TO THB JB S T GIVES THI CHOICE Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION; NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane MINNEAPOLIS Denver OMAHA St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For fall details oall on O. K. Agent at Heppner, or address & N W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND, OllKQON E. McNEIlL, President and Manager, QUIOH: TI3VII3 I TO San Franolsoo And all point In California, via the Ht, Shasta route of tha Southern Pacific Co The great highway through California tn a points Ktwt and South. Grand Bcenio Rout of the Paoifio (loaat. Pullman Hnffet Hleepera. rjeoond-olass Bleepers Attached to express trains, affording snparior accommodations for saoond-olaas passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, eto,. oall npon or address ft. KOEHLKR, Manager, E. P. ROGERS, Asst. Gen. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon HUE YOU GOING ERST? If so, be sure and see that yonr ticket reads via Trie Honnwesiern Line ....THE. ... CHICAGO, BT. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS TUB Great Short Lir)e BETWEEN DULUTTT, St. PAUL, CHICAaO AND ALL POINTS . EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlliuled Dining and Hleeplng Car J mini, and Motto: ti ALWAYS ON TIME has given this road a national reputation. All classes of panae-na-era carried on the ventllmlivl trains without extra charge. Hhlp your freight and travel over this famous line. All agents have tickets. W. II. MEAD, F. C. BAVAOK, Uon. Agent 'I'rsv. F. iV P. Agt. 2 in Washington Ht., Portland, Or. CHICAGO Iwaukee k SI. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Light its trains by eleotrloity through out; Uses the celebrated elootrio berth read ing lamp; Rons speedily equipped pruger traius every Hay and Bight bttlween Ht. Paul and Chicago, aud Orauha and Chicago; the Chicago, Milwaukee St. Paul & Also operates steam-heated veatibnled trains, carrying the latest private eotnpariment oars, library buffet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Tarlor ears, free reclining chair oars. ami Ilia very beat dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United Hiatus or Canada, apply to agent or address V. J. EDDY. J. W. CANEY. General Agent. Trav. Pass. Agent. Portland, Or. ,4 to vtAr DSSIONS, eopvMicMva a a. Mnmn and !frf If"' mmf " "'Ham, fre, ak4lir an lntlii. iei,ialla. I i.Kinninlrall.iiia tlrvl e.Mifllei,lll. (M.tMet aseiu'f f atMi-urui ps'enia in Amaru-. Wa ka.e t a kni van. 1'aivin taken through at una A l ! IP! ! m lb 8CIENTIFI0 AMERICAN, eeawirnlir lllueirt, UrM rtrenlatina nf tr arMilla k.yrMl, Vera i,. latwaSj a rMi I n m.x.lht iMeitDeMu4lUts tua ( -tsTir, Ad4ia MUNN A CO., Ml UrSar. Haw Veea. CATFOLKS RtOUCID fm I r 1 a i. g g iMIMIamll i f J f'-f ebi Hinaelea mmm, JLf Vi o l.a.1 aitxta . ,MAU. i tf m ru.(Mf AVv III rn. "rrai .jii. awl la..u,,a . ..,,.l! . I .r JmI mmm Hi vl I i 1 wU eured. PATIENTS TRf ATEO BY MAIL m,,inn. . fsriiniiaia 1-Hea, ' euwaa. 11 Willi II ' 4 ee . i- ltt, I'Lftta, r I tj" i' tiurr( V TBAOI as ana. TRB CHRONTClJt ranks with tha greatest aewspsper In the United titatss. THK CHRONICLE has no equal on the Paclfie Coast. It leads all In ability, snterprlse and news. THK CHRONICLE'S Telegraphlo Reports are the latest and most reliable. Its Local News toe fullest and spiciest, and Its KditorUUs from toe ablest pens In the country. THKOHu.ONIOI.IC bas always been, and a! warn will be, the friend and champion of ths people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or oppressions of any kind. It will bs Independent la everything neutral In nothing. The Chronicle Rulldlng. HE DAILY By Ma'l, Postage Paid, $6.70 afer. The Weekly Chronicl The' st WeoMy in Hid Comtrj, $1.50 a la (lucludlng poatige) to any purl of ths United HUles, Census and Mexico. THE WEKICI.Y Cll HON IUI.K, the brtuhtest and most complete wuekly Newimor In tiie world, prlntH rniculHriy 84 column, or twelve pages, of News, MLrmure and (leueral Informa tion ;alsu a magnUlueut Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES StNT FR-.E, DO YOU WANT TIIE CHRONICLE VHOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Mexioo ON ONK HI DIC, ' A ad tha ; Map of the World ON TIIH OTIIim BIDK. rtend $a and Get the Map and Weekly ( hrnnlcle fir One Year, poataicn prepaid on Mip and Pap jr. ADLHICHH M. II. d YOU NO, rroarleuw H. f. rhrsnlcla, AM rkAMClaSJU, OAk Eli fine iff U S THROUGH CARS. Ht. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS TO DUI.UTU KAIUJO BUTTE HELENA Tickets issnad to all points In the United Htatei and Cauada QUICK TIME TO . Ciiioaoo 1 All other ( Omaha Washington points Haltimoiii Id Ilia New YoHK 1 East and Kansas City HT. JoelPH t. Ixiria BvrFALO J Southeast I Boston Union IVpot connections at St. Paul, Mintieapolia, Kaoaet City, Omaha, Ht. I.ntiia and other promi nent points Batfuags checked tlironuli la destination ol ticket. Tbroiuh th kets to Japan ami China, via Taooma and Northern Pat itlo Steam ship Com pauy's line. For full information, time cards, maps, ticket, etc., Oall on or write W. C. Am av. at, A. I., Atft N P. Uy. A aal. Uen Paaa. Agl. TheliallM.Or. Portland, Or. Bt Mti, TurllM i i4ria NViitioo Co. BTXIAUXSa enjiiri mrw" jun errin i mb" Leave Tbe !elWc daily (neepl Sunday) at 7 a. m , arriving In Portlaa J a hoot 2 20 p. tn. When yoe go lo Portland, slop g at Tl.a 1 H.llet end lake a trip down Ih Columbia) yoa will eojoy it, eoj save tnociay. W. C At LAWAT. (leoerel Ageoi. U . A. 1 WantPrl-Hn Irfpa I Itintt iiuiiiwu nil iwwm iaia iu tT '-ileal i"lf dM ty feaf belug wealtk. Writ )AllN WH'I'Milil H ( .1 , .. kni Wa,inM. I i , I ial g aa i-rw ier t l Ut 4 a tr a. 'sain aaaie. ..afiilnu tilll !1 II (MP Reversible Map? 1 1 he Hcgulator Line The Best Remedy for Rheumatism. From the Fairbaven, N. Y., Register. Mr.' James Rowland of this village, states that for twenty-five years bis wife bas been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was In snob pain tbat she was nearly orazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but be bad read or Unamberlain'a Paine Balm and in stead of going for the physioian be went to the store and seonred a bottle of it. His wife did not f pprove of Mr. Row land's purchase at first, bat neverthe less applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour s time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an aobe or pain aid finds that it always gives relief. He says tbat no medioine wbiob she bad need ever did ber so muob good. The 25 and 50 cents sizes for sale by Conser k Brook. The Gazette expeoted tbat Mr. Frank MoFarland would famish as some Q. A, R. encampment notes for this issne, bat as be was suddenly oalled away ooald not do so. However, the various com mittees appointed will soon begin to aot, Piles! Piles! Itching Piles. Symptoms: Moisture; intense itobing and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching If allowed to oontinue turn- ore form wbioh often bleed and ulcerate beooming very sore. Swayne's Oint ment stops the itching and bleeding, beals olecranon, and in most oases re moves the tumors. At druggists, or by mail, for 50 oents. Dr. Swayne & Son, Philadelphia. Condon Qlobe: This issue of the Globe was gotten out with muoh diffl- nlty, as the entire foroe which means only oorself smashed the end off the right-hand thumb, and setting type with tbe left band and toes is a slow and bunelesome business. Soothing, and not irritatiog, strength- ing, and not weakiog, small but, effec tive such are the qualities of DeWitt's Little Early Risers tbe famous little pills. Coneer & Brook. Through inadvertenoy, many local advertisers who pay only a weekly rate ave been getting the benefit of tbe semi-weekly service. Tbe Gazette must insist upon business principles and those who pay for a weekly ad. must expeot that it will appear only onoe a week. tf Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, nnder the firm name of Mathews & Gentry, are associated together in the barber business in the new stand, two doors south of the postofBoe. They solicit a oall. tf. The Bobs Ferd Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that condnoted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon is accommodating, bas a good yard and abundant facilities tn take oare of stock in first class shape. His prices are very reasonable. He bas hay and grain for sale. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tr. Heppner to Pendleton via Heppner- Eoho Stage Line. Persons desirous of visiting Pendleton oan save time and money by taking this route. By ac quainting the agents the previons even ing the stage will make connection with o'clock train at Kcbo for Pendleton. Ollloe at City Drag Store. W. D. Lokd, Proprietor. Pal a quarter in yonr pooket and don't spend it till yoa get down to Low I Tillard's. Finest liquors and olgars. Near oity ball. a ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. VTOTK'K IS HEREBY OIVEN BY THE UN- i ileralvued aa-liriies n( a. It. Pell and W. P. Fell, Insolvent debtors, that said assignee has (lied his final and supplemental account as uen SMUKiir. wnn me Tiers 01 ma circuit court ol the state ol Oreiiou lor Morrow couiity. and said account will be heard and passed up on by the Judge ol said court on ths tith day ol neptemtier, iwi7, at 10 a cioci in me forenoon ol said day, or as soon thereafter as tha said court can hear aud pass upon the same. Paled this nth day ol May. 1H.O. u hi tisu. i'oNssa, Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OrTICB AT TH K DAM.EH, OREOON, u May. 111, IK17. Niiin-e is nereny jiven mat the fnlhiwIiiK named settler has filed nolle ol his Intention lo make flnal proof In support ol his claim, and that said proof will I mads heforej. VY. Morrow, County clerk, at Heppner, im'Kon, on June at, in7, vis: HENRY C. POl'WKN, lid. K No. MX tit 1. See. 1. To. . R. J E N HK'4 and ttkl N K V Sec. ih, Tp. ., R. iii E., W. M. He nsmes tha following; witnesses tn prove ner eontinuoiii residence upon ana cultivation of, said land, vll: William I.nelllni, Benjamin l.tielllnf, Henry P. Toller and Ailwrt I), C'oiirter, all ol Hard- man. Orrcoii. JAM. r. MiMlRk. M.I H Kelsler. Notice of Intention. I and ornrR at the pau.eorkoon. t Mav lo. 17. Nolle Is herehv stven that the Inllnwlnt name.1 settler has Sled nolle ol his Intention lo make final proof III support ol nia claim, aim inai aii pnaii win ne mails lielnre J. W. Morrow, ( nunty L'lerk, at Ueppnar, vireiiou, on Julie , I'm, vis: ALBERT COI RTER, tl.t K No. Vl. for the tH "W sad H KW v A To. S . R.WK.W.M. He names Hi lulloolna wttneeaea to prove hlainiiiiniioiis realileui iihiii and cultivation nl. said land. Via : VI lillam I ni-lllns, Bpnlamln l.lielllnf . rharles M VI. llulluss and Henri C. I'oulnn. all ol llanlinaii, uoii. J AS. f. MtXlKK Ml M Relslrr. Notice of Intention. IAsn orm k at t auranpe. tRr.uoN, 4 April a, m?. Noll.-e Is hereby given thai the lullott lug iiaifte.1 s.'ttpr has Sled mille of his Inlrnlloii to make Dual prod In support of lila claim and thai aald pr..f alll he uia-le b fore l ouiily I lera ol Morrow muniy. oregnn, at Heppner. Oregon, "n May la. I7, U. Vllirw R HARK. Il l f No lor the P-w V S rr H. Te .a aR M M. He name th following wltneese to pfnv his coilliiiious resilience upon and rulll.allnn ol. said land vll Hefeklah Tlppett and Andy I I ! nl Isma.Orrg n. kdwanll hapuian and I hart iMherty ol ItieoR, Oregon. . f , V!to, Vi eV Register, Tim1er Culture final Proof. Motlee for Clkhratlaa. V'ttsn ST4T1S (.tap Orrirg, The lal'es, ("feg-ni. April A I" x'imr r t hf KksT t ! 1 i at ;a( i .a M MsaleT.ef Vinshnm, O has flt anile el nlnki) b snak Snal prikd IwS'r J. W. Mrrnw, County t lejk. at hlsnHIo In H "! . Oregon, aa Mnnday lb ink , msv. I'". aa II w her eullura arplirwMna )a uf. fr the E't of eeetioej Ha I North keiia-e . ii last. He name a itinwae' 4 T M Nay aofl Tlmmas J I aile, H ll.i.ner, oniin, kratell . aptfrry "'t Caul K"!"''1. ' ""--" M, f. X"kE. i 4 tr!ef, LOCAL 8QU1B3. Hot enongb now, isn't it? Tbe Gazette is adding new subscrib ers daily. Call up pbone No. 3 when you want anything. Fine radishes and other vegetables at tbe Orange Front tf . Tbe Gazette is an exponent of bard taots. Subscribe for it. Did You Ever Try Eleotric Bitters as a remedy for your trouble T If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medioine has been found to be particularly adapted to tbe relief, and care of all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful direct influence in eiving strength and tone to tbe organs. If you have Loss of Appetite. Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, or are Nervous, bleepless, Excitable. Melan cboly, or troubled with Dizzy Spells, iiiieotrio Hitters is tbe medicine you need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Uoneer ft Brock's drug store. Mrs. Lena Uonaboo, of Portland, is visiting ber mother, Mrs. Julius Keitbly. "It Is the Best on fcarth." That is what Edwards & Parker, mer chants of Plains, Ga., say of Chamber Iain s Pain Balm, for rheumatism, lame back, deep seated and muscular pains. Sold by Conser & Brook. Born To tbe wife of Albert Sloonm on Monday, May 10th, a girl. Born To the wife of Geo. Thornton, this morning, a girl. Tbe Westfleld (Ind.) News prints the following in regard to an old resident of that plaoe: "Frank MoAvoy, for many years in tbe employ of tbe L.. N. A. & O. Ry. here, says: 'I have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolera and Diarr hoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I con sider it tbe best remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in rec ommending it.' " It is a speoifio for all bowel disorders. For sale by Conser & Brock. The Gazette wants fifty oords of wood on back debts. Don't all rush In at once. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day exoept Monday and leaving every day exoept Sunday. Shortest and cheap est route to the interior. Conser & Brook, agents. Strawberries, first of the season, su perior quality; sweat oranges, at Orange Front, opp. City hotel, oor. Main and Willow Sts. tf. The ladies of tbe M. E. oburob, South, will serve ioe cream in tbe Model res taurant dining room, Saturday, after noon, may, ttttb, and every Saturday thereafter daring the summer. 21 Tbe Gazette will pay tbe best cash price for scrip on aooount faoe value. County, aobool or oity aorip taken. The Dalles failure bad nothing to do with tbe Heppner bank. Tbe First National, of Heppner, is as solid at rook. Schilling's Best means we lend you tea coffee soda baking powder flavorm. extracts and spues ; and, if you like them, yon buy them. V 9 Your grocer pays your a money back it you dont Kl-rt C-" rr' c ?(- UKL OC JO. 19 For sslt by J. W. Vaughan E.O.: J. L. Morrow returned home to Heppner Monday evening, aooom pauied by Hazel, dangbter of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Morrow. Oos of tbe best and neatest pieoes of realdenoa property in Heppner will be eold here on tbe 2(th met. It ie known as the Nordyke plaoe and is situated near Tom Morgan's Dearly every per son Id neppner knows where lo find it There ie en acre and one lblrd in frail Ireee and garden, and the buildings ere of eioellent character. Go see it. It E. O.: T. R. LyoDs, of Heppner, arrived Monday evening Walla and ie attending Court session lodsy. from Wall tbe supreme Oar enterprising friends, Joe Biber and Antnne Rings, ere evideolly very much eooon raged with the enooees of the Orange Front, the leading fancy grocery ho one In town, and credit onr locality. Mr. Anion Rings left for trip on the main line to make apecia arranganieote lor tbe prompt shipment of vegetable and frit It of tbe aeaaon tn the end tbat tbe may be able lo beat a! competition. The Oatelte la nnder obligatiooe lo oar beloved Pylbiee for a ropy of Ibe Oatett of Ibe KUb nil. In't ear Ibat adrertiaing doesn't pay. UrtKARY MOT 68. The only fl . ing maohioe Ibat la ever aoluallr floeo-thal la, msloltlnaj and moved itealt id Ike air by energy getiar alad in Its own chanlca-Is ooe lately eoostroptad, after yaare of labnriooa aad JlapD'lallPg at perimae I, by Prof. 8. Lacglsy, rUoratary of tbe Hmittiaooiaa Isslilalbm. Tbe Bret fall and tbe on aelbofillv aoronutof tble epoch making iovaolion will appear ia MeClare' alagsiiee for Joe, to tepr written by Prof. LeagUy bloiMlf , aad illastratad ilk dtagracae aad ptotar feede nader bU direction., Ttue lo proUbly tbe nnet lot oor last naastD paper ever publiabad In llil coo airy. Tbe Uaiatte is eniinaf 10 prlet b n Ctl np 'fbont 4 AN IMPROVED WHITE HOUSE. Tha Presidential Family to Bare Greater Coavenlence. The residence of the president of the United States ought to be worthy of tbe office. The present white house is equal to all the requirements of such a residence, so far as it goes. ' It is a simple and dignified building, whose beauty is a constant delight to appre ciative persons. It was conceived and carried out by the architect who planned it in the proper spirit, but it is i.ot large enough for the uses to which it is necessarily put. The country and the city of Washington have grown, and the president's house have not grown with them. A large part of it is given up to the business offices of the presi dent, his private secretary, and his clerks, and the president's family aire deprived of the use of another large part of the lower floor of the house be cause it is necessarily on public view most of the time. The family is there fore cramped for proper accommo dations, and there art no rooms for the entertainment of guests. Moreover, tbe house is so badly arranged as to entrances, exits, and hallways that a state reception there is always an un comfortable and dangerous jam, while many an invited guest, and many offi cers who attend certain functions under orders, have been made seriously ill be cause thev have been compelled to stand for hours in cold or stormy weath' er until they could gain admittance throuirh. the single door that can be usod for the purpose. The deficiencies of the white house are so thoroughly recognized in Wash' ington that for many years efforts have been making to secure worth ier accommodations for the president. Some of these efforts have been in the wrong direction, because they nave contemplated other buildings, foreign to the intent and character of the white ouse, within the same grounds. Other efforts still are attempts of speculators to move the site of the mansion to the hills north of the city. The white house, with all its charms and memories, should be preserved, aud it should remain on its present beau tiful and historic site, its fine grounds unencumberd by other structures. In furtherance of this idea, a plan pre pared bv Air. Artnur j. union snows conclusively that the white house can be made, not only abundantly spacious, but even improved, while its architec tural features will be at the same time preserved. Harper's Weekly. FROZEN MUTTON. Preparation of tbe Mew Zealand Product for tbe Market. The reason why Argentine mutton generally is of inferior price to that of New Zealand has a three-fold explana tion. In the first place New Zealand possesses to-day a mutton-producing breed superior to that known in the Plate. In the second, the New Zealand er feeds his stock during the winter time with extra forage, while in the Ar gentine the sheep are allowed to graze upon the same bare pom pa during t he dead season. The iesult of this is that he New Zealarulcr produces an even. well-grown carcass, while there is sen home from the Plate one upon which hasty covering of fat has been put dur ng the spring months of the year. The difference between the two carcasses will readily be noted by anyone who pays a visit to the cattle market. Third- ly, the freezer in New Zealand freezes the mutton on account of the breeder and in the Ai.,entine the freezer buy from the breeder. The disadvantage of t he latter system, so long as the breeder has no knowledge of the requirements of the market, is apparent. The New Zealand breeder selects his wether with care, rejecting any which will give un inferior weight, or which are In sufficiently fattened for the butcher. He remits 1hem in small droves to the freezing establishments, and takos every care that they shall arrive In per fect order. The Argentine breeder, on the other band, makes a contract with the representative of the freezer to sell given number; and the latter binds himself to remove themwlthinacertaln date. N. Y. Ledger. PASSING OF THE WATCHDOG. Paaeocks Bnpplantlng Towaer as tha Household Pro Sector. "The place of a watchdog on tbe farm or country plaoe," aaid State's Attorney McGuire the other day, in making some observations about naad dogs, report the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, "might be very well taken by peacocka and puinea, fowla. I long since adopted pea cocka alone to guard my place, and nothing can come around the premises night or tray without causing an alarm from them. They are more watchful than any dog I ever owned. My experi ence with guineas ha not bee a so eat tensive, but I believe they are also sure to give an alarm, or rather a good many alarm, if any at range man or least aftaould venture near them by night or day. Perhaps the days of the watchdog would be numbered if it were generally known how well peacocks and guinea fowla would tsUce bis place. Then, orrtaJnly, with fewer dogs there would not be so many caaee of hydro- phobia." Tbe stataTuent of Mr. McGuire aa to the watchfulness of praoncks was borne out by numerous Howard county farm era, among tliet nunibrr being County CotniitlMiksner Il, Donwy and Smith, and Mr. J a men l Hobba, who siiwriti tend the farming o-rat'uin of Ken ator Gorman. Mr. Iloblisatatrd that he lung aro diaeoverrd what excellent pro trt'Liun puuxtcka afford atmut a pluev mm! down nn Ha senator's farm ht al nay a keejia aiz or right of them to guard the premise. So it apprara that rocorka are usnful aa wrll aa oraav mental. rirollav 1 Bflrldg aa Tout. Partridge broiled make a delightful course at a luncheon errvrd on delirat square of timat bread. After prepar ing the bird with great nicety, divide and flatten it with a meat bat, dip In meltrd butter, and broil over a clear Ore. 8rrve with muhrotna prepared a follows: Take a pint of mushroom, aiwl par them neatly, removing the atalksi aa they are pared drop into wa u-r, to wntcn naa urrn euaed some lemon Jtslce to preserve their color. Vvbrn all are prepared take thrm from in wale", dram well, and pat there Into a eaurepen with three ounces of fresh btmr. h!te pepper and eolt tr ate and ibe luiee of half a knwvn Cover thrui vlovwly ad aUmthv for 20 mlnuvei thn aift In a (Wsertsoiwwiful nt flour, and very little crram-soout four tablrspoonful will b aiaHoirns; a.ld a Hit) grated B'itacr. and serve nl. garnished ltl rr!fT.-t4!' itn aiournai Fits from V.SJMmattf MtMttm Prof. "w. H. Peexe, who make a specialty of Eoileosv. bas witm ioat doubt treated and cur ed more casea than any living Physician; bis success ia astonishing. We have beard of cases of so yeara' standing enrea uy larsre bot tle of his absolute cure, (res to any sufferer who nir send their P. O. and Exoress address. We advise anv one wishing a cure to address TOI.W. H. ?&, F. ., 4 CcuaT St., Hew Xorm- Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat eat business conducted for MooinaTC Fees. Oun orrici is OrrosiTg, U, 8. Pstint Orricr and we can secure patent ut less tune than those Mnn fmm Waaliin it I nn Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip-i tion. We advue, It patentanie or not, tree 01 chare. Our fee not due till patent Is secured, a a, .u w-r " How to Obtain Patents." with cost of aame in the U. S. aad foreign cousthes sent free. Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oee. Patkht Orricr, WaaHiNOTON. D. C- Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & St. P., C. 4 A., r. Ft. W. &. C, and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. HATES 80.OO PEH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton Sts., CXXXG-A-O-O.. ZXjXj. Timber Culture-Final Proof. United Status Land Oppicb, The Dalles. Oreeon, April 27th. 1897. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN Corbet, of Lewlsburg, Ohio, has filed no tice of Intention to make final proof before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at his office in Hepp ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of Jure, 1897, on timber culture application No. 2915, for the 8V4 8WK NW 8WV4 and 8WH NWK of Section No. 24, in Township No. 1 South, Range No. 24 East. He names aa witnesses: French Burrotreha. of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie, John Jordan ana uscar uitcbeii an oi lone, uregon. 040-61 J AS. F. MUOKH,, KCglSter. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. TVTOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 11 firm of Downer & Swann, composed of D. C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting in me (own oi Heppner, nas tnu aay Deen (lis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing disposed of his interest to D. C. Downer wno win continue business at tbe same loca tion, collect all accounts and pay all bills con tracted by the above hrm. v. u. IJOWNKR, Kmmktt Swann, Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of April 1897. 32tf- Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, apples, eggs or batter on sabsoription aoconnts. Any one owing this office can settle their acooants in this manner o nd can't do it too soon to suit as. Gid Hatt and Chnrley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the tonsorial business. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed in. We have advertising space for the professional men. Every dootor and lawyer in town should have bis card in tbe Curette. TFmTT mlT mTL!S & LYOBLTS, Attorneys fit Iaw, All basineee attended to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. HEPPNER, t WHITE COLLAR LINE. Coil ia, Rivftr and Pncrftt Sound Navi ww v m MHVt M. Steamers TELETHOXE, BAILEY Leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, Park and INabcotta. Direct oonueotion with Ilwaoo steamers and rail road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad. THTjHrnoNjzi Leave Portland 7 A. M. Dally, exeept Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, except Bnnday. at 8:45 A. M except sunaay ana Leave Portland and rnns direct to tlwaro. Tuesday and Thursday at I A. M. Saturday at I P H utaves ii v, aco nwinesuay ana rrlday at 7:30 A. M. On Sunday night at I P. M. Bs&ase Checked to Railroad Destination Both Beaches Free cf Expeose. For Safety, 8pd, Comfort, Pleasure, Travl Wool Growers ! With MoKinley in Ibe White Hoose, we prediot blgber price for wool dnrino tbe eomiog seaeoo, nod feel aseared Ibat er Iban formerly. Their beediarters Wool Growers' Warehouse and it win be to yonr interest to store also mooh cheaper than leal year. We farniab wool eaok and twin to patron payable when wool ia old. We pay freight to teamatera, end foroib blaot repel pi to woolgrowers on application. We have on band rolled barley and feed for teamster. We pay Ibe blgheat eaah price fur sheep pelt and bide. We are agent for Little' Fluid Dip, aod lb faroou Black Leaf Tobaeoo Dip. Mark your wool esekt 0 and direct your teamsters lo the lower Warehouse, Derpoer, Oregon. ' R. F. HYND, Manager. TIIE PALACE HOTEL BAR, J. C. BOHCmmS, Prop Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars Th? GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year for CASH, THE JCCIDEHT8 OF LIFE A Write to T. 8. QuufCET, Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre tary of the 8ta Accident Company, for information ' regarding Accident Insor tj;JA ance. Mention this paper. By go doing you can save membership fee. Has paid over $COO,C0Q.OO for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAI, EXAMINATION Ur,2CIEt. WANTED-AN IDEAoTei. thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; theymay bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKft. BURN A CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington, D. 0., for their (1,800 prise offer. NOTICE. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that an annual meet ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware home company of lone will be held at the office of said company In lone, Oregon, on Saturday, the otn day 01 June, ids, ai i o cioca p, m., ior the purpose of electing directors and for such other business as may be legally transacted by them. M. J. WILLIAM8, rresiaeni. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 689-48 Notice of Intention. f AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, I j Anrtl 7. IK97. Notice is hereby sriven that the following named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County i lerk, Morrow County, Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 17th, 1897, viz: 'nm.inir r 111 I- U.'L-t T Hd. E. No. 7498 for the E'X Sec. 11 and N W)4 Sec. 14, Tp 5 S, R 27 K W M. He names the following witnesses to prove Mb continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin F. Hevland, Sam uel C. Creeson, Leander Copple and David A. Hamilton all of Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, 535-46. Register. Timber Culture, Contest. . United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this otlice by O. E. Farnsworth, Hepp ner, Or., against Thomas Huntsberry for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NEi SEH &A NE'4 and NE4 NES, Sec. 31, Tp. 3 8 R 25 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, contestant alleg ing that said entry has been and is abandoned and no part of the said entry has ever been broken, planted or cultivated. That such fail ures still exist. The said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at this otlice on the 22nd day of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m to respond and furnish testimony concerning said alleged failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, is au thorized to tane the testimony in this case at his office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 15, 1897, at 10 o'clock, a. m. J AS, F. MOORE, 733-746 Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for County of Morrow, and to me directed and de livered, npon a judgment rendered and entered in said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897, In favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust Jompany, a corporation, plaintiff, and against Ed C. Allen, Martha E. Allen, Wm. M. Rudlo, Mattle P. Rtidio and J. N. Teal, as ad ministrator of the estate of I. R. Dawson, de ceased, defendants, for the sum of Two Thous and Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with interest thereon from the 21st day of November, 18, at the rate of ten per cent per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of Twelve and 50-100 Dol lars costs and whereas by said ludirment it was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lot No. ten (ltl) In block No. two (2) of Looney's addition to the town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs, i win, on weonesoay, The 26th day of May, 1897, at one o'clock p. m., of said day, at the Court House door In Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, sell all the right, title and Interest of the said defendants, F.d C. Allen, et al., In and to the above described property at public, auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. E.L.MATLOCK, Sheriff of Morrow Countv, Oregon, By J. W. Matlock, Deputy, Dated April 26th, 1897. 539-47. The regular sabsoription prion of the Semi-Weekly Gazette is $2.50 and tbe regular price of the Weekly Orcgonian is $1.60. Anyone subscribing for the Gazette and paying for one year in advance can get both tbe Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub senbers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advanoe will be entitled tr theaama. in a prompt and satisfactory Public and Collectors. OREGON UhaV V IV U UlllA A I IA I J W u n CATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. for Astoria. Ilwaoo, Long Besob. Ooeae Saturday night. 11 P. M. Leave i.tnria n.u. a Monday. Sunday night, 7 P. M. on the Tslsphons, Bailey Oatiert and Ocean Wv Heppner will attraot more Eastern bor will be at the yonr wool with n. Iniaraae rate iiniliill I rt lAllVll J U are