Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 22, 1897, Image 1

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    FoiUoud Library
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Portland Library
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
27te Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 555
; Tuesdays and Fridays
own . niimnnnAU '' nrmr Trtrmtn nmmiiTtt
inc. riuiMuufl riDuauuNtt iotam.
ti f n a t-i-m a a n r . 1 r "
uuo rAi i trvouiN, coitor ana bus. wan.
At $9.30 per year. $1.25 for mi months, 75 ot.
iOt thrM mrmr.nit. af.rinr.lv in nrivivnnA.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
THIS PAPKR ia kept on file at E. C, Oake'
- Advertisinor Aaennv. Hi and A5 MernriRnrji
Exchange, Ban Francisoo, California, where oou-
. raota lor advertising can be made lor it. .
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD,.
Train leaves HenDner
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 1J10 a. m.
11 p m. daily exoept
Leaves Heppner Jonotioa 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heonner 8:11) a m
I Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m,
and Uma ilia 9:15 n. m. .
Portland Exoress No. 8. from Hnokdne. arrives
at Umatilla iM a m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. a"d ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portlxnd B p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Jnuotion 3:80 a. m. and at
Umatilla 1:40 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves TJmati'la 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at eppner Junction 1:47 a. m. and at
Portland 7 :CC a. m.
For further information irqnire of J. C, Hart,
Agent O. B4N., Heppner, Ore.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances '
Made on Clips of"97
At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker I
Uity, Elgin and Huntington.
McClure's Magazihe
For 1897
Sfint Fmfi SEVEN GREAT serials
, To any , person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we will
end free, upon application, a copy of
tbe "ALLIANCE," tbe organ of this
Society. In addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it contains a
list of tbe valuable and unusual pre-'
minms given by tbe paper. Address
410-411 United Charities Building, New York.
., s
A New Life o( 6rant by Hamlin Oakland. The first authoritative and Adequate Life of
urant ever published. (Begins in December.) - ,
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun it November.).
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson' still unpublished
(Begins in May.) .
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr.: Dana Was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lli
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
V ce-Preeldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Hherman
secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Wage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Secretary of War Kuesell . Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
Postmaster-General James . Gary
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agrionltnre James Wihwn
State of Oregon.
tiovemor W. P. Lord
Secretary of State H. K. Kincald
Treasurer. Phil. Hetsohan
Bnpt. Publio Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
H.n.r. i W. McBride
BenBtor U. H. Mitchell
I Binger Hermann
Congressmen W.R.Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
SR. S. Bean,
F. A. Moore,
C. E. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circnit Judge Btephen A. Lowell
l'roseouting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow Connty Officials.
Joint Benator - A, W. Gowan
Representative. J- Brown
Dounty Jadge A. G. Bartholomew
' Commissioners J. It. Howard
J. W. Hnckett.
" Clerk J. W. Morrow
H HWiff E. L. Mattock
" Treasnrer Frank Gilliam
" Aeneaaor J. F. Willis
" Surveyor J. W. Hornor
School Snp't Jay W. Shipley
Coroner B. F. Vaughan
ipinn tnn arnotBa
Mayor.. Thos. Morgan
CiKinoilmen Geo. Conner, Frank
Gilliam, Arthnr Minor, K. J Bloeum, U
I .;il.t.T,t hnl ami J. H. Himnnn.
u .,ni..r W. A. Rlchardeon
Treasurer . L. W. liriggs
Marshal A. A. Hubert
Precinct Officer".
I-..!. nr th. Pup. W. E. Richardson
Constable N. S. Whetstone
United States Land Officers.
J. P. Moor Register
A. 8. Biggs Receiver
B. F, Wilson Register
J. H. Kubbina Receiver
Three Important Points.
.incoln'e Cabinet, and ia. probably better
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. . ' - . ., -i .. .
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits it Is Intended to pnblirh special biographical studies under the general title of
maklkb uir this union irom Washington to uncoin.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent tor mystery and ingenuity which Have, in tbe "MlierlocK Holmes": stories, given, mm
a place Desiae roe aua uaDoriau. , . . . , i .) . .; t
I f 1 XT T 1 nt l t) XT V .11 A.tfn. . V. V.. ... 4 ! 1 ... -1... A ... , a 1n nil. with fKa QVnIMnT1
iau UAViuanuLi , mi uio uuuuu 111 a. no " 1.1 n nit u ill ui.v, V" . " ft J , - vuv 1' .
of two contributions to another publication which were engaged Irom mm long ago, will
appear in mcclurb s maqaiinb. , ,
UOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. -
RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCLtas's
ail 01 tne snort stories ne wm write during tne coming year. i
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Maoazins a series of short stories in which the same
characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself, ,
Plains Indians Have Little Idea of
Refinements of Civilization.
It was storming hard and getting
colder, and I was ahead set ling the
pace, when, about three o'clock that
afternoon, I came upon a log hut, and
two trails that bore away in different
directions, writes C. W. Whitney, in
Harper's Magazine. I wish I could
have photographed the scene which
slowly materialized from out of the
darkness as I stood on the earthen iloor
within the cabin while my eyes grew
accustomed to the changed conditions.
On entering I could distinguish only
the fire in one end, before which squat
ted a couple of Indians and a squaw,
but gradually the shadows lifted, and I
found myself for a few moments busily
engaged in shaking hands with Indians
as fast as the new light revealed them.
It was a. very small cabin, barely ten
feet square, I should say, with a parchment-covered
hole in the wall for win
dow, and a door which demanded a
bowed head of every visitor. I do not
know how many Indians were in that
hut, but I recalled wondering how they
arranged for sleeping, as ther-.- seemed
hardly space for them to sit, much less
be down. They were about to eat,
and several rabbits, suspended full
length from a deer throng nud minus
only their skins, were twirl.'ng and
roasting before the fire, while others
Wise Men Know
It is folly to build upon a poor founda
tion either in architecture or in health.
A fonndation of sand is insecure, and to
deaden symytoms by narcotics or nerve
compounds is equally dangerous and
peroeptive. The trne way to build op
health is to make your blood pure, and
rich and nourishing by taking Hood's
Hood's Pills act easily and promptly
on ; tbe liver and bowels. Care sick
headaohe. .
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson and son
returned Saturday from Portland, where
they have been spending tbe past week.
While there they seoared a state certifl -oate
for their son,' Benny, who reoently
graduated is tbe pharmaceutical oollege
at Buffalo, N. Y. . '
Mr. - Isaao Horner, proprietor ol tbe
Burton House, Burton, W. Vs., and one
of the most, widely known men in the
state . was cured of rheumatism after
three years of suffering. He says: "I
have not sufficient command of language
to convey any idea of what I suffered,
my physicians told me that , nothing
oould be done for me and my friends
were .fully oonvinoed that nothing but
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
and healihfulness. Assures the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common to
the ohnap brands.
Or., June 21, 187.
were being prepared for the cooking.,; . ,. ,. . -
1 was not partial to rabbit, nor especial- T 1onj - . .
ly happy in the cabin's atmosphere, so D Jane, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman
when I had warmed a bit I went out- 'ot " . "oomiiieu-
side to wait for the dog brigade :
come up.
FIRST Go via. St Paul be
cause the liDes to that point will
afford jou the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
WiBCODSin Central because that
ine makes close connections with
all the trans-continental hneB en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its service is first-class in every
THIRD For information, call
on your neighbor and friend the
nearest ticket agant and ask for a
ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Central lines, or address
Jas. C. Pond, or Geo. S. Batty,
Hen. Fas. Agt., uenerai Agent,
Milwaukee, Wis. . 246 Stark St..
Portland Or.
O. A. R.
Meet at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
son month. &u veterans are inviiea in join.
a VI Mmlth. C. G. Kcoca.
Adlotant, ' tf Commander,
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Offloe in tbe City Drug Btore, near
City Hotel. "
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., and 12 to
a d. m.. at residence. Mrs. U. Wf lob's
DroDrty. and 10 to 12, a m , to 2 to 5
p. m , t offlof in tbe rear of Borg'
jewelry store.
national Bank ol Mw
PreslfsiC Cashier.
Made oo Favorable Term.
First National Bank
Geo. w. coNtcn,
8. W. SPtNCCR,
Anthony Hop Brat Hart ; f Robert Barr
Frank R. Stookton Stanley Weyman t Clark Russell
will all have stories in McClube'8 for the coming year. '
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCluki's Magazine for
loyif tne suuscnption priee 01 wmcn is 0111
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number, .
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
While you a.eep yonr subscription paid np yon I
eaakeep ronr brand in free of charge. '
Bora. P. O.. Heonner. Or. Horses. FBto left I
shoulder; oattle, same on left hip.
Cook. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. Won right shonl
der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square I
crop on leii ina biiiu in nsau
Donalass. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Den
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, B D I
on left hip.
Elv. Bros.. Donslaa. Or. Horses branded ELY
on left shoulder, oattle same on lefthip, hole I
In right ear.
Florence. L. A., Heppner. Or. Oattle. LF on I
right hip; horses F with bar under on right
a J on 'the left shonlder: eattle bra ided 1 on I
right hip. also nnderbit in left ear. itange in I
morrow county.
Johnson. Felix. Lena. Or. Horses. oirelaT on
left stifle: oattle. same on riht bin. aides half I
orop to n"i and sunt Ji left ear .-
Kenn. M ike. HeDDner. Or. Horses branded
RNY on lefthiD cattle same and eron off left I
ear; under slope on tne rigni
Leaner. J. W. Mennner Dr. Horses branded I
L and A on loft shoulder; eettle same on left
hip, wattle over right eye, three slits in right
Minor. Oeear. iienoner Or. rtle. M D on I
right hip; horse, M on left shoulder.
Morgan, 0. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on wit aooaiaei oatue same on tan nip.
Oshorn. J. W.. Donalas. Or.: horses O un let
shonlder; cattle same on right hip.
Parker A Qlaason. Hardman.Or. Horses IP on I
Piper. J. H., Lexington, Or. Horses, JE eon.
eated on left shoulders oattle, easae on lef nip,
onder bit in eaob ear.
Keotor. J. W.. UsDoner. Or. Horses. JO os
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
flnarr. K. O. Heonner. Or. Cattle W C on
left hip, orop of right and nnderbit in left rear,
dewlap; nurses urn isn enoaioer.
Thompson, i. Heppner, Or Horses, or
left shfmlderi eattle, t on left shonlder.
Turner H. W Heppner. Or. Small oapltal T
left ahooldsr. Dorses; eattle same on iaft hip
with split in bote ears.
Wa'teoburger. W. J., Oalloway, Or.i bornes
quarter circle J W on right shonlder; eaitls
quarter circle 4 w on ngnt nip ana rtgntsire,
rmp and hole in left ear. Hangs la Morrow and
Umatilla oounttea,
: A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It,
Strange and Gigantic Bird Killed by
. Man In West Virginia.
. Elias Midlcif, of Hamlin, Lincoln
county, was in Charleston the other
duy, and proposed to the State His
torical and Antiquarian society that if
it would send a taxidermist to Hamlin
the society would secure a monster bird,
of a kind never seen before by anyone
in West Virginia. The feathered
monster, eays the Baltimore American,
is described by Mr, Midkif, from meas
urements token by himself and W. W.
Adkins, of Hamlin, who killed the bird
at tbe mouth of Vannatters creek, with
ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm.' At this
time my foot and limb were swollen to
more than double their normal size and
it seemed to me my leg wonld bnrst, bat
soon after I began using the Pain Balm
tbe swelling began to deorease, tbe
tbe .pain.. to leave, and now I oonBider
that 1 am entirely cured. For sale by
Oonser & Brook. '
Blxby, Frank M.
Brown, Myrtle
Friday, Sidney
Hale, John V.
When calling
Johnson, Annie
Smith. Bert
; Whlttier, Edwin, A.
for these letters please say
J. P. Williams, F, M.
Fossil Journal: Heppner having re
cently bad races, is no to oelebrate this
year.' Quite a number of the fan-loving
yonng people of that lively burg have
announced their Intention of attending
tbe celebration here, and some of them
have already arranged for aocommoda-
five bullets from his rifle, while hunting i tions- They have been here before, on
deer recently. The bird' is seven feet 'several oocaiions, and know that when
four inches from tip to tip, four feet . Fossil celebrates she celebrates.
from tip of bill to tail, flat bill four
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, is full of the best things.
Its illustrations are superb; its
stories charming; and its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill,
Buch a paper is a great popular educator. It should be in every
The subscription price of Leslie's 1 14 pe nnum.
We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made
gain. These two papers make a most aoceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
, Heppner, Oregon.
inches long- and three inches wide,
somewhat similar to that of 4 duck;
web feet, covering1 nearly a square foot
of area each; neck 19 inches long, legs
about 11 inches long, and about one and
a half inches through below the
feathers; plumage" durk brown, re
lieved on the wings and breast by light
blue shading. The bird when first seen
was circling high in the air, but camo
down very quickly and alighted in the
water, where Adkins got a good shot at
it, crippling its- wing. Adkins at
tempted to capture the strange fowl
alive, but it was so vicious that hecould
not get near it without killing it, which
required five bullets.
How English Women Draw Visitors to
I la tars.
In England when society embark
upon some charitable enterprise usu
ally a bozur or something on that or
der they secure tbe promise) or a
baker's dozen of popular young debu
tantes to engage in a "washing compe
tition," this feature of the bazar al
ways proving a big drawing card.
W. B. Johnson, Newark, CL, says "One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only child
from dying by oroop." It has saved
thousands of others suffering from oroop,
pneumonia, bronchitis and other Serious
throat and lnng troubles, i '
Robbie Ellis returned borne Batarday
morning from Corvallis, where he has
been attending school tbe past winter.
The crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry ;
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
Iu Sperry's "Uuwood Rye."
For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E.
G. Sperry, proprietor. tf
Every new subscriber of tbe Gazette
from tbia date, May 25, 1807, will receive
a premium a book worth alone tbe
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that eon
tain Mercury,
as meroury will surely destroy tbe sense
of smell and completely derange tbe
whole system, when, entering it through
the .mucous , surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, at the
damage tbey will do is ten fold to tbe
good you oao possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Dure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0 contains
no meroury, and is taken Internally.
aoting direotly upon the blood and mn
oous surfaces of the system, Id baying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you gel
tbe genuine. It ia taken internally, and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.Cheney &
Co., Testimonials tree.
Sold by Druggists, prioe 75o. per bot
tle. Married At the . Farmers' hotel in
Heppner, Monday morning, Judge Bar
tholomew united la marriage Mr. Frank,
lin B. Vanblesve and Miss' Ella Nora
Gamble, both of Well Springs. ,'.,:
Don't neglect a coagh because he
weather is pleasnnt; before tbe next
storm rolls around .it may develop into
serious difQoulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cur is easy to take and
will do what lis name implies.
price of the subscription.
Louie A. Meeks, w bo has been herd
lag in tbe mountains for John Kirk, was
Each of the fair washerwomen is at- h-nimh, n.nn... . . .
A. .1 I ..!.!.- I.: ...1. UA ,...M.n l.rw.,1 1 VV B
lirtu iu ciuuu, . uiB nu, .,.., ma.llnal treatment If. l,a,l V..ea .ink
..,kt. nnllnsi anrl ulnalffll lnl UW I Ills A llTlVJl
TV II I L-C tUlKM Sftiivs fll' V -. a wi.v -1' " w Am.rn.rn . I 1 A a I
i iu fjBtxii? iriTou u7 uunuia iu uriy
' bimtelt until found by berderi belong-
Published Every Saturday
Mar. 10. lss7. Notice is herehv given that 13 ASlOr frldtC
the following-named settler has filed notice of I
New York
his Intention to make final proof in support oil
his claim, and that said proof will he made!
Ofinre 1. n. Borrow, 'inuniy Liers, ai neppoer,
Oregon, on jane a, iwi, vis:
UJ . V ,ft -7 . . . . Tn Outlook will be lo 1807. as It bae
If rl W Ma ftitS Iit 9 fls-w 1ft Tn al 1 Ml I
N si hV.1; and HkV4 hKtbc, is, Tp. ft &, K. 'it I beo dating ftob of iU lntj iefD
K.j W, M. .... I sa ITU(AaH v fills nH Tlmac Tit
wm ) uIV I VI www i i-uvw m e
iU various editorial departments Tbe
Outlook gives a oompsot review of the
rorld'e progress; it follows with care
all ibe important philanthropic end id-
doatrisl movemeote of the day: bae a
Theregnlareobsonption price of ..tbe complete department of religions news;
lis nsmrs the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of. said land, vll:
William Ltielllng, Benjamin Liielllng, Henry
F. Tollrr and Albert ll. Conrler, all of Hard-
Bian, Oregon.
j ah. r.
. President
Vice President
- Cashier
Ase't Caehler
Trasji-li t General BuiiiDg fomx. .
n all parts of the worid-
Bought and Sold.
Collections made en all points on
reasonable Terras,
urplns a4 andtvt.l4 Fronts. l ii.OOO 00.
Tk. flasette does not question the
hoorely of soy ptt". bo ie
pelled to lesist opoo tbewealj.a advenee
plea ol eobeeHpttoft, lihff.. ! ,.n,b'.
it K.Cnsneiine Vsodrtbll t Of tbe
Ba wbe eerae ble brew by booeet toil
We eanoot ruu the' fa oa any athef
pl.a. 11
What ie 19 Ool J 1 Pfff
brrr ra
Bemi. Weekly Uasette ia 12.50 and tbe
regular prioe of tbe Weekly OrrgosUn
Is 11.60. Anyone eabecribinf for tin
Osteite and psyiog for one yearii
advaooe cao get both tbe Oasrtte end
Weekly OrrgoDlso for f 3.60. All old sat.
eenbert psylog their sobecriolions fct 1
one year lo advanee will be entitled U
Notice of Intention.
MJ May 10, 1W7. Notice is . hereby given
hat the followtng-named settler has Sled notice
ol his Intention lo make final proof In support
ol Ms claim, an4 that said proof will be made
before J. W, Morrow, (lotiiity Clerk, at Heppner,
urrgon, on June m, iwi, vii;
R4 B. No. M2I. for the h W)a and 8V4 V Wit
Bee. 16. Tp, S H., R. 'Oi K , W. M. ....
He names tne loiuiwing witnesses to prove
nis continuous residence upon ana cultivation
of. said land, vis: -
William I.iielllug. mnjsmln Liielllng, Charles
m. m. tisstings sua Henry u rouisen, ail ol
llsruman, urcson.
6U-M Register.
the elbow in true wonherwonian style
Each competitor la supplied with a
pail, some cold water, two pegs and a
soiled tea cloth.
On the word "go" jeweled hands are
plunged Into the water and the wash
ing begins. The prize ia given to the
competitor who shows the cleanest
cloth at the end of three minutes, the
same being pegged into place upon the
line. Points are deducted for overtime
and Incorrect detail.
Knid a London Ix-lle who recently
took part In a washing competition at
a select social event: "I wenty minutes
of that exercise every duy would give
anybody first-rate arm developing ex
ercise. It's way ahead of some of the
methods in my physical culture class."
log to another outfit.
Not only piles of tbe very worst kind
cao be cured by Dewitt'e Witoh Hszel
Halve, bat eczema, soalde, burns, bruis
es, boils, ulcers and all other skin
troubles eso be instantly relieved by
tbe same remedy.
T. A. lines returned Honday from s
trip to MoUuff' e Hprioge, leaving Fred
Hook and "Uuole" Jack Morrow to en
joy the pare atmosphere of tbe moan
J tire Is hcrrbT gtn that I have on the 1st
day of My, I"", ln appointed asSMlgnveuf
the Miaia ol u. w. sinn, insoiveiii, ana
all persons hoMlns rlalms sgaliwt said Inanl
fnil, of Ms .lt. are hereby iiirtlhed to re
srol the Mm to ae st my nmre In Hcnpiter,
Morrow eiiniy, r,oo, prniriy- vermen t.y
oeih cc.,fflii'S lo lea, thln ttir mnnlliS
ol this tta
aim date
i notice.
Heppner, Or., Ifsy 7t V7-
Welt. Tbotupeoo runs stags" between
Deppadr aed Monnmol, arriving every
day eto.pt afofiday aad leaving every
day ei0pt Sondsy. Hborleet and ebrap-
eet ronlp N letrror,
devotee mocb space to tbe interests of
tbe borne; reviews earrent literature;
famishes cheerful table-lelk aboat men
and things: and, io short, aims to give
fresh infnrmatloo, original observation,
and reasonable entertainment.
- Beginning with Ibe fifty flifth vol a me,
tbe paper will aaeame tbe regular mage
tine eix, wbieb will add greatly to its
eoDveuiaoee and ettrectiveoese. Tbe
Oatlot k ie pnblUhed every Hslnrday
fifty-two laeuee a year. Tbe first Issue
Id eaeb month ie en Illustrated Magsiioe
Nombef, eootaiolng ebont I wire-as rosoy
paget as tbe ordinary bear together
wttb large eumber of pu turee.
. Tbe pnee of The Outlook Js three
dollars year lo sdvaooe, or lees tbe a
cent a day.
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrics at La Osn, Oasoo.
Mar I5th. I"7.
A following-named settler bae Sled notice
of his Intention to make final proof In support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County Clerk of Morrow Comity, Oregon,
at ueppasr, Oregon, nn June m. vis:
(iKdfci.K W I'KAhMtlN.
Hd. R. No. r,47 lor the N't SK14 and ( MF.Ia
Kec n To I N R27 K W M.
Ne nsmee the following witness to prove
Bi cio'innoos resinence niMin aim euiiivauon
of amid land, vis: Oeorira N Vinson, John A.
Thomtwin, William Ayers, sud pavld M. I'fre-
ley, all ol usppner, Oregon.
6iVU Krglster.
Now ie tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregooiao. tbe grcateet newspaper of
the West. Witb tbe Oat-tu, both atrlot-
ly io advance, one year, t-1.60. No better
ootsbloatkiD of newspapers eso be made
la tbe state.
Charaetertstla Aaewdote of Iird Bowes,
tha S'nll.h Jurist.
The late Lord Uowen, beaidee being of ,L Plofoe.
Diok Mathewe end V. Gentry, under
the firm nsms ot Metbewe A, Gentry
are eeeoolated together io tbe bsrber
business lo the Dew etand, two doors
They eolioit
Few realise that each eqolrrel dee
trove II CO worth of grsio annoslly
Wakelet'e Hunirrel sod Gopher Ktter
oiloaiof tt tbe noel efieetive end re
aomioai poleoo known. Price redoes!
to 80 eeate. Oonser k Brock tad Mloor
A Co., egaDta, II eppner; J. A. Woolery,
sgent. loot; Mchols c Lrect, sgente
! Tlllard keep wet
Beod fore epMsoea eopy snl lllnetrat- let hie new plere, near
E. J. ploeom, proepeotue to The Ootlwr, 1-1 'or I eLembere,
a great judge, was also a great wit, and
many iiiterestiug 1n 1110U of his are
lieing fecallnd just now, Un the occa
sion of the queen s jubilee, says llouae-
bold Words, Uie judge wlti drawing
Up an addrvaa ti t he queen.
'(.oiiM'ioua as we are of our short
comings," ran the svldreas; "conacioua
as we are of one another's shortcom
ings," suggested Lord Ilowen, Not
long ago he was asked to sit In the ad
miralty court. I'iKin taking his seat
he aaked Indulgence on ex-count bf In
experience in suliniraJty business.
"And may there 1 do moaning of the
bar," he added, "w hen I put out to era,"
Koiiictiiin-a his wit wan very decisive,
as, for Inatuncr, when ha remarked:
"Truth will outr-even in so aflidavit."
Not the least happy of bia rrrortM
wltliclsrna was the remark he mtul
when rongratuloln) on his anpliit-
merit to I mi a law lord. He would, he
aald, find Uie work raay, hi duly being
to glv his opinion af Is-r so uiany other
had given theirs. "In fact, I uly have
to rtgrr. and might well bavn been
raised to tha iieeragej as 'Lord Con
eurrjf.' The ttoot pm the Other Foot,
Id BttDter'a lore thre is ao Idea that
the jakal fa the lion's provlderi that
be Um ttrs the game and takee the lion
TO IL laid SUperslitlOD IlM no nmre
foundation than Is found In the fart
that after a lion hoe stain hi quarry the
locksls always attend and waltthecon-
Mrs. Jolts Bradlay is etill quite siok
at ber rooms at the palace hotel.
Tetter, Halt-Hheum and Kczema.
The intrie Itching and smarting, incl
dent to theari diwHja, is Instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
bklo Uintiueiit, Many very bad caw
have Ixwn permanmitly ctir'l by it. It
is equally eftlcUitit for itxbing piles and
a favorit retnwiy for sore nippies
chHtitied bauds, chilblains, frost bitee
and chronic sore eye. Zi eta. per box
Dr. Cadr'i Cemlltlon I'uwders. are
jiiht what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Ionic, blood puriner and
vermifuge. They are not food but
mndliinn and the ln-et In uae to put
horan in prime condition. I'rh.e V
cent per package.
Long Creek Eagle: Tom Rhea and
Fritz Dock, of Heppner, passed through
Ibis oity Wednesday, bound for McDaffoe
Springs, where tbey go for a few days
Any lady desiring to purchase sew
ing maobine should oall on J. W.
Vaughan and examine his latest Im
proved White machines. A bappy com
bination of a writing desk and machine
combined. Light, rapid tod easy
running. tf.
Joe La Can is, who bad the misfortune
ot breaking his leg gome weeks sinoe, ia
able to bobble around 00 crotches. Hie
many friends will be pleased to koow
Ibat Joe ia on tbe road to permanent
'For three years we bave oever been
without Obamberlain'e Colio, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Ilemedy lo the bouse,"
says A. II. Patter, with E. O. Atkins k
Co., Indlanapolla, Iod., "and my wife
would at sooo think ot being without
floor as a bottle ot Ibis remedy io tbe
summer sessoo. We Lsve need it with
all three of onr ohtldrao and it bas oever
failed to cure oot simply stop pain, bot
cure absolutely. It is all right, and
anyone wbo tries it will find it so." For
sale by Coosar k Brock.
Frank Lee, the popular woolbuyer,
wbo bee beeo coffering from Inflamma
tory (rhematism for tbe past month,
oonlemplalre leaving Heppner shortly
end try the corative waters ot one of
California's celebrated springs.
Free Hills.
Bend yoor address to II. E. Buoklea
k Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
box of Dr. King' New Life Pills. A
trial will oooviocv voq of tbeir merit.
These pill are easy io actioo tod are
particularly effective io tbe eore nt Uno.
etiiiallon and Hiok Uesdsobe. For Ma
laria and Liver tmnblea tbat bsvs beeo
proved invaluable. They are guaran
teed lo be perfectly tree from every
deleterious eiihatanoe and lo be purely
vegetable. They do ool weekeo by their
art Inn, but by giving tone to slomseb
and towels greatly Invigorating the
system. Hcgular alt 25a. per box. Bold
by Couser A Brock, draggbte.
good do
the cnanell
Osll at Tbe Welforae aad elusion ut the repast, Ia trUei t plcl;
tip tl. Jrtl.k
eM Is the resell st eeMs sad
eee (liaeli seaees.
It ran be fired try a lnt
rm1f whira lsaitiiM li
tmnjf Into the aoMrlis, Be
ing 'pi-sir Burfcd it givs
f-'i atutica,
Ely's Cream Balm
I eramnvl4rd Ie be the ateai thnmesw eat for
NseaM etak. Cold ia Heed sed llsy Fnsf of all
esrnedme. It mm s4 clransrs Uw a-esl pasw Ja,
silare imI ei4 lii(UiiiewtMa, kwels Iktmna pri
tsts the smeitrteiie itum aoiAs. t Oir.. the ssiiips
iaftaeKlrnetl. Frveeie slmngiwnvyg..il "oe onuo poqqij
1 I.f kfWiUU.,MwVrHlwi,(if if jftirof!ii.ro
Long Creek Lsgle: There is more
setivity Ibis year amorg the proepeotore
to EusUrn Oregon tbao bae beeo known
siuoe tbe esrly Mt, Outfits are going
In every direction, and it Ie bard to tell
whiob rrgioo ettrei I the greatest num
ber. Geo. Armstrong, wbo is now roatjiog
the popular saloon tu the Mstlook oor
ner, bae put io Ibe Hop Gold draught
beer, Miiwsuke and Hop Gold bottle
cigars slwsyt on
sssu aol mliolo-
boye aod get your
63 If
t bsnd. John Dorhara, 1
zgA gist.. Csll on Ibe boy
lo beer by gists or quart.
Floe rain ere reported to hart fatten
Friday aod Heiordey 10 different eee
lioos ol the county, doing tunobj fr)
j virf if ! Irs