pot ter, the first modeler, the first sculplor and carver and the first artist was a woman. A MOUNTAIN MYSTERY. Arizona Residents Puzzled by a Strange Mountain Formation. For the last half century the Ameri can residents of Tucson, A. T., have been trying to solve the mystery oi what appears to be a hole through n mountain peak in sight of the town. In the clear air it looks to be only p. short distance away, when in reality it is at least 40 miles. By the aid of a good marine telescope the mountain can be brought to within a few miles, but not near enough to tell the exact nature of the rock forma tion. A first peep through the glass would lead one to believe that there was no mystery about it. . The hole appears as plain as possible, but several days' study of the spot will develop the fact that the hole does not always look the same. Many days when the sky is dark be hind the mountain the hole will appear a brilliant white, like a snowdrift, an?l on days when the sky is blue it will often look so dark as to be almost invisible. These facts have led many to think that it is an immense piece of mica ly ing with its polished surface toward the sky and reflecting the cloud forma tions of another part of the horizon, instead of being the light seen through a hole. Viewed with the naked eye, the hols simply appears as a whit spot, but the telescope reveals pine trees and other details, although very indis tinctly. The range of mountains in which the strange peak can be seen is known as the Catalinas, and numerous parties have made the attempt to climb it, but all have failed on account of the steep and rugged m-eclpices in the vicinity. Copper In the Tlaauea. For several years past the working chemists have claimed that native cop per may be found in minute quantities m the tissues of every known species of plant and animal. Since January 1 commission appointed by the British Association for the Advancement of Science has made 60,000 examinations and chemical analysis by a great va riety of procesises and has not failed to find traces of copper in a single in stance. They found it in the coloring of flowers, in the feathers, beaks and eyes of birds, in the human brain and blood, in the blades, grains and roots of wheat, in the scales of fishes and ser pents, In short everywhere. lew Tor. Weekly Tribune With the closfl nf tha ProDi.iara:,.! . n-. recognizee the (act that the American people are now anxiou. to give ri5L h7 VDd bQ8ie htereaU. To meet this coition, wSJt a ,e89;P6C8 ro". ta another State or . , day, and won ita greatest victories. . , J7J?M,We effrt wiU 1)6 PQl ,ortb' money freely snent to mate THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a ' ' a National Family News interesting, instructive, entertaining and indispensable to each member We tarnish "The Gazette" aod y weeklii hiuuiio uiio Do - AIVANCIt. A.ldraas all OMer to , THE GAZETTE. '''amTaTJaa'J """gXl Main Street, THOMPSON & BrNTNTQ Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block west of tbe Union Depot of C. B. A Q C. M. & Bt. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. A C. and the C. Bt. LiP. Railroads. liATKH aCoo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Bts., CEXXCA.O-0.. IX.X4. BIDS FOR BUILDING WANTED. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE building committee of the Odd Fellows! hall at lone, Oregon, will receive bids for the erection of a 2tix;'i6 hall, everything to be fur nished by the builder. Plans ana specifica tions for hall can be seen at J. A. Woolery's store at lone. Bids to be opened July 21, 1887. The committee reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of committee. 656-83 J. A. WOOLERY. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an attachment execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Multnomah and to me directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said court on the 14th day of June 1897, in favor of John Borwlck, Slaintlft, and against A. Taylor and Christy akes. defendants, for the sum of One Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with interest thereon from the 14th day of June, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum of Twen. ty-Pive Dollars with interest thereon from the 14th day of June, 1897, at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and the further sum of Ninety Three and 45-100 Dollars, costs and disburse ments in which judgment it was further or dered by the court that the property attached in said action on the 23rd day of January, 1896, and hereinafter described, to-wit: The North East Quarter of Bection Thirty-One (31) Town ship Two (2) South Range Twenty-Six (26) East of the Willamette Meridian in Morrow County, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing coBts I will on Wednesday, th 21st day of July, 1897, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell all the right, title and Interest of the said A. Taylor and Christy Oakes In and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the procetds to be applied to the satisfaction oi said execution and all coBts, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated June 17th, 1897. 54-6S Lone Book stage leaves Heppner at 7 o'olook, a. m., Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays; arrives at 6 e'look, p. m., Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Will make connection with branoh train wben desired. Fare $2, each way. Freight oent per pound. J. H. Bellenbrock, Prop. Offioe at Harry Warren'a drng store. tf. Call at Low Tillard'a for all kinds of wet goods, at bis new plaoe in tbe City hotel building. tf I For Bale or Trade. If yon want Heppner property don't fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. For tbe right person, one wno wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc., I have a fine proposition to offer one. Once developed will produce revenne of $1200 yearly. Will be sold on easy terms, would oot object to taking 160 sores as part payment. 523tf for mi sever CoU ead ELY'S CREAM BAI.M Is positive cure. Apply into tha nostrils. It ia quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Diwplats or by mall : samples 10c. by mall. KLY BKOTUKH3, M Warren bu New York Ciur. FOR Farmers and Vlllaaers, FOR Fathers and Mothers, FOR Sons and Dauoliters, FOR All the Family. iw lucepuon 10 tbe present '" Ml lUr J3.UU. You Want a RiV Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle