PAPER Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Docs Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1897. ( WEEKLY HO. 74BI I SEMI-WEEKLY NO &W OFFICIAL of SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISH ID Tuesdays and Fridays BT PATTERSON PUBUSHINS COMPANY. ID HENDLEY OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At $3.50 per year, $1.25 fnr six months, 75 ota. ttor three moucne strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. PendletonOregon. WOOL. COMMISSION Reasonable Advances -Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. 'PHIS PAPER is kept on tile at L Advertising Agency, tU and E. C. Dake's Hit Merchants Exchange, San Franoisoo, California, where oou- raota lor aavertisinK oan De made tor it. 0. R. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 11 p m. daily except ounoay arriving at neppner junction 1:30 a. ni. jeares Heppner Junction 3l a, m. and ar rives at Heppner 6:1(1 a m I Spokane ExpresB No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45 p. m and arrives at neppner Junction 8:15 p. m, and TJ ma ilia 9:16 o. m. Portland Express No. S, from Spokane, arrives at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junction 6:10 a. m. ana ar lvee at rortiand 11:45 a. m. Fast Hail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner J nudum 8:80 a. m. and at Umatilla 4:40 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umatilla 12:40 p. m. and arrives at eppner Junction 1:47 a. ra. and at Portland 7 :Ct a. m. For further information inquire of J. C. Hart, Agent u. nan., neppner, ure. OFFICIJi.Ii MBECTOBT. United States Officials. President William McKinley V ce-Vreeldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Rherman oeoiHtary of Treasury Lyman J. Gage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Seoretary of War Russell . Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James . Garv Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agrionlture James Wilson state of Oregon Governor W. P. Lord Seoretary of State H. K. Kiocaid Treasurer Phil. Hetachan Boot. Publio Instruction G. M . Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Senator. J ? ri. j Binger Hermann Congressmen . w. R. Ellis Printer W. H. Leeds ( R. B. Bean, Supreme Judges F. A. Moore, ( C. E. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney H. J. bean Horrow County Officials. Joint Senator , A. W. Gowan Representative J. N. Brown THESE FIGURES ARE YEARS, YEARS IN WHICH, IN - SINGLE INSTANCES, PAINS AND ACHES ; Rheumatic, Neuralgic, Sciatic, Lumbagic, 130 20l HAVE RAVAGED THE HUMAN FRAME. 8T. JACOBS OIL. CURED THEM. NO BOAST : THEY ARE SOLID FACTS HELD IN PROOF. I if Iff C. E. RANOUS, Heppner, Oregon, McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS Flans and Specifications famished on application. Contracting a Specialty. W All kinds of lumber. shineleB. sash. doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. O. Thompson Co. JUSTICE IN Why ALABAMA. Declared "Not Sent Free To an; person interested in ha mane matters, or who loves animals, we will eenjl free, upon application, a copy of the "ALLIANCE," the orgau of this Society. In addition to its in tensely interesting reading, it contains a list of the valuable and unusual pre miums given by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative and adequate Life of . Grant ever published. (Begins in December.) . Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel Qf Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and Is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections ana correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series of portraits it is Intended to publirh special biographical studies under the general title of MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, In which he will use his extraordinary talent for mystery and Ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place Desiae foe ana uaDoriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to another publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear iu McClure's Magazine. JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmbleflnger" stories. RUDYARD KIPLTNG. Besides "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLDRI'S all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. . OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hop Brat Hart Robert Ban Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McCldrk's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClure's Magazine for 1897, the subscription price of which is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. . The S. S. McClure Co., New York. Prisoner Was Guilty." A Jacksonville broker, while travel ing in the Alabama mountains, was in vited by a friend, a local judge, to at tend the trial of a "cracker" for shoot ing a darky, and, the prisoner haviug no money to hire a lawyer, the judge appointed the broker to defend him, allowing that if the broker was not a lawyer, "he was an idiot because he wasn't one" a judgment amply sup ported by his conduct of the case, says the San Francisco Argonaut. The bro ker cross-examined the witness briefly, sending in now and then a discomfiting trajectory. When he came to make a speech, he said: "Gentlemen of the jury, I have takenv great pains to show you that my client was a respectable citizen. Ten witnesses have asserted on oath, mind you that he stands high in his community." The defendant was six feet three inches tall and the jury smiled. "He stood high in his community, and that is suflicient. Now, for the law. We find in the thir teenth verse of the sixteenth chapter of 'Chitty on Pleadings' Chitty, gen tlemen, was one of the bravest generals in the confederate army this well-es tablished principle of law." Here the broker adjusts his glasses, holds the book far off, elevates his chin and reads: " 'No respectable- white man can be guilty of crime.' That, gentle men, is enough. I leave the case in your hands." Each juror changed his quid, looked at his neighbor, nodded and, without leaving their seats, they rendered a loud and emphatic verdict of "Not guilty," and then joined in, three cheers for the defendant and his law yer. THEY WERE KIN. Stands at the Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Sbreveport, La., says: "Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that cures my oongh, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Campbell', 'merchant of Safford, Ariz, writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is claimed for it; it never fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I cannot say enough for its merits." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not an experiment. It has been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the bead. It never disappoints. Free trial bottles at Conser & Brock's drug store.' A colored preaoher by the name of Jones, in a sermon in Ohioago last Sun day, prophesied a great disaster for that city in the near future, lays an exchange. He claims to have predicted the great Charleston earthquake, Johnstown flood and St. Lonia oy clone. He cow says that be does not know the natore of the calamity which is to come, but that "the buildings will fall and the dead will lie in rows like the yellow grain after the reaper's sickle." He also says: "The famine which was put upoo the Egyptians will be visited upon the Unit ed States in 1905; the most of the inhab itants will die. Brownsville Times. Absolutely Puro Celebrated for its (treat leavening strength and healt hf nlness. Asxures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. E01AL BA1UNQ POWDER CO., NEW YORK. A. . Bartholomew J.H. Howard Importan onutv Judge. '' Commissioners. J. W. Beckett. " Clerk J.W.Morrow " Sheriff E. L. Matlock " Treasurer Frank Gilliam " Assessor J. V. Willis " Surveyor J. W. Hornor School Sup't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. F. Vauglian HEPPNER TOWN OFFICERS. Miyoi.. Thos. Morgan 0 mncilinen Geo. Conser, Frank Gilliam, Arthur Minor, E. J. Blocum, M. Liohtenthal and J. K. Simons. K oorder W. A. Richardson T assurer L, W. Brings Marshal.. A. A. Roberts . Freeinct Officer?. Juetioeof the Peace W. E. Richardson Constable N. 8. Whetstone United States Land Officer. THE DALLES, OB. J. F. Moore Register A. 8. Biggs Receiver LA ORAKDE, OB. B. F, Wilson Register J. H. Robbina Receiver SBOBST SOCIETIES. RAWLINS POST, NO. IL G. A. B. Meets at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of arh month. All veterans are invited to Join. Q. W. Bmith, C. G. FoyCA. Adjutant, tt Commander, Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. the City Drug Store, Office in City Hotel. near tf FIRST Go via. St. Paul be cause the Hoes to that poitit will afford you the very best service. SECOND See that the coupon beyond St. Paul reada via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en tering the Union Depot there, and its service is hrst-class in every particular. THIRD For information, call on your neighbor and friend the nearest ticket agent and ask for a I ticket reading via. the Wisconsin Centra) lines, or address A Campaign . Of Education hoi to Get it (rrr an For4J.UU UNPARALLELED Jas. C. Pond, Gen. Pas. Agt, Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, General Agent, 246 ritark St., Portland Or. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offiae hours, b to 10 a. m., and 12 to 2 p. m , at residence, Mrs. II. W loh'a property, and 10 to 12, a. m , to 2 to 5 p, ta, at offloe in tba rear of Borg's jewelry store. l BanK of Henier. STOCK BRANDS. While yon seep yoar subscription paid np rea 1 oankeep your brand in fret of ohargs. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, FBcn left shonlder j cattle, sams on loft nip. Cook, A. J., Lena, Or. Horses, 80 on right ehoul der; Cattle, samson right hips ear mark square srop oS left and split in right Donalass. W. M . Oallowey. Or. Cattle. H D ra right side, swaikiw-fork in each ear; horses, B 1) on left hip. Ely. Bros., Douglas, Or. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle sams on lefthip, hole to right ear. Florence. L. A.. Haooner. Or. Cattle. LP oa right hip; horses, F with bar under on riant shoulder. Jones, Harry, Heppner. Or Horses branded H J on the left shonlder: cattle branded J on right hip. also undsrbit in left Bar. Kangs In Morrow county. Johnson. Felix. Lens. Or. Horses. otrcleT on left stifle; oettle, sams on right hip, nadsr hall srop in n end sunt Ji wri ear Kenny, Hike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded K.NY on left hip eattls sams and crop off left eart nndsr skips on Uia right Leaner. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on lrt shoulder) eettls asms on left hip, wettlsover right ays, thrss ants in right WM PENLANO. EO. Prwlacat, B, BISHOP. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAMIN'Q BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT 4 SOLD HEPPNER. tf OREGON First National Bank OF HEPPNER C.A.RHEA, T. A. RHEA. GEO. W. CONSER, s. w. spencer, To be educated one must read the best literature, flie best literature la expensive. Lealle'a Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Filth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things. Its illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- mmate skill. Such a paper li a great popular educator. It should be In every home. The subscription price of Lealle'a I M P nnum, Ws make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such oifer was ever made before. No such offer will ever be made again. These two papers make a moat acceptable Christmas or birthday (tit, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the Heppner, Oregon. But the Traveler Did Mot Care to Inquire Too Closely. "The best joke I ever heard was on me," said J. D. Buford to a Washington Star reporter. "I was in, Wise county, Va., in the heart of the mountains, in the south western part of the old dominion. I am a Virginian, and in common with all loyal Virginians, claim kinship to every one of my rwime in the state. The land lord saw my name on the register. '"So yo' mime's Buford?' he said. " 'Yes.' " 'Ustor hn sum Bufords hyar.' " 'Well, they must have been rela tions. My family are all Virginians.' 'Vans. Yo' do favor 'em. Reckon yo all n:r kin. Yo look jess like Dave.' " 'My father s name was Dave. " 'Thar war three, Bob, John an' Dave.' are family names.' "'Yo' sho' air kin. I thought so, minit I looked at yo'.' You say the Bufords moved away? "'Not znckly.' I thought you said they used to live here?' " Thet'a what I sed. Yo' eee, John an Diive was Bob a sons. Th ole man was gwlno ter marry agin, so th boys wouldn' git th' little propity th' ol roan hud, an' they killed 'lm, bo we hung John an' Dave.' I did not trace the relationship or the family resemblance any farther." PURE WATER w....w.jS IRON. Any lady desiring to purchase a sew ing machine should call on J. W. Vaughan and examine his latest im proved White machines. A bappy com bination of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. Pat Kilkenny has ordered bis papers sent to Dale, Or., for the summer, as be ia 'tending camp la that vioinity for Carty & Kilkenny. Mr. Isaao Horner, proprietor of the Burton House, Burton, W. Vs., and one of the most widely known men in the state waa cured of rheumatism after three years of suffering. He says: "I have not sufficient command of language to convey any idea of what I Buffered, my physicians told me that nothing oould be done for me and my friends were fully oonvinoed that nothing but death would relieve me of my suffering. In Jane, 1894, Mr. Evans, then salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., reoommed ed Chamberlain's Pain Balm. At this time my foot and limb were swollen to more than double their normal size and it seemed to me my leg would burst, bat soon after I began using the Pain Balm the swelling began to deorease, the the pain to leave, and now I consider that I am entirely oared. For sale by Conser & Brock. Hon. W. F. Matloek took In tbe raoes last Saturday, Sunday BDd Monday, leaving for bis borne at Pendleton Toes day. Wm. enjoyed himself immensely while bere. Pensions for Women school Teachers. A woman who adopts teaching as her life work is practically debarred from mar- -, riBge under peril' of losing her position. Denied her right to fulfill her destiny by this unpleasant alternative, with earn ings insufficient to en able her to aooumu-' late anything for her futuremaintenanoe, what shall she do in that dismal tomorrow that must find her aged, penniless, and ohildless? Her married sisters have grown-up sons and daughters ' "to be leant on and walked with," but she is alone and poor. Sinoe the pob. !io demands celibaoy of its female teach ers, and not of its male teaohers, and tbe former are deprived of tbe natural proteotors that insure other women and ' ' men Bgainst neglect in their old age, the ' publio should make it np to women teachers in pensions or higher salaries, higher even than are paid to men, in order that these single women may them selves provide for their lonely old age. This view ia not ao abxurd as custom misleads people to think. German writers express surprise at the cumeri- ' oal disparity between male and female teaohers in American schools, but note that tbe States having a prepond erance of male teachers are not those which have the most effective education al system. They oite Arkansas, with 68 5 per cent, of male teaohers, ai being far behind Massaohasetta. with 90.91 per oent. of female teachers. Dr. Soblee sooepta as a general truth that "the fur ther tbe Amerloan sonool system devel ops tbe more the female teaohers pre dominate." President Warren of Bos ton University remarks: "If this be true it may quite possibly have a eooio logioal and pedagogioial lignifiaooe not yet generally reoogoizad." From "Teaohere' Pensions the Story of a Woman's campaign," by Elis ibetb A. Allen, ia Jane Review of Reviews. WEEKLY The MONTHLY U D oe hip. I Minor. (Hoar, neppner. nr. ttls. riht hipi bona. M on left shoulder. Mirnu. H. B.. Hoopner. Or. Hf 00 left snouioei cants sams on lert nip. On horn. J. W.. Donalss. Or.! horses O on let shoulder! cattle sains im right hip. Parker A Gleasoa. Hsxdman.Or, HorssslPoB loftehouldsT. Pinar. J. H.. LmlnatAit. Or. Hones. JK soted on left shoulder! eettis, sasns oe Uf ender bit in eaoo . Rector. J. W Hppoar. Or.-Horsss, JO as left should sr. CslUs, O on rlbt hip. Rmrri K. O. Heoonsr. Or. Cattle W C oe loft hip, omp off nalit and snaWtiit ia Uft rear, 1 dewlap! Bursas WI M Ian soosiiMr. Thompson, J. A., Heppnar, Or Hmsss, I OB Uf, k,MiiUv: salils. X on lrt shoaMar. Tornar H. W., Happosr. Or.-KmaU capital T Uft stMialdar, twffam: eattls sams oa Uft hip Wllh spilt ! Mb ears. Watlaotmriar, W. J., Gallnway. r. bnrws qnartar rirrTa JW on right shimldart oal t la quarter nrrU J W on right hip six! nhl vf'a. crop and bola ia Uft ear. Haos la atorrvw ana L'malillaoutintias. Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York a President Vlee Preeldent a Cashier Aas't Cashier Transarts I General Ruling Easiness. EX C HAGGIS On all parts of the world Bought and Sold, Collection mads 00 all point on raasooabl Terns, surplus and undivided Profits, I3I.OOQ 00. The Osteite does not question the booeaty of any prtoe, bnl it la com polled to losist upon tbe eaab In adveaee plaa of aobaorlptioa, whetbar tbe snb- eriber be Cornelius Vaadrrbilt or tbe na wbo teo bit bread by honest loiL We cannot ruu tbe pep' oa Bay other plan. ,f What ia Hop flold PfS "! "! II- tilt F?W, NOTICE OF 1STESTIOX. I AND OFFICE AT THE PAIJ.FS, ORF.dOJI, a 0, l7, Ntc Is hrrlir gln that th ft.lli.wln iiBind srttlrr has Sled nolirenl his hiianUoti lo make dual pfixit In support l his rlalm. and that said proof will oa mad t.(i. rJ. W. Morrow, otmt)r Clerk, at Happner, Oregon, on June , lw7, vis: Hinky c. porwitn. Tbe Ootlook will be In 1H97, aa II bas beeo during aaoh ol its twenty-seven reara, a History of Oar Own Time. Io its rioos editorial departments Tbe Ootlook give a compact review of the world's progress; follows witb care all tbe Important pbllanthropio sod in daatrial movement of the day; baa 1 complete department of religious ow; devote tnacb apace lo the intareets of the borne; review current (Iterator; faroiabe rbearful table-talk about man and thing: aod, la short, aim to glv fresh Information, original observation, aod reasonable eotrrtainmenl, Eegloniog witb tbe fifty Biftb folome. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE ATTIIK DAM.F.H OREOON, IJ May 10, ini7. Notice hareiiv siren lhat the following-named settler has filed notice of his InUutlon lo make Anal proof In support 01 nis riaim, ann inai sam prooi win ns man iMMore i. w. Morrow,! muity clerk, at iieppuer, ziVgoH, Ull 'lira ini,, via. ALBERT COl'KTKR. Hd K. No. VUt. forth ftv W11 and MWU err th. Tn. t H . R E.. V . M. II names th Following witnesses 10 pmv his continuous resldenr upon and cultivation ..I ..(,, I-..,, V llllam l.nrlllng, nrnjamin l.iieiimg, i hsrles M. M. Ilastlnss and llvtiry C. roulsen, all of llardman, Orrgou. JAS. P. MOORR. MtU ttegtster, Notice of Intention. La so Orrirs At La Oains, Osioob, XTOTI'K M BIRFRV (HVt.H HUT Till il lol lowing named settler ha Bird nolle of his Intention to mak final proof In support ol his claim, and lhal said proof will be mad litfore County CUrk of Morrow County, Oregon, ai Hrppaer, ori-gon on jimc m "fi, vis; KHtR W fKANMiN. Hd. . No. tVM7 for Ids Ut, and Kiria Bar Tp I N R 7 I W M. He names III following wltnese tn pmv nis continuous realnenrs ntMin ano eultivaiinn ol said land, vis: (taor kf Vlnaon, Jotm A. Thomiavin. v llllam A rs, and lavld M. I'rs Ujr, ail el Heppner, Oregon. B. r. enwi", M 4 Krglsur, t's of Lima In Boilers Wu, I'revent For- thsr Action. The corrosive power of pure water on new or unsealed boilers was well illus- tinted in the city of Glungow, when a now writer supply was introduced from Lot'b Kuti-inc, one of the purest waters in the world which are availuble for city coiiHiiniptlon. The former supply had been poor and mlciireous, and old boiler were much etui ted with liiue scale. To the diHinoy of the utters, thoMe win) I1111I put In new boilers or new Itilx'H found tlirm rapidly rorroding, while the old muled ami coated lioilera teiiisiiiied iim Ix'forc; tlioae, too, w hu hod removed every oMilile trace of incrus tation frmii their old boilers by 1111- liniilenl or eliemienl ineuiia, intending llniH to "rt, tin they exieeteil, Ilie full enellt of the pure wnter, were also badly troubled by rorrocloti; and even the old liollers, a the s-'sle was grud ually removed by the unvarying anft and pure water fniin the luke, were niore or lea corroded whrn no means were taken to prevent It, It wn found, however, III this rsxe, Hint Introducing u littln lime from time to time enough to give the Ixiiler a alight raleureoiis citiigii"iiiilv prevented the rorroalve Bctlnti of the water; thru, agnln, in the ffiiirae of tint, th effeet proliliei wa Hint the lime, orgnnle mnt ter, and Iron- nxiile skin, united In forming a protep. live oxlilicil sinfuee whleh prevented further Vorroslon. The Ostette shop is oat of wood. Redemption of promises is now la order, The orescent wave on Cretan shore, Th cross of Christ goes down; Th Turks ar helped by Christian powers Who bombard fort and town. Columbia's sag I hears noi hoeili Poor Cuba's piercing cry; Then let us drown these shamelul deeds In Rperry'i "Lin wood Kjrs." For sal at tbe Belvedere saloon, E. O.Sperry, proprietor. tf Come In and get the Gnzntto before going to the mountains. PllfSl Pile I Itching Pile. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching and stinging; moat at night; worse by scratching' If allowed to oontinae tarn ore form which often bleed and uloerate beoomiog very eore. Swayoe'e Oint ment atope tbe Itching and bleeding, berger, on Sunday, May 30th, a boy. For more than a hundred year the Shakers have been studying tbe remedi al properties of .plants. They have made many disoovetiea, but their great est achievement was made last year. It it a oordial lhat oontaina already digest ed food and ia a digester of food. It ia effeotive in removing distress after eat ing, and create an appetite for more food to eating beoomet a pleasure, rale, thio people become plump and healthy under Itt use. II arrests the waatiog of consumption. There never hat been snob a step for ward lo the ours of indigestion aa thia Shaker Oordial, Your druggist will be glad lo give yoa a little book detoriptiva of tbe product Qive tbe babies Laxol, which it Cas tor Oil made as palatable at honey. Born To the wife of Jake Wat ten- Dealt alcerttlon, and in mod easa re move lb tumors. At diiigtflst. or by mail, for 50 aente. Dr. Swayoe St Hon, Philadelphia. Park Oarrlgnee land lal week. mill trip to Port- lid. T. So. mil tot 1, fue iijp.ii.nni, tb paper will BMnm lb regular mag ... an: a..,! ktu k Kae . li. To. B.. M. 25 ' ' ' a -m - ' " 1 , t . , , I 1 1 . l line i", woico win aou grraiiy so n M. M He names I ha following tn pmv bar ivintiimous rMldanc upon ud cultitsUos of. said land, vis w llllam L'lelllng. nn)emin i.niiin , nno t onrtaf, si I oi iiaro- JAS, f. M'X'RB. P. Toller snd Ail-rt I). nan. Oregon. 1HJ .'4 Haguwr. The regular tobeonptwo pne of tb H-roi-Weekly (iatrtte la 12 W and Ibe regular print of tbe Weekly Oregoolaa U 11.50. Anyone toUrnbiog for lb Ostslt and paying for one yr li aivsno raa gat both tbe Oatette ao Weekly Oregon l.a for 13 60. All old tot- oriber peyleg their aqbecrloticna fci cooviiinee and atlractivsoesa. Tbt Oatlot k ie pablbhed tvery Balardsy fifty-two ine year. Tbe fleet lu In eaob month it an I II nitrated II sgstio Namber, eooleitiisx sbont lelres msoy PS: oe Ibe ordinary tsenee, tngsibrr witb a Urge a umber of pie tor. Tbe prieeof Tbe Outlook W three dollar a yr In advante, or lee Ibse a cnt a day. 8od for a ( bq a eipy aad lllnetr- pet rajoae year la advane will be ooIiJIikI h JeC pro. pee tn lo The Orjtpa.fc, 11 Aafir Now ie Ibe time to get tbe Weekly Oregooian. Ibe greatest newspaper of tbe Weal. With lb0u-tu,botb ttricl- ly lo advance, one year, 3 bU No better oottibloelbn of nprt eaa be made io Ibe tUU. bavc Tom oiaih. Fw Malite that each taairrel da Iron 1150 worth of grain annually Wakdee't Squirrel and (topbr Eiter tntnalor I tbe most ffelie aod eeo oenlcal poieon knowo. Prio rrdnoad lo 90 oral. Coaier A II rook tad Minor A Co., Bgstite, flrppner; J. A. Woolsry, fatit, Ina; Niebolt Iaaob, tganl lsilogton. fl?e(f.f yrCrtr, Low Tlllard kepa wt grind d"a at Id new pi-, bar the eooneil eberabsr. Call at Tbe VTtlrfrna aod m.k rpqrteif a; nr-, J , MISPLACED PUNISHMENT. Asgry llowsswifs liaUUor Her (! Is- siattit of Her lla.ltand. An exchange prints a story about Dr. Miller, at one tint a wi,,nlur Congre gatioiiMliat preai her in KiigUnd. lie bud l in bohliiig a-rire at a vil- agn in Yorkflnie, iii, a heavy rain lot - ng come on, had Bcerpti I ait in itutinii to Maa the night at the i, iuw of one of tlin illlHgera, 1 lie g'MKl-liearti i lioot, aerlng the liiinintt-rB) clut liing drenched, brought out a suit of hi own and sent hla guest upstair to put It on. 1 he good iiiii had mad the change snd was on hi way buck to the ill ting- room when the woman of th hnue en rue out of ntirr room holding In her hands the big family Mllile, out of which the doctor was to In: Invited to read a chapter befur th family re tired. At the same time she was not In a very aml'itilr mood. Careful bouaewlvra art apt to I put nut of aorta by tba advrri'. of lines, per ted orti;niiy. rWIng Dr. Miller In hla tHirrnweil garment ah tnlal'aik hlin for her husband, and as hi ,ad in front of ber ahe llftsd th Umk ndbroiifht It down pretty smart ly Oil his bra't, "I be.." ha tt,''tktht for ask Ij.f htja It MB BM Every new tabtoriber of Ibt Otietle from this dtte, May 25, 1H1I7, will receive aa a premium a book worth alone Ibe prict of tb obsorlptioo. tt Oao. Baktr wt over from Wtgntr on latt Monday, Teltrr, Halt-lltinom and ft-terna. Th Intense Itcblnir andniartlng,inrl dent to these disease, la Instantly allayed bv antilyitig Chaiiilwrlaln's Eye and Skin Ointment. Many very bal cae have Im-ti permanently cnrwl by it. It is vaally efficient for iu hlng pile and a favorite remedy tor sore nipple Clay Folsoin osme in Monday and rill remain a few dav vlslliog frieodt. Tbe old way of delivering meetaget by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illnstrBtea the old tedioaa method of "breaking" cold oompared with their almost intnlaneoat oare by One Mioate Coogb Care. Contnr k Brook. New time-table on Ibe branob. Traia leave at 11 p. ro., and arrive at 6:10 a. tn. To core all old tore, to he! an In dolent oleer, or ipeedilv cure pile, yoa ned lmply apply DWltft Wlloh Halve according lo direction. Ite magio-like so I mo will tnpri yon. Oooser A Brook. Dick Mathewe and V. (leotry, under the firm name of Mathewt h Oentry, chtt4 hands. tbflbUIn. fnt ViU aocltvl together io tbe barber " " " . a I ... and chronic tore eye. 24 its. per box. Dr. Cadr'a Condition I'owdera. ar just what horse) nei when in bifl condition. Tonic, Mood purifier and vermifuge. Tlier are not fotnl but medicine and the fet In nse to pnt a bora) In prime cmdltloa. lrice 21 cent pr p kage. husitiea in tlit new tnd. two door south of the poatoflloe. They olioit a oall. tf. Any persou In our mldit who desire lo get a new pair of g!ci fitted lo their eye by a thorough optician tbould oall on Frank Borg. Frank i a gr I'iste ia Ihit Hue. CATARRH localVisease Bt I Ik esN f ssMs ss4 ll ess h rarad by plaasant raawly wa Is lad u rarny lata to S'wirt.. Its kkgaW kiy etaMbsa II give hfi Cream Balm Is arknowlsdia bi hs tbs sioal thomask Cars for k. Cat la Masd sa4 Hay frwt xl SJI Mis Maggie lloruur ie live et Humpter. visiting rait- Haaall famadMM. l nir aa elaaneM Ua aualpeaaf faa, a.lar aala a4 It.Swnmatx.a. kaws laaanraa, p,w lari taa svastnraua rows aotoa, iau tba su' sfiscesc 4 small. Prr"e si Drif ! ty sl, fi-f f BVlai.M, M " i:wt, P MF.icue im" otMrvd the man ia rMctsnl 'but I am a Burgeon, ami that l ant br Hi liver la." Never yoa mind wli-r th liver I." retorted tbe other. ''If II was in hi big toe or bia left ear luWitl I.lttl F.arlr Riser would reb it nd hk II lor bins. Oa that yoq can bnl your gig-lamp." Cob- ter A Urock. E W. RbTAl:o.wiiru.e g4 fir wimnI lo Mohng for giKxt. Can't use pin. fe tbrim when on ),e oo4 -9 I'll, 41 ?ty''rv fi7iitAiA