Portland Library OFFICIAL PAPER Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work r 5 FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1897. I WEEKLY NO. 716 1 J SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5481 F i i .fVe ft. v I is v. SKMi WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANV OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man At $3.50 per year. S1.2S fur nx months, 75 ots. .or three-moa ens, strictly in advance. FRED I HENDLEY Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. IMIIti PAPKK is kept on tile at E. (, Duke's Advertising Agency, H4 and 65 Merchants Exchange, Ban Francisco, California, where oou. tacts for advertising can be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppne' 5:45 p m. daily except Sunday arriving t Heppi er Junction 8:15 p. ui. Leaves Heppner .luno io 10:50 p. m. and ar. rives at Heppner 1:20 a m Snokan Kitpress No. 4 levs Portland at 2:4 p. m- and arriveH at Heppner .in notion Sill p m and Uma il 0 35 p m. Po'Hand Ex t ess No. 3 from Spokane, aniv s at Umatilla 5:05 a m and Henpn i- Juncti n 6:12 a m a d ar ives at Portland 11:C8 a. m. Fast Mail Ho. 2 eavoH Por 1 i-d 9 p. m and ar rives at iieppn- r Ju otion 8:48 a. m. and at Umatilla 55 a. m Fast Mail No 1 eavei Umati 'a 925 p.m. and arrives at eppner J auction 10:40 p. m. and at Poitla d 6a m For further information i-quire of J. C. Hart, Agent O. K i N., Ueppnur, Ore United States Oflteials. Piesident William McKinlev y ne-Hreeldent Garret A. Ilobart oeurewryoi mate John Sherman Cteoi'HLurv of Treasury . I vmun .f Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Beorelary of War ...Kussell . Alger Swrerary of Navy John D. Long Poslinaster-Oeueral James . l.ary Attiruey-Ueneral Joseph McKenua Secretary I Agriculture oaines WilBon state of Oregon. Hovarnor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kincaid Treasurer Phil. Metsrshan emit. Puhlio Infraction O. M Iiwin Attorney General C. M. Id'eman - jy.-B:lSES Congressmen w "fT lait"" Printer .". W. K. Leeds !R. B. Bean, -F. A. Moore, C. J. Wulverlon Sixth Jadloial District. Oircnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney...., 11. J. ueun Morrow Count Officials. I'tini Senator A, W. Gowan Itepreseutative. J Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 ' WOOL SOLD At Hpppner, Echo, Pendleton, ' Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Heppner, Orkqon, CONTRACTORS BUILDER Plans ntid Specifications tarnished on application, . Contracting a Specialty. gtf All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash, doors and windows on hund and funnelled at reasonable ra'es. oive uie your order. All kinds of repairing doue at reasonable rBteg. Leave orders with P. O. Tlxmp Hon Co. McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS Sent Free To any person interested in humane matters, or wbo loves animals, we will nend fre- upon nnnlinntion, a copy of tbe "ALLIANCE," the organ of this Society. In addninn to its in tnsely interesting reading, it oontains a hat tbe valuable and uoiniial pre miums given by tbe paper. Address TIIENirillNU IlUMiNE ALLHNCK, 410-411 Uniied Charities Building, New York. Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT. FORGET New Life of Grant by Haml'n Garland ' The first authoritative and adequate Life of Oram ever p blished. (Begins in December.) Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun 'n November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in .May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical years ol the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln s Cabinet, and is probably better fitted thiiu any other man living to give an authoritative hiatoiy of this period from his recouectio s ana correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Mmy of them unpublished In connection with this series ol Hrtralia It Is intended to pnbllrh special biographic l studies under the general title of MAKEKS HP THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial byHOSAN I) YLC, in which he will use his extraordinary tale i for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given hlui a tdace beside Poe and Uaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN MAC'-AREN, All the fiction that he will writeduriiig the coming year, with the exception o' two contributions to aim her publication which were engaged from hull long ago, will appear iu McClukb's Maqazink. JOE!, CHAND K HAH IS. A series of new animal stories in the same field as the "Brer Rabbit and the "Little Mr, Tbimblefiiiger" stories. RUDYaKD KIPLTnG. Resides "(Hptalns Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCLOBs's all of the short stories he will write during the com.ng year. OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Mauazink a series of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each win be complete lu Itself. Anthony Hop Bret Hart Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell will all have stories in McCmj'e's for the coming year. These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McClcbi's Magazine for loaf, tne subscription pnee oi wnicn is only . One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. Three Important Points. FIRST-Go via. Rt. Paul bft i new to that point w afford jou tlie very best service. V. Brown nnty Judge.... A. (i. Bartholomew a Mn -ft fhn Hiiah flmt m.ii.t will i:rmmissioners J. II. Howard , . . r J. W. Beckett. " tilerlt .T.W.Morrow " rrenrOT:."""! Frank GUIiam 8ECO N 1)Se that the COUDOD HnoV.::V."V.V.V.V: .Ht PhoI rends via. the School 8ap't Jny W. Mhipl-y IhCOHBIO Ceiitral becatiHe that 'T"::'"-""" .. 0,lu", linf makes close' connections will) Mivoi tihm. M'mmn I all the tiftiis-coii ti MPii tnl linen en- USmTKrm-T j.SJr e the Union Depot there, and Lichteuthal ami J. H. Uimona. I its Service is fiist-cltt88 1U every K ..iinli W. A . Hirhardsnn I . - J T oasnrer L. W. Hriggs particular, jiarsnai a, a. (voueii Precinct Offir r THIRD -For iif or mi Hon, call Justice of the Peace W. E. Kfhanlson ,,,!,, I, li..- a,.A frl...,.! (U (,,.taiii. n. a. Wheuiuue on your neiiiiiDor ana Iriernl the United state Land otucers. nHHrext ticket ag-nt acd ask for a tbs dalles, oa. ticket readme via. the u iboopsih .7.7.'7.7.'Hoeiw Central ItueB, or address . P. Moore... A. 8. Higgs ... B. F. Wilson. J. H. Kobliins... LA OBAMOB, Ok. ,.Rgitr . KcAivr BOCISTIES. 11AWUN8 POST, NO. IL G. A. B. "Kits at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of I rr-f. month. Ml veterans are Invited to loin. G W Smith. C. G. Fdqda. Ailiuutnt, tf Commander. Jas. C. Pond, Oen. Pas. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Butty. Uenersl Agent, UMtHtirk Ht.. 1'ortlHiiJ Or. fcTOCk BRANDS. While yoo &ep your subscription paid op ym oab keep yonr brand in free of charge. Bore. P. O.. Ileuoner. Or. Horses. PBci left -honliler; eattlo, same on left nip. Cook. A. J. .Lens, I hr. Homes. Won right shiml ler Cat tin. sameon right hioi ear mark soturs imp on lert ana spill in right. Donclas. W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Don right side, swndow-fork in each ear; horses, H LI 'in lert Iiid Klv. Hr' TWwglan. Or. Hnrsns hrandnd KI.V Office in the City Dru 8lor, nr m Inft shonlder, cattle same on lefthip. hole City Hotel. tf o right hips borans r with bar under on righ houliler Gorans tirsnded bra idnd 1 on Hght hip. also andorbil in left ar. Kange in Morrow county, nffU.hr.nf.. Dlnlfl . i. .nrt 11 in I " l. rH. Ln, lf.-Honns. elrr;!. r IK v. " ,, :"., eft stifin; nattln.Mwnon right hip, aider hl 4 p. in, ! rrpinfurn. mm. n. I mic is n wil lulll n Isft mi property, and 1U to 12, a m, t 2 to 0 Kmny. Mik, Heppner, nr. Hnrsna hrandxr IJII on W nip iwttintMm art nndnr slopn no thr right Lonhey, J. W H.ppner Or. Horses brsndn an.t A ni l.ft shmildr: nttln same on Infi hip, wattle over right ye, uirse siiu la r.gn Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. Dl a J r" I . j m I 'houmer. O. IVIVrfl QUI, I VI, rt Jon tie left shonlder; ea'tls I HEPPNER, OREGON. P. m , at mos in tue rear of burg I on mriiup uattlnsam.ano: erop on ler jewelry store l BanK ol WM. PKNLAND, ED. K. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAMtNG BUSINESS COL.LKOTIONS - Made on Favorable Term. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI HEPPNEIV. tf OREOON First National Bank OF HEPrNEB Minor. Osoar. neppnie rr. tattle, M Dm right hip; horse, m on lert shouldnr. Morgan. M. N., nppnnr. Or. Horses, M on left shonldei cat! la same on Inft hip. Outturn. 1. W Dnnglss. Or I horiHis O on let slmnUleri eattla saws oo r'glit hip. Park k G leaeon. Hardman.Or.-HorsM 1 P CM ft shoulder. Pinar. J. If.. Lexington. Itr. -Horsns. JR eon anrted o left shonldnri oat lie, saws oo Inf blp. sssnt m In men nar. Knrlirr J. W.. ll.pn. lir.-HnrsH, iV m left siMialdr. ( a' tin. om right hip. wen K. G. Hmnnr. Or. fettle W C m l.t bin. emo o and tjndni) In Inft year, Inwiani iMirwen w I on inn shni.iir. Thiimli"!. t A.. Ilwmnr. Or. Il'irws, I f Imt sH.Milr. ri nattln. I nn Infl snnnlnne. Tnrniw a. W.. Hmiufinr. Or. nmall oarta1 lrt hnnl'tm. hnnuwi enltln same oe left hr wiln plil In nmh awrs. Wa lanhnrmr. W. I.. Gallowsr. Or.i horses fiDirisr enee IW on r'g'it h'aililn I rail nii.rif e irl. J W on riittil bin shil right nt' rmp an l hole in l-fl ml. Mai g. In Morrow and Lmaii laivHuiliMk he Lancashire Insurance Co. OP MANCHBSTBRi KNGLAND IS PATTERSON, AGENT. oo o the bo- m A Campaign Of Education How to. Get, It (T ET A A ; For J)J.VV POH1 FOR FORTY CENTS. New Swindle Practiced Cpon tho Uulllbli Mew Yorker. Here is a brand-new swindle. The man who invented it or heard of it in some out-of-the-way part of the world had some money, says the New York Re corder. He rented a house in one of the oldest parts of New York. It is a quarter in which swell Knickerbockers lived, and some of their descendants live there to this day. He made himself a familiar figure in a liquor store in the neighborhood, where he sampled va rious brands and vintages and proved himself a connoisseur. One day he told the proprietor that he had taken down a brick wall in the rear of the cellar of his house, intend ing to replace it with stone, as it had grown moldy. Behind it ho found three casks of remarkable brandy that had been lyip.g recondite for many years. undoubtedly the property of some long dead and forgotten householder, who knew a good thing when he saw it, and was saving it. The saloon man bought it at $18 u gallon, havipg previously tasted an al leged sample that for bouquet, has never been surpassed upon this conti nent or any other. The goods were de livered and -the tenant disappeared with Iwo months' rent in arrears. It was really good brandy worth about fix dol 'ars a gallon, at which price it had been bought from a Broadway street wine merchant. However, the wineroom man did not lose anything. His customers are drinking brandy (at 40 certs a "pony,:) which they are assured has lain in a New York cellar for 100 years. - THE ARK-30RN MAN. He Didn't See It "Did yoo observe, " aaid a local mer chant to a customer, "tbe handsome ad vertisement I had CLrisltnas on tbe bill board?' "No I haven't," replied the customer, "but if you will send the bill board around to my boose I will try and read the announcement. I read the papers end haven't time to go around from place to place and read bill boards." "But you surely saw my ad' in the program the other night?'' "Didn't go to tbe show," uententu uely remarked the ouetouier, "and I under stand that there were but few people there." Tbe merchant soratobed hi head and inwardly resolved that news' paper advertising was good enough for binj. A ohange in time on tbe 0. R. & N is contemplated. It is rumored that tbe old schedule will take the place of tbe present one. . Heppner is not pleased with the prospect. MMiiin UNPHRRLLELED To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Leslie' Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things. Its Illustrations are superb; Its storle1 charming; and Its literarr departments are edited with eon- mmste skill. Huch a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every home, The subscription price of Leslie's ti pe nnum. We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer wl I ever be made again. 1 hi-se two papers mske a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gift, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kludtiess. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Oretro :on. y WEEKLY The MONTHLY Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York C. A. Rett A. T. A. RHEA. GCO. W. CON.CN, 8. W. SPCNCCK. . President Vice President - Cashier Ass't Cashier Transac'i I GcdcmI Bulinj Ba iutss. EXCMANG10 On all parts of the world Boiigh t and Sold. Collnrtions winds on all points on reasonable Terms. Surplus and undivided fronts. ;J.OK)00. The Oil look will b In 1897. ns H has been during raob of ita Iweiity erven yeafS, a Uisto y of Onr Own Timee. In Its Various eilitornl departmciiln The Outlook give a compact rrvh-w of the world's progress; il follow witb rare all the Important philanthropic and in dnstrial novemeuts of the day; baa a complete department of religions oe ws; devote nrnrb spare to the interest r.f the b' tnej reviews enrrest literature; fnrnUhee cheerful tab'e-talk Hut mn vr io. lwJ. Goitre ! en l.i glieii lhat .1 ll.lnua- and. in short, klms In wive the tolion lu om.-d eeill. r has Sled im.Hi-oC .... , , . ,. Ms loieoiion io mate til if.ni i tupHTt .itfnsh Mil'rml"n, fflginal i)t)ervalloo, hi- Huloi. sort Hint "t'l pnil IH maon la-lore J w Morrow, onnt i lerk.at lieppusr, NOTICE f'F IS TEST I OS. I iM) nrrirn at tm r di i.r.nr.'nN. Notice of Intention. 1 AN'O OfKKE AT THK CAI.I.M OREOON 1 1 May in. IW)? Kntlie Is hrrrtiv siren liHt the followlns.nsmed settler hss tll.d noili ol his Intent on In meke flnsl irH In suMirt ol his rlslm, and tlisl said priMif will he made rxiotej n. vorrow i miiiiy iicri.ai iieppner, wregon, on June ai iwi, vi: ALBERT tOCRTKR, ld P. No. M.'l. for the Mt HWU and NWU ee- HV To e., R (,, !H. nsiisees in loiiowin wiinesse in prove his roiiilnnons residence upon and cultivation of. said laud, vis: V) lllls in I uelltn. Renjamln I.uelll- . Charles M. M. H. Hi. and ileiiry C, I'oulsen, ail ol llatilnian, Oregon. JAB. P. MOORK. M.VJI Register. Which of Noah's Descendants Firs. Saw the Light In the ArlcT Hundreds of ancient gleaners of mis cellaneous curios, legends, myths and traditions give us to understand that Cush was born on the ark, nays the St. Louis Jtepublic. Others claim that there was a child born on the sacred vessel, but that it was sacrificed to one of the wild beasts, Noah declaring that no person should leave the ark who had not gone on board in the regulation mnnner. The weight of the evidence as it is given by the Talmudic writers Is to the effect that Cuh is tho person referred to by the old-time mystery gleaners when they speak of the "ork- born" man. The sacred books, as well ns the scores of Biblical encyclopedias, hand books of ancit nt history, etc., arc silent on the subject. In n reprint of one of tue rare old "Saxon ( hronlclca" is found n clew to the mystery, anil an ither t- p.'.it hint in anexj lunatory note n jlcrU'it rMn-.roil." In tha "lluxcn Chroniths" the following occurs "Bedwig w as the son or Shci;., v. ho v. ns the son of Noah, and he, Ilcdwif, wim born on the ark." Herbert's rote in .;inro(i, coiume ll, pnga 37, snys 'Kybt lc is the nrk, and, us ( u:-'i woe lie- golttn sr. the nrk, Irs imstoi Ity were, in i pcci,i;nr Rene, drcendnd frcm that ship." Although Herbert ii.ndc mi di rect references to the fact of Ccsh ho- ing actually born in the urk, he Fr-raks of him in several places as "Cuuh. the ark-born." The Talmud!- v litem dir.- credit the Ilcdwig story, but declare that Lush was bom on the day that "God's covenant" (the rainbow) first appeared. LIQUOR FROM CAS BURNERS, tlevlre of a Portland. He., Tlotel for Evading tbe I'rolillil.lon Law. Everybody who finite Maine has a different story to on his return of his cxpcrin'iKM! In getting drink. say tho New York Run. The champion story Is, crhns, told by a well-known trnvehrg nnt snian. He eays that when he iu;l:ed for a drink nt n Tort J;i nil hofel. lie wn Klutun Into a room, which ha-l nothing in II but tal.le, on v.ihich were n pitc-lw r of water and several t uiiikleiK, nnd n few chairs. Over tho uble was arha-txleHcr. with aiipnrrntly half a doen gnu I urners. When the cocks were liirtv d. however, not gn, but IUtior cattu' out of the burners, which were horizontal, on th tips I c'rg in xrvwed. From on? bonier enme r.ltU(!.y; from another, rum; from another, gin. Each burner supply pipe conm-ctcd with a cask of nome one of Uieae l:iinra in the room al.ovex. Tb? nun v Ivo lella this stoiy en ya that the In-lii tninr.t iaxr ng:inKt the hotel in ipiestlon for a H'ng riiiir v ould fl'l a buelnl bujl et, but none of tht m will ever be brought to trial; st leant, none has been yet. S ncc O'lopl'ua; (his de vice, the hotel hns evaded ('election. Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its s-reaf, leavenins- strength and heabhfu neRS. Ana-ires the food against um and all forms of adulteration common la the ohnip brands. HOYAL BAEINO POWDKR CO., NEW TOB&V ' Stands at tbe Head. Aug. J. Bogel, the leading druggist of Shreveport, La., says: ''Dr. King's New Discovery is the only thing that curee my oongb, and it is the best seller I have." J. F. Oampbell, merohnnt of Safford, Ariz , writes: "Dr. King's New Discovery is all that is olaimed for it ; it uev-r fails, and is a sure cure for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds. I oannot say euouh for its merite." Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds is not en experiment. It bae been tried for a quarter of a century, and today stands at the bead. It never disappoints. Free trial buttles st Conser & Brock's drug store. Geo. French is preparing for the sum mer's task of looking after muttous. Any lady desiring to purchase a sew ing maobioe should call on J. W. Vntigbnn nnd examine his latest Im proved White machines. A happy onm biuatiou of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. The Qsgntte la uuder obligations to Mrs. W, W. Bmead for reportorial work on tbe Gazette this week. THERE 13 NO VACANCY. Brown Does Not Remove From Mor row Cnnty. From the Salem Statesman. Editor Htatesmnc: By your Issue of ay 20th I notioe an item which reads part as follows: 'The removal of Representative Browo from Morrow oouuty to W sen na ton county o rentes another vaoaooy the legislature." I desire to oorreot tbe impression this ns made, not thai I am very anxious to a member of tbe legislature, but be- use it I remove from Morrow county went a more substantial oraft than "a floating report." I have formed a law partnership io Hillsboro and I have a w partuerstiip in Morrow county, the m at tbe latter place being Brown t Uedflolil. I nwo no properly in Hills boro, and I do in Heppner, I have not removed from Morrow oounty. My me and household goods are there, t ipeot to spend part of the time iu Washington comity, but do not kn iw that I shall ever make it mv home. Yours truly, J. S. Bbown. The ladies of the M. E. oburob, South, will et-tve ice cream In tbe Model res taurant dining room, Balordny, after imorv, , May, SiOlh, and every Saturday thereafter during the summer. 2t Yesterday was observed as Deooration Day by the banks and poatofHoe. Mr. Ihhbo Homer, proprietor of the Buitoo House, Burton, W, Vs., and one of the moet widely known men in the slate was cured of rheumatism after Ihres years of suffering. He says: have not sufficient oommand of language to i-oovey any idea of what I suffered my ph)sicisns told me that nothing oould be done for nie and my friends were fully convinced that nothing but death would relieve me of my suffering, In June, 1891, Mr. Evens, tbeo salesman for the Wheeling Drug Co., reoommed ed ChntLberlaiu' Fain Balm. At this tims niy foot end limb were swollen to more than double their normal site and itaeemed to me my leg would hurst, bu oon after I began using the Palo Balm the swelling began to d-otease, the tbe pain to leave, and now I conside that I am entirely oured. For sale by Cjuser & Brock. Notice of Intention. Lard nrries at La Osarhb. Oseoos. sv lath. I-T NOTI' K l ' VRfHY fiivr.1 I MAT lilt folio Iik nsmed sell Iff hss Sled nodes of his loienlloii In mass final proof In siipnrt ol til. i-lslm. snd lhat said proof will lie mads Itefi rs t oimiy I'lerk of Morroa l oiinlr. "regno, at . ei.pner. oresou, on JonsVS I "'7, vis: i.fciM.K W I'KAhnoN, lid. f- Kn Ml 7 for the N 'A eKa and SU KKIa J nee tt Tp I W R tl K W M. IIS nsflies Ilia loiiowins w um aa. a ir pirn, hi. eon liiiinus resldeors lllain and cultivation of said land, vlt: l.eorss M Vli-aon. John A. 1h..niaii. nil lain Aera, and bsvid M. I'res- ley, all ol Heppner. dregou. r. n ii'r., Mh M hegl.1 r. POWER OF SYMPATHY. sad reasonable enter' aiiimeot. Beginning ith Ihs fifty fliflh vol n roe, tbe paper will autne tbe regnlar mags tine if, which will adJ greatly Io it Tb Tbe OaS'tte dirs n riesllrin the Donee.y i an, ,e, ... u S i Ml ... ll,. ..H.J Ih. Siah Is iJlUili nr "w.i ...r-... V"" " ' ' . 7 . ..,.,,1.. .h- Weekl. Orea-onias . . . L... Klln akall.ne Iria Ann. I e- " - p.a.o. .UU-W..K-."-. - - U1 Ml An. on. anWrihie. for tb (ins"", an June Jft, l"i. vi : HENRY :. Piil'LeC, IM r No lit 1. It f nee. la. Tail.. ? t, . nr' and H Nk.lH-e. l 1 p. H. iO i g., wr. M. 1 I , - . . I. . I I Inlii. V ll lAMn. her eniilliinoiis resilience upon snd cultUstlon 0 ,DTf j,.0fl4 ,n(j allrSi'llVeaeM Ml aalrf la A If I II, lem l.iielline. Renjswiln lulling Wenry Oiltlm k Is P nt'll' bed every Halnnlsy r l.il.r and Albert b. I.Mirle', all . Until- hwuUr. ,nny 1-oieaue.e year. .o-nrs, n. ((, ,,, , ,f.n ,r,B., In rsoh tnnnfo Is an lUitairated siagesm V) ske esj's Humrrel end Oopber ElW Now is tbe time to gel I he Weekly Oregonisn, the greatewt nepper of Ihs Went. W ith lbe()f tie, b,lh strict ly in advance, on year, l-'l 60. No better eorpbloete-.n of Depapers eao be mail la the stsU. ais, i -r. giiu. F MAV R Vol a UlAia. realica thai esrb squirrel if nriber be Cornelius Vaodeibllt or tbe wbo esroe bis bread by honest loiL We snoot rua tbe pptt oe ssy other tf The-regnlar SMlcriptaio p'io- of tbe Number, e-iataitiinp ab.mt twice as msoy mmat..r t tbe ro"et effeetive and ee -. n..s mm lb. nr.1in.rv i-sne.. t-elh..f B"mlc. tK.ison koown. I fie fen nee! ' - . a b, . ft . - lOiyieee'e. UiOr m nrnes sno minor A Co., sgeote, Heppner: I. A. Woolery Osteite sod paying for one year il ad vasce cse gel both tbe Osteite an 4 Weekly Oregnnlas for II M AlloMsnk. oi i lire a)pg iheli alaetpthna ft I one ear io aJrancs f il be utilJeI 'tJei1 witb l'f antober of i.k-lure, Tbe prieeof The Outlook la tbiee sgeet, lone; Nichols k Laseb, sgeoU dollars a year Io advenes, or lees Ibae a ' !'"" t ay. juln.d keeps wet giHyls dwe He d ..e a eperfr-n e pt an.1-4 luetral- at l.is new .lr, rAr eimnell f i-lly 1 1 Ir f I IrriSr on I. seru t r e- mm nl Iim ... incee'inl.. tbe Oailuuh 14 Astor so.be. Call at T WyW B i,d If, voh o.e'.l'.-il I y t' l it in. I'j' JgJTTrraT tthsa Keedsd It Is flaaeraliy te II toand. He was only an Itulinn fiu t vtndrr. There was nothing about him ut all bkcly to Inspire the bi luddrr with fell ing, one way or another, lie was not loirgul enough to cull for en c al sym iiathy, nor uiil.eiiipt i nougli to provohe lihirust, irt to the ixilieeii.tui on til tj-nt hn was uiidouhtelly the object of ccnaiih-ralile sniinuilversion. 'I his v us evidenced Ly the u nn-U-nt mar vigor with which be v. ns pursued from corner to corner by the over-w slous gusid.sn of the luw. Th other day, inys the New York Moil end Impress, In a oi hurrixl re-spoiis- to the vrrlnstiiig older to "move on, the iu,t iinlrlUr i cart wns itpart and his ii vl.r-a and pro-s w-re scat tered oi-r tiie ground snd acrosi the street tar trnek. The rnrnged olce man rnuhl hurdly restrain the linpulae to use his Hub. "The dirty lonfer,MexclaItned he, "He d d It cn urpoae Just trying to excite sympathy. "He hu ueceedpl, then," snld a s)ft voice at the ofTin-r's rllow. and a nest little -orii stoopfd snd jgn t jrather up tin- scstlered ft wit. The oft ix r'a fare rrddi nrd. ll he llsitnl a llinl'ieiit, nnd then be, too, Joltwd In the work r.f restmatirm. After that the Italian weaseen f-eare. The Oagetta shop Is out of wood ltedemplino of prom se is now in order, The cresrelit wsves on Cretan shores, Th cio.s of f'hrl.t goes down; Ilia Turks sr helped by CbrUtlan power W ho boinbaid fort and town. Columbia earl hears nor heeds Poor Cuba's ph n-liig cry; Then Irt us drown these shameful deeds Iu rsperry's "Llnwood Kys." For sale st Ihs Ilelvsder salooo, E (I. Hperry, proprietor. If Frank Borg I now able Io Ot glss.es n a soi-nliflo mim.r. Ti u will flu him at B-irg'a jeaelry store, opposite Pslsre bote). 6-8 As Tl'tr s o. r isnk Mloan snd Wi McCarly were up tnuii the Butter Creel esoiion Uel week. Tetter, Halt-lthrum and lU-fPmt Tim intense itchinir Slid stuartillg. Itict dent to these dint-nw-B, hi Instantly allayed by atitilvlnir Cbuiiihe-rlulu'a Eye and Hkin Ointiiient. Many very bad canes have been tx-rmanetitly cuml by It. It is equitlly efne tent for Itcumg pin s ana a favoriu remedy tor sore nipple chama-d hiiti'U. (hilbluitis, frost bit and chronic aora eyes. '4" t ts. per boi Dr. fady'i CenUlUon rnwdi-ra, are hist what a horse nei-ds whi n In bad condition. T'mic, blood puilfii-r and vermifuge. They are not iirki t inmliclrio and the beat in nae io put bora in prune conuiuou. i rice cents per package. mxmm "Not Exactly Klitht" Tbonssods of people are in this con dition They ere not aick and yet they are by no means well. A single bottle of Hood's Hnrsapnrilla would do tbem a world of good. It would tone tbe stomach, oreate ao apatite, parify end enriob the blood and give wonderful vigor and vitality. Now is tbe time to tske It. Hood'a Fills are the favorite family oatbarlic. Easy Io lake, gentle, mild 25 oonts. The Gazette forgot to say in last is sue that Bub Hynd, manager of tbe M. U. L. A T, Co.'s warehouse, alio com pleted the work in the Royal Arch at tbe meeting last week. Tbe old way of delivering messages by postboys compared with the modern telephone, illustrates the old tedious methods ot 1 'breaking" colds compared witb Iheir almost instantaneous cure by One Minute Oongb Care. Conser A- Brook. IHok Mathews and Jay Hhlpley went out to Rhea creek on last Thursday in quest of trout, but captured only 15 very small ones. In short, they bad do look. To curs all old sores, to heal ao In- lolen nleer, or speedily cure piles, yen need simply apply Pe Wilt's Witoh Salve according to directions. Its magie-hke aotiou will supriae yon. Conser k Brook. Mrs Diok Clsrk, of Canyoo City, and I'oin Williams, of Ling Creek, arrived oo last FiMay and will remain a few lays. Tbe former Is visiting her sister. Rb Oilmore. Hick Mathews snd V. Gentry, under he firm name of Maihewe h Oeairy, are associated together in tbe bwber business in the new slsnd, Iwo doors suntb of I be Dostoffloe. They solicit a oall. tf. Condon Globe: It seems that nearly everybody in Ibis county who raise ca'- tle sold a few to Matlock and Rhea a ad Mivered them list week s the band was en route to the r.ilroid By the iron the d'ov4 reaohn.1 Arlington It bal swelled In almost KX). Io eonseq-inooe many a dollar has bMn put la circula tion In Ibis county. Any person In our midst who desires to get a new pair of glasses fitted to Iheir eyes by a thorough optician should call 'o Frank Borg. Frank is a grsjiiatj In this line. E.-0.: Ileunty luternal It-venue Oullroior K. L. Minis and W. J Hrandt hsvn returned horns to I'en-lleton from a wageo trip Io Wallowa ooontf wtisre lbs u III dial cal ed on bl'luel. "Finn tue" otevml the roan la spei-taoles "hnl I am a surgmin.snd that is not where ihs liver is." Never yoo muni where lbs liver Is." retorlsd tho other. "If It was in hi big loe or bis left ear DeWltt's Little Early Risers would reanh il and shake II lor blrn. On lhat ynq pan lal yoor gig-lamps." Con sr k Brook. CATARRH Iss LOCAL DISEASE an Is IS essvlt si eMs sag SsSSsa slunati (aangss. ll can bs en rag Uj a pleasant rsaaanv wbua la siloes) at- er Of late Wet na4n(S. m latilrklr a-aMlaHlltfl's EJy'sCream Balm 11 mmUA-A A ftasS ftisl SMsMft sJiwWfMisrII I h-U Mr,k.i4 ,l-4u4 ll.f f k l . We lCb A Co. will Uk flood fir rwsMitsfsi. n '' rq twantnwi nm m mmt ,- a . . . r t. bus, M-s sns l,.a.,.-wu.-i.Beaisll.sere, p.. VO."! i I Oh g 'or gruel Caul UM tans for Atiletope Herald i Miss Dolly Olisao lit sgam tak so charge of lbs typo graphical departniaot of this great family j lornal, and all mistakes whlr.tj appear Io these tlumns will be attribut ed to bar, whether she is responsible for the same or aol. What U Il.'P fJnl-'t Cist U' stb. thf smlH-' bvk iwfefU H b'ty A4a aaUWa.ewnA,yw V' ivNlll