Marvelous Effects- "OLD SPORT." System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparllla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash. "I had a scrofula swelling on one side of my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had email, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rllla and began taking it and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McManub, Mission, Washington. Hood's SS Is the best in fact the One True Wood Purifier. liOOd'S Pills nasea. Indigestion, i iuuu o riiis billousmess. 25 cents. Take Notice. 1. The sum ol Ore cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding present and donors, " "ual uw "I"" and obituary notices, (other than those the edit- live on bis neighbors, notices of special meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ei to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with ub, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of (his the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al snbsoribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, S1.50 3.75 N. Y. Tribune, $1.00 8,00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.60 8.75 Thrlce-a-week N. Y, World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2.50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 5.00 Here and There. single oow 7if Wm. Collins is over from Wagner. Willie Ambrose is over from Ritter. Geo. Armstrong is over to Pendleton. Creum improves strawberries. See Maris. 7t( Mitchell Beaman is in from bis ration today. Fine cows and floe milk at the Short horn dairy. 7tf Conser & Brock's tor the "Never Fail" headache wafer.' tf, John Royse and wife are in from Bardman today. The "long distaooe" is makmg busi ness for Heppner. Born To the wife of Walt Thompson, on May 30th, girl. The raoes are over and yel there is business In Heppner. A. J. Bay, the woolbnyer, is here sgaia to bay fleeces. W. L. Hill and M. Kelly were in from Gooseberry Tester Jay. Harrison Oammings was djwa from Hardman on last Saturday. Any person wanting good hack should oall on Minor A Go. 9-2 Milk for babies from from the Shorthorn dairy. A back for sale or trade for lighter rig or milk oow. N. O. Maris. 7tt Boy milk - from the Shorthorn dairy. N. O. Maris, Frop. 7tf Long Distance and local 'phones oall np No. 19 tor E. W. Rhea k Go. a Mr. L. McKeozie, representing the Northwest lot. Association, it lo tows today. Frank Jooet it working in the Gazette offioe tbit summer, commending yes terday. Norman Kelly tod Al Florence were down from their Willow ereek hornet Saturday. Henry Goats and Aody Rood, of Hard men, were teen on oar streets Sat' orday last. The S. S. ooovention picnic oo last Thursday t Pettejs grove wast com plete eaooeee. Mat Moagrove, the genial represents sits of Flelsihner, Mayer k Co., .Sun dered In Heppner. Virgil Smith it bera lo visit bit brother, Chat. He lately visited Hpo ktot tad Rosslaod. Tea Hintoo and Dsn Morrow euros io Beturday with wool tod left today for Long Greek, loaded with merchandise. "Never Fail" headache wafers tt Cen ter k Biook't, Tbit medioine will ours toy kiod of t headache io short order. tf. M. Llrbeotenlbel baa the finest lint of levies' and gents' ten shoos that ever cams to Heppner. Mat waott to back tht oroDoaitloo. 9-3 Choice Collection of Notes Picked np Mis cellaneously "Looking Backward." Sport is retrospectively iocimed "this load of poles." He oan look baok to week before last when he bad a few dollars in bis jeans. The races came, his lodgment wasn't good well, its the old story now he hss "nary" a cent. Sport would guess that a whole lot of sportier folks than be, and who claim to know a sight more about horses and who say their horses are world-beaters, are just as bad off. The oar that left for Montana last night took out ten bead of horses, and Tom Allen, Jake Howell. Frank and Light Howard, Chas. Campbell, Frank Reed, "Yak" Devoigne, Harry Bennett, Ed. Smith, Jerry Toung, Alva Boyntoo, Mike Roberts, and probably a few more, besides the usual amount of bay and baggage. There are no millionaires in the orowd, bat if there were they would "sweat-box" .through to Anaoonda, just the same. It's seoond nature. Tramps will ride rods with money in their pock ets; horsemen will buy anvtbiog tbat they can pay for, exoept fare. The "sweat-box" is good enough for them. The oow question is dominant to the Heppnerlte at present unless be has a oow that he expeots to turn loose to There is only one enterprise that can keep pace with the town oow. That is the obicken busi ness. Chlokens are a nuisanoe as a par lor ornament. They have no business outside of tbe ohicken-yard, exoept in the culinary department after their beads are lopped off. Shade trees can grow in Heppner if they have a obanoe, but they oannot live where tbe town oows iufest tbe neighborhood like vermin. There is a street in Heppner that has been dedicated to the town oow. This sprmgitwas oleaned up, bat the cow oan always be fouud there, just the same. It you are provided with a lan tern you oau get through safely at night. Otherwise riBks are taken. Cobs. Campbell, tbe owner of Col. T, Informs the Gazette that the stakes in the raoe between his horse and Sinner were 850 a side instead of 8100. He olaims tbat bis j okey threw bim dowo, aud gives as proof the statement that tbe jock, Walter Rees, paid bim baok the money tbat was lost, tbe sum of 850. Sport is not on the inside and gives the story as Mr. Thompson slates it. A man who jumps his board bill is considered a pretty bard citizen. Ask Sheriff Matlock bis opinion of the mat ter. Mike Roberts has bought that blooded stallion, Latah, and will tackle Montana witn mm. Anriy Alien, who oame up trom The Dalles with the horse, has re turned home. E. Looghney, better known as "Kid" Duffey, will take iu tbe Moutana cirouit this year. The "kid" is an all-raund jooc and thinks tbat be may winter in this locality. Tbe track oame out t few dollars ahead this meeting, io oontrast to tbe rases a year ago when it took every oeot in sight, iDoludiog the pool box money hicb belonged to MoAtee & Patterson, to square matters to keep tbe town and track in good repute. Old obligations are being paid and the raoing for Hepp ner, if it must end, will end creditably. COMMENCEMENT EXEBC1SES At the Sand Bollow School Jane 2, 1897, Mabel Glasscock, Teacher. The following program was participa ted in by tbe pupils of tbe Sand Hollow sobnol on last Friday, June 2, 1897: "Our Greeting," song, by school. Recitation, 'Brave John," Kit HcCsrty. Recitation, "Missionaries," Loy Turner. "Marching Thro' Georgia," song, by school. Recitation, "Nobody Knows but Mother," Elva Gentry. Recitation, "An Alphabetical Boy," Battle Edwards. "The Spanish Cavalier," song, by school, Recitation, "The Old Farmer's Elegy," Sadie McCarty. Recitation, "He KiBsed Bis Mother," Frank Turner. Our Flag," (motion song), by the little ones. Recitation, "Patriot Sons of Patriot Sires," Grace Stamp. Recitation, "Churn Slowly," Hattie Edwards. "Just Before the Battle Mother," song, by school. Recitation, "The Lips that Touch Liquor Shall Never Touch Mine," Bessie Edwards. "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp." song, by school. Recitation, "Stand Like An Anvil," Loy Turner. Recitation, "A Ride," Iva Gentry. "Jewels," song, by school. Recitation, "When is Yesterday?" Elsie McCarty. Recitation, "The Villiage Blacksmith," Grace Stamp. Recitation, "A Summer Shower," Sadie McCarty. "Cradle Hymn," song, by school. Recitation, "Hang up the Baby's Stocking," Iva Gentry. "Recitation, "The Dark," Elsie McCarty. Recitation, "A Robin," Harvey Gentry. "God Be with You," song, by school. The Misses Yell a and Leatha Devins oame over from tbe adjoining school district and honored them with some very fine recitations; the former reoiting "Guilty or Not Guilty" and tbe latter a very patbetio pieoe entitled, "The Sol dier's Cradle Hymn." Up-to-Dmt Japan. Parties who reside in Japan wishing to obtain sawmill machinery, with all the modern appliances and improve ments for skillfully sawing lumber, sent word recently to Menominee, Mich., through the Japanese consul at Tacoma, Wash., asking' the works to make bids at their regular rates. The bill calls for a full equipment. The letter laid great stress on the fact tha t they wanted labor-saving machinery of the very best quality. The natives are the only parties interested, and they are pushing the matter with vigor They want a big bandmill, with its Accompanying machinery. AMERICAN PANTOMIME. OPINION OF TICKS. They Can be Extracted But it Must be Done Scientifically. Sticking to tbe sage brush the grease wood and the natives, in Malheur coun ty, is a speaies of exodus albipiotns, and by people in a hurry called wood tioks, says tn Eastern Oregon editor. They are dipterous, with steel traps oo their feet and a diamond drilling aDDaratue attached to eBob palpus. They some times feed on dogs, bat prefer boys and printers. They are without wings, but oan jump 300 feet, and when tbey get beneath your pajams, tbe damage tbey do is not so much in wbat tbey eat as what tbey tramp down. A wood tiok is not so large as a bull dog, but he is more to bs dreaded than t book agent or a Spanish mule. Some people, when tbey find an exodus albipiotns sticking to them, take tbe bullet moulds and ruthlessly tear away what there is in sight, but this is not the oorreot way to do, as it leaves the mandibles still in your oompany, and a tore that will not quit itobing for nine years. Tbe only proper thing to do when you find a wood tiok sorewed (they are never nailed) te you it to take a gold-headed needle, run Into tbe tiok at the point tbat offers tbe least resistance, until it penetrates tbe pons varoliof tbe medulla oblongata then bold a lighted luoifer match to the protruding part of tbe needle; this oar ries tbe beat to the aforesaid pons varoli, wbioh causes tbe tiok to with drsw hit oorksorew and also to go out of busmen. Clever Clowns Are Haril to Secure Some Well-Known Performer. A comparison between English and American pantomime will result favor ably in many particulars for the Anier ican, because novelty is sadly lacking in the former, says an exchange. The English clown makes his appearance on the stage with a "Here we are again" with a certainty that only equals the coming of death and rent day. Hump-ty-Dumpty, Columbine, the policeman end all other funny people are as stere otyped as three meals a day, and our cousins across the water look upon them with open-eyed astonishment year after year, with a stoicism that borders on the ridiculous. If the same tactics were fallowed by purveyorsof that clasfi of entertainment here, how long would it last? With the American insatiable thirst for novelty we should say but a very short time. Pantomimifits like the famous Gri maldi and Ravel families do not flourish now, and the pantomime must combine great spectacular features and in genious devices as well as comedy ele ments. Pantomime has never been suc cessfully engrafted on American soil; otherwise it would be an institution iu every large city in the land. But when ever it was well done it always paid well. Years ago the Bavels came to New York and became the craze of the town. Francois, the father of the fam ily, could set the house, in- a roar by walking across the stage, and poor George Fox, who was the best panto mimiSt the United States ever pro duced, was a good successor to Francoij Ravel. Chicago News. Mood? Cure sick headache, bad MSB, taste In the mouth, coated ICS 5 I ge tongue, gas in the stomach, III 9 diatreis and indigestion. Do iav not weaken, but have tonic effect. 25 cents. The only rills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE a V write t0 T-8- QumCBT. Drawer 156. Chicago. Secre- taty of the Star Accident regarding Accident Insur ance. Mention this paper. Bv so dolnsr vou can save membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAI, EXAMINATION REQUIRED NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT A meeting of the stockholders oi the Na tional Bank of Heppner will be held on Satur day, June 19, 1897, between the hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m., for the purpose of voting on placing the bank Into voluntary liquidation and such other matters as may come before the meeting. This notice Is published by order of the Board of Directors at a meeting held May 1, 1897. Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier. Heppner, Or., May 7. 1897. 542-53. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that I have on the 1st day of May, 1897, been appointed as assignee of the estate of G. W, Bwaggart, Insolvent, and all persons holding claims against ttd Insol vent, or his estate, are hereby not I fled to pre sent the same to me at my oftice in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, properly verified by oath according to law, within three months after date of this notice. Ed, R. Bishop, Assignee. Heppner, Or., May 7, 1897. 542-53. An Emblem or Love. The acacia, has for a long time been regarded in the east as the emblem of concealed love. The notion Is purely fanciful, for there ta nothing about the rdant to suggest the idea. Milk shakes, lemonades and delicious ice cream at the Orange Front, opposite uity notei, oor. main and Willow sis, Parties desiring cream for epeoial oooa siodb should order a day in advanoe. tf. Ma. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! B You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! UT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries end supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. You osn find what you want at T. B. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! IT. Howard. Main Street, Heppner, Oregon. bat mast have help filling np and oom- Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, May 28. 1897. Notice la hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 17, 1897, viz: CHARLES W. INGRAHAM, Hd. E. No. K3, for the SWH Sec, 25, Tp. S S, R24EWM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: A. W. Baling, Harlan 8tnton, R. W. Robinson, and G. 1). Coats, all of Eight Mile, Oregon. JAS. F.MOORE, 548-559 Register. $IOOO for those who find it. HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big sprinV trade, to make it a bowling suooess. We are pleting our stook of GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate business. We have many customers now but there are still several vacancies in this department of our store, to be filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. DRINK THE FAMOUS Hop Gold Beei A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Star JBrewery Company, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at ... . F WELCOME O. S. VaoDoyn oame np from Tbe Dalles this morning and will remain a few days. Joseph Mueller and Walt Bartbnlo mew arrived yesterday from Qoldeodale Mr. Mneller will return in a few days. Roy Durham writes bia father, Jobn Durbam, that be ia improving rapidly and that be will have entirely reoovered in a short time. E O.: W. F. Matlook came borne Wednesday evening from Heppner, where be attended tbe raoes of tbe Heppoar Speed Association meet. Epb Eskelsoo and Sam Palmer were o from their homes in tbe Sooial ridge section, on last Saturday. Tbey report the ravugee of grsssboppers as beiog serious, Any person io oor midst who desires to get a new pair of glasses fitted to their eyea by a thorough optician abould oall on FraDk Borg. Frank is a graduate in this line. U. L. Fetterson aod wife and Dr. W. T. Miracle aod wife aod Master Otis L. Patterson arrived from Long Greek yes terday. Dr. aod Mrs. Miracle left last night for Portland, E.O: Ed a Allen aod family will leave eoon for tbe Sound, where Mrs. Alleo and cbildreo will remain at Long Beach daring the summer. W. P. Alleo will accompany them W.i Hill's team got badly soared at Bacraoao'e baod this morning eod made a "saabey ' op Malo street but were corralled Dear tbe Gazette office with out damage to anything A flehlog party oooaiatiog of Frank MoFerleoleod eoa. Earl, E. E. Potter and eon, Fred, aod Dr. Pwiobaroe aod eon, Ralph, went op Willow ereek io search of flb, oo last Saturday Charles Royse came over from Ime Rork Retards?, leaving for borne Hon da, lie ie al preeeot taachiog the Idea schrM 1, (Iraaabnppers are doing coo Dr. John W. Rasmus , of tbe Kedlubt, lMr(,Wi demaaa lo bis locality bae keg beer oo draught the Hop la- Herder Hadly and Perhsns Katally Jared-Herdlng for D. O. Justus. V. (J. Jastns ia in receipt of word from W. J. Bsowo, who la 'tending I oampfor Jostna, over near TJkiah, that bia herder, Jeff Gorier, had tbe misfor tune to shoot himself in tbe breast near the heart. It is not koowo bow tbe accident oo ourrea. ine injured man is In a very serious oonditioo and has been broneht to TJkiah. Mr. Jostas left immediately for tbat plaee as soon as be reoeived tbe news of tbe aocident. aod eigart lo tf OolJ. Det of liiiuore atook. Tbe celebrated Imported mooing atallioa. Calpborene, will stand tbe eeeaoa la Iier pner. For pertioolars call on W. O. Bioor. tf Dr. J. E. Adkioe la op from Billeboro aod Iboee desirieg aoylbtog lo tbe line of deetietry eboold rait oo bim at bia offioe ia tbe rear of P. O. Bore's Jewelry store. Will remaia only a abort time. Mf. llonJrede of Iboosaade bave beeo fa dooad tolry Cbemberlelo's Ooogb Kme if vy reading wbel It bee done for o here, ad bating trstaJ lie terils fur tbem Wm are today te warmest friends, Forl I; CVcf Cfofk. The Oatotla aolioee tbat fUory Ras mus, D. D , will deliver tbe baoralaore sle eermoo Jooe 13, at Moomootb, the oo casino beiog tbe bgiooinf of tbe com meneenent exeroieee of Moootoutb Normal. Millinery at eot Mr. L. J. Estea off-re her entire stock of fasblooatile mitHoery goods. Inolading lelie', mtee as' eod ebil trso'a bate of the very 1U eet etrlee and d-algns, al aiet for the out 30 days. ttf Fiebiog partteeSoadai last were more aomeroof tbaa Dsb. Tbe Quelle doea aot know as to tbe geoeral eoeeees, ex int thai of on perty, onmpoe-d of Mr end Mrs. Artliar Mienr sad Mr. eod Mrs Will rancor, wM mmnt ovfr tJ Put tB'l IS J Cngbt 'J flatt. On Wlllna Uf .ant na tha, TT-ll What is the missing word in the following THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Tbey try to please all. Fine olub rooms in connection. IOW rHvTvVlI3, Prop. FRANK R06ERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, SHOT IN TUB MOUNTAINS. sentence: Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is because it is fresh-roasted. Get a package of Schillings Bttt tea at your grocers ; take out the Yellow TUktt; lend it with your gue to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by August 3 1 it One gueu allowed for every yellow ticket. If your guest reaches ui before July tit, you are entitled to two guessei for each ticket. If only one person find the word he geti $iooo. If several find it, the $iooo will be divided equally among them. Every one lending a yellow ticket will get a let of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in on en- OFFICE HOURS-Hiv and Nicrht. I psvp vmir nrtWc "An HM .. . OO 1 a - . I""---" w " ' eiav aVM I V WU VIUVI J lie J VlUi vciupc win icirc a maiming loyo mcnuar, no UYcrusciueni vn lb liu. n4 r i- -it . .m i iai aim iu. ui jiiu win v;wi cm. U U U U U U U Contractors and Buildera.- Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- In addition to the $iooo offered we will pay $roo each to the two persons who tend in the largest number of Schilling's But yellow tickets before' June 15th. Bnrprlse Party. Mrs. H. W. Bartholomew, oot to be I ontduooby her frieod, Mies Qoldstone, orgaoized a band of merry makers aod surprised the latter at tbe borne of Mr. aod Mre. H. Blaokmao, 00 last Friday evening. Il was indeed a oorpriae. Tbe eotertaiomeot wea informal, there hav. log beo do opportooity for preparatioo, bat tbie lent a eh arm to the oocasloo. Tbe evealog waa epeot io the osnal manner, ao elegant laooh of strawber ries aod oaks being ona of tbe iruport- ant fast ares. Cut this out. two weeks. San Francisco You won't see it again for A Schilling & Company HOOTS AND SHOESti. D THE PLACE TO CCTTHCM It AT ai. iiciiaAis:xaAiiiv Ha has anything in this Una that jm mar ilralre anil ynu run depend on It you got a giKxl article when Mat guarantees It, SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Speolalty NEW Tired, Ntrveae, olerpleaa Meo aod women bow gratefolly tbey write about Uooda s Harseparllla. Oooe belpleea and rliaoooraged, baviog lost all faitb io medielnea. oow io sood health aod "able io do tny own work." becanee Uood's Bareaparilla baa power to so riob and ponfy tbe blood aod make tbe weak strong Ibis is tiperieoeo of a boat of people. Hood's rills are tha best family ce-1 tbsrlio and liver medioine. Oeotle, reliable, sore. Fruit Jars I Did You Say? YES, WE- HAVE. 'EM ! Heppner to Pendleton via llfnpocr- Keho Metre Line. Perenoo diwlrooe of vtailiog I'eedletoo eo save time and money ty taking Ibis rente, liy ao qnalntlng Ibe aaeole the prevtoos eeo- log tbe Mage will make contention wtb 2 a tlock train al rbo for Pendleton. OfTioe el Oily Drog Hlore. W. V. Loan, 1 rooriesor. Uocbaoao s Comedy C. preeeoUd "Tbe Depot? Sheriff" at tbe opera booee last ohibl to a large boaee, Tbe ploy I wee well reneirel aod generally eppre cieled. The Bnrheaee Comedy Co. Ill remela Ibis week aod rteeerve Ibe patronage of tbe people. Oo out aid A In 9 It may be just a little early to speak of this matter, but fruit canning time is not far a waif and we want you to know where you can be supplied. ft n ft x DRUG STORE! YOU CAN FIND IT- Next Door to the PostoiUce. Walt. Tbotupeoa runs stage betweea Ileppaer aad Monomeel, arriving every dey eieept Monday aad leaviog every dey esnept Haodey. HUorleel and ebeap eet male o the leien'tf. & J. floeum. J sgoU i 1 i IAa aaIfl tit 4 ,ls !M 41, t'.L.. r f ft aav svtau inv noui III UIIS Will III UU liy 0 V this season. Besides fruit lars we have a full line of n GRANITE WARE, CROCKERY A AND QUEENSIVARE. ft P" fact, everttbiDtf yon want tou can Cod in our pa. a S tatliahmeDt h II f E. W. RHEA & A 9 aw:;; GAZETTE, $2,50 A Yoar for CASH, V. Tha fires National Bank Bwlleina, HEPPNER, - - OREGON. CO., s We are prepered to Oil prescriptions with Fresh Drugs. Oor stork ie oew aod frtwh end an eipeneored pharma rial la in rharge et all limee. Telephone conn pot In 00 with ell parte of llrppoer and the Long Distanoe. Call op No. 17 J. SLOCUM, Mgr. TIIK L ALACK HOTEL BAlt, J . C. BOncmSRS. Prop. ft Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.