Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1897, Image 3

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    SI -1 ' 1 '
S c rof u I aS ve 1 ling
On the Neck and Creat Weakness
Caused by Impure Blood Was
Constantly Crowing Worse.
When my son was 5 years old he was
, In very poor health and we could get
a nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7
t years he began to complain of soreness on
ith sides of his neck and soon lumps be
ll to gather on one aide and grew to
, I the size of an egg. We then became
is uneasy and began to doctor him for
bfula. He gradually grew worse, how
t, until at the age of twelve years we
t urfd lost all hope of his recovery. He be
' came so weak he could sit up but a few
minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's
Sarsaparilla recommended as a great blood
purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We
began giving our boy the medicine ac
cording to directions and it was not long
Deiore we saw he was improving. He
continued taking It until he was in vary
good health. He is now 13 years old and
is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa
rilla tor all troubles caused by impure
blood." 8. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon.
Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists.
(1 ; six for f 5. Get only Hood's.
Take Notice.
1. The sum ol five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great politloal campaign
ia over and tbe winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter (or the
long evenings. Cognizant ot Ibis the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number ot periodicals and now
offers tbe following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, 11.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50..... 3.75
" N. Y. Tribune, $1.00... 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25
' 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75
Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50
Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
June showers. How is thai?
J. Deviu was in Heppner yesterday.
Tunis Sweek is over from the John
Oreum improves strawberries. See
Maria. 7lt
Morrow county will tea good times
this fall.
Fine cows and fine milk at tbe Short
horn dairy. 7tf
Joe Luokman was in from the home
raooh Monday.
Cooser k Brock's for the "Never Fail"
headache wafer. tf,
Drjok the famous Hop Quid beer, on
draught everywhere. 625
Any person wantiog a good haok
Marian Evans was a visitor to Hepp
ner Saturday last.
B. 0. Wills has a fine line of low
cut tan shoes ot cost. 3tf.
Heppner Outfitting Co., in the old
Herren stand, see adv. a
Mat Hngbee was down from the Wil
low oreek ranch Saturday.
J. P. Hayden, tbe traveling man, was
here Tuesday ot last week.
Wilson Brook returned from Portland
and Hilleboro Sunday morning.
See Rbdoos, the contractor, before
letting oat your carpenter work. Stf.
Special Bale pocket knives, pipes at
cost, next sixty days, Orange Front.'
53 tf
E. D. DcYoe, traveling auditor of the
O. R, k N., was In Heppner over Son
day. Grandpa Florence was in town Sat
urday and looking well for one of his
Call on Dr. Swiok, tbe new dentist,
for painless extractions and fine fitting
artifioial teeth. 52tf
Mr. Smith, brother of Obas. Smitb,
has gone to Baker City to look np a
business looation.
Cboioest photographs at the tent at
greatly reduce! prices. L. Bradley,
artiBt. Opp. City hotel. 53tf
Stephen Hendnoksoo and Hirman
Thornton were visitors from the lone
seotioo Saturday last.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu-
matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam &
Bisbee's. tf
C. E. Raoous, tbe contractor and
builder, is doing considerable work this
season, and is taking new coDtraots
right along. 3tf.
Cross & Black well's fancy pickles and
oanned goods, reduced prices. Orange
Front, opp. City hotel, Cor, Main end
Willow streets. 53-tf
Ralph Benee will oommence to bead
his orop ot barley just as soon as the
weather permits. He has no 'hoppers
and tbe orop is a good one.
D. A. Curray, formerly of Pendleton,
baa opened up a 15 oent barber shop in
tbe old stand on tbe Matlock corner.
Work strictly first class. Call on him.
Hod. Henry Black maD, oolleotor of
internal revenue, Bod Hon. J. B
Mullay, deputy oolleotor ot internal
revenue, were in Heppner over Sunday.
Rogers k Roberts have torn down tbe
grand stand on the race traok forJas.
Jnnea who is using tbe material for a
new barn np at tbe borne ranoh. . Hepp
ner bida adieu to racing.
George Hnfford has some fine half-
breed Cotswell backs, out of Merino
ewes wbioh be wishes to sell at reason
able figures. Call on bim at tbe Cass
Matlook ranoh, or address him at Hep-
ner. 5tt
should call on Minor k Co. 50-3
Milk for babies from single oow
from tbe Shorthorn dairy. 7tf
H. S. MoEwen, representing a Cbiosgo
nail firm, is in town today.
A back tor sale or trade for lighter rig
or milk oow. N. C. Maris. 7tf
Bay milk from tbe Shorthorn
dairy. N. O. Maris, Prop. 7tt
.John Nealen, of Monument, was over
from tbe John Day last week.
O. Osteo, Carl Wagner and Mat Fay
came in Sonday from Wagosr.
8. S. Horner baa been appointed post
master of Sampler. Good for Hberm.
Tbs Hop Gold beer is the best beer,
All first class saloons handle it. 526
H. J. Btriokfadeo and wife, Mil
Emma Botsford and Tbos. Brennao San
dared op at Mai Hughes'.
O. 8. Van Dajn in building a bowliog
alley in tbs Minor building, next door
to Chss. Jones' barber shop.
"Never Fail" beadaobs waters al Con
aer k Biook's. Tbia medicine will ours
any kind of a beadaobs in short order.
Ths fisbiog parties to Rbea creek ami
Willow creek Saoday weis numerous,
and moat ot them were very successful.
N. 8. Whetstone. J. F. Willis sod J.
& Boolbby will sttend tbs O. A. R.
mastic l iBdePendaoos, to bs bold
Ibis week.
M. LlrbeoUntbsl bas tbs finest Una
ot ladies' sod feats' tan shoes tbat ever
earns to Hspposr. Mat wants to back
ths proposition. 50-4
Dr. Jobo W. Raemos, ot the Redligbt,
bas keg beer oa draught lbs Hop
Gold. Beit of Honors sod cigars in
stock. tf
a C 8 argent Is to Portland tbia week
Hs was aooompaoled as far as Tbs
Dalles bv his son. Oils, wbo will visit
bis rand par sots tor a few days.
P. O. Boigsod wits, J. J. Fat torsos
and wife and (!. W. Walla left
Saturday svsoinc to psrtlcipsts la tbs
Masonls festivities io Portland Ibis
Dr. J. E. Ad kins ts op from Billaboro
sad lb o dosirtog anything Is tbs Una
ot dtstlttry sboold rati oa bim al bis
otfios ia tbs rear ot P. O. Borg's
Jewelry stors. Will rem sis ooly s abort
tins. -tf.
Iodral of I boos sad bavs beso Is
daod to try Chamberlain's Ouogb Retss
dy by reading wbal it bas dose fur others,
and having testod its swlti lor tbe m
selves ars today I's w annul friends.
For sals by Coo k Brock.
W. W. Bool. Jay Bbipl. i- Har
ris. Albert Blncaa sad Al EmoMwsos
twkls lbs Pottemss section rsrsotly
ad Is B'l boars made ths remarkable
asors nf 1370 troot CvBS is with
An incipient blaze at H. J. Strick-
faden's tbe Welch place near tbe
power house tbis afternoon was pal
out without oalliog on tbs fire depart
ment. Ike Ennia whistled vigorously
for belp bat none asms.
Tbe damp and moderately cool weather
ia helping grain out wouderfally, and
tbe crop promises to be immense wbere
tbe 'hoppers bavs not disturbed it.
Late reports are thai tbe pests have not
done as much damage aa was thought
sarlier in tbe season.
Gso. Armstrong, wbo is now running
tbs popular saloon on tbs Matlook cor
ner, baa put in the Hop Gold draught
beer. Milwaukee and Hop Gold bottle
beer, fine liquors and cigars always on
band. John Durham, assistant mixolo
gist. iSii on ins boys sod get our
beer by glass or quart. 53-tf
Dr. B. F. Swiok, dentist, and L. Brad
ley, photographer, lata of Portland, Ore.,
ill open a dental office snd pbeto-
grspbio studio next Monday, Jons 14tb,
in ths large tent opposite tbs City hotel.
All work strictly first olass and at pricea
to soil ths times. Call and ses samples
on Monday, grand opening day. 62-tt
Cbiokasba (Ind. Ter.) Express: A
Utter from H. J. Strickfadeo, so old
time editor friend of tbs boss wbils in
Texas, wbo went to Oregon last fall,
says tbat atrawberriea ia Oregon gro
as big aa hens' eggs, and floaty flavored.
Tbia ia one of Slrick's good ooaa. Ha
slwaya would prevaricats in favor of bis
country. Ha nsed to say last saob
things about Texas.
Old Sport is In sorrow tbia week. Tbs
dog ordloaocs will bs enforced: tbs
hungry cows will eoolluos to ran at
large. Sport would rather tolerate lbs
worst fl-a bitten ear lo txiatenes then
tbsalarving fleol of a lowo cow. To let
Ibem ran at large and starve is erael.
To set tbs part ot lbs "good Samaritan"
ws moil donate oar tress sod lawns lo
tbs beasts.
A Heppner Cheek Will Assist to Coavict a
Murderer The Hoffman Case.
Heppner, people, or at least most ot
them tbat read, have beard of tbe
sensational killiug ot Mr. Hoffman, tbe
senior member ot the San Francisco
firm ot Hoffman, Rotobcbild k Co., in
bis office recently. Tbe affair had been
planned to appear something like a sui
oide, but a oaref ul examina'-ion ot tbe
head ot the corpse, into which had been
fired two shots, proved oooolasively that
Hoffman never suioided.
Suapioion at onoe rested upon Theo
dore Figel, the bookkeeper. The pistol
found with Hoffman belonged to Figel;
tbe latter said tbat Hoffman bad bought
it of bim. Figel's books were found
out of pint $10,000 to $20,000; this he
laid to tbe door ot Hoffman, stating tbat
he had been requested to make penoil
entries, giving oat tbe impression that
Hoffman was robbing his partners.
Tbe Oakland (Calif.,) Enquirer, in
commenting'upon the murder, of wbioh
there ia no doubt, makes tbe statement
that Figel's manner of keeping books
will alone convict bim. It save :
It is known that Figel perverted to
his own use on the very day ot the
tragedy a sum approximately $1500.
What other amounts, if any, he appro
priated, will only be known when the
books are ex per ted and tbe alleged re
ceipt for $9500 bas been pronoonoed eith
er genuine or a forgery.
"Independent ot all otber peoaliar.
not to say incriminating oirouinetanoes
which have gathered about Mr. Figel
siDoe Hoffmau's death," said Attorney
Kotbsohild tbis morning, "there is one
faol wbioh cannot be denied. I refer
to tbe more than remarkable system of
bookkeeping employed by Figel. Tbere
is one transaction whiob proves con
clusively tbat be has perverted to bis
own use money belonging to tbe firm ot
Hoffman, Kotbchild 4 Co.
"On Jane 1st tbe day that Hoffman
was murdered, tbere came to tbe firm
a letter from Minor & Co.. of Heppner,
Oregon. Tbis letter oontained a draft
on New Tork tor $1178.25, payable to
the order ot Hoffman, Rotbobild k Co.
This draft does not appear in tbe cash
account of tbat day to tbe credit of tbe
Oregon firm, or lo anv one else. In faot
there is no record of it at all, but was
deposited by Figel to tbe credit of an
individual to whom he owed $1500. Mr.
Figel's name was indorsed on the back
of tbe draft.
"Tbe party to whose credit tbe draft
was depoeited never saw tbe draft. A
photograph of tbe draft with the in
dorsement was mailed to ns from New
York today. Figel's . method of doing
business is something more than sus
picious. His system was most peouliar,
and, incidentally, I may remark that be
made a cat s paw of one ot bis most
intimate friends.
"He persuaded his friend to allow
him tbe use ot bis name and bis bank
book.. His reason wss plausible and
tbis friend consented. II is now known
tbat these alleged cbeoks from Hoffman
were deposited to tbs credit ot tbis
friend, but without bis knowledge. It
is oertainly a most remarkable transac
tion and one wbich even Figel cannot
explain satisfactorily."
Shortly after the sensational death of
Hoffman, Minor k Co. were asked to
make a oopy ot tbe reoeipt sent them by
Figel for tbe amount paid. Mr. C. A.
Minor, however, oalled in witnesses to
prove tbat reoeipt ot the money bad
been acknowledged and forwarded tbe
piece of paper to tbe attorneys of the
firm. As will be seen from tbs above,
tbis transaction alons puts Mr. Figel
wbere be oan hardly evade justios which
should be meted out to bim as tbe mur
derer ot Hoffman.
Hoffman, Rotbobild k Co. were a very
popular firm in Oregon. Tbey nsed
Salem fabrios for Ibeir suits and Ibis
pleased tbe trade. Mr. Hoffman, wbo
managed the 'Frieoo bouse, bad many
aooial as well aa business friends, snd
bia death is ainoerely regretted.
Loft-Over Ice Cream lloofht at the Ho
tels and Frozen Acaln.
It is an actual fact that old ice cream
is bought up by Italians and venders
from restaurants and ice cream stands,
frozen a second and third time, and
again offered for sale, to be consumed
by the newsboys and general public
under the alluring title of hokey pokey,
aays the New York Herald. Almost
every night these venders make the
rounds of all the hotels, and buy up
whatever haa been, left over from the
day previous. This cream has all
been melted more or leu to its original
consistency, and if it is still frozen
when they get it there is but little left
bat fluid by the time it has reached
Brooklyn and the Italian quarter.
This melting process ia tbs cause ot
all the danger. Cream once having
been frozen and again melted very
readily turns sour. In this stags it is
poisonous. Tbe vender or hokey pokey
cares little) whether or not the cream is
sour. Quickly upon his return to his
quarters hs freezes all this mush, and
packs it away for ths next day's use,
Ths few esses of poisoning that nave
coma to ths public notice are in an
probability not the only onea that have
occurred, for phyalciana say that many
cases of poisoning have occurred In the
iistruaa where the hokey pokey vena
era are that could not be accounted for,
because of the suddenness of death.
It has generally been understood that
certain eaUblUlmienU are putting out
No Hroaodi for Complaint That the Ladles
of the Maccabees are Not Solvent.
Recently the election of the Ladies of
tbs Maocabeea in Cbiosgo in removing
some rascally solicitors and examiners
oaased some malcontents to misrepre
sent tbe condition ot the order. The or
der is perteotly solvent and has several
thousand dollars on band mors than is
neoessary to pay olaims under process
of settlement.
The following is from tbe Chicago Inter-Ocean,
of tbe date ot April 25, 1897:
Miss West, Sepreme Record Keeper
ot tbe Ladies of tbe Maocabeea of tbe
World, called at tbe office ot The. Inter
Ocean yesterday lo correct some mis
statements whiob appeared in last Sun
day's paper.
"Tbat report stated," Miss West said
"that there was trouble in onr society."
Tbere is really none whatever. We die
missed several physicians recently
whom we considered to have been care
less in the olass of risks tbey reoom
mended. It is from them that this
report emanated.
"That the Ladies of tbe Macoabeea
are not properly incorporated is, of
course, false.
Misa West produced the certificate of
authority to do business in Michigan
wbioh is issued only after tbe articles of
incorporation have been filed and
also tbe lioense from the State of Illi
nois. "Mr. Darfee, tbe Insurance
Superintendent of Illinois," added Miss
West, "has tbe reputation of being the
most critical ot all the insurance super
intendents, so that any order whiob bas
a license to do business in Illinois is of
recognized standing,"
In regard to tbe financial standing of
tbe Ladies ot tbe Macoabeea, Mies West
produoed tbe sworn statement of the
board of auditors ot the Supreme Hive,
showirg that instead of being bankrupt
tbe society bad $8,114.19 in excess of all
death olaims, inoludiog those that are
being investigated.
"In addition to which," said Miss
West, "another assessment of over $20,
000 bas oome due Ibis month and has
been oollected.
Tbe meeting at whiob 200 were report
ed present contained bat 58, and thirty
of these refused to have anything lo do
with it Tbis leavea but 28 maloon tents
out of tbe 3,000 members in Chioago.
Illinois," continued Miss West, "bas
received considerably more money in
death Deneats than it has paid in as
sessment $38,500 to $29,162.
"Tbe order of Ladies of Ihe Macca
bees was organized in 1890, and its
growth bas been phenomenal. It bas
hives in thirty two states and countries,
with a total membership ot over 70,000,
It is also the recognized auxiliary
branoh of tbe Supreme Tent, Enigbta
ot tbe Maccabees of tbe Wold, tbe ee-
oond largest in existence, with member
ship of over 200,000.
The name "Maocabeea" ia taken from
tbe book Maooabees oontained in tbe
Apoorypha, and is nsed beoause tbe
Maooabees wers tbs first to establish
a system ot life protection, by setting
aside s sum to provide for tbe widows
and obildren of tboss wbo fell in bBtlle.
Tbe society of tbe Ladies ot Macoabeea
is composed of three branches; the looal
organizations called bives: Ibe state or
ganization oalled great hives, oom posed
ot representatives from the looal bodies.
sod lbs Sopreme Hive oom posed ot rep
resentatives from ths statea. Tbe
headquarters ot tbs order are at Port
Huron, Mioh. It is affiliated with tbe
National Fraternal Congress snd ths
National Coanoil ot Women of tbe United
Sept, 26tb, 1893, s subordinate Hive of
tbe Ladles of ths Maooabees, with thir
teen charter members, was organized in
Heppner, and oar charter is still open
tor ous mors member, wbiob we anxious
ly await. I be following persons wers
sleeted as ofDoers at tbat time; Mrs
Ida MoFarland, Lady Commander; Mrs.
Core Kinsman, Record Keeper: Mrs.
M. L. Oney, Finance Keeper.
After July 15tb all members crmieg
into tbis order will be charged a higher
lament than lbs preaent rate. Tbia
does not ipply to tboae already mem
bers. Now ia Ibe lime lo join.
Unappreciated Klodneae of a Confident
Old Gentleman.
About tour o'clock the other after
noon a half-dozen members of the Tioga
wheelmen started from the clubhouse
for a spin down to Point Breeze, says
the Philadelphia Record. As they
curved their wheels out of Verango
street and into Broad street a tall, portly
and pompous man of middle age, and
with mustaches waxed a la inilitaire,
stepped out into the roadway, and in a
voice full of command yelled: "Stop!"
The cyclists instantly dismounted.
"What's the matter?" inquired one.
"You've got no lamps on your wheels,"
said the pompous nun. "Why, you must
have wheels in your head," replied one
of the riders; "we don't have to carry
lamps in daylight." "Say, are you a bi
cycle cop? Where's your star?" asked
another wheelman. "I beg your pardon,
gentlemen, if you took me for a police
man you owe me an apology. Out of
pure kindness I stopped you to call
jour attention to the fact that it will
be dark in a few hours, and I should hate
to see such nice looking fellows run in
for riding without a light. By the way,
gentlemen, I am introducing a new and
improved bicycle lantern, warranted
not to go out in the stiffest wind or
over the roughest road. Throws a
brilliant" "Come oft! Ia that what
you stopped us for?" Certainly. I can
show you testimonials" Scat! Scat
ter! You're occupying our air!" and
away the wheelmen went down Broad
It Has a Soothing Influence on the Mind
a a Duty pone. .
The making of one's will does not
hasten one's death: on the contrary.
it has a calming and soothing influence
upon the mind. A person who has done
it feels that he has done his duty, says
the New York Mercury, that he is so far
prepared to die. .
He has no burden upon his mind, in
reference to what he shall do in sick
ness. When sickness comes he has no
regrets on this subject; he has done hia
best to prepare for the inevitable hour.
If he has made his will aright he has
attempted to do good in his death as
well as in his life.
This is not only a rem inder that every
man who has property to dispose of
should make his will, but also that those
who can do so without injury to their
natural heirs Hhould give a certain por
tion of their property for the public
benefit. No man has got wealth with
out receiving it from society at large.
it is the growth of population, it is
the general industry of the country
irom which he has benefited. He could
not have got his wealth in an unor
ganized society.
Society has done much for him. Let
him do something for society when he
dies. The time will come when a man
will not feel himself to be dying credit
ably who does not die generously.
s- TEN AT A Bl ,TH.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries snd supplies ; yon want sub
stantial gents' furnishing. Yon oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
T. R. Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
We are preparing tor a big spring trade, but mast bavs belp
lo make it a bowling suooess. We ars filling np and com
pleting our stook ot
whiob will be aold aa low as possible for a legitimate business.
We have many customers now but there are still several
vacancies in this department ot oar store, to be filled.
Applications will be reoeived at all hours ot the day.
Apply in person or by letter to
P. C. Thompson Co.
Corner Main and Willow Streets.
Was Perfected by the
Production of
Recorded Cases Which Beat That of ths
Indiana Farmer's Wife.
One of the best-known physicians in
the city, apropos of the case reported
in Indiana of the German farmer's wife
who presented him with six children
of practically the same age, said:
"Even triplets are quit rare, and such
cases as this are still more rare; yet in
stances are recorded in medical annals
of the birth of six, seven, eight, nine, and
even tea children at one time. It 1
very rare, however, that any of the chil
dren live where there are more than two
at a birth, although a case is recorded
by Charubon of quint uplets, all of whom
survived their baptism for a short
period. 1 heard not long ago of a Tex as
woman who gave birth to six children,
and" there- is a case in Chioago where
four fully-develoX'd children we re horn,
who lived for some time. According to
statistics kept by Dr. Churchill, of Eng
land, twins occur once in 80 births, but
of 37,441 births five cases only were those
of triplets.
A Swimming- Machine.
The old-fashioned method of teaching
swimming by means ot a belt and rope
running on a wire over the bath ia still
in vogue in many swimming schools,
and has survived many more preien
tious systems. A somewhat elaborate
looking machine has beeu invented for
this purpose which is said to be of grest
uhsistance to the swimming pupil, l ne
machine is a series of strong metal rods
on Which the pupil is plueed. These
rods move in such a way as to cause the
pupil to make all the motions of swim
ming. "When the habit of striking out
nrotierly is learned, the learner la al
lowed to go into water and put it Into
And now tlie entire world
Knows this verfect product
As the Star Brewery beer
You can Wager Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ... .
On Willow rjtreet, nssr tbe City Hall.
Tbey try to plesas all. Fios olub rooms in connection.
r,OW Xir,IA.Ir, Prop.
Tbis company carries dry goods, groceries
hardware, boots and shoes, bats, kodU' fur
siHDiDgs, eio. iarge suipmout ot new and
second band furtiitar, wbich is being sold re
gardless or. cost 1 bey have also hardware,
wall paper, carpets, lounges, springs, mat
tresses, all these at half price. Look for tb
sign at Herren's old stand oa May street, next
to rai&ce Hotel.
Wool Moles.
Wool is looting up snd prises ars
very eaoeh better. Jobo Day clips srs
soiling at prices ranging from 8 lo 8Jtf
eeols. Ataut lOO.OuO pooods changed
baods Hatordsy Isst. Mr. K f. Brad,
ot tbs Morrow Oooety Land ft Trust
Co, tblorins lbs Ostetts Ibal Ibis lot
wss divided smosg Ibrea or four buyers,
sod tbsl from now os Is lbs sod of tbs
soasoa wool will bs active.
Two asd os half conts per poood
mora wss offered for a slip of wool today
than wss offorsd for a clip off of lbs
ssms sboep last soaaoo.
Tbs eortaisly of tbs early passaga ot
ths tariff bill Is baring its tffovt. II is
a good oes.
Tbs MCL.1T. Co. bavs bandied
1.2&0.0U0 fritted of wool Ibss far Ibis
Isrgs quantities of hokey pokey snd
supplying ins verniers, ouvuiisisnoi l ibnu Mrfr-AIII AN11. IWxnxnrr
i. Ths Italians and their families are '
ths only ones who manufacture and ea
ter to ths consumers.
Irniw A f tint! Idlnaaa.
Insursvnre sgsiiifft nmwmploymerrt
Is an secompliMhcd fact In Cologne,
Worklngmrn who bavs rrKlcn two
tears In that e My and are over 11 years
of age oan )o,n the soelety. Tbe due
are six oents per week. If no employ-
merK ran l rrocutwi for av menilier
during the dull sroarm. 50 rents pet
uay is paid to biiu if married, 3S cents
if air&'le. Tbs city has started a guar
snty fund for U society with 14.000
to which 1 14.5' O bss been added by
s j Wrlptiona song employers. Tbe ao
riety hopes to enroll enough members
to mests.ll liabilities likely to oeeur.
Write to T. B. frrmcsv,
' Drawee ITS. Chkira. iretm.
TJT Ury of ths Stab Accioant
CoKfAnv, for Informal ta
rrgardiaf Accident Inter
anc. Mtsttos tbia paper.
tf so SoiBf ftm caa aava
stenherahlp fee. Its paid over tOJOMUM lot
acddeslal tsjitrits.
Dw your own Agent.
1 4 Lit fiTHIi." 1 1
a I Baaa Br. T '. V f I
MaeklBS for Wotsklsf Tbo(kk
A thought-weighing machine has
been Invented by Prof. Moaon. an Ital
ian phviol04.li. ths rush of blood to
tbe bead turning tits seal. Tbe ma
chine Is so dcJieat that It esn measure
the difference lo tbe exertion needed to
read Creek from that required for
onrr. is nraisr oiv that a
matins of tha twhil1r ot tha J
t tonal Sana ol Hai.pnar olll ba Bald Haiti f-
a?. J una is l7. biaaB tha am, fa of IS a. m.
arl a, m , lot tha rfiaa M anting aa plaoloi
la nans into viuniarf ninioaiion aim aura
nthr mattora aa mmf coma Mt.ira tha ttf
t I.I. nol w a la ir'il..i.l.'1 l.t nrcW irf It a BuaH
Of l!'rU.ra al a BMellf hl I Ma? I, im-n.
lu K BiaMwr, lMer.
Ha; poar, Of., Maf 7, 1''. 0-i.
On draught at
all popular saloons
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
;ers & Roberts,
Contractors and Builders.
Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work Done-
OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will get 'em. o o o o o o o
lit has anrtliltig In tbis Una that yon mar deatrs and yon ran depend on It you sat a
, ffuod artkla wlian Mat (iiaraiitea II.
Old Stand, Main Steost. Rspalrlng Spsolalty
notice of Intention.
Lass Orrn i ar Till DakLSa. )a...
Juiia a lawT
voTirr. is HERmr nivr.N tiutim
av foiinwiiia namwl aettlar haa Blot tinili
nf ttla Intention In onata Dual proof In ii.irt
ol BM claim, and thai aald lirool olll ha mada
nalorej. W. Morro. county dork, a MapBiiar,
OrafoD, on inly h, lav;, U
W. W. KIRg,
Admtnlatratnf, and l4 tha hatra nf RUncy
f'oSVy, rtcceaafd, Md r. No. , lor lbs
Sac r. tp. I B H J R W M.
na namra tha lollootnt oltnaaaaa to prova
kla eniiiltiuoua raaJilenco npon and cultivation
nl aald land. l: John Sarvm. Mm Marlon.
Msard 1'nran, and Frank I hall, all nf Hat,
Ber. tiragoB. J AS. M. M'MittK.
k' ftasiator.
Tbs Isr iff bill fill U paaaa. and bs
sons a law about J sly lit, osloss pso-
pls wbo ongtit to loos- srs mltBia.
Bat Ibsrs srs mssr thlsgs Ibst sboold
sot bs fss4. II Is sot rlgbt or bssi
Boas likstopaadwl bsigaios wbioh JOS
will slo ay flnd al IL C Wills' pi oca
Mail or .l ra solimtaj. Doo'l target tbs
plaoe, ClarkraBB s eld stors. tf
Next Door to the Postoflicc.
Wssrs praparad lo All prtseriptloos with Fresh Dross.
Oar sloes U fw sad !rab sod so sipsriaocsd pbsrua
etat Is In chargs s all limes. Telephnas conneslioss
villi sll part of Uapposr sod tbs Loos Dislsoes.
Call up No, 17
E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr.
ear Ctb slur tea.