o TO THE GIVES THS OHOICK Of Two Transcontinental GREAT NORTHERN Ry union: PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For (all details call on 0. R. A N. Agent at Heppner, it address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. Portland, Obkqon. E. McNEluL, President and Manager. THE CHRONICLK rank! with MM greUesI sewspapers In tha United States. THE CHRONICLE has no equal on Die Pacts Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise and news. THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports an the latest and most reliable, its Local News (be tallest and spiciest, and Its Kdttoriala from toe ablest pens In tbe country. TUKCHItONICLK baa al ways been, and a! ways will be, tbe friend and champion of tbe people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent lu everything neutral In nothing. . HOME MEKCHANTS. LOCAL 8QC1BS. QUICK TXMX1 t to San Franolseo And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhaate route of the Southern Pacific Co Tha (treat highway through California to all points Kant and South. Grand Hoenio Rout of tha Paoifio Coast. Pullman Buffet Weeper. Seoond-olass Sleepers . Attached to express trains, affording superior aocommodntlnns for seoond-olass passengers. For rates, ticket, sleeping oar reservations, etc.. call upon or address R. KOKHLKK, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon QBE TOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that your tioket reads via Tie Kortiwesiem Line ....THE.... CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THE Great Short LiQe BETWEEN DULUTH, St. TAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Their Magnificent Track, Peerless Vcstlhiiled Dining anil Weeping Car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" lias given this rna1 national reputation. All i-laaaua of passengers carrlod on the vestlhulnd trains without extm charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over this (hiiioui line. All ageliM have tic kets. W. H. MEAD. F. C. 8 VAOK, (ion. Agent Trav. F. & P. Agt. 2Ui Washington Ht., Portland, Or. IfilMtst A Sentiment from the Baker City Repub lican Worth Reproducing, Thinks the E. O. No one appears to know of any Pen dleton merchants who have gone to Baker City with old stooki of goods, bat tbe spirit of tbe following from tbe Baker City Republican will be endorsed here as well as in tbat place, says tbe E. O. Tbe Gazette stands in on tbe proposi tion. The Republican says : "We are emphatically opposed to Pen dleton, Portland and San Franeisoo mer. obants ooming to Baker City with an old etook they cannot dispose of in their borne towns and bawk them off bare. They get tbeir band bi'la printed In their plaoe of business, then armed with a rubber stamp for dates berald to our oitizens tbat they are selling obeap. All tbe tribute tbey pay for tbis privilege, are a few dollars botel bill and a few dollars rent and a few cents fordrayage. The balance of tbeir money tbey put in to tbeir business where tbey reside They do not care a straw for tbe people who buy of them. It is tbe duty of Call op pbone No. 3 when you want anything. Tbe Gazette is an exponent of hard facta. Subscribe for it. Free Pills. Bend your addreea to H. E. Buoklen & Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince vou of tbeir merits. Tbese pills are easy in action and are particularly effective in tbe cure of Con stipation aud Sick Headaobe. For Ma laria and Liver troables tbat bave been proved invaluable. Tbey are guaran teed to be perfectly free from every deleterious subatanoe and to be purely vegetable, Tbey do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels greatly invigorating tbe system. Begular size 25o. per box. Sold by Conser s Brock, druggists. Tbe Printer'! all Bight. A printer doean't rusb to tbe dootor when be is out of "sorts." Nor to tbe baker when he ia out of "pi." Nor to bell when be wants the "devil." Nor to every resident of tbis city to avoid these I tbe bible when be wants a good "rale," periodical, outside dead stock sale Nor to tbe gun shop when be wants a sharpers as tbey would tbe itob. Our merchants will sell tbe same kiod of goods as cheap as any other merchants in Oregon or California." The Chronicle Building. the: DA I LY By Ma'l, Postage raid. $6.70 a Year. The Weekly Chronicle Tha Greabt Vee'dy ia the Comtry, S1.50 a h (Including postage) to any part of the United Ktales. Canada and Muxloa TIIT? WKKKLY CHUOVICI.K, the brightest and most complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prints regularly 81 columns, or twelve pages. of News. Literature and General Informa tion ; also a inagnlncuiit Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SiNT FRiE. Tha Beat Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Register. Mr. James Rowland of tbis village, states that for twenty-five years his wife baa been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was in such pain tbat she was nearly orazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for tbe doctor, but he had read of Chamberlain's Paine Balm and in stead of going for the physician be went to the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not f pprove of Mr. Row land's pnrobase at first, but neverthe less applied tbe Balm thoroughly Bnd in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an aobj or pain aid finds tbat it always gives re'ief. He says tbat no medicine which she bad used ever did her so much good. Tbe 25 aud 50 cents eizes for sale by Coneer & Brook. "ehooting-stiok." Nor to a cabinet shop when be wants ' furniture." Nor to a bank wben be wants "quoins." Nor to a lawyer wben he baa a "dirty case." Nor to a butober wben he wants "phat." He has all these things at borne. "It Is the Beat on Earth." That is what Edwards & Parker, mer chants of Plains, Ga., eay of Chamber lain's Pain Balm, for rheumatism lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by Oonser & Brook. Prof, J. H. Stanley made proof on bis timber culture yesterday before Clerk Morrow. DO YOU WANT THE CHRONICLE Reversible Map? mHOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexico ON ON K S1DK, And th j Map of the World ON TUB OTTIKll BID EX, 8end $2 and Get the Map anil Weekly ( tironlclo f ir One Tear, postage prepaid oil M.ip and I'apor. ADDHKMS M. II. d YOONO, The Bobs Feed Yard. Tbe first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conducted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon ia accommodating, has a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of stock in first class shape His prices are very reasonable. He bus hay and grain tor sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. if. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner- Eobo Stage Line. Persons desirous of visitypg Pendleton oan save time and money by taking this rente. By ac quainting tbe agents the previous even ing tbe atage will make conneonon with 2 n'clook train at Echo for Pendlelnn Office at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. Put a quarter in your pocket and don't spend it till you get down to Low Tillard's. Finest liquors and oigars. Near city hull. a ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. JOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN BY THE UN 1 v derslgned as lgnee o( O. D. Fell and W. P. Fell, Insolvent debtors, that said assignee has tiled his final and supplemental Recount as such assignee, with the clerk of the circuit court ol the state of Oregon for Morrow county. and said Recount will be heard ana passed up on by me Jinitre ot sam court on tne otn nay oi Bepteinher, 1HU7, at 111 o'clock ill the forenoon of said day, or as soon thereafter aa the said court can hear and pass upon 'he same. Dsteil this Bill day ol Hay. lwn. 4:1 12 (ito. ('uNcKR, Assignee, The Weetfield (Iod.) News prints tbe following in regard to an old resident of that plaoe: "Frank MoAvoy, for many years in tbe employ of tbe L., N A & 0. Ry. here, says : 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr boea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. Icon- aider It tbe best remedy of tbe kind manufactured. I take pleasure in rec ommending it.' " It ia a specific for all bowel disorders. For sale by Conser & Brock. H. D. Mikesell, made proof before J W. Morrow yesterday, with B. F. Hev land and Sam Creeeon as witnesses. Soothing, and not irritating, strength ing, and not weaking, small but, effer live mob are tbe qualities of DeWitt'p Little Early Risers tbe famous littlt pills. Conser & Brook. There are liars, and there are others, says an exohaoge. One ot the latter class writes from Mexico under recent date tbat hailstones weighing three pounds fell there during a severe storm this spring. Tbat man will probably not sit very near tbe throne, and indeed be may be very tbaukful if be reaobes heaven at all after telling such aa awful lie. A GREAT HUNTING OUTFIT. The Extensive Retinae at th KJuta of Tartar?. The emperor hath two barons who are own brothers, one called Baian, and the other Mingan; and these are styled Ohinuehi (or Cumem), which ia aa much aa to say: "The Keepers of the Mastiff Dogs." Each of these brothers hath 10,000 men under his orders; each body of 10,000 being dreseed alike, the one in red and the other in blue, and Vhenever they accompany the khan to the chase, they wear their livery, in order to be recognized. Out of each body of 10,000 there are 2,000 men who are each in charge of one or more great mastiffs, so that the whole num ber of these is very large. And when the prince goes a-hunting one of those barons, with his 10,000 men and some thing like 5,000 dogs, goes towards the right, whilst the other goes towards tha left with his party in like manner. Thoy move along, all abreast of one another, so that the whole line extends over a full day's journey, and no an imal ean escape them. Truly it is a glorious sight to see the working of the dogs and the huntsmen on sruch an oc casion! And aa the khan rides a-fowl ing across the plains you will see these big hounds coming tearing up, one pack after a bear, another pack after a stag, or some other beast, as it may hap, and running the game down, now on this side, now on that, so that it is really a most delightful sport and spectacle. The two brothers I have -mentioned, writes Noah Brooks in St Nicholas, . are bound by tlhe tenure of their office to supply the khan court from Octo ber to the end of March with 1,000 head of game daily, whether of beaste or birds, and not counting quails; and also with fish to the best of their abil ity, allowing fiah enough for three persons to reckon aa equal to one head of game. lviH w . . .wK. Four Whom Mr. Gosling-ton Has Met More or Less Lately. "In a big city," said Mr. Goslington, "you see ail sorts of men on horseback. It is a common thing to see truckmen riding, mounted on one horse and it may be leading another, going to the harness maker's, perhaps, or the horse shoer'ts; rilling without a saddle, and very likely without a blanket, but with a seat that ma uy a more elaborately pro vided horseman might envy. "You see occasionally a firemnn, on horseback, taldng a horse to the horse shoer's. lie rides always without a sad dle and almost invariably without a blanket. He wears a uniform, and he sits up straight, like a soldier he makes a pretty prim-looking figure on horseback; he is almost certain to be a very good rider. "Yesterday I saw something I had never seen before a painter on horse back. You often see the painter's wagon, loaded with ladders and pots and cans of paint, and with two or three or more men in paint-covered overalls and jackets; but this was just the horse with a painter on his back. Where he was going, or what it all meant, I couldn't even imagine. "Later, yesterday, I met one man in the saddle. Wulking down Riverside drive after nightfall to get a little air and exercise before dinner, and watch ing meanwhile the new moon hanging low over the river, I heard the hoof beats of a horse coming up along the bridle path. Presently horse and rider came into view; man singing, horse Keeping time wan nis noon; and so DREADED CONSUMPTION CAM BE CUBED. T. A. Sloes m, M. C, tbe Great Chemist and Scientist, Will Send, Free, Thrr Bottles of H Is Newly Discovered Remedies to Sufferers. Editob Gazbtti : I have discovered a reliable oare for Consumption and all Bronchial, Throat and Lung Diseases, General Decline, Loss of Flesh and all Conditions of Wasting Away. By i's timely nse thousands ot apparently hopeless oases have been cored. So proof-positive am I of its power to oare, tbat to make its merits known, I will send, free, to any bfflicted reader of yonr paper, three bottles of my Newly Dis covered Remedies npon receipt of Ex press and Poatnffioe address. T. A SLOCUM. M.O.,98 PmeHtreet.New York When writing the doctor, mention this paper. FA Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-' eat business conducted for Moderate Fees. Our orrtcc i Opposite. U. 8. Patent OrTiec and we can secure patent in less time than uose mmnrsi irnm numnvrnn. Scad model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. , PAMPHLET, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in th U. & and foreign counthei jent free, Address, C.A.SNOW&CO, Opr. Patent Office, Washington, d. C. THE JCGIDENT8 OF LIFE A Write to T. 8. Qotncey, 7 Drawer 156, Chicago, Secre- tary of the Stab. Accideht Company, for information regarding Accident Insur 1 ance. Mention this paper Bv so doine you can save membership fee. Has paid over $000,000.00 for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. WANTED-AN IDEASJSS BUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. C. for their 1,800 prize offer. Cummings & Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gau.lt House, NOTICE. TO ATX WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: -Notice is hereby given that an annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware house company of lone will be held at the oBice of said company in lone, Oregon, on Saturday, the 5th dav of June. 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., tor tile purpose of electing directors and for such other business as may be legally transacted by tnem. M-J-WILLPriaent. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 539-48 No'ice of Intention. r AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, 1 April 7, 1897. Notice is herebv given that .-ha FniiAwitia namori Bpt.t.ler has filed notice of ! his intention to make Bnal proof in support of ! his claim, and that said proof will be made before County lerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 17th, 1897, viz: rir-r.n.1 u. mnvcoiauu, Hd. E. No. 7498 for the ii Vt Sec. 11 and Y. N W!4 Sec. 14, Tp 5 8, R 27 E W M- He names the following witnesses to prove hla continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin F. Hevland, Sam uel C. Creeson, Leander Copple and David A. Hamilton all of Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, 535-46. Register. CHICAGO, ILL. Half block west of the Union Depot of C, B. & Depot of C. I C. M. & St. P., C. & A , P. Ft. W. & C, and the V. t. k if Kaliroaas. RATES 9S.OO TPltt DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CSXXC-A.O-0. XXjXj. Timber Culture-Final Proof. United States Land Officii, The Dalles, Oregon, April 27th, 1897. NOTICE IS HERE'Y GIVEN THAT JOHN Corbet, of Lewlsbnrg, Ohio, has filed no tice of intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the Uth day of June, 1897, on timber culture application No 2915, for the 8V4 BW54 NW54 8WH and 8WH NWJ, of Section No. 24, in Township No. 1 South, Range No 24 East. He names as witnesses: French Burroughs, of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie. John Jordan and Oscar Mitchell all of lone, Oregon 540-il J AS. V. MOORE, Register. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE L 1 firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D. C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting in the town of Heppner, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing disposed of his interest to D. C. Downer who will continue business at the same loca tion, collect a'l accounts and pay all bills con tracted by the above nrm. D. C. Downer, ' hMMETT Bwann. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, thla 2nd day of April 1897. 82tf- Timber Culture, Contest. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by O. E. Farnsworth, Hepp- . ner, Or., against. Thomas Huntsberry for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NEi 8EH S4 NEfi and NEH NEH Sec. 31. To. 3 8 R 25 E, In Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to tne cancellation or said entry, contestant alleg ing that said entry has been and is abandoned aud no part of the said entry has ever been broken, planted or cultivated. 1 hat such fail ures still exist. The said pnrtios are hereby sum moned to appear at this office on the 22nd day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m.. to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, is au thorized to tae the testimony In this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 15, 1897, at 10 o'clock, a. m. JAS. F, MOORE, 733-748 Register. Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, arples, eggs or butter on subscription accounts. Any one owing tbis office can settle tbeir accounts in this manner and oan't do it too soon to suit us. It IS hard tO tell the facts they disappeared. about Schilling's Best Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the toosorial business. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed In. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER And by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Countv of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897, in favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust Jompany, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Ed C. Allen, Martha E. Allen, Wm. M. Rudio. Mattie P. Rudio and J. V. Teal, as ad ministrator of the es'ate of I. R. Dawson, de ceased, defendants for the sum of Two Thous and Two Hui'd'ed and Fifteen Dollars with interest thereon from the 21st day of November, 1896. at the rate of te per cent per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, ana tne mrtner sum 01 Twelve ana ou-iuu uoi- lars costs and whereas by sain judgment It was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wlt: Lot No. ten (10) in Diocc no. two ) 01 uooiiey s anamon 10 tne town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, bo sold tn satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. I will, on Wednesday, 1 n atn a y 01 May, ibjv, at one o'clock p. m., ol said day, at the Court House door in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, Kd C. Allen, et al., in and to the above described property at publics auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs ana costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, Bherirt ot Morrow countv. Oregon, By J. W. Matlock, Deputy. Dated April 26th. 1897. 539-47. A FROG HUNTtR. tea coffee soda baking powder flavoring extracts and spices Proprietor 8. P. ChranlctSk AM rKANOtaUX OAt. CHICAGO milwauRee & St. Paul R'y This Railway Co. Operates its traiui on the famous blook system; Light lis trains by eleotrioity through out; Uses the oelebrated eleotrio berth read tug lamp; Run speedily equipped passenger train every day and in lit between Ht. Paul and Chiotf'i, aud Omaha aud Chicago; tha THROUGH CARS. Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operate steam-heated veatibnled train, carrying Hie latest private eotnparuueut oars, library buffet amok Ing car, aud palace drawing room sleeper. Parlor ears, free reclining chair oars. and the very bat iliuitig chair oar service. For lowest rate to any point in the Untied HIsIhs or Canada, apply to agent or addree 0. J. EDDY, J. W. OANKY, General Agent, Trav. Pa. Agent. Portland, Or, SO VlAHi' XPINItMCt. -AT 1" 1 Tsinf Maaaa Pi. -T COPYRIGHT , AnTnMntln skM. k an 4wrtitn amy .( airtalti, f whltr aa tHvemlt.rtt I pr,4t,fr it, (.!, C,HtitmnlfaiMma sirtlf ain.i!ttat, 4)l,4 auv ff-itrth plaat IB Aimrha, Meli vt ahliwt om.. 1'nie.nii i.k-n ihnxKb Mtttui t, rwMve iwctal fa to. ia tha 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, airllr Htm(rla4, kml etrr-.l.n.. nf Jlif MIMllla tiWHl, Mi,lm.iiiiiiwi 11 sums 1 . !.! oi-i .1,4 tiuil atuua. va I ait mi lsa, AMtm MUNN 4 CO., , 31 1 rHSf, K.r l rh. ' It u NOTICE OF INTENTION. 1 I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, 1 1 May. in. wn. Notice is nereny given mat the following-named settler has filed notice of hla mtrmion to mate nual proof in support 01 hla claim, and that said proof will he made before J. W, Morrow, County Clork, at Heppner, Oregon, on June 26, 197, vis: HENKY C. POl'LSKN, Hd. E. No. alia. Ixit I, Bee. IS. Tp. 6 8., R. 26 K , HK'4 and N KVt, Sec. 13, Tp, 6 0,, U. 2A E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove cultivation because each has its own goodness. All moneyback, though. For tale by J. W. Vaughan S Is 1 flinm I T Ha names the following witnesses topi 'All UN I' V her continuous resltleuc upon aud cultlva III 'I I l J III." U'rillamLue'lHiig, Benjamin I.uelllng. T( 1 VIA IV Itll p. Toller and Albert D. Courier, II of II nan, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE, MS M Wanry aril r. MOORE, Keglatcr, TO f Ht. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS I DUI.UTU 1 KAROO BUTTK I HELENA Tickets Issusd to all points In the United State and Canada. QUICK TIME TO .f Chioaoo 1 All oilier WasHinoTon I'ALTlHOria Nw YoHK IlvrrALo Notice of Intention. f Omaha. point I Kansa Citt Id tb i Ht. Josiph East and I MT. Lon Southeast IIohtoH Union IVpot connection al Ht. I'aul, Minneapolis, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht Lnla and other promi nent points Daguape checked through to destination ol ticket. Through ticket to Japan and China, via Tanom and Northern Paa-ino Steam hip Company' line. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON, 1 J May in. 1KW7 Nolle is hereby given hat the following-named settler has tiled notice ol his intention to make flnal prool In support 01 ins claim, ana mat sain proof win n mane belurej. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Oregon, on June M. Ihu;, vis: ALBERT COt'RTKR. Hd K. No. mi. for th r-H WH and 8'-4 N Sec Tp a H . R 25 K , W . M. lis names th following witnesses to prove his continuous reatdenc upon and cultivation ol. said land, vis: William I.ucltliif. Henlsmln l.nelllng, Charles M. M. Hastings aud ileiirr C. Poulsen, ail of llanlinan, Oregon. JAS. F. MOORE. 54351 Register. For full information, time card, map, ticket, etc., call on or writ W. 0. Aliawat, A. 1 Calm!, Airt N I' Hy Asst. Gen I'aa. Agt. Tb Dalle, Or. I'ortland, Or FATFlks g I i.m. i f i.n RIDUCtO Cr .int, i f t ftu nnn annftae so -. ntrrviM. I..,., ai.M. a n,i..r , n,io... in, I 1 fr...tfT! b.ii, ami la,,j4t4.KM.M, 1 Ktatn mm) u-4, Mm 1 tt, ) . man M Sums, FATItNTS TRtATIO tY MAIL (Of'MiKtsiif, f aae.iri.iM. .fciris ston) "Tlic IWalor Line" u The PiUfS, ror'Ju i istur'a Xnigstion Ci CTXJLVCXRsl "DULtS Cm" 40 "MOUHTO IvTb lValle daily (etept HunJay) 17 1. m , arriviag la t'orliso J about M p. m. When yoa go tn Portland, stop efT at Tl lllr al tk a trip, down th OoloniU; yon will aajny it, anJ save oioney. W. C At LAWAY, Oeoera) Agrat Wanfed-An Idea Ei L. W, Melson baa been oonvicted at Grant's Pass for tbe murder otChaa. Perry last year and . will bang. M-lson hot Perry while the Utter wa in bed and tben tied roaka to tha body and dropped it into a well. Pllesl Pllest Itching Pile. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itching tod stinging; moat at night; worse by soratohiog If allowed to oontinne tarn or form which often bleed and ulcerate beoomiog very aor. Swayoe's Oint ment stop tha itching and bleeding, beala alceration, and id mnt oasea re move tb tumor. At dtuugiats, or by mail, for 50 oent. Dr. Swayne 4 Hon, Philadelphia. Ell Maokey, a jonoa man of Walla Walla, waa ran over by a penger train near 8lrm reerntly and killed. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT I.A GRASP. OREGON. t April . Ii7. Nolle la hervbv slven thai Hi follnwlng-nsmed settler has fllMl nolle of his Intention to make final nf In support of his claim, and that said proof will ha mad be fore fouiily Clerk ol Morrow ronnly, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, nn May IN, I ""7, via: I iir K. I l.AHK, II. I R Nn " lof th NWu kwu aee ;u To ix.hTi K w m. Ms names the following wltnrsae tn prav One of tbe beat and neatest pieoes of residence property in Happier will bt sold here on tbe 20th lost. It la known aa tbe Nordyk plaoe sod is siloated near Tom Morgan's-' nearly every per- on in Heppner knows wbere to find it. There la an acre and ooa-tbfrd In fro it tree and garden, and lb building are of rioellent oharaater. Go e it. tt New Jersey Girl Is Accumulating a Large Batmrhian Revenue. Misa Moniv Seldeu, of Friendship, N. T., is a hunter of renown. The game she lings is frogs. For seven years she has been supporting herself by her unique tithletic exercise. Now she ia one of the most prosperous citizens in the little town, and she ia reputed to have a bank account which, if it keeps on growing, will eventually enable her to trive up frog Rhooting. IMore ahe took to frog ahootingMiss Seldcn taught school In the country re gional for ten dollitra a week. She did not particularly enjoy teaching, for her pupils were frequently boys'about twice ns big a herself, and they had that par ticular form'of humor which shows It self in being obstreperoua. Moreover, ten dollar a week did not sntisfy Miss Selden'a idea of proper compensation. Consequently, when she found that frogs were a costly luxury, she. re solved to invest her sevinga In a frog farm. Friendship being rich In boga and awamps, Misa Seltlen bought 20 acre of land, fenced It in, and began to raise frogs for the New York mar ket, to the scornful delight of her neigh bora. They thought he was a harm less and amusing lunatic when they saw her practicing shooting frog. But when they learned that she cleared $1, 600 the first seaaon, those w ho came to scoff remained to Imitate, and frog shooting became a popular occupation In Friendship. Tbe other shooter sell their game to Misa Selskn, who ia turn ells it to the market. We have advertising space for the professional men. Every dootor and lawyer in town should have his oard in the Gazette. The regular eubsoription p'-ce of tha Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Oregonian is 81.50. Anyone snbscribirg for tha Gazette and paying for one year i advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for 83.50. Al) old sub scribers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advance will be entitled tp Ih.i.m. HEPPNER, Attorneys at Law, All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory manner. Notaries Public and Collectors. OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. i i OREGON WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Put Sound Navigation Co Stealers TELEPHONE, BAILEY GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. Leaving Alder Street Dock. Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beach, Oceap Jfark ana JMancotta. JJireot oonneotion with ilwaoo learners and rail road; also at Yoang't Bay with Seashore Railroad. TBZjBXZZOjVB Leave Portland 7 A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, cicept Sunday. DAILiBT OATZBI1T Leaves Portland P. M. Daily, except Sunday. Baturday night, 11 P M. Leaves Astoria Dsilv a at:45 A. M.,xcpt Sunday and Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M. Lmvm Portland and rnns direct lo Dwsco, Tuesday and Thnrsday at I A. M. Saturday 'at 1 P. M.. Leaves iiwaoo neauesaay ana rnuay at i:m a. at. ua Bunaay nigntall V. M. Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Bolb Beaches Fit cf Expense. For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on th Telephone, Bailey OaUert and Ocean Wav ft I Hot th People Ar his poutlniioiis resilience upon and cultivation i Cm. ol lna,Orec n. tulward chapman and of. said land via: Hrirklah Ttpprtt and Andv Charles tmlierln ol Viuaiin. tire. in. KViV. Register. TlmUr Cuttvre-'Final Proof. Nolle for ('(blirallo. 1'atTSii Ptatss t.tXB Orrti. The iNilles, Oregon, April i, ltT. NtrTICIH MfKKHV f.lVliN THAT JACK son II. riale.trf Hillatmro, (ireann, has file. I notle ol intention Ut niak flnal proof IwlorsJ. W. MnrMw, Connlr Clef k. st his ofrie in He pner, ur"n, on Mondsy lh I7 r dayol Mav, Imi7. nn liniher culture applleaiin Nn, -t. I..r th M!', ol sn itnii No A, la Township I Notlh Ran No it Fut. II names as wltnoases; A, T. Mclsv snd Thomas J Car1., l Heppner, Oregon. Kesteo (perry and I'aul Kettuian, ol lone, (rrnn. JA. P. M'HiHR. MR M Heglmef. tkle UtlllS toHWIlt teas r-eias t-m wi hu a tn. rwi ah Sm. WuklKfUMh 11 v ' l'r l " 1191 nm I'm i-WU. ul I Nottc of Intention. Una Orrus t LaOsasi s, Oio, iiih. i-r, K'OTtCt li MIRf BY OIVFSi THAT Hit i fiMlowliif lis in. I selller has fllad IMitle nf hla Itilenlloti l tnak flnal prwf la suppnrt of his 1 I.I m, and thai said rol will ha mad l lore c.imiT t lerk ol Miwn.w County, Orfn, al Heppsr, Oregon, nn Jm T l"l, vis; R t I N. MM? foe lh V at 4 SH 11 etHTlSiIw. lis nam th fnllnwlng wltnaaaa I hi. .011 lii.i.iii. Mst leiH nana and tulllvaUosj ol said land, vts - tmirt M Vlnansi. intn A. laotnpsoa. Vkihlan Aisrs, asut lvl4 M. ITve .r...lollePP,.f or-,.,. . W)v iv.4 .Jslitrt. Tb length of life may be iaored by leeseoiog daoger. Tb majority ot peo ple die from long trouble. These may he averted hi promptly using On Minate Coogh Care. Comer A Brook Thsrs, Hat llisppy. "No rain had fallen for eight month, and the hot air woa thick with a stifling l.aate of duat The mighty Fliudoia, a st rivrr, ot sand, w ith water beneath, iiHM'ked the parched township, the dusty down and the burning limb of the population. "Frequently all the door and win dow a of the wretched tin and wood hiuises had to be hurriedly cloavd to kern out the hateful airooro. The al most turn- iIiiwm rolled away Into the distance, Ith pillar of dust a t housand feet high, traveling along In the torch ing w tiirlw inda, at a few milea distance from ench other, like giant striking through the lard, rearing their dim brad into the brass-colored sky. These dust iponu are only a few feet in diam eter for hundred of feet up. They come eddying along, some lime lifting rwn oil tin and corrugated Iron; aid woe Wti'le the house they take in their truck, for they fill thrni with dirt and The ladies) at the M. E. ehareb, Mouth, rubbish, making a clatter on the roof. Dr. tt, F. Yangbaft departed today for Long Creek and other poiota ia Qrant county. Dorg will aell w ate he price fur the Best 60 days. at reduced 58 Walt. Thompson run (tag bet vena Heppner and Monumnot, arriving every day eicept Monday tod leaving every day eieepl Ruaday. Bhorteat and ebeap t root to tha ialnnor. Onnear k Broek, agent. Wool Growers! With MoKioley In tha White Boose, wa prediot higher price for wool during tbe coming seasoo, and feel as 0 red that Heppner will attraot mora Eastern bay era than formerly. Their headquarters will be at tha Wool Growers' Warehouse and It will be to yoor Interests to store yonr wool with os. Iosuranoa rete are also muob cheaper than last year. Wa famish wool eaoke and twin to patrons payable whan wool is aold Wa pay freight to teamster, and furotah blank- receipt to woo I grow era on application. Wa have 00 band rolled barley and feed for teamsters. Wa pay tb highest eaab price tor shsep pt ad bide. Wa ara ageeta for Little's Fluid Dip, and tba famous Black Leaf Tohaeoo Dip. Mark your wool taoka 0 and direct year teemstera to tba lower Wareboaaa, Deppoer, Oregon. R. F. HYND, Manager. will aerve leacreara lo tba Mmltl rea- Uaraot dialng room, gatarday, after noon. May, S9th, and ever Saturday thereafter daring the aammer. 21 Tba Oatte will pay tb beat cb prkw for scrip 0 aoooatt faoa valu. Conaty, aebool or eity erip taken. Tha nilt wanta fifty aor da et wood aa back, rjrVf. POl ill mid Qm . . ... rl'-en If people are on the akrt to close ell the errturc as they are a column of diiit approaching, thry are filled with Hoe dnt, and the very bookcover curl up with the heat, 1 be ople are as happy a anybody else. Thry live and toil, make lets of money, in airy and r given In warriagt. They bave their keitementa th shearing season, (fane lty and rsee sneftlnga. All the lc rU few of the virtues tlrjlng ui lh THE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. O BQBOHimS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. ltcw;HThe GAZETTE, $3.50 A Year for CASH,