Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 25, 1897, Image 3

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rBTUtvu jimaii
Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and
Sick Headache the Results Doc
tored for Years Without Relief.
" My blood was out of order, and I be
gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has
purified my blood and relieved me ol
rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick
headaches. I have been afflicted with
these difficulties for years. I am now able
' to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has
troubled me eir.ce I was a child, but I am
now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai
ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California.
" I have suffered from the effects of im
pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased six bot
ties of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils
and pimples have all disappeared since I
began taking this medicine. I am now
entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412
Uth street, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best in fact the One True Blood Puri
fier. All druggists.' Si, six for $5. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills ffbMa'&f6,
A Number of Prominent flepDierltes Invest
ia Alaska Pining PropertUa, and Incorpo
rate Under the Laws of Oregon.
A number of leading bosioeea men of
Heppner have filed artioles ot incorpora
tion in the office ot the seoretsry of
state and formed the Alaska Sumdnm
Queen Gold Mining company. The
purpose and object ot the company is to
acquire, own and operate mines and
mining property within the district ot
Alaska. The priooipal offioe ot the cor
poration will be looated at Heppner,
with a branob office at Janean, Alaska.
The company is oaptialized at 8100,000.
divided ioto 20,000 shares of tbe par
value of $5 eaob. The management Is
vested in five directors, who shall serve
for tbe term of one year, when their
successors are eleoted. The board con
sists of tbe following five stockholders
for tbe first year: Louis Blumentbal
and Mark J. Oohn, Juneau, Alaska; B.
R. Swinburne, E. J. Slooom and O.
Matthews, Heppner, tbe last three
named being the incorporators of reoord.
Take Notice.
1. The sum ot five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Aa Appeal to the Cltlseas of Heppner.
Tbe Boys' and Girls' Aid society of
Oregon is what is known as a charitable
organization, incorporated under the
laws ot Oregon for tbe purpose of rescu
ing homeless, neglected and abased
children and provide for such until suit
able homes or employment is found for
them and continues a systematic atten
tion to their oondition and treatment.
This institution bas reoeived and found
homes for during the past year 268 chil
dren and their average in placing
children in homes tor the last tour years,
bas been at the rate of 22 per month
or 264 per annum making a total ot 1056
ohildren. The management informs us
that tbe strictest economy is exeroised
in running their institution and tbat
tbe total amount ot their maintenance
for tbe last year was but $4,371.63; this
includes tbe salaries and traveling ex
penses of their officers. They have
erected a magnificent borne for the
ohildren in East Portland, on a piece of
land given tbem by Mrs. Raobel Haw
thorne and adjacent to tbe borne is
Found In the
Remains Tbat Are
Prof. Henry Fairfield Osborn, of the
American- Museum ot Natural History,
in the Century describes the remarka
ble fossil remains that are found near
Bridgcr Lake, in the Rockies. He says:
If we leave tbe lake shore, and pass
into the drier upland, we discover the
clever little four-toed horse, swift, alert,
intelligent. He is, to use the modern
measure, only four hands, or 16 inches,
high, so he would not reach tbe knee of
the Uintathere, and could be devoured
st one sitting by the Patriofelia. His
limbs are as slender as pencils. His
large eyes are much farther forward
than in the horse. He could readily
hide among the teller stalks, and it is
possible that he had the beginning of
protective stripes imitating reed shad
ows upon his neck and name. In his
hair and coloring, however, we pass into
pure conjecture. His well-worn chisel-
shaped front teeth indicate that he was
already , cropper or browser, and the
evident secret of his triumphant per
sistence over his ponderous contenv
poraries is that he learned to browse
about 10 sores ot land belonging to tbe just about the time that grasses began
A Letter from the Department of Agri-
From the East Oregonian.
in accordance with tbe law for tbe
suppression of contagions diseases
among domestic animals, Seoretary Wil
son ot tbe agricultural department bas
issued to tbe managers and agents of
railroads and transportation companies,
elnokmen and others a circular notify
ing tbem that contagions diseases
known as "sheep eoab,'' or scabies of
sbeep, exists among the sheep ot the
United States, and tbat it is a violation
ot the law to receive for transportation
or transport any stook sffeoted with that
disease, from one state or territory to
another. It is also a violation of the
law to deliver for transDortation to anv
Now that the great political oampaign
is over and tbe winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter tor tbe
long evenings. Cognizant ot this tbe
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements railroad or master or owner of any boat
with a number ot periodicals and now or vessel any sbeep, knowing tbem to be
offers tbe following to all new and renew- affected with tbe oontagion referred to,
and it is also unlawful to drive on foot
or transport in any private conveyance
from one state or territory to another
any sbeep so affected. Transportation
companies and individuals engaged in
tbe business ot shipping and transport
ing sheep are requested to oo-operate
with the department in the enforcement
of tbe laws tor preventiug tbe spread ot
tbe disease and orders are given tbat
tbe oars, boats or vehioles wbiob have
been used in tbe transportation of tbe
animals shall be immediately oleaned
and diainfeoted.
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 13.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonian, 11.80 13.50
" B. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World. $1.00 B.25
Webfoot Planter, 60c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
same lady who bas kindly given tbem
permission to onltivate same, however,
this latter offer having been granted too
late, tbey have only been able to put in
about four acres of potatoes this year
wbiob was done by tbe boys. Tbe borne
is merely used as a depot or oleariog
bouse for tbe children who are resoupd
from brutal and inhuman ptrents or
picked op homeless and destitute. Tbey
have on harld from 25 to 40 oontinually
and tbe management is looking for de
sirable homes for tbem. Heppoer bas
contributed ber share ot abused children
to this society and tbey have been
plaoed in good homes. Tbe last family
reoeived from Morrow county was the
Poppengas. They are now plaoed out
in very good homes. It will
be remembered that they were heart
lessly turned over to the county by
their mother.
It is with regret that tbe management
informs us tbat if tbey do not reoeive
assistance from generous persons, tbat
they will undoubtedly have to olose
tbeir doors, as tbe legislature tailed to
appropriate anything for their main
tenance as heretofore. Tbe counties
have been appealed to, but as yet only
about one-bait ot tbem responded,
which is to be regretted, as if tbey all
to appear.
He was the animal of the
Creum improves strawberries. See
Maris. 7lt
Frank Hale of John Day, is in town
. Fine cows and fine milk at tbe Short
horn dairy. 7tt
Conser & Brook's for tbe "Never Fsil"
headache wafer. tf.
G. W. Garrett, grocery drummer, is
up from Portland.
Andy Tillard and wife, of Butter
oreek, were in town Wednesday.
Gid Hall oontinues to do first olass
. shaving at tbe usual prioe, 25 cents, tf.
Frank Sloan and A. B. Thompson
were in from Butter oreek Wednesday.
Milk for babies from single oow
from tbe Shorthorn dairy. 7tt
A back tor sale or trad for lighter rig
or milk oow. N. 0. Maris. 7tt
-Buy milk from tbe Shorthorn
dairy. N. O. Maris, Prop. 7tf
Aoy one desiring tbe servioes of a
flist class theepberder call at this
offioe. tf.
Fred Allison Is in from tbe mountain!
after supplies for Hugh Fields' sheep
"Never Fail" beadaohe wafers at Coo
ler A Brook's. This medioine will cure
aoy kind ot a headache ia short order.
Hunting and Fishing Were Means of Live'
lthood to Primitive Man.
Somebody has asked which ia the
oldest sport and started a ' discussion
that has already put the antiquity of
games beyond the middle ages. Hunt
ing and fighting were primitive man's
chief occupations, says the Jew York
These, as civilization developed, were
gradually converted from being means
of livelihood into pastimes. But it far
impossible to tell exactly when the
change took ylace, for it is not even yet
complete, and what is sport to tbe
squire and amateur Is necessary work
to the gamekeeper and professional
Nimrod, Noah's great-grandson, was
a "mighty hunter before the Lord," and
as he was a "mighty one iu the earth'
he probably hunted for pleasure. This
is the oldest record of a sport.
The stag und its kind, which make
the greatest demand on the skill and
endurance of the hunter, would prob
ably be the first animal pursued for
pleasure. To hunt the lion was kingly
sport from tne earliest times,
The Egyptian monuments show that
all kinds of hunting, as well as fowling,
were followed for pleasure. The Olym
pic games were probably the oldest
. WHIMS OF MU&ioimiio.
Idiosyncrasies ot the Men Who Mads
Harmony In the fast.
I am tickled to know that Wagner
was an exact and expensive dresser, and
that Beethoven was a sloven, with, an
old coat and slippers trodden down at
the heels, says a writer in the Con
temporary Review. It interests me to
hear that Paganini always carried a
shirt in his fiddle case, because he per
spired so profusely over his solos that
he had to change between the parts if
he played twice. I even care to learn
that Mendelssohn was a perfect child
about pastry, which he could never re
sist, and which he always ate (especial
ly cherry pie) and which always dis
agreed with him; that Schumann in
jured his third finger by tying it back
to his wrist with a string, because he
hoped to make it more supple it end
ed, however, in his almost losing the
use of it; that Bulow got up in the night
to play over passages which he thought
be was likely to play inaccurately at
bis prodigious recitals.
When Thalberg was at the height of
his fame he wouldn't even carry an
umbrella, for fear of it cramping th
muscles of his hand; Malibran loved
l'Othing so much as romping with
Moscheles' children on the floor:
Paganini was so stingy that he would
stand up under shelter in the rain and
:eep a whole opera house full wait-
ng sooner than call a cab. Prof. Ella
told me he found him one day crouch-
ng under the Arcade in Regent street,
nnd that he gave this artless explana
tion: "Hackney coaches," he said, ''in
London were so expensive 1" and this
when he had doubled the prices at the
opera house where he played and was
rolling in money.
chasing a government.
to De divided among tne r ot tne
missing word.
FINDERS is the answer.
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is t because it is tresii-roastea.
What is the missing word ?
Get Schilling' t Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Txckti
(there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 31st.
One word allowed for every yellow ticket If your ticket (or tickets)
reaches us before July 1st, you are entitled to two words for each ticket
If only one person finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. If
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in one
envelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two persons
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st. i
Cut this out. You won't see it again
for two weeks.
did their share there woold be no diffi- athletic sports end their orfgin is lost
The Hemalns of a Han Found Burled on the
Jjchool Gi (lands.
The Dalles Times-Mountaineer.
Yesterday while excavating for the
basement of the new school bouse on
Academy Park grounds, George Miller
discovered the skeleton of a man bur
ied about 18 inohes under tbe surface.
The bones were doubled np, apparently
bavins been thrown into a small bole
and oovered with a foot sod a half of
earth. Tbe olothiog and flesh had all
decayed, but tbe bones were in an ex
cellent state of preservation, and tbe
entire skeleton was found with the ex
oulty in keeping this noble institution,
for tbe care of homeless, negleoted and
abused ohildren, running in good shape;
but as it is, the management begs tbe
editor of this paper through its oolumns,
to make tbia appeal to tbe publio to
assist tbem in whatsoever manner tbey
feel disposed, 'It is quite probable in
a short time, tbat Superintendent
Gardner will make a canvass ot tbe
town, but all contributions will be
thankfully reoeived. It was the inten
tion, after tbe ereotion of the home, for
the sooiety to raise its own garden stuff
and keep its own cows, a barn was
therefore built for tbe latter purpose
but as foods bare been so short, it has
been impossible to purchase any stock.
Donations of produos of any kind will
be thankfully reoeived and freight paid
thereon, and if those shipping will
kiodly address the 8o.pt., box 677 Port-
in antiquity. They are said to celebrate
JllnlW, 1 of oof nf t,h Tlfnno
The Lord Mayor's Robes.
London's lord mayor has to put on
three suits of clothes on taking office.
He wears a wide-sleeved, velvet-faced,
fur-trimmed robe of purple silk rep on
presenting himself to the lord chan
cellor at Westminster; this ha uses
rfterward as a police magistrate. For
his show he wears a robe of superfine
scarlet broadcloth, faced with sabiefur
and lined with pearl satin; this be must
wear when greeting the judges at the
Old Bailey and on all saints' days. The
dress for evening and formal receptions
is a black damask satin robe, embroid
ered with silver gilt. Under these he
wears a velvet coat and knee breeches.
The robes are a perquisite of the office
and cost 11,000. The chain of office
has on it diamonds worth $600,000, and
each lord mayor must give bonds for
its safe return on receiving it. When
the queen passes through the city a
fourth robe is necessary, but, as this
seldom happens, it is bought only when
the occasion arises.
Difficulty That s Chines Ambassador
Experienced In Franco.
The present, voyage of Li Hung
Chang brings to memory the trials of
Chang How, once Chinese ambassadot
to France. In 1870, says the New York
Times, he went to Europe to settle the
contentions which had arisen follow
ing the massacre of Tien-Tsin. When
Chang How left China the French em'
pire still existed; when he landed i
trance the empire had been over
thrown, and he did not know to whom
he should eddress himself. At Marseilles
they told him that a government had
been installed at Tours. Chang How
went there as soon as possible, bul
found that MM. Cremeieux and Gluit
Buzoin, who then represented the gov
ernment, had gone to Bordeaux. "Let
us go to Bordeaux," said Chai-g How.
philosophically, but when he arrived
the old difficulty arose to whon
should he presentLimself.Cremeieux 01
Admiral Fourichoir? No one could tell
him. Gnmbetta was coming in a bal
loon, but it was impossible to reach him.
Then Chang How went to see Juler
Favre. He was told that, the assembly
had gone to Versailles. "Very well,"
he said, "let us go to Versailles." So
the entire embassy left for th'it city,
At last M. Thiers had been appointed
head of the government, and Chang
How would be able to peak to him
Not at all. They demanded the umbos
sailor's credentials for the new govern
ment. He had none. "In that case it
Is Impossible to present you. Go to
Feking, get your papers made out in
due form, return, and you will be pre
sented to M. Thiers." Bo Chang How
took bis departure.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's.
IT. I. Howard
Alain Street. Heppner, Oregon.
Roasting Schilling's Best
tea in San Francisco costs
oention of the left lev. The Bklinn
was turned over to Dr. Hollieter, who ,Bnd- 0re8on' thB mBtter ,U11 re0eive
will have them wired louethsr. prompt aiiemion.
Tbe grounds where the skeleton was 108 '00' 00 UMa H,e PreBeDl
writing, ohildren, 13 01 wnom are
boya and 10 girls. Ot tbe boy there is
one desirable aged 4, three aged 6, five
aged 7; three aged 8, two aged 14 and
early days when homsn life was D0t oloreJ toy aged 16. Of the girls there morC than roasting Other tea
... I fa nna 4 aat t a Vt I a m rrmA Q trnare with fskl I - -
proteotel a. it is now. Feasibly " . . ' .V" " " 'I " . 7 in Thins Tanan V,f ir
stranger was murdered, and the enme complexion, oiue eyes anu enny nair. - .
waeooveiedop by depositing the body Une 0 m "M complexion ana makes tea better
in . ni.A. .hih in th. f several ranging in see irom o 10 iu, iwo i , ...
TheDallee wa. . aecluded precinct. 11 13' Tbe tV 0U OOn t have tO pay
Certainly tbe remain! bad been buried children under tbe age of B years will be Ug difference, thOUdh. It
found waa oever used for burial pur
poses, therefore it is presumed the man
wbo was berried there was tbe viotim of
some tragedy tbat ooourred there in
Dr. JoboW. Rasmus, of the Redhaht, bs.tily, for bad tbey beeo pal away
bai keg beer on draught tbe Hop
Oold. Best ot liquors and cigars in
took. l
Miss Elsie Lacy re-tarned borne this
morning from Oorvallle, where aba has
been attending tbe State Agrioulturl
Charley Jones baa redooed tbe price
ot shaving to 15 oeote. Wbeo you
want first class (have eall at tbe same
old atand. tf.
under ordinary cireamstsnoes tbe body
would not have been doubled op, but
would bave been laid out straight. It
is one ot those mysteries Ibat will never
be solved, for murderers seldom corns
back and claim tbeir victims or parade
tbeir crime,
nl.n.rl nut. in .taairkl.la hnmM for l.oal 1
adoption and those above tbat age, on COITiCS OUt OI OUr prOlllS.
indenture, tbat is to lay, to be brought Wf maVr mnnfv in rriv-
nn nna nmn nnlil lh hwnm.nM ' O
age. In addition e tbe foregoing, Ibis ing Up profits. Queer I
society baa tbe custody of a Dins-months
old baby girl with light complexion and
blue eyes, also for adoption.
A Schlllinf Ik Corns y
& Hrsnclsce
Elder J. W. Jeokins, ot Hood River,
ill be in Heppoer over Boodsy and
Minor ft Co. bave tbe flue.! line of ""J .bo,b morn'D "d "lo aick b.adsche and dUordereof tbe stem
"Tbey are dandies" asid Tbos. Bow
ers, ot tbe Orcjket, Tsxss, Enterprise,
bile writing about DeWitt'a Little
Early Risers, tbe famous little pills tor
low sums w w ' I l .U. ... ....!.. k.
w 11 sell the eame at prices Ibat "makes . , ,. .. . .
" , - ri.fl present and a general Invitation is given
the mare go. oo to ,,j olbrt B0 worshiping else hers.
Dr. J. E. Adkloe ia np rrom uwsooro B d Mhoo . 1Q m
... . ... I .1 I! I
and tnoee desiriog aoyioing id iu una
acb and liver.
Don't tbin yonr blood with sassafras
or poison it with blne-mase; bat aid Ns
tare by nsing Dewitt'i Little Early
Risers, tbe famous little pills for eon
atlpation, t)illonanea and stomach troo
bles. Tbey ere purely vegetable.
Zsal of at Bound t.d II I m Into
fylnjr Mistake.
Up among the green hills of Vermont
two country bull nines were contending
for supremacy one liot afternoon in an
old pasture. Among the. swtcmbled
spectators was a snd-faced, lop-eared
lioun' dog" which hod previously
been Investigating the contents of
Was Perfected by t he
Production of
Atid now the entire world
pnts ol a i.. ... j...
woodchuck hole. He had worked his rwu;a irus perj vruuuui,
passsge in, says Forest and Stream, un- AS Hie Oftlr lireweni Deer.,
til no dog was visible, but a steady
stream of dirt shooting out like the
blast from the blowpipe of a sawmill
proclaimed that the investigation was
still on. Becoming tired of this, the
hound was sitting down watching the
home tenm getting "done up," when
suddenly, without warning, he shot
across the field with a trajectory as flat
as a 32:40 and with nearly the same
velocity, iho cause- was soon appar
ent. Several little, girls were coming
up through a hollow and one was just
tall enough for her brown hst to show
through tlm fringe of grajts oi the ris
ing ground in front. When, the bound
came near enough for the supposed
woodchuck to merge Into a hat with a
girl under It he stopped an Instant with
a look of horrified aiirprbw. A yell
aroc from the asseniltled farmers who
had s the Incident, and this so mor
tified the hound thst he msde straight
for home and waa invisible for severs,!
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
At tbe old stand, have tbe usual
spring outfit of
Besides tbe thousand odds and ends that are too numerous, to mention.
Cnll on-
ot deatletry should call on bim at bis
offioe in tbe rear of P. O. Borg's
jewelry store. Will remain only a short
time. 48-tf.
George II afford bee some fine half
breed Cote welt backs, oat ot Merino
wee wbiob be wishes to sell at reason
able flsnres. Call on bim at tbe Usee
All persons indebted In notes and so
eoants dae lo Noble 4 Co. are rr quested
to eome forward and est tie same
Preaching next Sunday al the II. E.
ohnrob by tbe Be. J. W. Flesher, pas- soon as passible. We still continue
tor. Subject: Tbe Right State ol Ibe
Heart. In tba eveoiog tbe Children's
day eisroisee, at 8 o'clock. All noo-
ebnrcb goera Invited.
Matlock raoob, or address bim at Hep- " " '
aer. 6
Low Tillard, proprietor of "The ri el
eome1' saloon bas moted into tbe City
hotel building on Mi in atreet, wbere be
will be pleased to greet bis friende with
tbe ohoieest brsods ot liqanrs sod
Cigars. M
T. R. Ljooa, wbo was appointed corn
R. C. Wills bas a fine hoe of lo
Urppner Outfitting Co.. in Ibe old
Herren eland, in adv. a
See IUnone. Ibe eontreetor, before
letting out yoor earpenler work. 8iL
PlkkIsI sale pocket knlteo, pipes at
Oust, next thirty dsys, Orange Frost.
business and will sell goods as low a
! esn be bought anywhere ia tbe state.
Nobli t Co,
Heppner, Or., Jose 24, W. tf.
How to
Get Rich
$25 will earn you
$7 weekly
Thin company carries dry goods, groceries,
hardware, boots and shoes, hats, cents fur-
Dishing, etc Large shipment of Dew and
second band furniture, which is beiDg sold re
gardless of cost They bare also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, lounges, springs, mat
tresses, all these at bait price. Look for the
sign at II men's old staud on May street, nest
to 1 alace hotel.
Nsil Door to first Nstlonsl Bunk Building.
You can Wager Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ... .
On Main Strset, in City Hotel Building.
They try to please all. Flos club rooms In connection.
A3 tf
i M .
Blteiooer for Ibe citf of Joneen, ' . rrj.
Alaska, eefsral d.ys ago, bsa recited " for e.le ebesp al OillUra A
bia oomateisioo sod eipects to Usre
for Jneeaa in Ibe coarse of a few
to assume bis dnliee.
Haodrede of Iboassade bse been In
daoedlotry CbentberUin's Ooagb Reme
dy by reading wbsl ll baa done for others,
and bsiog teeted lie morlle tor tbem
eelrte are today da warmest frieede.
For sale by Oooser A Broek.
H...rina la a bed btbtl-oateide S
printing offloe, "here It le useful wbn
Ibe paper le behind time. It also cotue
Is bandy la reedieg pr tots eod le in
dlspeoeeble when tbe lok works badly,
and tbe press begins lo bark. It baa
aleo been knoe to be tCWeWios ia
deelleg with eome sopF and U .iit
oaeeaieot nes tbe foreman ia aad.
But outside of F to,,e cfflj M U
bed habit
Too nill be poor all your life.
Try ne with M and ee wbsl
we esn do. Abeolatsly no
risk. Write for psrtlonlsrs to
OaersnUs liroktrsfe Co., Offlsee, 219
and 215 Byrne Boilding , Loe Aegelce,
Wilb onr plan ol investment;
yon enef-t In. Two Biee
A good birycle, eoitsbls for either ledy made f Ml sod S.jO lest month
nasui. is ess on uisviss,
It yon don't ietsel, end keep
soar mnne In tonr Dorkt.
Cross A Black well's fancy pick Ire and
esoned goods, rtdored prices. Orange
Front, onp. Citr hotel, Oor. ktsin and
Willow streete. M If
On essmioinj onr line of Ladiee' In
eat shoee e find we boagbt loo beenly ,
end lo redaoe oar stock we will eell at
srMtlr redanad Dfice. Minor A On
ft 0
i). A. Cnrrar, formerly of Pendleton,
bee opnd np a 13 ecl berber shop la
tbe old etaed on Ibe Metloek corner.
Wok strictly first slaaa. Cell on htm.
a k
kiieor A Go. been etetred tbe eirla
olve ageney f Ibe etKrid peedetoa
hleeket eod will soon bate en eibibi
lino Ib.ir foil liee. The only All Wool
Blanket ia tbs market U
frank nosens
ri'HI tUTtO!. BAK Of NrpPMgft,
m mrt4tl Hvptr, In tut nf r-
to. (a rlmins up lis llf.. All ( hol.l.rs 1
sn4 fhn, rrllt'rs H smlit -) lo, ara
lhfl..r bor.l r BotlSwl Is lranl Ida sm.i
aat etbar cialote M M"Uinn r
Mrnvnl. IU. ft. Bl Hop.
Sw-IS Caafalaf.
Write lo T. S. QvnwcsT,
T U7 lfa ACCIbtST
4 Courier, tut Infornuiloa
sacs. M'atkoa Ibis (pr,
f ee doing yo taa savs
ssesnbmhlp Ira. UaS pa 14 ml OC,UI0 tut
acckltstal lajarlaa.
to your own Agent.
Notlct of Intention,
am ffrt' r at TMg pai.i r. oarooK,
t Mar 9. N-rtwa Is b.fi? its Ibil
lha following am4 sii!f kas Sia4 Btk ol
bis Inlanllnn In mats Snal f.l la Suffmrt al
bl claim, anl Uia! sail arnnf will be RaAa b
lfa J. w. Morrow. rn, nta (.'lark, el liait'Dar
urafoa, aa mil i.
i ai.r.s
Notlct of Mention.
It no Orm s at 1 as Dlls, Oas'ios.
J ii n s. VT
VoTtf g IS NKRfl V fHVrN 1II4T1MI
i' following namixl alllf has Sla4 Millra
nf Ma Inlantlon to mala Snal proof In support
nl hi rial m, an 4 that aalit proof will ha nmli
fwloraj. W Morrow, roiitiltr nlarl, st llappnar,
urtgon, on iiij nn, th.
Ailmlnlatratnr, ami for ths hairs nf Manra
( '.rT-r. 1-a 1, IM t Ko. SJS, lor lbs t',
tit p. i n m r. w m .
Ha nama lha following wltnawa In pfo
ht roiitiniioua rilaiia upon aii'l rulil'siloa
ol al1 laiiil. rll iolm Rarton, Win. Ilarlon,
riaari Koran, swl rraiik I Bll, ail of ll'pp
har.'irrgon. Ik. 9 M'cihie.
e ss .i.ir
W. f "iftAff AW,
awtMt "Ngk) rrwBX TceMei Umm
Rogers & Roberts,
Cootractors aoj DailJors.
' Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
Tbs tariff bill will lie pee! and be
eome a law about Joly 11, oole pao
pie wbo ongbt to know are mietsksn.
Dot there are maay Ibloge Ibsl should
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
OFFICE 110URSDay and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
l'lace" and Kog. or Jim will net 'em. o o o o o o o
Ai. ricii'rix'riiivi's
H ha sayttilitf In this Una that yon r 4alra an4 fnn nan Aapand OB It TOO pi a
Tuol artlri alias Mat guarainots It.
Old St., Main CfYeet. ' ReM'rll M'nlalt