TO THIC GIVES THE CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry. union; pacific ry VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details oall on 0. B. A N Agent at Heppner, or address W. H. HUBLBURT, Gen. Pass. Aft. Portland Oneac-u E. McNElLL, President and Manager. OADHJB PAPEfil THIS CHKONICLB ranks with MM sreateat ewspapsrs In tns United States. THE CHUONICLK has no equal on the Paclflo Coast. It leade all In ability, enterprise and news. TUB CUHUMCLK'8 Telegraphic. Reports are the latest and most reliable. Its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from Uie ablest pens in tbe country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. XtwIU be Independent In everything neutral in nothing. i iiiiil IJIfflMSi li'ififerrJftllffl. r The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Reslster. Mr. James Rowland of this village, states that for twenty-five years bis wife bas been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was In snob paio that she was nearly crazy. Sbe sent Mr. Bowland for tbe doctor, but be bad read of Chamberlain's Paine Balm and in stead of going for the physician be went to tbe store and seoured a bottle of it. His wife did not f p prove of Mr. Bow land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied tbe Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. Sbe now applies it whenever sbe feels an Bohe or pain aid finds that it always gives re'iof. He says that no medicine wbich sbe bad used ever did ber so much good. Tbe 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by Conser & Brock. Q0IOK TXIWID t TO $?mx Franoisoo And sllpolnU In California, Tie. the Mt, Bhaata route oi Uie Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California to all points East and Houth. Grand Hoanio Route of the Pacific Coast, Pullman Hnftet Hleepers. Beoond-olass Hleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. Fur rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, to,, call npon ur address K. KOKHLKR, Manager, E. P. ROQER8, Asst. Qon. F. 4 V. Agt., Portland, Oregon REE YOU GIG ERST ? If so, be sure and see that your ticket reads via Tie Horffiwesiern Line ....THE..,. 0HI0A0O, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY TIIIH IS TUB Great Short LiQe BirrwEKN ' DULUTH, Br. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL I'OINTH EAST AND SOUTH. Tht'lr MaKtilflceiit Track, Peerless Vcstllnilod Inning- and Sleeping1 tar Trains, Slid Motto: The Chronicle Building. THEDAILY liy Mall, Foitage Paid. $670 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Tha Groat st Weelily Iq the Comtry, $1.50 a bi (Including postage) to any part of the United Htutes, Canada and Mexico, T1TH WKKK1.Y CIllto.MCI.K, the brlKhtnst and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly ftl columns, or twelve pages, of News, Literature and (leneral Informa tion ; ulsn a m-mullicunt Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FRE. To Montana. On Wednesday tbe Bartholomew orew of shearers departed for Chester, Montana, on tbe Great Northern. This orew is composed mainly of boys wbo grew to manhood in Morrow county and tbe Gazette hopes that tbey will rake in a lot ot the ducats up above. The following are tbe members of tbe orew: Paul Bod Frank Flanagan, Fred Roy and Chester Paroell, John Frum, Diok Sheets, Ed Bartholomew and John Beck. The crew "sheared out" about 35,000 head of sheep this spring. Tbey will return to Morrow county along in July. Tunis Swick, accompanied by bis son, Lime, oame in Sunday from tbe John Day with wool. LOCAL SQUIBS. NAMES WRIT ON WATER. Hood Biver strawberries, best in tbe market, today at tbe Orange Front, tf. Lew and Tom Davidson were in from Davidson Sunday. A Valuable Prescription. Editor Morrison ot Wortbington, Ind , "Sun," writes: "Ton have a valuable prescription in Eleotric Bitters, and I oan cheerfully recommend it for Consti pation, Sick Headache, and as a general system tonic it has no equal." Mrs. Annie Stehle. 2025 Cottage Grove Ave., Chioago, was all run down, could not eat nor digest food, Dad a backaohe which never left ber and felt tired and weary, but six bottles of Eleotric Bitters restor ed ber health and renewed ber strength. Prioe SOoeots and $1 00. Get a bottle at Conser & Brook's drug store. A recent ioe-oream festival of the M, E. church, down at tbe parsonage, netted (14.50. The Westfield (Ind.) News prints tbe following in regard to an old resident of that plaoe: "Frank MoAvoy, for many years in tbe employ of tbe L N. A. & O. By. here, says : 'I have nsed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Bemedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I con sider it the best remedy of the kind manufactured.. I take pleasure in rec ommending it.' " It is a specific for all bowel disorders. For Bale by Conser & Brook. "ALWAYS ON TIME lias given this road a national reputation. AH classes of passengers carried on tne vestiliulcd trains without extra elmrgo. Hlilp your freight ami travel over this laiuuni lino. All agents have llik'ls. W. II. MEAD, F. C. 8AVAQK, Ucn. Agent Trav. F. fc P. Agt. Jld Washington HI., Portland, Or. CHICAGO milwauRee & St. Paul B'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Lighta its trains by electricity through out; Uses the oelebrated electric berth read lg lamp; Runs speedily equipped" passenger trains everv day anil nitflit Ixdwcen HI. Paul and Chicago, and Omul) a and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operates steam-heated veetibnted trains, carrying U latest private compartment cars, library buffet emnk ing rara, and palace drawing rmun Sleepers. 1'arlnr cars, free reclining chair cars. ami ths very best iliuiug chair car service. For lowest rales to any point in the United Ht ales or Canada, apply tn agent or address C. J. EDDY, J. W. CAHKV. General Agent, Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. o vtAa iPlaiiNOK. t 4 TwADI MllsL k t j l Df SIGNS, COStrsioHii a a. Ant tenons. .in. smt lmi4i,m aiaf ' " l Oi. fr, ehellief , ,..,,,, M pniMl lr I'! I. ! I on.n,,oil.'ali,.ii. irl.lf e.HiS tntll. (M-Imm asenef f.t Mw-urttt ptaala l.i.nts i.Imi ll.rvusB Mane 4 to. r4 Stwa4 ih4,u in Ibe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, "Miifiiliv lllnMrslxl, kwl nf if K-ipotlar l..Hln. . ,, , . tw, "wua ua I'ltisiiswiina A44res MUNN 4 CO., . If I SrMi.1,, new ' Smiles Irradiate the Countenance. When those atrocious bodily troubles, chills and fever, dyspepsia, kidney or rheumatio disorders, yield, as tbey in variably do, to the benign aotion ot Hoe- tetter's Stomaob Bitters, a remedy of oouiprehe.isive use, purs in composition, unobjectionable to a delioate palate, and thorough in effects. Siok head aches, loss of appetite, flesh and sleep, nausea, heartburn, are among the phy sical annoyances obviated by the Bitters. Tbey are in the nature of signals of dis tress displayed by a disordered stomach, liver and bowels, and disappear with the cause that produced them. Bat these signals should be heeded at once. Then the woe-begone look of ohronio ill health will speedily disappear, and vigor and comfort restore a obeertul aspect to the faoe. That faithful index to the oondition of the system never fails to wear a look of sunshine when the Bitters is used to dispel tbe cloud. Geo. Perry oame in from Lone Book Monday last with 50,000 pounds of wool He says that unless tbe county court puts a bridge over Rock oreek, muoh of tbe Lone Book trade will be lost. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ing, and not weaking, small but, effec tive snob are tbe qualities of De Witt's Little Early Risers tbe famous little pills. Oonaer & Brook. Evanescent Bepatatlons of Persons Who Flitted on the Stage. Theatrical reputation is the moat evanescent of all glories of life," aadly observed the old actor, drawing his last summer's overcoat around him a little tighter, according to the New York Herald. That's so," responded the agent, "and nothing reminds one of this more than an acquaintance with the bill rooms of the old theaters about the country. You know they have a way of posting up bills and lithographs in the bill-rooms that part of the theater in which the bills are laid out, and which is the lounging place of the trav eling' agents, the billposters, advertis ing men, etc., and preserving a sort of record of the celebrated actors, com panies and scenes that have been at that particular house. Sometimes this is done systematically, with an idea for general pictorial effect, and then looks very pretty. But more often it is the freak of some billposter, who slaps up a full length figure, or a lithograph head, or something grotesque, the whole collection forming a curious and some times nightmarish jumble. "In the older bill-rooms will be seen pictures of bygone favorites of the American stage of many persons who were famous the other day and who to day are quite forgotten. They are usually represented in their favorite costume and part. Some of these were the rage but a few years ago drew big salaries and had everything their own way. There are women who actually queened it over the whole country- made thousands and drank champagne and wore a princess' diamonds, their very names are forgotten,! not an old-timer, though I'm familiar with the stage, and I tell you I've been actually startled suddenly to come across these pictures on the bill-room walls, and to be thus reminded what they had been, and to be set to thinking what had become of them!" DEVOID OF ANIMAL LIFE. IP i MIS Cor Frol. w. H. reeie, wno makes a specialty ot Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and cur ed more cases than any living Physician; his success is astonishing. We have heard of cases of so years' standing cured bv II him. He larye bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any suffererf who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise anv one wishing a euro to address wf .W. H. P2EEE, F. B.i 4 Cedar St., Hew T"'" u u j Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat eat business conducted for moderate Fees. Our OrricE is Or-eosiTE. U, S. Patent OrriCE and we can secure patent m leu tune than, those in. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secureu. , a pamphlet. " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO Off. Patent Office. Washington, D. C. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. S. Quincbv, ' Drawer 150, JChicago, Secre- T ,V ary the Star Accident ,f Company, for information regarding Accident Insur. ,iijyVl ance. Mention tnis paper. By so doing you can save membership fee. Has paid over $600,000.00 for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. NO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. WANTED-AN IDEASSffiS thine to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDER BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C.t for their $"1,800 prize offer. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable ffiGault House, CHICAGO, ILL.. )epo Q., C. M. & St. P., C. & A., P. Kt. W. & C and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. B.i RATES 93.oo 110 DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton fits., CZZXC-A-Q-O. ILL. ' NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that an annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware house company of lone will be held at the ofllce of said company in lone, Oregon, on Saturday, the 5th day of June, 1897, at 1 o'clock p, m., for the purpose of electing; directors and for such other business as may be legally transacted by them. M. J. Williams, President. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 539-48 Notice Of Intention. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, May 20th 1897. NOTIHE 19 HEEB.BY GIVEN THAT THE followintr named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 3rd ih7, vis: ANNIE WILLIAMS, formerly ANNIE CRUMP, T. ' No. 2256 for the N4 NE) & Ntf NWi Sec. 22 Tp. 1 8 R 27 E W M. tie names tne iouowine; witnesses 10 prove bia continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, Robert F Hynd, William B. uarratt, Jonn Williams ana timer uentry, an oi Heppner, Oregon, B. F. WILSON, IU6-58 Register. do you want the CHRONICLE Reversible Map? WIIOWINO The Unitod States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Meiioo ON ONIC HI Dili, And the ) Map of the World ON TIIH OTI IICll BIDE. Rend 93 end Get the Map and Weekly ( bronU'lo Fir One Year, postage prepaid on Map end I'aar, ADDHKH8 M. II. Am YOU NO. FAMILIAR NAMES. Tbe following looal brevities are taken from F. J. Hallook's paper, tbe Sampter News. They remind one of "ye olden tyme:" Tom Stevens, of Burns, oame in Tues day from Canyon City. Mac Monteitb, tbe well known cloth ing drummer ot Portland, interviewed our oitizens this week. Jerry Cobn, formerly of Heppner, and old-time friend ot tbe editor, is visiting Bninpter with a view ot locat ing J. E. Cannon, wbo has some promis g placer ground on Boundary oreek, ear (Jranite, visited this oity Wednes day. rmprlsts a V. ChrantalSk sVaJf VHAMVUaxX OAlb Mr, and Mrs. O. D. Allison intend to move from Eight Mile down to Douglas oouDty in tbe near future. Mr, and Mrs Allison are old residents of Morro Walt. Thompson runs stage between oounty and they will be missed. The Uenpner and Monument, arriving every Gazette hoces that prosperity will be day except Monday and leaving every theirs in their new location. day eioept Sunday, Shortest and cheap est ronte to tbe interior. E. J. Sloonm, agent. 1 )T 11 1 It u s TUROUOH CAItS- TO Hr. PACr MINNKAl'OLIS nui.uru FAltOO mrriE Tickets issued to all points iu t lie United mates and Uanada. QUICK TIME TO ClIK'AllO Waniiinutow Kaitimumk Nk YnHK llvrrxiiU All other points in the F.aat and hoiltlicast Omaha Kannan City St. JiH-aPH Ht. Louis ll m ton Union lV)ot connections at Mt. t'anl, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Orunlia, Ht. bulls and other promi nent points Uatfiisge checked through to destination ol tickets. llirougn tli sets tn Japan and I lilna, vi saooma and Northern l'antlo Heain ship Company's tine. For full information, lime cards, maps, tickets, sic, oall on or write W. C. A I.I A AT, A. 1) CI.TtK, Air N IMty Asst. (Ion IW Agl Tliellli,Or. Portland, Or F ATFO LKS too iMlMMmlNMH g f - f rlrli.f ,4,nnM Mi iIi.i1,k, j rJ . 1 1- .ii uu , i. ...,, fri h,,m.r,i, ,.,(., 14,,,. , , I Till J .r-.M tttwt N. an , s, t ' t, , ..t lii,, r', Strltw a., I . u i !,!.., ii tfmmht PATIf NTS TRfATCD UV MAIL sj .. luat 'if?. "Tic llepliilor Line Thf M r.rttai1 4 Aslorii Naiitioo fa. BjTA.VX3tS DALllS CITt AV0 MCUIATO Leave The Pallid deitv (eteepl Hunday) at 7 a. m., arriving in 1'ortlaeJ alwnt im p. tu. When yna go to Portland, stop off at 'I'll lalles and take a trip down the Oolambia; you will tsjoy it, ani save oooy. W. C A! LA W AT. leeetal Ajsut. In the oase E, Tyler vs. Milt Powell, Monday before Judge Richardson, Tyler was awarded $7.70. This was a suit for wages alleged to be due, Tyler claiming $19 40. T. R. Lyons represented Powell, O. W. Rea, Tyler. If we could treoe Dyspepsia to its source, it would lead back to onr kitohens. In faot, tbe secret of good health is good cookinz. It well cooked, foods are partially digested; if poorly cooked, tbey are less digestible than in their raw state. It you are a a victim of faulty cooking; that is, it yoo suffer from Dyspepsia, tbe rational cure must be looked for in an artificially digested food, and a food which will at tbe same time aid tbe digestion of other foods Suoh a preparation virtually rests tbe tired digestive organs, thereby restor ing them to their natural strength. The Digestive Cordial, as prepared by the Shakers of Mount Lebanon, is just suoh a preparation, and a single 10 oeot bottle will cocvinoe you of its value. It your druggist doesn't keep it be will be glad to get it through his wholesale house. Laxol is the best medicine for chil dren. Doolors reoommeDd it id plaoe ot Castor Oil. Ceaseless Struggle Between Fire and Water In Antarctica, The antarctic is a continental land unique in. tne world. lis aesonaie bhoree, ranely approachaDle under most favorable conditions, are laved by am ocean, the richest on the globe in its marine life, animal and vegetable, says the Ladies' Home Journal. Seals and whales in incredible numbers abound in its waters, and countless sea birds ewer with nests and eggs the few fa vored land spots which are free from snow during the brief, comfortless sum mer. It is a continent where abounds no land animal life, either mammals, birds, insects, Bpiders or reptiles. No mauimaa exists withm 600 miles of its borders. It is also devoid oi lanu vege Timber Culture-Final Proof. United States Land Opfici, The Dalles, Oregon, April 27th, 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Corbet, of Lewlsburg, Ohio, has filed no tice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Cleric, at his oliice in Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1897, on timber culture application No. 2915, for the SK BWH NWi BWH and 8W NW of Section No. 24, in Township No. 1 South, Range No. 24 East. He names as witnesses: French Burroughs, of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie, John Jordan ana uscar Mitcnen an oi tone, uregon. 540-bl J AS. F. MOORE. Register. ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN dersigned as ignee of G. D. Fell and W. P. Fell, insolvent debtors, that said assignee has filed bis final and supplemental account as such assignee, with the clerk of the circuit court of the Btate of Oregou for Morrow county, and said account will be heard and passed up on by the Judge ot said court on tne btn day oi September, 1897, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, or as Boon thereafter as the said court can hear and pasB npon the same. Dated this 8tn day oi may, i8s7. 43-52 Geo. Consrb, Assignee. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D. C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting in thn town of Hennner. has this dav been dis tntiin fpxppnt the lowest forms of eel- solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav- uilion lext-ept iuo , , . Ing disposed of his interest to D. C. Downer lular tissue, lichens, w&icn nave oeeu wh0 w1( oontlmie business at the same loca- fcmnid in two places only), having neith- tion, collect all accounts and pay all bills con tr v.u - tracted by the above firm. er lerns, nowering piuuno, duiuo D.C. Downer, I JIMMETT BWANN. tt v nv. rlVunlnv frw-rr . v.ruia, wi uva uajui iierc iiLrwTrvcu, j""" j Ann nn. szw forces on a scale eisewnere uokhuwu, r iL ,!li:rtu nf DniinrAmilpa nf thLli "1.! Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples. UUHUU1 HUH-aiu v.-.vv i ... a . . a titanic struggle between the opposing eggs or Duuer on suosonpnon accoums ancient elements of fire ana water Notice of intention. LAND OFWCE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON. April 6, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore County Clerk of Morrow county, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 18, 1897, viz: MATHEW E. CLARK, Hd. E. No. 6775, for the N W)4 NVV Sec 84, Tp. 2 S, R 29 K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: Hezekiah Tippett and Andy J Cook, of Lena, Oregon, Edward Chapman and Charles Doherty of ViiiBon, Oregon, B. F. WILSON, 535-46. Register. Schilling's Best baking powder Havering cxiracis tra coffee sods and spices In vain the volcanoes pour forth, streams of molten lava and Bhoot upward pil lars of fire. Welcoming the lava as a protecting, non-conducting covering of iits lower strata of flowing glaciers, the continental Icecap resistlessiy aa viimces, certain tlhat in time, when the processes of erosion have lowered the elevation of the volcanic craiers, ua countless, tiny snowflakeB will quench Use apparently unextuiguishabie nres that now shake from end to end the con tinent of Antarctica. A CIRCULAR RAINBOW. A Singular Phenomenon Witnessed la the Mountains of India. ' One of those peculiar atmospheric phenomena-, circular rainbows, was ob served in India by Lieut, Wheelock about the middle of August, says the Chicago Journal. Mr. Wheelock was climbing a mountain apur at sunrise. HEPPNER, The atmosphere was clear, but there Any one owing this offloecau settle their acoounts in this manner end can't do it too soon to suit us. Qid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sooiated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the tonsorial business. Oall on them and get your whiskers pushed in. Pnl a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till you get dowo to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars. Near city hall. a SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for County of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, upon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897, in favor of The Morrow County Land ami Trust Jompany, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Ed C. Allen, Martha E. Allen, Wm. M. Kud lo, wattle v, Kudio ana J. r . leal, as ad ministrator of the estate of I. R. Dawson, de ceased, defendants, for the sum of Two Thous and Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with interest thereon from the 21st day of November, 1896, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of Twelve and ou-HK) Dol lars costs and whereaa by said Judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lot No. ten (Hi) in block No. two (2) of lxxmey's addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow county, Orenon. be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. I will, on Wednesday, The 2fith day of May, 1897, nt one o'clock p, m., of said day, at the Court House door in Hennner. Morrow County. Orp- gon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, F.d C. Allen, et al., in and to the above described property at publio auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. K. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow Countv, Oregon. By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. Dated April 26th, 1897. 5X9-47. Piles! l'llrsl Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moistnre; intense itching os rrnnrl ic thev nn he and stinoinir ! moat at nioht wnraa h J scratching' If allowed to oontinoe turn- not prudishly Of foolishly was a heavy fog hanging over the val ors form which often bleed and ulcerate nvionnnntlir rvof-4- a Vol sale by J. W. Vaughan Attorneys crt Irrvv, All buainesi attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. t OREGON brooming very sore. Swayne't Oint ment stops the itching and bleeding, Deals olecranon, and in moat oases re moves tbe tumors. At druggists, orb' mail, for 50 oeuts. Dr. Swayns A Hod, I lillHilelptiia. Joe and Tom Line Mooday. Woole ry were np from Iteoently Joho Brown's eleveo-yaar-1 old son fell into a bole while plnying out Dear bis home on Rhea oreek, break Ing both bones ot the left forearm. Dr. MoSworda repaired tbe damaged mem- Kvery new subscriber of tbe Gazette from this date, May 25, 1W, will receive ber and the little fellow is doing well as a premium a book worth alone the price of the subscription. tf leys. As the bun rose a rainbow, round as a circus ring, was seen, in the fog w hich all but obscured one of the beau tiful lakes which are so common in India. Mr. Wheelock Is a trained meteorologist, and was not at all a ton lulled to see a circular rainbow, know ing, as he did, the condition under which it was found. Hut what attracted his attention in particular was the presence of a bright spot in the exact center of the circular "bow." This spot was so intensely luminous that the observer thought it might be a bush fire some distance away, dui mis suppw WHITE COLLAR LINE, Columbia River and Putt Sound Navigation Co Steuicrs TELEPHONE, BAILEY GATZERT AXD OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder 8treet Deck, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beaeb, Ocean Park and Nabcotta. Direct oonnection witb Ilwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay witb Seashore Itsilroad. TEIjHPIIONH Leaves Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, eicept Sunday. Miss Altha Leach hits purchased Mrs. Lt'llsllister s entire stock of milliner goods, and will oootlnue to sell them at Cost until the summer stock is closed out. These goods are brand new. bav ing beeu purchased this seaaoo. All old acoounts Will be Oolleoted by Mrs. Conser A Brook. LeHalliater. 6-7 Lesves Astoria Dsilr a Sunday night. 7 P. M. Read the new ad of E. in tbis issue. W. Rhea A Co. 21 Borg will sell Watches prices for the next (ft days. at redaoed 68 Bucklfs's Arnlrs Halve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cuts, tion was soon dispelled by further de- Lea, Portland P. M. Dally, eicept Sunday. Saturday night, ll P. M Bruises. Hores. Dloeri. Salt Rheum. ' ''Pm. ewwiy aaa regular.,, nu t- u t .... ri..nn.l if - ,1- r PTTir miird, .rori, vulmtii unuun, . . , , , i. . . . . n.lll.l.m. fWi an.t all Nkin Prnn I ter Spot became Surrounueu oy crciea I leaves roniano ana runs nireri ro jiwaro, . uranay ana i nursnsy si s A. m. nam Chilblains, Urna, and all MSIO fcrup- I ...... ,, I Laavas lleaco Waduvsdav and frldav at 7..SJ A. M. On Suiidar ulot.t at ee Piles or do or raaiating ngnt, encn cntiuuir i of the primary colors, in fact, each was a perfect miniature circular rain bow. This wonderful phenomenon last ed for about two hours, or until the sun had risen to such a height that the reflection sank back agalnat the moun tain side. Mr. Wheelock watched it until It faded away, pronouncing It the moat Ins. tu if ul and wonderful sight be had ever beheld. tious, and poei lively cures I'Hes or do pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded Vrlce'23 rents per boi. For sale by rdavat 1 P. P. 11. M. Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Expense. For Safety, "peed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on the Telephone. Bailey Ostisrt and Ocean Wsv A good bicycle, suitable for either lady I or geotlemao, io fine repair, new poea matio tires, for sale obeap at Gilliam A Bisbee's. tf a N. Perk (ays plentilul with him. tbe 'hoppers are Tin Bm Fsid Y amd. The first feed yard the teamster strikes iu Heppner oe,,og dangers is mat commoted oy wiiiisre uordon. Iieit door to the Iteppoer Osxette raucb. Mr. Gordon is aoooraniodatioa. bss a giHtd yard aod abundanl facilit to take care ot stock in first class shape. Ilia prices are very reasonable, tie has hay snd grain for sale. Has lately added o car loud of Oaleil liimithii. it. Tbe length of life may be increased by Tbe majority of peo ple die from lung trouble. These may be averted by promptly using One Minute Cough Cora. Conser A Brock Heppner to Pendleton via lletipoer- Koho hli Line. Persons dealrons of visiting PeodlMoo Can save time and money by taking this route. By ao- uueliitinsT the agents the previous even ing tbe stage will make connection witb '2 o'clock train al F.cho for Pendletoa. Office at City lrug More, W. IX Ukd, rmpneior. T. M.: Dr. Laonerberg arrived boms last night from Prioevllle where bs bas beeo tbe past two weeks. Tbe doctor looks bronsed sod rugged and shows the effoot of baving eueouolered lbs inos aod winds of tbe interior. t4 sT t-fet m rf Imnm f m eHattaV Wanted-An Idea Wriu J OIN Mi'ktl ", ri- c M S, I" .' 4 IO ' I k S ' m4 UM 4 ! kaAi4 avwtltt.4 SWH4. Notia of Intention. Lasd om s at Tns Palis. Ostoow Mar M. otii i mi; st y oivrxi ihat tmh InHnvtnt iia'iwl ttlr has ( ao ihii, ,4 his lnintlfB I mil. Snsl pnxf In support "I htsriaim. and thai ssld prn4 will t mal . i J. W. M,.ir,., ,iii,i t lrisai Ut'liuer, ViStMt,ee iuT ku, ivi, tis. W1LUAX I. palSKCLU It 1 f . ta. i3. lor h 'i t' sad w 11 t? t A sV s W S, ll nawM lulloelns llmsjsl.'pmv hts eniiiin is iMi'ltws ! ami ruiUtattnu ot so. land. Vl J.aia1 Jar W. Shlply, Js Shs, M l f Muonf, In;'' Tbe Osteite el'l take either eoonty, city or scbM.t script oa aeoooot at face value and pay eash for balance, it any Hebrew News: Hon. Usury III so k man, wbo wee in Ppoksoe last week, baa reluraej home. Mr. Black man bas boat ot frleuds lo tbe Northwest auj was royally reeetved by them. Oo ol the best aod oeateet pieces ot reeideoee property lo ilsppter will be old here oa tbtSidh tost. It la known as lbs Nordyke plaoe aod is ailoated Dear Ton Morgaa's-Dearly every per sou la Heppner kuows where to Bud It There Is aa acre ted one third in trees aod gardea, aod tbe huiUiBs ar Wool Growers! POWER OF It OvarresBS A WOMAN'S WORD. the Wrelk e( ea rareeUeg FellecsBea. The following prrtty etory is taken from the New lork and ie good enougii to He was onlv an ItaJ Ther was nothing almut him at all like. ly to inspire the beholder with feeling, one way or another. He wee not ragged enough to call for eeperlaJ sym pathy, nor unkempt enough to provoke diaguet. Yet to the polioemau on bis beat he wm undoubtedly U objector tnsitiertle aversion. This waeahoe n by the unrelenting vigor with wblcA the fniil-seller we pursaied from cor tier to corner by the ieslu guard laa of the law. The other day. In a too hurried re pon to the everlasting order to "move on," the wddirscart waeupeet, and bis Mttebc and piars were scat tered over Uie ground aod aeroae the street car track. The enxagrd police- tnao could barely reeuaia Uve Impul to use bit club. The dirty loafer!" be eiclaimed. "Ha did It on purple J'let trylnsj to excite sympathy! "Be baa niwmW, then." (Aid asott otc al the o&ctr's e Utile vtotnsn stooped snd brg gather up the sestwed fruit, Hrn cr fix ir1!.S'.d lit h-l-tM ri.j-is'. ) tttR ht, '. .-!nl 1 1 V ,U .1 i," Witb McKioley lo lb Vt bite House, we prsdiot higher prices for wool during tbe coming season, and feel asaored that Heppner will attract more F.tstern buy ers than formerly. Tbsir head'iaarteri will be at the Mail and Kv.preae. TTT 1 1 "ITT 1 Wool Growers Warehouse and it will be to yoor interests to store your wool witb oa. losoraooe rates are also muob cheeper tbaa last year. We fornlsb wool seeks aod twioe to patrons payable wheo wool is sold. We pay freight to teamsters, sod forstsh blsnk reeelpfe to woolgrowersoa applicatioo. We have oo band rolled barley aod feed for tesmtters. We pay tbe highest cash price for sheep pells and bides. We are agents for Little's Fluid Dip, aod the famous Black Leaf Tobaoeo Dip. Mark yoor wool sacks (T) "d direct yoor teamsters to tbe lower Warehouse, Heppoer, Oregon. H. F. HYND, Manager. z THE PALACE HOTEL BAK, T. C. BOHCI-IKRS. Prop. !bw. .'ndVttelt Keens the Finest Wines, Liquors .ind dears. I snd begn to I 1 O - . . s ThQ GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH,