TTj oV ijJoJfUo llio TO THE BAST GIVES THB CHOICB Of Two Transcontinental GREAT UNION; NORTHERN Ry. PACIFIC RY. VIA VIA Spokane Denver MINNEAPOLIS OMAHA AND AMD St. Paul Kansas City LOW RATES TO ALL EASTERN CITIES. Ocean Steamers Leave Portland Every 5 Days For SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on 0. R. k N. Agent at Heppner, cr address W. H. HURLBURT, Gen. Pass. Agt. PORTLAND. OREGON. E. McNElLL, President and Manager. QUICK TIIVtH I JScari Franolsoo And all points in California, via the Mt, Shasta rout of the Southern Pacific Co The grout highway throngh California to all point Kaat and 8onth. Grand Hoenio Route of the Paolfio Coast. Pnllman Bnffet rUeepera. Beoond-clasa Bleepera Attached to ezprea trains, affording superior accommodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, etc.. cell npon or address n. HUHHL1.K, Manager, E. P. R OGEES, Ant. otu. m. m r. aki.. roruana. uregon SHE YOU G01NS EflST? If so, be sure and aee that your ticket reads via He northwestern. Line ....THB.... OHIOAOO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS, AND OMAHA RAILWAY THIS IS THB Great Short Lii)e BE I'WEEN DULUTfT, St. PAUL, CHICAGO AND ALL POINTS EAST AND SOUTH. Tholr Magnificent Track, Peerless Vestlbulcd ultima ami nieepmg car Trains, and Motto: "always on time" has given this road a national reputation. All clauses of passengers carried on the vestlnnled trains without extia charge. Hhlp yonr freight ami travel over this famous line. All ageuta W. II. MEAD. F r BiVinv Ueu. Agnnt J rT. F. & J. Agt, CIIIOAQO UlilweuRee & St. Paul B'g This Railway Co. Operates its trains on the famous blook system; Light, its trains by eleotriolty through out; Uses the oelobrated eleotria berth read ing lamp; Run speedily equipped passenger trains evrr da and niuht Maui, Mt !.,! and Chicago, aud Omaha and Chicago; sue Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Also operates steam-heated ventibuled trains, carrying the latest private compartment cars, library biifTet smok ing cars, and palace drawing room sleepers. Tarlor eara. free reclining chair oars, and tha wry beet dining chair oar service. For lowest rates to any point in the United Stales or Canada, apply to agent or addrraa C. J. EDDY, J. W. CASEY, General Agent, Trav. IW Agent. Portland, Or. 0 VI AR. TiC "'"at a as. aixl etimi n.v stawkal ixam i tbe " v tawdv. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, t;: v."aM MUNN A CO., . HI tlre.a.a,, K,w f tfh, ' aF sT" 9uTil RIDUCID ItwlakV) lie PATIINTS TRrarrn nv urn F A. a ILEA DUNG CFTKE . .v MLm COAST THB CHRONTCLB rants with the greatest newspapers in ths Doited states. THK CHRONICLE has no equal on the Pactflo out. It learia all In ahlllw ntrnr.. TUK CIUIO.NICLK'S Telegraphic Reports ars m lateat ana most rename, its Local News tne falleat and spiciest, and Its KditorUlt from the ablest pens In the country. TIIECHKONICLK haaalwavs been, and always vlll be, tbe friend and champion of tha people as AmtinMt. Mmhliiarlnna lln,, , - "'"-'''oi v.. u . ... Lii y i rki LM1B, r oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent tu vvryuuug neutral ill nouung. The Chronicle Building. THE DA I LY Br Ma'l, Postage Paid, OolySeJOaYrar. The Ml Chronicle 1h Grsatrst Wee'dyia the Comtry. $1.50 a lea (Including postage) to any part of ths United KtKli'i. Canada and Mexico. THF1 WREKLY CHKONICI.K, the brightest tnd mrmt complete Weekly Newspaper In the world, prlnw regularly 81 columns, or twelve pages. of News. Literature and (leneral Informa tion i also a mag ntneent Agricultural Department. SAMPLE COPIES SNT FRiE. do you want the CHRONICLE S-HOWINO The United States, Dominion of Canada and Northern Meiioo ON ONK HIDE, ) And tha Map of the World ON THK OTIIinil SIDE. Hend a and Get tha Map and Weekly hronlcle f r One Year, poaiiticn prepatil oil M.ip and Tapiir. ADDHKHH M. II. da YOVJNO, rroerlelnr a f. Chrenlcle. BAM rRAIfUlWXa, OAi. TnilOUQII CARS Ht. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTU KAKOO liUTI'E TO I.UELENA Tirkota iasnatl to all points in tlie United Mtates and Canada. QUICK TIME tt T Chicaoo All other TOiiaba Wabinotoh polnta Kansas City lULTmoHi V In ths i Ht. Joaph Na Yohk East and I ht. Lotus Hontheatt BoaTon BvrrAU) Union IVput connections at Ht. Paul, Minneapoha, Kansas City, Omaha, Ht. Loots and other proroi nent poiutt Baggage checked through to destination 01 lit'teta. Throngh tickets to Japan and China, via laooma ana Northern 1'eciQo Hteam ship Company's line. For full information, time nar.ta tnana tickets, tc, eall oo or wnta W. 0. ALI AWAT. A. I) Cabi .Til. Agt N V. Ky. Asst. (Jen Paaa.Agt. Tha Dallee.Or. rurtiand, Or. 'Tie Regulator line" The htUi I iiiurii Narigiiina ft TJSJa.MXIta "DALiti cm" aho utouum" Leave The Dalle dailv (-isepl Hunday) at 7 a. ra , arriving In PorllaoJ about 3 AJ p. m. Wheo von go to Portland, stop eff at ina uaiiea and lata trip down tha Colombia: you will tajoy it, sni sate money, W. Q At LAWAY. (ieoeral AgeoL ret Vanted-An Idea 2S5S- prmert nr lils.' I-. m,f .rig . a wxia MieAn( tiuM.m n4 a in . rtrt a.h Ill J.iiiilII i Reversible lap wm in. s Fonght to a rinlsb. From the Long Creek Eagle. Mrs. Mella Keeney and Miss Sarah. Ivy fongbt to a fiuish ont on the road east of town last Saturday. Tbe fight was tbe result of ill feeling that exiated oetween Ibe parties for aome timo Hair, blood and drees goods flew in every direction, and to tell tbe truth, it wasn't safe for a man to interfere at anv atase of tbe scrap. Henry Flood bapDflned Dy, and made an effort to separate them. but be was knocked down and run over, and so badly disfigured tbat be left tbe soene. Tbey were finally separated by some neigbbora who happened tbat way. The sorap was a severe oni. and while the two were fairly well matched, the latter is said to have come out vioto rioua. The readers of tbe Eagle no doubt ez pect na to deplore Boy eucb oonduot, but it s a free oountry, and as eucb offenses are rarely ever punished, we Bay let the women fight if tbey want to fight. The Best Remedy for KhenmatUm. From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Register. Mr. James Rowland of this village. states that for twenty-five years his wife baa been a sufferer from rheumatism. A few nights ago she was In such pain tbat she was nearly crazy. She sent Mr. Rowland for tbe doctor, but he had read of Cbamberlsio'a Paine Balm and in stead of going for tbe physioian be went w the store and secured a bottle of it. His wife did not ipprove of Mr. Row land's purchase at first, but neverthe less applied the Balm thoroughly and in an hour's time was able to go to sleep. She now applies it whenever she feels an aob? or pain Bid finds that it always gives relief. He says that no medioioe which she bad used ever did her so muoh good. The 25 and 50 oents sizes for sale by Conser & Brook. Lawreenoe 8 week was in from the John Day on last Friday to look up tbe wool market. He has not shorn his lamblets yet but will do so very soon. Mr. Sweek reports times picking up in Qrant oounty, as muoh money has been distributed for beef cattle and sheep at muoh better prices than formerly. Benefit concert, by tbe Ladies' Cornet Band, at opera house, Friday, May 14, 1897. 2-3. Through inadvertency, many local advertisers who pay only a weekly rate have been getting the benefit of Ibe semi-weekly service. The Gazette must insist upon business principles and those who pay for a weekly ad. must expeot tbat it will appear only onoe a week. tf Thb Boss Feud Yard. The first feed yard tbe teamster strikes in Heppner is that conduoted by William Gordon, next door to the Heppner Gazette ranch. Mr. Gordon ia aooommorfMtino has a good yard and abundant facilities to take oare of atock in firat class shape. HU prices are very reaaonable. Be has hay and grain for sain. Has lately added a car load of baled timothy. tf. Heppner to Pendleton via Henonor Echo Htage Line. Persona deairous of viHitmg fendletoo on save time and money by taking this route. By ao aiialntina tbe agents tha nroTiona tnn. ing the ntage will make ennneonon wuh i o clocit train at Echo for Pendleton Offloe at City Drug Store. W. D. Lord, Proprietor. Put quarter in your pooket and don't spend it till yon get down to Lo Tillard's. Finest liquors and cigars Near city hall. a ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. fOTlCI! 18 PKREBY GIVEN BY THE CN 1 ' derattflipd aa iirnea nl l r gall mnA W D Tf1! '"olv"1' debtors, that said assignee has filed his final and annnlitmetital such assignee, with the clerk of the circuit cuiirioiine state ni twgou lor Morrow county, and said account will lie heard and passed up on by the Judse of said court on the 6th day of Hcptemlier, IW, at 10 a'clock In the forenoon ol said day, or aa soon thereafter aa the said conn ran near and pass upon he same. lated this ath day of May, lwrf. M M Uao. ("oHsga, Assignee. NOTICE OF INTENTION. AVn filriTTPV it Tlla nirlira J May. 1(1, lasrf. Notice Is hereby given that ... ..,-.,,, 'ii.mni wiucr nas nioi notice of hla intention to make anal proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will lie made bcfiirM J. W MVP.,u, J'l...k . u Oregon, on June lw, vis : HENRY C. roi'LHKN, lid. K No. mis, !t J. Hee. is, Tp. S , R. Wl E , i VKii ,0(1 Tp-4 lie names the following witnesses to prova her continuous residence upon and cultivation or, id lad. vU: William Luelllng, Benjamin t.uelllng. Henry r. Toiler and Allien D. Courter, all of Hard man Oregon. JAM. t, MiORK, " Keglaler. Notice of Intention. AND OmrR AT THK PALLEi OREGON, li Mav 10. law? Nil.. ( t.-. : that Hie following. named settler has Bled notice ol his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he riiade before J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Orrion, on June at, Km;, vis; ALBERT COURTER, tld It Nrt. Atl Inftk. Ikti yWL ..!, km. Hee. . Tp. . i. R k".T u7 " He names the f,tili,wiM m. u t. A his continuous residence) upon and cultivation of, said land, vli: v. Illlsm l.uelllng. Benjamin t.uelllng. Charles M. M. Hastings and Henry C. Poulsva, ail ol M, ,,,,, an, virgin,, Jia w ynouv U'M ' ILe.l.l.r Kottce of Intention. I AND OrrU K AT I. A (.RANI'E. (HE(HN. i Aurll a. Imj?. K.tii.. i k.Mi,. ..... tbe folio Ing named settler has Met notice of his Intriitlon In make anal proof In support of Ma rlalm, and that said proof 111 be made he- fore t'.iontv I'Urk nt U...MM. ... at Heppner, Oregon, on May la. Irr vli: MktNtW i. OLARK. 2 WH ,U'th' M Tf lie names the follewtng wltneaeee to prove hie eonttniinua realdem-e upon and rultKailon of, said land vis. Heseklah Ttptiett and Andy ' t'o.of lama.Oreg , tdnanlt haptnao and t'harlea Ikihcity ol Vliteon, Orra.m, B. t. WIlJMtN. W46- Hegisler. Timber CuttvrtFinal Proof. Mottea for Pablieailoa. t'tnria Pr.raa I id Ovvirt, The l'le, (tregnn, April 1. Ian? VtyriPEta h e k r a v tvH tSAfjAfk. 11 st II. Stanler. ff Mlllskom, Oeecoa, hsa el "d aotleei e Inteotuwi to snake Anal snf het. re 1. W. Morrow, Coontf 1 lerg, al Blsnffie In Hexpner, Oregon, oa Monday the ma day al 7. I"". b timber ealtare anpiteatMB Vo. t for the hE ol eertloa jl, ta lo.n.hlp I nrth Kaege ,Vo I gaat. r M names as ainiMex A. T. HeMay and Th-onaa t Term, ol He,,pt,rr, tirrgon. Keeled a, . " aud sul tuJi), i lone, rr,,o LOCAL SQUIBS. Call up pbone No. 3 when you want anyining. Fine radishes and other vegetables at the Oraoga Front f . A. H. Windsor was in from the sheer ing oorral Saturday last. Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters aa a remedy for yonr troubleeT If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This medioine has been found to be particularly adapted to the relief and cure of all Female Complaiuts, exerting a wonderful direct influence in giving strength and tone to tbe organs. If yon have Loss of Appetite. Constipa tion. Headaobe, Faintiog 8pls, or are Nervous, Sleepless, ExoitHble, Melan choly, or troubled with Dizzv Spells, Eleotrio Bitters is tbe medioine vou need. Health and Strength are guaran teed by its use. Fifty cents and $1.00 at Conser & Brock's drug store. Hugh Fields is up from below looking after his extensive interests in this lo cality. The ladies will give you a pleasant entertainment on Friday, May 14 2-3 Hi Tash was in from Hardman on Sat urday last and reports crops in excel lent condition. Tbe all absorbing topic, tbe Cuban question, is agitating oongrees, but in Heppner the citizens are striving to asoertain how R. C. Wills, in Black man's old stand, can offer such bargains in shoes, spring and summer drees goods. Mr. Wills is making a speoialty of these lines, but be will give you bargains in thousands of other articles. It will pay you to see R. C. Wills before nlaoino your order. Mail orders a specialty. Don't forget tbe place. tf M M. Clark, representing tbe Endow ment Rank, K. of P., is in town and will visit Dorio Lodge, this evening. Marcus Wolf, the Portland merchant who was aoooeed of burning up his stock in order to get the insuranoe, has been acquitted. Tbe Westfield (Ind.) News prints the follnwing in regard to an old resident of that plaoe: "Frank MoAvoy, for many years in tbe employ of tbe L N. A. &G. Ry. here, says: 'I have need Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarr hoea Remedy for ten years or longer am never without it in my family. I oon- sider it tbe beet remedy of the kind manufactured. I take pleasure in rec ommending it.' " It is a speoifio for all bowel disorders. For sale by Coueer & Brock. The Gazette hasn't a cent's interest in tbe looal telephone system, and pays its dues just the same as other people, but this paper is constrained to say that tbe business man who does not put in a 'phone is shortsighted, though well- meaniog in hia desire to economize And this is no paid local. Walt. Thompson runs stage between Heppner and Monument, arriving every day except Monday and leaving every day except Sunday. Shortest and cheap eat ronte to the interior. Ooneer A Brock, agenta. Strawberries, first of tbe season, en- perior quality; sweet oranges, at Orange Front, opp. City hotel, oor. Main and Willow Sta. tf. LET I BR LIST. IETTERB ADVEKTIBED J Or., May 10. 1HH7. AT HEPPNER Campbell, John Knight, 0. E. Cusker, C, K. Mcl aughlin St Co. (2) When calling tor these letters please say advertised. i. P. Williams, V, M. tome rloal lagxrltloDl. "There If a necetfary theme Of which we hate to f peak, Becaule al tome wife $age haf ald It doc Involve tome cheek. We with that all ul.torlt)er paute Te gratp tlilf tubtle thought; And $oon rvolve that they will do The tclf-ame deed they ought. Our butlnet! principle! compel The Bottling of all bllll; And how Shall we perform that talk I'ulrat tha fountain 111 V Our lemon extract IS thirty times as strong as the average. Ridiculous ! your money back if you don't like it Schilling's Best tea coffee Soda baking powder flavniing estracts and spices are all money back. IS For sale by J. W. Vaughan Edward Bhielda, tha Celebrated travel er and newspaper man who to elegantly entertained oor people on laat Thursday night, aiaiiled by bia wife and Mr. Chaa. Whiting, gave anot er entertainment en Friday evening wbioh was well attended and very mneh appreciated. If Mr. Bhielda should aver coma tbia way again ha can raat aMured of ao excellent bones. Ona nf tbe beet and neateat pieces of reeldenee property In will be aold here oo tbe 26th mat. It it kaowo eetbe Nordyka plana and is aitnated cear Tom Morgan's-nearly every rt. on in Heppner knows wbara to find it. Thert la aa acre and ooe-lbirj in fruit Ireea and tardea, and the buildings art of eteellrnl ebaraeter. Oo see It. tf Onr enterprising MBd, Jot Biber and Anions Ring, art) evidently very much eneonraged with lb sneeeet of tha Orange Front, tha leading fancy fnwwry boats) ia toa, and a credit 0 our loeallty. Mr. Aatnaa Riaga .fi fof trip oa tha main Una to tnekt special arrangerotBta for tha prompt shipments of agetahlaa and fralta of tbe aaaenn 0 ttte and tbat tbey nay ha this to beat all Competition - "" pva local ptMiuM rwn!. nluMiaa BIG ALLIGATORS. gome Odd Tales Told by aa Old Florid Hotel Kegleter, At the end of a chapter on alligators, in hia book "Hunting and Fisbiing in Florida," Mr. Charles B. Cory, curatoi of the department of ornithology in tbe Field Columbian museum, Chicago, gives an entry which he once saw in the register of the Brock 'house. In the old days, when transportation was more difficult than it is at present, tha Brock bouse was about the end of civilization, and was a 24 hours' trip by boat from Jacksonville!. It was at that time a great resort for sportsmen, who were attracted there by the fish ing and shooting to be had in the vi cinity. The old register, which extended back a great many years, contained some queer records, many of them of doubtful veracity. Among otihers, some one had written: "March 19, 1872, killed a large alli gator, the largest seen here this year; the stomach contained a boot, a piece of pine wood, a fisherman's float, and some email fish." Immediately bemea th this record was another, evidently added by some wag: "March 24, killed a much bigger alli gator than the one mentioned above?. The stomach contained a gold watch, $10,000 in government bonds, and n cord of wood." On the next page, written in a neat, unobtrusive style, was inscribed the following: "Shot the biggest alligator ever known in Florida; the stomach contained the remains of a steam launch, a lot of old railway iron, and a quantity.of melted lee, proving that it existed during the glacial epoch." TROCHA COST MANY LIVES. Over 2,000 Soldiers Died of Fever Con tracted There. A decided change has been made in the plan of military opera tions in Pinar del Hio province. The western trocha has not been abandoned yet, but the force along that military line has been greatly re duced already. Three brigades of in fantry have gone into the mountain ous country on the north coast, the only part where the insurgents find anything like security. The trocha, says a Havana dispatch, was a costly mistake in many respects; in others it served its purpose. The work was too expensively built Al though intended for a temporary pur pose, me Diockiiousea in many in stances were of brick and finished as if for permanent use. Even the mortar at the joints was nicely tooled. The same disposition to erect massive and permanent works that distinguished the Spaniards in the days of the coloniza tion of America exists to-day. The trocha caused Maceo a great deal of annoyance. It staid the passage of large bodies of men east and west. Only small groups succeeded in crossing. The maintenance of the trocha has cost dearly in human life. The country through which it runs- is malarious naturally, and the throwing up of earth works left pits which filled with stag nant water in the rainy season. More than 2,000 soldiers have died from dis ease contracted there. Even now many are sick, mostly with chilla and fever. Yellow fever and dysentery have been epidemic. BOSTON'S NEGLECT OF POE. No Fitting Recognition of His Fame la In the Whole Country. I have mentioned the circumstance that it has never occurred to the town of Boston to erect a monument to Poe, who, next to Franklin, probably has the most world-wide fame of all the men of letters native to that town, and Poe was connected with Boston not alone by the important accident of hia birth, but by the commencement there of bia lit erary career, itself an event worth com memorating. So far aa I am aware, Boston never awarded to Poe the honor which, in the caae of her dead literary men of eminence, he deems worthy to be taken in lieu of any fur ther monumental attention, namely, the calling of a public meeting by the mayor, at which addresses are made and complimentary resolution adopted. The name of Poe is, Indeed, carved on the outer walla of the public library at Boston ; ao are several hundred other names. Their purpose la chiefly deco rative. However, Boston's neglect in renpect of Poe wtia but tha neglect of all the rest of the country. Ilia kindred left hia grave at Baltimore unmarked and a fund of about $1,000 had to be raised by public subscription to place above hia aabea the unbeautiful mortuary monument which now bears hla name. If an enterprising commercial person had not hired the cottage In which Poe lived at Ford ham, juatoutof New York, and put up above it door the large sign "Poe'a Laundry," surmounting it with the figure of a raven, thereby arousing the wrath of many people. In cluding tha owner of the cottage, and ahamlng them into a protest. It ia prob able that the poet's fame would atill be quite deatitute of any public memo rial. Atlantic. METHODS OF MODERN AUTHORS. Novels Compressed or I'added to Salt ths rnblUher-e Needs. There la now an author before tbe public whoae writings have a wide audi ence, but w ho haa recently been told by the critic that hia work la deteri orating. Tbia la true, snya E, W. Bask in the Forum, and it la not strange that it should be ao. lie ia a man who aa a writer ahowa tbe highest art In hia ork, and bia earlier books demon strate this fact beyond a doubt. But he bus eome under tbe Influence of tbe dollar, and now writes what ia raled "to order." Not long ago a magazine editor approached this author for his next work and found him juat starting upon it "I would like It," said the editor. "What will you pay for Itr waa tha author's drat question. "How long wlU It probably br in quired the editor. "Oh. I ran make it just aa long or aa short aa you want it," aaid tha obliging author. Then he added: "It depends upon tha price. I eaa make a 40.000 ord atory of it If you like, and then it will coat you 16,000. Or I can spin it out to 60.000 word-and that ia reaJ. ly what I ought ta he to let the atory tell Itaelf. but then I will wit I7.JO0 for It. Of twirar. If you can't pay more hart $6,000, 1 ran trim it aaxwdijigtT." Tha real question of Ua atory itaelf did not eater Into the question. Itwaa 'mrly a roattrr of price, tou na d se wwb ard x , mock. If you ptyd a -" f" wiva. ii yoa psyn . . . - 3 lVwHSTiTh9 GAZETTE, $3.50 A Vwr fPr cash DREADED CONSUMPTION CAM BE CURED. T. A. 8loenm, M. C, the Great Chemist sad Scientist, Will Bead, Free, Three Bottles of B It Newly Discovered Remedies to (Sufferers. Editor Gazbtti: I have discovered a reliable ftnrA fne flnninmntinn .nil all Bronohial, Throat and Lung Diseases, urwerai jjecnoe. loss of r lesb and all Cooditiona of Waiitino A wav. Rv its timely use thousands of apparently hopeless oases have been cured. So proof-poeitive am I of its Dover to nnre. that to make ite merits known. I will fend, free, to any hfljicted reader of yonr naner. thrpn huttlea nf mv Noailn rtio covered Rm-diee noon reoeipt of Ex- n'ees una je. ffioe sddreas. T. A SLOCUM, M.O.,98 Pine Rtreot.New York IX' I t.i .1 . . . . . . . "nun wriuun me aocior.memion tun paper. mm Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Fat-1 entDuuneas conducted lor Mooiratc Ftct. and we can secure patent ia leas' time than these remote from Washineton. i Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion, wo aavue. 11 oatentabie or not. free ot charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A PAMPM Le,T, " How to Obtain Patents," with cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries sear, tree Address, C.A.SNOW&CO. Oee. Patent Orrict, Washington. D. C. Cummings 8c Fall, PROPRIETORS Of the Old Reliable Gault House, CHICAGO. ILL., Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. & Q., C. M. & tit. P., C. & A., P. Ft. W. & C. and the C. St. L. & P. Railroads. KATES t0.oo PBH DAY Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8t., caicAao. ill. Timber Culture-Final Proof. United States Land Office, Thft n.lla. rWmn in.ll 11,1. 1UM NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT JOHN I nf T au lct.ii... nku v. ci.. ....... .. . uvn.Duu.j,, in, una uitsu IIO- t.lnn of InrjMitflnTi fom-b,, -. i i , w. Morrow, Oounty Clerk, at his office in Hepp- ; vica". oamiuay. uie ttn aay 01 June, 1K97, on timber culture application No 2915. for the su bwu nwi avaL j cm,, Section No. 24, in Township No. 1 8outh, Kange No. 24 East. He names as witnesses: French Burroughs, of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie. John Jordan and Oscar Mitchell all of lone, Oregon. ow-m j as. r. muo Ki, Register. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice ia hereby given that the firm nf IViwna, Jl, a,..nn 1 . - - " " i. w u " null, v.ll M 1 ill ir.''ll II It t C. Downer and Emmett Bwann, and doing gen eral house, sign and ornamental painting in the town of Heppner, has this day been dis solved by mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav ing uiapoieu or nis interest to is. c. Downer Who Will OOntinne htiuJnaa a. K. i - -- -. u.v .na Damn iwa Hon, collect all accounts and pay all bills con D. C. Downes, - . . . iMMETT HWANN. . nll1 HePPner Oregon, this 2nd day of April 1897. 32tf- Tbe Gazette will take potatoes, amies. eggs or batter on subscription accounts. Any one owing this offloe can settle tbeir accounts in this manner ud oan't do it too soon to snit us. Qid Hatt and Charley Jones are as sociated together down at Charley's old plaoe in the tonsorial business. Call on them and get your whiskers pushed In. We bave advertising apace for the professional men. Every dootor aod lawyer in town Bbonld bave bia card in tbe Gazette. TFSTa.Tr IB Attorneys ixt Iyow, All business attended to manner. Notaries OFFICE IN NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. : i . HEPPNER, WHITE COLLAR LINE. Columbia River and Piifffit Snnnf! Naviffatinn Steamers TELEPHONE, BAILEY leaving Alder Street Dock, Portland, for A.torla, Ilwaoo, Long Beacb Ocea. Park and Nahcot a. Direot oonneetioo with Ilwaoo e'leWer, .nd road; also at Young's Bay with Seaabore Railroad" TBIiBPHONZI Uavat Portland 7 A. M. Daily, except Sunday. Leaves Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Hunday. Leaves Portland P. M. Dally, axrept Sunday, Kattirdav nleht it P ... . . , ,. at:4 A. It., except Sunday and Monday' Bund." Sight, ft .A,torl Dt,, OOBAN WAVE Leaves Portland and runt direct to Ilwaoo, Tuesday and ThnrH. . a i u . . . Uave, Ilwaoo W4neada, and Frfilay J? J? Juudanjf tfat 'i"?! 1 M" Baggage Checltd io Railroad Destination Both Beaches Fret cf Expense! For Baiety, Speed, Comfort, Pleatura. Travel on th. .,, 0lUerl Md Wool Growers ! With MoKlnley in tha Wbit. House, w. pr.diol higher price, for wool dnrie, lb. ooming aeaaoo, and feel aaeared that Deppoer will attraot mora f!.u, I ar. tb.o formerly. headquarter, will oa at ,h. L astern boy- Wool Growers' Warehouse and it will bt to yonr Intereele In .tor. afclaWl BM Ml aafca kaa.a aLia- I A W, farolsb wool aaek. and twin. t- patrons pa.,b wh.0 , pay freight to team.iara, and fnraiab blank rece.p , u, woolgrower. ol arTn L ..i W. h.v, on band rolled b.rl.y .nd fee,! for ....,. Won. W. pay Iba bigheat eatb prioa for ahaep pell. .d bid. p)(W..r. .genu for Lit.!.'. Floid Dip, anH ,h. DUf k r, Tob,coo T?. IP. HYND ln, THE PALACE - BQKCI-IJilBS, Prop. Keeps the Finest Wines, Liquors and Cigars THE ACCIDENTS OF LIFE Write to T. 8. QtrracBT. Drawer 158, Chicago, Sccre- "V y torT of the Star Accident fnuvivv fn. ; n rn. i : , aw. U1IWIU.UUU regarding Accident Insur ance. Mention this paper. Bv SO doino' vou rnn aav membership fee. Has paid over $000,COO.OO for accidental injuries. Be your own Agent. HO MEDICAL EXAMINATION REQUIRED. WANTED-AN IDEAoTaoTett. thing to patent ? Protect your ideas ; they may bring you wealth. Write JOHN WKDDER BUHN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington. D. C, for their $1,800 prize offer. NOTICE. TO ATX WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: No tice is hereby given that an annual moot ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware house company of lone will be held at the offlce of said company In lone, Oregon, on 8aturday, the 5th dav of June. 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m., lor the purpose of electing directors and for such other business as may be legally transacted by them. M. J. WILLIAMS, President. Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897. 539-48 Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, 4 April 7, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before County lerk, Morrow County, Oregou, at Heppner, Oregon, on May 17th, 1897, viz: HENRY D. MIKE8ELL, Hd. E. No. 7498 for the EU HWW Sec. 11 and EU NW)8ec. I4,TP5 8, R271WM. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Benjamin F. Hevland, Sam uel C. Creeson, Leander Copple and David A. Hamilton all of Heppner, Oregon. B. F. WILSON, . Register. TimSer Culture, Contest. United States Land Office, The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1897. COMPLAINT HAVING BEEN ENTERED at this office by O. E. Farnsworth, Hepp ner, Or., against Thomas Huntsberry for failure to comply with law as to timber-culture entry No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1888, upon the NE!i BE! BK NEK and NEH NE Sec. 81, To. 8 8ft 25 E, in Morrow county, Oregon, with a view to the cancellation of said entry, contestant alleg ing that said entry has been and is abandoned finri tin mart nt .Via ..M An.. t. ..v ,,. v v, o duu cuiiij ii nit ever dppti broken, planted or cultivated. 1 hat such fail- u,ra tvin oAiBi, mo Bum inriiHB are nereDy sum moned to appear at this offlce on the 22nd dav 7V . , - " p. in., m IGBpUIIU HI1U furnish testimony concerning said alleged ........ . .. ... uuuuij lera, is au thorized to tAV0 tha tiwtlmnnv In thl. ... 1. 1 - ..i....v.,j ... .11 10 a. ma office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 15. 1897. at lAn'ilnnlr am tin in .......... ' . u v,,.., n. ui, JAO, f , MUUKG, '33-74B Register. SHERIFF'S SALE. NOTICK IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue of an execution issued out nf tnaPltfinlt Pniirf nl Kn .. i , ... . ...... v uw...v ui ,c Dmic ui vtrexon ior County of Morrow, and to me directed and de- uvereu, upon a judgment rendered and entered In said Court on the 1st day of March, 1897 in favor of The Morrow County Land and Trust Jomnany, a cornoration, plaintiff, and against Ed f). Allen. Martha E. Allen, Wm. M. Rudio, Mattie P. Rudio and J. Teal, as ad- neased, defendants for the sum of Two Thons- auu iwo nuiiuiHi anu ruteen Dollars with interest thereon from the 21st day of November, 1896. at the rate of te" per cent per annum, and One Hundred and Fifty Dollars attorney's fees, and the further sum of Twelve and 50-100 Dol lars costs and whereas by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following de scribed real property, to-wit: Lot No. ten (10) in block No. two (2) of Looney's addition to the town ot Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, be sold to SHtlsfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs, I will, on Wednesday, The 26th d. y of May, 1897, at one o'clock p. m of said day, at the Court House door in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore gon, sell all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, Kd C, Allen, et al., in and to the above described property at publio auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to tha satisfaction of said execution an all costs and costs that may accrue. E. L. MATLOCK, bherltl'of Morrow Cotintv, Oregon, r, . . By w- Matlock, Deputy. Dated April 26th, 1897. 539-47. The regnlar aobeoription prTc of 8emi-Weekly (Ipv.otte ia fto m nn tha tha - - j -- iy i'Ul lul reirtunr price oi tne weekly Uregonian is $1.50. Anyone snbeeribirg for tha Gazette and paying for one yeari advance can get both the Gazette and Weekly Oregonian for $3.60. All old sub senbers paying their subscriptions fcr one year in advance will be entitled tc in. .Ntna in a prompt and satisfactory Public and Oollectora. OREGON 1 iT I ,vv" aV I I J W GATZERT AND OCEAN WAVE. your wool with nt. In.arsoea rat.. MUJ ? ar. HOTEL BAK A. HUH VU