Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 14, 1897, Image 1

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Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
WEEKL? WO. 7421
. (
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.50 per year, f 1.25 for six months, 75 oil.
;or three moncns, strictly in advance.
Aduertising Rates Made Known on
Pendleton, Oregon
Reasonable Advances
Made on Clips of '97
At Heppner. Echo, Pendleton, Baker
City, Elgin and Huntington.
THIB PAPER ie kept on file at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 64 and 65 Merohants
Exchange, Ban Franoisoo, California, where oou
raota (or advertising oan be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. daily except
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
' Leaves Heppner Junction 10:51) p. m. and ar
rives at Heupner 10 b m
Spokane Express No. 4 leaves Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner J emotion 8:22 p.m.
and TJma ilia 9:25 p. m.
Portland Express No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a. m. and Heppn r Junoti n ti:12
a. ra. ana ar lves at Portland 11:& a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Portland 9 p. m. and ar.
rives at Heppner Junction 8:48 a. m. and at
Umatilla ! :0a a.m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leave Umatilla 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at ieppner Junction 10:40 p. ra. and at
Portland o a. m
For further information inquire of J. C; Hart,
ageni yj. a a neppner, ore.
Sipreme Judges
Heffneb, Oregon,
Plans Rnd Specifications furnished on
Contracting a Specialty.
fmV All kinds of lumber, shingles, sash
doors and windows on hand and furnished at
reasonable rates. Ulve me your order.
AH kinds of repairing done at reasonable
rates. Leave orders with P. (J.
Thompson Co.
Sent Free
McCl lire's Magazine
For 1897
To any person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we will
(end free, upon application, a oopy of
the "ALLIANCE, the organ of this
Society. In addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it contains a
list of the valuable and unusual pre
miums given by the paper. Address
410-411. United Charities Building, New York.
United States Officials.
President William McKinley
Vine-President Garret A. Hobart
Beoretaryof State John Sherman
aeoietaryof Treasury Lyman J. Huge
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
Seoretary of War KuBsell . Alger
Soeretary of Navy John I). Long
Postmaster-General Jnmm V ftnrv
Attorney-General Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agriculture James Wilson
state or Oregon.
i-lovernor W. P. Lord
Seoretary of Btate H. R. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metsohan
Hnpt. Public Instruction G. M. Irwin
Attorney General C. M. Idleman
u. i G. W. McBride
""""" j J. H. Mitchell
) Dinger Hermann
i w. K. Ellis
w . a. ieeas
( R. B. Hoan,
i V. A. Moore.
(C. K. Wolverton
Sixth Judicial District.
Circnit Jndge...t Stephen A. Lowell
f-oaeenf.ing Attorney H. J. bean
Morrow County Officials.
joint Senator A, W. Gowan
Representative J. N. Brown
''onnty Judge A. (i. Bartholomew
'' Commissioners J.U.Howard
J. W. Beckett.
" Clerk J.W.Morrow
" Sheriff E. L. Matlock
" Treasurer Frank Gilliam
' Assessor J. V. Willis
" Surveyor... J. W, Horuor
School Bup't Jay W. Shipley
'' Coroner B. F. Vuughan
nippNia towm ornonns.
M ..n. Thos. More-en I
GmnnUmen.... oeo. Conser. Frank tering the Uoion Depot there, and
Gilliam. Arthnr Minor. E. J. Blocum. tt. .. ... r
Lichtentlial and J. it. Simons. . US SerVlCBla nrSt-ClaSB in every I
n ooruor., nr.. nram i r-n-t:,,,.!,,.
Teasnrer L. W. Briggs particular.
.nkl A. A. KotmrtH
rreoinotofflcerr. THIRD For information, call
jnsdoeof th Peaoe w. k. Hinhanigon on your neighbor and friend the
hiM'ui." DeHreet ticket agont-and Mk for a
TBI DALLKS. OB.- ticket readme via. the Wiscodsio
J. P. Moor .K,,?,r UVntral linea. or ddilreHS
New Life of Grant by Hamlin Garland. The first authoritative aud adequate Life of
Grant ever published. (Begins In December.)
Rudyard Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." (Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." The only novel of Stevenson's still unpublished
(Begins lu May.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was for three ol the most critical
years of the Civil War practically a memDer oi iiincoin s uaoinei, aim is prooaoiy oeiier
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period from his
recollections and correspondence.
Portraits of Great Americans. Many of them unpublished. In connection with this series
of portraits It is Intended to publlrh special biographical Btudies under the general title of
. MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to Lincoln.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction.
Stories of Adventure. A serial by CONAN DOYLE, in which he will use his extraordinary
talent for mystery and ingenuity which have, lu the "Sherlock Holmes" stories, given him
a place beside roe anovuabonau.
tan mam.arkn. All the tntlnn that he will write during the coming year, with the exception
of two contributions to another publicatlou which were engaged from him long ago, will
appear in McClurk's Maoazinb.
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS. A series of new animal Btorics in the same field as the "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. Thimbletlnger" stories.
RUDYARD KIPLING. BesldeB "Captains Courageous." Kipling will contribute to McCLORK's
all of the short stories he will write during the coming year. .
OCTAVE THANET is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in which the same
characters win appear, aitnougn eacn win De complete in lweii.
Anthony Hope Bret Hart Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories In McClure's for the coming year.
These are only a small fraction of the great and Important features of McClurk'8 Magazine for
187, the subscription priee oi wnicn is only
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Three Important Points
FIRST-Go ia. St. Paul be-Y
cause the lines to that point will)
atlord you the very best service.
SECOND See that the coupon
beyond St. Paul reads via. the
Wisconsin Central because that
line makes close connections with
all the trans-contineDtal lines en-
A Campaign
Of Education
HOW tO 061. it (T LT A A
For 4) J.uU
Sheriff Had Grown Tired of Giving- Him
Too Much Freedom.
I was sitting with the sheriff in front
of the town courthouse, when he sud
denly stood up, shaded his eyes with
his lmnd and looked across the sweet
and then called out:
"HeiUi, yo' ! Is that yo', Jim?"
A colored man, about 50 years old,
who was slouching alongthe other side,
came across the street and replied:
"Yes, Mars Eenfog, dis am me."
"And what ar' yo' doing heah?"
"I'ze jist walkin' out, sah. I dun
thought I'd -drap down and see my dar
ter." "How did you get out?"
"Jist made a hole through the back
wall, sah."
"Look-a-h'eah, Jim," said the sheriff,
as he sat down and picked up a stick
to whittle on, "J ain't ffwine to stana
this fussin' no mo. This is nigh about
seven times you's broke out o' jail."
"Yes, sah, nigh 'bout seben times,
sah, but don't be hard on me."
"You's got out by the doah, the win
dows, the floor, the ceiling and the
walls, and you's put me to trouble
and the county to expertise. Now, yo'
can't go back tthar' no mo'."
"rieasc, sah!"
"No, sah, yo' can't do it. I've given
5 o' a fair show and yo' can't expect no
mo'. Yo' can jist take yourself off."
"But, Mais Renfog, I'zo dun bin put
in jail on a hog case, an' Ize got to stay
dar tifl de ootchouse meets!" protested
the man.
"I know you were wrested and ex
rmined and bound over and all that,
but I'm tired of he fussing. I ain't
going to stand by and let nobody dam
age the jail. Yo's t out and come
back and now 1 won t ubide it no mo'.
Jist take yo'self off and don't come
back fo my jail again unless you want
to be hard used. If I find yo breakin'
in I'll shoot yo' show's yo bo'n."
"Won't yo' try me jist onoe mo'?"
pleaded the prisoner.
"No, sah! I ve d rawed the line ana
now yo's has got to go and take keer
of vo'self. I'm tcillin' yo' to scatter be-
to' I make yo turn in and stop tip that
last hole in the wall."
The man "scattered" in a discour
aged, dejected way, and as he was lost
to sight down the street the sheriff
"Durn a fellow who don't know when
he's being used like a bo'n gentleman."
Detroit Free PreM.
Smiles Irradiate the Countenance.
When those atrocious bodily troubles,
chills and fever, dyspepsia, kidney or
rheumatio disorders, yield, as they in
variably do, to the benign action of Hos
tetter's Stomach Bitters, a remedy of,
oomprebeasive use, pure in composition,
unobjectionable to ' a delioate palate,
and thorough in effects.' Siok head
aches, loss of appetite, flesh sod sleep,
nausea, heartburn, are among the phy
sical annoyaboea obviated by the Bitters.
Tbey are in the nature of signals of dig
tress displayed by a disordered etoinaob,
liver and bowels, and disappear with
the cause' that produced them.' Bat
these signals should be heeded at onoe.
Then the woe-begoDe look of ohroDio
ill health will speedily disappear, and
vigor and comfort restore a cheerful
aspect to the faoe. That faithful index
to the condition of the system never
fails to ' wear a look of sunshine when
the Bitters is need to dispel the cloud.
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for ita great leavening strength
and healthfnlness. Assures the food against
alum and all forms of adulteration common te
the cheap brands.
Attempted Snloide.
From the Dalles ( hroulcle.
Mr. Wallaoe, who ' came down from
Rufus this morniog, says that last night
a man by the name of George Daggett
stopped at the hotel at that plaoe, and
upon retiring, left word to be called for
this morning's train, which passes Rafus
shortly after 7 o'olook. Upon knooking
on his door and getting no response, the
door was broken in and it was found
that Daggett had attempted to commit
suioide, and was nearly dead from loss
of blood. He bad out a fearful cash in
hit throat with bis knife. Daggett is a
baohelor and resides bere, be and Mr.
Wm. Bennett keeping bachelor's hall to
gether. No reason is known tor the aot,
though Mr. Bennett says that last Sun
day Daggett aoted "queer;" but be had
do idea he contemplated harm to him.
A. 8. Iliggs ....
B.P. Wilson..
J. H. Bobbins..
Jul ft Pnnil
..Register Oen. Pas. Agt..
. Receiver 1 Milwaukee, Vt Is.
Q. A. B.
o'Mta at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of
scr. month. All veterans are invitea to join.
(i W. Smith. C. ti. FcuDA.
Adlntant, tf Commander.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
Office in the City Drug Store, near
City Hotel. tt
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
Office hours, 8 to 10 a. m , and 12 to
2 d. m . at residence, Mrs. U. Welch's
tiroDfrty. and 10 to 12, a m . to 2 to 5
p. m, at oflloe in the rear of Borg't
jewelry store.
or Geo. 8. Batty,
General Agent,
24t; Stark Ht.,
Portland Or.
1 Bank oi taosi. :
While ion kimip jronr subscription paid op yen
aaaksep rnur brand in free of charge.
Bora. P. O.. Hennner. Or. Horses. P B ul loft
honlder; cattle, same on lert hip.
Conk. A. J..Lena.Or. Horses. Won rightshonl
dor. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
orop otf left and split in right.
Ifcmrliua. W. M .Gallowav. Or. Cattle. R Den
right side, swailow-fork in each ear; horse, B D
on lert bip.
Klv. Bros.. Donalns. Or. Horse branded ELY
on left shouldor, cattle asms on lefthip. hols
in right ear.
Florence. L. A.. Hminnsr. Or. Cattle. LF os
right hin; homes F with bar under on right
Jonoa. Harrv. Her-on-w. Or Horse branded
ri Jon the loft shonlder: oattl braulwl 1 on
right hip, also nnderbit in left ar. Range In
Borrow oounlr.
Jnhtisim. Fella. Lsna. Or. Hmwa. nirxleT or
left stitle; mule, same on right bip, oader hal
3np in nht and split .n lert ear
Kennr. Mike. Heppner. Or. Horse branded
It NY on left hi D cuttle same and crop off left
r; under slop on th right
Leaner. J. W. Heppner Or. Horses branded
Land A oa left shouldor: eettl seme on left
hip, wutll over riant jre, three all Is ia right
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature la expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 Fifth Avenue,
New York, 1 full of the best thlnes.
Its illustrations are superb; Ita
stories charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
mmate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Lealie'a t P" nnum.
We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy of
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Seml
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever made before. No inch offer will ever be made
again. These two papers make a most acceptable Cbrlstmaa or blrthdsy
gilt, and will be constant reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
rr Heppner, OreKon.
nerjnner rtr.-4.attl.
M on left shoulder.
Presldeat Cashier.
1 Dot
Made on Favorable Terms.
First National Bank
Minor. Osnar.
right hip; bur
Mnrcan. H. N.. Heppner, Or. Hons
on left shooldei eattl asm on left hip.
Oshorn. I. W.. DoadM. Or.; horse O on let
shonlder; eattl saio on rtaht hip.
Parker & (lleason. Hardman.Or, Hone IP OS
left shoulder. .
Piner. J. H.. linlnttiis. Or. Home. IK eon-
aarted mileft shoulder; eattl, aara on lof bip.
amler nil In each ear.
tWtor. i. W.. Heppner, Or. Hone, JJO m
left should r. CatUe, O on right bip.
flnTT. K. O. Hmmner. Or. Cattle Wfiot
lift hip, erup olr nirlit and anjrtit In left fa
liowlnii: hor W Con left shonlilar.
I homiMiin. J. A.. llMinner. Or. Morse, t or
left atutnlfW! eettl. 2 on left shonldef1.
Torrwrll. W.. Heppnar. r.-amall eapltal T
left eliiinld. honHMi eattl same on left hip
nth split id Nith
Wa'toohurger, W. JJ., Osllowsr. Or.i hor
quarter cirri JW on right ehooldnr; rattle
nuerter rirrle JW nn rigid hip and right sine.
rroii and hole in left ear. Ilange in Morrow and
L metilla eounti.
Published Every Saturday
13 Astor Place New York
T. A. Rhia,
Vie President I
- Cashier
Aaa't Caahler
Traasartj a Graeral BankiE? P.asiata.
On all part of th world
Bought and Sold.
Collertlon tnad on all poliiU on
reasonable Term.
Kurptus and nndtvlded Profit. llS.iaxi (HI.
The Oil tt d'M pot question, the
booeety of any ptrson, bol it ie com
pelled to insist upon lb eab la advance
i.laa ut talenptto5, whtiber Ibe nb-
w .
Notice of Intention.
Land Orrii s AT Thb Iulls". OesooM.
jiiltoeing niiiir.1 irttlrr has fllMl notlteof
hl.lnlnitlcn t meke flnel pruot In s"'p"rt of
hisrlsiin, and that said rtf will h made tie
for i. W. M.ifM. r.Minijr rietk at Heppner,
Oregon, oa Mar ;.th. iwrt, vis:
KKt REM i. ftAL'KT.
Hd t.. No. MU, tor the K'j Mf! and W4
hrt, TpMi E. W M.
He nsinas the li.llowlng w IIiimm 1 prove his
miitlmioiis rmidew upon and cultivation ol
said land. vl' -
iMnianiln Mattofin. Rntrt P. Maltfaon,
Hard P. long, John Mrrerrln all of ll-'pnrf.
.., JA. F. JHH1RF. Register.
Unitkii Statss Lamp Orrirs.
la. Urnnde. Oreaon. March I). IWT.
V this omre by the duly verified and cor
roborated affidavit of John Mn ullongh alleg
lug thst Lena A. Munkers who made timber cul
ture entry No. tl.'Uet the 0. H. Und Omn at
This Question Was Oravely Discussed at
Bishop's Council at Macon.
In these latter days of the Nineteenth
century, when woman is struggling for
an equaJity with men in the arts and
sciences and in politics, it may be int-
teresting to Know that as early aa the
Sixth century the "woman question"
wub a knotty problem confronting the
sages of that period.
It was a more startling question,
however, than that of these days of
safety bicycles and abbreviated skirts.
"Are women human beings? waa the
woman question aa formulated in the
Sixth ceutury
This startling inquiry was proposed
by a bishop at the council of Macon, and
the reverend fathers were so amiable
and so liberal as to devote several wi
sions to the consideration of the sub
ject. They did not disdain the question
as useless or frivolous, but gravely un
dertook the task of aasigning to woman
her proper plaoe la creation.
Ti'ith all her faults they loved her
till, and, moved partly, no doubt, by
affection, they generously decided that
she d id not belong to the world of "mut
tons, beeves or goat," but was in truth
a human being. "
It must not be imagined, however,
that this advanced theory was forced
upon Christendom, says the London
Mail. The council of Macon was not
ectmiralcal, ami so churchmen were
not conHtralned to uccept ita decision,
This Man I'se a Trtrrcl te Get Custom
from Farmer.
No odder use 'has been found for the
There la Nothing ao Good.
There is nothing just ss good as Dr.
King's New Disoovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, so demand it and do
uot permit the denier to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there ie
anything bettor, bat in order to make
more profit be may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Disoovery because yon know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
do good or money refunded. For
Cougba, Colds, Consumption end for all
affeotions ot Throat, Chest and Lungs,
there is nothing so good as ia Dr. King's
New Disoovery, Trial bottle free at
Conser k Brook's. Regular aize 50
eents and $1.00.
Miss Kearney, of the W. 0. T. U Boon to
, Arrive From California A Good Lecturer.
Miss Belle Kearney, National Or-'
ganizer of the W. O. T. D., now at '
work ia California, will be io our stale
next month and baa been engaged to
oome to Heppner.
, We oonsider ourselves particularly
fortunate io this, aa this leoture is high '
ly reoommended by Miss Willard; and
oor own Mrs. Kinney says of her in
"The Oregon White Ribbon:"
"Miss Belle Kearney is a young lady
from Mississippi, possessed with that "
rare Southern wit and eloquenoe and
simpiy oaptivated the audienoe at the
National convention. "
We hope many will avail themselves
Time and plaoe will be given in a '
later issue.
Pendleton Tribune: Mr. Horn brought
in word yesterday tbat Mr. Wilson,
brother-in-law ot John Oapps, of lower.
Biroh Creek, and John Sylvester ot
Pilot Rook, bad died suddenly at bis
home oo Birch Creek early yesterday
morning. Fall particulars oould not be
learned, bat it is supposed that heart
disease was the osuse ot death.
A vonerable citizen ot Maine, named
Kasmin, has begun to drink whisky at
the age of 131 years. When a man starts
in to "booze" at tbat time ot lit there ia
not much hope tor him.
8late of Ohio, City of Toledo, )
Lnoas County. Mt
Frank J. Cheney makes oath thst be is .
the senior partner ot the firm of F. J. "
Cheney & Co., doing business in the
City ot Toledo, County and State afore-
aid, and that laid firm will pay the
turn of one hundred dollars tor each and
every oase of Catarrh that oaonot be
oured by Hall's Catarrh Care.
Frank J. Cheney.' '
Sworn to before me and aabsoribed io
my preseuoe, this Ctb any of Decem
ber, A. D. 1886.
Truth la a Nutshell.
Impure blood ie the natural result of
close oounnemant In house, school room
or shop.
Blood Is punned by Uood's Mariana-
rills, and all the disagreeable resolta of
in pare blood disappear with the use oi
tbi medicine.
It yon wish to feel well, keep your
blood pare wilb Hood's Barsapsnll.
Mood's Pills are the best family oatbar
tic and liver medicine. Qentle, reliable
LaOrsnd. Oregon, on February lath, 1HHK. for wj-v-u than that to which It has lieen
th tu n l and W mm Bee l7Tpl. R ""TV lnftn , . , .
K. W. ll., bss failed to comply with the timber- put by a barber, August Leibman, of
Timber Culture final Proof.
April . Null' Is her.l.v given
thai Mfd Market, ol . Ore", aa
i - rt ii... v.. ..,. It it,, nia.1 nutlre of Intention In mm U"l proof
cnovr o wuvu.i.u . wm. ... v..rr..w. tonatr -i-rk. i
man who earns bte bread by hoeeet tolL bis rme in Heppner, orr. " 'n"ir
We eantiut ruu the pir oa any miser
plea. "
What i Hop I told? I lent
rib- fef , lf b,r,
lef m
Xiiid d.r ul Mat IW!. on ilmtier emtora sppll
ration Sn Ti, lot the ht 'i of eertp.n Io. i,
In l..n.hlB fcn I Nmlh. luntt Mo IA fut.
He na. wilier IhnmasJ I one ef
I.VI" Irl'"l. f'l Kelliuall. rrneat Kelt-
waii, fcU.ha u. Ppt rtr. all ol l""e nr.g i
The Outlook will be io 1W, as it bss
been during each of its twenty seven
years, a History of Oor Owo Times. Io
its various editorial department Tbe
Outlook give a on m pant review ot Ibe
world' progress; it follows with care
all ibe important philanthrope and in
duslrial movements of the day; bss a
complete department of religious news
devote mnob space to tbe Interest of
Ibe bom; reviews current literature;
furnishes cheerful table-talk about 0iti
ai d things: and, in short, aims to give
fresh inlormalloo, original obirvtion,
and reasonable entertainment.
r-egiooliig with tbe fifty fliflli vulumi,
tbe paper will SMoroe the fegnlar mage
line tise, which will add greatly to its
e totttiieDAe and attrartiveaeee. Tbt
Outlook U pabln bed every Hatnrday
fifiy lwo leauea a year. Th (list issue
Io ranli moallt i an Illustrated llagatiu
Nooibef, eoolaiufog about t wire a msoy
pages m tbe ordinary lne, togiitbtr
witb a large lumber of pitlorss.
Tbe prieeef The Outhxik la I bra
didlsrt a yf io advene, or e ibae a
cent dy. m ,
Mend for a eriiuu P"py aoj liluetrat.
d prospeetn ! The Oullook, 13 After
culture law In this, that she failed to break or
cause Io be broken five si res or any number ol
wreaonsald tract within one year after her
uinner culture enirv oi gam trai t; that an
never mad any Improvements upon said tract
and did some ttm In the year lasv remove from
said county and state and ha never relumed
and did at about said time abandon said claim.
Therefor, with th view of the ranee atlon
of said entry th said p rtles ar heraby sum-
tnirieil ami required Ui m aim appear before
J. W. Morrow, County Clerk of Morrow county,
Oregon, at his orhre at Heppner, Oregon, on tbe
tin day ol May, l:n at 10 o'clock a. m ol said
day Ihen and mere to produce such testimony
as they may h..v eoiii'arulug said llegatlnna,
the final l.earli.it Io ti had liefor the lleglsler
and Hernlverat Lm Orande, Oregon, on the fid
dny of May, at Id o'clock a. m.
Ml. Ml. Kecelvsr.
Teachers' Examination.
xjoTicK m iiKRF.nr oivkh that for
iv the purpose of making all eianiiiiallon ol
all fieraoiis wlio may otter themselves as randl
dstes for teat-hers of tbe si-hiKils of Ibis eounty
slid state l'-ratataud Itfedlplomaa, the v,iinty,
ei-liool snpertulenileiil thereof will hold a pub
lic eaaiulxetlnn at the eourt hoiiae at Heppner,
opelillig vtentieenay, Ma' ail. 1HW7,
lle.l tills (l nay ol May. I"7.
Si hool anpt., Morrow t
I A. W. Gleaeoo,
) Notary Public.
Hair Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and sots dlreolly on the blood and ma
coos snrfaoes of Ibe system. Bend for
testimonials, free.
K. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.
tlTHold by dragglsti, 75o.
Now Ie tbe time to get tbe Weekly
Oregoniao, the grealeel newspaper ot
Ibe Weal. Wltb tb0sMU,botb strict
ly Io advance, ooe year, 3.60. No belter
eornbiuatton of newspaper eaa be made
la tbe state.
Few tralite Ibat acb sijolrrel dt
troys tt 60 wortb nf grrln annually
Waketee't Squirrel and frplr Eitor
roioelor is tbe axwl Setife aud eeo
aomlcaS poieoD koowo. Prioo radioed
to V) oeata. 0her k Brook aad Minor
k Co., aifetiU, Heppner; J. A. Woolery,
agent, luoe; NlCbN I"b, agr)tt
Oritveaend, Long Island, says the New
York Press. Before be learned to ride
a wheel be mode a comfortable living
by driving around the scattered villages
of iMDg island shaving the farmers w ho
could not araire time to travel to the
neighboring town to be shaved. It
occurred to Leibman that a more de
sirable way of visiting hie patrons than
by the old horse and buggy could be
found by count ructing a tricycle out
fit. Tbe plan has worked well. Tbe
burlwr's chair, which la getting to 1
a familUir sight on Ing iMland, run
on three whei la and lu tbe center of th
machine la the saddle on which Iilr-
inan pert'hi'a w lu-n he pedula abroad on
shaving and hair cutting tour.
Tlefl ailvantnge of the nw outfit Is
that It coed next to nothing when com
lrrd with the exja-rise of keeping a
horse. Before be adupted the tricycle
ayi-tetii of travel I.elbinun wee fwetl to
coiiflne bis Klmviiig and hair rutting
effort to fiirtnsteada far removed from
the red arid white le of the village
burlier. Now he Ixildly ride Into the
territory of hi riU, for the novclly
of lielng shaved in a trh.yele Urbee's
chair baa attracted custom from the
regular ahoi.
Where lb May Wah
Tbe viiar of a rural parWh, who bad
waxed eloquent ou the eubjoct of fur
elgn tun aa ion a on Sunday ss ur
prUed on entering tly village alio;
during tbe work to be greeted with
rtearkeil coidncw by the worthy Utii'
wIwj kept It, Oo aeklng to know the
cause, th gool woman prlucsd a coin
freta a drawer, and, tbrowlcg It in
before tbe vicar, eirlalmel: "I marked
Ibat holy nrown and put It in tbe plate
last Bun day, and here It I back agaJn In
my ahop, I koowed well tlno pijf
gwrs nrr go! tb money.
Corvalli Oasette: Misa Oertrade
Holmes, of tbe Holmes Business College
Portlsnd, waa io attendance at tbe oou
rentlon of tbe Y. W. C. A. While here
she viailed the Agrioaltaral College and
eipressed astonishment at the magni
tude ot Ibe institation, Bbe was partio-
olarly impressed wilb lb boardiog
olobe, and as delighted io ber visit to
Ibe Caatboro Hall kitchen, which tb
b ys keep scrupulously clean and bright.
Our spices arc pure and
So arc our
baking pnmim
flavoring sstract.
Schilling's Best.
For sale by
J. A. Woolery, lone
W. C. Alherloa passed through Long
Creek last Saturday en route to bis
borne al Izee from Dayton, Washington.
He was accompanied by Garfield Craw
ford, formerly an attaobe ot tbe Heppner
Gazette force. Mr. Athertoo will return
with a band ot borsea io shout a month
which be will market ia tbe Dayton
country. Long Creek Eagle.1
Any lady desiring to purchase a saw
ing machine should call on J. W.
VaOgbao and eiamine bis latest Im
proved Wbite machine. A happy com
bination of a writing desk and machine
ar er a . -
oomuinea. jjigtii. rapid and easy
running. tf.
II. E. Warren and Wright Baling
were io Iowa yesterday. Crops are look
ing flu io tbe Eight Mil country.
"Exnose me" obeerved the mso In
pectaole "hot I am a surgeon, and tbal
is not w tiers ibe liver i." Never you
mlud where tbe liver Is." retorted Ibe
otber. "If it was in bis big toe or Li
eft ear OWItt's Little Earl Itiera
would reaoh it and ahska II for blm. On
tbat yon can bet yoar gig-lamps." Con
ser k Brook.
Condon Olobe: W notice io the
IVbdletnn papers that T. H. Lyons ba
three different cases Io lb soprem
ooorl now ia session there, which speaks
well for tbe youog attorney.
"Long dialanoe" and local 'phone
eao reach No. 3 al the Oatette offloe.
Th gold elans in promissory notes
and bonds bss been declared void by
Nebreska judge. Tbe court beld Ibat
mortgage was payable in any lawful
mooey of Amerioa.
Tetter, Rall-llbeum and 1-Vrie.ma.
The Intense Itching; andsuiartiiig.lnrt
Aunt t.i it. m. AmmA. la Ittat aiitl v eltavnrl
bv airblvlnu Chamberlain Eye and
Hklo Ointment. Many very bad case
have been permanently cured by It. It
la equally efliclmit for Itching pile and
a favuritn rnuiml V fur Kirn nlmiloe.
chapped hand, chilblain, frot bite
and chronki aor eyea. ao i t, per boi
Word bsi been received at Heppner
annnouoing the death of Mrs. Homer
McFarland, net Mi Happy Potter, at
ber borne in Loe Angela. Mrs. Mo-
Farlaod was well koowo Io Heppner
aod tbe news of her death, thongb !
peotej a ber cuodllion had been sert
oos for several days, It sadly received.
Tbe old way i f delivering tneasaget
by poiloyi compared "itb the moilern
teleplmne, illiutratee the old tedious
method ot "breaking" Colds Oom pared
wilb Ibeir aloioal Imlsolaosoa our ty
One Minnie Ongb Care. Coneer k
Mr. so 1 Mr. Frank McFarland were
called to Hood River Tuesday by the
serious lllce of Mr. M. It. Potter.
mother of Mrs. MoKarlao I.
To car all old , to heal aa Io
dolent a leer, or speedily enre pile, yon
nd etmply spply lWitf Wltob Salve
according Io ilireotion. lie magle like
action will snprlae you. Oioaer k Brock. '
Mr. Pearl Rifb.ot Dakar City, eots
mllted uielil noenlly by thootloi btr-elf.
tie rAwu rndll,a Pawdera. are I
Jual what a horn Deed when In batll kt nppor'i warebon Ibil Oibe
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and wilt pay the highest price for tall wool
vermifuge. Tlicr are nol hoA but p.,,, hill fl( , n n d, ,
tne.U lua and the beet In ne U put a ,' .. ' J t V ,
utifte In prim ct-uditlen. llfvo ,) ,0 bu' b,m War
cofprj,atkirs). - ion !! your i.lli, ' -
M l-.ev'ef, Plare, N'w Jtxt Cilf