BMP llo TO TIK GIVES THB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION; NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN' CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details call on 0. R. & N. Agent at Heppaer, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PoBTLAND. ObBOON. E. McNEli.1, President and Manager. QUICK TIIVEU t TO San. Franolsoo And til point In California, tU the Mt. Bhaata rout ot the Southern Pacific Co The grant hivhwny through California to all points Kaat and South. Grand Hoenlo Koute of the Paoifio tloaet. Pullman Ballet Bleapera. Beoond-olasa Blaeper Attached to express traini, affording superior accommodations fur eoonnd-olase passengers. For ratee, tiolceta. sleeping car reservations, eto, call noon or address K. KOKHl.KK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Aut, Gen. f 4F. Agt.. Portland, Oregon SHE YOU 601 ERST? If so, be n re and see that yonr ticket rends via tub NDitlwesteni Line . ...TUK... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAI1A RAILWAY THIS Is TIIH Great Short Lige BETWEEN DULDTH, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Miignlllt'ent Trark, Peerleaa Vcatlbuled Dining and rlleepltig Car Traini, and Motio: "ALWAYS ON TIME" haa given title road a national reputation. All Hauita n( paaseugera rarrled on (lie veallhulcd tralne without ext'a chargtt. Hlilp your freight ami travel over thli lamoiii Hue. All agenta have ticket. W. H MEAD, K. C. BVAflK, Oen. Agent. I ray V. & P. Agt. 'JIB Waahltigtoii Bt., Portland, Or, CHICAGO Urate & St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the (anions blook system; Light its trains by electricity through out; Ue the oelebrated eleotrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped passenger trains evert day and night between HI. Paul and Ubioago, aud Omaba and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Alan operates steam bested veMilmled train. earning the Inteet private oninpanmrut oars, library buffet smok ing rare, and palace draw lug room sleepers Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars, and (lie very best diuiug chair oar service. For lowest rates to sny point tit the Unl'ed Hlatea or Canada, ply to agent or address 0. J. EDDY. J. W. CASEY, General Agent. Trav. Pa. Agent. Porllaod, Or. so vfAa BaPtRltatOt. 'riflY aaion, COPVftiOMVa a. A njrmt eeMIng iH.k an aWi4i. mmf ai? Mmrtam. tm .hriM ... m.wii.w i ,r.,lM,l,lt W.'i'.L n.munteatim.e Mri.tlf l.l i.l. i.m Mci , i, eervrin Ml.ntl la A.i..rtre. U. k... a ahiiwia hm PeJ .. ,m Iba feaatv SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, kMMIfxItr tltnatrate-. am elrai.tioa nf t'lf MWllSr hrnal. ekir.tera.. is a tear, II hieis athe. t.nnuJ Sum It fataur msi Ire. AOOiaa MUNN A CO., , Ml Mr. k. lath. ' PATFOLKS 1 W!P. AT PW "' It tare. . . W imimi at if SMtif t-Mea l im ,iini,.M f .,l-.l -r-i..., ,1.1, , ,r ,i.,-llM -"v rfMPwtUl.ilii.,1 la.M,eM.i4e(k. V'I PATIIMTB TRIATCO Of MAIL aksqenitsiif. p. aaMnnsrt t Irea sterna, PR, Set VDtK, XrZWVZtib vJ f M I 1 THB CHRONICIJt rank with th greatest ewspaper In th United Hiatal. THE CHRONICLE baa no equal en tlia Paclfle Coast. It lead, all In abilltr, enterprise and newt TUB CHHONICLK'S Telegraphic Report ar the latest and most reliable, It Local Mew (ha tallest and spiciest, and It Editorials from the ablest pens In tbe country. THKCHHONICLK ba al ways been. and al ways will be, tbe (rtend and champion of the people a against oomM nations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent ut everwing neutral la noticing. DAILY Br Ma'l, Postage Paid, $6.70afe The Weekly Chronicle Tha Crjit st Wee'Jy ia the Con .try.. $1 .50 a II Jul (Including nonage) to any pitrt ot th United Htutes. Canada and Mexico. THB WKKKLY CHKONICLB. the brlghtaW and most complete Wnelcly Newspaper In the worliL prints ruxularly 84 columns, or twelve pagpa.ot News. Mtnritiire and lleneral Informa tion; also a mugnlllotmt Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FR iE. do you want the CHRONICLE KHOWING The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mezioo ON ON K 81DK, And tha Map of the World ON TUB OTIIICn SIDK. Fend 82 and Oot the Map and We kly I hronli-ln fir One Year, poaiuKO prepalil on M ip a nil I'apjr, ADimRxn M. II. t YOITNO, Proprietor P. Chronicle, SAN gRANfUNUk CAC i II mm m U s Til ROUGH CAR. fHT. PAUL M INN M POLLS TO DUI.UTU MUM HUT I E HELENA Tickets Issued In all points In the United States and Canada. QUICK TlFTf rf-r Cnionoo All other f Omaha A AHINOTO! I points Kansas Citt I'ALTIMIIIII In the Nt. Joeura t. Lotus New Yomk llVrfALO East and Kontheait .ltoaToN Union Depot connection al Ht. Paul, Minneapolis, Kan City, Omaha, Ht. Lnnta and oilier prutni Dent point Ilagvage oh -ckej throngb to destination ol tirkete. Through ticket in Japan and China, via Taaoma and Northern Paviflo Hteam- ship Oumpaoy' line. For full information, tlma cards, maps, ticket, etc., call on or write W. O. A haw AT, A. D Casitok, Airi N I' Hy Ael.Orn !' Agl The ll.llea, Or. 1'nrtlaml, Or. Be Pillcs, rrllabl i .blurii Naviritioo C. -. vexxtaj "DAMS ClTr" HD 'DIGULAT01 Leave The 1IU dsilv (egeepl Honda?) 7 a, ta , artiviug In l'ortlaoi about S) p. ru When yoo go lo Prlland, stop off at Ti' lle and ttk a trip down thai I'olnmbl.; yon wilt eej iy it, soJ save money. W.O. AI L4WAT. Ueoeral AgtBt Wanted-An Idea SH5 Pi nf! ynnf It Write JOtl rltaa JOH W LllOlk. ill' at a. till FaAa-at A I (Wash fjik ISlfl ill-&i The Chronicle Building. TH b Reversible Map? vinn W Ml 1 lie Regulator Line" Th Beat Remedy for Kbf omatlnm. I From the Falrhaven, N. Y., Kegliter. Mr. James Rowland of this village,! states that for twenty-five years bis wife I baa been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nigbts ago sbe was in such pain tbat ebe was nearly orazy. Sbe sent Mr. Rowland for tbe doctor, bat he bad read of Chamberlain's Paine Balm and in stead of going for tbe pbystoian be went to the store and eeoured a bottle of it. His wife did not f pi rove ot Mr. Row land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied tbe Balm thoroughly and in an boar's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an aotn or pain aid finds tbat it always gives re'ief. He says tbat no medioine wbicb sbe bad need ever did ber so much good. Tbe 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by Conser & Brook. M. Sirhel & Co., of Prioeville, one of the best known mercantile firms of Eastern Oregon, are preparing to re tire from business. Any reader of tbe Gazette who bas a oopy of the Oresonian of the date of May 15 will confer a great favor bj leaving same at this office. Miss Altba Lenob baa purchased Mrn. LeBnllister's entire stook of milliner goods, and will oontlnne to sell tbem at oost nntil the summer stock is oluserl oat. These goods are brand new, hav ing been purchased this season. All old acoonnts will De oolleoted by Mrs. LeBallister. 6 7 Read the new ad of E. W. Rhea & Co. in this issue. 2t Bnoklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe Best Salve in tbe world for Cats. Braises, Hores, TJloers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Cbapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Hkin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perteot eatiefaotioo or money refunded Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Conser 4 Brock. Low Tillard keeps wet goods down at bis new place, near the oounoil chambers. Call at The Welcome and make yourself at borne. tf Borg will sell watohes at reduced 58 prioee for tbe next 60 days. Thb Boss Feed Yabd. Tbe first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that condnoted by William Gordon. next door to the Heppner Gazette ranob. Mr. Gordon is aooommodatins. has a gnnd yard and abundant facilities n take care of stock in first olas shape His prices are very reasonable. He baa hav and grain for sain. Has latel added a ear load of baled timothy. tf. Heppner to Pendleton via Henoner- Eoho Stage Line. Persons deairons nf vieiting Pendleton can save time and money by taking this route. By ao qnainting tbe agents the previous even tng tbe etage will make connexion wub 2 o'clook train at Ei;ho for Pendleton OfDoe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, rropneior. Notice Of Intention. Land Orncg at La Gbandi, Orkoon, May aith 1M7. TOTIf"K 18 HEHB.BY GIVEN THAT THE 1 " following named settler has tiled notice of hi. Intention to matte final prool In support ot his cleim, and that said proof will be made before County Clerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at iteppner, ureiron, on jiuy ara ih'J7, vu ANNIE WILLIAMS, formerly ANNIE CRUMP, T. No. MM for the NU NE!i it X KVU Sec. a To. 1 8 R -n E w M. II name the following wltnenpi to prove nis coiiiiououa resilience upon ana ruitiva'inn ot. said land, vlt: Kobert Y Hynd. William R iiarrati, Juiin niniam, ana tuner uentry, all of ueppuer, uregon, a. r, wiLson, M6M Kegliter. ASSIQSEE'S NOTICE. VOTICK 18 "EREBV QIVT.S BV THE UN- derslgned as Igue of ( D. Fell and W. p. Fell, Insolvent debtors, that said assignee hai filed his final and supplemental account as inch assignee, with the clerk of the circuit court nl the itate of Oregon for Morrow cnuntv, aod said account will he heard and passed iiu- on ny ine juime or snin court on ine ntn nay of wnicmiMT. at in o ciiH k in in lorenimn nf sahl day, or as soon thereafter as th said court ran hear and pais upon he tame. Dnted thli Nth day of May, 1KU7. .i M tiio. t'owma, Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I ANT) OFFICE AT THE DAI.LK8, ORKOON, I 4 May. 10, lw.i7. Notice la hereby glren that the follow Ing named settler ha Uied nolle of his Intention to make Dual prmif In aupport of lila claim, and that aaid proof will h mad IxM.ireJ. w. Morrow, t ituntyjuierk, at Heppner, urt'gou, on June so, vu: IIENRV C. POCL8KN, lid. r. So. SIM, tot 1, He. IS, Tn. SR., R. M E NS HK aud Hal NK, Bee 13, Tp. ( 8., R. E., W, M. II namea th following witnesses to nrovs nerconiiiiuous reaiuenc uoou ana cultivation oi, ssin ie"fi. vu: wi Ham Lue Int. nenlamln I.nelllna. Fenre T. Toller and Albert 1). Courier, alt of Hard- man, Oregon. JAB. P. MOORK. pum Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALI ES ORIOON, J May 10, I"u7 Notlr la hereby given thai tha following-named settler has nied nolle of hi. Intention to niak final prool In niport of his claim, and that said proof will ha mad twlotej. w Morrow,! onnty Clerk, at Heppner, iircgou, ou vuna m mi, vu: abnant loiama, lid R No. A,f.'l. tor lh F U HWW and t4 NWW a 4. a uA kf Vk U v.. M. Menace the Inllimlm w Unease to nm his roiitlniHius realdeiic upon aud cultivation ol, aal.t land, via: Vt llllam fuelling, nenlamln Lurlllng. Charles M. -M Hailing and Henry C. Poulseo, ail of llartlinan, uregnn. JAS. r.NOORl- M1M Register, Notice of intention. I ANDOfrPF. AT I. A ORANPE. -OREGON. I a April . I"T. Nolle Is heret.y giten that I Ibe follow ng named setllef has Sled nolle oil his Intention to make nnal peoof In uiM'r1 ot his claim, an.! thai aaid pnail will h ...! h lore t utility rletk ol M'rrow cotitity, llrrgun, at Heppner. on May is. iwi, U; 1 M II I I I.AHK. ltd t No ars. lorlh lW Mlk KsesLTp imp s v . II name th following wltneaae to pmv his eontlouotis ra,len- apnn and cultivation of. said land la: NesekUn Tlflwll and And J . nl lena.Oreg n. a-dwanl I haptnan and t narie tweeny oi itison, I'wm, at. a. w iteH?. ,VC &. Kegliter. tVo(ci of Intention. Lia Orru At La Osasds. Obiaow, a IMS. It. V'OTirn t HIRttY OIVIH THAt IHt t following nml settler ha lied aottr al hla IntanUun lo mat Sual la suptx.rt al hla rlalra, and that aaid proof will ba ana.1 belora letinlt Clerk l Morrow Urtanty. rvgou, Mirpasr,rrf"n. oo onpi lam, vui n t K vhi for tt. Ih l ao4 H KIM See ! I ft R If R Mr a). He name lb .,ll,ili.g witness to prne his con Initons reai'l"'" ttpon and eultl'alloa ot said land, via: Ivors hi Vlivn, Jhn A. 1a.wtM Vtiflaisi e. aud lald M. Pres. Uy, ail o( M"PVr J". . ,J- ar i L. . k1rt.t LOCAL BQC1B3. Hood River strawberries, best in tbe market, today at tbe Oraoge Fiont. If. R. C. MoCrosky, of Garfield, has been eleoted grand obanoellor of tbe grand domain of Washington. LEG BROKEN. Bone Falls o Henry Cannon and Breaks His Leg Below the Knee. On last Friday morning, at the "round up, down at Kbea s Siding, Henry (Jhd oon's horse fell on bim, breaking both bones of tbe right leg below tbe knee. Mr. C. A. Rhea saw tbe aooldent and informed a Gnzette representative tbat it did cot ooour while riding after tbe cattle. It appears tbat John Johnson and Cannon oonolnded to try the speed ot Ibeir horses, and while going at a break-neck pace, Cannon's horse fell, sliding some distance. Tbe statement above that Cannon's boree fell on bim is not literally trne, as Mr. Rbea says that the leg was broken by the feet slipping through the stirrup acd tbe sliding pro- op88 did tbe rest. Dr. Geisendorfer was oalled no from Arlington and fixed up tbe injured member so that Canoou was able to be moved np to Jas. Jones' Saturday, where be is now receiving the best of care, with Dr. P. B MoSwords in at tendance. The patient is getting along nicely and it is tbnngbt will be out soon. Old People. Old people wbo require medioine to regulate the bowels and kidneys will find tbe true remedy in Electrio Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate ' aud oo n tains no whisky nor other intozioant, bat aots as a tonio and alterative. It aots mildly on the stomtoh aod bowels adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby Biding Nature in tbe performance of the fuootions. Electric Bitters is ao excellent appetizer and aidi- digestion. Old People find it just ex ao'ly what tbey need. Prioe fifty cents and $1.00 per bottle at Consor & Brock's Drng Store. Miss Carrie Luke, who bus been visit ing her brother, Jaok Lake and wife. this spring, departed vesterdav for her borne at Moscow. A grand ball will be given at tbe opera bouse Jane 1st, by Wattenberget & Ingrabam. Excellent music. tf The Westfield (Ind.) Newa prints tbe following in regard to an old resident ti tbat plaoe: "Frank MoAvoy, foi many years in tbe employ of tbe L N A. AO. Ry. bere, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarr lioea Remedy tor ten years or longer an uever without it in my family. I ooo- nder it the best remedy ot the kind manufaonred. I take pleasure in rec ommending: it.' " It is a speoifio for al bowel disorders. For sale by Conser k Brock. Tbe Gazette iU take either oonnty , city or school script on aooount at fao value and pay oasb for balanoe, it any Soothing, and not irritatio g, strength ing, and not weakiug, small tint, effec live snob are tbe qualities of DeWitt's Little Early Risers tbe famous little pills. Conser & Brook. Tom Malarkey was in from Pendleton on last Friday. After spending a few days at tbe Matlook ranob be will re turn to Pendleton. Condon Globe: Jouu Lyons received his postoffloe oommissioo from Wash ington last week aod is now a full fledged P. M with big P and M. LITERARY MUTES. MoOlnree Magaiiue for Jane will open wilb ao article by Prof. S. P. Laug ley, Seretary of the Smithsonian Iustito lion, dessrihing tbe "fiying-maohibe'' tbat be Limself bas lately completed after ten years ot lalxirlons experiment, aod wbiob is the first "flying-machine ever made by man, Ibal bat actual!) fiown. Tbe artiole will be folly illus- . . . . , ' . traled from drawings and photograph made o oiler Prof. Langley's owo direo lion. In view ot tbe great interest and imtMtrtsooe of lb subject, aod ot Ibe faot that it is Prof. LtDgley's own ao- oooot ot bis machine, tbe article is boood to atlraot wide attention E. M. C'oiaan will snooeed Mr. Heo dricks as suparinleoJent of Ibe reform school. You find out for nothing whether Schilling's Best tea taking aowdsr cuffrt soda OavmuiK tltrans and spices are uhat you want; for, i nvt I )U UU1 IllUUCV I w w aatn. ror sal by J. W. Vaughan II ia very likely Ibat tbe Columbia ill inaogorata bigger fiool alorg oeil rnoolb than it diJ io 1304. Piles! Pile) Itrklag Pile. Hynploua: tfoistoro; intone itching and Stinglog; nnst at night: worse bf I ...... ' . ' soratcbiog' If allowed to oontioo lam. or form Mob often bleed and nloerat beootniog very sore, flwayo' Oiot mot stop tb itching aoJ bleeding, bel alceraiiiw, and in uoat eaar re mote th tumor. Aldingglala, or by mail, for 60 tents. Ut. Swayo A Hon, Philadelphia. A good bk ycl. snitabl for either lady or (enllemso, la fin repair, sew paeo- tie tin for sale ete.p al Oilliata A Bisbe a. ( Oo of th bat aa.l B..U.I BMM r-ideoo piopsrty la Heppaer will b . . ... . old ber o lb. 80 b last. . It la know, a in inorayi niae aod Is sliaated oear Tom Morgaa nearly every per. eon la Ilepporr know vpr to fled II. Thar I aa err d oo-third In trait lr and giid.a, tad lb baUJirgi a' HINDOO HOflfiORS. Terrible) Suffering Oooasioned the Drought. by CTloaea lm Chicago Tall ! th JUaerlea of th Poor Baddhtat lontog ion ana taTT,uo Ar Blf. "The present drought in India ia one of the most severe ever known," aaid Mr. Vincent L. Tissera recently. "I am from Ceylon and know what tbe horrors of a famine resulting from drought are. Ten or 12 years ago the Ceylonese were the victims of a com paratively mild water famine, but tbe Buffering I witnessed then wrung my heart and I can. see as plain as though I were in the country the agony of the starving Hindoos. The British papers have not given the truth in its pitiful completeness, and even though they did all in their power to alleviate tbe pres ent distress thousands must die of starvation. Russia's proffered aid was refused by the English for political rea sons. John Bull wants nothing done that will augment the kindly feelings of the Hindoos for the Russians. There are 200,000,000 people and nearly all of them are vegeterians. They believe it a sin to kill an animal and the result is easily seen. No vegetation on which they can subsist can escape the drought, and pathetically sincere in their belief of the teachings of Buddha, the poor, ignorant people will starve rather than prove unfaithful to this time-honored tenet of their religion and eat the flesh of animals. "America has spent millions of dol lars in sending and maintaining mis sionaries in- India and I, as a Christian, am thankful for it, but now is the time when the Americans, and the churches especially, can show that the love and chanty they have preached so many years to my countrymen are not merely subjects of discourse but real condi- ions. Aid from America would do more for the conversion of these people than all the preaching that has been done in all the years since missions were first established in India. It is a charity the ignorant could understand and I know and God knows how woefully they are in need of it now. "A car load of husiks would be re ceived with the joy of a people who have been living on roots that th? rought has spared. Millions of people have no other food and knowing the kely results of such diet they still must eat. Leprosy is the outcome in many cases, but what will not a starv ing man do? Think of your own arctic explorers who resorted to cannibalism. But leprosy, though the most dreaded disease and a common one in India, ib not the most prevalent or fatal of tbe ills that come from root diet and inv pure water. A plague called in the native tongue 'burbonic' fever, some thing like yellow fever, carries off thousands. I hear daily that it Las be gun its ravages to add to the horror of starvation and poverty. One day 800 died of it, but it has not begun to do its worst yet." Mr. Tissera is a Ceylonese. At the time of tbe world's fair be came to America in charge of the agricultural products of Ceylon. Obtaining a three months' leave from the railway by which he was employed at home that he might visit further the country with which he was fast becoming impressed he trav eled all over the union. That decided him and he resolveo) to make America his borne. lie ia the first ot his nation' ality to go into business in this city. Beside his native tongue, he speaks Port uguese. Tamil, the tongue of south em India, Spanish, English and ia now mastering the Oerman language, lie is not a recent convert to Christianity. as the religion, bag been handed down in the family from the time of the flrst missionaries, 100 year ago, when the forefather of the present Tisaera was converted. Chicago News. NO LONGER A LADY. on Had Nur4 tier Maid Throagh raver, aod Ho I ost l asts. An amusing instance of class formal ity waa related to me the other evening by an intimate friend of the victim, says a Chicago paper's correspondent. The lady's maid of Mrs. Benevolent was stricken down with typhus fever, and her removal to the hospital waa urged by tbe family. But Mrs. Benevolent, having great liking for the maid, would not Ibrten to the plan, and declared she would nurse tbe girl herself. Thia she did through a long illness, aud when the Invalid be came convalescent Mrs. Benevolent, at her own charge, sent the maid down to Brighton, that she might benefit by a cneenui stay by the sea. After a sufficient time had el a peed mr ncr complete restoration to heaJt'.i the maid m asked by post If sbe did not reel able to resume her duties. Her answer waa an expression of gratitude ror the kindness and care she bad re ceived, concluding with tbe sorrowful "regret that I ah all not be able to re turn to your service, as I cannot en gage myself to one wbo Is not a lady, and, of course, no lady would hhre nursed and waited upon servant, a you nave done In my ease." OON'T 1Uri ,,1U STAKfc. It I vTU. Attar All. That vToaaaa Lav rrtty lralng. Two v omen paaa each other in the afreet of a provincial town; they are not acquainted, yet it ia long odds that one of them turns around to look after the other very short otliU againat both doing" ao. It Is not the gait, aaya the Xliirtcenth Century, or the figure. or th hair of the stranger tbat haa attracted attention. It is the drea, aml not the peraon within it- The penile anarchist ta ho are buy organixing the tk-brutali- ration of man will, of court, attribute this little failing- to the vvuity of tbe frmin no mind by reason of mau'a tyr anny In excluding- women from board of director and other intellectual arena. It may be conceded that psychology ana betterment are more recondite fields than millinery, but this would l-e but R null world and far tig- lUr than It la. If every woman bad a son! above chiffons. Odds grenadine and tarlatan! that were a conaumma- i wm vjjnmmn tics.raoie. .o ii an I L V . AH.B . I, L.I heart to lo art great stot by th r1 bestowed ou pretty dfTaIug; but !' 0B VV?'1" ou,.rt I tud evl wth fubiltr tact tlian is v, en. It sho,ld U bvtvrt l.t. it t. vourr eniniri'i rye wamlrrint over ( a sr the tlrea of h-r with whoni he I tHk- lot?, 'or if th rslnd Uroir:k''d ' In oo'ecf eierel1ftaU.txt!versation -tii vr v.t.rT v wutiii uutT vara vv. DREADED CONSUMPTION CAM BE CURED. T. A. Bloeaat, M. U, the Great Chemist and Scleatiat, Will Bend, Free, Three Bottle of til Newly Discovered Remedie to Sufferers. Editor Gazrtti: I have discovered a reliable onre for Consumption and all Bronchial, Tbroat aod Lung Diseases, General Decline. Loss of Fleeb and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By its timely nse thousands ot apparently hopeless eases have been oured. So proof-positive am I of its power In onre, tbat. to make ita merits known, I will fend, free, to any h dieted reader ot your paoer. three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npoa receipt of Ex press and Postoffloe nddresa. T. A 8LOCUM,M.O.,98 PineStreet.Vew York When writing tbe doctor, mention this paper. A CaTeats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat-J eat bu$incs conducted for Moderate Fees, i Our Office i Opposite. U, S. Patent office rand we can secure patent m less tune than those trmttm Imm Wo.h HI trtnn Send model, drawing or pnoto., mta aescnp-i . . . . . . . . , . , rtion. We advue, It patentable or not. Ires ol charge. Our fee not due till patent la secured. I a D.ueui n " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in th U. S. and foreign countries; sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Opp. Patent' Office. Washington. D. C Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable IGault House, CHICAGO. ILL.. Half block weat of the Union Depot of C, B. at Q.. C. M. & 8t. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & a, and the C. St. L. dt P Railroad. RATES $a.oo PBR DAY Cor. W. Madlaon and Clinton Sts., csiCAao. zxiXi. Timber Culture-Final Proof. United 8tatks Land Opficb, The Dalles. Oreeon. ADril 27th. 1897. NOTICE 13 HEKEHY GIVEN THAT JOHN Corbet, of Lewlsburir. Ohio, has filed no. tice of Intention to make final proof before J. w. jiorrow, i ounty Cleric, at Ms office m Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of June, 1897, on timber culture application No 2915, for the $ KWH NW'4 8W and BW NW of Miction No 24, in Township No 1 South, Range .O 24 cast. He names as witnesses: French Bnrrnnirha. of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie. John Jordan nn uscar uitcneu an oi lone, Oregon md-u jas. r. muoke, Keglater. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. VTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE I' firm of Downer Swann. comrjoa-d olD. C- Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen. "rai nouee, sign ana ornamental painting In the town of Heppner, has thia day been dia -olved by mutual consent. Emmett Swann hav ing disposed of hla interest to D, C. Downer wnn wir continue business at the same I oca- ion, collect a'l accounts aud Day all bills con racted by the above firm. ii. j. downer, Iimmictt swann. Dated at Heppner. Oregon, thia 2nd day of pril 1897. 8-itf- The Gazette will take potatoes, arplea, eggs or batter on sabsoription accounts. Any one owing this office can settle their accounts in this manner and oan't do it too soon to soit us. Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in tha tonsorial business. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed in. Pnt a quarter in yonr pocket aod don't spend it till yon get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars. Near city ball. a Attorneys ot Law, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Poblic and Collectors. - y OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BOILING. 1EPPNER, WHITE COLLAR LINE. IV in in in toum 10 HI 1 1 1 M l 1 11 Steamers TELEPHONE, BAIUY Leaving Alder Street Dock. Portland, Kirnronri PimAt XAlinil Nori,. inn 'a far aod aabcotta. Direct connection with Ilwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad. THIjIIPIIONB Uave Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leave Portland P P. M. Dally, exoept Sunday. att:i& A. M., except Sunday and OOBAN1 Leave Portland' and runs direct te Ilwaoo, Tuesday and Thursday at A. M. Saturday at 1 P M nnumiq aim enuay al A. Ja. UO Sunday nlgtit at ( P. M. Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free of Expense. Por Safely, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure. Travel Wool Growers ! With MoKioley la lb Whit noose, w prediot higher price for wool dnein- lha ooming aeasoo, aod feel aasnreu that era Ibaa formerly. Tbtir beadqaartert Wool Growers' Warehouse and it will b lo yonr inUreal lo store alto moeb cheaper than last year. W romiah wool aaek and Iwioe In pay freight to leamara, sod forotob nm iia oat mug roneu uar v ana reea I or lmster. W pay lb blgbeal easb prio for sheep plt aod bide. W ar ageal for Litil.'s Flold Dip, aod lh famoos Black I.r ti Dip. liark yonr wool aaek () aod dlreot Oerpoer, Oregon. K. F. IIY2STD, Manngor. THE PALACE J- - BOBOHKIIS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors aind Cigars Tho GAZETTE, $2.50 A Year for CASH. THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. 8. Qothcst, Drawer 150, Chicago, Sccre- . 5!" tary of the Star Accident Company, for information regarding Accident Insult iiilllViNJl ance. Mention mi paper. By so doing you can save membership fee. Has paid over $600,009.00 foe accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. ITO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. WANTED-AN IDEAJioSkl thing to patent? Protect yonr ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKR BUKN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their $1,800 prize offer. - NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice i hereby given that an annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Farmer Ware house company of lone will be hold at the otllce of aaid company n Ionf, Oregon, on Saturday, the 5th da" of June. 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing directors and for such oiher.builneBB as may be legally transacted by them. M.J. WILLIAMS, Prefldent. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 589 4)1 Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, 4 April 7, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler ha filed notice of hi intention to make final proof in aupport of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before County lerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 17th, 1897, viz: HENKY D. MIKESELL, Hd. E. Ko. 749s for the KU SWVi Sec. 11 aud EVi N Wi Sec- 14, Tp 5 8, R 27 E W M. i He namea the following wltnesr-ea to prove hla continueu residence upon and cultivation of aaid land, viz: Benjamin V. Hevland, Sam uel O. Creeaon, Leander Copple and David A. Hamilton all of Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, . 535-46. Register. Timber Culture, Contest. United States Land Office, The Dalles. Oregon, March 24, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at thia ollice by O. E. Farnaworth, Hepp ner, Or., against Thomas Huntaberry for failure to comply with law aa to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NEV 6EV4 NEl and NEH NEH Sec. 31. Tp. 8 8 R 25 E, In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of aaid entry, contestant alleg ing that aaid entry has been and is abandoned and no part of the aaid entry has ever been broken, planted or cultivated. 1 hat such fall urea still exist. The aaid parties are hereby sum moned to appear at thia office on the 22nd day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., to respond and furnish, testimony concerning aaid alleged failure. J. W. Morrow. County Clerk, is au thorized to tae the testimony in thia case at hi office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 15, 1897. at 10 o'clock, a. m, JAS. F. MOORE. 733-746 Reglater. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICF. 18 HEREBY OIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution laaued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for County of Morrow, and to me directed and de-'-livered, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897. in favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust .'ompany. a corporation, plaintiff, and againat Ed C. Allen. Martha E. Allen, Win. M. Kudio, Mattie H. Rudio and J. V. Teal, aa ad- minlstrat"r of the eaateof 1. R. ceaaed, defendanta for the sum of Two Thous and Two Hu'dted and Fifteen Dollars with iiiierest thereon from the 21st day of November, 189 at the rate of te-' per cent per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attornev'e fees, and the further anm of Twelve and 50-1(10 Dol lar costa and whereas bv ani l iudement it waa ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lot No ten (10) in Dioeg no. two (2) ot Loonev'a addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to antlsfy said judgment, coat and accru ing coats. I will, on Wednesday, The2fith d y of Mav, 1897, at one o'clock p. m., of said day, at the Court House door in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, aell all the right, title and interest of the aid defendants, Kd C. Allen, et al., in and to the above described property at publio auction to the hlgheat and best bidder for cash In hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of aaid execution anH all costs and cost that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Sheriff "f Morrow Countv. Oregon, By J. W. Matlock. Deputy. Dated April 2fith, 1897. 539-47. The regular subscription prion of the) Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2 50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Gregorian is SI. 50. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and, paying for one year in advance crd set both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregon inn for $3.50 All old sub scribers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advance will he entitled tr iKaaama OREGON 1 1 v r I i Mill mi l u n GATZERT AND OCEAN, WAVE. for A-iorla, Ilwaoo. Long Beach Ooeaa Hainrdav nlahi. n r ui..tu.. Monday. Sunday night. 7 F. M. WATTT1 oo th Telephon. Bailey Oatsert aod Ocean Way Heppner will atlraot mora Eastern hn.. will b al tb yonr wool with us. losarsoo rate aa patron ptyabl when wool ia ,,l.l vc. v un viivu uu blast reoetp s lo woolgrowersoo acDlU-atlon ' '"uu" your tmtr lo tha lnr w...w ' IIOTEL BAR,