Marvelous. Effects System Broken Down and Hope Al most Abandoned -Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsaparllla. " For fifteen years I have suffered w ith catarrh and indigestion and my whole system was broken down. I had almost abandoned any hope of recovery. I pur chased six bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla and its effects have been marvelous. It has made me feel like a new man. I am able to sleep well, have good appetite, and I have gained several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash. I had a scrofula swelling on one side ot my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa rilla and began taking It and the sores soon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. McManub, Mission, Washington. S1 Sarsa-nnrilln Is the best in fact the One True Blood PurMer. Mood Hood's Pills Za,1?tet.lon' Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cent per line will be cnarRea lor "earns 01 tnanlis." "resolutions of repct," lists or wending presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the adit. or shall himself Klve as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetinars for whatever nurnnna 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue Is to he de rived, sha'.l be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. inee rules will be strictly adher e l to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and madeknown upon application. P. J Miller whs iu fiom the OJULtrj Friday last. Conser & Brock's for the "Never Fail" bettdxebe wafer. if. Gen. Conger and ife spent Sunday al 0. A. Hbea's, on Rhea creek. Boro-To Hie wife of Dan 8talter, id May 19tb. a 10 pound larl. E. J Btyley and wife were in from John Day "town" last Friday. Rus Muir and wife visited Geo. Mil lar BDd wife in Arhugtoif last week. .Inks Rirmn is over from Walla Walla and will remain until after the 'MOea. A. S. Lelanri, representing "The Northwestern" R R, was iu town Sat urday. Reports linve com in that a water spout occurred jester day up above Haniman. J. I. Cnrsnn bus hie sheep on the tr.ove and will aoormpany them as far as tiuDtington. Will Speooer and wife and Art Minor and wife Hnndnyed at Diteh Creek, bnt oauubt no fi-ih. The Pearson aliening crew have gone to Idaho to "roaob" a few ot the mut tons in that seotim. F. M. Simpson and Sheriff Livingston, of Canyi'D Oily, came in Satarday and left at once for home. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that thfl great political campaign is over and the winter season ogam with us, all will want an adequate supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long eveniDgs. Cognizant of (hie the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of perindioftls and now offers the following to all new and rene al subscribers: The GAZETTE S3 50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, 11.50 3.7 N. Y. Tribune, 11.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, 11.00 8 25 " 8. F. Chronicle, 11.60 3 75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, fl.00 8 25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, (4 00 5 00 an Nim.rrs, HPottr. Here and There. Ralph Dltteohoefer was in town over Sunday. Hiram Thornton was up from lone yesterday. Miss Dilles Perkins is siok with pleurodynia J. F. Ward was down from Paikei's mill Saturday. The Watkiog crew are iu town today enjoying a rest. Bob Currin was in from bis ranch east cf town Saturday. Mrs. Jack Lake is suffering from a bad absceaa in the left ear. Mrs. LeBallister returned borne from the interior on Friday last. Long Distance and local 'phones oall up No. 19 for E. W. Rhea & Co. a Gall and see Borg'a large assortment of rpeotacles aod eye Glauses. 6 8 Fruit canning season is not fardis- nt. E W. Rhea A Co. want to sell yon frnit jars. ' 21 See those new Russian Tan shoes down at Liobtenthal'a. Latest styles, boat Quality, reasonable prioes. Tou snot do better any where. tf of tbe First National Bank The" which appears ifi- Jbi Issue shows up 'i better than any r pOrtit that institution in our supposedly mosf .?speroos days. Times are picking up all 'rouodv Milkshake, lemouadrs and deliiions Ice cream a the Orange Front, iippoaijr City hotel, oor. Main and Willow St Parties desiring oream (or sproial ooca-1 ions should order a day in advanoe. If. Walt. Thompson runs stags between Beppner snd Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap set route to the in tonnr. E. J. Sloonm. ayant. Messrs. Roberts & Rogers are getting along Dicely with Dr. VuDghm'e iesi denoe on Court street. L. E. Neergaard, of Portland, repre senting the Maobatten Life Ins. Co., of New York, is iu town. "Sever Fail" headache wafers at Con ger & Bu'ok'H. This weilioine will cure any kind of a headache in short order. tf. Edward II illowav, of Douglas, was in town Saturday last. He has been down in Clackamns o lunty most of this spring. Edward 8rarkpy made proof on his ti ubr cultnrn before Clerk Morrow Sat lrday, with E. G. Sperry and T. J. Carle as witness. The Gazette atated in a receut issne thit Wm. Penland's clip eol.l for 1 cents. Tbia was a tvpnrapbical error and b'iouIJ have been 8. C. E. Rdous is impiovins Dick Ne- vill's ploe, and also doing some work for Phill Cihn. Our Heppuer oarpeo tern 6eem to be busy this spnug. Mrs. Eugene Noble left lae week to viait relatives at Vaucouvei, Wash, after whioh slm will spend some time with ber parents at Moumnutb, Oregon. Tbose troubled with bad eyesight i-honld ree Fiatik Borg who has j ist re- ceotiy fliimlied his optical oonrse in the East. Eyes umiued free of charge. 5 8 tl. Y. Blackwell oame in from Fox valle' with entile Saturday, driving ou to Wallnla. He was acO impaoied O. Clate Hinton and will return in time tor the races. . 1 O. J. Audrews h don from Dayton, Wash- and acoompwied by Ins broiber, W. A., whs -in Heppner Friday last. Ebon Andrews is looated with O. J. np at D.iyt o sud has reotivereii his health. George Flnfford has some fine half- breed Cots well bmk, nut of Merino ewes which be wiahes to sell at reason able figures. Call on him at the Cass Matiook rauuu, or address him at Hep ner. 5tt Dr. McSwords. Mrs. Mc8ords aod daughter, Mary, Harry Warren, Geo. Wells, Al EmmersoD, Missel Helen Myers, Maggie Horner, and Delia U-ed went no Willow Creek Sunday to enjoy tbe di.v. Tbe crowd onabt 152 Hue trout, 20 to 25 of them beiug over a foot long. The people generally regret that Greece has vol made a belter stand Mgaiost ber ancient enemy, the Turk, but there seem to be no regrets maul feeted that B.C. Wills, of lbs Pioneer firu k, B ackmao sUml, is making such a glorious fight sgaiutt the enemies of theiople.-rxtortiiin" and"war pricee." This is a winning figbt. Mall order are alUwled to carefully. Wills bass mower, a and start for sale, Cloa ing Miit llii hue. tf Home Tasnal Krmarks A boot Tbiec in Gen eral Big btring ol Horses Here, Sport is mighty glad that it rained yesterday so ibat tbe b g piles of dirt it the stretta can get melted up aui spread nut a little. N-tture. is doing what a long-bandltd above), artistioally wielded, might bave done. But it can't dissolve tb roika iu tbe street near Congressman Ellis' residence. The bivole lires may wear them out in time. They say that the constant dropping ot water will wear away tbe hardest etuue but it's awful bard on tbe water. Tlie S.-iu Fraociaoo Chruuiole. dally edition, states that I Dju'c Know has been reinstated, corroborating the state ment of tbe owner of the liorae, Mr. Reed. Sport stated in last issue thtt Patter- sou & Mo A lee hud tbe pool privilege. This was Spoit's understanding of tba matter, but it appears at that time the matter bad not beeu settled. However, we are informed that these partieB bave siuoe seoured the privilege. Tbey have a diutiuot reooileoiiou also ot haviug onohed a bogus pool at tbe races last spring. The party that worked that game cau isue himself a medal if be ever does it again, . The lasi Sport heard of Tom Stubble- nehi he was witu Tom luiea over on R ck oreek receiving cattle aud the at leutiuDS of two grasp widows. LJ Smith, sou of Judge Smith, has arrived from Fossil with Easter Lilly aud a. 'Other Dorse. The horse race Saturday was not even interesting, Uvoreta winning without uny teal opposition. Lanky Bob dis tinguished himself bv throwing bis tail np over bis biok at the start and Imofc- mg his rider off instead ot running ADoiner competitor ior tue "uiiai.a stakes" bus been recorded. Tom Wi'liams and Hie Keeney Bros. are expeoted over from Loug Oreek with some liO'Hes this week. Tbey are red hot Eports aud will doubtless show up REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the Firt National Bank at Hepp ner, in. the State of Oregon, at the Close cf Business. May U, 1897. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $176 107.14 Overd fts seen red and unsecured 5 4o'3.78 U. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 12.500.00 Premiums ou U S. bonds H75 t Stocks, wonriti . etc 18450 89 Banking-house furniture, aud fixtures d,t4 44 Due from National banks (uot reserve agents) os,llo4l Due from State Banks aud Bankers lot Ti Due from approved reserve agta. 44,3.i9.8ii Cheek anil .thr oanh Items.. .irs fw Notes of other Natioual Bauks 800.00 Fracional paper ourreuoy, nickel and cent Hi 10 LAWFt'L HOKEY BB-SBVa IN BANK, VIZ. Speoie 826.276 00 l.eirl tender notes... 10 UU Redemption fund with U. S. TreiiRiirer (5 Der ceut. ot circulation) 562 50 WONDERS OF SCIENCE. s Total 8327,775.41 LIABILITIES. Capital stook paid iu $50,000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits le-s upen- aes and tase-i pai 1 23,953 16 NatuoiHi Bank Notes out standing 11.250.C0 Dllw o uMier N !! oih! Bnk.. 837.98 Individual deposits subject to cheok ...217 723.87 Demand oertifioates ot deposit 12,000.10 Total...... $327,775.41 State of Oregon, ) County of Mobhow, I. George Conser, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly sweni that the above atntemetit is true to the est of my knowledge and belief. UEO. UONBER, UHSUier. Subscribed aud sworn to before me this 22,id day of lay, 1897. ti. Li f RbKLAND, Notary Public for Oregon. Correct Attest: " Hiwn Fields, C. A. lViea, T. A. Rhea, Directors. s"mB spriuters that will make the boys bus bustle to beat. Sport nolioes tbat Bums bars Red 8 Hod Pin E ir in the coming July rapes. Heppuer doesn't bur anything from Sperry'e mule up to a 0) clone. Tbe sparring match, which is to oome off tluriutf tbe raoes, will be worth seeiug Tom Williams. th popular represen taiive of j. u. Meyer, ol fortlaud, was iu town Saturday, Turn is one of Sport's favorites. He is a j 1 y good fellow an big hearted with it. He thinks some of attending the races nut week aud if b does Mport promises that be will gel entertainment for his money. Morris Wl.ilmore, who had lone n here laat spring, was in town Saturday Ihonub Line heat Paul Jones, it waa ibe veriebt scratch. Last week Mums sol lone to a gentleman residing in Vio loria, and the former is now devotin his whole attention to tbe clothing bnsi iices, btiug one tf the jolly drummer boys. The Burns races will oooar-July 5 and 6'h. A horse broke nut of a stable recently which cost Bob Hyud rig hire to the amount of 5 Al Minns tells gpoit tbat Bob gave Li in $3.75 to leave the stable door open. Total, $875. Tbey Compel V to Uullove Almost Any thing ronlblc. People are now familiar with the idea of storicgruphound for future use so that a man's voice can be heard luuiraf iit he is dead. It has recently been suggested that sorrewhere in the storehouse of nature the sifjht of nil that lias taken place is stored up, nnd that Moses pot his account of the creation from a kind of kinetoscope which was disclosed ta him as he stood in the cleft of the roclc and saw the pictures of the precession of events pass by. A3 Dr.Johnscn said, we have seen so muvh that we arc pre pared to believe more. When people in New York city can hear t'y roar of Niagara, when machinery can be driven by a water wheel 50 i miles distant, when wc can sec through boards and take pho tographs of a fat man's bones and the money in his pockets, when wc can talk with our friends a thousand miles away and recognize the tones of their voices, when we can warm the baby's milk at night by touching a button, we must be obstinate, indeed, if wc refuse to believe anything. There is nothing in the "Arabian Nights" as marvelous as tbe things seen at the electriccl exposi tion in New York. And yet, says the Baltimore Sun, if we apply the logic of David Hume in his essays cn the mir acles ta these things, wc should refuse tc believe that a photograph of a living man's skeleton may be takes. Hume re fused to credit the miracles because tbey are contrary to all human experi ence. It is a matter of curious speculation,- have we reached the Trait of knowledge of electricity, or are we upon the threshold of scientific revelations? Will we in time discover that apartment of nature's storehouse where she keeps tne signts and sounds of past ages? STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! ir.iONY. The crescent waves on Cretan shores, The cross of Christ goes down; The Turks are helped by Christian powers Who bombard tort and town. Columbia's eao'.e hears nor heeds Poor Cuba's ptircing cry ; Then let us drown these shameful deeds In Bperry's "Linwood Rye." For sale at tbe Belvedere saloon, E. G. Sperry, proprietor. tf B You Don't Expect 6oods for Nothing! CT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries snd snpiliea ; yon want sub stantial genta' furbishing Y"n oan flud what yon want at T. R. Howard's. . . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. 2 HELP WANTED t Frank Borg is now able to fit glasses . rt W 11 0. 3 in a scientiuo manner. , lou win una bim at Burg's jewelry Btote, opposite Palace hotel. 6-8 Bnra Kinsman and f tnily left last Sat urday for Linntnn, -near Portl ind. Mr. Kinsman will open up the horse pack ing eBtiib'iahment at once, haying al ready bongbt np n large in m t of Eastern O'eiron horses, paying, tl e QhZetta is informed 82 per l end. 3, We want your tea-trade for the rest of your life. Do you see now how we can afford to say; "Get every sort of SdliilUng's Best of your grocer, and !get your money back on what you don't like"? 1 rruit jars I Did You Say ? YE5. m HAVE 'EM ! & It may be, just a little early to speak 0 this matter, but fruit canning time is d not far auau a nd we u-a n t you to know f wh ere you ca n be su t plied. Wc will lead the trade in this commodity V this season. Retries fruit iars we have a full line of GRANITE WARE, CROCKERY I Probably n "Enoch Arden" Case, John Simon, better known as ' One armed John," left yesterday for Phila delphia to see his wife and ohildrn. John relate a peculiar story. Thiity rive years ago John left bis wife and ba bies jo Philadelphia, coming west In seek bis fortune, intending to return to them and bring them to "the land of tbe settlug sou," wbeu his means would per mit Dilfting down into Arioua be hired nut as a government teamster and to ranks a long story abort, Jnho lost his riubt arm from ao Apiolie's rifl t, Johb la a peculiar man and he reasoned that Dow b would be burdm to tits folks and be resolved ti malt a his own way in tl world, and so turned aheepherder And m w an old man, he goes In see hi family before be die. lie said tbat pei haps bis wife bad married, again he 0'iulil not blame her if sh bad. It re mind tlx writer of Tennyson's beau'iful poem,''EnK'li Arden," and hil the old man wa talking la bis brokeu Urmao, wnt.derrd II 'he true story wonl t not be ra eiihoted this time 00 tin Aim rican shore, In Philadelphia. A Schilling ft Cnmptny ban rnutcisco Crowning an Ethiopian Emporor One Un- o:iu.ilod in Burbarlo Splondor. The coronation of the empeiors of Ethiopia at Axouni, the holy city of Abyssinia, is a ceremony uncnualcd in barbaric splendor in nil Africa. It even touches the imagination of the white man, says the Pall Mull Gazette, ano arouses his black bvother to delirious enthusiasm. The sacred person of the emperor, in great pomp, clothed in royal purple silk, with a gold cross in his band, proceeds, on a horse with trappings of indescribable richness, to the church, followed by the dignitaries nnd aristocracy of the empire, also clothed in all the richness and bright colors of the east. Arrived before the sacred cliliee, on descending be finds many young girls, dressed in white, who pi event his entrance by Lands of scarlet ribbon, and who cry : "Who arc you that wish to enter the Church of Axoum'?" "I am your emperor, the rtegus neghesti (Idng of king") of Ethiopia." "No, you are not our em peror, you are not the negus neglirsli, nnd three times they lower nnd raise the ribbon. On the fouith the negus cuts iJ. with his sword, crying: "I am the king of Siou," i:i the midst of tre mendous ne "h'.niatiouh. Coiu!ueUd to the center of the edifice, to the sacred stone, which is only stepped over by t he emperor, and by him once, the nbiinn (Abyssinian i on i IT) advances am'd brea'.hle-s silence, gives iir.etion, eonsc crale3 lrni, nnd he takes the Holrnm oath. Then, to the lu'comynninent, of music, rii'g'ng of bells and d:iw:!!!f. h" rceeiws the imperial diadem. T! eualii runs as follows: "I awenr to defend Chr.'.'itinn truth and religion, to keep the faith of Mark, destroy npostntos. and govern Ethiopia nnd its inhabitant in the holy name of Cod." We are preparing for a big spring trade, bnt must buve help to make it a bowling euooesB. We are filling up and 00m pleting our etock ot GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate business. We have many customers row but there are still several vacancies in this department ot our store, to be filled. Applications will be received at all hours ot the day. Apply in persoo or by letter to P.C . Thompson Co. Comer Main and Willow Streets. DRINK FAMOUS Hop Oolci Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Star Brewery Company, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at ... . WE LCOME THE On Willow Htreet, near the City Ball. BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. Tbey try to please all. Fine olub rooms in connection. TOVVr TILLARD, Prop. FRANK ROGERS i. J. ROBERTS ogers & Roberts, RAGES! RACES! Contractors and Builders.- Flans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- OFFICE HOURS-Day and Niffht Leave your orders "Any Old. I'lace" and Rog. or Jim will net 'em. o o o o o o o 00TS AND SHOES THE PL ACt TO GCTTHtM l AT llo tint anything In tlili linn thnt yn mT dealra and ynn pun depend on it 70a t a yiiori rtlcla when Mat guarantee! It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. TUC UCDDMCP QPrrrrn AQQOHI ATION Old Stand, Main Strt. R.p.lrlng,. I I 1 l I I 1 I II Ui J 1 Lk r-iwwwwir-iii'wi' IlriVB Ileolt I to IIoll IESslco Meeting At mi'irciiv OIIS. ON FOUR DAYS AS FOLLOWS . A sraml ball will h glcn at tbf opora bona Jnno lt, by Wattetib' rser k Inrhrjo. Ficfllpnt mnaic. tf C1.OVE IOMIKsT. A Tea-Koaad riloir Hallrdoffat tbtltp'ra Haaer, Ray Si. "Kill" Dn11r, of Detroit, Mioh., aoJ TonnK" Vnnvy, of On-hoq, wi1 appear to tD-fonn4 gl.e oontret (or pointa at the npfr boat in th pUp, od MnuiUy, May 8lt. To oel bi'ii will appear in a lonr-ronnil boat jut b?for tl main fT'Ot. Thia fihihlllon will do Immoral Nfttar, b-ing a contact for poiuia, and UiIip ro alt- il with rlrl p'oii'ity iXxira nprn at 83). Saturday, May 29, S DRUGSTORE! AND. 6. i AND QUEENSWARE. god Id our tt Tuesday, ffiteiay and 1! O JUNE 1, 2 and 3. IN PURSES! $700.00 may, $700.00 ; YOU CAN FIND IT. Next Door to the PostolHce. PROGRAMME: Q'larlrr loiU m f a f:ill D laci. iTeryiuiDK juu - tatilli'Unieui. can I Wc Have Goods to Swap for Your Dollars. w " VI Tba briifia ha' p. ill appear at 9 o'ohxk, 10 r.HJire H tS2 ("uli itruk TMm Cm 1, CATARRH Ua LOCAL DISEASE 84 1 Om nwH tl hMi m4 llwtlit hrnin. tl CM k fnn4 bf pmMiit p. w rhea & m.m Th. rirat National Bank Bwltallnf , y. Ely's Cream Balm ' " , v U lilrkMMMHllllltlHll HEPPNER. FIH4T DAT-HalnrJov. Ma 29-IUrl. O iarlr loiU iU matph rai- H.nnrr. nun.l h liw TilUril. an t Si)M k. ownr.l liy ln Hgvnt I l.r SMI a U Kn- 2 f aod on- half fnrtomra. ' lor ad. I'urai", 8IW ' I?.. 9 II, r.. Hi mi In it nut) ttr t(r all. I'liran. I7.i. I hlHoMI lnT- ln-ilav. l-kne 4. t)ii l.all mll dh. Irra for all. l'or. II'M. H f- R. Mil bmolrrrl art !(., I t all. I'lira. 171. TiiIKU IJll W.leif.l4i Jflrm 'I lUfi I. ymnr mim on,iri ir an P.n '. 1 k.n. 7 (i..v lh.inMil trre nil. I'n'.n. lliKt, ki.l'nTH MlV-ThiiFntitf. Jn 3-IUv H. tti.nlia.f nnl. hanl'mo, fr- I... .11 1'.... tllMl K.m (I Ona half milr. (tinolin r0. fur il-'-Ht't !..'. Knrw', 175. Ke 10. Mnl ro from ir to to thn worh! a if. OiNUl TlOSi: Thi rra will govnfnJ by lha rul-a of Ida I'ao fl IUikkI Horai Airitt !. K"lrai lo H ". o otbrri fli'l-i. in 1 pr iht nf arooiint pnnw. fla or mom to Mrr. thma to atari. In m that ,nra atx.t r in rlo !' fill with flra rort pwin itri, llm tKiard U h .oir lo rrilnr tha n.n in'a of ttia ptfa-a a In I't-tr J'l t ont aiM-in prp-r. Th ll mntnra rmrrr Ilia ria-ht porfrmow n an t all tnr on mvo"I of (nrl. ni-nl iit f. If at ofa rM do a1 OH, pora will t.P ifi for api il rri. tt b .iUliiiiif.1 b IU dirreiora. Pnwa will t rlif t1l 70 tr (wot to lh flr.l bori, ! if o-nt to pm-oikI. All antflu to cIom b) H o'clock, p. 111, m lha ni.Ud prr. erilin( th to. mi m m . , . . - Ali I'URSKS WILL II 1'MI) IN FlIIJ, Viar prrparnl to fill praoriptln with Firah Drilff. Our trk l tirw aru frnh and an f ipfinpid pbarraa rl't la In rirn l all liitiM. Tvlrphonn ronnnalioei with all nan of Hrppnvr and tba Long Dittaboa. Call op No. 17 E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr. 1 fnnmi bpnrtl rnrt fn KmI( ctarrk. (4 In ll4 4 Mai I it I ft n44. It r 4 cBfM4 h a tilfH n, alMr ' 4 InlliiewMy. a lh tv pra TIIK PALACE HOTEL BAlt, j. c. Boiior-iisiiSaPi'op. Keeps the Finest Wine?, Liquors arid Cigars IMTrER-'ON, W. () MINOIt, rrnfl !! 11 1 11 1 1 1 r 1, , 1 i e. v M.tww. m,au., t,a Mptr., Kn. lUnhim, u, Mu.r,j n0 yAt ti SQ.PQ A YCMf rCT WAorli A. W. i . t , t 7 . a ' ' .