f oltlaoi Library PAPER OFFICIAL Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work Put in Your Spring Ad AND DO BUSINESS The Gazette Does Job Work HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, TUESDAY, MAY 18. 1897. WEEKLY rfO. 7431 SEMI-WEEKLY NO 645 ' FIFTEENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. PUBLISHED Tuesdays and Fridays -' BY ' THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. OTIS PATTERSON. Editor and Bus. Man. At 3.90 per year, 1.25 fnr fix month, 75 oU. or three moncns, strictly in advance. FRED HENDLEY Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. THIS PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake'e Advertising Agency, It and 65 Merchants tSxehanga, Ban Francisco, California, where OOu racts for advertising oan be made for it. 0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD. Pendleton, Oregon WOOL COMMISSION Reasonable Advances Made on Clips of '97 WOOL SOLD At Heppner, Echo, Pendleton, Baker City, Elgin and Huntington. C. E. RANOUS, Hbppneb, Oregon, u The Lancashire Insurance Co. OP1 MANbllBSTBRt BNGLAND OTIS PATTERSON. AGENT. qq tfa f" wo-r 1 THE ABODE OF GENIUS. A Unique Farm in New York for Inventors. 1 Train leaves Heppner5:45p m. daily except Snnday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m. Leaves Heppner Juno ioi 10:5U p. m. and ar rives at Heppner 1SU a m Bnokan Express No. leaves Portland at 2:4 p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:22 p. m and Dma ilia 9:26 p. m. . Portland Exoress No. 3. from Spokane, arriv-s at Umatilla 5:05 a tn and Heppn r Juncti n 6:12 a. m. ard ar ives at Portland 11:C9 a. m. Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Poril 'rnl9p.ru and ar rives at Heppner Junction 8:18 a. m. and at Ematilla 5:05 a. m. Fast Mail No. 1 'eaves TJmati la 9:25 p.m. and arrives at eppner Junction 10:40 p. m. and at Portland 6 a. m For further information irqnire of J. C. Hart Agent O. B A N., Heppner, Ore. Everything Arranged for the Con venience of Those Engaged In Sclentlfle Research : Queer Institution. 1 Plans arid Specifications tarnished on application. Contracting a Specialty. & All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash, doors and windows on hand and furnished at reasonable rateB. Uive me your order. All kinds of repairing done at reasonable rates. Leave orders with P. G. Thompson Co. Sent Free ornciAL uisaECTosvjr. United States Officials. P eeident. ..: William McKin'ey V ""-President Garret A. Hobart Secretary of State John Sherman omircary of Treasury Lyman J. lage Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss Heorelary of War Russell -. Alger Secretary of Navy John D. Long Postmaster-General James . Harv Altorney-Ooneral Joseph McKenna sooretsry . I Agriculture James Wilson State of Oregon. itovernor W. P. Lord Secretary of State H. K. Kinraid Treasurer Phil. Metscliai Bnpt. Puhlio Instruction G. M . Irwin Attorney General C. M. Idleman a . ( G. W. McBndi Senators Jj, H- jjitchel i Ringer Hermann Congressmen W. K. Ellis Prluter W. H. Leeds !R. S. Bean, F. A. Moore, C. E. Wolvurton Sixth Judicial District. Clrcnit Judge Stephen A. Lowell Prosecuting Attorney U. J. bean Harrow County Officials. I. ilut Senator A. W. Gowai' Itanresentative J. Brown bounty Judge '' flommissioners. J. W. Beckett. " Uierk " Sheriff " Treasurer " Assessor " Surveyor.- School Snp't.. ' (Coroner To any person interested in homan matters, or wbo love animals, we wil1 end fre, upon application, a copy of he "ALLIANCE," the organ of thu Society. In addition to its in tensely interesting reading, it Contains list of the valuable and unusual pre min ma given by the paper. Address THE NATIONAL MJMlNE ALU. ME, 410-411 United Charities Building, New York McClure's Magazine For 1897 SEVEN GREAT SERIALS A New Life of 6rant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of . Grant ever p bllshed. (Begins la December.) DH,rrf u)niinnx first American serial. "Captains Courageous." (Begun In November.) Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished (Begins lu May.) , . . n ,,i n i... Tn-Timn " u Tion. wm tor three of the most critical years'of the Civil War practically a member of Lincoln's Cabinet, and is Probably; better fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative hlstoiy of this period from his rpi.nl1pct.io H And correspondence. Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpubliihed In connection with this series of portraits it Is it! itended to publlrh special biographical studies under the general title of MArLislvo iir IriBj umun iroin naiiiswu w unwtu. Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction. . Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLB, , In which he will use hi. extraorflnar, tale it for mystery ana ingenuity wniun nave, m mo ouiuv .,.....-. . , a place beside Poe and Uaboriau. TEN FAMOUS WRITERS .t .u. w.. ...in ,.i n,,o th. nnmlnir ver. with the exception of two contributions to ano her publication which were engaged from him long ago, will appearln McCluke a maqazink. IOEL CH AND'.KK HAKkH. A series of new animal stories in me " Kahhit." nnri the " i Attie Mr. rnimniennirer stories. RODYaRD KIPLTnG. Besides 'Oiptalns Courageous." Kipling will comriouie io jbuvi.uh s 1 1 na- Un V. h arnrlua ho laM II U7 fir O 11 n II IT I II H fMHIlt If VrlBI. nnTAVF. THANKT is nreDarlni for the MaoaXinb a series of short stones in wnicn me same characters will appear, aunougn eacu win oo couijiio "o.. Anthony Hop Br.t Hart Robrt Brr Frank R. Stockton Stanley vVoyman Clark Russell will all have stories In McCli'RE's for the coming year. i These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of McCmjbs's Maoazins for 1S97, the subscription price oi wnicn is omy "Brer Going East? IF YOU ARE, DO NOT FORGET Three Important Points. One. Dollar a Year fhe new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number. The S. S. McClure Co., New York. FIRST-GO via. 8t. Paul bft A."g! Bartholomew CU86 the Hd68 to that Doillt wil J.B. aowam , .. , . ;... anuru jou iuh very uetsi bohiw. SECOND Sen that the coupou hevoDd St. Paul reads via. thf WiscoDsin Central because thai line makes close connections will ill the trans-continental lines en teriDg the Uuion Depot there, auri its service is first-class m ever ...J. W. Morrow I ..K. L. Matlock .. Frank Gillian J. Willi ... J. W..Hornor .Jay W. Hhiph-J ...B. F. Vunghan BBFPKIB TOWN OFFIOKRS. Miyor .Thos. Morvsn U Hinnilmaii .. Geo. Conser. Frank Gilliam. Arthur Minor, E. J, Sloonm, M. Lich ten thai and J. B.Simons. 5 Z:::::::::::. "re particular Karshal A. A. iwnwn Precinct Offlcem. TH1UU Vor Hjlormatlun, Jnsties of th. Peace W. E. Ku-harrlson ( onsUbU N. S.Whettonf J U.r. I anil AffiAttM. thidallis.ob. hcket readinc via. the Wiscoosh it : i J. t. Moore ni-sji. A. 8. Bunts LA OaAKDl, OK. B.F, Wilson Register J.H. Bobbins Receiver A Campaign Of Education HOW tO G6t It (TC AA For MJ.vv Mtllittn caV on vour neiehbor and friend th nearest ticket agnt and ask for h ;2w Central lines, or address A1V U N P H R RLLELED OFFER Jas. C Pond, Uen. I'as. Agt.. Milwaukee, Wis. or Geo. 8. Batty, Ueueral Agent, 2WHtrk t.. PortUna Or To be educated one must read the best literature. The best literature Is expensive. ' Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, . Published at 110 Fifth Avenue, New York, Is full of the best things Its Illustrations are superb; Its stories charming; and its literary departments are edited with con- S3S3XIX1T SOCIETIES. KAWLINB POST, NO. IL G. A. R. at Lxinirtnn. Or., the last Saturday of ark month. All veterans are invited to Join- Adinlant. tf Commander. Dr. P. B. McSwords, PHYSICIAN and SURGE0H. Offlo in tb City Drug Btore, rjpar City Hotel. D. J. McFaul, M. D. HEPPNER, OREGON. Offloe hours, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to 2 p. m . at residence. Mrs. U. W lob property, and 10 to 12, a m , to 2 lo 5 p. m , at offloe in tbe rear ot Burg's jewelry store. national Bank ol MM. Wl. PKNIAND. ED. R. BISHOP. . Praalaeat. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS It should be In every COLLECTIONS Hade on Favorable Terra. EXCHANGE BOUGHT i SOLD QEPTNER. tf OREOON STOCa BRAN US. White yon ap roar subscription paid up yoi eat keep your brand in free of chart. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. florses, P B CI lef honldert oattle, same on left hip. Cook, A. J.,I.na.Or. Horws. Won rightkhoal ir faffle, same on right hip: sar mark sqnar mjp off left and split In right. Douglass. W. M . Oallowar. Or.-Cattle. R V m inlit side, swailow-fork in each ear; horses, K I m left hip. Ely, Bros., Donglaa, Or. Morses branded EL' n left shoulder, oattle sains on lefthip. holi ip right ear. Florence, L. A.. Happnw. Or. Cattle, LP or -gh hip; horses F with bar under on nh houliler. Jones, Harrr. TIeppnf , Or -Horwia branded N J on the left shonlder; eatle bra ided J on Hgbt hip. also nndorbit in left ear. Bangs In Morrow oounty. John-, rllx. Lena, Or.-Hnra. eirrUT o. ft stifle; nettle, same on right hip, under hal wop in ri aad sulit '.a left sar Kennr. Mike, Heppner, Or. Hopsea branrter KN1 on Uft hip oatUe same and erop off tot' Mi nndar slope on Uw right Lsahey, J. W Heppner Or. Horse brande-" Land A on left hooldr( nettl Mine on lef' hip, waul over right . thrae slit in rih ar. Minor, Oaoat, nnpnr nr. ttue, U D right hi vi horse. M oo left should. Morgan, H. H Heppner. Or. Hotms, M ) oo left shooldw oattla sams on Uft hip. Osrmrn, J. W., Dongta. r. hnrseeO on lef shoulder; oattle sain on raht hip. Parker A Glaaeon. Hardmao.Or. Horses IP ot left shoulder. Piper, i. H., Leilnatoa. Or.-Horse. JF, aaried oi. left shoaldert eatlie, same on l nip. ander bit In mob r. . rtw.J. W.. HppiM. Or. Hoiwse. JO a left shooldw. Caltl. Ooo right bip. tf n Henonar. Or. Cettl W C ot left hip. iemo off nght and anoWhit tn left jmr, llnlko: horns W C on left shonliler. mmate skill. Such a paper Is a great popular educator. borne. The subscription price of Leslie's is 4 pe nnum. We make the unparalleled offer of a copy of Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi Weekly one year for only $5.00. No such offer was ever made liefore. No such offer will ever be made gain. These two papers make a most acceptable Christmas or birthday gilt, nd will be consUnt reminders of the glvei-i kindness. Remit by postal order or check to the GAZETTE, Heppner, Oreeoii. In tha heart of New York BtateLbe yond the reach of the merely curious, yet open to all of a scientific turn, of mind, is the only inventors' farm in the world. There is doubtless no stranger plane anywhere, for it is a farm where balloons are "raised," aerial schemes are hatched and air ships are born. So far as the place at Frankfort, Herkimer county, N. Y., is surrounded by fields and groves which give u: sug gestion of city life, it is a farm, but its products are those of which the or- j dinary faroner knows nothing. For these products are flying machines, Dai- loons, strange ships that in theory at least dart through the air or skim the ground like a bird. Prof. Carl E. Myers, who has estab lished the unique farm, is like most men of purely scientific mind in that he nicst conservative in his ideas of publicity, and is content to live in the midst of wonders with his assistant and those who, from time to time, are associated with him. If an inventor has an idea that he will be able to overcome the forces of nature and construct a mechanical bird, it will no longer be nev essary for him to spend fortunes to work out has ideas or die without ac camplishinlg his life's object. All he needs to do will be to go to the tnven tors' farm and find there willing hands and fruitful brains, as well as all ap plianees of this electrical age to assist hrm Almost in the center of the big farm is a modern country house, standing amid many smaller buildings, in which are to be found the materials for every form of experiment connected with aeronautics. The lower portiom of the arge house is given over to living rooms, while a third story and attic ex tending the length of the building and occupied b balloon apparatus, acces' bories and wonderful devices for the construction of air ships. Tlffj farm was especially selected for its natural advantages. There axe stretches of level ground, gently ris ing slopes and strong declivities. Thus it does not matter at what stage of work the inventions may be, a suitable grade can always be found on the farm at which trials oan be made. It It be an air ship that, has been constructed where there ib a doubt as to the exact nature of its workings, it can be tested on the alight grades, so that there will be as slight a risk as possible to human life or to the ship. Clone to the main house, in a glen, is situated one of the most important fea tures of the farm. This1 Is the spot de signed for the making of fabric for all miMinerof flying machines and balloons. On this half acre of ground, which is skirred by the higher ground and trees, the fabric is stretched to receive the coatings of gasproof varnish. For this application of varnish a special machine has been invented and constructed by Prof. Myers, so contrived as to supply u complete coating of thick varnish and then to remove the coating with the ex ception of an exceedingly delicate film, ilitlicult to boniensureu by instruments. One section of the attie of the big house Is a workshop containing all tools iiccessary for the construction of ap paratus from wood, metul or textile, in cluding lathes of various and original (lrwijns, steam engines, all classes of Th True Remedy. W. M. Repine, editor Tiekilwa. 111., "Chief," says: "We won't keep bouse without Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. Ex perimented with many others, bnt uevet got tbe true remedy until we used Dr. King's New Disoovery. No other remedy oan take its place in our homo, as iu it we bave a oertain and sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Whooping Cough, etc" It is idle to experiment with other remedies, even it they are nrged on yon as just as good as Dr. King's New Dis oovery. They are not as good, because this remedy has a record of bures and besides is guaranteed, satisfy. Trial bottles Brock's drag store. It never fails tn tree at Conser & mmm LONG CHEEK EAtiLETS. From the Eagle. Id Pendleton last week F. W. Hand- ley sold to Jadd & Root, ot Hartford, Coon., 70 saoke ot wool of this year's olip for 8 cents per p )und, Mark M Boyd, who tor tbe past six weeks has held the position ot foreman ot the Eagle, took bis departure Monday for Sumpter, where a position awaits bim on tbe News. Ye editor is in receipt ot an invitation from H. A. Murphy, the Monnment merohant, to come down and talk over tbe 'phone. Mr. Murphy says the long distance telephone worki to perfection Bert Keney, while running a horse raoe Friday evening, came near getting killed. The oaynse he was riding fell and rolled completely over bim, knock ing bim senseless for a tew minutes. Hp esoaoed with a sadly disflgared counte nance and a sprained arm. , A Point to Rrmembrr. If you wish to purify your bljod yoo should take a medicine whiob cures blood diseases. Tbe record ot cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla proves that this is tbe beet medioine for tbe blood ever produoert. Hood's Sarsaparilla onrei tbe most stub born oases and it is tbe medioine (or yon to take it yoor blood is impure. Absolutely Pure Celebrated for its grea leavening strength and healihfn ness. Assnrns the food akainst alum and all tonus of adulteration oommon to the ch-iap brands. BOYAt, BAKINO POWDEB CO.; MIW YOKK. ' John Day Placers Btart TJp. , Tbe big plaoer olaims owned, by the Grtnt Mining Company, of Sail Lake City, ot wbioh compauy Apostle Heber J. Qrant, of the Mmrman ohurch, is at the head, and Mr. B. F. Grant is man ager, situated on the north fork ot the John Day and consisting ot about 2,000 aores all covered by water rights and ditobes, have been started up tor the season's ruo and under most favorable conditions, says tbe Long Greek Eagle. There is an abundance of . water and with tbe immense quantity ot snow in the mountains a long season ii assured. Three giant hydraulics, one ot a seven inch stream, are employed and a toroe now ot about forty meu. Later on up wards of seventy-five men will be on tbe pay roll. Mr. Archie Downie, sr., tbe well-knowu Sumpter plaoer miue owoer and operat or, has been engaged as pipeman and with bis scientific knowledge the mines will be direoted in a most able manner. Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill; assist digestion, cure headache, cents. aULLORY WAS ELKCTED. End of the Protracted Senatorial right Is Florida. Tallahassee, Fla May H.8tepbeo R. Mallory was elected United States enator today In tbe 25th ballot. The vote was as follows: Mallory, 53; Obipley it; Call, 1. Cbipley led after roll-oall, bat chaog ng votes gave the eleotino to Mallory. State of Ohio, City ot Toledo, ) Looaa County. ) Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be is ihe senior partner ot tbe firm at F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe 25 City ot Toledo, Oounty and Slate afore said, and that laid firm will pay tua am ot one hundred dollars tor each and every case ot Catarrh that osnnot be oured by Hall's Catarrb Cure. Frank J. Cheney. , Sworn to before roe and anbsoribed iu my presence, tbia 6th day of Dece tu ber, A. D. 1880. BBATj. j A. W. Uleason, Notary Poblic. Through inadvertenoy, many local advertisers who pay only a weekly rate bave been getting the benefit of the semi-weekly service. Tbe Gazette must insist npon business principles and those who pay for a weekly ad. moil -ipeot that it will appear only onoe a week. C Hall's Catarrb Cure is taken internally and aots direotly on tbe blood and mu oons sarfaoet of the system. Send for testimonials, free. K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. tlTSold by druggists, 75o. Beslhted (?) Heppner. Tbe colored missionary, Rev. W. T. B. Hsrwood, wbo reoently preached in this city, gave Heppner a call last Sooday, and tbe Osteite proceeds to give him a roast because be left without settleiug tbe advertising and other bills be oon- in that oity, says thsT.-M. Ex-Beaator Corbett's Brother Dead. On Wednesday evening Elijah Cor nell, brother of Ex-Senator W. H. Cor- htt died at his home in Portland, sged traded 77 years. Mr. Oorbett came to Oregon Heppner people must be lacking in ap in Vm, and for many years thereafter preoption that they ceu'i devote a few ...manager of the stairs line between day's board and a little advertising to wood-working machinery and kindred portud and Saoramento. Of late yean missionary wbo cornea Into tbeir midst apparatus for making comparative M c-.u-u osoneoted with to show them the error of their wsye tests. This Is the section in which Is . . ... . r,.,i.j j ... .n(l noirt ont tha straiabt and narrow 11 urm lit a vi.imwu, muv . - WEEKLY The MONTHLY NOTICE OF CONTEitT. Outlook Published Every Saturday 13 Astor Place New York First National Bank UEPPNER- C. Ai Rhca, T. A. RHCA. GCO. W. CONfACf. S. W. SPCNCCR, . President Vie President - Cashier . Ass't Cashier Tha Ontlook will be in 1W7, as II bs been daring -eob of its twenty seven ThomiNiii. i. A.. H-twi, tJr.-Hors,lor I m History of Onr Own Tiroes. Io fl aiHHilitri wufl. son mmi mimiiw, i- , , , , . Its various editorial orparimrui suit Outlook gives a onmpaet review of tbe world's oroifreM: it follows with rare i-. i Tnnx- K. W.. Henpnar. ur.-nmau eapiw left .h.mlit. knmai saUle earn oa Ian air win stili I ia Bn" Ws usher, W. J., Oallowar. Or.i horses iinarta eire J W on rig'it rwmiae'i ram quarter t trim 4 w m nmm nip mi i -j rrtip an I hole in '"ii swr. smi's "" "" Jraeutia smoiiIk United Rtatrs Lamp Ornrg, I (.rands, Oregon, March , IW, COMPLAINT UAVINO HhEN kUUB AT fhls olttce by the duly verified and cor roborated affidavit of John Me ullough alleg lug that Lena A. Mnnkers who msds timber cul ture entry No tlXist Ihe I!. H. land OttVaat La Grande Oregon, oo February lih lass for the t' o I and H Hec 17 Tp 1 , R E. W. M , hss fstled tn pom lily with fhe Uinber rultnre law In this, that she failed to break or caute Ui be broken five si re or any aumiier or acres on said tract within one year afier her Umber culture entry of said tract; mat ane never man any Improvements upon saw tra.it and did aom time In the rear ! remove from said conmv and state and has nsvsr and din aiaooui sain nm aoannuu Therefor, with th view ol th retire of aald entry th said p rtles ar hereby sum. mo tn ana requireo K lie ana aiiper isimhv i. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow colinlf. rrmn, at his ofbi at H-ppner. Oregon, on tne nthdavof Msv. twrt at 10 o'chx'k a m of aald dsv men and mere io prixiun sim'b wuimnij as Ihev msv lis roiMwriitng said alleiralloiis. Ih final hiorlng Io Ix had wiior ui timsirr s"d Km i-lverst Is Grand. Oregon on lhl day of May, at 10 o clock a. m. s. r. i'-'", Hrglster. J. H. ROHRINH, iai Ml. Kolvr. conatructed the material for the full siaed rrawhines of the air sfter working models have been tested. Another sec tion of the att ic is given over to space and machinery for thn construction of models especially of kites, aeroplanes, wind-borne or self-projiellod niotirs. winged apparatus worked by hand and feet, gas vessels propelled by screws or serving to aupjwrt oilier aevices tor safe trial by their inventors. In the little buildings srsttertxl over the farm are located the gas engines and tanks for practical exjirrlments, the rhnnilcul ol mm Iters and several furnaces and PrtoTts. Sum of these last are so strutitre and unusual that their ap- ir reiurned j prarance suggests the lalxiratoryof fotne "reH.'tlon old-time alcUemlst rather than a Nine teenth century wornsnop. x. uer-aid. be street oar I qaite wealthy. He leaves oo children, bis only son soma 18 months ago. a widow bat having died path that leads to everlasting light. Poor benighted, onappreoiativa lleppnef. "Excuse me" observed tbe man In spectacles "bnt I am a surgeon, and that is not where the liver i". never yog mmd where tbe liver Is. retorted tbe other. "If it was in his big toe or his left ear 1 Witt's Little Early Risers . . ... a i . . 1. . L i i - . . f t I would reaon U ana snate n lor oiro. wa OI VOUr erOCer IO Ktl OC- Ubat yon can bet yonr gig-Ismps." Coo f. r..j T T aer A Urook. ung 5 iesi. iic ju)suui It is like borrowing tea ruffs soda hiking powdsr flavor ins istrscts and spices money back if you want it. For sals by J. A. Woolery, lone rSert Allen and sister, Miss Alien, were in Ueppner on last Friday and attended tbe baoJ oonoert that evening. WIDOWS IN WASHINQTON. Any lady desiring to purchase a sew ing machine shonld call on J. W. Vaughan and rxamina his latest Im proved Wblte machines. A bsppy oom- bioatloo of a writing desk and machine combined. Light, rapid and easy running. tf. Trwarl! t General Bia.ia; BuMta On all parts of the world Bought and Sold. Collections aad ea all points oa reunnabl Ttnna. Surplus and andlrided Profits. Mt.OHO OO. Notice of Intention. Lakd Orrn a at Tas DaU-ss. Oasoos, April . ten. vfoTK ft i nr.Htnr iiivkm that the i following iiawed elllf ba Bled notlrw rf hlslnlentlnn t mak anal proof In spp"ri of bis claim, and tha said pnsil will b msil b for J. W. Morrow, county clerk at IUpnr, Orrsun.oa Mav Mh "'u rU: , RKl'BBR . OAlnr. m t No. or he i"4 ana n Mtu, iVsr i, Tplri. lt. W M. H names th following witness- toproye bis roi tinooiis rudoce opoa and eulUvatloBof aid land. vl: . Hnimln Ssiwsnn, r Hsrdi i P. Unf,Jotn Mcyrfla all ol Mepaner. "VX'S" JAA F. MOOAI. g1str. Tbs Oax-tte does not question tbe t,nia.t oi aov iroe. bat It la eotn- Timber Culture-Final Proof. pelled to l..l T- the J SWF&rWkP&2?WA wit b a blu el aUoiptk.o, whether the sib- Yj.'.m '.. oi !. -. -oriberbs Cornelia. V.aderbill or tba tf.V.W." The nan wbo earee bis bread by booesl toil Ws ssbooI ras the pepef oa aay other plaa. If What is Uop (ioldT B tftl). Urf 1, tUf'&'f! brer rt hls-dleln Hppr, irregen, na rwiurisr -p Vr4 day of war !'. wit willor arpjl njillo fio . tor Iba Ht'4 eaciln ho. . la township So. I Horta. kss if tt M wilt,, hi I homes J Cune of H,Hr ron. Kul Ke1tn,i, H.rnr HetV laau. LlWba , Surry, il of ln. '" lAt. M"'Kr.. p r, Hmrsr, II lbs ImptirUbt pbilanlhropio aoa in dnstrial movemeots ot the dsyj bss I complete department ot religious news devote mnob apace to tbe interests nf tbe bBje; reviews eorrent lttranr; forolsbee cheerful tsble-lalk aboot men ar.d tblnes: and, io short, aims to give freab information, rriginal observation, aod reasonable entrr'ainmeat. Beginnlog with tbe fifty flifth volume. tbe paper will a a me tbe regalar maga lot eise, wbicb will add greatly to its a,infnlrnes aod attractiveness. Tbe Oullot k Is pobllshed every Satnrday fifty tso Issnes a year. The first issue Io racb montu is so Illustrated alagaaiar N amber, ootsinior abont twice ae mssy i . .t pages as tbe ordinary tesoe, Migur large aumbsr of pictarse. onoe of The Outlook ie three dollars a year io advenes, or lees tbao a cent dy. Hen I lor a prrimeo e-ipy aoJ illnrtrat- I eI pro pee o to Tbe Oatkior, rifefo, FewTw.Qtt! Teachers' Examination. NOTICE Is RERKRY OIVE1 THAT rK ih. titirtwNM of mshln an eiamlnallon of all parwMis who may nlr themselve a eaodl datr f lew hers ot the stIkmiIs of this county ndsUif rstaleand life diplomas, the county. ImhiI iifH.rlnteiHleet thereol will noli a pun- llr esa'ah-ailon at the conn nni si neiur, Opening wedoewlsf. MS uin, i-n, naieo iiiib oay oi i7 i . 4 M JAY W, MHIPI.RY, w noui eujiv, siotruw v. E. 0.: Charles W. Ktowles, wbo for many years bat beeo a well koown Port land boolfsoe as proprietor of the Ht Charles botel, bss leased tba Perkins .... I - t. - I ...... ,1 . 1 r V. k t lrv. Hill Oathorlua; UrosaS Vpsts wsus - - ..n. Rich H.iw-ts Met sad H.bs. telry where Feudlelon people nsoally F-apeclolly In It a greut pluce for rich ,0p. They will all be glad to Hod wltlowa with daugbtera-that peculiar Landlord Koowlr io the maoagameol. tyjie of American vtomen woo, as soon aa paterfamilias is romfortubly tucked aw ay unth-r the sod, fly to Europe, spend years wsndrring about like social Itedouins.then are selred wit ba romantic A( rj,,,,,.,., wareh-mse Pbil Oobo lorm oi norarwiesu.--. w ,h( bigbeet price for loll wool Tbe old war of delivering messages st. ml I'orkopoli. snd '"f bldes, fur., elo. Pblll sslls dirrot b, p.boys compared with the mrxleio s.. " : I TIf. u.Ii.t.,.,, afford, scon- to KesU.rO boysri. Bee bim before ulepbone, illuatf.tes the old tedtooa ..!.' .forwirao. It Is Amerlcao In Io- yoo sell year pIU. tf methods of "breakiog" colds oompared "Long distsnoe" aod local 'punnee Icao reach No. 8 al the Osteite omos. Mrs, Fanole Howard ao I tons, H)ott Uosard and Charles Nielsoo, arrived (mm Janctin Oily oo Wednesday ot last week I i visit relative at this plaos. Mrs. Howard It a sister ot Mrs. Chas. Jones, of ilepuuer. Now la tbs time to get tbe Weekly DreiroDisn. tba greatest oewspapsr of Ihe West. With tbe Oeeetls, both (Mea ly to advance, ooe jeer, 1360. No better eombloation of aewspepsrt eaobe marie tbe staU. AVE YOCH OIA13I Few rraliM ibat each tqolrrrl dst trove 11.60 worth-of grain apooally Wakelee't Squirrel and (Vpher F.iler mlostor re tbe most efJeoHve aod oo aoojlcs! ptiisoo koowo. Prise redoesd to 90 ca's. Coaeer A Brock aad Minor A Hn.. airwoU. HeDPfiSf : J. A. WnoUry, 15 AtorMet, ! .ee) Viclioie k Lak,agenU sIPtri cation, Kuropean In habits, and, to a de gree, In jreraonnel. Bo Ibry come here, buy a fin bona, get In with the diplo matic wirr. end tbe thing ladone.says tbe UluMiatcd American. Ana sb lnrton.whidi profeisesa lofty arorn for I trad, snd ruthlessly shntt the doors of society In he fars of sll Washington brokers, Insiirsiite sgeDt', real esuts peotile.and.ln short, trade io every form, except banking, welcoiora with, open arms tho retired trades people from evr York, Chleaj-o and anywhere flat oo the face of tbe globe. Il merveathe right of laughing at tbein, though, and after faithfully attendlrg all their lanrheone. goes home trrer over every sup the ambitious brl or rViM'ae bss msde. This bablt is OBdoubtedly ao affront to hospital Ity, lj It ha- one asvlref virtus- Wtt-blnglon nukt ns of rlUj vw.fr, ,4 ll A tr4i tlatryi Oeo. noff rd has pnrobaaed ao Inter- m i"a.a Mallock't ttieep and will oonllnne to make ble beadquartert at Ibe Mo Don id oanyos raocb. with tbeir almost Inslanlaneoot eare by One Minate O'ogb Core. Conser A Brack. Ttrttsr, Bsli-Hheum and E ssius. The Intense Itching and smarting, Iwl; dnnt to these diwaju-a. Is Instantly aiisyen , a no vlnu? ChsmDsrlsiO I r.ye sna Skin Otntuient. Msny very bed k.t. nMi rwrmsnsntlf cnra DY II. is U sqaslly enictsnt lur lutung piies sou a fsvorits rmodjr for tore nipples, chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites George aod Frank Orrenwod were Io from tbe T. J. Matlock McDonald can yon ranch Honday. To core all old sores, to heal aa la- doleot a leer, or ipeediiv euro piles, yoo need simply apply I. Witt's Wiieb Halve prnrdtns In direoliont. I'S Oiaglo like I aetioo will topriae yoo. Coot r A Uruok. and chronic anrej eyes. Thle tifSne It oodet obllgatloot to at iwn. a s a..! Itt cts. t boi. lm 1 u,,ra t0f llTor' "" I iurtwhU.Vnrd. wT"n la bl lb.flrmn.me of M.tbewe A Oeotry. condition. Titfila, blood purifier and r aasoeisted together Io tbe barber vermlfoge. Ttwj are not food but bnsioeM Io tb eew si sad, Iwe doort