I i In a recent judicial election held in Chicago the republicans Bwept everything. While the progress on the tariff in the senate is not altogether as republicans would like it to be, it is, circumstabces considered, satis factory. More so, in fact, than many had expected it to be, just as the bill is being made better than many republicans expected it would be when the amended bill waB reported to the senate. The original Dingley bill was far more satisfactory to republicans of the raok and file than the bill as amended by the senate committee, and they are correspondingly pleased at the tendency of the steering committee of the senate to restore the bouse schedule, or at least to make them nearer than the schedules of the amended bill. While it cannot be officially announced that the sngar schedule Heppkeb needs more people who! will work. It is almost an impos sibility to secure help of any kind. A. good man-of-all-work could make large wages in our town; girls who can do something can get places. The cry of hard times is wholly out of place when oppor tunities like these presented here are not taken advantage of. WHAT OUR EXCHANGES SAY. They do Bay that the persistent dis- oourteay of tbe senate to Mr. Oorbett is making Lim bow legged. Pendleton Tribune. Mr. Oorbett is not allowed to take bis seat and Mitobell is returning good for evil by helping to hold him up. Pendle ton Tribune. "Now that Mr. Corbett's goose is yi i '1 g 1 I In applying business principles ana common sense to national affairs, who bad old fashioned ideas about tbe sa credness of obligations, who demone tized silver when he saw it was neces sary for the pnblio good and who was a civil service reformer. Logically the only thing for the free silver Democrats to do is to denounce Mr. Jefferson instead of praising him and to adopt resolutions reciting his various glaring heresies and formally reading him out of the party, for it is absolutely certain that if the Chicago platform is to be taken as the expression of true Democratio doctrine Thomas Jefferson was not a Democrat and mus' descend from his pedestal as the father of Democracy. Baltimore Son. Stimulate the stomach, faj rouse the lirer, cure bilious- I I I f ness, headache, dizziness, III IS our stomach, constipation, etc. Fries 24 cent. Sold by all drugglita, Tht only mill to take with Hood's Sanaparilla. of the original bill will be restored, Prett thoroughly Oooked," eto.-Timee mountaineer, wnyaoesn i ne sit aown Pendleton's hose team broke the world's record for three con secutive beats of 200 yards at the Baker City tournament. There is work to do in Heppner. There need be no idle men in the limits of the town. Times cannot be so fearful hard under these conditions. it seems to be almost certain that the Dingley schedule will be made the basis for the sngar schedule that will be inserted in place of the one prepared by the senate finance committee, which many re publicans considered one of the most objectionable in the amended bill. All of this makes it certain that the prophecy in this article that the bill as finally passed would be a good one will turn out to be true. McKinley's recent visit to the exposition at Nashville was well received. No heartier nor more lojal welcome could have been ex tended him anywhere. There is another B in the field for the democratio free silver and ree trade presidential nomination in 1900. It is Bailey, of Texas, Should Pendleton succeed in securing a speech from lion. "W. J. Bryan that town can rest as sured of having a large attendance from all the counties of Eastern Oregon. The raids of that unadulterated nuisance, the town cow, have not ceased. Indeed, as feed grows scarce, the more the necessity of preying upon the lawn and shrub bery of the accommodating neigh' bor. At last our friend, Tony Noltner, has unsealed bis lips. Not through tbe columns of his excellent paper, but in conversation with a few friends, "one of whom we are which." He expressed tbe opinion yesterday that Corbett's ease would not be considered at this ,Un Una lUr. n, -T-i.. I . . , iiijuuiwiiii!iiu())uhui a uinjumy session 01 oongress, ana mat wnen the of the democrats in the house in next session met it would only get organ- his efforts to be their leader. Mr. ,zed b7 the Christmas holidays, and Bailey figures that he is quite as the reoe89 wald n 8C0oaDt of the , rA,f.i ocdbjuu, uo n luug uue. xuai i Mr, Ury an, n rt u:a u ha-uu ,m - i w m u vuaa tun vyi'i iicul unnn tv iiiiiu not be reBobable until April, and ne tbe nominations for legislative offices in Oregon would be made by that time, or be at least about to be made, that notb mg would be done at all, in order to hen tbe differences in the party in this state. And yet while this expression of cplnion was made concerning results, much of an orator as and quite as much entitled to the uominatjon. After the nomina- lion oi lirvan, no sensible man would doubt the possibility of any Bction by a democratic convention. Neither of them are fitted for so responsible a place as the presi dency, but Bailey has been regard- De ,ol(1 0B nothing about that trip East; ed bb less of a demagogue than Bryan, although getting the presi dential tever may cause him to out-Bryan Bryan in that direction. Genuine diamonds Lave been discovered over in Owyhee county, Idaho, on the Snake river. With a diamond factory iu operation in the East and a new field light at home diamonds ought to grow cheap. T 1 W walla walla succeedou in taking off the tournament prizes for wet test and speed race, at tin Baker "doings," but the Tendle ton boys won the "hub" race easily The tournament was a complete success. Mr. Corbett, the gentleman who aspires to be senator from Oregon, is told that he can expect no consideration of his claims til next December, Bays the Oregon lan. Mr. Corbett might as wel come home. Hon. Henry L. Wilbon, of Spo kane, has beeu appointed minister to Chili. This place is worth $10. 000 a year and is one of the Cue places in the gift of the aJ minis tration, inferior to uone except an embiihsadorBliip. Hon. Coniiad N. Jordan, New York, who has boon sppoiutcHi by McKitiley for the second terra as assistant treasurer of the United Statt'B at New Yoik, is a democrat. Mr. Jontau supported Mr. Mc Kinloy and is entitled to tecog. n it ion. Mr. 8. 11 IlEEVE,rf I, a Grand", lias been awarded $18'.K) back pay on a pension. The K. O. grumbles at this but Mr. Beeves has abun dantly earned the money. Ha is by no means a strong man, cause by exposure and Lard service for the Union. 1 . A I'irciiiMi apparatus !r uaso ball games baa beeu triivl I Princeton nines and is pronounce success. The baUman touch an electrical apparatus with h foot when ready to receive the ba which throws curves in the most approved fashion. and eat it? Pendleton Tribune. Poor old man Corbett. He is rapidly learning tbe iadom of that old axiom, that a tool and his money are soon parted at least a considerable quantity of it. Wasoo News. The old Tony Noltner, of the Port land Dippa'ob, is in iho city, and yet he has hard-heartedly negleoted to give us ony information concerning Corbett. Tbe Dulles Chroniole. THE SILVER BRICK BUNKO GAME. TJnole Sam prefers to buy what silver he needs in the world's markets and at the prices which are paid for it by other nations. He is held up on his way to market by the silver mine and silver bullion owner, who insists that Uncle Sam shall agree to buy and sell silver at twice its actual value. He tells Uncle Sam that in 1873 he committed a great crime against silver and for that reason is responsible for the fall in price from (1.29 to 63 cents per ounce. He flatters Uncle Sam by telling him that he is great enough and wealthy enough to donble the price of silver the world over if he will begin to coin it in unlimited quantities and to treat it in every way as if it were worth its old price. Will Uncle Sam be taken in by this bunko steerer? Mr. Grocer,"think of your customer. Schillings Best is the tea she wants. You will sell more and everything else. tea A Schilling & Company San Francisco $89 fHE "SOUND MONET' Literature appearing in these columns is published under the direction of the "Sound Cur rency Committee of the Reform Club" of 52 William street New York. WHAT JACKSON DID. CRUSHED BANKS IN ORDER TO RE STORE GOLD TO CIRCULATION. Changed Ratio From Fifteen to Sixteen to One to Bring Gold Back Wa One Who Thought That All Mankind Had a Pred ilection For Gold Sllverite Who Eulo gize Jackson Should Bead History. nothing about those ten demooratin senators; nothing about nothing, only just bis own " opinion. Tbe Dalle Obroniole. ITEMS FROM GILLIAM COUNTY, ITham v. tr tt t m ri ll t l a. ii r rusriii journal. iaa unlCilo uup, mm iub v. The assets of the deoeae1 First Na- U, oi UnvalllB, will not be per- Hoosl bank of Arlington were sold at mitted to endure the disgrace of snotioc lsBt Saturday by BeoeiverCoi. being governed by a man who is 8eve'W parties were present and bongbt wholly unfit for the position, and ?e,r ow,n ,p.aper. ,or ' B0DB' Mver" , , , . ... .... inousana aonars worm going tor two whose only claim, right and title or ,nree dollarBi A emy,be boOKbt to the place is that ne assisted in Frick's psper-830,000 or 840,000 of it- a treacherous deal that was sup- 'or " tQ6 $15 or $20 Other notes of iev posed to boost Corbett into the ersl huiJdrel dollars were bought for 26 senatorial toca. The Gazette re- ?r ... oen"Dy P"Me who were just i i i. r ii ii i , Diaoing ror run. Thus closes tbe last ferstoProf. Lilly, late president LhRt)ter of nn n. tll. tnltKnMl hnfc. of the Pullman (Wash.) Agricul- that tver existed in the United States. tural college, discharged for in- During the 8 years sines it closed a divi- competency and for acts not be coming an honest man. Ilia tool, Lake, the traitor, who deserted Mitchell without any decent ex cuse whatever, is a party to the deal which is to put Prof. Lilly at Piora the head of the Gorvallia institu tion, with Lake as an assistant Attohney Ueneiul McKenna is going to try his hand at enforc ing the Sherman anti-trust law, which the Cleveland administra tion declared could not be enforced. lie has directed that suit be eu tered in tbe U. H. circuit court against the Trader's Live Stock (lend ot 15 per cent has been paid, whiob will not be materially inoreased by the sale of assets. Why Frick. the mail wbo looted the bank, is allowed to be at Urge bss ever been a mystery to tbe general publio and tbe uufortunata de- xieceiver Unz deserves a medal f,r having bung to bis ib so long, and ran not be blamed for winding up ttia Institution now thst Ibere is no mors money in siicbt to pay his salary, Kiobsrd llinkle, aoonsed of being so accomplice in tbe murder of Oeorge SV. Scott, tbe book agent, near Izee, in 1895, and who was iudioted at the May term of circuit court in Grant county recently closed, has been arrested and lodged io jwl at Canyon City. Hiukley and Bare were arrested soon after the discovery ol the remains ol Hoott, whiob had been The silver Democrats have been un usually profuse this year in eulogies of Jefferson and Jackson. They have at tempted to make it appear to those with Democratio instincts that it has been the regular thing for 100 years for Democratio statesmen to champion sil ver and cheap money. Jefferson's oppo sition to cheap money and repudiation of debts, and his advocacy of a coinage ratio which should always be kept close to the natural or market ratio, has been made clear during the last few months. The appeuls of the silver Democrats to General Jackson are meeting with tbe same fate. In a recent speech ex-Congressman Josiah Patterson of Tenncssoe, after calling attention to the fact that previous to 1878 no American statesman of any party approved of the absurd doctrine thnt" government can maintain bimetallism regardless of nat ural ratios, spoke ot some length upon Jackson s position on money and cur rency. Hore is what he said: Nothing within the range of po litical absurdity could equal the speo- taclo presented by the followers of Bry an when they met on the 8th of Janua ry to eulogize Jackson, who courageous ly restored the gold currency. Have these gentlemen ever paused long enough in their assault on the pros perity of the country to inquire why it was during Jackson's administration tbe ratio was changed from 15 to 18 to IT If, as they teach the people, we bad the concurrent circulation of gold and silver from the pamase of the act of 1703 down to the suspension of the coin age of tbe silver dollar in 1873, why was this change maduf Are they igno rant, or do they disguise the fact that after the act of 1703 gold relatively to silver was undervalued and went out of circulation because it was worth a lit tle more as bullion than as money T Do they forget or do they suppress the fact that gold remained out of circulation for more than 80 years prior to 1884? "Are they uninformed, or do they conceal the fart that statesmen illustri ous in lA'inocratio annals for many years prior to the administration of scneme . to overvalue silver so as to force the retirement of gold. If the hard money Democrats, after the passage of the act of 1884, pointed with pride and exultation to the prosperity which fol lowed the restoration of the gold cur rency, the sound money Democrats have never faltered in warning their coun trymen of the disaster whioh would fol low its retirement. "The truth is the country is indebted to the hard money Democrats, of whom Jackson was the chief, for the gold standard. I could go on and show how the act of 1884 had an effect exactly op posite to that of 1703, how nnder the operations of the same inflexible eco noruio law gold went out of circulation under the one and silver nnder the oth er, how congress in 1858, on account of the retirement of silver, was forced to coin it as subsidiary money in order to supply the people with small change, and how tbe silver dollars ceased to flow from the mints and gold was coin ed in great quantities. But this is for eign to my text "My purpose is to show that the ad vocates of the Chicago platform have no right to conjure with the name of Andrew Jackson. That platform has no precedent in the history and traditions of the Democratio party. It promises a new dispensation in monetary scienoe never dreamed of in the philosophy of its great leaders. For Bale or Trade. If you want Heppner property don't fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. For tbe right person, one wno wants to garden, milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc, I have a fine proposition to offer one. Once developed will produce revenue of $1200 yearly. Will be sold on eny terms, would not object to takiosr 160 aores as part payment. 523tf STILL "GETTING ON." Two Pretty Olrla Find Themielves In an Awkward Predicament. "Oh, look! Isn't that lovely?" sud denly exclaimed one of two pretty girl", according to the New York Journal. "That" was one of the new open Broad way cable cars. "It's simply grand," acquiesced the other, looking in the direction her friend had indicated. "I have always wished they had open cars on Broad way. Let's take a ride and get sonw fresh air." The car was blocked and at a stand- htill for a few moments, so they had no trouble in boarding it. They did not know that otherwise it would not have stopped for' them. "We'll go clear to the end of the route. This air is positively delightful," raid the first speaker, settling back in her seat. "Perfect," assented her friend. "But," looking around, "can't you smell something burning?" "It seems to me I do," was the reply. "And it's very disagreeable, too." "Perhaps," suggested the other, "we are near the ruins of that awful horse exchange fire." "No," said he friend, "we are miles away from it. Besides, it smells more like" "For goodness sake," screamed the other girl, with a wild look around. "Everybody is smoking." "Worse than that," said the first, faintly. "There isn't anether woman on the car!" The conductor gave a grin as he rung1 the bell after they had alighted. "They'll all get on after awhile," he said. By which It may be inferred that he meant they would not. ELY'S CREAM BALM la a positive enre. AnnlT into the nostrils. It ii Quickly absorbed. 60 cents at Drnegists or by mail : samples 10c by mail. Cruel KLY BKOTilEKS, 68 warren oc, flew lorn hut. PUT FISH IH HIS MILK. NORTH PACIFIC Rural Spirit (ESTABLISHED IN 1869.) Published Weekly Portland, Or. at DEVOTED TO Exchange, of Kaunas Citv. for vio- in cabin with the Intention of Ja'kou advocated tho restoration of the lation of the anti-trust law by boy. cottiog commiHaioD merchants who sold stock to those who did Dot bo- long to the exchange. The story of the farmer who yoked hitUHelf up with a calf in order (o train the rnlf is au old one and is probably fictitious, but a New Jersey farmer's lny actu ally tied a calf to bis bicyclo and tried to lead him home, says an exchange. And deponent saith the result was something whioh it would take a diagram to explain. Kx-ltEritEHENTATirE (Iaxhek, of Umatilla county, says that Morrow county sheepmen are taking their range. Well, Uncle Sam's grass is not divided o(T into counties, liis domain is freo anywhere. Any law that is psssed by the stat that prohibits stock of one county ranging io an adjoining county can not stand the test. roHTLAND will ctdfbrate the 4th of Jul but will cot have the Oregon as an attraction on that oo casioo. However, the captain of that great battleship and the won itors, Monterey and Monad nock, will be there, 1'ottlsiid expect in have a big Uue. II. P. Wilson has been appoint ed receiver of The Palles National, the Moody bank. It cannot re sume business and the Osxette is reliably informed can neyer pay over 25 per cent The former proprietor, Malcolm Moody, is at present the proprietor and man sger of bowling alley in The Dalles. lbs brand sew si. of lha bran J nw drat stare, K. J. Hloeam, manager, (a U Ibis laeus. oouoealing thd oriras, sad tba former was disobsrgrd. Bars was ooavloted st Hie Ootobttr, lHm, term ot ths oirooit court, sod reoxived a life sentence in ths punileotiary. It is thought that tbs late grand jury was furnished with sJdi- tional evideoos sgaintt Iliokle, as it is now over a year since bis srreat and sc- quium ny me grsnu jury oo tbe tarns olmrge. ' WOOD WASTED. NOTICE ! HKKKHY (1IVKS hiMiUxHirit of IMstrli't Nn. THUT Til R I. lltm!ir. Or, will ret-rlve I.I . 1 a fur the ilillviry ol altlt i rurtii hi winmi ai in m'iiihii irpimes al (( i I'lumr, aamn hi 19 niHnH on Juty ft. 1117, mil in I .IfllviTf.! on or twfiir CV11L 1, Ii7. ItittHHtrtl rwrvrt lim Unlit to rviwl any 01 an nma. ni i.iil'F.lt or iiih HUAKH. A Ural: J J. Ronr.KTS. Clxrk. nalttl, lleppitfir, Or., J una 11, IW, Notice Of Intention. l.no Orru it l. Uaaxni, Om.iow, Mar Attn VOTI'I IS HMvtBY (UVKN THAT TH i ' following naiiiMl avltlvr hu nlrd initio (,l his liilrnlliin 10 mat nual I'rmil In aupiiort ol Ills rlntin, ami that Mlil ini will l itia.lr iMflorr t iniiilr Irrk, Morrow otiiHT, On-goo, ai iifiinrr, orraiiu, 011 July ara iir'7, vis ASMS W1I.I.IAM, tormrrlf ANMK t'Kl'MP, T . "a nlt tho N' hEa K-4 KWi4Sbc. UTn I a H J7 K II nama IN Inllnwlnf tallnraara to prnva his (-oiitliiuoiia mi'trtio noon ami rttllltatlon ol. sal,! lan.t, l kolwrt K IItii.I. William S lUrt.ti, J,.hu Williams and Ktmartiantrjr.all ol llrpinirr, Or(in, B. t. WI1.AOM. M SB Hi-flat r. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Ol tha Old ! labia Gault House, 1. ILL. iloa rpM ot c, i,f rtw.ii., A t Kallmwla. IIIICAOO. ILL. Rait Work vast ol tha fnloa U , ' II SMI", C ana tli C. l. U HATKM SSU.00 11CM IJ-V,V Cot. W. Usltoa and Cllntoa Us . OKX9AOO, SXA. gold currency? Have they Dever read biHtory, or do they withhold the truth, when they ignore tbe fact that tbe bank of tbe United States sclflihly opposed the reatoration becanns the people would prefer its bank notes to a onrreney so balky and inconvenient as silver? It wsa Jackaon wbo taw ths necessity for sction, snd who struck tbs blow whioh crunhed tho bank sud brought bard money to the pockets of ths people. It waa Thomas IL Denton, spesking for the sdmlniHtrstion ot Jackson, who de clared In the sennta that the only way to cruh tho power of the bank wat to restore gold to circnlstion. Here was the nervosity snd ths only reaaon for tbe piumage of the set of lH34estsblish ing the rstio cf 16 to 1. "The similarity between the discus sion which took place In 1834 snd the dimmsiiion which took place in 1888 striking and iitHtrnctivs. Hard money Democrats, in turixirtiug the policy of J nek son, advanced ths same arguments which the sound money Democrats ad vsnced in supporting the policy of Cleveland. If the hard money IV in ocists inniatod that tbe undervaluation cf gold ly ths set of 1793 forcM it out of cireulsi ion, the sound money Dent ocrsts insisted that ths p'ooaitk)n lu tbs Chicago platform to overvalus ail ver, if curried into effect, would bring about tbs same mult. "If tha bard money Deniorrata rcog nlsrd that tbe act of 1 7 V$ had no per eeptibls rnfluencw on ths commercial value of either gold or silver, sud ths only way to restore gold to circulation was to change the ratio, ths sound mou ey Democrats rvcognistHl that the free uiintags of tilver st ths rstio of 16 to when tlie market ratio wss 8S to would result inevitably in silver tnouo- moiailism. If tbs hard money Dem ocrsu contendad "that sll mankind bad apirdilrction for gold," tbs smmd tnotv ey Drmorrats eoiitmld that a gold standard was rrtfirabls to a silver standard. If the bard money Democrats, in order to maintain ths gold eurrxney when rrstorvd, undervalued silver by making ths coinan ratio 11 to I wheu tha market ratio wss 18 61 to I, tbs touu4 wuitt Dituovst rtauttd ths The Drift Toward Gold. While Mr. Bryan and his associates, refusing to accept the verdiot of last November, are looking forward hope fully to renewing what they call the 'battle for silver" at the next congres sional elections; while a bimetallio commission has just been appointed to visit tbe European governments in the interest of international bimetallism, there may be perceived all over the world an unmistakable drift toward the single standurd of gold. Since the ap pointment of tho United States com missioners the dispatches from Europe indicate that their mission will be fruit- loss, and that there is no more probabil ity of those governments returning to bimetallism than there is of their re turning to flintlock muskets for their armies. Tbe latest annonncement is from Russia, which is to tbe effect that she is irrevocably committed to the gold standard. But it is not in Europe slone that this tendency is observable. The wis dom and apparent ease with which the Japanese government has planned the adoption of the gold etandurd is one of the marvels of modern statesmanship and marks that people as smong tbe most sncacions nations of the earth. Laggard China also seems to be shak ing from her silver dream of isolation snd is anxious to have tbe customs du ties st the treuty ports placed on tbe gold basis, as they substantially were wben the treaties were made. The de preciation of silver has greatly crippled her revenues, and now that she is com ing into closer financial connection with Russia it may be assumed tbst ber fluances will be conformed to tbe gold stsudard. If we turn from the far orient to onr own bemispbore, we will perceive a stirring iu the Centrsi and South Amer ican ststes to reform their monetary its tem and escspe tbs louses entailed by an inferior and depreciated currency. A dispatch a few days since from Llms informed us that Pent bad not only sus pended silver coinage but had passed a law sgaiust the importation of silver. Columbia has sdopted the gold stand ard, while Chili, Uruguay snd Brail 1 make gold unlimited legal tender snd silver in but limited sums. In Hondu Agriculture, Dairying, Live-Stock and Turf. Worth its weight in gold to every farmer snd breeder in Oregon. SUBSCRIPTION: 82 00 PER YEAR. Sample oopies free. Roral Spirit sod Gazette both for $3.60, ossb, st this office. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner Eobo Stage Line. Persons desirous of visitiog Pendleton can save time snd money by taking this route. By ac quainting tbs sgeots ths previous sven- log tbe stage will maks connection with 2 o'clock train st Echo for Pendleton. Offloe st City Drug Store. W. D. Loan, rroprieior. Treatment of Honest Paddy" O'Hara by Two City Jokers. "Paddy" O'Hara, butcher and milk man of La Conner, with his fountains of mirth and beaming face, is in the city again taking in the sights, says the Seattle Times. "Paddy" is a char acter, an original fellow, and is known to everyone in Skagit county, also to most all of the old-timers of Seattle. He likes to tell stories, but here is one that another fellow told on him: The duties of milkman in La Conner are in a large measure regarded as those of a public servant, and if the milkman is ever suspected of watering his milk a public scandal is tbe result. O'Hara was continually annoyed by some of his customers in their banter ing way accusing him of selling wa tered milk. One of them declared he would prove the milk was watered, and a wager was quickly cloned with two of the most noted "joshers" in the com munity. The next morning "Paddy" was more careful than ever, and gave his custom ers almost pure cream. His content was short-lived, however, for in the presence of his best lady customer, as he poured out the rich fluid, what should glide out of the can Into the measure but three small Puget sound silverside salmon. O'Hara waa greatly excited and his customer equally alarmed. He declared loud and long thiTt he had been "jobbed," and, to sub stantiate the assertion, he even said that If he did water his milk a little be was not guilty of putting in the fish, as that would only too plainly display criminal carelessness. THE: w M Mly In FOR Farmers and Villaoers, FOR Fathers and Mothers. FOR Sons and Daoohters, FOR All the Family. With the close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE recognizes the fact that tbe American people are now anxious to give their time to home and business interest. To meet this condition, politic will have far less epace and prominence, until Another State or National occasion demands a renewal of the fight for tbe principle! for which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the creeent raa, San Salvsdnr, Costa Rica and 8snto day, and won its greatest victories. SSSSS i8.- rr;' ZZZ EWT PomiM. effort will be p.t forth, and money free! BDMt paper currency prevents tbe circulation to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a of gold at present. Thees movements go I national hamily Newspaper, interesting, instructive, entertaining snd indispensable to each member to show tbst thoae nations wbo srs in touch with European trsde and com merce feel the necessity of having ths ssiue monetsry system snd that their ltple are at a diMdvsutairs because of their fluctuating and depreciated boms currencies And yet while tbeae nations, admit tedly our iuferiois in weslth and in physical snd intellectosl progress, srs struggling out cf ths bonds tbst hold them back tbers srs tlx smong ns wbo would imperil our taut wealth snd commerce by plunsiug as down to ths silver stsudard. What must ths nations of tha world tbiu of such leadership sud staU-amanshlp? Chicago Times- Herald. We iurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. Y. Weeklu swam e a e V irrae one year lor $3.00. OANII address all Orders le IP ADVANCU, THE GAZETTE. Tktasi JBrw Kt a Iteatswrah Xl is painful to be forced to unmask a msn wbo has beon so lotig held tap as tbe exponent of Democratic doctrina, but a stern sens of duty to the (res sil ver and spoils Democrsey of the pnwtt compels us to pnrtrsy bin io bis trus colors. It is not right tbst be should rs clv) tbs eotbnsiastto laudations of Chicago platform Damorrsu wbn be was i1m to Dearly every one of tbe rreat snd fWtom principles which they furmulated in IbVS. Whit right bad Jt uermu to pi-s as a Democrat, snvlowf What pr Ubsti us to DrmoC tcj sad a sua w be st. tuaUr btiv4 Do You Want a Rig ? Don't You Want a Place to Put up Your Team ? Are You in Need of a Saddle H orse AU these can be procured at Thompson 4 Bintis, tower Main Street j Heppner, Oregon. ' Ts UmMI ar wall aeqth4 WHS OiM rmj rWk Ol'llaia aaS Maar ..(. aait raa w a4 U la austnf lhm sruM alts traxilni smb. Trr la kawlt US lbs Unas, THOMPSON Sr. BTlSnSTS. TT"."-. T. . ,Z'... ..... . m. un'tuiu.rt. r c f s V ftMMf 1 Ml I I'Ks IH.Ki ' .s lM l, ta4Uf' !'- ' I 7 y