-( Scrofula Swellin On the Neck and Croat Weakness Caused by Impure Blood -Was Constantly Crowing Worse. " When my son was 5 years old be was In very poor health and we could pet nothing to relieve Ltirn. At the age of 7 years he began to complain of soreness on both sides of his neck and soon lumps be gan to gather on one side and grew to halt the size of an egg. We then became more uneasy and began to doctor him for scrofula. He gradually grew worse, how ever, until at the age of twelve years we had lo3t all hope of his recovery. He be came so weak he could sit up but a few minutes at a time. My wife saw Hood's Earsaparilla recommended as a great blood purifier and we sent and got a bottle. We began giving our boy the medicine ac cording to. directions and it waa not long before we saw he was improving. He continued taking it until he was in very good health. He is now 13 years old and is well. We recommend Hood's Sarsapa rilla for all troubles' caused by impure blood." S. M. Silver, Grouse, Oregon. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. $1 ; six for $5. Get only Hood's. Take Notice. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or snail uimseii give an a matter of news,) and notices of special meetinsrs for whatever nnrnnan. 2. ,. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher e 1 to in every instance. Advertising rate reasonable and made known upon application. A. GOOD CLUBBING LIST. wow tout tuo great political ORmpsign is over and the winter season again with us, all will want an edtqunle supply of fresh and varied reading matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals aud now offers the following to all new and renew al snbsoribers: The GAZETTE $2.50 and Club Rate . Weekly Oregonlun, $1.50 $3.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. y. Tribune, $1.00. . 3.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00...., 8.25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8.75 Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4 00 5.00 Here and There. Minor ft Oo. are agents for the Shuttle & Smith wagons. 2 3 Don't forget Minor & Co.'i all-wool suits, (3.50. uorld beaters. 2 3 Call sod eee Bora's large assortment of spectacles and eye glasses. 5 8 Long Distance anil local 'phones cull np No. 19 for . W. Rhea & Co. a Aoyoue wishing a number one wagon will do well to call on Min r & Co. 2 3 Minor ft Co. have the nicest line of ladies' low shoes in the oity. No ex reptions. 2-3 Tbe braod new ad. of the brand ne drug store, E. J. Slocum, manager, is in this inane. a Ladies wauting shut waists will do well to look around before purchasing Minor ft Oo. 2 3 The GnzMte is on ler obligations to tbe managers of the Orange Front for a treat of their excellent ioe cream. Frank Borg is now able to fit gWe in a scientific manner. Tou will find trim at Borg's jewelry store, opposite Palace botel. 5 8 See those new Rnasian Tan shoes down at Liobtenthal's. Latest style beat quality, reasonable prices. Tou cannot do better anywhere. tf Cbas. Tefft got back from Walla Walla Sunday. W. U. Sayers was np from Douglas yesterday. Alex Cornett was in yesterday from Felix Johnson's. Miss Leaoh made a flying trip to Lex ington yesterday. Lew Howeth returned Sunday morn ing from Portland. Geo. Noble was in from his MoKin- ney creek ranch today. T. E Lyons and G. W. Rea returned Saturday from Pendleton. S. J. Freedman was up Saturday looking after bis customers. Judge Freelaod is giving tbe shop material assistance this week. Mrs. and Mrs. Jus. H. MoHailey are over to their Monument ranch. wen raraer and Drank ward were over from Parker s mill yesterday and today. jk 1. uake and V. a. Herman were Here ftxturday looking after tbeir cus tomers. Joe Woolery leaves tomorrow to at tend the grand lodge I. O. O. F.. at Portland. A. Li. Mohler has been onosen vice- president and general manager of tbe O. R. ft N. R. A. Ford is back and says his eyes are mncb better. He hopes to regain his eye sight entirely. E. G. Sperry and wife left yesterday for Portland. Mr. Sperry will atteod grand lodge I. O. O F. Harry Sayers was In Heppner yester. day for the first time in four years. He lives at Pendleton at present. Tbe Gazette oalls attention to Frank Borg's sds in this issue. He is a borne boy and a good rustler. Patron's him. Ben Sir.sheimor and W. J. Clarke. traveling men, got in frorr. the interior Runr'ay, looking rather the worse for wear. Joe Mastersoo came in from Long Creek Sunday and will return some time this week, ecoompainied by bis wife. Sunday morning Thos. Carl, of lone, Prof. J H. Stanley and Harry Bagley, of Billsbo.ro, wero passengers on tbe up train. Those troubled with bad evepight should see Frank B.rg wbo has just re cently finished hie optionl course in the Eist. Eyes examined free of obarge, 5 8 Henry Blaikman spent Sunday in Heppner leaving yesterday for Portlaod aooompained by his little eon, Lo, wbo goes below for a two weeks' vacation. An incipient blaze at Abe Wells' in Heppner on Sunday morning was snb- doed without tbe aid of the fire depart ment, but it took ad hour's hard work to do it. Boro To tbe wife Faol, this morning, Do won't be able week or more, but bnbv are doing well. George HnfTord has some fine half bred Cotswoll buck', nut of Merino rwea bich be wisbfs to sell at reason able figures. Call on bim at the Cass Matiook ranch, or adlress bim at nep w ner. o" Judge Lowell came over this morn ins to atteod to some equity matters, the Plnokett ease occupying the stlen tion of tbe court. T. R. Lyons sod 0 W. Rea, representing tbs bondsmen of w n Cnnninohame. made s motion to remand tbs case back to the county nonrt. This mMter will be settled to day. O. E. Redfield represents tbe estate. HELD IN LEXINGTON. of Dr. D. J. Mo a 10 pound girl to get around for a both "mother sod Delation of Association of Congregational Churches An Eutbaslastle Meeting. Tbe fifih anDual session of the Mid- Columbia Association of the Congrega tional churches convened at Ltx iDgtou early this month. An organization was effected by the election of the Rev. A. R. Olds, of Wes ton, moderator, and August Bade, of Fairview, scribe. It the a'isenoe of tbe Rev. Wallace Harlburt. the Rry. J. E. Walker, of Foo Chow, China, who is taking a year's leave of absence in Amer ica, preached the associations! sermon. The following churches were repre sented: Weston, Rev. A. R Olds, piator; dele gates, Mrs. A R. Olds and Erl Olds, Fairview, A. F Bade and Daniel Booue, delegates; Condon, Mrs. Hendricks and Miss Lulu Fitzwater, delegates; lone, Mrs. Alice Keliar and Miss Lena Jour- don, delegates; The Dulles, Rev. W. G Curtis, pastor; Hood River, Rev. J. L. Hershuer, pnstor; Lexington, Rv. D. 8. Drake, pastor; delegates, J. S. Bootbby Edward Tibbrtts, Mrs. E. Beymer, Mrs. Gemmelt and Mrs. O. Hill. The churches at Outario, Huntington, Freewater, Iugles Chapel and Pendleton were represented by neither pastors nor delegates. Interesting and helpful papers were read as follows: A. Bade, "Tbe Relation cf the Chris tian Eudeavor Society to the Churob;' Mrs. Eellar, "A Review of Mieionery Work"; Mrs. A. R. Olds, "Home Mis sionary Work." Rev. O. F. Glapp. of Forest Grove, Rev. J. E. Walker, of Foo Uliow. China, Rbv. H. H. Wikoff, of Berkeley, Oal were reuived as corresponding members, and frequently enlivened the services bv tbeir timely remarks. A woman's mis siouary society was organized in the Lexington Congregatioual ohuroh, witb (he following officers: President, Mrs 0. Bill; vice-president, Mrs.D. S. Drake; secretary, Mrs. L. R. Beach; treasurer, Mro. Tibbetts. An everjiog session was devo'ed to missionary work in a beautiful service hy tbe children and in an address by tbe Rev. 0. F. Clapp. Rev. J. E. Walker snog two s ngs in tbe Chinese language, dressed in Chinese oostume. This was highly sppreciated espeoiall by the younger children. Tb3 unt association will be held at Freewater, Umatilla oounty, Or. Rev F. M. Parker was chosen to preaob the assooiational sermon. Ihe following standing committees were appointed : Oo programme, Rev. A.'R. Olds, Rev. J. L. Hersbner and Rtv. Wallace Harl burt; temperaLoe Mrs. Jackson Hill, Mrs E. R. Beach and Mrs. W. W. Hmead; mis sions, J. L. Hersbner, A. R. Olds and Mrs. S. A. Bouell; Sooday school, Rev. U 8. Drake, Rev. E. R Beach and Superin tendent 0. F. Clapp. The Rev. A. B. Olds as reelected registrar of the aasooiati tu, and tbeR-t. David Lepphart was received us a mem ber of this association. Rev. A. R. Olds read a pnpar ru "Mow to Get Church Members at Work," U-v W. C. Cutis on "What is Congregation aliim?" and U-v. 'J. L. Hersbner ou "The Mission of Congregatioualism to the Community." Ou the subj-ot, "When is a Church at Work?" remarks were made by R v. O. F. CUpp, Rv. H. H Wikc ft", Rhv. W. 0. Curti and others. R v. II U. Wikoff presented tbe claims of the Con gregational Bailding Sjoiety, ibowiug that many ohnrohes and parsonages have been aided by this benevolent so ciety. Rev. J. E. Walker delivered a Very interesting lectors on China, sing ing t religious hymn in the Chinese language. in Sunday from Burns with tbe famous running horse. Red 8. To beat bim will bestow npon the lnoky man both lanrels and casb. "Snapper" Garrison, a jock witb nerve and a reputation, is here for tbe raoes. Tbe jocks. Tom Allen and Tom Fos ter, are nn tbs gmood ready for business. Tom Kane, a well known jock, showed one of oar reporters a pair of colts, the otber day, sired by Swamp, Geo. Aiken's horse. Tbey are good ones, but if Tom hasn't any more luck than Sport be had oetter give tbem to Sam Kinsman for horse sausage. f-'port would like to eee Geo Aiken get off end win some good money. He is one of tbe boys that takes bis medioiue and comes back again. Jake Howell has come in from tbe Matiook stables to work for the Red S. people. CONCEUT A SUCCEB8. E. W. Rhea ft Co., pay price for bides and pelts. tbe biggest tf COUNCIL MKKflNG. Oonncil met in regular session on last evening, all present, mayor morgan presiding. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Petition of R. L. Beard ft Co. for tbe obange of town license from Lewis Kinney ft Co. to the name of tbe former was found to be io oonrjiot with an ordi nance on tbe issuance of licenses. Tbe new firm are permitted by common con sent to run tbeir saloon under tbe old license. Bills allowed: Morrow Co.. $3 76; Gilliam ft Bisbee, 82 45; Miss Mollie Reed, $165; Gazette, $3 10; E. L. Mat lock. S3 25; N. L. Shipley, 45 cents; R O. Wills, 55 oents ; bas. Tefft. 89 50; E. J. Muir, 85; witness fees, $7.f0; Tom Buckley, 31; Brown ft Kedfield, '85; Grant Wordeo. 25 cents; A. A. Roberts, r.O; W. A. Riohardson, 816 66; Hepp ner Light ft Water Co., 870. Marshal reports oity reservoir as con taining 154 000 gallons. Petition of Al Bions in reference to to the matter of licencing wagons, marshal was instructed to ool lect license on each wagon and 'bus issuing numbers respectively inereior. Water onmpany instructed to olean out water pipes and oity hydrants. In the ma'ter of movii g privies off of the creek, it was deoided not to move them as long as tbey are not obnnxioo and there is running water io creek, reconsidering motion of last meeting - In tbe matter of buying lumber, it was referred to the oommittee on streets and public property. Mayor instructed to see that prenar atinns are made to drain fire boas. All street work partly oompleted ordered finished. Recorder instructed to oolleot $6.50 for watering trough. Adjourned. "Actions speak louder than words" ask your gro cer if we really mean money- back if you don't like Schil- Tbe Ladle Do Well and the Specialties Were Immense A Fair Attendance. Tbe attendance at the musioal con cert, given by the Ladies' Cornet Band, of Heppner, on last Friday eveuing was not ss large as waa expeoted. though tbe reoeipts tooted np about $44, leaving a balance to assist lbs ladies iu tbe" payment of tuition and otber band sinenses. Tbe band is a Heppner en terprise and is deserving of more en- oonragement than it is receiving. The entire ban. I is composed of novioes in the business and no one could be so unreasonable as to expect a finished musical entertainment However, the G zetie will say that the oonoert last tnday was very suc cessful. This paper has uot the time to give speoinj mention of any individual effort, but will say that tbe members ren dred tbeir selections muoh better than nnr representative anticipated. Tbe aocordioo solos of Mr. Frank Lee were excellent and were repeatedly encored, as were tbe vooal solos of Miss Elsie Avers. Henpner's young soprano. Miss Ayers is only 15 years of age and with instruction, tbe Gazette ventures to predict, will mHke her mark as a vocalist, Tbe ladies oontemplate giving other entertainments in tbe near future. Show your patriotism and chivalry by attending. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! iCT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES to suit tbe times. You want fresh groceries and supplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Ya oan find what you want at T. R. Howard's. . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! TL Howard Main Street. Heppner. Oregon. HELP WANTED t THE ENDOWMENT HANK. A Feature of the Knights of Pythias That Gives a Member Good Insurance. No member of the Knights of Pythias need join another fraternal insurance order for the sole purpose of obtaining insurance, inasmuch as tbe order bas a well-established insurance feature known as the Endowment rank. Tbe rank is 20 years old and during its existence bas paid to beneficiaries 811,041,000. It is no longer an experi ment it bas been successfully tried and all Knights of Pythias indorse it. Io order to ba able to take advatiiatre of tbe Endowment Rank you must be a Knight of Pythia io good standing. Ibis system of insuraoce is based upon tbe actual cost of same. 1 here is no oostly mnohinery to keep up, no extra expense. For lurther information, members of tbe order aud others interested, should apply to Elmer G. Slooum, secretary of tbe Heppner seotion. We pre preparing for a big spring trade, to make it a bowling sucoess. We are pleting our stook of but must have help filling np and com- ling's Best tea. GROCERIES AND HARDWARE whioh will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate business. We have many oustomers now but there are still several vacancies in this department of our store, n be filled. Applications will be received at all hours of the day. Apply in person or by letter to P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. Scaly eruptions on the head, chapped hands and lips, outs, bruises, scalds, burns are qniokly onred by DeWitt's Witch lihzel Salve, it is at present the nrtioie most used for piles, and it always cures them. Uonser Brock. I Notice. have taken np bay horse, braud O oo letc sunniaer, wearing oia sooes, weight one thousands pounds, saddle marked. Cuau. Babnett, 4-tf Lexiugton, Or. DRINK THE FAMOUS liop Oolcl Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Sttix Brewery Company, 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. The celebrated imported rnniiini stallion, Oalpburous, will stand the season in tleppner. For particulars call on W. O. Minor. tf You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at ... . F WELCOME On Willow Street, near the City Hall. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. They try to please all. Fine olub rooms In connection. rOW TIIvrYlr, Prop. Sad '5' rn tst A good bicycle, suitable fori iilu r lady or gentleman, iu fine repair, new pum- raatio tires, for sale cbesp al Gilliam A Bi"beeV. ' tf FRANK ROGERS J. J. ROBERTS Milk shakes, lemouadea and delicious . ice oream t the Orange Front, opposite City botel, cor. Main and Willow His Parties desiring oream for speoitl ooca iona should order day In advaooe. tf. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est root to the interior. E. J. Slocum. as-ent. Ths puople generally regret that Grercs has not made a better stand .gainst ber ancient enemv, the Tnrk, hot there seems to be co regrets msui fested that R. C. Wills, of the Tioneer Rrn k. BiKckmao sUnd. is making such aglorlons fight agsioU tbe enemies of the penple.-txtnrtioD" and"war prices." This is a inomg fltiht. Mail orders sra attended to enrefully. Wills bs s mower, a b..rk and a tart for sale. Clos Ina nt this line. If RACES! RACES! V V V V Rogers & Roberts, Contractors and Builders. Plans and Estimates Given on Short Notice. HPOKTIMl NKWH We arc still here and Doing Business every Day E W.RHEA & CO. Have a Full Stock of Dry Goods and Groceries I tf & I Our Trade is Constantly Inrreasing ! 4 1 The Secret!: We keep what the people want and sell at (air, legitimate prices '1, 9 1 1 H w A V u $ Of course we. make some profit on our , .5. ,r,1c- tlir,t's what vc arc in business for. Uut te will not allow oar competitor in Losio-st to oatJu at in aoy particular. . Call an-l . $, -" ie. w. rhea & -mm i i 'is - OREGON. HEPPNER. Hurtwsie B'Klnnliia to Arrlvs lor tlir Haw I'arU Matrrinl nod Immaterial. Uebpner hits been stirred from stem to stem. It wss ooifprl that a "moral wave" bsa coma down npon ns, bat Ibis ba bloao over People sre expected to beLavs tbrmsrlvrs aa osual, but tbe town nill not try to do something tbst it cannot do. Suloous and tbe demi mondt violite tbelava. 80 does every business msn iu Hsppnrr. It's boss and boss. hpnrt isn't js.lnus txonss some otber person turccrds. rrospe rtty strikes all alike, sffort and opportunities consider sd. Urppoer is a Lot old town some limn. Y a," Halt's j ck, bas blossomed not into a fall ueJu-d duds. ' IWddy,"lbe belle of lbs Dftktowo sUblre, ceu be 00 tbe lookont tf bs wants to brad till Yak." Frank lU'd is upreted Io sbnrtty from Nttb Yakima witb 1 L n't Know, American Boy, Tom Tongas and 0l. T. 1 Don't Kuiw is an lot Unit bnrsa. tint was roUd 'ff at Han Fr toioo io If lit bas Ueo rrir stated thrre will b- soioe Sort for lbs fuo Invibf people. U li'roias it is tot likely that ba will start. Iba footrsee Saturday betwo Frank llatlbsas, or Nest, and one HinltU, or Foster, U0)ardsfor M a side, failed Iu material I. Nl la a prrtiy food roaa tint biting herded sbeep all Spring was not Io roridi'ioq Io mo a bard rare. lis wss edvtaed I t.nt bis opponent was a wcxklnavsn. Us d.mb'rd Ibis but met Iba rballetigs, Issvlrg a lit I la Iwip but not iif wbicb to crawl tbat Iba race should be rno between 8 atid B, p. m. Ne saw Iliat Iba sWanser was a "rtog-, ar" and kept dim at the eied'uif p'litt till 6 u'eb'ck and tbeo rfaa4 to raa. It wss a smart triek bl"b save I bim I sif eed frietds, for iba rsea was ds tlsrsd off, Tl.a stranger is a fnt.raer ilbnut doubt, ts libt tomplelioosd. vaa, fatbef tall so 1 elendrf, pe.1, tea amne lad la )k ,4-' , frills .a b s rutil area. Ila waa Itaaksd 0 by Vts tevieeni-B and a, aad (Hbeta i f rtwd'el n. Il-rpner aaal ti t a gxtdtowa for I'D !((', but It baa bad! All Kinds of Repair Work Dune- OFFICE HOURS-Day and Night leave your orders "Any Old. Place" and Ro. or Jim will tret em. o o o o o o o 00TS AND SHOES'.., THE HEPPNER SPEED ASSOCIATION llavw I)eol1el to lloKt aa, Race dLeetiis! . iVt IIEPPXER, ORB. ON FOUR DAYS AS FOLLOWS : 1 Saturday, May 29,1 THC PLACE TO CCTTHCM l AT lie has anything In thli line that rmi mar riValre amt T"'i ran denand on It you gat a liooft article when Mat (iiaraulees It. SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing a Specialty. NEW DRUG STORE! .AND. Way, $700.00 IN I VWaA4eAA0 Wednesday asl Jriay, JUNE I, 2 and PURSES ! 3a O $700.00 YOU CAN FIND IT- Next Door to the PostoiUcc, PROGRAMME: FIKT DAY-HatnrdaT, Ma 29-IUea 1. Qiarler mils das't, tnaleb ra Itelaeen Hioner. ownsd bv lw TilUrd. an t Hawbui k. owoel by lit" Hsfsrl, l,.r tliiA a ai.la. lUoa 1 F.iar and ona-balf fnrloaifs. ra lor all. rors, IH). Kara 3. Three eil.tb wlU dasb. frea for alb I'orae, 7.. Ml. rUNH I t VT.,la Jnna 1-!! 4. Oua half mil daah, frea lor a a lltl tt.ta K Mia linnilieit taril daah. frea lor all. I'rjrsS. 175. Tlllltfl I)tY-Wedne.ta Jnna 2 Hana I. U tarter mils dab. frea for all Pn... IM II.km 7 (i.. Ihnnaand tarda, tree for ell. Ffl'aa. 1IS. FOL'KTH DY-Tharaday, Jnna3-Ho-n. One haif mils, bandtoap, free fr alt. I'ura. kin O. Ona balf mile. OoBaolalloo faoe, for defeated hniua Vnraa 17B. Ranald, kin la raoa from wira to wl. OD0 to tba world. a is 0)NUlTIONH;-Tbaae rarea will ba garoed by tba rules of tba Pamf)( ISliwd llraa'Aaaviratl'n. Eatraeoa fees la all ra as. aot ntberwiaa speelDed. 10 p real of araotiot of purse, five nt nmra in aater, lb rea to start. In nasa that paraea arx tteo da tint fill with flts eomplel ralrlaa, tba board bas tbe power In relo(M Iba moia's of Uta pirea as in lhlr Jn a"nal aasm proper. Tba di reaos reaer Iba riaht to poalooaa any aad all raaes on ar-or.t of im Wnienl sealt.er. If abia raoea do BO fill, por will he for sperial fseea. In be snhttttated by Iba dlrretora. ParaM will I divided 70 pr a-ut t tba Aral bo'se, 80 per sent Io eerood. All aelrl.s to olosa hy I o'clock, p. rn, oa lbs vsain pre- eedlng tba rava. I 1 w IALL PURSES WILL BE 1'AID IS FULL. I A. W. PATICnOS,erelarf tipen-aea bvf .rs E. L Wllnrk, t)va MsAlea, E. Openv, Urn, UsrrloitM, Lt I fl wtrJ i LeieVB, titH, r . W. thYrS. OaJ Liats, Irav. Akf, lirvfa. W. O. MINOR, frealdeal ll-fcry Ilapptief, M We ara prepared Io flll presarlptlona with Fresh I)rnft. Our stork i new and Ireeb and an aiparianrad p harms. rit ta In r darya al all times. Telephoaa cotmeatloaa with all Darts of Heppner aud tbs Long Diatsoea. Call op No. 17 E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr. THE PALACE HOTEL AK, J. 0.i30rtOrTKUS,Prop. h , i mm m in t f ' ' a Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars.