Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 25, 1897, Image 1

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    FotUa&a Library
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Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 556
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At 15.50 per year, tl.25 tor nix months, 75 ota.
frit three mourns, strictly In advance.
Aduertiaing Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKB is kept on file at E. C. Dale's
Advertising Agency, 84 and 65 Merchants
Exonaags, San Franoiaoo, California, where oou
raota for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:30 a. ni.
11 p m. daily except
Leaves Heppner Junction 8:40 a, m, and ar-
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker
City, Elgin and Huntington. 1
Sent Free seven
in imiiii.iiiii 1 1 mi hi ii ii ii i ii i it
Hind this. It makes no difference,
I Chronic,
Acute, or
of the Musoles, Joints, and Bones is cured by !
Eiiiiiiiiniiiiii limn iiininiiHi
s Magazine
For 1897
lives at Heppner 8:10 a
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Jnnotion 8:15 p. m,
and Uma ilia 9:16 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
ai umauiiBDruoa m. ana tleppn r j unotiun o:10
a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Jnnotion 11 80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:40 a. m-
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrive at eppner Junotion 1:47 a, m. and at
Portland 7 :SC a. m.
For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. K A N., Heppner, Ore.
United States Officials.
P( esident. ................ . .'..William McKinley
Vice-President Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State ....John Sherman
ttecretaryof Treasury ..Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior Cornelias N. Bliss
To any person interested in homane
matters, or who loves' Bnimals, we will
end free, upon application, a copy of
the ' "ALLIANCE," the organ of this
Society. Io addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it contains a
list of the valuable and unusual pre
miums given by the paper. Address
410-411 United Charities Building, New York,
Going East?
Three Important Points.
A New Life of erant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Lite of
Grant ever published.. (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives."' The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
. v (Begins In May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative history of this period fi
" '". recollections and correspondence. . :
Portraits of 6reat Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
i of portraits it is intended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of
. MAKitKB or xaa umua irom wasmngion 10 jyiucoin,
rom his
Pictures of Palestine
Stories of Adventure.
talent tor mystery ana ingenuity wnicn nave, in me
FTRST fin vin fit. Pn.nl hft-
tjeoretary of War Hueeell I. Algor .1 1; 1 i.ui. i -ii
Secretary of Navy JohnD. Lonir Caa86 the llDCS to that DC-lDt Will
2S5S$i 5Q the very be8t se"ic- :
Secretary , f Agrioulture.. .James Wilson mnnn ' ... .
state 01 Oregon, i octJKJ w u nee mat me coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en-
Secretary of State
Bnpt. Publie Instruction.
Attorney General
Printer W. H. Leeds
K. b. Mean,
Supreme Judges F. A. Moore,
,...W. P. Iiord
,H. K. Kincaid
Phil. Metsohan
....G.M. Irwin
C. M. Idleman
1G. W.
J. H.
J Finger
JUIUJUVli , a , . .is t
1 Dinger Hermann termg tue Union jjepot tnere, ana
( W. K. Jims I ii Oori7ioo la firot-ploaa in AVflrv I
l.U Ufl I IW . U . U V v. W J I
mnrnr. Ti l: 11 I
sixth Jndicui District. xo.llu ror lUlurmtUlUIJ, UBU
circuit Judge Stephen a. Lowell on your neighbor and friend the
fl a.- U I Linnn I . I
UOM I vtn-Anl -l rtlrrt- nrtAritan. nalr rY to I
Specially taken under the editor'i direction.
AserialbyCONAN DOYLE, in which he will utfe his extraordinary
A Innonnlto utViloh kavA In ffhs "flhprlnnlr Hnlmft" tOriGS. ffiVfin him
a place beside Foe and Gabotiau
tih uirrinnH m h flnn that iiBwiii writ.a iliirinir the cnmlnff vear. with the exception
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McCmibb'8 Mas azink.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McClobk's
1 all 01 the short stories ne win write during me coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories In which the same
:. characters will appear, aitnougn eacn win oe complete in lueu.
Anthony Hop Bret H arte Robert Barr
Frank R. St 00 kt on Stanley Wayman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClobk's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features Of McCldbi'8 Maoazine for
1897, the subscription prlee of which Is only .
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Prosecuting Attorney H. J
Morrow ConntJ Officials.
Joint Senator .
Ikmnty Jndge
'' Commissioners,
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk
" Sheriff
" Treasurer
I j 1 l 3: 11. - rn-
a W Rowan I iiUKBi roauiut; via. iuh it iBuuuBiu
J. N. Brown I flaviftol linaa ri QjlHraaa
(i. Bartholomew ""-" "
J. It. Howard J as. tj. rona, or ueo. o. natty,
lien. fas. Agt., uenerai Ageni,
Milwaukee. Wis. 26 Stark St..
Portland Or. I
School Snp't..
..J. W. Morrow
. E. L. Matlock
. Frank Gilliam
J. V . Willis
.. J. W, Hornor
Jay W. Shipley
..B. F. Vaughan
HBVm tows ovnOKBB. ..
u.,. inos. morgan
GUhamrArihuV-Minorl-EjTBlooum. K.
U. "LW. A, Richardson
Precinct Officer.
,...W. K. Riohardson
, N. B. WheUton
While yon .oep yonr subscription paid mi I
How to Get it
. L. W. Hriwgs
.A. A. RoberU
Jnstios of the Peace....
United States Und Officers.
J. F. Moore
A H HiM 1
B.F, Wilson
J.H. Bobbins
Q. A. B.
MeUatUxlnton.OT..the last 4turday of
,arh month. All varans are Invited to Join.
a VI. Smith. v.w.
Adintant. tf
Dr, P. B. McS words,
City Drag Store,
Offioe in the
City Hotel.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left I
shoulder; oattle, same on ibii nip.
rir A ,T lmiOr.-Hones. 80on riahtshonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I
orop off left and split in right. I
nn.i.M w M . nsllnwav. Or. Cattle. B D on I
right side, swailow-furk in eaoh ear; horses, B D I
on left hip. I
iri. n. TWuiifIu Or. Harass; branded ELY I
on left shoulder, oattle same on left hip. hole I
in right ear. I
m.n r. A Hannner. Or. Cattle. LF on
risht hip; horses F with bar under on right I
shoulder. t :
..Register Jones, Harry, Heppnor, Or. Hones branded I
..Receiver IK J on the left shonlder; cattle branded J on
rinht nip. also nnueruiv in ioi 1
Morrow eountr.
ik... VIU T.n Or. Hnroes. oimleT on
left stine;'eattle, same on right hip, under half
nop in rit and split 'ji left ear . .. I
. . A D - Wnilal I
KNI on left hip oattle same and crop off left
ears under slope on the right
Leahey, J. W. Heppner Or. Hones branded
r a .n lot ahnnlfinr! eettle same on left
hin. wattle over right eye, three slits in right
ear. .
Minor. Osoar. neppner. Or. Cattle, si D on
right hip; hone. M on left shoulder.
Morgan, M. N.. Heppner. wr.-Morsee, m I
OB left snoniaei oauie aame an wit mm
Osbnrn, J. W Douglas. Or.; horses O on lef
shonlder; oattle same on right hip.
Parker & 0 lesson, Hardman.Or, Horses IP oa
I eft shonlder.
Piper. J. H.. Lexington. Or.-Horses, JK eon.
B noted onleft shoulder; oattle, same on lef hip.
tnder bit in eaoh ear. T
llectnr. 4 . Y.. neppner, ur.-n, w .
left shoulder. Cat Us, O on right hip.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 fifth Avenue,
New York, is full of the best things.
Its illustrations are superb; Its
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill. .
Buch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be tn every
The subscription price of Leslie's Is 14 pe nntim.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant remlnden of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
. Heppner, Oregon.
ir,nm twMira. R to 10 a. m. .
V" .-1.1-
2 p. m., at residence. Mrs. n. w-icu .
property, sort 10 to 12, ft. m , to 2 to 5
, , at offloe io the rear of Borgs
jewelry store. -
Sparry, K.G, Heppner. Or. -Cattle WO on
ft hiD. orop off right and onderbit in left year,
dewlaD: bones W C on left shonlder.
and 12 to left hip, orop off
Thompson, J. A., Heppner. Qr-Horaee, on
left shonldrr: cattle, i on left shonlder.
Turner K. W.. Heppner. Or.-mall oapltal T
left abonlder. hones; oatUe same on left hip
nth split in both u.
Wattenbnrger, W. J., Oalloway, Or. horses
-. iw n riht ahon den cattle
ouarter eircle JW on right hip and right aide,
erop and bole in ft ear. Hangs tn Morrow and
Umatilla oonnuee.
Presides t. Cashier.
Hade on Favorable Terms.
First National Bank
I. m. in imi7 Nntlce Is herehr riven that
.1.. ,.n...l...n.m.tf1 mrlOrr hu filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof In support of
I his claim, and that said proof will be mads
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
before J. W. Morrow. onnty Clerk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June , Vwi, vu:
HA. F. No. MIS. Ixit 2. Sec. II. TP. B., R.J1I
N kl rlK' ana BK14 sec. i
Vim- the foiiowin. witne to prove Users, History of Oor Owo Times,
her continuous residence upon and eultlvatlon )tf Tgrj0ui editorial dfpartoeots The
0'uTlllm"LulUn. Benlamln I-nelllng. Wenry I Onllook ffivei S BomPBOt fSTieW of the
Ai (r TV ivs vourifr. phi in ii mi is- . .
JAS. r. MooRB. world's progress i
The flntlonk will be In 1897. as it baa
.Vtp.sb!, R. iibeeo dorlng eaoh of Its twenty-seven
F. Toller and
sian, Oregon.
C.A. RHtA.
8. W. SENCEf.
. President
Vloe President
- Cashier
Ass't Cashier
Ttia reffTiIar snbsonptton pnoa of
Semi-Weekly OasetU is 12.60 and the
reirolar P'oe of ha Weekly Ore goniao
is 11.60. Anyone sobscribint for tbf
Ossetla and paying for one yearn
Notice of intention.
I a Umi in. 1MI7. Notice la herehr slven
Ibat the following-named settler hss filed notice
o( his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
bslorej. W. Morrow. County Cierg, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June Jft. imi, vis:
Hd E. No. ftiui. for the hM HWV4 and B'A KW!4
IW M. To. H . R. Vi K . W. M.
He names me lonowinx wimiwi fr.i
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. sslrt lann, vi: ... .
William Luelllng, Henlsmin LiiPiimg, t nsri
M. M. Hastings and Usury ii. rouisen, ait
llaraman, Oregon. Ug,r.MooRE.
MM Register,
TransicU I GtDtrsl Bukiog Imm.
it follows witb care
all the imporUot pbilaotbropia and la
dnatrial moementa of the day: baa
ne I Mitimif,) nf sallainna news
VUH'VI.' VTnN w " W - "
devotes moan space to the interests of
tbe borne; reviews eurreot literature;
faro is bee cheerful table-lslk shoot a.ii
sod tblogs: tod, io short, aims to five
fresh Information, original observation,
Notice of Intention.
Laud Orrirs at La GSAnns, Oasoos.
May ituh. I?.
i (nHowlnr ii.me.1 settlor has filed notlna
of his lnUtitlon to mske final proof In support I
of kls elalm, and that said pnwif will be made
betnrs County :lerk of Morrow County, Oregon,
at Hepiiaer. Orrgnn, on inne W. Im7, vis:
t.KOKt.ft W. FEAK()N,
Rd. f. No. KM for the K'4 Sk Slid l HT.
Her JITs 1 N R27K W M.
Hansmee the following wltnessK to prove
his roiiilmmus realdenre iilKin and cultlvslton
ol said land, vis: (lenrge M flnson, John A.
Thummiin, William Ayers, and iJavid M. pree-
ley, all of Heppner. On-goo. ,,
MV !A Regisur.
advance can get both tbe OasetU and
Weekly Ore gonlan for l3 Ba All old sot- -,i rllMOB.bU entertaiomeot.
T?VnTT A TVTf t HI aenbers paying tbeir snbeoriollooa rot
XUJ- 1 ,M(adfUM .ill be entitled k
On all parts of the wona
Bought and Sold.
Collections made en all points en
reasonable Terns.
Surplus and ondlvldsd Profits. MS.OOO OO.
one year i
the sense
Beginning witb the fifty fliftb vol o me,
lbs paper will sesame tbe regular mags
tin sits, wbicb will add greatly to its
OonTenienos and attractiveness. Tbt
Now is tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregooian, tbe greatest newspaper of
lb West Witb tbe Osset te, both strict
ly in advance, one year, $3.80. No better
eoobinatioD of newspapers csn be made
la the staU.
The Darky Thought That tbe New Yorkei
Mas Very Inconsiderate.
A Wall street man tells this story:
"1 was making the irfp from New Oi-
leans to Memphis in April by a Missis
sippi river steamboat. On the first day
out from -New Orleans I felt the need of
the barber's services and learning that
the Memphis Belle was tonsorially
equipped I sought out that office.' I
found a single barber In charge, a
rather pompous, tall person of color
with flowing Dundreary whiskers. He
was ensraared in doirur nothinir at all
with that grace of execution peculiar to
the southern darky. I seated myself
in his chair and was soon wrapped in
thought upon some business I had be
gun in New Orleans. The barber began
bis work leisurely, the while carrying
on a one-sided flow of tain to which I
replied in monosyllables. '
"The day was warm and I was almost
dozing away under the soft splashes of
his brush when another customer
entered. He was a nervous, fidgety sort
of man and as there were no newspa
pers in the room he amused himself in
looking at a few prints hung on the
walls, the attraction of which soon
palled upon him. Then he walked to
the door and looked down the deck
where a group of roustabouts were en
gaged in the game of craps. Figaro
had by this time completed the lather
ing of one side of my fact and roused me
by turning my head around. I inti
mated that life was short, and I didn't
care about passing too much of it in be
ing shaved. He was evidently disgusted
with my taciturnity and replied with
great dignity, but with no haste either
of iech or action ; 'Cert'nly, sab., cer
fnly.' '
"The stranger's curiosity had been
aroused by the gambling Ro!ng on out
side, which was as usual accompanied
by the 'come sevens!' and shrieks of
'craps' which attend that game.
'"What game is that, barber? he
demanded of Dundreary. He of the
whiskers made one or two artistic plays
of his brush over my chm and answered:
ijan, tiawci, mister, am t yer ever
seenthntgnme? That's craps. Every
body plays it 'round this country.
"The striinger admitted he had seen
It played ix-fore in the wharves and
streets, but. snld he had not discovered
any niontnl light from his observations,
A running rvrhnnge of queries and ex
planutioiiH followed between barber and
stranger, dining which a not over keen
razor had begun its course down my
right cli-.H'k. llotb parties to the col
loquy were getting interested and I was
gett ing bored.
"The nervous stranger appeared
na?lfi?ibtfl!e,'llar"DVr"was Inadequate
to convey the full meaning of the
teclinicul details of craps. At any rate,
be pressed for further information. M,
face had by that time been cleared of
beard as to my chin and part of my
beek. Fifteen minutes had beencoti'
sumed in the process ami my patience
was becoming threadbare.
"The bnrber had exhausted bis powers
of description and, turning to the
stranger, he said:
'Well, sah, ef you really wants to
know how to shoot craps I kin show
you,' and placing the razor cm tbe shelf
he oienel a drawer and withdrew ft
pair of greasy-looking dice. Then he
stepped over to a table and bctran to
give a practical exposition of the mys
teries of the game. Thie wan too much.
'Here.!' I cried, raising myself In the
chair. 'Finish up this job before you
get to crap shooting.'
"'Certainly, sail,' he replied to me
and turning to the stranger he added:
'One miniit an' I'll show you.
"It only took a few minutes to com
plete his work on me, and as I put on
my coat be and the stranger proceeded
with the gsme. As I left the room I
could hear him muttering about the
'hurry some people Is in an' it Is still
h rinva for to Mrmtinln
One ef the Most Remarkable Trials la
the History of British C ourts.
The Tlehborne trial brgnn, says the
New York Sun, In London, In the court
of common pleas, u May 11, 1871; the
case of Tlrhborne against Lushington,
the defi-D'Jant being trustee for Bir
Henry Tichliorne. Tbe case was tried
steadily until July 7; It then went o r
until Novemiirr 7. On Decemler 21
the plaintiff's case visa closed and the
case went over until January IS, 1H7J.
Tbe attorney general, for tbe drfnse,
spoke 2 days; on March 4 the Jury de
clined to hr any more, and on March
A the plaintiff was formally nonaultH.
The next amy be was arrested nr per
Jury, and on April 9 was Indicted there
for by the name of Thouitui Orton,
slias Arthur ( astro. Ills trial began on
April 81, 1873; tbe proserutlott chawd
Its rose on July 10; tbe defense began
on July 81 aud closed on flofcuber 27
An adjournment wtis Uiken from Oc
tober 31 to Novrmlier 87; Dr. Kewaly
summed tin for the defense from I
cetubrr 8, 1073. to Jsnuary 14. 174; Mr.
Hawkins) fnow Rt. lion. Bir Henry
Haw k ill. Judge of the queen's hrncb)
ummed up for the prosecution frvmi
January IS to 2, 1174; the. chief Justice
cbsrgnt tbe Jury from Jiunisry 89 to
February 8s; ami on the lout lt the
Jury brought In a verdict of guilty
Orton ((.astro) wea tbemipon sen
Unoed to 14 years penal servitude at
hard labor, lie was released In 17",
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury, .
as meroury will snrely destroy tbe sense
of smell and oompletely dersnge the
whole system when entering it through
tbe maoous earfsoeg. Such articles
shonld never be nsed except on prescrip
tions from reputable phyaioians, as tbe
damage they will do is ten fold to the
good you oan possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Oure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains
no meroury, and is taken internally,
acting direotly npon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tbe system. In buying
Hall's Oatarrb Onre be sure yoa get
the genuine. . It is taken internally, and
made in Toledo,' Ohio, by F. J. Cheney &
Co. Testimonials free. ' 1 1 '
Bold by Druggists, prioe 75o. per bot
tle. :
k: lis
A yonng lady of Ontario, while oat
walking witb a gentleman, asked him
what he thought she would weigh. After
thinking awhile he replied that he oould
not tell unless be oould "heft" ber.
The young lady made no 'objections.
He plaoed his arm around ber slender
waist and raised her from tbe ground,
after which be guessed she would weigh
about ninety pounds. She looked at
bim a moment and then in a voioe sweet
and low said: "1 think you bad better
guess again." News,
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
snd healthfulness. Assures the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration -common te
the cheap brands.
E. O. : One of tbe best looal papers
that visits this office is the "Petsluma
Weekly Budget," published inPetalnma,
Oal., by Frank Snow, well and favor
ably known in Umatilla and Morrow
oounties. Mr. Snow for several yean
published "The Weekly Budget" at
Lexington, Morrow county, and for lev
earl more years was a member of tbe
East Oregonian's family.
Mr. Isaao Horner, proprietor of the The Shakers have made a great bit.
Burton House, Burton, W. Va., and oDe Their Digestive Cordial is said to be tbe
of the most widely known men in the most gncoessful remedy for itomaoh
state was cured of rheumatism after troubles ever introduced. It immediate-
three years of suffering. He ibyb: "I ly relieves all pain and distress after
have not sufficient oommand of language eating, builds up the feeble system and
to convey any idea of what I suffered, makes the weak strong. j " " 1
my physicians told me that nothing The faot is, foods properly digested
oould be done for me and my friends nee better than so-called tones. , Tbe
were fully convinced ' that nothing but Cordial not only oontaina food already
death wonld relieve me of my suffering, digested, but is a digester of other
In June, 1894, Mr, Evans, then saleimsn foods. Food that is not digested does
for the Wheeling Drug Co., reoommed- more barm than good. People who
ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this nse the Cordial insure the digestion of
time my foot and limb were swollen to I what food they eat and in this way gel
more than double their normal sice and the benefit of it and grow strong. '
it seemed to me my leg would burst, bnt The little pamphlets wbioh tbe Shaken
soon after I began using tbe Pain Balm have sent druggists for free distribu
te swelling began to decrease, the tion, oontsin muoh interesting informa-
the psin to leave, and now I ooosider tion on tbe subject of dyspepsia.
that I am entirely onred. For sale by
Coneer & Brock. '
Portland Hebrew News: Hon. Henry
Blaokman baa returned from Heppner,
Or., from a visit to his family.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, 0., says "One
Minute Cougb Cure tsved my only ohild
from dying by oroup." It bas saved
thousands of others inffering from oroupj
pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious
throat and long troubles.
Dr. Swiok, tbe dentist, and L, Brad
ley, tbe photographer, who have beeo
doing business in the tent the past few
weeks, have departed for tbe interior of
Qrant county.
Laxol is not a mixture of drugs. It is
nothing but Castor Oil made palatable.
It is reported that grasshoppers in the
fc'gbtMile. country. atedvjaifhiitti
them and Is patting an end to soores of
the crop-eating hoppers.
Don't neglect a cough because the
weather Is pleasant; before tbe next
storm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair, One
Minote Oongh Oure is easy to take and
will do wbat its name implies.
The crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down j
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
l'oor Cuba's piercing cry;
Then let as drown these shameful deeds
In Bperry'i " 1.1 n wood Rye."
For ssle at tbe Belvedere saloon, E.
Q. Sperry, proprietor. tf
Every new subscriber of tbe U Beetle
from this dste, May 26, 1807, will receive
as a premium a book worth alone the
price of the subscription. tt
Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Lexington, and
Mrs. Alios Cnmmings, of Wallula,
Wash., spent Wednesday In Heppner.
Not only piles of the very worst kind
csn be onred by De itfs Witch Hazel
Salve, bnt eczema, soalds, barns, brais-
boils, nloers snd all other skin
tronbles sen be iostsotlv relieved ny
tbe ssme remsdy.
Ed Fsrnswortb and Lee French are
np at Bumpier for supplies for O. E.
Farnswortb's sheep camps.
Hick Mslbews and V. Oentry, antler
tbe firm name of Mstbews At Oentry,
are associated together in the bsrber
business io the new stsnd, two doors
sooth of the postoffloe, They solicit a
call. Shaving, IS eeots. tf.
Pendleton Tribune: O. W. Res, of
Heppner, familiarly known ss "Qov."
arrived from Portland Ibis morning, ae
ooinpanied by his dsnghter, Mrs. Jsrry
Cohen, who is Mrs. Msrk P. John's
sister. Mr. Rea and bis dsnghter are
on tbeir way to Kansas City, Mo., to at
tend the silvsr wedding of Mr. Ilea's
sister, whom be bas not seen in 22 years.
Any lady desiring to purchase a sew
ing machine shonld call on J. W.
Vangbsn and examine bis latest Im
proved White machines. A bsppy com
bination of a writing desk and machine
combined. Light, rapid and easy
J. A. Woolery, one of the leading busi
ness men of lone, was in town yester
day on business.
"For three years we bave never been
wltbnol Chamberlain's Colio, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy la the boose,"
says A. U. Pstter, with E. O. Atkins k
Co., Indianapolis, Iod., "snd my wife
wonld as sooo think of being without
floor as a bottle of Ibis remedy in tbe
snmmer season. We bsva nsed it witb
all three of our ebildreo and it bas never
failed to cure not simply stop pain, bat
cure absolutely. It is all right, and
anyone wbo tries it will find it so." For
sale by Cot.ser k Brock.
Willie Hashes, wbo bas been attend
ing Bishop Poott's Aosdsmy at Portland,
I returned borne a few days ago.
.a L.si a dtM.i.e,
siV.B ibaithav. on tbe 1st UOUOOB la puonsora svory o.i..ru-7
honesty of any person, bnl It Is eom-
pelled to Insist opoo me asso-ia
ftlsa of subscription, whether the snb-
Libwbe Oom.Ho. Vde,bill or th.
cssa wbo earns bis bread by honest toil.
Wt cannot ruutbs paper on any other
ttyn ill. WHOM IT HAY CONCERT: Ko-
1 tire Is brby given lbs! 1 have on U
fnV W2lTi:Z?i B'V-fo Issue. . y.ar. TU. first issue
'J? r.T-r v-irSTbt N.mber, aonlsinleg abont twice as many
th arror-llng hi law, lUiln tnree .on.us .. 1ln-r I,,M. loa.lhe,
witb a large Bomber of picture,
Tbe prise of The Outlook ia three
dollars a year fo advenes, or less then a
cent a day
A -n -.1 It. I . I k. uma la - At If! V offtf-e I
Tba Oss.ite noes no. ,,-" - u, mirM by
after del of tills notice.
Heppner, Or., May 7. 1?
S.U. fc. Bi'sor,
Walt. Thompson runs stags between
Heppner, and Mooqmeot, arriving tvwry
day exempt Mondsy and leaving every
day except Bnaday, Shortest and cbesp
Few realise tbst each squirrel ds
troys II CO worth of grsln ennosJiy
Wskelee'e Sqnirrel and Oopber Exter
minator Is tba most ffeoie aod o-
ooiieaS poison known. Pries reduced
to 30 eaia. Consr k Broek and Minor
k Co.. sirotita. Rsotwer: J. A. Woolery
agent, lone: Nichols k Leseb, sgeols
Call at I Tillsfd's for all kinds ol
Wbst b Hop Gold? Best pert emalo.Ute1,
Send Mr a spcimo e pj ssJ lllustraf.
E. J. BWienas, I prospeetns to Tbe Otit'nnr, 13 Arof I wet goods, el bis pfw "W IP lp W
'I lso. HiwIuikCllr. bolt bo ildlpg. II
Tetter, Balt-Ilheum and Ecsema.
tn.. Li.nu It. lilnir anil smarting. tncl
dent to these diiteoses, is Instantly allayed
by applying Chatniwrlain a t,j9 ana
bkin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cored ny w. n
Is equally efficient for itching piles and
favorite remetiy ror aor uippi,
Tf fills.
Bend yonr address to U. E. Buoklen
k Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King's New Life rills. A
trial will convince voa of tbeir merits.
These pills are easy la act loo and are
fk.mrl hands, t bllbliiln. frost blU-S I nertlnularlr sffective io tbe core of Uoo-
: . " . . i.... '.: ii.. !-.. v... it
and chronic aore ryes, so c. y
Ilr. fady's C'ndtUon rewders, are
Jtwt wbat a borae newts wrnen in osn
I sbh s ml. 1 .... -lal ass mxttA
condition, ionic, ohj"i iri"" -
vermifuge. Thev are not fisnl but
medicine and the le in nsej w puis
borssi In prime condition. Prlco Vt
tmuim per package.
The Iienedlrt Arnold mansion in Fair-
mount park, Philadelphia. m
iir,l tjt IM orliflnul ronditlnn by l""
Vairmount I'atk Art a-iristi.m. It
titiilt in 17nl by Jol.n M I'h-rn,
snd with the large tU surrounding
It w-aa Mild to lleiu'dirt ArrioH Mr
rutfi TK. i.roirtv wss) forfelt'-d til
t?T on account of Arnold's treason,
.nd m,A, in Col. lUrhsrd Jlsmlllon In
iTti tt t-Biiir the urotirrty of the
tt v of Phllsdi Iph'ti in I"''. nd sin
HU ha breo il rests oriant sn
dwellinr. Bi frw alierslion bs tr
msd In It tbst It aiati'is u-ouy prac
tically ss It wss wb. n l.u.lt. It U rr
gsrdcd s- pn of tU Cc-'t sptcmrni
1 nf co)opl nrrV'e;,rt lrv'f W'i'h
Be le Ih rentH of seM ead
ssiss sHfaeti ehseeea.
Itaea keean kysslMiM
rwir wkfk Issi.iiiied dl
rerny leto tM riia. Ha
te 'inl'kiy aueuf lied tt firs
3 1 B Cream Balm L
(like, ktxmWdged l he tbe lJwsf
fsMli iarrli,(id la Hs "1 '
eweediea. II ti ls a-lrtrr-,
aiiars le I..SfieU". ke thmtm. p
the iviMnii. ff.H e'le, I si
pfieweSBrts-wrtl lrv"s eUr gtMaos hfeis
-aU.1 fcltVlUkkHWarres Sweet, PrWlW
linalinn aud Hlnk UesJsobS. For Ml
laria and Ltver tronlil that bave bees
proved invalosble. Thef are guaran
teed to be perfectly free from every
deleterious snbstsnee and to be purely
vegelsbls. They du not weaken by their
set ion, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly Invigorating the
system. Regular sis iix. per Dos. nom
by Conser A Brock, droggist.
Oeo, French left ysstsrdsy lor the
monutaln. He Informed a Ossette re
porter tbst the Uepposr boys-camp-tenders"
are making arrsngsmeota Io
rslebrate the Foortb la grsod ityla si
0o. Armstrong, wbo la now raonieg
the popular saloon on tbe Malloek sor
ter, bas pnl In tbe Hop Oold drsogbl
beer. Milwaukee and Hop Oold bottle
bHr, flee li enors and cigan always o
band. John Dorhsm, aiiao niliolo
gtst. Csll on the boys snj get font
boef toy lftii oi Qatt. 19 t