Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 22, 1897, Image 3

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    --Z rBTUBiiU iilBlUlI
Marvelous, Effects
System Broken Down and Hope Al
most Abandoned-Health Re
, stored by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"For fifteen years I have suffered with
catarrh and indigestion and my whole
system was broken down. I had almost
abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur
chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla
and its effects have been marvelous. It
has made me feel like a new man. I am
able to sleep well, have a good appetite,
and I have gained several pounds in
weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash.
" I had a scrofula swelling on one side
of my neck and ulcerated sores in my
nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had
small, itching sores on my limbB.
bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rilla and began taking it and the sores
soon healed. My blood 1b purified, and
the scrofula has disappeared." 6. D.
MoMANTJS, Mission, Washington.
O nan I In
Is the best In fact the One True TJlood Purifier.
Hood's Pills S2on'
Take Notice.
L The sum of live cents per line will be
cnargea lor "cards of tnanki," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors.
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
R. a Wills has a fine line of low-
eat tan shoes at cost. 3tf.
Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old
Herren stand, see adv. a
See Baoons, the contractor, before
letting ont your carpenter work. Stf.
Special sale pocket knives, pipes at
oost, next thirty days, OraDge Front.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu
matic tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam &
Bisbee's. tf
J. W. Edmunds, manager of the Aetna
life and fire insurance company for Ore
gon and Washington, was in Heppner
0. E. Baoons, the contractor and
bnilder, is doing eonsidemble work this
season,' and is taking new contracts
right along. Stf.
Cross & Black well's fancy pickles and
canned goods, reduced prices, Orange
Front, opp. City hotel, Oor. Main and
Willow streets. 53-tf
F. A. Menzie, traveling freight agent
for the Northern Pacific railroad, was
in Heppner Saturday, looking after the
interests ot that popular line.
Mrs. J. 0. Hart and daughter, Mies
Cora, retnrned Thursday night from
Portland, where Miss Cora bad been at
tending sobool at St. Helen's Hall.
On examining oar line of Ladies' low
cat shoes we find we boagbt too heavily,
and to reduoe oor stock we will sell at
greatly reduced prices, Minor & Co.
A Fiftieth
Now that the great politioal campaign
is over sod tbe winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 13.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50... .. $8.50
' 8. r. Examiner, $1.50 8.75
" N. Y. Tribune, 11.00 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8.25
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50o 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, 4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Osoar Williams, a yonng man living
near Lower Eight Mile, while cutting
wood in the mountains bad tbe misfor
tune to ont his font a few days ago, and
came to Heppner to have the wounded
member dressed.
Frank Elder is io town today.
Geo. Freoob is in from tbe mountains.
Creum improves strawberries. See
Maris. 7lf
Fine enws and Ads milk at tbe Short
horn dairy. 7tt
Charley Van Dayn csme in from Tbe
Dalles Sunday.
Conser & Brock's for tbe "Never Fail''
beadaohe wafer. , tf.
- Drink tbe famous Hop Gold beer, on
draught everywhere. 525
P. O. Borg and wife returned from
Portland this morning. .
Little Allen Strickfaden is suffering
from an attack ot fever.
Milk for babies from single oow
from tbe Shorthorn dairy. 7lf
Walt Crosby is in town taking treat
meat under Dr. MoSwords.
A back tor sale or trade tor lighter rig
or milk oow. N. 0. Maris. ?tt
Bay milk from tbe Shorthorn
dairy. N. O. Maris, Prop. 7tt
Morris Ball and Will Mallory oame in
Saturday from Book Creek sawmill.
Tbe Hop Gold beerii the best beer,
All first class saloons handle it. 525
Any one desiring tbe services of a
first elaaa sbeepberder call at tbis
offloe. t
Mrs. 0. V. Peck, of Clark's canyon, is
suffering from a "fellon" on ooe ot ber
Miss Etta Minor is sofferiog from sn
absoess on one of ber fingers, caused by
a splioter.
G. W. Utt oame is from Eight Mile
Friday and will "bang oat" in Heppner
for the present.
Oregocieo: Mr. George W. Rhea, sn
attorney of Heppner, Morrow oounty,
is at the Perkins.
J. A. Patterson has fesumed bis doties
as sogtneer on tbe branob, after a weeks'
vacation at Portland.
Dr. MoSwords was sailed Io Bhes
creek Wednesday last to attend Epb.
Eskelson, who is quite sick.
Mrs. McFerland, of Portland, mother
ot Fraok MoFsrlsnd, ot Hsppner, earns
sp Saturday morniog oo a visit.
Mrs. Harry Osrnes, ot Walla Walls,
arrived in Heppner tbis morning for a
visit witb ber sister, Mrs. Otis Patterson
"Never Fail" beadacbs wafers st Oon-
k Block's. This mtJioine will ears
any kind ot a hesdsohs in short order
Dr. John W. Basmos, ot the Redlubt,
baa kea? beer on draught tbe Hop
Oold. Dost ot Ilttuors and cigars
stook. 11
Jobnny Chrlsmao cams In from Loot
Grak Saturday with S load of wool sod
returned tbis morniog witb a beavy load
ot freight.
Minor k Co. have tbs fls lios of
low shoes to be foond la Heppner sod
in ii ih um at Dricw tbal "makes
lbs mars go." M
W. r. Oambls was brought Io from
asar Ells and is bow st the Farmers'
b,.ul low. with ebaoees against
aim for recovery.
Dr. J. E. Adkios is op from Billaboro
j .u.. Ai.ina anilbinf in lbs lias
of deatistry sbonld call on bias al b
,.m I. the roar of P. O. Borg
Uw.lrv afore. Will rentals ool a short
n lrada of tbooitad have bo is
4W totry CbemberlslB s Ooogb JU-e-dy
by reeding whet has fof otbrt'
aod having tested lis fot them
selves rs odf i' wrBMt frMd.
FofptlsbyOcVsef BrJ,
D. A. Curray, formerly of Pendleton,
bas opened op a 15 cent barber shop in
tbe old stand on the Matlock corner.
Work strictly first olass. Call on him.
Mr. and Mrs. George Swaggart and
daughter Elbra, and son Wilbur, re
turned Sunday from Athena, whither
they bad gone to attend a family re
Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Borg presented
their son, Osoar, with a handsome gold
watch on their retnrn from Portland
this morning, ot wbioh the young man
is very proud.
Minor & Oo. have scoured the exclu
sive agenoy of tbe celebrated Pend'eton
'ilaoket and will soon have on exhibi
tion their full line. The only All Wool
Blanket in tbe market. 54 6
George Hafford bas some fine half-
breed Cotswell backs, out of Merino
ewes wbioh be wishes to sell at reason
able figures. Call on bim at the Cass
Matlock ranoh, or address bim at Hep
ner. " 6tf
Wedding Anniversary
Them Together.
From the East Oregonlan.
At tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson
Swaggart at Athena occurred tbis week
a family reunion, the oooasion being
tbeir 50th wedding anniversary. It was
suob an affair as seldom takes plaoe In
this western country, so reoently settled.
Mr. Swaggart is 80 years of age, and bis
wife 66. It was in 1853 they orossed tbe
plains from the East and settled in tbe
Willamette valley near Eugene. Twenty
years later they oame to this
oouuty and took a ranob near w eeton
Hiooe that time tbe pioneers have re
sided there almost continuously. Al
though four score years of age, Mr,
Hwagaart io a wonderful manner retains
bis strength and activity aud it was by
no meaus a sight oommon in any ooun
try to see an old man of that age taking
part in the games of bis grandobildren
and going through tbe figures and
obanges of tbe dauoe as did the younger
The rennion was held on Thursday
and Friday, about 50 persons sitting
down to dinner on Thursday. There
were all sorts of games and sports, and
the two days were so mnob enjoyed that
tbe participants will not soou forget
tbe occasion.
Of tbe children ot Mr. and Mrs. Swag
gart there were present: Mrs. W. i.
Matlock and Husband, of Pendleton;
Mrs. Wilbur Keith and husband, of
Pullman, Vash.; Mrs. Carl Wheeler and
husbaod, of Pendleton ; G. W. Swaggart
and wife, B. F. Swaggart and wife, ot
Heppner; Link Swaygart, Milton Swag
gart and wife, of Athena; Lester Swag
gart and wife ot Eugene. In addition
there were a dozen grandohildren, and
enough neighbors to make out tbe 50
who gathered at dinner on Thursday.
Mrs. Sam Jaoksoo, of Eugene, was also
Friday, as the reunion party broke
up, all repaired to tbe oemetery near by
where are buried four ot tbe children of
Mr. and Mrs. 8waggart.
Little Henry Blahm has given up the
idea that a "new boy" is going to grow
on the finger reoently torn from bis
band by a rope, while leadiog a eolt.
The pbysloiao wbo dressed tbe wonod
is probably responsible for this fabulous
The Heppner Ladies Cornet band will
Dlease accept tbe tbanks of tbe Gazette
force for a sweet serenade Saturday
afternoon. Tbis band bss made exael
lent progress since its organization and
tbe ladies, es well as tbeir instructor,
Prof. Henry, are to be congratulated on
the fine quality of music tbey are oapa
bis ot furnishing
At a meeting ot the oity coanoil last
nigbt it was ordered that Marshal Rob
erts enforoe tbe oow ordinanoe after tbe
28th of tbis month. Tbis is a step in tbe
right direction. Tbe streets of Heppne
cannot bs beautified witb trees so long
that tbs most destructive animal on
earth tbs oow is denied tbe freedom
ot tbe eity. Tbe conoil and tbe town
in general is to bs congratulated
Al Bions, ot Heppner, and Miss Ad
dis Conlee, ot Canyon Oity, were united
in marriage st tbs latter place yester
day. Mr. Binns is ons of Heppner'i
prominent business men, while tbs brids
is a most estimable and oaltured lady
having held a position as teacher in tbs
Heppner publio sobools several terms
prior to taking op ber residenoe in Can
yon City where she is oow teaching. Mr.
and Mrs. Bions will retnrn to Heppner
a few days for permanent residence.
Council Proceedings.
- Counoil met in regular session last
evening, All oouncilmen present exoept
Conser and Lichtentbal. Tbe following
business was transacted: .
Beading of minutes of last recular
meeting, May 7th, 1897, approved.
Bills read and given to finanoe com
mittee. Bills returned approved and
aooepted. Motion by Simons and Bee.
onded by Gilliam, that report of finanoe
be aooepted and warrants ordered drawn
on tbe treasurer for tbe several amounts,
carried. .
Bill ot H. T. Oo. ordered referred
baok to Palaoe Hotel Co.
In the matter of the oow ordinanoe
tbe marshal was ordered to enforoe
same after tbe 28tb day of June, 1897.
In tbe matter of watering trough o(
Ben Matthews, recorder was ordered to
aooept $4.50.
In tbe matter of selling old sidewalk
lumber to J. MoHaley, mayor was or
dered to sell them at what he thinks
tbey are worth.
The marshal was ordered to build
sidewalks io front ot City hotel, Stew
art's livery stable, west side of Nations!
bank, and on tbs south side of Gilliam A
Bisbee's store.
Bills allowed by finance oommittee
and warrants drawn for same: Rogers
& Roberts, $2 00; H. Warren, $1.00; H.
T. Co., 410.95, $22.50. 829.65.
Motion to adjourn seoonded and oar-
Smallpox Epidemic Teaches People the
Value or Vaccination.
The recent outbreak of smallpox in
the slums of Gloucester was, according
to recent reports in the Loudon Stand
ard, a very serious affair. Eleven per
sons are known to have own removed
to the hospital in two days in one par
ticular court. The neighborhood re
ferred to ia in an exceedingly dirty con
dition, and crowded to excess.
A medical man states that not one
single person who has been successfully
revaccinated has been admitted to any
of the hospitals suffering from the dis
ease. Every facility is now offered to the
working classes to be vaccinuted orrc
vaccinated, free of expense, with call
lumph if desired, either at their owr
homes or at the numerous vaccination
stations which have been temporarily
opened in all parts of the city.
The effect, of the epidemic on many
trades was disastrous, business in
some cases being almost ut a standstill
Drapers, tailors, dealers in furniture,
etc., were greatly affected, while the re
ceipts of tram-oars were little more
than one-half the amount taken at or
dinary times, and this notwithstanding
the fact that on the windows of each
car a notice was posted stating that th
conveyance was regularly disinfected .
With reference to the cost of the epi
demic to the city a prorainrutoftlcial in
formed me that, judging from past ex
perience, he estimates that this will be
at least 10,000 or 12,000.
Time Occupied by Dreams.
The time occupied by a dream is one
of the marvels of 6leep. In tfhe work
entitled "The Philosophy of Mystery,"
we read of a man who dreamed that he
bad enlisted aa a soldier; that he had
joined his regiment and traveled to a
foreign country; that he finally de
serted on account of the harsh treat
ment he had received at the hands of
his superior oiiicers; thait he had been
apprehended and carried back to hi
regiment; that . upon arriving there he
was tried by court-martial, condemned
to be shot and was led out for execu
tion. At this moment the guno of the
executioners exploded and the' sound
awoke the dreamer. It was clear now
that a loud noise in an adjoining room
had both produced the dream and awak
ened the dreamer almost at the same
Fall Io Temperature or Ocean Does Not
Indicate Presence of Ice.
For many years an opinion existed
among senmen and others that a fall in
the sea-surface temperature implied
nearness of ice. Nothing, 6ays the
Nautical Magazine, can be more remote
from the truth, though shore folk still
perpetuate this fiction in books and
newspapers. A sudden fall in eea
surface temperature is likely near the
Agulhas, the Japanese current, the gulf
stream, whfle running the Easting down
in the South Indian ocean, in the South
Atlantic about 40 degrees south, 40 de
grees west, and elsewhere; and this,
whether icebergs be near or hundreds
of miles away. Capt. S. T. S. Lecky, K.
N. R., to whom the nautier.l profession
is indebted for his "Wrinkles in Prac
tical Navigation," was probably the
first to draw the attention of his breth
ren to this fact. In the ninth edition of
hia book he points out that "allied to
fog is the question of danger from ice.
It is a popular delusion among passen-
pers on board ship that, by taking the
temperature of the water at short in
tervals, the approach to ice is unfailing
ly indicated. Unfortunately such is by
no means the fact, and it is time the idea
was exploded. More than ordinarily
cold water merely shows that the ship is
in a part of the ocean where ice may
possibly be encountered, and not that
it is aciualy present." Shipmasters of
repute freely confess, with Capt. Evans,
of the Tainui, that they have "never
found sea temperature fall lower when
near ice than when several miles away"
from the danger.
Who will get it ?
Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it
is because it is fresh-roasted.
What is the missing vord ?
Get Schilling's Best tea at your grocer's; take out the Yellow Ticket
(there is one in every package); send it with your guess to address below
before August 31st.
One word allowed for every yellow ticket.
If onlv one oerson finds the word, he gets one thousand dollars. Ifi
several find it, the money will be divided equally among them.
Every one sending a yellow ticket will, get a set of cardboard creeping
babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in om
jnvelope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it.
Besides this thousand dollars, we will pay $150 each to the two person;
who send in the largest number of yellow tickets in one envelope between
June 15 and the end of the contest August 31st.
Cut this out.
for two weeks.
You won't see it again
A Cartooa Incident In Herman Inter
state Relation.
A "Kleinstaaterei" bas been abol
ished in (lermany, says the Westminster
Cazette. The little village of Kurnbach,
which has hitherto beloi.gcd partly to
he grand duchy of Hesse and partly to
the grand duchy of Baden, was recently
by treaty between the two powers, sol
emnly and forever- incoi porated into
the grand ducal state ot Baden. The
oddest thing about the joint jurisdic
tion under which the Kumbachers have
hitherto lived was that the houses were
not allotted to Hesse or to Baden by
their position Inside or outside any
frontier line betwixt the two states,
but by the date of their erection.
Houses built at one period belonged to
one "nationality," housoa- built at an
other period belonged to the other. One
policemi.n was found sufficient to keep
order for both states, and his uniform
was, consequently, particolored, his
green coat showing that he wna the
officer of Baden, and it blue facings
lind trimmings bearing witness that he
officially represented the majesty of
HesHe. Now that the blue has been
Ktripped off, and nothing but the Baden
green remains, a Hessian newspaper
suggests that his old coat should be
presented to the German museum as a
politico-historical relic.
It Is In No Way Related to the Oer
' man.
I utterly fail to see where English
men have received the impression that
the Hungarian language is a sort of
underling dialect of German, says n
writer in Nineteenth Century. Ger
man and English, as ia well known,
are Aryan languages. Hungarian is no
Aryan language at all. Its very char
acter is opposed to that of the German
idiom. If German or English may
fairly be compared to a tree, tin
branches and fruits of which are in
deed visible, the roots of which, how
ever, are undergrouud and hidden away.
the Hungarian, language ':i like a tret
the roots of which are almost visible,
and by a kind of linguistic Koentger.
photography we can almost waich thi
sap of the roots rising into the sten:
and branches. It is, in other words
The first syllable of each word repre
sents the root of the word; tenses 01
pronouns are soldered on to the root
It is originally the language of nomad
and roving tribes anxiously clinging U
their word roots for fear of lowing al!
means of understanding one another
Of German words in Hungarian then
s only a hundful, and they are used
mostly as clowns and jcstinakrre in
the courtly avenues of Hungarian Ken
tences. The Hungarians do not detest
the Germans, but they do not like them
either. The German, known to th
Magyars chiefly in his Austrian mani
festation, does not appear a model
worth imitating. The Aiintrian Is po
lite, amiable, industrious, but, before
anything else, pleasure-loving.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial seats' furnishing!. You can find
wbat you want at T. K. Howard's. -
IsE. Howard
Main Street. Heppner. Oregon.
It is new to guarantee tea
satisfactory. Schilling's Best
is so guaranteed by your
Why ? Because we sup-
1 ply him the tea and the
It is such tea as you will
Prof. Henry's Drpartare.
We regret to note tbe departure on
Monday evening's train of Prof. J. B.
Henry, wbo baa gone to bis borne in
Westoo. Prof. Henry leaves behind
. a ( . i!l!
many warm friends wno win won Dili
gently to seonre bis services snotber
vear. All his stadents srs just fsr
enough sdvanoed to sppreoiate tbe ei- foe glad tO get besides
oellent method ol teaching be employs. schiiimi Cmidmt
Nt In th hUlnr of this town baa ! rrancuc Ml
anyone taken tbs inlerest Io build op
ooiety sod educate students (individo- Don't thin your blood with sassafras
sis as well) tbs necessity of at least s or poison it witb blue-mass; but sid Ms-
oorelationship between toosI musio and tnre by using Dewitt's Little Early
morality. Risers, the famous little pills for eon
Prof. Henry's return to tbis towo will itlpetion, biliousness sod stomach tron-
certainly depend very materially on our bles. Tbey srs purely vegetable.
It Is Now Found Neceuarr to Preterva
tb King of IIomU In India.
British hunters of large game arc
bitterly lamenting the gradual extinc
tion of lions in India.
They are no longer found there in
any number outside of one region, the
forest of Gir, in'Kathiawar, says- an
English exchange. They have disap
peared from the hills of I tarda, the
country of Tajkot, and other places
which formerly enjoyed a high reputa
tion on account ot the abundance of
lions in them.
In the forest of Gir It Is feared that
their extinction will not be long de
layed. Formerly few European hunt
ers dared to venture into this place,
which was infeeted with fevers and
bandits. Now the forest is being
cleared and fevers and bandits are dis
appearing and with them the lions.
To prevent the total extinction of
these animals the durltar of Kathlawar
bas prevented the hunting of them for
six years.
, Th Anemone.
Tbs anemone is nanwd from two
Greek words signifying "the wind flow
ers" an allusion to the habit of this
plant of living In an expoerd situation.
According to one olwwicid legend, the
flower originally sprang from the blood
of Adonis; according to snotber, It
sprang from the tears of Venus at the
death of one of ber many lovers.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
And now tlie entire world
Knows this verect product
As the Star Brewery beer
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
Ws srs preparing for s big spring trade,
Io make it s bowling suooeet. Ws srs
pletiog our stook ot
bat must bsvs bslp
filling np snd oom-
effort to secure bis invaluable services,
ss s small place like tbis is not very st-
trsctivs to snob a skilled end expert
Tbe Gazette joins their numerous friends snoed Instructor, so let ns Join bsnds in
in extending besrty ooogreloletlons.
II is too bsd, indeed, tbsl tbs beeoti-
which will bs sold ss low ss possibls for s legitimate bntineia.
Ws bsvs many customers now bui Ihsrs srs still ssvsrsl
vscsnoies In tbis department of oar stors, to bs filled.
Applications will bs received st all boars ot the dsy,
Apply In person or by letter Io
P. C. Thompson Co.
Corner Main snd Willow Btrsets.
this fr,rt that mil ba successful.
Through Prof. Henrys unrelenting OUTFIT T IliVJ V-U.
forte Heppner csn boas! of wbat Dot
efforts Hsppi
many towns possess a ladles oornel
band, wbioh ws justly sppreciats. I
reel tbst sll good citisens will join In all
I bsvs said snd will lend s helping
band. Yours Very Respeotfully,
fdl town sow should bs deprived ot tbs
privilege ot continuing to prone tbs
tender young trees growing along lbs
'reels ot Heppner. Tbis snimal has
been lbs means of saving many of onr
people tbs expenss snd trouble of prun
ing and irrigating trees snd that lbs
cioooil should be so onmeroifal ss to
smiss tbis kind besrled soimel from
the service will probably receives severs
reprlmaod from tbe bovine 'M Js the last day of the $ IOOO
T tk.. n.alla iffijt Vi atai sk leas. I
left In front of its premises which srs miSSing WOrd COntCSL
not ooite tarnished, bal tbs eoaoeil
dido'l esrs s ease for tbst.
You can Wager Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ....
August 31st
This com pan y carries dry Roods, groceries,
Lard ware, bouts and shoes, Lata, gents' fur
cisbioKR, etc. Large shipment ot new aud
second band furniture, which is beiog sold re
Bardlets of cost They have alao hardware,
wall paper, carpets, locrees, springs, maU
tresses, all these at half price. Look for the 1
sign at llerreu's old stand on May street, neit
to l'alace botel.
Oa Willow Htrsst, near Ibc City Hall.
Tbey Iry to plsats sll. Fios olab rooms la connection.
LOW 'TlIylYI!, Prop.
Schilling's Best tea is
wonderfully fresh and fine.
$. J. BOlEQTt
Rules of context published in lsrge
sdvertisemnt about the ft rut snd middle
of each inonih. S
InraUrf at KanDnar. In th U4 of fr.
-nn, la rloatn-bp lu stair-. All n hollar
and o'bM. "fadltT ol aalil aaaorla'lou, ara
Uiarafor harabv nnlinml to prtaaiH tna noiaa
and other claim Sfalutt the trtKUm tut
um nu 111, aw i-n-r-.
V T Caahlor.
Haass Oatrkk Da4.
Il.rrv Wballsv. s traveling eirens
performer, was cot open st bis own re-
qqett al tbe Oerman hospital ia Kaosaa
Oity reosotly, snd folly tbres handrail
ot hardware, wblob bs bad swallowed
witbls tbs past tbr.s werks, tks Iron
bis itomsi b. A pbologrspb of tbe arti
cle taken by Oo. II. Tiller, a re-
inoosibls photogrspber. later Is tbs day,
rrvssled Ibe following ostlay: Oo four-
bleded knife three snd 00s half Inobes "Tbey srs dandies" said Thos. Ko
loog, oee two bladrd knits Iwo locbss lr, of tbs Crocket, Tsi, EnterprU,
long, three otbr keils bled ranging 1 vbiie writing about Pewnrs i,tuie
frooi one Io three inobes in length, Early Risers, ths fa moot llttls pHl for
thirty eight sitfbl snd tea-penny Bails sick hesdaobs sad disorders of the sloo
aa4 solas, thirty-four stg-nesny wire aeb sad liver.
pails, sharp pointed: tw.ot; lx sbisgls
sails, sllteeo ssrpet tasks, three Isrg
screws, oee borMbe ssit, oss barbed
wirs Upl, sed three oune of flu
-laaa WhaMfB dH DOl SltVlfS ths
Writ to T. s. Qtnwcsv,
Drewrr IA Chlr, Bcero
rUrjr of the Stas Accidbst
Comfawv, fot inturnuttoa
raga'OIng AMwat Iomt-
ace. McaUoa this paper.
tf ao du4og fuJ tmm MVS
atemUralilp ire. Ha paid ovr 2UifAU W in
acciJcoul tojurtrt
B your owa A cent.
L J bWb ( ftyrvss. Tsetea U4. ft f 1
fil Hi ttm a,.,4 flrt-a-rieit
moa'tna et lha atarkfcnHara of th !-
Mffna.1 Kank nt H.Mr will tahaUl BO Mat,,,,
4T. Juoa f. nn, ma nnura 01 m a.
and . ra.. lor lha parpaa) or vnttnf on t.la-1
th bank Into voluntary Ifinldailon and u-l
nt K matiara aa air roma iimintm tha ! ng
1 bia n! la iilillhd hr fW M lha Hit
el uirw turtat nactint aii r "
Iftppust; Or , Mm i ttu,
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Flans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
notice of Intention.
Laud 0rri s at Tms Dau.su, o.,o. '
J una a. lr1,
lol low I hi named aatllcr ha niad nrtl
of Mi Intanll'.ti to maka Anal rool In tiinport
ol nt claim, and thai aald prool mill ha nvti
rwioraj, w. norm, ennm? dark, at Mpimf,
Orafia, on July fith, Iw7, U.
Administrator, and f'f th hulra of Wanrv
1'nBVy, 4-wal. Hd K. K. Srvt, lul Ui U
i 17. Tp. i a m s w m.
Ma namra lb lollowtn vltnataaa in Biota
BI.rontln.mua raatdan, tin and eultUailoa OFFIPP HM!lKTl1lr and NirrVlt I fiva tmiir nrW "Art Hid
m aall lana. VIA: John earvm, ft m n"'u, i v ,ww wwiw- uuva tuiLiiw iauiv ivui lltl WiUi
(iwari ,'iirsu, ni rrmia rn, ai m itvpp. i
ww. tTfajon). A. r.
k44 aiair.
All KiDJsof Repair Work Done-
I'lace" and Rog. or Jim will tret 'cm o o o o o o o
tbeUrlfJ hill will Upa4 sod be-
oottt s Isw about Jsly 11, osUs peo
ple who ought to knew srs salstskta.
Bat Iktrs srs sassy thins tbst should
sot be pcd. II Is sot right or boi-
BeM-ikt4pMfoAd bargain which yes I
will slwsyt Bad Si It 0 Wills' pi.
Mailorder solicited, IWl fufet lbs
!, pint (Bin's viJ ftyft. tf
Ut bA 0Uill1 la Ibl Una that ton war daalra and you ran (ihnd II foe st a
iM artlrl ha atal (uaraniaw IV.