Scrofula Swelling On the Neck and Croat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood Was Constantly Crowing Worse. " When my son was 5 years old he was in very poor health and we could get nothing to relieve him. At the age of 7 years he began to complain ot soreness on both sides of his neck and soon lumps be gan to gather on one side and grew to hall the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lost all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Barsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to directions and it was not long before we saw he was improving. He continued taking it until he was in very good health. He is now 13 years old and is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla for all troubles caused by impure blood." S. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Get only Hood's. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for 'Hsardii of thanks." "resolutions of respftct," list of wedding present and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself irive as a matter of news.) and notices of special meetings for whatever dii rnose. 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to he de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher e 1 to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. F1H STuKlES. Some Wtanppsra 'I hat Nearly thnkd Down the Long Distance 1 he Line All Klttbt An I ii. . A le days atro Tom William drop ped in from Lmg Creek for two pur prises, viz : Firstly, a louir winter ha'l depleted Tom's stock ot "wet" goU ami tbere wbs danuer of a famine, w herein "Tirky" Wilson, Dm Morrow ami other relics of byuone iiys would aiiffr intensely, couetqieutly an exrly renletioo became not ouly oVuirhblf, but absolutely nenrssitry. Heuouiily, Turn wanted to tajitj in the races. But the Gazette rioecn't think that any of these important missions gave the un questioned right to tell a wbnp- piDg fish story. It was like ttjis: He and some other notable of Look Greek had gone oat to Magone lake auii in 3 hours, 3 minutes auii 23 seconds by the watob bad otncbt 75 pounds of fish. This was a good, strong story. But this morning the 'inng distnnoe telephone" fairly "busted" itself truns mittuig the imfurrjQHtiou from Loug Greek that Ctias. Lee Bud Dr. Miracle had outdouB WilHutns by several pouuds ot Bull, clipping a good half hour off the record. Then O. L. Patterson, of toe Eagle, called up No. 3 the GzUe 'phone and without regard for his re lative at this end of the line said be HCtuHlly caught 100 pounds of flab at Magonu's lake in just 1 hour and 49 minutes, and that be bad no one to help bim but Whiter Eeeney, Go. Ward and Billy Lee. If the uew "long distance" can handle suob stuff as this, liubtuiuu wou't hurt it. TUB FiUHT. Now that thn great political campaign is over nud the winter season agaiu with ns, all will want an 1tqtiate supply of f reah and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cnsnizmt of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number ot periodicals and now offers the following to all new and reDew al subscribera: The QMKrVK (2 50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonlan, 1 1.50 , 13 5" " 8. V. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, tl.00 8.00 ' Inter-Ocean, N.OO 8 25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8 75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 3 25 Webfoot Planter. 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $1 00 5 00 Here and There. Subscribe for the Gazette. John Madden is over from Line U :k Pell Simiaou is over from the Johu Day. Creum improves strawberries. H?e Morris. 7it Fine cows and fine milk at the Short born dairy. 7t( Stncey Roberts and son were in town last Saturday, Coneer & Brock's for the "Never Fail" beaduche wafer. If. np from t?e Ijuc T. J. AHyn was ranch Sn'nrday. Milk f ir babies from single oow from the Shorthorn dairy. 7if A back for sale or trade for lighter rig or milk oi. N. 0. Mnria. 7tt Call and see Borg'e Urge assortment of speotncles and eye glasses. 5 8 Buy milk from the Shorthorn dairy. N. 0. Maris, Prop. 7tf Long Distance and local 'phones call np No. 19 for E. W. Rhea k C . a Pete Brenner and son and J Niiot maker are in from Gooseberry to day. Geo. Armstrong, of Pendle'nn, has opened np the Mall ick sa'ooo, with John Durham, also of Pondlvtoo in charge. "Never Fail' headache wafers at Coo ler k Block's. This mpdioine will cn'e any kind of a headache in short order. tf. Dr. John W. IUsmn l kpinii th best class of goods at the Rrdlight and be will treat you right. Call lu and see bim. if. Dr. John W. Huron, of the R'dlight, bat keg beer on draught the Hop Oold. Best ot liq'tura and cigars in took. tf 8ee those new Russian Tan alirwa down at Lioutenthai'o. Latest stle, best quality, reasonable prices. Ton cannot do better anywhere. tf Wn. Barratt leaves to day, via Echo, for England, tit does not expect to ra loro till October. This is his first visit tinoe oomiog to Amrrloa. Mrs. 8mitb Freooh. of Tbs D !', and SV'ood Oilman, or Koasil. wbocmeti Heppner last week to aiteo I I lit fonertl of tha Mrs. 0 W. Draw, Uft for their reepeotiv homes yesterday. Dr. J. E. Adkins is np from Biltaborn and those desiring anytbiutf In tbs line of dentistry sbouhl rail o Mm at hie offlM in tbs rear of P. O. B'g' Jewelry store. Will remain ooly a shmt time. 47-tf. Mia Panlioa Oildstone, aronmpanid by Mrs. Pb'll Cbn and children, will leave 8tn'day for FMsi. Mis O il I stin returns to bar borne, while Mr. Cobo goes to visit ber many relatives lb that city. The anrmal 8. 8. convention at Pellets Qruva will ia our mi Tlnirla, Jam- 3 d. A Splendid pr 'gramin will b preveiiied aad all who eao gi away atioald gt. If pnstibU an ionrlon train will Iw mo to aod from tba ground. 7 8 Haodrtd of Iboneand. bava been lo doovdtotry Chamler laiu's Gunh It-ro dy by reading wbal it ha done f if ntlieM, aod having tted I'l tnri for them Ives ar today I'S Warmest frieude. Fur ! by Cooear k Brook. Uila Psttersoa im baulrd op before Judge RicbarJsoo III morning for carrying: concealed waapooa, and It eoat bim 17 W for the foo. This ia hard !!, nh tune., hn a maa hhi't a It "" ilt ei e ! mir fool ff him Jf ing t ! f nrtj The telephone liue has reaabed Loug Cieek and wmka wel. .Mian Lillie Barnert, after a pleasant vieit with telalives, has returned 10 ber home in 'FrUoo. The Gz"tte wants to rq'iire up. I hose bo owe it can help it out wou- derl'nll; just now. A race Sunday between FUwbuok and the HardniHii pony for $15 quarter dneb whs won by the former. A oouspiraey to rob the ropti fll e at Portl md hat been unentitled. As usuid there is an informer in the Oise. J. J. Adkins returned fronj Walla Walla, whre he has bixn atrpnding do- tnot o inference, this m.r'iin i, Kov 0. It. Howard ia still iu Walla Wall a. The celebrated imported running stallion, Jalphnruns, will stand the aeaaou in rj(mer. For paitionlars call on W. O. Minor. tf Mr. and Mrs. t.'oe Uarnnrd are over from Fossil to vieit Mrs. Barnard's rela lives. Khe is a sister of Mia Andy Til 'nrd aud a half sister ot the Rhea bioth- ers. The Annual Hu.iday School Conven tion i rn o ia to be held at P nejs' grove on 'lliniFriny, June 3d. xoir-i"ii tr in Waves tJepi nerat 8 n'oli ok in the m'TniiiK hi'd re'nrtis nl 6 "VI' ok in llie eveuing, lii.l-s, 33 Hn, 53 ceiiis. Mari n Evans' horses r in a"Hy bitch ed to tie) mover, on last Sttnrday, bad ly damaging the machine, Marian nar- ro - ly inisseil falling iu front of the kmra Mr. Evans ssjs that the 'hoppers are en hick here the lisy bsa been cut that lliry could I e toooped with a shrivel. "Fr thoe years we bavj nevar baen without Oliamb'rlam'a 0 ilio, Cholera and DMrrlmet Itimilylq tha h'ne," A H Pttir, with E. O. Atkio & Co., I idiiap)lia, , "aod mr wife. 'nul l as so"to thi k of bioii withiut fliur as a bittla of thi renndy iu the summer seua. We h'tvt osd it with aM three of onr ohd lrn an1 i' b never faded t'i curs -not simply atop pilrj, but cure absolutely. It is all right, and anyone w 10 tries it will A id it so." For said by Oous" & IVn k. LKTI rTIt .iar. IETTERS AI)VEIIIIrtEU J Or, May XI, Iwi7 AT flEPCNKH rl'ei, Thomas James llaaes, Hud Hewitt A. T. arls. Oren Mculinils, Haro'l Rnhlnsnn. L. Hchriiiihell, Kred 8 hmdoll. Iwls Vinegar. Kred Wldlains. Jesse When railing for these lertnrs please say advertised. J. P. William. P. M. Eleven oflicert of the Belogrod drajoon have been reduced to the 1 ar.ks, and' one lieutenant ditm sscd from the army for their share in a dpmce ful riot ot Mejibujic, in PodoKa. L!tut. nal.oun'.ne, while drunk, pros.sly :n sul'er) nnd 'truck some Jcwibh civilian? who were eitting quietly in a wine thop. After protesting for awhile tiicy paM bim a sound thrashing, whereuj on Ii'' went to the bniracuf.pottopHherBomi other oCIccrs and 120 drapoons, and e; out to avenge the honor cf the rrei ment. The wineshop and the adjacent houses were tacked and iff on fire, 1 number of JcwUh houses and shor were pillaged, and five Jews killed em' thirty acriomly injured. As the cobni l of the regiment d d rot thick the Inci dent worth reportinjr tbe car has or dcred him to be placed on the retired list Aa Fiprlmet t Try. An liitcrr-rtiii oarirr.rnt In magic may be performed that will rhow It to le a luintaiie that wnte- will find its level, a ya the Chirago Interior. Take a fliiM lute nrd lifil it in the shnpe of a L. Pour It half full of tire v otor. be sure Cir.t the p''her from which you four It vMII 01 ly fill the lert tul.e half full. That Is f r rlTrct rn the oL ttricr. Tow tel e ci other pitch? r car.- tainin.T I uro Lrinr, a lolu.icn cf coir. r on tail, end pour It t!or. iy into tne e . f the arms of the tube. The water In the othfrcrm will ri an lr.chortwoal.ove the Irvrl nf the Irir In the other, and If you fcr.tinus fourinff It w HI run ovtr, until all the frrah water Is driven out. There now, yon Lav un illustration which can L used fsr cumber cf purposes! 1io Mora Datrailvw Strtrtye ;o tt, enjs the Military Ca K ttr, the IrriroTctrrDt la firearms has not lncrrned 11. r.iuxrirrous rrsults of Kmttlea. Thf 'jtilhs wl'ch l.ave been fought In the fiotita Amerfrsn war slnre lr0 liow that ouly one out of rnrh 'J pen Cpfsred vga MUrd. In inr'i ftt n t-t K. 1 ati?rr t It Was a Pretty Spirited Contest bat There Were t.'omplamU of "La? Uuwa." The fibt, last uigbt wan pretty in-tere-tiug aod evervbjdy got a dollar's worth and some, a great deal more, uotably oue fat newspaper man. Tne entertainment was begun with a four round biut batweeo two j 10 keys, Jake Howell aod Julius Paul. The boys went at it hammer and toogs, bat did uot hurt eaob ovber to any great ex tent. II j well had the best of the oonteet. Kid" Dudley, as he calls himself, was the first ot the principals to enter the riug for the main eveut. He was followed by Tom Aileu and -Kid" Duffy In a few moments ' Young" Deuipaey came into the riug and reo-ivnd an ova tion, showiug the feeling ot the crowd. Be waa seconded by Billy Carroll aod Billv Ross. Neitl er men appeared to be in good condition, though Dempsey bad the better ot it in this respect, but was 42 p muds lighter than Dudley, Dave MoAiee acted hs referee, Fred Patton Jack Parker, timt keepers. After the prelimiuaiies were arranged, the men ebook bands and went at it. First round Kid feinted with right, hit Demosev. Sharp iuterobause of blows. Kid leading, Dempsey cautious. Knocks Dempsey down with right hander in stomaob. Hits Dempsey in mouth. Dempey took advantage of time twice. The booors were in favor Kid, though Dempsey was not hurt. Riunl two Sairp interchange of blows. Dempsey shows bis cleverness aud gets away. Kid gets ia two licks on Uempsey's breast. Dempsey falls to bis knees aod get away,' B th fought shy, D mpsey getting in some good punches. B th stroDg with h'oiors even Hound three-Sharp fi jliting. Big fellow missed a right aud left for sey's bead. Dempsey rapped the Kid a sharp one 00 the jtw. Ever) time Dempsey gets one i", the crowd cheer. Big fellow does most ot the leading and hits bard, but misses. II mors even. Fourth round Kid hits Dempsey in nmnib. Big fel'ow mhkes feint and mwses. Demi spy bits iud lu montn. Honors en. Fifth round Demosey lends nut and catches Kid iu tbejiw. Rig fellow re- turn two raps in thn same locality. First blood fur K'd. Dempsey' noee h'eeding. Dudley has the b-st of routd Neither hurt mnoh.bnt. both tired. Hix'b round Kid miestd aright aod left; for the face. Dempaey ge's in a good one on Kid's side. Clinch, referee makes them break awav. Kid gels in on Dempsev, clinch on ropps. Iteferee makes tbain break away. Kid hits Dempsey some hard blows and Dempsey gets rich bank. Seventh rmmd Sharp exohapge of blos. Dempsey has the best of It. D-mi'sev's cose hleeoiug. Both tired. Both flitht haul, Dempsey pushing the scrap. Both on 11 or when time oalled, hut neilher hurt mnoh. Mgtitu round Uempsey tails to u 'or to avoid pnuishmeiit. Both 00m to gether aud exohHnge blows. Tame ronud. Hound nine. ivid sets one in on Dempsey's head. Dempsey nearly knocks Kid down with a good punch inreturp. Ilonois ven, with I'empsey Hgbtiiig gamely and with more skill than Kid. Kid sinking the heavier blows. Tenth aod ' last ronnd Dempsey crowds big fellow. Latter tries) to get iu pivot blow hi d fails. Botb scrap ping lively. Both fall on fl or. Kid counted out within six seconds of the round, and Dempsey dtolared the winner. The shove is the contest as seen by 'he Oi-xette reporter Kid fooled Demp aey In one id H e early loande, bnt did no ilitasis, He was cautioned, how- eve', by Ilia referee not to repeat It Most of the crowd thought that Dud ley "laid down" in tie tenth and it looked tbat aay to the writer. Demp sey, who is known aa a decent, iqoare fellow, sajs that if Dudley laid down be k ew nothing of it The crowd got the worth of their money at any rate, but a fe Jiwhohe" bet made on the remit euaed oome o-nmeti. mder the cir cnnistatioee, and thia rgitatiop, added to a declaration from Dudley that he waa on the warpath, all beautiful!) blended with red conooctioos, caused ooe fat geotlemao to deposit f 7 50 ibis morning with Recorder Riohardsoa. He got 1 ff I'ght. He oagbt to have been Sued f 100 Instead. Bart by a Bone. On last Friday, Henry, the little son of Pbi.l Blahrn, while playing with a colt down at bis node. Mat Lichteu- thal'a plaoe, bad the misfortaue t. get bis baud eutamle l in the rope, injuring the fingers badly. Dr. McS words was oalled immediately and believe that be can save all the Sogers, altbongb the forefinger is badly maimed, perhaps for life. The little fellow showed good plnck and while the band waa being dressed never showed the wLite feather. The people generally regret that Qreece baa not made a better stand agaiust ber ancient enemy, the Tnrk, but tbere seems to be no regrets maui tested that R. C. Wills, of the Pioneer Brick. Bookman stand, is making such a glorious fight agaiost tbe enemies of the people, "extortion" and"war prioes." This is a winning fight. Mail orders are attended to carefully. Wills has a mower, a buck and a cart for sale. Clos ing out this line. tf Milk shakes, lemonades and delicious ice cream a the Orange Front, opposite City botel, cor. Main and Willow Sts. Parties desiring cream for speoial occa sions should order a day in advanoe. tf, ACCIDENT TO BOY PCBHAM. rails oa a Brokea Bottle. Which Penetrates Hi Laac. Ray Durham, a boy 13 years ot age, met with an aocident about 10 o'olock yesterday morning which may prove fatal. While attempting to mount a horse belonging to tbe Dowlaod boys, the animal Jnmped and be landed be hind tbe saddle. He was springing into tbe sad de when th horse j imped the second time and threw bim to the ground. Tha boy tell on a broken glass bottle which out into the body below the arm pit, on the back and penetrated the longs. Tbere is an ngly gash where the broken glass entered the boy and doubts are entertained ot bis recovery. Pendleton Tribune. Tbis boy is a son ot John Durbam, at present working for Geo. Armstrong, of tbe Matlock oorner. Mr. Durbam baa received word that tbe boy is getting better aod that be will likeiy reoover. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner Eoho Stage Line. Persons desirous of visiting Peudieton oan save timn and money by taking thia rente. By ac quainting tbe agents the previous even ing the ntage will make connection with 2 o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton I Offioe at City Drng Store. W. D. Lokd, proprietor. $IOOO for those who find it. . Me, STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B UT TOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to snit tbe times. Ton want fresh groceries and supplies ; yon want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! IT. Howard Alain Street. Heppner. Oregon. What is the missing word in the following sentence: Schillings Best tea is not only pure but it is . because it is fresh-roasted. Get a package of Schillings Best tea al your grocers ; take out the Ytlfow Ticket; send it with your guess to Schilling's Best Tea, San Francisco, by August 31st. One guess allowed for every yellow ticket. If your guess reaches us before July 1st, you are entitled to two guesses for each ticket. If only one person finds the word he gets $1000. If several find it, the $1000 will be divided equally among them. F.very one sending a yellow ticket will get a set of cardboard creeping babies at the end of the contest. Those sending three or more in on en velope will receive a charming 1898 calendar, no advertisement on it HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big spring trade, bnt most have belp to make it a bowling suooess. We are filling np and com pleting our stock ot GROCERIES AND HARDWARE whiob will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate business. We bave many onstomera now bnt tbere ate still several vacancies in this department of oar store, to be filled. Applications will be received at all boars ot the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. In addition to the $1000 offered we will pay $100 each to the two persons who send in the largest number of Schillings Best yellow tickets befor J una 15th. Corner Main and Willow Rtreotg. TIII FAMOUS Cut this out. two weeks. San Francisco You won't see it again A Schilling & Company A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Star Brewery Company, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at ... . WELCOME On Willow Street, near the City Ball. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. They try to please all. Fine club rooms in connection. t,OW TILIARD, Prop. THE FRANK ROGERS J. i. ROBERTS ANNUAL CONVENTION PROGHAMME or TMK Morrow County Sunday School AHMOCIATION. Petteys' Grove, Thursday, Oure 3, 1597. MORNING. Readlnf of Scripture and Prayer Remark! by President J.J. A1ktni,ol Heppner. Tha Call to I he Lanoreri . Rcr. C. R Howard, of Heppner. Have we Given the Best... A. w. BaUlfer, of lone. The Uuiaved in onrKchooU. How to Rrarh them Judge A. 0. Bartholomew, of Heppner, Kubt. Rayer, of I'oiirUi. Tbe Work In the Small Field Mil Wm Douglas, nf Oalloway, Mri. W. C. ruqua. of ElfM Mil. Th Work In th Town.... Rev. J. H. Miller, of Heppner, . L. of Heppner. BucceM require complete Organization and Unity of Action Rev. N. 8. Drake, of Heppaer. Order and How to Obtain It Rev. J. W. Kleher, of Heppner. 1 Reception and Introduction H. C.Qay, of Liberty. AFTERNOON. BuilneM Beulon Rogers & Roberts, : Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. Place" and Rog. or Jim will net 'em. o o o o o o o ROOTS AND SHOES D THE PLACC TO OCT THEM It AT Al. IvICIITlIVXIIiVrv'S II ha anything In this line that ynu may desire and you ran depend on It you get a good article when Mat guarantee It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing Specialty. 1 HK KM KB. rint Day' treat H(.sfrtory-Coo- Rrtlleg kd Nice L'UKlrsI. Tha race bgnu Hatnrday with a tort an I ooe-balf furlon: lasli. witb Ool. T, La'fh and Oiy e utt-r!, 0l. T win dIdk from Lai ho by a uoaa ia 0.69, Wal t- I.-a np. lb thre-irflitli 1h waa tha nnt on tba iri.rani, witb IU,1 H. Tom Tontfoa, La 1 McMham nt Dutch enWre.l. lUd 8 won it in 037'. Jk Howell np Tha bolting tm vrjr oo! and at- tenJatO fair. Ih ttartlo galea wrra nsJ aod aorkad Imdiillr. Tliaiaoraar io prnrt-M tdii after a muu a K i'l ". hVvrir of Oimwsi lur I aurrk Ihsl Ui Mercery, a roereary will mrrly dMlrjr tb min ol mll and oooipUtaly deranga tba boliyeto Li rtitriif it tbrnnyn lb rooou anrfMM. Miol aniciea hiiulJ never bo Qmh rrrpl oa prcarp miu frum ruatl ubysio aue, a lb ilainaa tlixjr will da i t-u ful l li tbe gMsd tvu oa Kibiy drrivelrom lliew, lleP' I ktsrrb Cur, msuit'aciareJ y V. J. Cbeo-f k U ' , T'.lrd... O.. coiitelu wo oiereury, aud I takee lbtroall, action direct! opos tha blood aod ma ootii turfece of tl.a atteto. Is baying Uall't Catarrh Car b tor yoa (rt tba geaolo. It i Ukto lt'oHy, aod t,v in I cili. ... O i' . Ir F. J Cuenvj 4 . a: IV in I si I rr, Fruit Jars I Did You Say ? YES, WE HAVE 'EM I Y It may be just a little ea rly to speak of k this matter, but fruit canning time is not far away and we want you to know kM where you can be supplied. r : We will lead the trade in this commodity X this season. x Besides fruit Jars we have a full line of GRANITE WARE, CROCKERY I AND QUEENSWADE. ' j? P. Io fact, Ter;tbiDff yoa want too can find in 7 DRUGSTORE! YOU CAN FIND IT. Next Door to the Postofficc. UbliaLmrnL our rt- f Wc Have Gicds to Swap for Your E. W. RHEA & CO. y Wear prepared to fl'l preesrlpt'nna with Fr'h Drng. Our tirk Is new and frsh and an eif-arienced pharroa cist ta In rdarg at all time. Teli-phno ronnotloti witb all iar of lleppnar and tba Long Diatacoa, Call op No. 17 SLOCUIV1, Mgr. THE PALACE HOTEL BAH, J. O. BOROHJSRS, Prop. Tha First National Bank Bylldlnf, HEPPNER. - - OREGON. j,f Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors nnd Cigars. r -; famxf&mmmx!i -ito wette, a Year fpr cash,