H if TO THIS GIVES IHI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS union; pacific ry VIA Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on 0. K. fc N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HURLBURT, GeD. Pass. Agt. POBTLAND, OBEaON, E. McNEIlL, President and Manager. quxoh; TiTvrm i mmiz mm m ; 'j ' 1 1 1 j' !- i.ij u ii w iFICCOAST THE CHRONTCLB ranks with Ik creates! aewspapers In Uia United Htstes. TUB CHRONICLE bas no equal on (lie Pcl9o Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and newt. the CHRONICLE 8 Telegraphic Reports are the latest and most reliable, Its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from Uie ablest pens In the country. THE CHRONICLE has always bee, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will b Independent In everything neutral la nothing. !gjll i p m prill mMmMmB mmm NATIONAL TYPE. Force Which Enter Into the Work of It Creation. Probably, says Blackwood's Maga zine, there is no link between an ochre ous complexion and a hasty temper in modern man other than a racial one. The two qualities were eoincidently de veloped by independent agencies. We know little of the nature and working of the forces which go to create a na tional type. That they are to some ex tent climatic and geographical is plain, for in New "Zealand, Queensland and North America we find the process in visible operation. Probably in the days of purely trib.il savagery any peculiar attributes of the founder of a clan migrating away from his fellows would give the key, which external nature would develop and elaborate into a national characteristic. Such a pioneer, whether emigrant or outcast, would in most cases be a man of uncompromising temper and ex ceptional originality of mind; and, as is well known, these generally go with a physical peculiarity as strongly marked. Moreover, all barbarians are extremely intolerant of any bodily de formity or strangeness of aspect, and often a man, or a family, chancing to be onensiveiy conspicuous in any such way, would be expelled from society. In Central America a hairy man was deemed an impossible outsider by the aborigines, while among the blacks of western and southern Africa an albino is always an outcast: These facts show how a new race might be developed from a "sport" which otherwise would be redissolved in the prevailing national traits. A VERY OLD TUB. LOCAL SQUIBS. COLLECTING FADS. Si Bennett baa gone to Canyon City. J. W. Coleman was in town Saturday last. Tossed on the Foaming Billows. Too may never have been, bat if you cross the Atlantic, no matter bow smooth the watery expanse, witbonl sea siokness yon are well, alnoky voyager, that i a all. Old tara wbo bave spent their lives on the ooean waves, wbo were almost born, ao to apeak, with their "sea lege on, suffer now and then from sea aiok ness in very tempestuous weatber. Sea captains, tourists, commercial trayelera and yatchsmen say that their ia no 6ner safeguard against nausea than Hostettera Stomach Bittera, and it baa been equally reliable aa a preventive by invalids wbo travel by steamboat and railroad, and' wbo sometimes suffer aa muoh in those conveyances aa ocean travelers do in steamships. Biliousness, oonstipation, sick headache and disorders of the atomaob caused by oppressive olimatio Influences or unwholesome or unaooustomed food orwater, always yield to the Bittera speedily. Tbis popular medioine also remedies, rheumatic, kid' ney and nervona disorders, and the in firmities incident to Increasing years. The Ladies' Band and Christian cburch bad numerous festivals last week that were well attended. Tbe M. ohuroh, South, had their ioe oream festival on last Saturday, also. San Francisco And all point in California, vis the Mt. Bhasta route or the Southern Pacific Co The treat hiohwav thronah California to I points Kast and Hcmth. (imiul Hoenio Kout Of the Paoiflo Coast. Pullman Ballet Hleeper. Heoond-claes ttleepers Attached to express train, affording snperior accommodations for second-class passenger. For rate, tickets, sleepiiig oar reservations, to,, oall npon or address R. KOKHIjKR, Maiiagor, K. P. R0QEK8, Asst. Oen. F. V. Agt., Portland, Oregon HUE YOU GIG ERST? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via -Tie Honnvesiern Line ....THE.... OUIOAdO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTIT, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL P0INT8 EAST AND SOUTH. Their Mairulneont Track, Peerless Vcstlhuled Dining ami rtli'oiliiK Car J mini, and Motto: i ALWAYS ON TIME hns given this road a national reputation. All clauses ill iiaanKHKitra carried on Inn vestlliuled trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight and travid over tills fiiumtii lino. All agouts have ticket. V. 11. MKAI, F. C. HaVAflft, Umi. Agent 't'rav. t. A I', Agt. itx Washington Ht., Portland, Or. 11 The Chronicle Building. THEDAILY Br Mail, Postage Paid, Only S 670 a Year. The Weekly -Chronicle The Greaht Weekly ia Hie Comtry, $1.50 a to (Including postage) to any part of the United Hiatus, Canada and Mu.xlco. TfTfC WFKICLY Clllto.NICl.IS, the brlirlitmit tnil most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly SI columns, or twelvs pnges.of News, Literature and General Informa ttuu;alsoa imigullleeut Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FRIE. do you want the CHRONICLE Reversible Map? Ml IOW IN C CHICAGO Milwaukee & St. Paul try This Hallway Co. Opetatea ita train on the fainoui bio ok system; LI glit Ita train by electricity througb out; ITee the oeltdireted eleotrio brrtb read ing lump; Ran apewlity equipped passenger train every day ami in h lit twtweeu Ht. l'anl and Chicago, ami Omaha tod Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Aim) operate ateara-heeted veHtilmled train, carrying Ilia lsteet private ooinpHrimeul car, library linnet mok tug car, auti palace drawing room alee per. 1 erinr cara. rree reclining rlialr car, ltd the very best tlmiug chair oar service. For lowest rate to any point in the I'liHetl Htali- or Canada, apply to gent or addreea 0. J. F.npY, J. W. CAHEY. General Agent. Tray. Pa. Agent. l'ortlul, Or. 0 VIAM XPtailNOC. 4 Jpmm J 4V TftAOI MARftt, COlMftlCMTt Ao, "T.m aMftnTn .. fc nt dtiii i m h, ant ! ail mt kit ikMitiiiii, rt -thft 'tt rM.n.ititta.. I It Mil I it. 4 1 l lt surasiu- f . . ut i iiai mils a. " " a) " iul- VWMi t.4u m tli SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, eeaMtrnif iliMr,i. Iii,ai eirruiii. nf hi ,.,,iia I 'Hiu.i. .i ,.i..i,,. a s ; wi I'.S ..1ihfc eMN-IIK.n awslUt nl intitih AiMjm MUNN A CO., . Ill Hrtssasi, k, Itrk. RIDUCIO ft, i w. a m aa. I I. ll.linl 1.1 . IT J TW I 11 .a ,H.,,tt. lh A Tf "" mia, iii.i r M 1,. I Ul i J I fftl Kiih s,h I- fa r.nplt- I I- sh;4.is m4 mm ti , uim iiw. M it, m ,,.1,14 The United States, Dominion of Oanada and Northern Moxioo ON ONIC B1DK, And the J Map of the World ON TJIH OTIIKIl BIDIC Hpnd anl Get the Map anfl Wei'kly lironlclo fir One Voar, puaiMK" prupaitil on M.ip and I'apjr, ADDIIRHH M. II. rt VOTNC, lroprlrtor A T. Ohranlrla, Ait rtlANClHDU, CAV. Roman Backet That Dates Back Sixteen Hundred Years. My thoughts, when I was at the ruins of Silchester recently, were that hun dreds of antiquarians all over the coun try would have given gold to anyone who should have told them of the great "find" that was there and then to be safely brought to hand, says a letter in London Truth. ' A friend and myself strolled over from Aldermaston to view the ruins and as many of the "finds" as were still to be seen. Mr. Davis, F. S. A., at present superintending the opera tions, explained to us how, when dig ging out on old well, he made the lucky discovery of a tunnel which conducted him to an ancient gate, the existence of which had not been before suspected. A windlass had been fitted up over a well 18 feet deep, and men were digging out puilfuls of earth' which were being diligently hauled up. For two weeks the work at this point had been going on, and within the last week it had been discovered that this was an old Roman tub-well. The wood seemed somewhat rotten, as might be expected after 1,000 years, so that the raising of the tub caused the greatest anxiety. The tub hail been ingeniously fitted by Mr. Davis with two wooden shelve running all round it one at the top and the other at the bottom, both of which Berved to protect it from any strain dur ing the preparation for hoisting it, and also relieved the tub of its own weight during the process-of hoisting. After one unsuccessful attempt to bring it up, during which a small portion of it was knocked oil, it was triumphantly raised to light in a comparatively perfect state of preservation. We expeet that the tub will shortly be on view at the Heading museum, where there is al ready a lH-autiful collection of Silches ter relics. The Horrible Custom of Getting Bailee of Murderer. A foreign paper is responsible for the statement that the late Lord Randolph Churchill had a choice private collec tion of teeth of noted criminals to which he was constantly adding up to n short time before hiseath, says Tem ple Bar. The competition for the Deem ing relics at the Antipodes is too recent and too revolting to be enlarged upon, but it may be mentioned that the ax and knife with which this unmitigated vil lain murdered his victim fetched 4 15s, and the spade with which he dug her grave brought a guinea. His cloth ing was eagerly competed for, even down to half a dozen pairs of patched socks. Indeed, the collectors of "crim inal" curios are extremely numerous all over the world, and these mementoea range from Tyburn halters to pipes which murderers have smoked and pots which famous thieves have tossed ia honor of past and future triumphs. It has remained for a Nebraska col lector to gather locks of hair shaved from the heads of noted criminals when they enter the penitentiary and these he labels and indexes with, great care. Superstition sometimes accounts for thef ancy prices offered for such ghastly relics. Frenchmen obtain them as charms against ill-luck. A piece of a hangman's rope is considered a potent spell against evil in some parts of France. As criminals are there guillo tined such ropes are difficult to get and so fetch high prices. They are some times mounted in gold and worn in lockets. fA i Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat eat business conducted for modibstc Fir, i 00 Ornet ie OPoiTt; U, 8. patint orrict and we can secure oatent in lea tune than those i . . . ... 1 Send modeL drawing or pnoto witn ucsenp- Jtion. we advise, u patentawe or noi, iree oi (charge. Our fee not due till patent Is secured. i m a.iiin " How to Obtain Patents," with 5 cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries (sent tree. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oe. Patent Orricc, Washington. D. C Cummings & Fall, "PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. Half block west of the Union Depot of "C. 3. & , C. M. & St. P., C. & A.. P. Ft. W. & C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. RATES OB.oo PER DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8ts., CHICA90. XXjXj. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. QtmrcBT, Drawer 158. Chicago, Sccre tary of the Star Accident f Company, for information regarding Accident Insur ance. Mention this paper. By so doing you can save membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for occidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. WANTED-AN IDEAraorei1. thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they mar bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. Ci for their $1,800 prize offer. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NO . tice Is hereby given that an annual meet lne of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware house company of lone will be held at the office of said company in lone, Oregon, on Saturday, tne otn aay ot June, isa, at i o cioca p, in,, ior the purpose of electing directors and for such; other business as may be legally transacted by them. M. J. WILLIAMS, president. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 539-48 Electric Bitters. Eleotrio Bitters is a medicine Baited for any seasoD, but perhaps more geoer ally needed when tbe languid, exhausted feeling prevails, when tbe liver ia torpid and sluggish and the need of a tonio and alterative ia felt. A prompt use of this medioine baa often averted long and perbapa fatal bilious fevers, No medioine will aofc more sorely in counteracting aDd freeing the system from tbe malarial poison. Headaobe, Indigestion, Consti pation, Dizziness yield to Eleotrio Bit tera. 50o. and $1 per bottle at Oonaer & Brook'a drug store. A ROYAL DAIRY. Geo. Oohoe was over Saturday last. from Monument Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. The Beat Salve in the world for Cats, Bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hhio Erup tions, and positively cures Files or do pay required. It ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 26 oeDte per box. For sale by CoDBer ft Brook. Twenty-one oar loads ot sheep were abipped out ot Heppner on last Sunday, by Sharkey A Far g her, billed to Mal lory & Co., Chicago. They will be stopped off in North Dakota for summer grazing. Bow the Milk, Butter and Cbees of a, Prlacess Are Housed. The dairy of the princess of Wales is. according to the Gentlewoman, a haunt to dream of on a warm summer s day Like her sister, the empress of Austria, the princess positively revels in a dairy. And the prince once, during her ab sence from home, wishing to prepare little surprise for her, had the walls decorated with tiles which he had brought home with him from Bombay, tiles of dark blue, ornamented with a esign of roses, shamrock and thistle, and the motto, "Ich bien." A long milkpan painted with the same design by Princess Louise of l.orne is here in corner and in another corner you see tbe head of the princess favorite Al derney, with an inscribed silver plate telling of her virtue and renown. As for the treasures which lie scat tered about on shelf and bracket, they are too many to count. A silver churn. often used by the princess herself; models of cows and calves in silver, ala baster, porcelain and terra cotta all gifts to the princess and other kmcl knacks too numerous to mention. When the prince and princess are at Marlborough house a number of tit.y pats of butter are sent up daily from Sandringham for their use. The prince s "faddy" about his batter, and likes it to be just perfection. Timber Culture-Final Proof. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Orecon. Arjrll 27th. 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Corbet, of Lewlsburg, Ohio, has filed no tice of intention to make final Drool before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1897, on timber culture application No. 2915, for tne o'A owm. nwi4 BWia ana bw!a ot Section No. 24, in Township No. 1 South, Range jno. ii jsast. He names as witnesses: French Burroughs. of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie, John Jordan ana uscar Mitcneii an ot lone, uregon. Mu-oi J as. v. MUUtus, Kegister, T. R. Lyons made Arlington last week. a business trip to Hood Eiver strawberries, beat in the market, today at the Orange Front' tt O. W. Maxwell ia in from Gooseberry today. RED TURTLES. ?i? A U Kl' PACIFIC III THROUGH CARS. TO Ht. PAUL MINNKAFOLIS DUI.UIU KAROO Itl'TlT. Ul.LKNA Ticket Issued to all point In the United HlatfS and Canada. QUICK TIME Ti). They Live and Breed in a Spring Whoa Temperature I axe Degree. That iortion of southern or lower California called Hell's Half-Acre ap pears to l situated directly over a substratum of fire, which causri the mud and wutcr to lwil as if in a caldron, says the Ht, Louis Republic. At one pluw on the Half-Acre there are over 100 boiling springs and hot mud geysers on a plat of ground t hat ia not of great er extent than a common city square. The chief spring in this queer aggre gation of Uiiling and upouting jeta of mud and water U culled the fountain of the Boiled Turtle on account of ita curious liuliit of otvoiiioiiftlly ej-cting n ii ml ht of small red turtles. The temperature of this spring is 226 de grees, 14 degree higher than the tern wruture rvmlred to boil water un der ordinary atmospheric pressure. Notwithstanding the fact that the tem perature is sufficient to boil meat mt fcctly within a few minutes, the small red turtles okcn of live and .bwd there just aa the ordinary variety does In waters of common lakes, river aikl other stream. The spring ia railed the fountuin of Boiled Turtle liecauite the queer, haru-jthelled creatures) or. bring cooked perfectly done. A good bicycle, suitable for either lady or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam & Biabee'a. tf It yon know anything don't forget dd bosom yonraelf to tbe priuter. to Tbe length ot life may be moreased by lessening dangers. The majority ot peo pie die from long troubles. These may be averted by promptly using One Minnte Oongh Care. Gonaer k Brock Jaa. Leach, ot Lexington, and Mat Dogbee, ot Willow creek, both laid claim to tbe aatne borae, in town recently, bnt a close examination or the brand gave Mr. Leech the undisputed ownership ot tbe animal. Notice Of Intention, Land Officb at La Gkandf., Oregon, May 20th 1897. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE" following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 3rd. 1897, viz: ANNIE WILLIAMS, formerly ANNIE CRUMP, T. f No. 2256 for the NU NE & NH NWW Sec. 22 Tp. 1 8 R 27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Robert F Hynd, William B. Barratt, John Williams and Elmer Gentry, all ot Heppner, Oregon, B. F. WILSON, 546-58 Register. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE .11 firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D. C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen eral nouse, sign ana ornamental painting in the town of Heppner. has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing disposed ot nis interest to v. J. Downer who will continue business at tbe same loca tion, collect all accounts and pay all bills con traded by the above nrm. v. u. uowner, Emmett Swann. Dated at Heppner. Oregon, this 2nd day of April 1897. 82tf- Thb Boss Febd Yard. Tbe first feed yard tbe teamster etrikea in Heppner ia that conduoted by William Gordon, next door to tbe Heppner Gazette ranob. Mr. Gordon ie accommodating, baa a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas bay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE.. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE TJN dersigned assignee of G. D. Fell and W. P. Fell, Insolvent debtors, that said assignee ha filed his final and supplemental account aa such assignee, with the clerk of the circuit court of the state of Oregou for Morrow county, and said account will be heard and passed up on by the Judge of said court on the 6th day of oeptemoer, ios, at iu o ciocic in tne iorenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter as the said court can hear and pass npon the same. Dated this 8th day of May, 1897. 43-52 Geo. Conseb, Assignee. Notice of Intention. - Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 24, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT TBE following-named settler has filed notice ol his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, .County Clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on July 10th, 1897, vti: WILLIAM E. DRISKELL, Hd. E. No. 3992, for the BE and Btf 8WX. Sec 13, Tp 2 ri, R 25 E, W M. He namee the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Stephen Lalande, Jay W. Shipley, Nat Shaw, C. N Peck, all of Heppner, Oregon. 547-58 JAB. F. MOOHE, Register. FASHIONS Sport," "Spot1 IN DOGS' NAMES. Mo Longer George Hafford baa aome fine half- breed Cotawell bocks, oat of Merino ewes wbioh be wishes to sell at reason able figures. Call on bim at tbe Case Matlook ranoh, or address bim at Hep ner. otr OMAI1A I Kansas City Ht. JoMii-a ht. Lotna Chicaoo All other Wanhinoton I point Malum oh a V in the New Yohk Fast and Bvmu I Southeast t Bohton Union IVpot connections at Ht. l'anl, Minneapolis, Kama City, Omaha, Ht. l.ou I end oilier promi nent points Bgiie checked through to destination ol in act. Through ll keta to Japan and China, via laooin and Nortluru reino Hteain tup Company 'a line. For full Information, time cards, maps. ticket, etc., call on or write W. C. A i.i a at, A. 1. CAtaTOK, Agt N i'. Uy. At.Oen '... Agt. Tli Kl le. Or. For I land, Or. 1 lie Kegulaior Line Tit Mr IVJir., i iWuri Niwtioa f& eTEAMxns 'DALltS CITY" AS0 "RtCULATOt" lavThi llh dally (rieept Hunday) at 7 a. ni , arriving In IVrllenJ about 3-t1 p. m. When na gt t I'mlland, atop tiff at The bailee and Uk a trip down the I'olnnttue; joti will enjoy it, an J aave nuttier. W. IX At t.ATVAT, (Iroersl Agent. SURE CURE FOR SHIPWRECK. What Bunilay arhool Tapll Would lot Calm th Ocran. A certain young womun on the North title teaches a dims lu a miaaion Sunday school. She hud a difllcult task, any the Chicago Tiuira-llcrald, iniNtrtliig aciaps of religion instruction to her young charge, ami often amusing an avtrra are uneonacioualy returned to ourstloii which she asks. On one oc casion the naked her pupil: "What do the high priest do?" And received the rrply: "They burned inaecta In-fore the peo ple," by which the youngster, of courne, meant incense. lint one of the funniest experience, which wrtlehftw the queer lile which the children receive In their leaieonn, was gUcn when, after a diwusxion of khipwp-ck which followed a leamin three or four week prrtlouiily on the well-know n story of Jonah and the w hale, lie lui eiieil to ask: "SupHe a big etorm art we at ra and It looked a though you were going to le drowned, what would )tm do?" ' would throw a man ovcrtwmrd lor a whale to swaUner, was the reply. Tbe Gazette P1 take either oonnty city or echool script on aooonnt at face value and pay otsh for balanoe, if any Johnny Criaman left today with a big load of merchandise for Long Creek. Lone flock stage leavea Heppner at 7 o'olook, a. Tneadaya, Tburedaya, and Hntordaya; arrives al 8 c'lnok, p. m. , Mondaya, Wedoeadaya andFridaye. Will make connection with branch train when deaired. Fare 12, each way. Freight cent per pound. J. H. Bellenbrotk, fro p. Offioa at Barry Warreo'a drng store. tt. and "Rover" Employed. Fashions In dog names are undergo ing a radical change, me iormer.iy familiar Sport and Spot and Rover are as completely a thing of the past as a summer's straw hat or last year's comic opera. Every dog has its day, and theirs is over. Their departed spirits roam the happy hunting grounds and their earthly quarters are filled with a race of sturdier caninea responding to sturdier names, says the Chicago Times- llcrald. Itob Roy McGregor is the roroantio Me of a handsome Scotch collie, the pet of a dozen children of the North Bide, Peter Kelley, a fox terrior. roams the streets of the same locality, and Rum Punch and Gin Cocktail are two ekyes frequenting 'he Lake Shore drive, whose intoxicating names ex plain their hatred of water. Irish appellations are in the ascend' ency. Patrick Jarsfietd is a Chicago fox terrier, whose feminine owner enjoyed the story of the Celtic hero's exploits as caroled by Plunkett Greene. "Yim Yoolan" from the lip of an army girl calls an ugly Yorkshire terrier to be duly admired by diplomatic callers l'autly familiarly and I'aderewski on stilt occasions is tbe name of a hairy specimen of appropriate amber hue who makes life a burden to passing cycliHta on Grand boulevard. Billy Sykea ia the baptismal preroga tive of a South side brindle bull, while hia brother in Lake View sedately answers to Lord Chumley. Chimmie Faddea ia the ugliest bull in Chicago. Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or bntter on subscription Boconnts. Any one owing thia offloecan settle their scoonnts in this manner end oan't do it too eoon to anil na. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as aooiated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the tonaorial business, Oall on them and get your whiskers pushed in. Fat a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till you get down to Low Tillard'a. Finest liquors and cigars Near city hall. a SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for County of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897, in favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust Jompany, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Ed C. Allen, Martha E. Allen, Wm. M. Rudln, Mattie V. Kudlo and J. F. Teal, as ad ministrator of the estate of I. R. Dawson, de ceased, defendants, for the sum of Two Thous and Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollar with interest thereon from the 21st day of November, 1890, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, ana One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of Twelve and 50-100 Dol lars costs and whereas by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wit: lot ro. ten (ioj in diock no. two V) ot ixHiney s aamtion to tne town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing cost. I will, on Wednesday, The 26th day of May, 1897, at one o'clock p. m of said day, at the Court House door in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, Ed C. Allen, et al., In and to the above described property at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon, By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. Dated April 2lith. 1897. 539-47. HEPPNER, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. J. n i iv in in 1 it in nmmn. nnwnnn niffftrMiinn a uviuiuuiw in i vi uuu x v Steamers TELLTDOXE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. 1H ft) U.cl' Esperlmaot i Wanted-An Moi !!-! PATIENTS TBIATID DY MAIL IUIIIWU Mil UbU ia W'in r rm, .,,, mm Mua, tfctak 3 Will. Jrtll tH't fclil H a t o . . Aa Indian' Tlrarl-of ! " Whrn YotuiaT I hlrf. a prominent tnrmU-r of tin I'tamatills tribe. In Oregon. re away fur hi annual vaca tion, he ia grunted tlie frvrdoui of th state by the following notice lowborn It may conorm: "Young t'hirf ha per nitMn to itait Wallow antl mirruuiMl lug country, with rion trthrr In diana, to he 4 ay ro day. II la a gl, law -abiding bikd. and trry friendly to ward white. If any of hta rrowd are iHiisirrous or vhtlaie any law, If re lam ed to me, ! will have the matter recti fied. Any favor ahirwa hire will ba ap trwMatrd. He revt Ihe whiU-tiPd a iht thyy njct Mm. Harry Dagley left for 8aiem oo last Satarday and will e admitted to prac tice In lha ooortt ot Oregon before tba upreroe eonrt. Tba Gatelte believe that Harry will make a aaoceaa ot law, Ona ot tba beat and neatest pieeea tt real den o property in llepptier will be aold here on tba 2itb mat,- It la known aa the NoHyke plaoa and ia aitnated near Tom Morgan a nearly every per. aon ia Heppner knowa where to find it. There ia an acre and one-tblrti in trait trees and garden, and lha baildinga art of eioellent eharaater. tin eee it. tf Tba 'long distance" Into Long Creek work nieely, aod it la already plain that thia line a 111 be of lumiete value to Heppner. Pendleton ehoold tt on ber rosiliog dud if aba wants to keep la tight of Ueppoer. Pe Hal ar Tr4a, If yoo waot Ueppaer property don't fail to consult J. W. Morrow. For the riant person, on woo waata to garden milk a few tnwa, reie cbiekena, etc., I have a One proposition lo ofUr ona. (iee developed will produce revenaa ol I1JI yearly, will be eotrj on - term, would act object to lakint 1X) aerea aa part payment. Cttt Tbaraoea art over and now everybody ras gel dnwn to busiaee. Th rates art all right bat oc eaa't attend to bnalneat ttiJ patroaiao th rata eoar The brand a ad. ot tba braaj new drag store, K, J, Hlofam. piantfer, ta la ... i i . i Ma M MlOHHk mucnTi a Maw York lotroducad la Reformatory. A queer food experiment la being tried at the r.linira reformatory, in ew ork atJle, saye the St. Louis Cilobe' liemocrat. All civilized nttioua hold out some lu'ltiuemeni to tin: criminal in onflnemrut to sooner secure hi releast from legul restraint. A certain amount ! time l always taken oil for good be havior. The criminal ha often been exhorted to thia end by father, mothci, brother, aieter and by other who hac hia intercut at heart Ilia inaiihixxl, hn future, hi ambition and hia hope of juick rele.j from conflneuient have been apiealcd to, and in many cm In tain. Now It ia to the man a atomacb that tLe appeal la to be made. The pioiwaetl experlutcnt contera- plati-a a iicvt hat eularirt U scale of die tary pritilegei, increaainir from irrade to irrade, from lowest to hiphrwt, ao hat within due and prter limit of Indalifence of the appetite by prisoner in a priaon reformatory for crime they can out t f their own accumulations have the privilege to select nit ul by meal at their pleaure, provided alwaya that hry keep their rxienditure within the limit of Indulgence allow rl ly the (overnment of the reformatory. Tbe prisoners, umler the waifc-earnlnB aya tem of the reformatory, ut It la at pres ent, mils.! earn their llvirir and keep a credit balance to their account, re pectivrle, In order to p.MjrrT toward their reVa by pnrole. A prisoner, to maintain a credit balanii mul n-I restrain, regulate and exi,rt hiniarlf In a ttinriner which aeolHplihe and how a hit Improvement; but hitherto the diet rate haa bcn It flexible. It I llleted that if more latitude It allowed and the primer haa a chance of tick I.UaT ht t utate occaalonaily with mince pie. a Juicy roast or o'iier homelike f'alntira, he w ill be more likely to make aa extra effort to reform. Ia other word, 't h ha an Intitinr menu to rhi'Mw from for brrakfaat, dinm-r and ''per, h will ft up afJ puiUe and Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaob, Oceaa Park and Nabcotta. Uireot oonoeotion witb Ilwaoo steamer aod rail road ; alao at Yonng'e Bay witb Seashore Railroad. TBZjZIPnONB Leave Portland T A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday. XlAXXjXlir OA.T5K0G1XIT Leave Portland I P.M. Ially, except Sunday. Saturday night, 11 P. M. Leavea Astoria Dally a tt:4& A. M., xcept Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P.M. ' OOBAN WAVD Leave Portland and rani direct to Ilwaeo, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Saturday'! 1 p. M. LeavIlco Wdnedy and Prlday at7.au A. M. On Sunday night at ( P. M. Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Fret of EipeDsa Por Safety, Speed, Comlort, Pleasure, Travel on th Telephone, Bailey Gatsert and Ocean Wv Wool Growers! With McKioley in tht White Donee, wt prediot higher price for wool daring the coming tea too, aod teal aaanred that Heppner will attraot more K astern bay- era tbao formerly. Their headonarter will be at tba Wool Growers' W arehouse and it will be to yoor inlereett to ttort yoor wool witb o. loaaraoot rate art alao moon cheaper tbao last year. Wt furnish wool taeka and twino to patron payable when wool it aold. Wt pay freight to teamster, end fnraiab blsni reoeip's to woolgrowert oa application. Wt bava oa baod rolled barley aod feed lor teamitera. Wa pay tba highest eab price for sheep pell aod bidet. Wt art ageott for Little's Flaid Dtp, and tba tamoot Black Leaf Tobeooo Dip. Mark your wool taekt (0 and direct yoor teamtlert to tht lower Warebonat, Deppoer, Oregon. H. F. IIYISTD, Manner. TIIE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOECHERS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Tho GAZETTE, $2,q A Year for CASH, M'or Hia h a i n riMi . ; y. I' t I ft if 1 tert l ii4 (,' Ihlt tua (aatnaa .... . , ( , i III) v( I" Y