Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, June 15, 1897, Image 1

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Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
NO. 553
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $3.50 per year, 11.25 for m months, 75 bts.
lor three moncns, strictly in advance. .
Advertising Rates Made Known on
The : Lancashire Insurance Co.
r Pendleton, Oregon.
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner, Eoho. Pendleton, Baker
City, Elgin and Huntington.
One o tro Beit an ir World
E. C. Oake'
Exchange, Ban Francisoo, California, where ocm-
raota tor advertising can be made lor it.
THI3 PAPKB is kept on file at
a. Advertising Agency. 64 and
: Sent Free mvm
For 1897
0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except
Bnnday arriving at Heppner Junction 1:80 a. m.
Leaves Heppner Junction 3:40 a. m. and ar
rives at Heppner 6:10 a m
I Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
and Uma ilia 9:15 p. m.
Portland Exoress No. 8. from Bnokane. arrives
at Umatilla 51)5 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10
a. m. aru ar ives at rorttand n:s a. m.
Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8: SO a. m. and at
Umatilla 4:4U a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and
arrives at -teppner Junction 1:47 a, m. and at I
rortlana 7Sl8.ui,
For farther information inquire of J. 0. Hart,
Agent O. B & N., Heppner, Ore.
To an; person interested in ho mane
matters, or who loves animals, we will
Bend free, upon apphoation, a copy of
the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this
Society. . id addition , to its in
tensely interesting reading, it oontains a
list of the valuable and unusual pre
miums Riven by the paper. Address ...
410-411 United Charities Building, New York.
1 "J (! I!
? FIRST Go via. St. Paul be-
...JohnU. Long I cause the lines to that point will
United Btates Officials.
Pcesident .....William McKinley
V i w-Presldent Garret A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
oeoretaryof Treasury,.,. Lyman J. Gage
Secretary of Interior.... ......Cornelias N. Bliss
Hearetary of War.... Russell . Alger
Booretaryor. navy John U
IryfI.V::::::"" you the very best service,
Secretary t Agriculture.. James Wilson
state of Oregon. SECOND See that the coupon
beyond st. Paul reads via. the
teubViclnstr Wisconsin Central. because that
Attorney General...... CJ. M. ldleman HUB mattes Close COI1UBCIIUUB Willi
Senators 1 ? TV 'Sv"?'"." all the , trans-continental lineB en-
( Q. W.
1 J. H.
r. i Binger :
uuucimiuiNi.id ..............
Supreme Judges.
its service is
first-class in every
Hermann fori n or r.h TTninn Tlarwir. thnrft nnr.
win. & " -T" " ' -
W. H. Leeds
B. S. Bean,
A. Moore.
K. Wnlverton
sixth Judicial District. ltuttu tor lDiormation, can
Circuit judge. Stephen A. Lowell on j0ur neighbor arid friend the
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean . , i . j i m
Morrow County officials. nearest ticket agent and ask for a
joint Senator a. w. Gowan ticket reading via. the Wisconsin
Representative. . . nrown
A New Lite of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative ana adequate Liieol
Grant ever published.' (Begins in December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." . The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins in May.)
Charles A.Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better
' fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence. l v v r " ' ' . ' : 1
Portraits of ereat Americans. Many of them unpubllihed. In connection with this series
of portraits it is intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of
. MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. , , , ,,-.,, ,,
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. '
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have. In the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside Poe and Gaboriau, ; i : ;t . ! '
IAN MACLAREN, All the flction.that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publication wnicn were engaged irom mm long ago, win
appear in McClubb's Maqazink. , .i ... t: nr " " i V; 11
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. "A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the ''Little Mr. Thimblefinger" stories.
RUDYaRD KIPLING. ' Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCmjre's
' all of the short stories he will write during the coming year.
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same
; characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself.
Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McCluss's for the coming year. '
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClcrs's Magazine for
1897, the subscription priee of which is only - ( ., :.
One Dollar, a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York. .
Not Uncommon for the Husband to Be the
One of the surprising things to Amer
ican women Who marry in England is
the number of Englishwomen who
marry men from five to twenty years
younger than themselves. The action
of Baroness Burdett-Ccutts in taking
so young a husband as Mr. Bartleit ia
by no menus uncommon in all grades
of English society, and a bit of a shock
to the romantic -minded American, who
prefers to let her husband have quite
the advantage of her in point of years
at least. It. was with almost a little
gasp of horror a sentimental . little
American was told of the first meeting
between Mrs. Ritchie, Thackeray's
daughter, and her present husband.
His mother was a dear friend of Miss
Anne Thackeray, who, one day, when
about 20 years old, dropping into the
Kitchie home, received the interesting
information of ix brand new nrrival in
the household. Proud Mrs. Eitchie her
self placed the wee Richard in Miss
Thackeray's arms, as that young lady
remarked with a laugh: "So it is an
other pink little boy Tme to make the
Kitchie family happy." It was the
same Richard Bitchie who in Hfter
years made Miss Anne Thackeray his
wife. .
A Serious Difficulty.
"I suffered for three years with salt
rheum. The humor was on my bands
and I was obliged to keep a oovering on
them most of the time. . The stinging
and burning were very severe. Nothing
did me any good nntil I took Hood's
Sarsaparilla. After, taking six bottles I
was onred." Mrs. 8. E. Wood, i De-
Lainar, Idaho. .... .
25 oents.
Fills are the favorite family
Easy to take, gentle, mild.
E. O.: William J. Bryan will spend
the 13th of July in Pendleton. His
presence here will bring to Pendleton
more people tbau was ever In the town
before at one time. He will deliver an
address to tbe people on that day.
Absolutely Pure
, i.
A. ft.
J.B. Howard
!onn ty Judge.
"' Commissioners.
J. W. Beokett.
Clerk. J. W. Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
" Treasurer...,. Frank Gilliam
" Assessor J. F. Willis
M Surveyor............ J. W, Horuor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
' Coroner B. F. Vuoghan
Mtyor Thos. Morgan
(jMincilraen Geo. Conner, Frank
Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocom, 11.
Lichten thai and J. K. Simons.
K oorder W. A. Richardson
T -easurer I .w;1Br""'"
Marshal A. A. Roberts
Precinct Officer.
Justice of the Peace W. E. Bichardson
Constable N. S.Whetatone
United State Land Officer,
mm niT.T.cji om.
J. t. Moon Register
A. 8. Biggs Beowver
B. F, Wilson Register
I. H. Bobbins Beoeiver
O. A. B.
Meets at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of
itrh month. All veteran ar Invited to loin.
Q W. Bmith, . C.G. Fuqoa.
Adjutant, tf Commander.
Central lines, or address
Jas. C Pond,
Gen. Pas. AgL,
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
246 Stark St..
Portland Or. I
A Campaign . ..
Of Education
While you a.oep roar subscription paid op yen I
ean keep yonr brand in free of charge.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horse, P B en left
boulder; oattie, same on lert nip.
How to Get It
M 'Milium
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horse, DOon rightshonl
der: t attle, sameon riant nip: ear mark square
orop off left and split in right.
Dr. P. B. McSwords
Domrlass. W. M.. Galloway. Or. Cattle. B Don I
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horse, B D I
an left hip.
Elv. Bros.. DounUs. Or. Horses branded ELY I
on left shoulder, oattie cam on lefthip. hole I
in right ear.
Flnreno. L. A.. Heppner, Or. Cattle. LF on
right hip; horse. V with bar under on right
Jones, Harry, Heppner, Or Horses branded I
rl J on the left shonlder; cattle bra ided J on I
right hip. also underbit in left ear. Bang in I
Morrow county.
Jnhnsnn. Felix. Lena. Or. Horse. oirnUT on
left stifle; oattie, same on right hip, nnder half
srop in nt and split ji wrt ear
Kenny, Mike, Heppner. Or. Horse branded
KM I on lefthip oattie same and orop oft left
art under slope on the right
Loxhev. J. W. Hennner Or. Horses branded
L and A on left shoulder: oettl sera on left I
hip, wattle over right aye, three slit in right
H D ob I
Minor, Oscar, neppner. Or. arUa,
right hip; him, n on left abouldsr.
Morgan. 8. N., Heppner. Or. Horse,
on left (bonldat eatti aunt on lert nip.
Oahorn. J. W.. Donolaa. Or.i horses O on let
Omo in the Cir JJrag more, near i shoulder, eatti sam on ngnt hip.
City Hotel.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m., abd 12 to
3 p. m., at residence, Mrs. H. Welch's
property, and 10 to 13, a. m , to 3 lo 5
p. m , at offlos in tbe real ot Borg't
Jewelry atore. .
national Bank
Parker ft Gleason, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JB oon
nected onleftehoulder; eatti. am on lef hip.
ondor bit in eeoh er.
Reotor. J. W.. Heppner, irr. Horses, m
left shoulder. CatUe, O on right hip.
flnam. K. O- HeDDner. Or. Cattle W 0 on
left hip, orop off right and onderhit in left year,
dewlap; burse w t on lert snoo iner.
1 bomteiin. 4 . A., ueppner, urnonsi, I on
left shoulder: oat Us. 1 on left shoaldar.
Tarnor H. W.. Heppner. Or. Km all capital t
left siumldcr, bones; oattie sam oa left hip
with split in with ear.
Wattmborgnr. W. J.. Galloway, Or.; horses
mC Uennnsr I qnarter circle JW on right shoulder; eattle
111 nPnililPr quarterorcleJWonrlght hip and rightaile.
Ul nuUUUullrroPndhnlintoftu- Hargs in Morrow and
,: '
' To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Lealle'a Illustrated
Published at 110 rtfth. Avenue,
New York, Is full of tbe best things.
It Illustrations are superb; It
stories charming; and it literary
departments are edited with con-
, inmate skill. . ;
Such a paper 1 a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslie's t P nnum.
W make the unparalleled offer of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our. Semi
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be mad
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or blrthdsy
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
Heppner, Oregon.
Oriole Resents Captivity by Killing Off It
' It has been claimed by observers of
birds that some of the feathered tribe
will feed their young if they are caged,
and if they fail after a certain time to
release them they will bring them a
poisoned weed to eat that death may
end their captivity. A few days ago,
at the Ilolstein ranch, says the Carson
(Nev.) Appeal, the children captured
a nest of three young orioles, and they
were immediately caged and hung in
a tree. The mother was soon about,
calling her young, and in a little while
brought them some worms. She con
tinued feeding them regularly for some
days without fieeming to pay much at
tention to person about. But on Bun
day came the tragic ending that de
monstrated the theory relative to birds.
She brought them a sprig of green on
Sunday morning and disappeared. In
less than an hour they all died. The
sprig was examined and proved to bo
the deadly larkspur, a weed that will
kill full-grown cattle. The little crea
tures luy dead in the cage and slightly
foaming at the mouth, victims of their
mother's sU-rn resolve that her off
spring should die by her own act rather
than live in captivity.
Don't tbin your blood with sassafras
or poison it with blue-mass; bnt aid Na
tare by using Dewitt's , Little Early
Risers, tbe famous little pills for con
stipation, biliousness and stomach trou
bles. They are purely vegetable.
E. O. : Orin L. Patterson, editor and
proprietor ot the Bine Mountain Eagle
published at Long Greek, Grant oonnty,
arrived this mornibg in Pendleton. He
is registered at the Hotel Pendleton.
Mr. Patterson will visit Portland and
tbe Sonnd before returning home,
Mr, Isaao Horner, proprietor of tbe
Barton House, Barton, W. Vs., and one
ot the most widely known men in the
state was cured of rheumatism after
three years of suffering. He ssya: "I
have not sufficient command of language
to convey any idea of what I suffered,
my physicians told ma that nothing'
oould be done for me and my friends
were fully convinced that nothing but
death would relieve me ot my suffering.
In June, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman
for the Wheeling Drug Oo,, reoommed
ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this
time my foot and limb were swollen to
more than double their normal size and
it seemed to me my leg would burst, but
soon after I began using the Pain Balm
tbe swelliDg began to deoreaae, the
the pain to leave, and now I ooosider
thBl I am entirely oured. For sale by
Conser & Brook.
Celebrated for its great leavening strength
and healthfutnees. Aeenres the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common te
the ohnap brands. ,
The following items are taken from
the Sumpter News: . .,
A. Roderick Grant, ot the Blumauer,
Frank Drug Oo., was here Wednesday.
S. S. Horner, bookkeeper for Tom Mo
Ewen, took in the tournament at Baker
this week. . ; , , , '
Ool. D. I. Anbury, ot tbe Grant Go.
News, passed through Sumpter Monday
from Canyon City en route to BBker,
where he took in in the firemen's tour
nament this week.
0. L. Parrlsb, of Canyon City, district
attorney, arrived in Sumpter yesterday,
by private oonveyanoe ou his way to
Yale to attend the term of oirouit court
which convenes there next Monday.,
Bnt th
Bird Soon Found Out Their
Some aporta recently took place at a
station in Upper Ilurmuh, one of the
event being what ia popularly known
aa a "Victoria cross race" that is, the
competitors have to ride some d'lHtuncw,
taking two or three hurdles on their
way, to a point where there are ar
ranged a number of figures, shuix-d like
human bodies; then they dismount, fire
a round of blank cartridges, pick up a
dummy each, and race back, says rear-
son 'a Weekly.
The M. E. church, Houtb, will hold
the fourth quarterly meeting next Sun
day and Monday, 201b and 21st mats.
Tbe Sunday morning servioe will be
held on Rhea oreek in Liberty school
house, No service bare in the morning.
In the evening the presiding elder, Rev.
R. B. Hwift, will preach. Quarterly
conference Monday at 2 o'clock, p. m
Everybody invited.
0, R. Howard, Pastor.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that con
tain Mercury,
as meroury will surely destroy tbe sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous eurfaoei. Such articles
should never be used exoept ou prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to tbe
good you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contain!
no meroury, and is taken internally,
acting direotly upon the blood and mu
cous surfaces of tbe system. In baying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get
tbe genuine. It ia taken Internally, and
made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J.Cheney &
Co, Testimonials free.
Bold by Druggists, price 75o. per bottle.
Tbe private bank ot Anton Pfanner,
ot Forest Grove, has been closed up.
Mr. Pfauner has disappeared and it ia
feared tbat be has oommitted auiolde.
Mr. Pfanner was supposed to be wealthy,
W. B. Johnson, Newark, O., lays "One
Minute Cough Cure saved my only obild
from dying by oroup." It baa saved
In this caae, after the sports were I thousands of others suffering from 0foapa
over, the uunimirs were left on the
ground, and in about half an hour after
the ground wu deserted I noticed a vul
ture nettle on the ground close to the
dummies; in about another five minutes
more than 30 had collected.
The birds seemed much puzzled aa
they cawfully lnneeU'd each lay figure,
walking f mm one to the next all along
the line, and eventually, after aittlng in
a olrcle for a short time, flew away.
The birda muat have diacovered the
dummies by sight, though I have often
heard that vultures rely on their senae
pneumonia, broncblti and other serious
throat and long troubles.
Mis. 'Gene Noble baa returned from a
visit to relatives in Vanooaver and
of smell aa well.
Prcslecat Cashier.
. Made on Favorable Terma.
Published every Saturday
A Mav. 10. nfi. Notli I hereby given thai I J ASIOT KIAVC
the following-named ertller has filed notice oil
his Intention to make Bnal nroof In support ol
his claim, and thai said proof will b snad I
be Inre t. W, Morrow. County Clerk, st Heppner,
Oregon, on June 20, 1W7, vis:
New York
Notice of Intention.
Terrify th
The crescent wave on Cretan shores,
Th crons of Ch rlst goes dow n ;
Th Turks ar helped by Christian powers
Who bombard tort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry;
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Hperry's "Llnwood Rye."
For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E.
G. Sperry, proprietor. tf
Don't neglect a cough because tbe
weather is pleasant; before tbe next
storm rolls around it may develop into
a serious difficulty beyond repair. One
Minute Cough Cure ia easy to take and
will do what ita name implies.
E. B. Boper has beeo arrested down
near Ashland for tbe murder ot bia wife
and two children back in MissourL A
Kansas City detective, S. E. Lowe,
made tbe capture and to him tbe cul
prit baa oonfesied.
U May 10, 1HUT. Notice Is hereby given
that the following-named settler has filed notln
ol bis liiteMtlon to mass final proof In support
ol his claim, and that said proof will be msdt
before J. W. Morrow, County Clrk, at Heppner,
Oregon, on June JB, I"!, vis:
FM R. No- ftttl. for th H HWH and NWh
Hef U. To. t H . R. Vi I . V. , M.
He name the following witnesses to prove
Ms continuous residence upon and cultivation
ol. said land, vis: '
Villllam l.aelllng. RenJamlaLuelllng, Charles
M. M. Hsstlugs and Henry C. foulMD, ail ol
llaroioaii, Oregon.
&43-M Reglsttr.
Tbe Ootlook will be ia 1837, aa It bag
EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD "UeMVS& been durle, each ol it. tw..ty Mv.n
H-&m th. following wltne-e U, prov. of Oor 0i Time I.
First National Bank
OREGON I B" continuous residence upon and cultivation
William Liirlllng, Benjamin I.uelllng. Henry
P. Toller and Albert I). Courier, all ol Hard-
man. Oregon. JAS. t. MORF-,
UiM Register.
ita various editorial department. Tb
Outlook give, a oompaot review ot tbe
rid', proa-re.: it follow, witbear.
all tbe importaot philanthropic and id
du. trial movement, of the day: baa a
The regular eubMnption price ot th complete department of religious nw;
Preal.ent oeml-Weekly Uaaette tt Z.U) ana tbe devotee moon iptce to tbe tntereeta ol
Viee Preeldent regular prtoe ot tbe Weekly Oregonlaa I tbe bom.; reviews eorrent liter .tore;
Aaa't Ce.hl.f I
Notice of Intention.
La go Orrics at La Uasgni. Onion.
Mar Ikih, M7.
lollowltig-named set Her has Sled enttne
of Ms Intention to mas final fin ml In aupMrt
ol his claim, and that said proof will b mads
ttefor County Clerk ol Morrow Connljr, Oregon,
t tteppaer, Oregon, on June 7. l7, via;
OKoR'iR W. I'KAhMlN,
HI. K No Ml forth N4 UK and MEIa
Heo n Tp I K K27 K W M.
He name th following wltnease to pmv
his ron Mn nous resldefuw upon and eultltlon
of said land, vis : (Mors at Vinson, John A.
Thompson, William Ayers, and l?ld M. re-
iey, ail ul llappner, Oregon.
. r. wilful,
M.VIW Register.
Trans&dj i General Banking Basiaca.
U 11.50. Any oo. enbecnbiog tor tb
Gasette aod paying for one year ii
advance can get both tbe Osteite aod
I 1Tukl. nAeUa fnr 13 rVY All filit snh.
EXCH-NGI-1I! tenber. paying their ubeeriDllone f
one year in ad vane will be entitled U
the sam
Oa all part ol th. world
Bought and Sold.
Collcrtlon mad on all points oa
reaanttabl Term,
gnrplua and nndlvlded Proflta, IIS.tXK) 00.
Tbe Oailt. doe. not qoetioo tbe
boaeatyotaoy peieoe. but tt le eom
pelled to teaiet a poo tb. oaab-la adv.nee
laa ol eabeeripUoa,. whether tbe .ib
eoriber be Oorn.lioe Vaodeibilt or tbe
aa no earM bia brea4 by boneal tuiL
We eaaoot rou the ptr on nay other
1 tic Is herehv (iten that I have nn the 1st
lw7, tn spfinlnted as iws m
ItHMilveut, and
dar ol Mar
the rate la of U. W . hwsssart.
all persons holding rlalms against aakl Inaol
vent, nr bis eataui, are hetet.f wrtlned to f
sent the sans la mm at ssy emcw In Hr.nr.
Morrow eonntt. iimm, mtrlr v1ld ay
law, within ineee momy
ri. a. nieNur,
oath erofdlng to
alter dale of Uil not ice.
Heppner, Or., May 1. i7.
What ia Hop tlolJJ Betl
arth. Iff'fwbff,
Walt Tbompeno ruse stag, between
Heppner aod Moaomeot, arriving every
day eteapt Monday and Laving every
day MAeplPandsy. Bnorteet and ebap-
br co eat mate to tbe Interior,
foroMie. cbeerfal table-talk about ma
aod thioge: aod, In short, aim. to give
treeb Information, original obMrvatioo,
aod r.aeooable entertaiomeot.
Beginning with tbe fifty Bifth volume,
tbe paper will n.umo tbe regular mage-
tine sis, wbiob will add greatly to it.
oonveoliiDee nod attrectlv.oeM. Tb.
Ootlook la poblUhed ev.ry Hatarday
fifty-two issrnea a year. The first Issue
In racb month i. aa Illustrated Magagie.
Nooibef, eon taming about tvioe a. tsaoy
ptgei ae tbe ordinary Uae, together
whb Urge number of pvrtar.
The pneeof The Outlook In Ibree
dollar! n year Is advaoee, or le. than n
eent a day.
Seed for a rwHfias.e eipy and lllnHrl
. . Sloeam, eC proapeetoe tu Tbe Qotl-r, 13 A.tof
f IPlaon.JTff ToflClty, "
Now la tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregon lan, tbe greateet newspaper of
tbe West. Wltb tbe Oaaet te, both striet-
ly in ad fane, oo. year, 1-1 M. No better
eotpbination of newspaper, eso be mail,
la tbe etaU.
Few r.alite that tacb S'jolfrel d.t
trove II. B0 worth of grain onaneily
Wak.tee'a Hqmrrel and OopbM F.iUr
mlnalor t the isol effwetive and ov
nomical txiieoo known. Price redoowd
to 90 eenta, Ooer k Brock aad Minor
k Co., agoU, Osppoef ; . A. Woolery,
gent, loo.j Nlohdl. k Leaeb, agote
Low Tfllard keep, wet ('md. down
at l.i. new pl.ee, riear the eooneil
ebetsbwr.. (Jail at Tbe Wvlfft&t and
(pell feoMjf biraej '
A Towa Where Deadly Ant
In Guerrero the tarantula Is some
times found there a big aa a man's twa
fiats. Scorpions are of all iza, but the
one which does the intrnt harm by Ita
bite la n amallUh Array creature. The
larger ones bite so hard that the blood
flowa freely, and the Infected polaon
flows off. there la a little anake called
th corallllo, which la particularly fond
of getting Indoor and neatlng In one
boot. I la bite Is fatal. Itout should
alway be inspected for coralliloa be
fore thev are nut on in Uucrrero. II
a scorpion creeps on the face or haniln,
the txraon so vlaited ahould carefully
refrain from making any movement;
he should allow the horrible Insect to
crawl lilat where it will. If It U not
disturbed, In all lllu-lthood It will do oo
barm; if It la attacked It ia quite sure to
The worst terror to the people of
Guerrero, say the Itoaton Herald, is
neither anake nor eorpum, but the
red ant. Ik: fore theae InaerU the peo
ple flee in terror from their house.
They leave nothing behind if they can
Ki ln It- An Indian woman rushed out
of her cabin with her childr.d on the
ooiiilngof the ants being announced.
In her ts-rror aha left her baby behind
the houae awinglng In a hammock. It
waa honed tbat It would rwape, but
when the ant had departed th mother
fori ml that the insect had crept down
the cord of the hnimxk, ami hal
left of the unfortunate child nothing
but it bone. On uiik of the Guerrero
sugar estate great, lary-looklng anake.
ar kept In th atorerootne to keep
raU and mice away from the augar
loaves, The nke are repulsiv In
appearance, but harmleaa to human
beings. NiH all th. place In Me !,
however, wbUih iav an agreeable
climate are eurwd with Inaoct. and
reptilian pesita. Much plre a Cner
navaca, In tbe atale of More lo. are too
high alxjve th hut plain to Buffer
from venotiMnta Inaet-t. and yet so
much below the eold tableland that
the climate la a perpetual summer.
("nerovr uii lt many of th ad van-
Ureof the temperate g-me wltn all
that 1 dallghtfu.) and allurii.g iu the
Ev.ry new sobsoriber ot tbe Osietle
from thia date, May 25, 181)7, will receive
ae a premium a book worth alone the
price of tbe .ubeoription. tt
G.ds Noble
from lllnes.
ia confined to bn room
Any lady desiring to purchase a sew
ing machine should oall on J. W.
Vanghan and eiamine bis latest Im
proved White machines. A happy com
bination ot a writing desk aod machine
combined. Light, rapid and easy
running. tf.
Mrs. E. O. Magnoo, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W, O. Oentry, ia bare from
her borne in Ban Lni. Obispo, Cel., ac
companied by her little daughter aod
eon. Sh. will remain till fall.
Tetter, Balt-Itheum and Ecsema.
The Intense Itching and smarting, Inci
dent to theae dlaeaan, lalnatantlv allayed
bv Bfiol vtug Chamberlain 'a Eye and
Hkln Ointment. Many very bad caaes cgj
have been permantmtiy rnmi ty tt. it
la equally enitbut lor itching plica ana
a favorite remedy for wire nlpplee,
chapped hand, chilblains, frost bite
and chronic sore eye. 3 eta. per box.
Hick Malhewa aod V. Gentry, under
the firm name ot Matbew. & Gentry,
are associated together lu tbe barber
business in the Dew staod, two doort
south ot tbe postnnioe. They solioit a
Councilman Tom Malone, n( Portland,
a well known and popular young man, is
quite III at his borne lu the metropolis.
Dr. Cadr'a Condition Powder, are
Just what n horse need when In bad
condition. Tonic, uiooa punner ami
vermifuge. They are not food but
tnndU'.liie and the beet In nae to ptii a
horse In prime condition. Price 8.1
cent per package.
Th. work train ia on tbe branch this
week scattering new ties for repaire.
Thl. dor. not look like an abandon
ment of the road. However, repair, oo
tbe branob ar badly oeedeJ.
Tb. brand n.w ad. of tb brand new
drug store, E. J. Blocnm, uansgsr, I lo
Ibia Issu.. 0
Is a
a. Is la resael d eeM
skSSis stiewtie the".
It r-ee s mrad hy pMaeawt
reawilr wiiK leai'tiiMd
tmrUj Isle V mrtls. It"
tegqalrklr sneurliedrtglvs
Ely'sCream Balm
Is fluwUH In h K wl Itwvwrll ewr r
kuii ....... t ,A i. IimJ .A II.. Fmwm af a.1
ilar pal SM li,Stnifli"a. ha thesm, pn
e- is lh wiewixw f'i'l ', wv th
f tas'sar '''Ii tlw,' -sigpftiy )
Pi, f f I M M tf m vs ttf
"For Hire, years we bave never been
without Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea ltetne.ly In the boose,"
ay. A. II. Patter, with E. 0. Atkins k
Co., IudiaDapolla, Iod., "and tny wife
would a. soon think of being without
Qoor a a buttle ot this remedy in tbe
summer sesaou. We bave used it with
all three of our cbililreo aod it be never
failed to cure not .imply stop pain, but
rurt abaolutely. It ia all right, aad
anyone wbo trie, it will Bod it so." For
sul. by Comer k lirock.
Mrs. Mltl. Itobbins, acoompanled by
Mr. E. O. M.goon, aod ehildren, aod
Mrs. W. O. Gentry, will leav. next Moo
day for Mrs. Bobbin.' r.oob In Fot
Dltl You Ever
Try Electric Hitter, a a remedy for
yonr trouble? If not, gel a bottle now
end get relief. Tbi. ro-llntn. baa been
found to be particularly adapted to tbe
relief aod inr.of all KamalaOnrnpleluta,
irrtlug a wonderful direct liiflaenoe In
giving streog'b and ton to tb organs.
If yon havaLoM of Appetite, Ouoatipa
lion, IJvleh, Kaiotlng Himll., or ar.
M.rvoua, Hleple, Fioiiable, Mln
ehofy, or troubled with Ihttf Hpella,
Eleetrle Hitler I tbe mwiioin ton
nel. Health and Htrengih are guaran
le.1 by it us, t ittr o.&U au4 f l,0Q