FBBLIBHID Tuesdays and Fridays . . r-BY ; . . THE PAHERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY: OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bu. Man. At $1.90 per year. 1.2S for aix montha, 75 ota. lor three moncna, strictly in advanoe. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THI8 PAPER it kept on file at B. C. Dake'a Advertising Agency, 64 and 85 Merohanta Exohangs, San Franoiaoo, California, where cou raota for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & ill. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. dally exoept Sunday arriving at Heppner Jnnction 1:30 a. ni. Leaves Heppner Janoiioa 3rW a. m, and ar rives at Heppner 6:1(1 a m . I Bpokane Express Nu. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m and arrives at Heppner Jnnetion 8:15 p. m. and Uma ilia 9:15 p. m. Portland Exoress No. 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a m. and HeDpn r Juncti m 6:10 a. m a' d ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. . Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Porilmd 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner Jouotion 8:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leavei TJmati'la 12:40 p. m. and arrives at eppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at Portland 7 :Gl a. m For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart. Agent O. H fc N., Heppner, Ore. OITTdAIi DIHEOTOEY. United Btatea Officials. President. . . . . . William McKinley V "--President..., Garret A. Hobarl Beoretary of State John Sherman Secretary of Treasury Lyman J. Hafte Beoretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beoretary of War Kuseell i. Alger Beoretary of Navy john D. Long Poetinaater.General James . Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Beoretary. f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor. W. P. Lord Secretary of Bute H. K. Kinoaid Treasnrer. Phil. Meteohan Bupt. Puliho lnstrnction G. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Benatora J oBride JJ. H. Mitchell Congressmen j winftEni,"m,U"' Printer .'.W. rl!Leeds a . (B. B Bean, 8npreme Judges...... If. A. Moore, f C. K. Wolverion Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge..., ..' ...Stephen A. Lowell Proseouting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator ... A, W. (rowan Hepreeentative, J. N, Brown r.onoty Judge A. G. Bartholomew Commiaeionera J . K. Howard J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Bheriff E. L. Matlock Treasnrer Frank Gilliam ' Assessor J. . Willlh H Surveyor. J. W. Hornor School Bup't Jay W. Bhipley '' Coronet B. F. Vanghan bbpnbb tow a ovnons. Miyor.... Thoe. Morgan Uin-Umen , Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliamj Arthur Minor, E. J. tilooum, 41 Liohtenthal and J. It. Simons. K oonler.,.. W. A. Richardson T.eairarer L. W. Briggs Marshal A. A. UoberU Preeioet Offleera. Justice of the Peace.,... W. E. Kichanlson Constable N. 8, Whet tons United States Land Officers. TBI DALLES, OB. t. F. Moore Kegister A, S. Biggs Keosiver LA OBAKDB, OB. B. F, Wilson Register J. H. Kobbins Haoeivat a3BIT BOCI3BXZ3BSS. MAWUN9 POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Meets at Lexington, Or the last Saturday of ,rh month. All veterans are Invited to Join. G. W. Smith, C. G, KuyPA. adjutant, tf Coiamaader. Dr.5 P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Office in the City Drag 8tore, near City Hotel. tt D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 b. ro., Bod 12 In 2 p. m, at residence, Mra. U. WHob' property, aod 10 to. 12, a m , to 2 to 5 p. m , at offloe io tba rear of Borg jewelry store. W BanK o Mr. WaJ.MNlia.ND.' KO. R. BISHOP. Prwloeat, Caakler. TRANSACTS 1 GEMRAL BANKING BCSIXESS COLLECTIONS Made on FBTorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) HEPPNER. tf OREOON First National Bank OF HEPPNER C. A. RHCA. - . President T. A. RhCA. - Vloe PresleleM GEO. W. CONSCR, - Cashier S. W. S PCMCIA. Ass't Cashier Truocli i General Biding Busintsi EX C MA. NO: On alt par of the world Bought and Sold. Cnllerttona aed on alt aotsis oa re finable Teesne. Msralos and aadlrtded Proata, Ml .000 00. Tbe Osteite does aol 9, oration the honesty ot any pereoe, bal it la com pelled 10 laaial npoo tbe ash is advene plea ef euWeripOoo, whether tbe anb- aoriber be Ooraelloa Vaedetblll or tbe a Im htm hi brea4 by boaeet toll We eesftot roa tbe paper oa aay other plan. 'tt Wbat la tlop Goldt Deal beer earth. 0e tl aWewbefa. - Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Eobo. PeDdleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. Sent ' Free To any person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will rend free, upon application, a oopy of the " ALLIANCE," tbe organ of this Society. Io addition to its in tensely interesting rending, it contains a list of tbe valuable and unusual pre miums given by tbe paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. East? IP YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. FIRST-Go via. St Paul be 01 use the Hdos to that point will afford you tbe very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. thp Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is first-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend tb nearest ticket agnt acd ask for n ticket reading via. the Wisoonsii Central lines, or address or Geo. 8. Batty, Geoeral Agent, 240 Stark St., Portland Or . Gen. Paa. AgC" Milwaukee, Wli. STOCK BRANDS. While yon atwp your aabaoription paid op yet aan kaep yonr brand in free of charge. Bonr, P. O., Heppner, Or. Hones, P B o lef hoolderj cattle, aama on left hip. Cook, A. J.,Lena.Or. Horaea, Won ritrhtahoal ler. Cattle, esmeon right hip: ear mark aqoar )rop off left and aplit in right. . Oonglaaa, W. Ill . Galloway. Or. Cattle, BDir -ight aide, awiulnw-tork in each ear; horiaa, B 1 tn left hip. ' Ely. BmeM Donglaa, Or. Horaea branded EL on left ahooldar, oattle aame on leftbip. hol ir right ear. ' Floren oe. L. A.. HeoDner. Or. Cettla. f.V m ight hip; horaea F with bar under on righ houlder. Jonee. Harrr. HeDnnor. )r Hofm, krnj H J on the left ahonlder; oattla bra idnd J 01 ight hip, alao anderbit in left ear. Kange li Horrow oounty. Jnhram, Felix, Lrna, Or. Honwe, rimleT n aft atifle: oattle. aama on riht hlD. nadai k wop in riaM and aolit Jt left ear Kenny. Mike. HeDnner. Or. Horaaa hranil RNY on left hi d oattla aama and amn nff Ia art under alopa on the right Leahe. 1. W. Hennner Ur.-HnMi Krar.il.. L and A on left ahoulder: oettla aama lf hip, wattle oyer right eye, three alita in ngh Minor. Oeoar. nancner Or. .am. M n 'ight kip; horae. M on left ahonlder. ' U Kl n . tn left ahooldei oattle aame on left hip. Oiborn. J. W.. Donslaa. Or.i hnraaa O n U( hoalderi cattle tame on right hip. Parker A Oleaaon. Hardman.Or. Hnraaa IP m lft ahonlder. PiDer. J. H.. LaxinaioB. Or. Hnraaa. JB am. neeted on left thimldari oattla, aameoo lef hi under bit In each ear. Hector, i. W.. Hxuimer. Or. Horaaa. JO a. left ahonlder. Cattle, Qon right hip. Rwrrrr. E. O. HeDDoar. Or. CWHla W fl left hip, crop off right and nnderhit la left year ii" w iMpi duibw tt v on 111 enoniaer. Thorn pa. m, i. A., Heppner, Or. Horaea, to left ehoolaYr: eatUe. 1 oa left ahonlder. Turner K. W.. Happoer. Or. mall capital left ahonldar, horaea; settle tame oa left nil wim epiu in onrn amra. Watteabnrger. W. I.. flaUnway. Or.t horaea quarter eiralo JW on right ahooldar; eattir quarter entile J W na right hip aud right aire, rrnp and bole in left ear. Haiige in Morrow ana umeuua ooanuea. SOTICE OF INTENTION. AND Or-rrm AT THI DAU,KH.OREOO(I, J Mar. 10. 1W7. Notice la herehr alvan thai the following. named erttler baa Bled not lr nl hit Intention to mate fltial proof In lupport ol hla claim, and that aald proof will be made before i. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Happoer. Oregon, on June M, Imtl, yli: IIINBY & POl'LBKN, Hd. I. Ko. 41t, jnt J, Hec. IS, Tp. , R. I , Ha names the following wltneeaea to prove Of. aald land. nr iMiiimtwB nwiiieuce uoon ana euitivauun WHMam Uielllng, nenjemla Luelltng, Hanrr P. Toiler and Albert U. Coortrr, all of Hard- man, orrgon. J An. F. mN)HR, ItegUu-r. Tbe recnlarsobaonptioo price of tbe Semt-Wetkly OaletU ia 11.50 and tbe realar price of lbs Weekly Ortgooiaa lall.bU. Aoyoae eabaaribiof for tb Qstetta and payiog for ooe year it etlveone cee gel both tba Gatelte ao Weekly Orrflorjleo for S3.C0. All old ant sortbers paylag their aobeoriptiooa fci oas year la advance will be entitled U tbaaama e ASsiasEtrs notice. fVO Atl. WHOM IT MAY COCER!l! A tlr la hf rbr gttea that I bate en the tat flay of May, iw;, Utn arn.lnud aa hIiw a4 Uie eelale of 1. W . Kvaraart, Inatrent, and ail peranne fcnldlne rial ma aealnat aaM ina.U. rai.l. or hie aetata, are bnby wnOned te pre. axil tbe aame le me at tay aftra la HWHt, Morrow etmnty, ttrawua, prmerty verified by oath eeuf4liig te law, WILLI three taiMtU after dale el u.is aotlce. tb. ft. - . aaalgoaw. 'iT"Wi w . nay 7, w, , , u at. WalL TVompeoo fans ete-e betweea lleopaer Bad Motiaaaeof, arrlrlnl aewry day nrwpe Monday and leayiec ettry day eieopt Unadsy. Hhorteet and abeap- est roete U ik la tenor, fc. J. tlea aceot Going ; ' aadyoifmdootWqukiry aiury it WH MHIlHIIIIIIIHIHHMHmiMIIIH, McClure's For SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A "".-K" of S-Wi" Hamlin Garland tf rfl.Tt r. AVAH fltril i a. n ml - I u anr ne In la a a aw " wa puuiwuvu, ucDllin All WWlUWSt.f Rudy&rd Kipling's flrat Americaa aerial, "Captaina Courageona." (Begun in Kovember.) KuuBi i Louis sievensoit'a "St. ivea." (ueKtna in May.) ... Charles A. Dana.. "Recollections of War Tlme." years of the Civil War practically a member fitted than any other man living to give an recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them m aWp J ?w u'i ,,12wi,0.puWi.r.h "E?clal Woaraphioal studies under the general title of MAKEKS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. . Specially taken under Stories of Adventure. A aerial byCONAM talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, In tbe ('Sherlock Holmes" stories, given hiin a place beside Poe aud Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS : WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will of two contributions to another publication appear lu McClure's Magajins JOEL CHANpi.KR HARRI8. a series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and tbe "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. ee mm am RDDnP,?IPl.L,lJ0; Be'ae" V,'?"'1?1"?. Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjes's all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANKT Is preparing for the Maoazins a series of abort stories in which the same vu... i.iunpjjnu, aibuuugu eauu win Anthony Hop Frank R. Stockton Bret Harte , Stanley Weyman will all have stories In McClcrk's for the The'eiKn th,y K?ali' 'r0"0" of the fat and One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. A Campaign Of Education How to Get It For DNPflBBLLELED mmate skill. Buch s paper Is a great popular Dome, Tbe subscription price of Lealle'a la4pe nnnin. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Week I v one vear for nnlv ; nn J - - J w . V W J 4W,VV No such ofTer waa ever made before. No such offer will ever be made V aealn. Thna tA lanurl miki , mnal .AMMi.hl. nkrirf. i l . O - . ' - -.mvm vuiwuiim vt UirUlOBy gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Orecon. The WEEKLY MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York Tba Outlook will be la 1897, as ii baa been during aob of Its twenty scran rears, a Uistory of Oar Owe Tinea. Ia its rarioos editorial departments Tba Outlook givea a compact review of tbe world's progress; it follows wild car all tba Important philanthropic" sod ie dostrial moeemeats of tba day; baa a complete department of religious dsws; devoles maob apace to tba iolerests of tba borne; reviews earreat literature; faroleaee cbeerfol table-talk alxiol aim and tbings: and, io abort, aims to give freab information, original observation, and reasonable entertainment. Beginning with tba fifty fitfth volume, tba paper will Became tba regular saga tine tlae, wbiob will add greatly to Ha aooTsnieDve aod atlractiveoeea. Tbt Outlook ia pobliebed avwry Saturday flfty lao Uaaea a year. Tba first Use la aaah coooth ia aa Illustrated M agaaiae Kamber, eon tain log a boo I (wire as aaaey pagea as Iba ordinary laeue, together wkk large a u tuber of picture. . Tba pries of Tba Outlook la I brae dollars a year 1 advene, or Ueclbae cent a day, ... - . . Seed for a jrt(sno epy and llltetrt proepeelaa to Tba Ootlook, 13 Astor IPlacsj, Kcw TNk Ottv. Magazine 1897 The first authoriUtive and adequate Ufeof The only novel of Stevenaon'g atlll nnDubllihed Mr. Dana waa for three of the moat nriMnal of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better authoritative histoiy of thla period from his unpublished. In connection with this series the editor's direction. DOYLE, in which he will use hit extranrnln.r. write durinir the comln VAar. with ftt,A aTfianllnn which were engaged from him long agotll ob " ' oe complete in liat'll. Robert Barr Clark Ruasell ooming year. ' Important features of McClubi's Maoazini for To be educated one must read the beat literature. The beat literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of tbe best things! Its illustrations are superb; its atorlea charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- educator. It should be in every 4 Notice of Intention. TAND OrriCE AT THB DALI.K8 OREOON, J Hay 10. 1W7 Notlre Is hereby given hat the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to aiake final proof In support of hla claim, and that aald proirf be uia.1a before t. W vjorrow, foiinty Clerk, at Heppner. Oregon, oa June M. IWi, vis i ALBERT COUKTKR, ltd K. No. 11121. for tha fH av?U and NWia Her. ts, Tp. .. R. Vt K , Vi'? M W 14 He name tbe following wltneeaea to pmv Ma continuous residence upon aud cultivation of. said land, vis: William l.uelllng. Benjamin Luelllng, Charles M. M. HaaUnga aud llanry C. foulaen, ail of Hardman, Oregon. JAB. r. MOORK. stegtater. Notice of Intention. Lino Orrica at La Oamt.a, Ooon. VOTirt m wkrebt own'that'The I fnllowlng-named aaitler has Sled notlre of his IntenUiMi o make MnaJ prt In etippnrt of his claim, and that aald prouf will be made tiefor County tllerk of Morrow Coiinty, Oregou at arppaer, Oregon, on June as. li7. via; UHikuK W I'kAhHiiN. Hd. It No forih N4 HEa and 1 REU Mar 27 Tp I N R K W M He names tha following wltneeaea to prove hla ron minus reelilaiwe noon and cultivation of aald land, vis ! (iaorv M Vlnaoe. Jnbn A. Iboiatieoii, William Ayara, and Iwvbl at. free- . r. wi iwin. ' Keglaler. MVS Now ia tba lima to get tba Weekly Oregon lan, tba greatest aswspaper of IbaWeeL With tba Otetu,botb strict, ly in advance, ooe year, $1.60. No better ootpbiaalkin of aewspapcrs esa bo mads la tba atata. AV YOf'R 0IAII. raw m elite tbat aacb eqolrrel dea troys 1160 wortb of gralo annually Wakelee'i Squirrel and Oopbtr EiUr aulBator is tba Duel affeelivw sd sou. aomioe! poiaoa eOowu. price redoeed to 80 eeata. Coeear Oroak ead Minor k Co., agwota, Heppeer; J. A. Woolery, aceat, inoe; aioools At Lavaab, ageewj Leitngton. ... IW!Tlllrd keepe-wef gimds -ilwa at die new piece, rar tba tviueeil sbambers. Call at Tba Welcome and aaaka yoarself at boaae, err a a Beverses In Fortune Induce Them to Open at Lunch fteom. The city of Cincinnati po&sest. a striking example of what can be done by woman's pluck when accompanies by practical common sense. Twelve years ago the Misses Stewart, three young women who had been reared in wealth, were by business failures thrown upon their own resources. They secured a room in a business block and established a lunch-room, where they made a specialty of home cookery. Most of the work they did with their own hands, and the excel lence of their supplies soon created a demand. The little lunch-room became a success, and at the end of five years, when the great Chamber of Commerce building was put up and there was to be a large restaurant connected with it, the Misses Stewart boldly applied for it. They were backed by many of the best business men of the city, who had known them in their days of wealth and been impressed by their ability as business women. Their bid was ac cepted, the Misses Stewart assumed charge of the . "Glencairn" lunch-room, and have conducted it without a break or a failure for the last seven years. ' The clientele is very large. For rent and services alone the yearly expenses are $10,000. The prices charged for food are very reasonable, yet the sis ters not only paid all expenses, but live in comfort aud are becoming wealthy. They have never lost social position by going into business, and during their entire career have never had to borrow a dollar. POISONED AIR. What Produces Diaeomfort In at Crowded . Room. A very important investigation Into the nature of the substances contained In air expired by human beings, says the Loudon Graphic, has just been completed by two prominent men of science in America, Dr. J. 8. Billings and Dr. S. Weir Mitchell. Aa a result of their extended researches they de clare that "the discomfort produced by crowded, ill-ventilated rooms, in per sons not accustomed to them, is not due to the excess of carbonic acid, nor to bacteria, nor In most cases to dust of any kind. The two great causes of such discomfort, though not the only ones, are excessive temperatures and unpleasant odors." But though the sir actually expired by healthy men and aolmala contains no more poison ous substances than carbonic acid gas, experiments on the air in inhabited rooms and hospital wards are said to suow mat an important source of con tamination is the minute particles of dusts, in which there Isms, and it seems probable that these ire tne only really dangerous elements n the air. These views, and the on n. elusion that the presence of carbonio acia gas is not a trustworthy criterion of the existence of other and more poi sortous exhalations, are likely to be questioned by many atudents of ventila tion. THE FUNNEL TRICK. Aa Interesting; Problem Devised by Sport ive Callfornlane. Jerry Lynch bus finally learned the funnel trick, lie took it in two donee one on one evening and the other the next. The senator sauntered up to the Bohemian club the other day mid saw two or three of the younger members at tempting a nnw feat, and he watched them with Interest. One of them, says the San Francisco News Letter, stuck a funnel in the top of histrouserei, threw his head back, placed a 50-cent piece on his forehead and tried to drop It in the funnel tiy nlowly lowering his hesd. After all had failed Jerry insisted on trying It, though all hud tried to dissuade him from attempting a feat too didicult for them. The funnel was placed in the wnistliand of his troutters and he threw back his head to receive the coin on his expansive brow. At that Juncture a pitcher of Ice water was emptied into the funnel, and by the time Jerry got through dancing the lokers hnd vanished. The senator's temper Improved witb dry raiment and the next night at the club be started In to sha a couple of friends the funnel trick. MIfs this way," he explained, "yon put the funnel in tbe top of your panta loons, so, then throw your head back, o, and wow!" Again Jerry was forced to change hi raiment, and be hi not showing people what he knows about tbt funnel trick. UNCLE TOM;8CABIN. Leweil Adailrad tb U en I us ! It Mere Tbsa the Moral. It was the opinion of J nine Ituaaell Lowell, says tliarlca Dudley Warner, In the Atlantic, t tint the autl alavery element In I'ncle Tom and Dred stood in the way of a full appm-islion, at least In brr own country, of t tie re markable genlua of Mra. Ktowe. Writ ing in 1U, he an Id: "From my bab It and the tendency of my studies I cannot help looking at thing purely from an acatlictlc (xilnt of kw, and what I valued In I'nrle Tom was the genius, and not tbe moral." This bad been, hla iniirriin when he rend the book in i'arla, long after the whirl of rxritenjrnt produrid by lla aiilillcati'in had subaldcd, and far removed ,y dls tsne from local Inflnrneea. KuW. fluently, In a review, ha wrote: "We felt then, and we lirllrv now, that tbe arr ret of Mra. Ftowr'a Krwrr lay in that aame griilu by which the great sue crasr in cr.tie literature have al ways been achieved tbe grniua thst Instinctively roes to tba orpsnle ele tnvnts of human nature, whether under white skin or ft blv k, and which d a regarde as trivial the conventions and fictitious not ion which make larre a part both of our thinking and fevl. log. The rtlve faculty of Mr, "towe, Ilka that of rtrventee la ' T'O tlierVte,' and of t'iflililig In 'Jo- eefh Andrew .'terjovj red Ih narrow specialty of brr deaa'n, and expanded a local aod letur-orarr thrine with the ( C'.ewiK.iKiIiteuUm of r'nlu. Wise lien Know It ia folly to build upon a poor founda tion either in architecture or in health. A foundation of Band is insecure, and to deaden symytoms by oarootios or nerve compounds is equally dangerous and peroeptive. The true way to build up health is to make your blood pure, and rioh and nourishing by taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. Hood's Pills act easily aod promptly oo tbe liver and bowels. Cure sick beadaohe. Mrs. Nina d'Heirry, wife of Paul d'Heirry, a well known Seattle attorney and politician, was divorced from her husband Friday, of Inst week at her own request, by Judge Orange Jaoobs, says the Milton Eagle. The papers la the oase were filed, tbe trial bad and tbe judgment of tbe court announced all within a day. d'Heirry was onoe editor of tbe Weston Leader. Mra. d'Heirry is a daughter of Mr. Overholtz who was drowned io Clark's oanyon a number of years ago. Mr. Isaao Horner, proprietor of the Burton House; Burton, W. Vs., and one of tbe most widely known men In the state waa oured of rheumatism after three years of suffering. He aey: 'I have not sufficient command of language to convey Dy idea of wbat I suffered, zy physicians told me tbat DOtbiog oould be done for me and my friends were fully convinced tbat nothing but death would relieve me of my Buffering. In June, 1891, Mr. Evens, then salesman t tbe wheeling Drug Co., reoommed- ed Cbamberlain'g Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double tbeir normal size aod seemed to me my lee would burst, but soon after I began using tbe Pain Balm tbe swelling began to decrease, the the pain to leave, and now I consider tbat I am entirely oured. For sale by Conser A Brock. Tbe Gazette forgot to aay in last is me tbat tbe Children's Day exercise at tbe Christian oburob on Isst Sunday evening were bigbly successful. Mr Vawter Crawford, wbo was in ohargs, to be congratulated on the htshlv oreditsble manner in wbiob the ohil- ren acquitted themselves. W. B. Johnson, Newark: 0., aaya 'One Minute Coogb Cnre saved my only child 'mm dying by oroup." It baa saved thousands of others suffering from oroup, pneumonia, bronchitis and other serious ibioat and loos troubles. The crescent waves on Cretan shores, The ctohs of Christ goes down ; The Turks are helped by Christian powers Who bombard fort and town. Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds I'oor Cuba's piercing cry; Then let us drown these shameful deeds In Bperry's "Unwood Ry." For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon. F. (1. Sperry, proprietor. tf Frank Lacy got in from Orant oounty n Tuesday last, having just finished receiving 27,0()O bead of sheep. Every new subscriber of Ibe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1897, will receive s a premium a book wortb alona the price of tba subscription. tf J. M. Hoy waa over from bis home near Monument Tuesday and Wednes day. Not only piles of tbe very worst kind an be oured by Dewitt'a Witoh Haeel Halve, but eczema, soalds, burna, brnia- : boils, nloers and all other akin troubles oan be instantly relieved by Ibe same remedy. a Hick Malbawa and V. Oeotry, under tbe firm name of Mathews A Osntry, are associated together In tba barber businees io tha Dew stand, two doors south of lbs poatoffloe. Tbey soliolt a oau. tr Attorney T. It. Lyons came in Wed nesday evening from Coodon, where hr baa been for tbe past week on profes sional businees. Tetter, Halt.llhcum and IV-zema. Tha intense Itchlnif and smarting. Inci dent to these diiw-aaea. Is instantly allayed by anulvlnar Chamberlain's V.va and Hkln Ointment. Many very bail cases have been permanently enred by It. It ia equally efficient for itching plica and a favorite remedy for aore nippb-a, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites and chronic sore eyea. 24 eta. per bos. Dr. Cadr'a fond It Ion I'ewdera. are just what a home needs when In bad condition. Tonic, blood purifier and verm Hugo. Titer are Dot food but medicine and tbe beat In use to put s horarj in prime ctmdltlon. Prfc ice 24 cents per package. Mrs. H. A.Tlllard aod daaghler, Mrs Kate Hleavenc, of Umatilla, arrived this morning. Mra. Tillard is mother of Ibe TiJIard boys of Ihia place. CATARRH la a LOCAL DISEASE B ta tfc reeefl ef eeM ead heaa he eared by a aaaaul leewlv wKa laetmiied dw ramy late lue anetrba. he laaabaiy a x beau fire Ely's Cream Balm at i k i,a wmt thnmera ear f rwoadna. It a el, ansae Ue a-aal paaar le. Stare fi an li,laiua.aii,i. heele the aarae. pro. w Ik SMniHaae frina aw -la, nam tlx saw ef tea4 email. VnttVi at ir-vf wenr hr Bu4. U. eMkaJU, a Warrwaairari, Viea mxmm Absolutely Pure Celebrated for ita great, leavening Strang' h, and healihfnineea. Assures the food againtt alum and all tonus of adulteration common 1 the ch'inp brands. BOYAL BAKING POWDEB CO., NEW TOBK. A Slight Difference. Frank O. Bucknom, agent for of Ibe Oregon Mortgage Company, of Portland,:' was arrested Saturday evening by , Daniel Jordon, oonstable of Squire Miobell's court at Columbus preoinct, Klickitat oounty. Mr. Buoknum ia oharged with a malicious trespass In re- moving awirefenoe recently constructed by Robert Maxwell. There seems to be a difference of opinion aa to line and! oorner looationa of Mr. Livings ton's ' holdings about Columbus. The out-' come of tbe arrest will be the satifsetory. proof of tbe county surveyor's locations. Mr, Buoknum gave bonds for his appear anoe in the Columbus oourt next week. -T.-M. Beware of Ointments fur Catarrh that col- tain Heronry, . as mercury will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and completely derange tba w noie system when entering it through ' tbe muoous surfaces. Snob articlea ' should never be need except on prescrip tions from repntable physioisos, as the damage tbey will do la ten fold to tba good you osn possibly derive from them. Ualls Catarrh Cure, manufactured b F. J. Cbenev & Co., Toledo, O., contains oo meroory, and is taken internally, noting direotly upon tba blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. In buying I J all's Catarrh Cure be sure von set tbe genuine. It ia taken internally, and made in Toledo , Ohio, by F. J. Cheney It Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists, price 75o. per bot tle. Portland Telegram: Wool is piling Heppner. Thrsa aold during tba up In tbe warehouses at or four small olips have last four days at prioes to 8' oents. tbis being ranging from 6 an advanoe of tbe price paid wool. 'rom I to 1 oeots over Isst season for tbe same Don't neglect a couirb because tba weather la pleasant: before tba nsxl dorm roll aronod It may develop into a serious difficulty beyond reoair. Ona Minote Con ah Cure is easy to take and will do wbat ita name implies. Ontario News: Hon. W. It. Kina re turned from Burns, Sundsy, and went oo borne on the noon train. He waa employed by Harney oounty to assist ia iba prnaeention of tba bondsmen of (lilting, tba defsnlliog sheriff, and won tba snit for tba oounty. Ha also assist ed In fonr oases for tha oounty against soma delinquent tsxpsyers, winning eaob salt. Any lsdy desiring to purchase a sew. Ing msobins abould oall on J. W. Vanghan and examine hla latest Im proved Wbits machines. A happy com bination of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. Tba Annual State Sunday school o in vention will be held June 29-30, at Tba Dalles. Tbla ia a mass ootveotlon to wbiob all Sunday school workers are invited. The number of delegates from eaoh school ia not limited. Free enter tainment will be provided for all wbo pr-ssnt credentials as delegate front tbilr superintendent or sroretary. "For three years we bare never been without Chamberlain's Collo, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kennedy In tba bouse," ay A. II. Patter, witb E. O. Atkins k Co., Indianapolis, Iod., "and my wife would as soon think of being without floor a a bottle of this remedy in tba amnmer season. We have need it with all three of our ehildrea and it baa never failed to cure not simply stop pain, but cure absolutely. It is all rigbt, aad aoyone wbo trie it will flod it so." For sale by Conser A Brock. O. t Sheriff E. L. Matlock, of Mor mw county, returned to Heppner Monday evening, lla waa accompanied by bia daogblsr, Miss Berlba Matlock, wbo baa Wn visiting brr slaters, Mra. Aysra aod Mra. Vangbao, for two months past, Did You tvar Try Electric Bitter aa remedy for your trouble! If not, gel a bottle bow and get relief. Thl medicine bsa been found to be particularly adapted to tbe relief aod care of all female Complaints, eierting a wonderful direct Influeooa In a iving strength and tone to Ibe organs. II you hv Loa of Appetite, Oooatip. Hon, Headache, Fainting Hpell. or era Nervou. Mleeplea. Kinjluble. Mulan eholy. or troubled with Uirr.r RUa, Ueetria Hitler I the medicine you Bed. Health and Strength are guaran tee.) by Its na. Fifty eanta aad ll.Uu) at Oofacer k Brock's drug store.