Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 28, 1897, Image 3

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    Impure Blood
Rheumatism, Kidney Troubles and
Sick Headache the Results-Doc
tored for Years Without Relief.
" My blood was out of order, and I be
gan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla. It has
purified my blood and relieved ma ol
rheumatism, kidney trouble and sick
headaches. I have been afflicted with
these difficulties for years. I am now able
to do a good day's work. Rheumatism has
troubled me sinco I was a child, but I am
now entirely well." Miss Pheobb Bai
ley, Box 445, Pasadena, California.
" I have suffered from the effects of im
pure blood, boils, pimples, etc., for five
years. I have tried various remedies with
out relief and finally purchased Bix bot
tles of Hood's Sarsaparilla. The boils
and pimples have all disappeared since I
began taking this medicine. I am now
entirely cured." Louis Thomas, 1412
11th Street, Oakland, California.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best In fact the One True Blood Puri
fier. All druEKlsts. 91, six for $5. Get Hood's.
Hood's Pills ffi,CS$Xh&r
Take Notice.
The Sum of flvn pant nai lltiA will v
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect ' lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the editi
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices of special meetings for whatever purpose
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shad be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
es to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and madpknown
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter season again with
us, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAETTE a.50 and Club Rate
Weekly Oregonlan, $1.50 13.50
" 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 3.75
N. Y. Tribune, $1.00. . 8.00
" Inter-Ocean, $1.00 3.25
" . 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 3.75
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50
dalle's Weekly, $4.00 5.00
Here and There.
Mrs. Eli Keeney is on the sick list.
Dr. J. E. Adkins is up from Hillsboro.
Hod. H V. Gates is op from Hills-
bo ro.
Ureum improves strawberries. See
Morris. 7if
Harry Myers is working fur 9am
Hon. W. F. Matlook is over from
Fine cows and floe milk at tbe Short
h orn dairy. 7tf
Frank Euglemsn was up from lone
Elmer Beaman says that tbe 'hoppers
are bad down with him.
MUK tor babies from single cow
from tbe Hhortbom dairy. 7tf
Miss Eppa Wilson is visiting her
not, Mrs. Julia Bradley.
Heppner carpenters arc busy this
spring. This looks well.
A back for sale or trade for lighter rig
or milk oow. N. 0. Maris. 7tf
Call and see Borg'a large assortment
of epnotacles and eye classes. 5 8
Buy milk from the tihortborn
dairy. N. C. Maris, Prop. 7tf
. A slight frost Taesdsy night is report
d to have done some damage.
Long Distance and local 'phone call
no No. 19 for E. W. Rhea A Co. a
J. I. Williams, representing Sao
Fraocisco house, wet In town Tuesday
A. H. Steadman, representing Tbe
Bankers Life Ids. Co., was io HeppoVr
Newt 8mith oame io yesterday from
tbe Joho Day with wool for Lawreno.
8 week and Emraett Coohrau, and will
return with Joho Day freight f ir Mo
Cnllom k Bsylcy.
Assessor Fetteys end sons were up
from Petteysville Wednesday.
F. J. MoHenry, representing tbe W. of
the W., is here in the interest of the
Portland's orBck companies will not
tke part in the Hood River militia en
B. Mitchell, representing H. Varwig
A 80ns, of Portland, was in town
Rev. J. Gaunt made proof in support
of bis claim before Clerk Morrow on
Tuesday last.
Mrs. Robhins is over from Fox volley
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. W. Roberts, representing tbe
Wallo Walla Marble Works, was iu
town Wednesday.
J. C Yates, the Bbeepman, left Wed
nesday ior BBker City, having Hboot
oompleted bis labors in this section.
Dr. John W. Rasmus is keepiug the
best oliiss of goods at tbe R?dlight Rod
he will treut yon right. Call In and see
bim. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus , of the Rfldlight,
bHs keg beer on draught the Hop
Gold. Best of liquors and cigars in
stook. tf
See those new Russian Tan shoes
down at LiobtenthaVs. Latest styles,
best quality, reasonable prices. You
cannot do better anywhere. tf
J. P. Sharp, of Por'land, representing
The Chicago Portrait Co., accompanied
by Barnett Bros , cf Lexington,' wag io
Heppner Tuesday on business.
"Doc" Brown was over from Condon
this week to take the degrees in the
Chapter, A. F. fc A. M . and last night
the boys gave him the finishing touohes.
D. S. Johns, representing The Dalles
Lnmbering Co., arrived this morning.
The Gazette acknowledges a oall from
Mr, Johos, ' aooompaoied by O. E.
Rauous, tbe contractor.
Milk sbakeR, lemonades and delicious
ice oream a the Orange Front, opposite
City hotel, oor.r Main and Willow 8ts.
Parties desiring oream fof special occa
sions should order a day in advnnoe. tf.
Abe Jones, Clyde Baling and John
Hornor write down from Juneau,
Alaska, that they are busy all tbe time.
Jobo Homor is working in the placer
mines, while the others are carpentering.
Dr. J. E. Adkins is up from Hillsboro;
and those desiring anything in the line
of dentistry should call on bim at his
oflioe in the rear of P. O. Borg's
jewelry store. Will remain only a short
time. 47-tf.
The annual 8. 8. convention Bt Petteys
Grove will ocour 00 Thursday, June 3rd.
A splendid programme will be presented
aod all who oao get away should go. If
possible an exoursion train will be run
to and from the grounds. 7 8
Tom Woolery, the well known resi
dent of lone who tried to 00m in it Mil
o'de in Portland reoently, was adjudged
insane by Judge Bartholomew 011 Tues
day last and at once taken to tbe asylum
by Sheriff Mutlock. Tom has a bust of
friends who regret to ber of his
Residents of Heppner were shocked
to hear of the sudden death of Mrs. O.
W. Drew, of this plaoa, at 10 o'olook
this morning. The cause of
ber deatb was heart disease. Tbe
funeral will ocour Sunday morning at
10 o'olook at the house. Memorial ser
vices will be held in tbe afternoon in
stead of morning. The obituary will
appear in next issue.
Last Tuesday G. T. Irelaoil tod
"Mulli" Natter mixed up in the brewery,
just aaross the street from tbe Gazette
office, the former getting considerably
tbe worst of it, being pretty thoroughly
"uuder the influence." at tbe time wbiob
was the oause of the trouble. Judge
Walt R cliHrdnu Rsaessed Mr. Ireland
"the regulation" wbah is now 87 50,
a rednntlon nf (2 50 since the editor's
last experience In the police court.
"Mulli" whs not fined, as the authorities
decided that be was onlv protecting bis
lathei'i place ol business and was not
responsible 'or the trouble.
The "History or th Ninth Grade" of Oar
High School, by the Class HUtorian, Or
Ville Jones.
On last Friday, the" dosing day of the
"Ninth Grade's" work for 1897, a class
pionio was given up in tbe Joues grovs,
near Sodavil'e, participated in by the
teacher, Miss Anna J. Baleiger, and
pupils. On this occasion the Gazette's
worthy young friend, Orville Jones, read
a very creditable paper on the history
of the class.
It appears under tbe caption, "His
tory of the Niutb Grade,'' and is as fol
lows: The first authen'ic date iu the his
tory of the olass as ao orgauized body
was the birthday of the father of our
country, the 22 i day of February, 1897.
Iu the forenoon of that day it was or
ganized into a olass by our esteemed
teacher, Mis Anna J. Bnlaiger, assist
ant prinoipal of the Heppner Hivh
The board of ofBoers consisted of the
following: Presideut, Mr. Elbert Stan
tou; vioe-presideut, Miss Jenuie Bar
tholomew; secretary, Miss Lula Hager;
treasurer, Mr. Burton Peck. Also a
committee on arrangement consisting of
Mr. Wayne He ward, Misses Emma
Farmsworth, Elsie Ayers and Jenuie
Kirk was appointed. A few weeks later
the presideut being called iff the field of
aotion for the season, we wereoompelled
to eleot a new one. Mr. Lawrenoe Pal
mer was eleoted and at once took bis
seat. The olass also elected your hum
ble servant to the position of Historian
of the class.
The olass chose pink and oream as its
oolors, Bud the wild rose as its class
floer. The very appropriate motto,
"Press forward; he oonquers who will,"
was adopted by the class.
At tbe orgaoizatiou of our array we
were thirty-six- in number with Miss
Balsiger as our general. We bravely
burled ourselves against Education's
o ittie-frouc. rne opposing foroe was
generated by Gen's Arithmetic, Gram
mar, History, Physiology and Orthog
raphy, and also by Colonels Rhetorical
Exercise, Current Events and Morals
and Manners. The battle was hot and
fierce from begiuuing to end.
Viotory seemed to rest first on one
side aud then on the other, but a olose
observer of our struggles could see that
we were gaining ground at every engage
meot with the enemy.
Tbus we fought for six months with
our general, Miss Balsiger, at tbe front
obeenng us on bv her cheerfulness
bravery aod fortitude. At this time we
bad a desperate engagement with tbe
enemy nuuer Gen. Physiology, aod after
ten assualts we oame off victorious, kill-
lug tbe general and routing his army
while no one ou our side was injured bad
euougb to cause them to fall to the rear.
reeling that we did not wish to give
up tbe struggle with only one get
slaiu, our valiant general again taking
commuud led us on a two months'
campaign, our army at this time con
sisting of thirty-two members, the others
being compelled to leave as their leave
of abhence bad expired. Shortly after
the two months' campaign bad com
menoed our president and captain, Mr,
T 11 , , . ...
iawrenee rainier, oeiug OftlleJ away
from tbe Gel.l of action, we elooted Misa
Emma Furcrsworth iu his stead.
I might as well state here (but our
olass is running ou tbe latest principles,
that is, the young ladies' right of suf
frage aod of holding olli :e.
Mr. Burton Peck, our treasurer retir
ing, we eleoted Miss Gertrude Bishop to
that poftitiou. SVe alio elected at thi
lime Miss GalxigHr as sergeant-nt-arms
During the first mouth and tbe for
part of tbe last month a few dropped
out, so that the l.iht engngemeuts with
Gen's. History, Grammar, Arithmetic and
Orthography wpre fought with littl
nanrirul of twenty seven perseverant
fighters. We came off bearing th
Crown of viotory in eaoh engagement
thus proving the truth of our grand and
noble motto, "Press forward; he 000
qners who will."
Cimmsoder-iu-chlef Education grant
ing nu armistice of three months w
ceased wur on the 20th nf May.
A grand nail will be glveo at tbe
opera house June 1st, by Wstteuberger
& Iiigrabaro. Excellent music. tf
Snort Still on Drck with a Few Assorted
lda"-The Baees.
It is a well known fact that Heppner
baa a oow ordinance. Last year it was
entoroed to tbe extent that eows were
kept op from 6 p. m to 6 a. m., but al
lowed to run at large io the daytime.
Cows cannot do muoh damage during
the day, but at night the ravenous
beasts will eat anything from a front
yard to a mowing-maahiue.
The town marshal was asked a few
days ago about the oow business, and
the interrogator was informed that tbe
livery stables would not allow their
yards to bensed as "pounds," and that
the town would not oonstruct a city pen
for stray eows.
The town should at least have cows
kept up at night, and to this end should
ereot a oorral on the city property.
This oow ordinance should be enforced
io a practical mauuor.
It may be a nice thing to have a oow
that oao furnish riob milk for the family.
We commend tbe plan. It is nioe to
have the larder full of delicacies even
if tbe sustenance gained therefrom oan
be traced back to a telegraph pole, a
front gate, a garden or a shade tree.
Talk about trained pigsl Why, Hepp
nor has cows that can climb a telephone
pole, piok a Yale look or hear the weary
man of the bouse turn over in bis sleep.
These things are all very nioe for tbe
owner of cows, but its rough 00 the
ther fellow.
People who own oowg ought to keep
them in the pasture during the daytime
and iu a stable at night. It is worse
than cruel to turn oows out on the com
mons where there is short feed and
allow the emaoiated fiends to prey up
on the neighbors. We know (bat some
mighty good people do it but it's
wrong Id principle as it is in law.
The great Oregon sprinter, I Don't
Know, owned by Frank Reed, of North
Yakima, Wash., will be at the Anncouda
and Butte meetings, says the Rural
Spirit. He was one of tbe fas'est horses
n tbe West up to three-quarters of a
mile, but as be has Dot raced for two
years, having been ruled off the Bay
Dietnot traok with his former owner,
it is nf coarse a question of oonjeoture
whether be will be up to bis old form
this year. He bas recently been rein
stated through tbe kindness of President
rbomHB Williams of the California
Jockey Club, aud should be be ad right
he will make all the sunntors "tm-cau. '
Tbe "scrap" at the opera house next
Monday night will be interesting. It
will be a eoientifio bout between men
who have bad experience iu tbe ring.
Nothing immoral or indecent will be
permitted and ladies cm attend with
Low Tillard struck Jas. Fristoe a
pretty hard jolt the other day and Spore
understands that it was worth $5, ac
cording to Judge Riohardsou's estimate.
Sinner won the quarter dash today
over isawbnek. Ooess Ben and Hnor
bad better pool issues and make a trade
with Horn Kinsman.
Fruit Jars
I Did You Say ?
1 J
It may be just a little early to apeak of
this matter, but fruit canning time U
not far awai and we want you to knoiv
where you can be supplied.
Wc will lead the trade in this commodity V
U fJiic CrA(On -a
this season.
Besides fruit Jars we have a full line of
- awn niiPFMCUADF
T -
n In fct MfArvthino vriU want VOU
r 1
can firi'l io our m-
glove com km.
Of the National Bank of Heppner at
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the 'close of businesn,
May Uth, 1S97.
Iioans and discounts $ 46,168.38
Overdrafts seoured and unse
cured 1.662.S4
D. S. bonds to secure circula
tion, 12,750.00
Stocks, seourities, eto 5,964.43
Bankiughouse, furniture, & fix. 2,509.30
Due from National Banks
(not Reserve Agents) 1,173.16
Due from state banks and
Due from approved reserve
Checks and other cash items. .
Fractional paper ourrenoy,
nickels, and oents
Specie $ 233.50
Legal tender notes. 120.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per oent. of circulation)
343 45
116 25
Total $ 71,609.08
Capital stock paid in $ 50,000.00
Burplns fund 7,000.00
Undivided profits, less expen
ses and taxes paid 1 194 13
National bank notes outstand
ing 11,250.00
Due to State Bunks and Bank
ers 20.00
Dividends unpaid 600.00
Individual deposits subject
to oheok 1,320.05
Demand certificates of de
posit 224.90
Total $ 71,609.08
State of Oregon, )
County of Morrow, f
I. Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier of tbe
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to tbe
best of my knowledge and belief.
Eo. R. Bishop, Casbier.
Subsoribed and sworn to before me
this 26th day of May. 1897.
Otis Pattbrson,
Notary Pnblio for Oregon.
Correct Attest: O. E. Farnsworth,
A. Rood, Wm. Pen land, Directors.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
groceries and supplies ; you want sub
stantial gents' furnishings. You oao find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
IV Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
At the old stand, have the usual
spring outfit of
Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention.
Call on-
Next Door to' First National Bunk Building.
The crescent wavos 011 Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry;
Then let us drowu these shameful deeds
In Sperry's "Linwood Uye."
For sale at the Belvedere saloon, E.
. 8perry, proprietor. tf
Frank Borgia uo able to fit glasses
in a roientifio manner. You will find
him at Burg's jewelry store, opposite
Pulace hotel. 5-8
I Best CotiKh Syrup. Tamea Good. Cm I
in time, cold ny artigKixt.
The people generally regret that
Qreece bas not made a better stand
against ber ancient enemy, the Turk,
but there Beeins Io be no regrets maui
festcd that R. C. Wills, of the Pioneer
Brick, Biackmao stand, is making Buch
a glorious fight agaiuat tbe enemies of
the people, "extortion" nd"war prioes,
This is a wiuomg fight. Mail orders
are attended to oarefully. Wills has a
mower, a buck and a cart for sale. Clos
ing iut this line. tf
Star Brewery Company,
203 Washington St., Portland, Or.
You can Wager Your Sox that You
are Always at Home at ... .
"Never Fail" headaohe wafers at Cou
ser & Binok's. This medicine will oure
any kind of u headache in dhort order.
Conser & Brock's for the "Ntver Fail"
headache wafer. tf.
0PF1CE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old.
Place" and Rog. or Jim will net em. o o o o o o o
A Trn-Round go to li I'ollrd nlfat tb Oprra
Hnu. May Hi.
"Kid" Dudley, of Detroit. Miob., and
"Young" Deuipsey, of Oregon,
will appear in a ten-round glove contrst
for points nt the oners home in this
pUce, no Monday, May 31 t.
Two looal b xrs will kpar iu
fonr-ronnd bout jut before the main
This rxhihiiioo will bave no immoral
fraturp, being a cunt! fur points, and
ladies ckii attend with perfect propriety.
Admission, tl. Iwrs np-D at 8T0.
The boxers will appear at n o'clock,
Mfixre Deoltlett to Iloll m.
Mace loetixxjs
Saturday, May 29,
Hay, Wednesday and Thursday
JUNE 1, 2 and 3.
$700.00 IN PURSES! j $700.00 j
fn I!.ira flvJo in V-iri fn! Willi ILII-iK :'
f n J I FIKKT DAY-HatiirdMV, May 2I-Itcel. Quarter toil, da.h, natch rao
jMt i ! bfln Hinner, owned by lnw Tillard, ao t Hawbuck, owned by lien Htfvarl
II llff Hll M V& ''"'l"0 Ko.'i. Four and ons-half fnrlonus, fre. lor all. I'lirso. fllH),
I yLMJJVJl ' lUc A. Three eighth roll dash, free for all. I'ur... 7.'.
Htr full, rrirnlar (-Hon
ol Ui lxml, do hot Irrt
laUi or Inflam. but rav
all th ru 4l(ir or.
fnlm In porfoat rotidlllna. Trf 0,m. li rnita,
on it bf C. I. tiuwt to, LvwtU Mm
44a cWmwIm tkiuiL
a- j It brnra4 bra Maatt
VV. 1 rl JD A. (X UJ.. l Ely's Cream Balm
HKraiNU UAY-Tu-aday. Juo. l-Ko4. On. half mil da. I. . frr. (ur all
rur. ll'M. Itp. 8. Hu liundrrd yard da.h, fr. Irr all. I'or... 175.
THIKD I)iY-Wxloraday Jan. 2-ltan. 1. Quart r mil. dab, fr fur all
l ura. f.i l(io.. line thnoaaml t.rrl., (r. lor .11. 1 U'aa, IHXi,
FUL'KTII liAY-Tlinradajr, Jnn.3-ItaoH. On. half mil., bamlioap, fre.
I for all. t'lirno, IKK), ham H. On. half mil. O'liiaol.tino ran., fur dfMild
I boraM. I'ara., 875. Kao If). Hnl. rac. from ir. to riio Io th. world
I'ura. I (ft.
' CONUITION.S.-ITmmi. riu:. .ill U tovaro) by tb rulu. of tb. PaAiO
B1ikiI Hiira A'ti iti in. Entr.no. f- In all rar.t. not other!, tpnolfl.d, 10
pr rnt or arnniini or pnra. nv. or ro'ir. to .ntr, thr. Io atari. Io r. that
puia !., 4(10 do not fill lib At. compl.l. rotrl.t, lb. hoard bat tb. pow.r
to r.iut th. ni')'itia or Iha tir. a In lhtr l'i linol acn propr. Th. dl
rotor. rrv th. riiftit to poatnoo. any and all ro. on arvionl of lnrlmBl
w.alhor. If hUit. im d'l no fill, poia will tm kiii for iMal ra.. to b.
nhtllnr 1 by lb. dirmior. I'ura will h. illl Ud 70 p.f Oorit Io th. Crat bora,
:' r ool Io troeid. All .ntrlc to cl". by ft o'olook, p. tnH oo tb. tfoiug pr.
0etdlu tb lain.
On Willow Htreet, Dear tbe City Hall.
They try to please all. Fine olub rooms in connection.
Rogers & Roberts,
Contractors and 13ailders.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kinds of KeDair Work Done-
He hu. anything In th la line that yon may dolr. and you ran depend on It you get a
IOmhI article when Mat guaranteca It.
Old Stand, Main Stra.t. R. pairing a Sp.olalty.
Next Door to the Postoflicc.
W.ar. pr.par.d Io All pra.orlptlon. with Krh Dnift.
Our atonk i ow and freah aud an p.ricurd pharma
clt la In rbarH at all timot. Tlpho. conn.otloot
with all part, of Ueppner and lb. Long liataoo
Call up No. 17
E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr.
Thw Flrat Natiwnal Bank Building,
i'iiSSMiJ. rare WILL HE PUB k hl.
auara pat 4 lr.aiaiau"a. kaa th anna, bn
l0rtm th axmiDra fnnm to.it. Mum tl.a aatiM. I
tflMt4.'nMI. rrif'H-r. ( rirt:.ywtf t,J m' I
A. W.
PlTlERSOy, MofirT. w. O. MISOn. Pr.all.ol.
J. C. BOHCELKliS, Prop.
a mi.i i aM a
Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars
i r. i. tn.Y.i,v. if.aior.r.
The GAZETTE, $2.50 A Yew fcr CA9H,