pure Blood Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and Sick Headache the Results -Doctored for Years Without Relief. " My blood was out of order, and I be gan taking Hood s Sarsaparilla. It has purified my blood and relieved me of rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick headaches. I have been afflicted with these difficulties for years. I am now able to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has troubled me since I was a child, but I am now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California. "I have suffered from the effects of Im pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five years. I have tried various remedies with out relief and finally purchased six bot tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils and pimples have all disappeared since I began taking this medicine. I am now entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412 11th Street, Oakland, California. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the best In fact the One True Blood Puri fier. All druggists. Si, six for S5. Get Hood's. Hood's Pills ffiMEir&r' Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cenU per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding present and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shail be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great politioal oampsign is over and the winter season again with os, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers tbe following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE a.50 and Weekly Oregonlan, 1.60 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50. " N. y. Tribune, 11.00... " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 , " B. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c a.60 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Club Rate .... S3.50 .... 8.75 .... B.00 8.25 JEFF COKLEY SHOT. Wounded la the Mountains. He Dies While Being; Taken Home. Jeff Corley, 17-year.old son ot Bert Corley, ot Mountain View, this county. accidentally shot himself at bis sheep camp in tbe mountains and was bnried Saturday in Mountain View. News of the unfortunate affair reaobed Pendle ton Saturday evening and full particu lars oame today, being brought by John W. Bay, who is serving on tbe circuit oourt grand jury in this city. Jeff Corley was herding sheep in tbe mountains 25 miles beyond Ukiah, in the Jo ho Day region.' Ia the evening, tbe sheep having been put in tbe corral, Corley went to a creek near the oabin with a pail to get some water. He bad a pistol, which sbeepherders always oarry, elDDg from a belt wbioh was about his shoulders. Tha pistol was in a holster too small to hold it securely, and, as Corley stooped to the oreek, tbe weapon fell and struck the edge of tbe pail. It was discharged as it fell. The bullet entered Corley's body above the heart, ranging upward, and was seen almost to have come out at the shoulder blade. Tbe camp tender was there at tbe time and oame to young Corley's assistance. Corley asked the oamp tender to out out the bullet. Tbe tender said he would after awhile, and to Corley's anxious inquiry answered that he thought the wound would not prove fatal. The tender worked two hours over tbe young man and then went to Ukiah, 25 miles away, to summon Dr. Alexander, who arrived Thursday even ing, the shooting having ocoured Wednesday evening at 10 o'olook. Cor ley was on Thursday carried seven miles to tbe wagon road and then started to ward Ukiah, dying on tbe way, at about 10 o'olock in the morning, Friday. The body was interred Saturday at Mountain View, Jeff Corley was a young man who was much respeoted in his borne, and tbe family has received tbe universal oondo lenoe of people in that locality. E. O. Corley was working for O. Justus at tbe time of his death. Here and There. Court is io session at Pendleton this week. H. A. Cupper ia oyer from tbe John Day. ' Creum improves strawberries. See Maris. 7tt Billy Gordon is up again after a slight illness. O. L. Patterson left for Pendleton last night. Dr. Honlook was called to Lone Bock yesterday. T. B. Lyons is over at Condon to at tend oourt. Ferd Hnnt was over from Haystack Wednesday. Fine cows and fine milk at tbe Short horn dairy. 7tf Conser k Brook's for tbe ''Never Fail" headaobe wafer. tf. Luther Huston was in Heppner on last Wednesday. Drink tbe famous Hop Gold beer, on draught everywhere. 503 Any person wanting a good hack should oall on Minor 4 Co. 60-3 Milk for babies from single cow from tbe Shorthorn dairy. 7lf A back for sals or trade for lighter rig or milk oow. N. O. Maris. 7tf Buy milk from tbe Shorthorn dairy. N. O. Maris, Prop. . 7tf Miss Elsie Jones left last evening to yiail rleatives at Independence. ".'be Hop Gold beer i the best beer. All first class saloons baodls it. 508 Hood River strawberries, best io tbs market, today al tbs Orange Front tt V. A. Stephens is over from Grant eounty where be bas been sheering this season. Mrs. J. O. Hart will leave Saturday evening oeit to join ber husband at Portland. Mrs. Geo Conner, aocompanisd by ber brother, Waldon Rbea, left last nigbt for Portland. Dan Mnrpby, Pets Deardoff and En metl Coobran vers in from John Day Thursday last with wooL Children's Day will bs properly ob served dovo st lbs Cbristlao oburob oo next Sunday evening st 7 J30. "Never Fall" beadacbs wafers al Con ner k Block's, This medicine will ours any kind of a bead sobs in short order tf. Little Henry Blabta was compelled to bavs bis lojorsd flncer amputated this ek. Dr. McSsordt per form log tbs o(rtioo. M. Lirbestentbal bas tbs finest line of ladies' and grata' tan shoes that ever earns to Hj pnr. Mat wants to back tha proposition. 50-4 Dr. Jobn W. Humus, of tbe Redliabt, bas keg beer on draught lie Hop Gold. Dt oNU'iore sod eigort in Slock. . II Dr. 3. E. Adiios is op from Qlllsboro and tones desiriog soytblnf In tbs I'm of dentistry sbootd call on bim st b offlos in lbs rear of P. O. Borg'i jewelry store. Will remain only a abort time. 4H tr. Hundred of Iboosan J bavs bo In -d seed to try Chamberlain's frons Rams ay by reading sbal II bas done for others, sod having 114 i mwlls lot then selves r May lis warmest frlnd. For l by Co nr k Broek . Watt. Thompson root stag between nepner sad Moaonxwt, arriving rrrj day stoapt Monday and Usvlag svry day iopt Bandar. Huortsul aoJ ebep- t wets io h l&tt rjor, E. , fl'"t fwt, ' KETDRNED FROM WASHINGTON. The Fight For the Seating of Senator Corbett About Given Up. From the Baker City Democrat. Oo tbe westbound O. B. k N. passen ger train last Thursday evening Hon. O. S. Wood, tbe Portland attorney, was a passenger en route borne to Portland from Washington, D. O. Mr, Wood was interviewed by a fel low passenger from Huntington and in answer to the interrogation, "What are Senator Oorbett's ohances for being seated?" Mr. Wood said: "The fight for tbe seating of Senator Corbett has about been given up; in fact, there is not much likelihood of bis being seated, and that accounts for my return home." This from Mr. Wood, who bad been Senator Oorbett's legal adviser in the contest, oert airily gives about tbe true conditions of things regardiug Oregon's senatorial vacancy and shows that ex Senator Mitobell ia not nearly so dead politically as many people this far away from the seat of government hadied themselves to believe. If, Mr. Wood says, Senator Corbett will not be seated, then tbe people of Oregon may look for an extra session of tbe legislature some time between Ooto ber and Deoember next, and the battle will be foogbt over again. In this connection, too, good authority says that few Oregon federal appoint. mnnts will be made until after ths leg islature meets and a senator is eleoted. The postponement of appointments will oompel the legislators to get in and do something at tbe earliest opportuni ty. ; GOOD SLEEP MEANS GOOD HEALTH. An Account of Two People who Could not Sleep. The Cause and the Method Used to Remedy the Annoying. Trouble. A PI Heppner Outfitting Co., in tbe old Herren stand, see adv. tieu meai ana Jen naves were over from Lone Bock Wednesday last. Mr. C. E. Bedfield left for Pendleton Wednesday to attend oourt at that plaoe. Oall on Dr. Swiok, tbe new dentist, for painless extractions and fine fitting artificial teeth. 52tf A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matio tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam A Bisbee's. tf Miss Cora Hart is expeoted op from Portland io the near future, having completed her year's work at St. Hel en's Hall. Billy Boss, Dave Riobard and Al Smith, three jolly sports, left Wednesday for Burns and will remain till after the 4th of July races. A negro minus the pedal extremities and who is compelled to walk on bis knees has been in Heppner for tbe past week eel id g lead penoils. Tbe ladies of tbe M. E. obnrob will give s "Bine Jay" tea, Wedoesday even ing, Jane Ititb, at tbe parsonage from 3 to 8 o'olock. Prioe, 10 cents. It Frank Lee weot to don Portland on Wednesday last, having so far re covered as to be around again. Hs will return to Heppner in course of s fsw days. Monday will be grand opening day st ths lent. Have yonr pictures made by an artist of many years' experience. Fern ily groups and views of homes n spe cialty. 62-tf. D. A. Herren bas made some substan tial Improvements on bis store property, on May street, recently, cutting In s new wooden swning of larger dimen sions than lbs old ons. Sim Adams, of Hardmao, Is lbs prood possessor of sn old French silver pieoe wbiob 1 dated 1774- It bad passed tbrongb s tile machine back in Missouri and is some tbs worse for wear. Miss Mabel Gentry departed for Tbe Dalles on last Wedoesday to visit rela tive. 8b was accompanied as far a Heppner Jooction by Mi Flora Mo Al Hater and Mrs. Mettl Bobbins. Millinery st eoat Mr. L. J. Este offer bar entir stock ot fssblonabl millinery goods, Inclodiog ladies', ml e' and oblldrD's hat of tb very 1st st stylos snd designs, si oost for tb next SO day. 61 if Dr. B. F. Swiok. dentist, and L. Brad- ley, photographer, lats of Portland, Ore., ill open s dental ofBr sad photo- f rspblo stoilio or it Monday, Joo tb, In tb larg lent oppoait lb City bote! All work strictly first elM and st prise to suit tbs times. Call and sample on Monday, grand opening day. 62-tf L. Gwliosar, representing lbs Hop Gold br, lbs famnos beer of lb Paeifio Soaat, was br on Wednesday last. Mr. Oerlinger we socompaoied by Emit Marx, tbswsll koon traveling mo, so tbal lb Oatatt sen voocb for tb kind of company Ibal b keep, as well as ths qialiiy of hi beer. Loos Kvk stag lesve Ueppoer si 7 o'clock, s. m-, Toly, Tborsday. sad Hatard;; arrives si 8 'lk, p to., Monday. Wedoeedav sad Frida, Will mak eonneetlos with branch train bn dir4. Kara 12, (eon way Frigbl H Sat per ponod. 3. H IMttnbrork, Prop. Office si Carry Wsrrs' dmg store. tf. Resolutions of Condolence. At a regular meeting of tbe Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Heon- ner a oommittee appointed for that purpose submitted tbe following resolutions; Whebbab, Oar Heavenly Father in his wisdom, mero'y and love has taken from us our friend and sister, Mrs. Acbsba Drew, who died May 28, 1897., be it, Resolved, That our sympathy goes out to her relatives in their lose; but with them we rejiioe in ber triumphant life and victory over death. Resolved, That we feel thankful tbal a lite ot such parity has been lived in our midst; that we are grateful for ber earn est, effioient work in our Union giving us an inspiration wbioh shall last for all time. Resolved, That as a Union we express tbs sorrow occasioned by the loss of a beloved co-worker. Resolved, That a oopy of these resolu tion be presented to the family; also to the Heppner Gazette, Union Signal and Oregon White Ribbon for publioatioo. and a copy be reoorded in tbe minutes of the Union. Hannah F. Brioqs, M. A. McNai, J ULIA BlSBBB, Mattib Sat bad, Committee. llore Gurativetpower it contained in Hood' Barsaparilla than in any other similar preparation. It ooats tbe proprietor and manufacturer more. II cost the jobber more and i worth more to tbe consumer. More srill is required in it preparation and it oombioe mors remedial qualities than soy other medioloe. Consequently II bas a record of mors cores snd ft sale are mors tbao thoss ot sov other preparation. Hood' Sarsaparilla is tb best medicine to buy beoanee it Is an boneat medicine and thousands ot test!' monlals prove that It does actually and permanently ours disease. TBI SHOW. Bachaaaa's Corarsy Co. Play Ins to Fair Hoar Ulvlm GooS Satlifacttoa. Buohenen's Comedy Co, bav been playiog bare siooe tb first of tb week and bav givec universal satisfaction Tb leading part in all renditions a' In tbs band ot olever artist snd Mr. Buobanan as s comedian is s oomplets sooceas. Oo Tuesday night Ibsonmpsny played "Slate's Evidence" to so appreoiativs sndienos of fair dimension. 'Hyeed" wa listened to by s good ly number on Wedoesday nigbt and sat ning "Divoroed," an excellent drams, wa produced witb good fieot. Tb specialties wr immense. Tooigbl lbs oompany will present Black Diamonds." Tomorrow after noon they will play "Kathleen Mavoar neen" st s matin performanc. snd will slot lbs weak witb "Two Orphans" in lb vning. Boobaoau'i Comedy Go. srs all right From the Gazette, Ft. Wayne, Ind. I had been visiting a oomrade who had formerly served witb me in the army, and was waiting tor a street oar to take me borne, when it began raining witb such violence that I took refuge in a drug store at the corner ot the street In tbe store was a middleaged woman earnestly talking witb the druggist about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. Being a reporter, I asked her what oonneotion she bBd . with these pills. Sbesaid: "I bad the misfortune recently to lose my husband after a protracted illness and, as I had overfatigned myself in car ing for him, my health, which up to that time bad been perfeot, failed com pletely. My trouble began with indi gestion; I oonstuntly beoame weaker, lost visibly in weight and oould no laoger assimilate tbe most easily diges tible food. I prooured medioel assist ance without, however, obtaining any improvement. I felt so anxious in con sequence that my nerves also became afflicted and finally I oould no longer sleep. When I arose in the morning I was so tired and my limbs felt ss heavy that I was unfit for performing the light est housework. By tbe advioe ot my friends I oalled another doolor, bul be, too, oould procure me no alleviation. "How often have I, when restless witb pains in my limbs, remained awake on my bed and beard every boar of the nigbt strike without being able to olose an eye; how often have I wished for death. Finally my state beoame so pitiful that I was unable any longer to leave my bed. A lady friend then paid me a visit and at ber earnest request I agreed to make a last trial, this time ith Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. After a few days I already felt a Slight improvement, tbe feeliog ot fatigue in my limbs disappeared, my nervousness vanished, appetite returned, my stomach began to perform its proper fanotions a formerly, and now I am a well as evor I was in my lite. I know olearly that it was Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People whioh saved my life, and whenever Ihave an opportunity I recommend them." (I afterwards learned tbe name and address ot the lady. It was Msgdalena Klem, of 41 West Lewis street, Fort Wayne, Ind.) Being impressed with lbs above story and teaming ot auotbor who bad re ceived benefit from the use of Ibe pills, I visited Mr. Biohard Sob wind, of No. 20 Huron street. Mr. Sobwind is an employe ot ths Wayne Knitting mills and a man of steady habile. He worked alternately: ons week dnriog the day lime and tbe next week at night. His system seems to bave been affected by tbia continual obaoging, so thai bs wa soon obliged to seek lb aaaialano ot a skillful dootor. His Iroubls began with mosl alarming bearl palpitation and nervous beadaobe. Tbes attacks osused bim to suffer tb most terrible pains, on ao eounl ot which he oould obtain no prop er sleep. H often oomptaioed of Ibe continued failure of bis strength, so thai by tbs sdvios of bis dootor bs gsvs up bis work for a lims. Bat It seemed as if Ibis forced Inactivity only increased bia trouble. H worried, and fell great anxiety concerning tb prospect of his family: bs lost sll vital snergy snd finally beoema indifferent to everything. A be bad no appetite for food, bs fell off in body in ao appalling way. Finally hs was oobfloel to bis bed sud bad to lis Ibers about six week, ao thai bis family dootor gave bim up and declared b oould do nothing mors for bim snd was ex- that the resources of his soienoe hausted. A neighboring family wbioh bad just moved into tbe district and heard of his case, urged him to take Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, but be only shook his head incredulously. Finally, merely to please his wile, be consented, and be oan only desoribe as marvelous the beneficent and healing aotion of these Pink Pills of Dr. Williams' oo his frame. In tbe short space of three weeus he not only recovered his health, but he became so strong that be was able Io Btart his work again, and up to the pres ent be is enjoying admirable health. He therefore justly says that Dr. Wil liams' Pink- Pills for Pale People uave saved bim from death and have pre served tbe bread-winner for an anxious family. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! BUT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit tbe times. You want fresh groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find wbat you want at T. B. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! T. I. Howard Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. Like an Old Clock. From the Republican, Fresno, Cal. A case reported from Fresno oounty is that of b well-known former resident of Klngsburg, though now residing at Selma. Mr. J. M. Purvea is an old gentleman of seventy, who, during bis long resi dence io Klngsburg, was beloved alike by young and old, and be is equally en deared to tha people ot his new borne. It was about July 15, 1896, that a re porter of the Republican met Mr.Purves, and wa astonished to see snob, an im provement in bis appearance. He looks ten years younger and moch stouter Iban when he moved away from Kings- burg for the benefit of bia health, and be was congratulated on hi improved appearanoe. "I was all run down when I moved away," Mr. Purves said, "something liks an old clock that is worn out, but I bavs undergone anoh repairs as I think will i i . seep me in running order (or many years to come if no aooident ocours." "What was tbe agent that wrought tbe ohange, Mr. Purves?" tbe reporter asked. "Was it Dr. William' Pink Pill for Pale People? tbey seem to be doing all the healing io Fresno county,' "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale Peo- pie are the very things that bave built me up," Mr. Purvos answered. "1 hap pened to read one of the advertisements of their healing qualities, and then read several more, and somehow there was lometbiog In tbe way Ibe testimonial read tbal assured me they were true. One in tbe San Franoisco Examiner es pecially impressed me and I sent at onoe and bought some ot the pills. I took them a dlreoted, sod I d not think I need tell yon wbat tbey bavs done for ms. I am quite recovered and set baok in tbe journey of life at least two years. I bavs don mors work inoe I bavs taken them than tor a loog, long lime nerore. indeed 1 may say since loog btfore you were born. "I took only two boxes io sll, bul I shall always keep them by ms ss long as I live, io oase of relapse. (Signed) J. M. Pcbvis." Dr. Williams' Fink Pills for Pals Peo ple contain, in s condensed form, sll ths element neoesaary to give new life snd richness to lbs blood and restore shat tered nerves. Tbey are also s speoitlo tor troubles peculiar to female snob as suppression, Irregularity and all form of weakness. Tbey build np tb blood and reator tbs glow of health to pals and sallow ebeeks. In men they effect s radical enrs In all oases arising from mental worry, overwork or excea of whatever nature, l'lnk Pills era sold In boxes never In loose bulk) al 50 osota a box or six boxes for $2.50, sod may b bad of all drnggista, or dlraot by mail from Dr. Williams' Msdioio company ocoeoeoiaay, , I. At the old stand, have the usual spring outfit of FARMING UTENSILS, HARDWARE AND CAMP OUTFITS, Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention. Call orji GILLIAM & J3ISBEE, Next Door to First National Bank Building. THE ART OF BREWING. Was Perfected by the Production of And now the entire world Knows this verect product As the Star Brewery beer I On draught at Uall popular saloons You can Wager Your Sox that You . are Always at Home at ... . F WELCOME On Willow Street, nesr tbs City Ball. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Tbey try to pleas sll. Fins olub room In connection. IvOW TlIIVIX, Prop. HEPPNER OUTFITTING CO. When s person is losing fleah snd wasting sway lbrs is caus for alarm. Nothing o worries s pbyiioiao. Gun- tamptives woald never dl if lby oould regain their usual wslght. Is 'act Ibers would bs no consumption if Inert wa oo wasting of lbs system. Tb sans of this loss of fleah ia s fail or to properly digeat tb food atn. Nlo-teolbs of sll oar diss ww dt back Io soms de rangement of tbs stomach. Tb Hbalsr DidMtir Cordial will top lb waiting of lb body. II sets by canning lbs food ws sat lobs digested so ss Io do good, for nndlgeld food doe mors barm than good. Ths Cor dial eootalo foo! already dlgt4 ssd Is S dlgMUr of food ss wall. Ersry mother baus to maks bar ebll dres laks Castor Oil. Liol la t Castor Oil. 4 goods, crocerifls, hats, cents' fur. This company carries dry bard ware, boots aod shoos, Diauiogs, eva jjarge shipment ot new and cond band furniture, which is befog sold re cardies of cost. They bare also hardware, wail paper, carpets, lounges, springs, mat tresses, all these at bait price. Look for the sign at Herren's old stand on May street, neit to l'al&ce hotel. FRANK JHcFADLAND. AUnaocr. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE AWrte to T. S. Ort;csT. tary u4 Iht ra Accmtrr i f rsrajg Artuj.ni BMr-L--, a. Mcatwa Ibis ppt. SMisWiftlp In. Uu pa 14 ar yuOJMQW lus Si4rslal lajark. B your w Ages. Mo mkzjicaI. examination urgcum T Tim Cbfiatias E.idv meeting ts Ss Franrlsro In J sly will brief peopl from all ovf lb Uoiud fltaU Io lb sity of tb Wt. Tb Oust t pfMsm Ibal F.aUrB Oregon will b rprntd Tb O. R. k S. will dnnbtlnos maks s ehrap rst ool ns far for tb roand trip, wblrb rt' will b met by lb 8. P. A (Use trip, si Ibi tMm of lb ft sjT woold, b er:riuts, bomf. i om tw Tr lt All df soibl oat without Hot dm after Jons Win. 1W7, will bs "pound! ssd kllUd. A. A. Roaaaia SMI.' Marshal. Milk sbakM, lemosad sod dallrion r9 rrm lh 0rr front, t rwii City bul. Mam ssJ Willow H, I'sitW dtirt6f eraam for pial oes . tijut U.Ql4 k Jf dy ia sItmiss, tt i NOTICE Or RTWKUOLDEllV MEET ISO. NOTirg HMtsr orvn TMT a aiMinr of lha unr t bl4r ni ih Ra Wtfwl M Ht.'Mt i'l Um h!4 on iur. Aat. Jti is, I" Mimii tha fmnaf is a. m an4 I . .. I"f Ua rtrja fn,t .taring tna inwt vtttnta? iwinnii't. nl ati a MM iMltmaA tn.f mma tHa ntl urn 1M la fi)Mlah4 t'f offW f ! BViaf4 el ltr uria a await" i"i "II, t B'Svf. ta-.lf. sW-fr, Or, lit 1, yep. Motics of Intenton. l.ttn Orri'S if Ts Dtu a. naaaoa Jtina a, wry X" "TIC It IH HF.HKRY fllVKM THAT 111 a 1 follfiwlna haniMt att la. ft. MmA Of hi IlllatlUon In Miaka Blta.1 bnnl In I 11 " 1 roi will tia Hiata .,rr..w, r..Miil pl.rs, al ll.,pi.r a i "m ij vn( i"', ! W. W, KIKK. a 4 m In l.l rats, an f. hair of Kanr ll'I' J"-1. "1 J- e. . If Ih aft ' r. U I a I M, Ha namaa ti lollnalnf UnaaM Ia fr klaemitlnuoua raal'lnr upon and ullltatloit afaal4lan4, Ur Jnhn k.rn, Mm Marlon, K4ar4 liuran, ai4 ffabk t IM!, ail of Hapu ' """ JA r. aUKiKI, Saglalar. STAR BREWERY COMPANY. 203 Wsshlngton St., Portland, Or. FRANK R06ERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders.- Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- OFFICE H0URSI)ay and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. riace ana Ko. or Jim will net em. o o o o o o o OOTS AND SHOES THC SXACC TO GIT TMIM l AT Al. LlCIITimTIIAIv'S 11 bas anything In this Una that jon mar rti-alra ami rmi ran dind on It ou set $m arttcla whan Mat luarautttaa It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stsna), Msln Strsst. Rssslrlnf. a Sssslslty s DRUG STORE! YOU CAN FIND IT. Next Door to the Postoflice. Tbs tariff bill will b pa4 snd bs sums s Isw about July l, oaiaa pao sis wso oo M Io know srs mlaiakao. Hot I bar srs masy thing- Ibal should sol b paal. H I B4 rfygi of tasi. liklopMSTfd bargain whlh yos will la; Aid al IL U Will' plar. Mail rrdr '.ioiud. pun'i (arat tbs , CUvassa'i b(4 Hot, tf W ar praparsd to Oil prsriplloo witb Frb Dra. Oar stock U sw sod Iraati and sa iprincd pbarma Hat Is Io Cbargs at all tltna. Talapb"0 OOtinaotloo lib all part of flppnr sod lbs Long ihalanc. Cll op No. 17 E. J. SLOCUM, lllgr,