PAPER OFFICIAL Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS Tie Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad - AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1897. NO. 552 SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. POBLISHJD Tuesdays and Fridays , -BT- . ,: THE PATTERSON PUBUSHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year. $1.25 for nix month,, 75 ota, cor three moncas,, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Uake's Advertising Alienor. M and 65 Merchant Exohangs, San Francisoo, California, where oou- raou for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. RED Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL, COMMISSION - Reasonable Advances , Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner,1 Eoho, Pendleton, Baker . (Jity, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Hbppnbr, Oregon, WITH EVERY CHANGE OF WEATHER COMES A CHANCE FOR SORENESS AND STIFFNESS St. Jacobs Oil WITH THE . . . . . "USE OF C0ME8 A CERTAINTY OF A CUBE. McClure I SEVEN: s Magazine For 1897 GREAT SERIALS WILU YAK. De- Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Janotion 1:80 a. m. Leaves Heppner Janotion 3:40 a, m, and ar rives at Heppner 8:10 a m I Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m. and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. and Urns ilia 9:15 p. m. Portland Express No, 8. from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5115 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 8:10 a. m. and ar ives at Portland 11:45 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner J auction 8:30 a. m. and at Umatilla 1:40 a. m- Vast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at leppner Janotion 1:47 a. m. and at Portland 7 :ul a. m. For farther information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. H 4 N., Heppner, Ore. Flans and Specifications furnished on application. Contracting a Specialty. f- All kinds of lumber, shingles, saBh, doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give me your order. . All kinds ot repairing done ai reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. C. Thompson Co. Sent Free OFITCIAIi DIEEOTOST. United States Officials. President William McKinley Vca-Vresldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman oeoretaryof Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Secretary of War Hussell . Alger Seoretary of Navy John IX Long Postmaster-General James A. Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Seoretary, f Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. It. Kinoaid Treasurer Phil. Hetsohan Rapt. Public Instruction 6. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman G. W. MoBride 8entor i J. H. Mitchell I Binger Hermann IW. R.Ellis W. H. Leeds ( R. S. Bean. Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. WolvertoD Sixth Judicial District. Cironit Judge.. Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean Morrow County Officials. Joint Senator A, W. Gowan Kepreeentativg. J. N. Brown Congressmen . Printer To any person interested in humane matters, or who loves animals, we will vend tree, upon application, a oopy of the "ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society. In addition to its in tensely interesting reading, it contains a list of the valuable and unusual pre miums given by the paper. - Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "8t. Ives." The only novel of Btevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from hli recollections and correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished; In connection with this series ot portraits H IS lnienoea lo puDiirn special uiugrupmcai siuuitn unuci Sbuo,. m u, MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary talent tor mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holme," stories, given him a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. , . . TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear In McClubb'b Magazine, JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblefinger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLING. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McClubs's : all of tne short stories ne will write during we coming year. . OCTAVE THANET is preparing; for the Maqazims a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in Itself. Brat Hart : Robert Barr Hit Home Spirit, But Not Enough olslon and Energy. The yak, or wild ox of Tibet, has sufficient spirit to turn and attack a hunter. If it had more perseverance it would prove a dangerous enemy. Col. Prejevalski, in his account of his travels in the Tibetan mountains, nar rates an adventure which illustrates the yak's disposition: I was returning to camp when I saw several old yaks grazing on a little plateau. I fired on them, and one fell and slipped down the snowy slope. Stunned by his fall, he lay motionless at the bottom of the ravine. I ran to him. , As soon as he saw me, some hun dred feet away, he rose and tried to flee. I fired, but the ball did not touch him. Then he turned and rushed at me. I had only two cartridges; I fired one at a distance of 70 feet, and one at a distance of 50 feet. He stopped when he was quite near me, holding his head down and lashing' his sides with his tail. I was near enough to see his little eyes and the blood which ran from his nostrils. If he had had a little more decision and energy, I should have been lost. I could not get away, and I had no weapon but my empty gun. We stood looking at each other. Presently he raised his head am'' Etopped Lashing his sides. Evidently he was getting over his anger. I threw myself on the ground, and without tak ing my eyes from him, crawled back ward some 00 feet. Then I jumped up and walked away as fast as possible. did not breathe freely until aom 200 feet lay between us. Something to Know. It may be worth something to know that the very best medicine for restoring that tired out nervous system to a healthy vigor if Eleotrio Bitters. This medicine is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone to the nerve centres in the stomach, gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys' and aids these orgBns in throwing off impurities in the blood. Eleotric Bitters improves the appetite, aids digestion, and is pronounced by those who have tried it aa the very best blood purifier and nerve tonio. Try it. Sold tor 60c or SI.. 00 per bottle at Conser & Brock's drag store. Anthony Hop Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman will all have stories in McCiatri's for the coming year. Clark Russell These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClcbs'R Maoazink for 18S7, tne suDscnpuon priee oi wnicn is oniy One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. MM ilounty Jadse.. ' Commissioners... J. W. Beckett. " Clerk , " Sheriff , ' Treasurer , " Surveyor.. , Bohool Bap t.... Coroner.. FIRST Go via. St Paul be- "g. Bartholomew CftUBO the lioOB to that point will 1 O LI .-I afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that I line makes close connections with an me trans-contineniai lines en tering the Union Depot there, and ita service is first-class in every particular. TLTIRD For information, call , J. R, Howard ....J. W. Morrow ...E. L. Matlock ... Frank Gilliam J. r Willis .... J. W. Boroor ..Jay W. Shipley ,...B. F. Vaughan u Thos. Morgan ii..,.nnilmm Geo. Conner, Frank Gilliam. Arthnr Minor, K. J. Blooum, si. l. si 1 1 T It Mimnni 1'""'"-' " A. Richardson ""....7.1m W. Brunts a. Bob.. Dualaat AflMVfl. I gT-Jissv. . .1 ... 1 1 ll . I ,...w. K. Kirharddon 0Q your ne.eQoor Bna mena me fc s I A Campaign Of Education HOW to Get It (T IT AA .ror aP-.vv Tbe Black Butte Mine. Many Pendleton people are this year interesting themselves in mining, and there is more activity than for several years, says tbe East Oregon i an. , Tbe principal mining property oon trolled by Pendleton persons is the Blaok Butte, in Fox Vally,, Grant county, in which John Gagen, T. 0. Taylor and other Pendleton business men have invested their money. This mine will be operat ed this season, and a party is now on its way from tbe mine where they have gone to look after some important busi ness interests and disoove the needs. Long Creek Eagle. THERE ARE TWO SECTS. Don't tbin your blood with sassafras I or poison it with blue-mass; bat aid Na ture by nsing Dewitt's Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for oon stipation, biliousness and stomach trou' bles. They are purely vegetable. Mtlllllllllm Jnstiosof the Peace. Con stable.. Celted Stales Land Offieara. TBI DALLES, OB. nearest ticket agnt and ask for a I ticket reading via. tbe Wisconsin J. t. Moot.... A.S.Iligfs.... B.F. Wilson... J. H. Kobnins. tiV, Central lines, or address LA OBAIIDS, OB. ... Beoeiver ....Register ....Heeeivsf UNPARALLELED Jas. C. Pond, den Pas. Airt.. Milwaukee, Wis. soeoimbt aocignxa. HAWLINB P08T,NO.IL G. A. B. U at Uxmatno, Or., ths Ut Batnrday of -rk month. All veterans are """" G. W. Hmltn, AdinUBt. 1 or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 2te Htark St, fortland Or. C. a. FvuOA. Commaiuler. Dr; P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. City Drog Store, BTOCl BRANDS. While yon aep roar subscription paid re I uktn roor brand in frssof eharga. Borg. P.O.. Heppner, Or. Horasa, P B . UK I shoaldert oatua, same on lert nip. Cook. A. J..Lns.Or. Horses, Won right shool ira der; Offln in the City Hotel. near tf D.J. McFaul, M. D. UEPPNER, OREGON. Offio hours, 8 to 10 m., and 1 12 o 2 p m., at resideocxt. Mrs. 11. WHob a property, aod 10 to 12, ft. m , to 3 to 5 p. ai, at offloa to tba rear ot Borg-s jewelry stora. Hatlop Bail o! WI.PCKLAMO. 10. E. BISHOP, Praaiasat. Casktor. TilSSACTS i 6LNTRAIBAXILLN6 BCSDiESS OOLLEOTIONS Mads on Favorable Tarma. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREOON -..! un,nH,ihihin mv mark sonars I aron oS left and sunt in ngnu LVnglasa. W. Gall.iwaf. Or.-attU. B Daw right side, swailow-rors u astoa i mn-, on left hip. vi. Dot. Or. Rum branded ELY on left shoaldar, cattl Sam oo Ufthip. hols In riht ear. snMnM l. A.. HMnnnsr. Or. CatUa. LF oa 1 rltfhthiDi borsaa. I with bar andec oa right buoldar. . Joaas, Harry, Heppner. Or -Horiwa hrandad a J on tha left ahfialnW; oattle braudud J on right hip. alao onderbit in left ear. Haas u Uitffus ecmntv. w.n. IjBt Or Hn nss. eirnlsT on left sUn;'eaUl'.samon right alp, andat half nn is riaht and sullt la Uft sar Kmay.Mika, Happner. Or.-Horsaa branded NY oa toft hip eaitleawneand crop oil Ufl mrt andar skin oa the right I v.. T Hannaar Or. HoraM branded L and A oa loft should-) cattle aania oa left hlo. wattU over nht sya, thm alita is right tUa, M D OB Or.-HnrsM. M ) To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature is expensive. Leslla'a Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Kllth Avenne, Mew York, is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- mmate skill. Such a paper is a great popular educator. It should be In every borne. The subscription price of Leslie'a I P naum. We make tht unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever marts before. " No such offer will ever be msde again. These twoVp n11 mn,t aoeeptabla Christmas or blrthrtsy gilt, and will be constant reminders of the gtver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the v? Heppner, urecon. Mohammedans Are Divided According to Their Creedal Forms. Mohnmmedans divide themselves into two principal sects Shiah and Sunnl, tho Persians representing the bulk of the former, the Turks of the latter. The chief points on which they differ are the condition of the soul after death and the succession of caliphs. Tlie Sunui believe that there is one im niortal God, whose works are without beginning or end, and that He will be visible to the souls of the blessed; while the Shiuhs deny the immortality of the soul and maintain that the co existent principles of Zoroaster will forever contend for the mastery. With regard to the prophet's successors, the Sunpis claim that the lawful successor of Mohnmoird wu Abu Itckrund after him Oinur ( smun and All (uepliew and son-in-law of Mohammed); the Kbiaim, however, re jwt the first three and hold censor. Shiwha pray but three times a day, and enjoin pilgrimages to Nejef, Ker bela, Kay.imo.ln, Meshed (Persia), Sa mara and Kuin, as well a to Mecca and Medina, Sunnis make pilgrimages only to the two latter cities and pray five timea a day. From this it can lie readily understood thnt the cireum fctanee of the Turks U'iug in possession of the shrines of Nejef (Meshed All), Ka7.imain and Kerlicla U most displeas ing to devout Shittlm. Rlackwotxl's Magazine. . LETTER LIST. I ETTER8 ADVERTISED AT HEPPNER aj or., June 7, 187, Carllle. E. B. Fisher, James Leach, Edgar D. When calling advertised. Southwell, Mrs. Ben . Thompson, Mrs. J. T. for these letters please say J. r. WILLIAMS, r, M, Mr. Isaao Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. Vs., and on ot the most widely known men In the state was cured of rheumatism after Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its trreat leaveninsr streneth and heall hfulness. Asnurns the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. ROYAL BAKING POWDKB CO., NEW YORK. Get Kid of the Cayuses. Sam Kinsman, whom every one knowa to be a rattling good fallow as well as a first olass business man, writes the Ga zette that the Linnton works will start np this week. It Is the ohanoe for East ern Oregon to clean tbe range of six-bit oaynses and save the grass tor mora val uable stock. Heppnerites should Dot fail to see the Linnton horse paokinB establishment when in the metropolis. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh thst con tain Mercury, . as meronry will surely destroy tbe sense of smell and oompletely derange tba whole system when entering it through the muoous surfaces. Such articles should never be need except on proscrip tions from reputable physicians, aa the damage they will do ii ten told to tbe good you oan possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contalne no mercury, and is taken internally, acting direotly npon tbe blood and mu oous surfaces ot tbe system. In baying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sore you get the genuine. It is taken internally, and three years of suffering. He says: have not sufficient oommand of language made in Toledo , Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & to convey any idea ot what I suffered, Co. Testimonials free. my physicians told me that nothing oould be done for me and my friends were fully oonvinoed that nothing but death would relieve me ot my suffering. In June, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., reoommfid; time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double their normal sise and it seemed to me my leg wonld burst, but soon after I began nsing the Pain Balm tbe swelling began to decrease, the tbe pain to leave, and now I consider that I am entirely eared. For sale by Conser & Brock. Bold by Druggists, prioe 75c. per bottle. Mr. 0. F. Drake is here from Port land to lake Mr. J. O. Hart's place at the depot during the letter's, ahaaoaav oigbt and will remain a few days. This Is bis first real rest ainoe assuming obarge ot tbe station at Heppner. Pendleton will have Main's big abow In tbe near future. Don't neglect a cough because tbe weather Is pleasant; before tbe next storm rolls around it may develop into a senons difficulty beyond repair. One Mioote Oongh Cure is easy to take and will do what ita oame implies. HOW "Moral DUELS ARE STARTED. WEEKLY The MONTHLY riant hi pi buna. Hon left shoulder. aa laA alunildal aaUla SBOM OB UK BtP. J. W., Doaslas. IH( horaasO oo !( abunldari eattU same on riant hip. Parkar GlaasoB. HardiBaa,Or,-HorM lr OB lartahottldar. Plpar. J. H-. Liln. t.-Horsaa. J a Outlook hip. Had oiilaft shouldari CatUa, and-r bit In wb-r. ,rt Urtnr i. W.. nappoar. rr. 11. v Uft atwaloar. CatUa, () oa right hip. Sparry, K. O. H-wnar, Or. - CaUle W C o. laft hip. yrV rtht and In Uft fmr DMia. 4.-. nappn"r, i Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York First National Bank ii Errs er Uft SwuMMl oaitla. 1 oa Uft shoajldar. K W aisMIIIIISBw 1 PI esiiisan a laft ahnoldw. baraasi aatU SUM OB kaft Blp Wit aplit IB boSk Wattaoharaar, W. i., Oalloway. Or. koraae oiwrtar mrria JW oa right ah.H.ldar! eaiile auriareiralaJW ril.l hip ad nM afc-a, crop and aula la Urft aaf. Bw U Morrow aad LiaaUlla anaolia. C. A. RHCA, T. A. B)HCA, GIO. W. CONSER, B. W. SPCNCtn, atraaia-ant Via PreaMant a CasMar Aaa't CaeMar Tmwti I Gfnenl Bulir ImtSL V.VflTT A TQ1 JJJ m. A -a- -a- Oa all nana of ths world Bought and Sold. CollerUona ssade oa all aainta oa raaanBatOB Tsrma. BorplH S4 BBdlWUd ProHia, 00. The Outlook will be la 1397, as It baa been durlof eob o( Its twenty seven ,w tears, a UUto'T of OorOwa Timea. I eapiul TllU ...tooe editorial departmeaU Tbt Oatlook gives a compact review ot the world's Droareae: it follows witbeare ell tbe important philantbropid and la dua trial movemeate ot tbe day; bae a complete department ot religlooe peas devotee nocb space to tba toteresti of Ibe home; reviowt eorreot HUfatnre; foroishee cheerful table-talk eboot ob aad things: and, to short, aime to give treeh n(rmalloB, eriginal olsrsrvsttoe, and reaeooable enUrtaioaiest. Notice of Intention, I AND OmrR AT THE DALI.7.B nRKCiOH, J May 10. IWJT. Notlra Is herabr Itlven that the (ollolii nsmel settler has Sled notlr of his Intention to make flnal proof lu support ol his claim, and that said proof will ha aiade before t. W Morrow.) oinur tiers, ai neppaer, Onon, oo June JS, l, vie ALBERT COIRTKR, Hd K. No. KM. for the m SWH and s4 II Wm kr '.. Tp. CM., R W. M. He nsmrs tne ioiuiwiub wni Fr,n his emiUnnoiis rasldewe upon and cultivation ol, said laud, vis: , It nilam l.iirllln, niismin Minims, nin M. M. Hastlnr and Henry C. Poulsen, all ol Hardmao.Orrson. jA8. r. MooRK. U1H Raflstar. lies on the her" (liven In a Lat ter Is bb Insult. Arthur Thlele, a young atudenh at the high school of technology in Char lott4'nburg, IM-ar Berlin, ba been sent to a fortress for nine month because be provokiMl and fought with Dr. llrock elmann, says the New York Sun. llrockclruann wus Tblele's is'coiid in a sword duel, and in bU comments on tbe iiifftiiig critleiaed severely one of Thlele'a etrokea. Thlele. regurded the critii lsnt as an Insult, lie chal lenged the doctor, but a court of honor drelded the doctor was under no oiiii (ration to accept the challenge. This decision angered Thlele. He was deter mined to have a duel at any price. Ho he sat down and wrol what, to hia der ma n mind, was tbe most innulting let ter h could think out. This letter reached Its elimnx In the arbtence: "You may regard yourself as moral ly boxed on the ear by Ilia under sized." To Brocket man n'a dermen mind. Urn. this aeriued an Inault that only IiIimmI E. O.: The Rev. Chaa. R. Howard baa W. B. Johnson. Newark.O.. lays "One returned from Walla Walla, where be at- Minute Cougb Cure saved my only obild tended the distrlot conference of tbe from dying by oronp." It bae eaved Methodist oburch, South, ne leaves for thousands of others suffering from orotip. Heppner with bis family Wednesdsy pneumonia, bronchitis and other eerioue morning, going by team throat and lnog troubles. U The crescent waves on Cretan shores, The cross of Christ goes down; lha Turks arc helped by Christian powers Who bombard fort and town. Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds Poor Cuba's piercing err; Then let us drown these shsmeful deeds In sjierry's "Llnwood Rye." For sale at the Belvedere saloon, E. . Hperry, proprietor. tf Any lady desiring to purchase a sew ing maoblne should oall on J. W. Vangban and examine bis latest im proved Wbite machines, A bappy com bination of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. Ham Wilkinson, representing Koah land k Co., came over from Pendleton Tuesday last. Every new subscriber of tbe Uaiette from tbia date, May a, mn, win receive niok Malhewe and V. Gentry, under aaa premlnm a book worth alone the the flfm nim, o( Miih.w A 0.0,ry price of tbe cubecription. tt Ed. C. Allen baa sold bis interest tbe Golden Role hotel at Pendleton. io Tetter, Halt-ltheum and Eccmn. 1 UB illMlliaa IWIIIIH awn n.. . ....p., .." dsut to these disennr, is InsUntl v allayed by applying Chamberlain a E-ye ana rould wltw out. Thus It reme that I early one morning Thlele and Brock- Hkln Ointmstit. Many very bad case Charles. rlmann found tlii'iiutelves ten rr have been wrmanently enrea by It. It apart In the (iriuiemalil and abot at each other until TUelr fell with a dun are associated together io tba barber business in the Dew stand, two doors aontb of the postoffloe. They solioit a oall. tf. Oregon Ian: Mr. 0. A. Rhea, president of the First National bank, at Heppner, and one ot tbe big sheep owners ot Mor row oouoty, is registered at the Ht. la equally eflicieiit tor itching piles and "For three yeare we bate sever been a favorite remedy for sore nipples, without Chamberlain's Colic. Cbolera geroua wound la the abdomen. Thw I chapped hands, chilblains, froet blU ml Diarrhoea Remedy lo the bouse." .1 A V 1 -ai Urt MS1 i4Bf twit I Votc of Intention. Laso Orn s at La Ubapp. riacoow. rl.r 1Mb iwT. XT OTIC E 1 SERRRY illVKK Til AT THE l f,.lloal liul srttler liaS fliad nolli of his iBtonUna B ansa Snal prof In snprt of his elalm, and that said proof will be made Before mity Clark of Morrow ( on ntv. Oregon, at Urppaar. Or-t'rti, on inm ? 1W7, via: rV itKohKR W. I'gAHSON, Hd. P. Do fM7 for the . and 14 VKI, sae ! Tp I M R J7 E W M. He namas U HMlowiof sna. am.a llngerel for days lietween life and deatli, but afler one taking a turn for the better, rei'overed rapidly. With nine months' rrt In a Prussian fort ress ba will I fully restored to health. STRONG OF WINQ. tllnis his roii 1 1 noon, rmliteiira omin arid rulU.aUoa rrf Said tasd. vli' )ir si Vlnann, JhB A. KOTICE Or JSTENTIOS. IA"D OPftrE ATTrtEDAll.".rRKO, j Maf I". I?. !'' hea.v glvan that ll, fnlluwlng tiamad srltlrf has Sl-I o.rtleatf his li.inl..n W. rnaks ! prt-f In support ni u.. .i.i .,wl ll,. I said nr..f will U inads b.f..ra J. W Mof .w, I .wntf tiara, al fctappiter, UragoB, OB June J. I"", vis: His ai c. roi ui, Hd l. ' .L . 1 1 . .. - - - In bmtl bal rasldewsi apoB and eulfvattaa I gogveoUnea Bad altrarttveoeaa, ol, d nl. vis I ...,.. . l. l.iu l.t ...r. Hatnrrla-. llllaat l-IWlllng. S""""" iiim'.. "--7 USUWS jsuiaim. wl 1 r Tull-r aad a.u.r u. '"!:" : ... . . .... TKa first Usna MR IMML r, Dlir-lVV MUn . Mwm. - " ' - - Tliomiaili, ley, all of Heppusr M.V4 w llllara A ars. and Iavt4 M. free- Oregon. 1. 1. W!!n, krgisur. Beglanlog with tbe fifty Birth volume, t. No ut, im aae u. TP . B . I tbe pepef wW aeeaaia tba f eg olar Bag- ;m.4 t.-.t I iotilg( wbMfc wU1 trt.,, to It. Now is tba time to get tbe Weekly Orea-nBiao. Ibe greatset newspepsr of the West. With Ibe Oaaatu, both elrict llaadvance,onaBar,$3 W. Be better Combination uf as papers esa be made la tba etaU. Tbe does pot q nest im thai paraoa, Batni-Waekly Oaaetta la 12.60 and tba Leg" tba ordinary Usuee, togatbrf Tbe rr"'Bf snWnpOoo pru-e ot tba fifty tao leeoes a year lo each moolh la ao Illustrated Msgagiae Nomtief, aootamlng about Iwiea aa masy Tba Oesette pooaaty est any pallad lo iBitss TL ... ..iJ roller oric of tbe Weekly Orefooiaa kh a larse aumber t i-rttnrae. I - - w ' . 1 . . .Lalka Iks alrilw plaa of aooBonpM. -; - . M . ..t-PfiW. tor tU aa.iW th Cnrae Hoe aeJMil ot torn - - - , . , pertbee o vors" n,ulis uri Bevina for mm fear il p rte as .. ... vk KM WM ears. - ' I aranna ru at both tba OsStl4) BO 4 W. ataot ru the peoer oa aay n,r j., fof w A old ,0K eenbave paylet their eaoecriptiona rcf Wbat it UP OUf Cfflpf' fear la afye-Pe ltl be rairtlaJ tf Tba briee at The Oalloog ie Ibree dollars a year lo advenes, of Uee tbea a eeot a day. Bead for a epiaMe eopy aaJ lilnstr t- eCproepaatnstoTbe OotLrgk, 13 Aatpr SAVE TOlll UKAIM. few reallae thai each tjolrr dee trove 1100 vortb of grain eonaellf Waketee'a Squirrel and Gopher Eiter mloator is tbe most e (Tag live aad ee Bomiral poison fcoowo. Prioe rrdooed to 90 eeata. Coaasr A Brock aad Mloor A Cm.. agacU, fleppar! i. A. Woolerf . agent, i ae; NieboUl A Laaab, agents LBtington. Low THIerd kpa wet mtAt dowa at hie paw piece, aeei lha eon oall ebembers. Oall at Tba Welffj aad reanrlf tf, M Ara Able lo lanlrl Qulta Sanaa lalarlas P.raa I dob Maa. There are a good many birds whoar? strength of wing is auDii-lenl to air ike pretty bard blows, capable of bewilder ing a man, If sever oi me mnia at tarked hi in St otii-. Kotire blrda depend on their wings as wespons to ire ud In the duels for sHeethearta. Korest end Hi ream told some yeara airo alusjt an ol Ik wing was broken hf a nW H bal aought to cap ture and make a meal of. A corres,Kiiiilent of the National flniffglal U lla of his first surgical caw In the atab of Arkansas. A market hunter on Hwan lake, near bliawn Villas platiUUon, waa hunting al niifhV wiUi a light, when a hand of lawk, aH Lag . l-vtil.l.m-d bv lis fire, eam" fit Ilia" that av. Tbehiintr, whowaa In a little pirogue, threw up bis arma to ee bia lJ. and Urn It im m etrmk by the liig of a bird, ni,d Iroth the uln and the rad.uanf bl forearm were broken. Th Him recently fold of B I'rrrtJer- via farmer who vaa ktw-Ur.! from a tree by a flight of wild r" during a foer, aod Koveal and tSireuiii has several tlriM-B In I he tsisl St jenrs U.M asut men who wr ii:iil !)" I'lfU fvli'g aaiust tu-ir I !, i-f'ri.lrr' (ru.T. a rtoa bfiif the rlnlpJ f.(Jvhlrfl, i and chronic aor eyee. Irt eta. per box. Dr. Cadr'i tendltUn Pewderm, are hint what a horse neeibt when In bad .... as a . 1 1 Jt condition. Tonic, uiooa punner ri vermifuge. Tby ara not fosl but me.lli Ina and the beat In nse to put a horan In nrime coiidltiou. Price V) cents per pa kage. Mr. Marie desires It understood that be baa not disposed ot bia Kborttiores, as a recent item in tba Gsiette wonld iod'nate. He rstsins bis berd of CO beed which is ant for sals. Tbe brand new ad. of tbe brand new drag store, K. J. Blooum, manager, le lo this Issue. a Come lo and flt the (Iteetto before 1'ilng to tba mountains. ays A. II. Patter, with E. 0. Atkins A Co., Indianapolis, Iod., "ami my wifa would aa soon think of being without floor as a bottle of Ibis remedy In the summer seaeoo. We have aaed it with all three of onr ehihlreo aod il bas never failed to cure not simply stop pain, bat cure absolutely. It U all right, aad anyone wbo tries it will Rod It so." For (ale by Conser A Brock. CATARRH LOCALDISEASE BMHithseaswttatsaMs sad IsiSis sSraalie saangss. tt saa as ntrg t g ptaasarrt ra4r wbk isia'iaa' aw far,y Iniaiha sarlia, Ha. lagsUS f siwtiel it glvag EJv's Cream Balm u ha lha awwl tKnroarh Mr fa haaili wartii, ( 4 la Ila4 sad II. r rs af l lamaitM-. 11 i and !" INl-al aW .. aiiats aala si. 4 !, mab, lav. la r pn tarwth fnaa raH alas . of i-f.. i frv sifttsni'sT . i JllivIM , M"ili,r't' Regalar services will be ooodaoled In the M. E. oharah, Houth, oeit Sunday. A ferine Dlfrlrglty. "I suffered fur three years with salt rheum. Tbe humor was on my beads end I was obliged to hasp covering oa them most ot tba time. Tba slioglng aod burning were eery eevere. Nothing did me aay good outil t took Hood's Harsaperllte. After taking sii bottles I was eared." Mrs. g, E. Wood, De Lemar, iJahu. Hood's Pills are tbe fevorite family cat hat tm. Ey la take, gentle, mild. l eutg Word wag reoalvej yeeUrJay that tba grand jury ef Umatilla eonaty bad re torol not a true bill lu Jodd Wiley's ease. Thnee wbo bate contracted t bring IS butUf caq do ar) at oorf . Qll UrJ'f