Portland Library OFFICIAL PAPER Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work FIFTEENTH YEAR HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1897. WEEKLY NO. 74fl( SEMI-WEEKLY NO 5461 SEM I WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays , BY IHB PATTERSON PDBL1SIIING COjIP AX1 FRED HENDLEY L OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man. At J2.50 per year. 1.25 for mi monthe, 75 ots. or three mortcne, strictly in advance. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. PHIS HAPKIt is kept on tile at I A .!..,,... ; .. : a ai j tixehangs, San Francisco, California, where oou. minta fm .4 ....... i .. .. 1. .. J f . - E. C. Dake's Merchants 0. ?. & N. -LOCAL CARD. Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. daily except Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. Leaves Heppner Junoiioa 10:50 p. m. and ar rives at Heppner 1:20 a m Bpokane Express No. 4 loaves Portland at 2:15 p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:22 p. m, and Cma ilia 9:25 p. m. Portland Exoresa No. 3. from HnnlcHne. Arrivpa at Umatilla 5 KJ5 a. m. and Heppn r Juncti m B:12 a. ra. ard ar ives at Portland 11:C9 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Fortl'oid 9 p.m. and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:48 a. m. and at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 leave TJmBti'la 9:25 p. ra. and arrives at ieppner Junction 10:4U p. m. and at Portland 6 a. m For further information inquire of J. C, Hart, Agent O. K 4 N., Heppner, Ore. Pendleton, Oregon. WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Hbppneb, Oregon, THERE ARE NO EXCUSES NOT TO USE ST. JACOBS OIL A PROI1PT AND CERTAIN CURE NO ONE REFUSES. RUISES iMinnrMnniirffijlV' CREMATION IN PARIS. e McClure's Maoazin For 1897 GREAT SERIALS SEVEN MBUIIM Flans and Specifications famished on application. Contracting a Specialty. S. is?"" All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash, doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rates. Give mo your order. All kinds of repairing done ut reasonable rates. Leave orders with I . C. Thompson Co. Sent ree OE"3TXCX-ft.Xj DIHEOTOUT. ' Halted States Officials. . P eoident William McKinley V ne-l'nwldent Garret A. Hobart Secretary of Hlato John Sherman joiiieiary of Treusury Lyman J. Hage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. BliBs Knorelary of War Kiinsell -.. Alger Smiretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James V Gary Attorney-General Joseph McKenna Secretary f Agiioulture Barnes Wilson Stale of Oregon. Governor W. P. Lord Secretary of State.. H. K. Kiucaid Troasurer Phil. Sletsnhan fluut. Public Instruction (i. M. Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman Hnut.ora j tt. W. MeDride 3m" ' 3. H. Mitchell ( Binger Hermann 1 W. K. Ellis W. H. Leeds ( R. 8. Roan, X F. A. Moore, ( 0. K. Wolverton Sixth Judicial District. P-.ruait Judge Stephen A. Lowell I'rofwoutina Attorney H. J. iiean Horrow County Officials. J. .Mil Hermtor A. W. Go wan Kfcpiwwhitive J. . Brown Jodge '" Oornmlseionere. J. W. Beokett. " Clerk J. W. Morrow " Sheriff K. L. Matlock Trefwurar Frauk Gilliam ' Assoenor J. Willis Snrveyor J. W, Hornor .School 3up't Jay W. Shipley ' Coroner B. F. Vuughan HEPPNKB TOWN OVFIOBRS. M i oi : Thos. Morgan To any person interested io hnmane matters, or who loves animals, we will peud free, upon application, a oopv of the "ALLIANCE," the orava of this Society . In addition to its in tensely interesting rending, it oontains a list of the valuable and unusual pre miums given by the paper. Address- THE NATIONAL HUMANE ALLIANCE, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York. UongroaBraen Pri -iter , S'lr-rsino Judges.. Goingr East? o IP YOU ARE, DO NUT FORGET Three Important Points. A New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of . Grant ever published. (Begins In December.) Rudyard Kipling's Hrst American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins in May.) Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three of the most critical yearB of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is probably better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his recollections and correspondence. Dnrtnita of fimat Americans. Manv of them unnubllshed. In connection with this BerieB of portraits it Is intended to publirh Bpec.ial biographical studies under the general title of makeks on the u.MUis iroin wasnuigtoii to uncoiu. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLK, in which he will uso his extraordinary talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, in the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him a place beside Poe and Gaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS IAN M ACLAREN, All the fiction that he will write during the coming year, with the exception of two contributions to ano her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appear in mcwaihk s magazine. JOEL CHANDI.EK HAKKItt. A series of new animal stories In the same field as the "Brer Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thlmblefluger" storieB. RCDYaRD KIPLTNG. Besides "Captains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to McCldrb'b all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. OCTAVE THANET Is preparing for the. Maoazinb a scries of short stories in which the same characters will appear, although each will be complete in itself. Anthony Hope Bret Harts Robert Barr Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell wllj all have stories In MoClurk's for the coming year. i These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmjrr's Magazine for 1S97, the subscription priee oi whlcn is only One Dollar a Year The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with thlB number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. The Number of Incinerations Is Growing Steadily from Tear to Year. The advocates in this country of cre mating1 dead bodies will be somewhat encouraged by the reports that come from Paris of the number of incinera tions that took plnce there during the first four months of 1895, says the New York World. The number of incinera tions that occur, either in accordance with a previous request of the person whose body is disposed of or at the instance of the represertatives, in creases every year with great regu larity, though not rapidly. According to the statistics published by the pre fect of police, the number of crema tions that took place at the Pere la Chaise cemetery from August, 1889, to the end of April, 1895, were as follows: 1889, 49; 1390, 121; 1891, 134; 1892, 159; 1893,189; 1894,210, and 1895 (four mouths), 75. The furnace would consequently often be idle were it not for the remains from the hospitals, which amount to from 2,000 to 2,500 bodies per annum. The apparatus employed is that of LONG GREEK EAGLETS. From the Eagle. . T. L. Barnett end W. O. Hill of Hepp ner, were in this oity last Friday in the interest of the Chicago Portrait Company. 8. C. Richardson, a miner of the Granite conn try, took advantage of bia opportunity while at Canyon City last week and had a photograph taken of tbe old home of Joaquin Miller, tbe poet of tbe Sierras. Mr. Richardson is a news paper correspondent of more than ordi nary ability, and being acquainted with Mr. Miller in California, be was gratified to be able to secure a proof of the earl domioile of the renowned poet. T. D. Williams and Dr. W. T. Miraolo returned last Friday evening from a trip to Magooe lake, where they went in quest of some of the beautiful salmon trout that abound in tbe Major's fish pond. Their trip was a successful one, and they returned with 28 fish that tip- pit FQVMi. Absolutely Pure Celebrated for ito great leavening strength and healthfnlness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands, BOYAI. BAKI.N3 FOWDEB OO., NEW YORK. River Notes. ped tbe soale at JiiBt 75 pounds. This MM. Toisoul and Fradetand works by 1B uot " usu ,or ,ne B,ZB 01 lne Tbe river this morning was 395, a rite means of gas with a recuperator. In- j Bbd tn oome oat to feed on tbe banks 0f 1.4 in the past twenty-four hours, cinerations arc accomplished in an hour uP there at this season of tbe year can Reports from up-river points indioate a or, at most, an hour and a quarter, and be vouched for by Jack Chambers, of steady rise for two or three days, though the cost of the combustible never ex- ceeds threo francs per operation. Another apparatus, invented by M. Fiehet. has recently been inaugurated. The difference between the two inven- Canyon City. Dr. King's New Discovery for ' Consumption, This is the best medioiue io tbe world tions lies chiefly in the application of for ell forms of Coughs aud Colds and for Consumption. Every bottle is guar- oxide of carbon. In the contrivance , ,J , . , . anteed. It will oure and not disappoint, sumed by hot air alone and dees not . , . , . . come into contact with gases. Accord- 11 DBS 1,0 eaual ,or Whooping Cough, ino- in this mpthrwL inrdnprBtinn taPK Asthma, Hsy Fever, Pneumonia, bron- place a little more rapidly than in the ohitis, La Grippe, Cold in tbe Head and Bet lbes reports, and be doesn't seem Toisoul furnace, but the expense is ,or Consumption. It is safe for all ages, to know anything as to what they indi- not so rapid as heretofore. Aooording to Observer Psgne's report Monday the river was to fall here tonight, while bis report Tuesday says tt will rise. It it really a pity that someone ia not em ployed in the office who can tell from reports from tbe upper river whether there will be a rise or fall at lower river points. Pogue is tbe only fellow wbo greater by nearly a quarter as much. WEBSTER GAVE HIM THE APPLE. Gov. Doty Planted the Seeds and from Them Grew a Historic Tree. There is an old apple tree back of the old Doty homestead on Doty is land, in Neeuah, which has a history, tays the Milwaukee Sentinel. It is a pleasant to take, and, above all, a sure 0ate oure. it is always wen 10 tase ui. King's New Life Pills in connection with Dr. King's New Disoovery, as they regulate and tone the' stomach and bowels. We guarantee perfect SBtisfao tion or return money. Free trial bottles at Conser & Brock's drng store. Regular size 50 cents and $1.00. Iudioations are that tbe river will go to at least tbe 45-foot mark, and pos sibly nearly to tbe 50. Tbe former mark will interfere with the running of trains, and any above it will stop tbem. Whatever stage the river may reach, it is not probable that tbe flocd will FIRST-Go via. St. Paul be- a. . Bartholomew csll8e the liuea to that point will . J.i. uuniuu , - ,, , , j ntiora you tue very best service. SECOND See that tbe coupon beyond 8t. Paul reads via. the Wisconsin Central because that line makes close connections with all the trans-continental lines en- A Campaign Of Education last any length of time, as tbe mow on flharlpv. a German who ia atonninir thn Snn!t in onino ranirllv. and thnt uor..wbv.,u-1.p.vu.pu at Abrabsmsiok's, ent bis knee badly stream must soon fall, say 1 Tbe Dallee vr- wL n,,,i .ni-i,! 1"' "6" knife, just baok of the Chronicle. cap of tbe left knee. judge of Wisconsin by President Pill- ...nt, nl,n,.t 4.. ion,. a A7n ul. t 1 " ',',. "Not Exactly Klitht." hands with him and bade him good-1 Thousands of people are in this oon- by, at the same time handing him a "ition ihey sre not sick Bnd yel they largo red apple. Webster then split sre by no means well. A single bottle State of Obio, Oity of Toledo, ( Luoas County. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he ia the senior partner of tbe firm ot F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business io tbe the apple in two and he took one-half of Hood's Sarsaparilla would do tbem a City of Toledo. County and State afore- nnd Doty the other. The seeds from world of good. It would tone the stomaob, said, and that laid firm will Py the How to Get It ijichtonthai and j. u. Dimonn. us service is nrst'Class io every T HHSuror.... .... , l. w. HriKgH particular. .u'arshal A. A. Roberts Precinct officers. THIRD For information, call justice ?f the iw w E ' w"h'nn on your neighbor and friend the riiite'i state'i Laiid officers. nearetst ticket aent and ask for a the dalles, ob. . ticket readina via. the Wisconsin i;l'Bia7::::::::::":::::::::::: nes, or address. duphbslleled OFFER T.A nSArfDK. OB. Melntr 1. H. Itobbins Ueoelver SSCBST SOCIETIES. UAWUN POST, NO. II. O. A. B. VwU at Lexington, Or., the Ust Saturday of i;cl month. All veterans are invited to join. G W. Bmith, C. . FlOA. Adiutant, tf ('commander, Jas. C. Pond, (jeo. I'hb. AKt., Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, lieucral Agent, lllf, S!rk Ht.. Portland Or. I $5.00 To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is expensive. Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best thliiKS. Its Illustrations are superb; Its torios charming; and Its literary departments are edited with con- Poiy's half were brought to this place ...- . Bn,itB. nnnfv and unrloh the and planted and all there is left now, b,ood and B,ve wonderlul vi(or Bnd to fall. The Doty homestead across the river still remains, and is in a good state of preservation. It is an old log house, and before the new Roberts summer re- Knrt. tvnt Itiiilr. It. whji iiMirl na n. mnn- mer hotel. An old reclntrv which was Pendleton Tribune: Times are good used in this hostelry is still preserved t the Tribune offioe. The little steam by Mrs. Roberts, and on its title page eogme 11 bumplug itself to furnish power vitality. Now is tbe time to take it. Hood's Pills are tbe favorite family oatbartio. Easy to take, gentle, mild 25 oeuts. mm ot one hundred dollars tor each and every case ot Catarrh that cannot be on red by Hall's Catarrh Oure. Frank J. Cheney, Sworn to before me sod subscribed in my presence, this Ctb day of Decem ber, A. D. 1880. A. W. Gleasnn, Notary f ablic STOCK B KAN 1)8. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGEON. While roa toepyoar subscription paid np jrco eaakeep your brand in freeof oharge. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B .a left shoulder; cattlo, same on left hip. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horua, Won right shoul dor. Cattle, sameon riht hip: anr mark square orop off left and split in risht. Dniifflu. W. M . Galloway. Or. Cattle. K Uon rialit mile, swuilow-forlc in each ear; homes, It 1) on left hip. Elv. Rnia-Douglas. Or. Horsat branded F.LY flffl, in Hi f!it Drnir Store, near on left shoulder, oattle sain on lefthip. hole u,l tf ngnt ear. riLt hip; honwu'F with bar undor on iihl ....M.. I I I l I -i U O I 1 1 J.A 111 Jonna. Ham. HmDnr. Or Horses branded U . sj , IVlVxl QUI I V I rtJon th. left shonl.ler; oattle bra idd J on .Tnr.,r. ..n..nn nghthip. also nndorbit in left ar. Ku;ie In I nbrrilblt, uncuu.i. Morrow eonntr. Johm'.n. TxWx. Lrna. Or. Hor, elrelaT nn left stifle; cattle, same on rirht hip, oadar half 3rop In riat and sulit .n left ear KrninTi Mikt Heppner, Or. Horsoa branded KNY nn left hip ealtlaavnn and crop ofl Ufl or; nncier slop on tna riant in I mite skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. home, The subscription price of Leslie's 14 pe nnum We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy ot It should be In every of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi- Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made before. No such offer will ever lie made gain. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness. Heppner, Oregon. are tbe autographs ot some of the noted men of the country who used to come lu-re to catah flth in Lake Winne bago. Among them were the u nines of (Jen. Philip II. Sheridan, Cen. Anson Stager, Gen. W. T. Sherman, Walter Q. fireslium, Wiliinm Pitt Krllogrr, George Jay Gould, Kuimons lilaine, John li. Foraker, Perry II. Smith, and a score of other not quite so prominent. seal. Hall's Catarrh Oure is taken internally for tbe Jobbers that sre kept constantly running, the columns of the Tribune I nd ol dlreotly on the blood and mu- are crowded with live, interesting end ous inrfsoes of the system. Send lor good paying ads new subscribers to testimonials, free. DIDN'T SEE HER MAMMA. THERE. And So thel.lt tie Girl Did Not Think She Haw the Heal Heaven. She was such a weo mite of a little girl that It's a wonder she wasn't crushed in the gre'it crowd that thronged one of the big Chestnut street dry goods rmporluiuM. Hut she k"pt a tight clutch on a lady's hand, snys the Philadelphia Ilecord, and wun happy in the delight of seeing both the daily and weekly papers are oomiug to regularly sod old ones pay. ing op. Tbe Tribune is making sll kinds of money. K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. firSold by druggists, 75o. "HHOV1NO THE 0.1'KER." Are Schilling's Best coffee soda spices bskinf powder and flsvorliig eitractt as good as Schilling's Be si tea? Oflloe hours, 8 to 10 s. m , and 12 to 2 d. m . at resilience, Mrs. tl. Welch's protwrty. and 10 to 12. am. to 2 to 5 1 p. m , at office io the rear of Uorg's jewelry store. WEEKLY The A10NTHLY Rational BanK ci wim. WM. l'ENLAND. Cl. tt. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Leaner, J. W. Heppner Or Homos brsnded Land A ot left shoulder; cettla same on left hip, wattle over right . three sins io right Minor, Oenar, nppnr nr. ttl, M D on M) COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD BF.ITSER. tf OREOON First National Bank of HErrNEP. Morsn, M. N., Hoppnw. Or. Horses, on left shooliwi eattla aaroe on len tup. Onhorn, J. W., Dongla. Or.; hones O on let shoulder; cat tl same on riant bip. ParW Glaaann, Hardman.Or, HoimsIPob lft slioalder. Piiw J. H.. txlntm. Or. Honwsv JK eon. nertnd orleft shoulder; oaltla, aaia on lef hip. andxr bit io ch ear. Xantor J. W., Heppner. Or. Hora, JO 01 laft shoulder. Cattlo, Oon rlht hip. I Him. K. 0 Henonsr. Or. f'attl. W C or ltt hip, nrop of nlit and undwbtt In left year, itewlap; horMia w i; on left aiioanwr. I hompiti, 4. A., Ilnppner, Ur-liorse. E or ltl hoold'r'. mule, it on Iwft shoulder. Tamer tl. W., H.pner. Or. Nmall cepltal T l(l ahiKililoT, hTw; eattla Sam on lft bip with efil it in hot I. nan. VYa'tooburavr, W. J., (iallowar, r.i horws quarter rin-l JW on riuht .lionld't; raiile qimnr rtrcit rw tm riant iJ win. nun. vi n. rrop and hole in left ear. Itange in Morrow and Lmatilla noautixa. Outlook Published Every Saturday Notice of Intention. all the wonderful Christmas things. otj tca ()tJier Her companion was dressed in deep I 13 Astor Place New York I AND OVTU r. AT THK DALLES OKEUON, j May 10, Ih'.iT Nothe la hereby flven that the followlncnained settler has filed unites of his Intention to make final proof In support ot his rlalin, and that said proof will h mads before J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on June lM?, vl: ALBERT f.OLRTKR. lid E. No. MU. for the h HW! and It1 NW' bn'. i. Tp. H , K b . V . M. He llamas the followlmr wltnrMrs to prove his roiiilnuous rrsl'leuie upon and cultivation ot. snld land. vlr. : William Luelllnc. Benjstnln Luelllns, thsrlis M. SI. Hatting- and Henry C. I'oulwn, all of Hardman, Oregon. JAH. t. MOORK. .Mt.'il Register. C. A.Rhca. T. A. RHEA, GEO. W. CONSER. S. W. SPENCER, . President Vice President Cashier Ass't Cashier Transacts I General Baukin Bosinea. 35XCI-I.A2SrG3S On all parUol the world Bought and Sold. U-" yUTICK OF INTESTIOS. I AMI orKI' K AT TMK D l.t.KS. OKKOON, 1 1 May. Ii. !''. iti- is hffi.r gin-n umi ( oiler tin ns made on all Pol"1 reason)'!1 Term, fiurplus and uiidlrldtut Profits, $:( J.IKHI OO. The Osji-tte dr not queati'in th boriMtyotsny roo. bnt It U em nellml to lustal optm lha cu.U is sJuce Oatotie ami paying lor one ytr it . . ii. . I 1,. l.nr.I lu.it. wr-""'--7 sdt.no. ess gt ttb the O.i.lls sui Wessoooiro-th. pspr o say other 0r.gln 3 A oM ,nt. arrthwr paying thr'ir subaoritittone tf I What is Hop noU? Celt trr rn otn ir In a lvan will H f.litUd U rf,hj ifUttti.r., ' h?:? Tbe Outlook will ha in 1HW, ss it has prH-n during ?soh of H twenty sf ran years, s Uistoiy of Oor Owb Times. Io its Tarions editorial departments The Ontlnok give s oomiHot review of tbe world's progress; il follows wittiest sll the important philanthropic sod In dus l mil nioTemenU of the iUjj ! s complete department ot religions news; devotes roach Space to tbe interests rf lbs home; reviews enrreot litsistare; farotebes cheerful table-Utk about men sod things: aud, in short, aims to give fresh liilorotalloo, rriginal obserTetioo, sod reasoneble entertainment. Regioning with the fifty flifth volntns, tbe ps;ier sill siiuie the regular disks line all, which sill add greatly tu Its Conirtii'-im nod all rat tiveoeas. TL William .orlllh. RrnjmlB MiIIIii(t. FnrT fjutloi.k I potjUrbril every nnuiuay K loll" d Ai'rt ll. to'irtrf, all ..I llanl- mn. (reuu. i. r. iKr., I tifty 10 l"iea s year. I na nrsi us In earn rn'mn is an i;irj'raii iiiria'n Nnmber, containing shout twira s msny page se the ordinary iane, o.i.er with s larg sumber of pirttira. The price of The Outlook ( three dollar s year In sJranee, or Irs than s cent day. Hend for s epeelmao "py and illnetrU eO proepectu Ut Ttis OntUnilr, IT At'r I'lsv-e, Tot a CltT. Notice of Intention. L xb Orrits at La (!. Ossoow. vy Mh, wi7. NOTlff. IH li P.RKRY filVKN 1 HAT 1 HE Inline liiuiisini-il aettler ha filed not lie of his Intention to make flual proof In support of his rlalin, and that said proof will b mwl iH-fore ( iiiinly lerk of Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppaer, iirmou, on June PI. 1W7, vll; (.KOK'.K W I'KAhHON, Hd. t No M7 for the N't eK and 'i NK 27 Tu 1 N R '? K. W M. Ha name Ilia following wltnmwe to nmv his '' In noua resldrnra ution and cultivation ol said land, vl : (irga M VHimo, John A. I lioiniwiti. wiiilatn ayers, ana ivia m. rrea- th following naiiipl rttirr has lill nolliaol his Intuition to make final proof In support of his rlalin. and that said proof will m mala U lnr.;. W. Morrow, County t.lerk,t Hi'ppiier, Orfgon, on June X' fl, vl: HENRY C. HOI LfKN, ii, I w Nn mi l l..t 1. Ker la. To. . R. V-1. . J tik'a t. sc. l.i, I p , a. t th following wltnaawa to prors her continuous rraidetic up" nd cultivation of. said l"d. vl( The reu-n'sr snlwcnptioti prNi of the Hemi. Weekly Garotte ia 1XA and the pe,,,, ,o n -e. .- --.- - - ---- , o Otegoni.s p.aoof .ob-eript op, whether be . nb. J OTb,M.f for tU oritur be nornellue auderbill or tbe ' Ihomi-aon. William A) ey, all of Heppner, Orrg MM on. . f. WILHON, Keglstcr. Now is the time to get the Weekly Oregoomn. the greatest oewspsper of the West. With the OasetUt, both strict. ly in advance, one yesr, )3.Ca No better combination of newspapers ess be made Is tbe etsU. HAVE VOI (tRAIM. Few realise that srb squirrel dee trovs tl CO wortb of grain SDDOally Wstelee's Jjnirr-l stid Oopber Elter itilosirir is the moat ff active and sou somir; (rfiitfio known. I'rioe rednowl to 30cste. Conser k Drook sod Minor k Co., agwnU, Heppner; i. A. WooUry, si rot, lose; Nichols k laeb, sganle Lriington. Low Til lard keeps wet goods dews st his saw plsre, Bter the raiaoeit ehsnbers. Cell si Tbe Wt lo roe sod tasks yonrulf M m; If mourning, having evidently lost a near relative. At one end of the store was a pretty scene represfntlnjr, the flight of nng-els, the sngels belnir wax figures suspended in midair. The little girl pozed in wonder st the sight, and her bljr brown eyes opened to their fullest extent. Home strange thought seemed to tnk" iOhM'HHiun of her childish inlnd, and she scanned each ongfl face close ly. Her little heart was evidently troubled, and her lips quivered as she looked up into the lady's face and asked: "Auntie, Is that really Heaven up there?" "So, darling, it's only inake-lxdieve, softly replied the lady. The. little one's face brightened up, and with a beautiful smile and a little sltfh she murmured: "I didn't think It nan real Heaven, because I don't see tnuinmi there." UP-TO-DATE BUROLAR. Break lata Safe with Maeblaetr and Save Tlana. The HKxIrrn tnirtflur is adopt inif iiuhI ern appliance. The Jiitiiny bids fair to become relic of the pnsl before long A recent Imrglitry In Kmnce llluatrntes this fuct, swiy the New 1 ork .Iniirna A fang' of inienkiua crackMncn en tered a banker's office aimed vith a steel saw of the newest construction and a lnii!y little gas engine. There was nn lieed for the exercise of muscle, nor wo thrie any necessity ft s gi.od stroiiir vr'irl st the saw aa there va st cue titer in th snnalsof fsinotis rnli tierit s. The little engine ws started, the itnw put In the pm-r ilee. and the vinnei titjii made. K-sling thriiiselves serenely t!Hjn a coupln of chslrs near st hr.nd. th'v mrwlcrn Kirfjlnrs wolr;'jel the ttu! ted rapid work of their ei.j lt snt ea. The I'lg safe might have retlated for hours the fune of ti'ilnau hnlida, but the ss. Ininelled tV the engine, it could no ustid sgsitt. It pfwir.tly jlehl-d un lu ron'-ri ''f orr .i.ss north tt f"i'd end bond, and in a qusr ter of the tins t would hs taken to hse ernjnii.iitett th rtJry under lle old corwM p the rmrrlm "rs M tr.'t t tti in'.. 1 h (l.air lx-.tv former ttesidents of (irant Comity Is Tros bis for Passing Gonntcrfelt Mosry. A dispatch from Mosoow, Idaho, dated May 12th, says: Indiotments tor oonnterfeiting bars been rstnrued in the United Steles court sgslnst J sines Eddy, Newton Eddy, . . ft I vy 1 1 n , uuii'miiiili a-asun. . isirigu, a. Yes and no. Other coffee, w. Hpiawo. btsm spuwn and Emm.t I T .. I - 1 a. w. baking pOWClCr, and SOda, part of the gang that baa been oirealat- , t i j inif spnriooa goiu pieces BDogg issitti are not usually, so bad as percs Indian.. Home of these men formerly lived to flr.nl flu tl I. .ml . r. avail knnwn Ia flavoring extracts arc almost people Io this Tioinity. worse. ft? For sal by I. A. Woolcry, lone Andy Cook sod Jobo Qlsasoock were io yesterday from Butter creek. Aoy lady desiring to purchase s sew ing machine shoold osll on J. W, Vangbsn and eistnlne his latest Im- proved Wbite machines. A bappy com bins! loo of a writing desk snd marble combined. Light, rapid snd easy running. tf. Prof. Vinter F. Cooper, ths blind phrenologist, hsd to go below this week for medical treatment, lie was threat ened with pneumonia. Tbe old way ot delivering massages by postboys compared with lbs modern telephone, illustrate! the old tsdioos methods ot "breaking" colds ooqi pared with their almost instantaneous ear by One Minute Omiib Core. Conser 4 Drook. J5a Mathews was over to reodletoo the Bret of the week. To rare all old sores, to beal so In dolent nicer, or speedily onre piles, you need simply spply DeWltt's Wilob Halve according to directions, Its tnaglo-liks solioo will suprise you. Ooossr A Drook. "It I tt Rest as fcartb." Tbst is what Edwards k Psrker, mrr- chint of Plains, (ia., say of Chsrulier laio's rlo 111 m, for rbentnetlam, Isme bsck, deep seated sod muscular pains. Hold by Conser k Urock. Tbe ladies of tbe M. K. church, Houtb, will serve Ins crtsm In tbe MimIsI res- Isursot dining rmim, Hstordsy, sfter- doiid, 14 ay, I'HU, and over? Haturday tbsreslter during tbe summer, 21 E.-O.: Norman Ueodrlok cams over from Heppner this morning oo bis way boms to Milloo. Mr. Hendricks thioks Ueppnsr tbe busiest town he bas seen tor many days. Wool is Comlog Io, cat tle sod sheep sre being boogbl snd oaeo are gathering for tbe eoiLtng ruonlng meet. Hick Mathews sod V. Gentry, nndsr the firm name ot Mstbews A Oesiry, srs ssioclatad together Io lbs bsrbwr busiiiMi io ths new etsod, two doors sonth ot ths postoffloe. Thsy solicit s osll. tt. Any persou In our midst who desires to get s new pslr of glass tilted to tbelr eyes by a thorough optician should call os Frank liorg. Frauk is a gradual) In this Ho. 1st Teller, Malt-IOiTum and K terns, Tt. Inl.hM It.-lilno mnA ettiurf ttii. I nr I . do,itttheaadirM. lalnatantlv allavad .v smilvlnir L.tnti.rlulirs Evo and "Kinnss roe" ousarve.1 I lie toss Hkln Ointment. Many very bud cswa spaxtscle "but I am a surgeon, and tbal bsve btien permanently curt-d by It. It is sol wbre the liver is." Never yoa Is equally efficient for Itching pll.-s and . mind where ths liver is." retorted tb s favorite reiiiedy for sors utpniim, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites snd chronic sore eyes. M eta. per boi. other. "If it wee In his big to or bis left ear I Will' Ltttl Karlf Itiaers would reaob It sod shaks It lor biro. On tbst yoa ceo bet your gig-lempe." Coo- ' - - L ll V. Dr. Cadi's CtmdlUea Powder, are ser k Drook. just what a horse needs when la bad condition. Tonic, blood pnrlfler and I E. W. Uhsa A Co. will lak gool flr verftiiftiKO. The are iui food but WUXM j0 ,I0h4Bg, fr f00),, Cssl a nwUcine and the liest In use to tmt a , B . . . boras tn prims addition. IfU M ,,B , M ,b w b,B muo4 Cfnt ft packsf 9 lH.