-V- Marvelous. Effeots System Broken Down and Hops Al most Abandoned-Health Re stored by Hood's Sarsapariila. "For fifteen years I have suffered with catarrh and indigestion and rr.y wLck system was broken down. I Imd almost abandoned any hope of recovery. 1 cur chased six bottles- of Hood Sarsapariila and its effects havo been marvelous. II has made me feel like a nsw men. I am able to sleep well, have a good appetite, and I have goined several pounds in weight." James Wilder, Oroville, Wash. "I had a scrofula swelling on one side Of my neck and ulcerated sores in my nostrils, caused by catarrh. I also had small, itching sores on my limbs. I bought three bottles of Hood's Sarsapa riila and began taking it and the sores boon healed. My blood is purified, and the scrofula has disappeared." O. D. MoM ANUS, Mission, Washington. Is the best-in fact the One TrueT?lood Purifier. Hood's PillJ cre nausea, Indigestion, UUUU S f 111b biliousues3' 25cents. Hooc Take Notice. 1. The SUm Of flv OAntji iwr Una will V. charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings for whatever purpone 2. Notices of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue is to he de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. A GOOD CLUBBING LIST. Now that the great political campaign is over and the winter season again with ue, ell will want an adequate supply of (resh and varied rending matter for the long evenings. Cognizant of this the Gazette has made clubbing arrangements with a number of periodicals and now offers the following to all new and renew al subscribers: The GAZETTE 12.50 and Club Rate Weekly Oregonian, $1.50 13.50 " 8. F. Examiner, $1.50 8.75 " N. Y. Tribune, $1.00.. 8.00 " Inter-Ocean, $1.00 8 25 " 8. F. Chronicle, $1.50 8 75 Thrlce-a-Week N. Y. World, $1.00 8.25 Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50 Leslie's Weekly, $4.00 6.00 Here and There. Tbe band concert, May 14, 1897. 2 3 Tom Woolery was up from lone on Saturday last. Bob Gil more came up from Portland Saturday last. Minor & Oo. are agents for tbe Shuttle A Smith wagons. 2 3 01 Jnstioe was in Saturday from bis flocks out on Hinton oreek. Ohas. Wbite, in tbe employ of Ltey Bros i is over from Oondon. Don't forget Minor & Co.'s all-wool suits, $6 50. norld beaters. 2 Asa Thompson and wife were in town yesterday, from their Butter creek home. Anyone wishing a Dumber one wagnn will do well to call on Min r & Co. 2 3 H. Wade is nursing a felon wbl oh is not pleasant for a man to possess while hauling wool. Tbe doings of the last meeting of the oouoty ooort were unavoidably omitted from this issue. O. M. Jones has added an additional chair to bis barber shop, with Green Mstbews at tbe helm. . Tbe Brown and tbe Fosbsr outfits left yesterday to gather op sheep preparatory for the drive eastward. Mrs. Annie Gilliam made proof on her homestead yesterday, with EJ. Cox and J. O. Williams as witnesses. The Gazette is securing new snbscrip. tions daily. Now is the time to sub scribe to get tbe spring news. Minor and Co. have just received di reol from manufacturers one oar load of wagons, thereby shotting off tbe middle' man. 2 Hon, E. II. Thompson, representing tbe Bridal Veil Lumbering Co., was in Heppoer Sunday and yesterday on bui nrea oonneoled with his flrm. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Bee Mrs. Phill Cohn. 2-tf. Minor & Co. have tbe nicest line of ladies' low shoes in tbe oity. No ex ceptions. 2-3 Ladies wanting sbH waists will do well to look around before purchasing. Minor & Oo. 2 3 8. 8. Barney, of Sohnyler, Neb, is here to buy 5,500 head of sheep. He is preparing to outfit at onoe. Dr. B. F. Yangban will leave very soon for Long Creek. Those needing work sbonld oome in at once. tf Word came yesterday from Los Angeles that Mrs. Homer McFarland was very low and not expected to live. Call up 'phone No. 3 if yon want any thing. If tbe Gzntte shop has not tbe article some of onr advertisers have. This office was the recipient of a pleasent onll from MesdameN. A.Kelly aod W. W. Smead, on last Saturday. H S. MoEwsn, solioitor for Geo. Adams & Bourke Co., live stock com mission men of Chicago, is in Heppner Mentor Fred Roseoburg is over to visit bin grandmother, Mrs. Sra Til lard, and his other relatives in this lo cality. The Gezette'p scribe had the pleasure of a ride behind Mr. Josef Mueller's mare which be recently pnrohasnd from Gene Camphell, on last Saturday. Mr, Byron Bynolds and wife, of Portland, are visiting their old friend, W. P. Dnttoo, and his estimable wife, at their suburban Lome below Heppner. The sate of Sam Walker's ranch oo- onrred on last Saturday, under the ana- pics of She'iff Matlook. It brought $101, E. W. Rhea & Co. being the pur chaser. The Qpzette mentioned "Pat Barry" as having been in the Portland street oar accident. It meant to have stated that it was Pat Geary who was so unfortunate. Jas. P. Rhea got a check for $2 000 on the now defnnot Dalles City bank. Mr. Rhea will not lose the money, however, as the sheep had not been taken out of tbe oonnrry. Unole" Jas. G. Hart, an old soldier who resides in this locality, has just been notified that Congressman Ellis has secured him a pension of 58 per month from Sept., 1892. Mr. C. K. Carmean, of Kansas Cityt Mo., representing the live stock commis sion firm of Zeb F.Crider, is in town. Mr. Carmean is en old "print" and wilbal a pleasant, sffable fellow. J W. Blake, of Condon, and his cousin, w. J. Blase, or lone, nad i3.uuu tied up in The Dalles bank sinaebup. It is said that depositors will be paid duller for dollar, but this is an old song. C. H. Sburte, representing Mallory and Zimmerman Co., live stock com mission merchants of Cbicagn, is here today. Mr. Shnrte is a oonsin of tbe well known Shnrte Bros, of Arlington. LOOKS LIKE A BILK. The Rev. (?) W. T. B. Harwood Mv ha all Right But Evidence is Anainst Him. A gentleman of oolor, a minister pre sumably, floated in npon us reoently aod at once proceeded to bill tbe town for a lecture. Showing recommenda tions, he was taken in by onr local clergy as a Christian geutleman and a fellow minister, and had no trouble whatever in seonring the M. E, oburob, South, in whiob to deliver his leoture. Out of deerence to tbe colored gentle mau, he was given an opportunity to prenoh on the Sunday evening preced ing his lecture on Monday night. This was a fatal mistake. In tbe oommon parlance of the day, he oonldn't preach "fast enough to keep bis feet warm." He showed no ability and if educated as he claimed, in the best schools of England, be must have gone tbrongb oollege oo the short oourse in the front door and out of tbe baok. He had an excellent audience, however, everyone desiring, it seemed, to hear tbe colored missionary talk. His first effort settled the business and bis audience on Mon day nigbt was pretty scattering. Tha proceeds of tbe leotnre were no doubt small, as he "stood off" most of the board bill and never eaid as mnob as "thank you'' to tbe print shop to which he was indebted a small amount for making an announcement of bis lecture, as this office always oharges half rates for snob work. To tbe hotel, be promised to send the money baok from Pendleton. This he has not done. This paper believes that Harwood is a bilk, and it tbe truth was known, an imposter also. Any person who will n b a priuter will not do to trust in any oommoiiity. Any man who will beat a board bill is about as low as they make tbem. If Rev. Harwood bad said that be was Dot able to pay the printing bill, or had acted like an honest man: it he bad written to the hotel that he was unable to meet his promise, matters would have been different. WE HAKE THE CORRECTION. Love of Peace Cause the Gazette to Humbly Knock Under. The Gazette has bad a hard row to hoe lately. Our oeighhor, Sam Mead ows, bo, by tbe way, is a pretty good one, to j, was greeted by a new arrival in tbe family not long ago, whioh tbe Gazette duly cbrooioled as tipping the beam at 9 pounds, whioh Sam says is cor reot. This was all right till Judge Free land came rushing in frantically one morning to say that be had a stranger in bis family whioh he bad deoided to adopt, aod it weighed 10 pounds. Sam grew suspicions sod was not content till he had dug up the figures and then it was found that between tbe desire of tbe Gazette's editor to make a happy father happier, aod a food parent's wish to show tbe prize baby of the neighborhood, the figures had been raised juat 4 pounds Tben our troubles began, and in order to bave peoe we have decided to givr tbe faots in tbe case. We will say, however, tbat while Sam has tbe best of this matter, ostensibly, yet we have oiroumstantial evidenoe thit he tinkered with tbe scales so that they would weigh heavy, but we will let tbe matter rest it Sam is suited. Tbe Ga zette wants peace and quietude aud will get down and apologize this time. LITE TIME8 IN HEPPNER, MEMORIAL, DA V. WOOL BUSINESS. Doioes of tbe. G. A. R. and W. R. C. for That Occaslou. The Gazette is informed tbat prepare turns are being made by the members of the G. A. R. and W. R. C. to properly observe "Decoration Day." On May 23J,Rev. Dmke, of Lexing ton, will deliver a memorial sermon in tbe Congregational church at that plaoe, and on May 30th, Rev. Fleeher, of Hepp ner, will deliver a similar sermon in tbe M. E. cburoh, at this plaoe, after which tbe members of the orders above men tioned will decorate the graves of soldiers in tbe Heppner cemetery. Tbe decorations at Lexington will occur on Saturday, May 29:h, aod all are invited to participate. Those donating flowers sbonld see or write to either Mrs. W. W. Smead or Mrs.N. A. Kelly, both of this place, at once. Let every patriotic citizen assist. and tbe Gazette takes it tbat there are none other in our midst. Scaly eruptions on the bend, chapped hands and lips, outs, brnises, scalds, burns are .quickly oored by DeWitt's WHoo tiHZrtl salve. It is at present (lie article most used for piles, and it always cures tbem. C-inser Brock. The old lady was right when she eaid, tbe child might die it they waited for tbe doctor. She saved the little one's life with a few doses of One Minute Cough Cure. Hbe bad used it for oroup before. Const & Brock. fSucklfn'i An ica Salve. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Mores, Ulcers, Salt Rbonm, Fever Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Cbilbluins, Corns, and all Hmo ,rop tions, and positively cures Piles or oo pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect atiefaotion or money refunded. Price 25 rents per box. For sale by Coueer & Brock. Everything Qmt at Present and Prices Nut as Good as Formerly. But little wool is being sold in Hepp ner at present owing to tbe depression of prices. This is occasioned by tbe action of tbe senate in koooking out the retroaotive clause of tbe new tariff law, whioh, it it bad gone into effeot by the concurrence o: toe senate wnn tne house, would bave stopped free import ations ot wool after April 1st, Wool- buyers and sheepgrowers are both rest ing on uncertainties in not knowing just when tbe proposed tariff law will go into effeot, hence are waiting on their oars to see just where they are at. As toon as the bill becomes a law prioes will ad vance and wool traffio will become lively again. Tbe London market is a little better than Inst year owing to tbe unusnal de mand on this side. Wben it beoame known that tbe April dense was a dead letter, prioes advanoed appreciably, but were mnob depressed earlier in tbe spring when it appeared likely that tbe retroaotive clause would stiok. There is also a considerable shortage in tte Australian oli r. H. C. Myers, accompanied by bis son, Oscar, arrived Sunday from the sands near Grants with his sheep. Norman Myers is also here, having arrived by train. Gone to Washington. On Sunday last Mr. Josef Mueller, tbe rustling representative for the Wiley B. Allen . Co., of Puitlnnd, departed (or points m tbe state ot Wasbington nn bnoiness. He niukes the trip overland behind his tnfl Dug, s r cent purohase. of which he is quite proud. Mr. Mueller will be absent S'lins two weeks and be fore returning will visit Portland where he goes to prepare for publication two musical compositions of his own, written since coming to Heppner last fall. The GfZftte can any tbat Mr. Mueller Is one of tbe most snooessful salesmen in the employ ot tbe Wiley IS. Alleu Uo and his fqual for energy and enterprise is rari-ly met with in the line which be represents. It takes this to sell piauos it takes this to tanks a success of any business. We are spending more than our profits on Schil ling's Best tea to get you to try it just to try it. . Your money back if you don't like it. At grocers' in packages. hilllnr Sun r i Tbe Moody bank, of Thrt Dilles, was closed np by tbe bank examiner, Mr Clary, nnder iostrnolioos from Comp troller Eckels, ot Wasbington. It is said tbat tbey bad been violating the oationsl banking laws at vsrioos times for quite a period. It is rumored tbat the sotion of Clary ws brought ebont by discovering that reports had been fsls'fled. We are still here and Doing Business every Day A. Andrews It op from Alpine today. Pot your nams oo tbe Gazette's sub toription list. Bill Hale, better known ss "Wild Bill," is in from I labo. Tbe Gazette will give a m encamp ment notes in next issue. Let as work for it Jons. Brownies and son and Albert Ballanoe ara in from Long Creek fur reigbt Tha report of the Congregation meeting or conference at Lexington last week will appear In next iasoe. ST H 'i fE.W.RHEA&COi I Have a Full StocK of Dry Goods and Groceries ft fa Vlll 1IUUV M VUUOIUIIUJ lllt'l vIUUIIq t Yf A Th Secret i; IV e keen what the dcodIc want s t The Secret Is: We keep what the people want and sell at fair, legitimate prices Of course vc make some profit on our ! goods; that's what we are in business for. But we cot allow oar competitor in business to outdo a io toy particular. Call ao'l . 1 E. ft V W. RHEA & CCU Tha First National Bank BwlHlna, HEPPNER. - - OREGON. 'AS r t 0 Mr. Black mta Hays fcra or Prosperity Is at Band. The town of Heppner, Morrow connty, is at tbe present time enjoying its foil share of prosperity, and from all ao connta tbe residents bave not witnessed socb a prosperous era for many years, suggests the Pendleton Tribune. Mr. Qenry Blackman, oolleotor of internal revenues for this district, returned to Portland Tuesday from a visit to bis family in Heppner, and to a reporter of tbe Portland Oregonian said: - "Heppner Is the liveliest town in East ern Oregon today. Tbe streets are orowaea wnn people, boo every one seems to have money to jingle in his pocket. List Saturday was the liveliest day seen there for many jeers. The street was filled with sheepmen, cattle buyers, trailers, sbeepshearets and farm era. Two photographers were kept bnsy on the street taking piotures of shearers and their girls, and tbe old-time sights of draw poker, faro and other games were a reminder of the flush times of 1880. "Fully 70,000 sheep have been con tracted for to be delivered after shear ing, tbe average prioe paid being $1.50, Tbe wool clip of Morrow will this year be olose to 3,500,000. Several lots have been sold thus early, bringing from 7 to 9li cents. Tbe sheepmen are now bold iog their wool, owing to the nneertainty ot tbe tariff bill. Experts state tbat the clip of 1897 will be 1,400,000 pounds short, and, if this proves true, wool will bring a good prioe. "I be larmers are also bright and cheerful. All tbe orops look well, and there is about 15 per cent more acerage Bnwn man lasc year, it toe grain ee capes the destructive bot winds, there will be 1,000,000 bushels ot grain har vested in Morrow oounty next eummer whioh, even at 50 oents a bushel, will bring a large amount of money to tbe people. With tbe sale ot sheep, wool, cattle and grain, fully $1,000,0 j0 will oome to Morrow oounty, a great portion ot wbiob will eventually find its way to Portland. "There is not a variant residenoe house in Heppner. Some bnildib" is being done, and the people are very hopeful. In fact, it really looks as though tbe prosperity promised is taking loot. Of course, that is a oonoession for a demo crat to make, but it really looks so. One of tbe best indications I noted was tbe amount of business done in Heppner last Saturday. One store took in $920 cash in general trade. Tbe credit eya tern is no longer in vogue there aud everybody seems to have money." Mr. B. has given the brightest side of tbe rase. Heppner is fairly lively but it Jaoks a great deal ot being tbe town it was formerly. However, Mr. B artiole is in the main a correct one. though be nndervalnes tbe average prioe paid for sheep. It is nearer $1.75 per bead than $1.50, and if an thing higher than tbat. He also states that the ex perts claim tbat tbe shortage of wool is 1,400 000 pouods. He probably means 1,400,000,000 rounds. STOCKMEN, FARMERS, EVERYBODY ! You Don't Expect Goods for Nothing! B DT YOU DO WANT LOW PRICES groceries and snpplies ; you want sub stantial gents' furnishings. Yon can find what you want at T. B. Howard's. . . MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED! It. Howard Main Street. Heppner, Oregon. m If lit vv-SSS- Hotel HEPPNER, OREGON Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop Guests will find the best of accom modations iD every respeot. HELP WANTED ! We are preparing for a big spring trade, bat mast have help to make it a bowling suooess. We are filling np and oom pleting our stock ot GROCERIES AND HARDWARE which will be sold as low as possible for a legitimate business. We bave many customers now but tbere are still several vacancies in this department of onr store, to be filled. Applications will be received at all boors of the day. Apply io person or by letter lo P. C. Thompson Co. Corner Main and Willow Streets. DRINK TIII2 FAMOUS Hop GVold Beer A COOL, REFRESHING AND HEALTHFUL DRINK. Star Browc ry Company, tS2 Fat Kilkmny was in Monday and In forms tbe Gazette that he .will pack tvt Oartv & Kilkenny this summer. 203 Washington St., Portland, Or. VANCOUVER, WASH. RACES! RACES! You can Wager Your Sox that You are Always at Home at .... F WELCOME Ou .ow Street, near tbe City Ball. THE BEST WET GOODS in the MARKET. They try to please all. Fine olnb rooms In connection. IOW TILTvAKD, Prop. FRANK ROflERS J. J. ROBERTS Rogers & Roberts, THE HEPPNER SPEED ASSOCIATION Ilra-vot Deoidwit to Hold a iVt IIBPPNEK, ORE. ON FOUR DAYS AS FOLLOWS ! Saturday May 29, g Ha;, Wednesday and May, Contractors and Builders.- Plans and Estimates Given on snort Notice. All Kinds of Repair Work Done- 0FFICE HOURS-Day and Night Leave your orders "Any Old. Place" and Rog. or Jim will eet 'em. o o o o o o o JUNE I, 2 and $700.00 IN PURSES! 3P : $700.00 j A floe sssortment of pattern ht, sail ors, eto., etc, Jut received at Mrs. L J. Estes, opposite Palace botel. Prioes reasonable. It. See llioae new UnMan To shoes lown at LlobtenthalY Latest style, beat qtatlty, reasonable prioes. Too' cannot do better any wbere. tf Tbe length of life may be increased by lenitening daoirere. Tbe majority of peo ple die from lung triable. Three mny be arvrted by promptly osinff One Minnie Congh Cor. Conser k Lro k Je Haves flnt baok from Orant eonnty no lst Hatnrlay, bitting bongtit 3. fx a) bead of yrarliotf ewes for Tbeo Hveneon. These ebeep so it i oeatelln. Mono. Jo says times are very much belter io Grant eoooty. F. M. Yetea' outfit poll oat 8tor- dey aol begto moving lb M0 (X0 bead of sheep across tbe trail. Tbey will pack across, following lbs sheep tbrongb Ibe mnnetaiae. la tble wsy lbs beet of feed eao ele-sys be bad for Ibesbrepeod boree. Tester ay San Frtnctwe flrm elosed np Mr. Lnluier, the mitlioor. oo a claim of some f 102. M'. LBatis ter i ktMLt co baltei trip to the !.,..... ...I w. ... l.l.J - i colt to ey bal will be tbe result. Uowevee, Ibe ledy will oaloohledly raUe tbe mon-y aad settle tbe aeeonnt. Ioded Uwi Leeeb, wbo bae bad ebarire of tbe btuloeea. thicks tbat she will be si hl Ia mmttlm eirvtKi As an tffa Vfra t-n.i.....-- . . m ' A-W.r.mnB'OS.Heerei.". . W.O. MINOR. IWdat, . " " E I rKEKLANI). Treae-rer. Lerh i. looking sftef tbe r, with v L M.tl-vk t,ve M4t. E. O HWf, CIo. Herring', Ur; UPow, VUmin sa- to cs-erre, j . w, Vtrrr,)i UaMMJi), WerWrt . , R 00TS AND SHOES!.., PROGRAMME : FIINT DAT Hslnrdsv. Mev rJ-IUrel. Charier mile daiti, melon ran llefi Winner, nwoed by Ijow TilUrd, an t Hawbuck, owned by lien rjesgtarl for f MO a side. Reoe X Foer and one-half farloegs, free lor all. I'uree, 1100 Kara Three eitfMb mile dash, free for all. I'arM. I7.. HKOOND DY-To-eday. June l-Ko 4. Ooe half mil dash, free for all. I'oree. HOI. Um 6. Hit bnndred yard dh. free lt all. Fares, 175. TlilltU IMY Wednesday Jane 2 lUna 1. O ierter mile db, free for ell Para. IV I !Uo 7. due tboasaad tarda, free for all. Fan. IlilO. FOUKTH I4 YTbartday, Jena 9 Ho H. One balf mile, handicap, fr for all. Fnra. SI'lQ. fiac 9. Ooe belt mile, convolution tin, h defeated hnreea. Fore. 173. Baoe 10. Utile race from wire to wire, opes to Ibe world. COMUlTIONH: Tbeae raoee will be eoveroed by the role of Ibe Fecifle Blood lloree Aaeoriation. E"tranee feM la all raoee, not otberwiee epoifWd.l0 rweimtilal asvtwei of DQrM. five Af more lo Mef. threa to elarl. In oaee thai parse above ftven di ant All with Ave orxnpUle. eatrl, Ibe boarJ bae Ibe power lo reitne the amount of the pore a in their liimeel eeem proper. Tbe di rector reeervw tbe riant lo Doetpoo any and ell ruae on eon on I of inclement weather. If above reoee do not fllL pree will b vw for epecial rse, to be iwtitfite1 by lb dirrcWire. Far will be divided 70 pee eeal to Ibe Orel boree, 80 per cent lo second. All eotrle to olose by S o'clock, p. m, oo Ibe evening pre eeeJiog tbe reoe. THE PLACE TO OCT THCM It AT AI. TvICIIXJSIV'riIA.IVH II be anything In thl tin that yon rnv nVitr anil yon ran depod ea II you get a giKMt srtloi whtn Mt guarant It SHOES IN ALL THE LATEST STYLES. Old Stand, Main Street. Repairing) Specialty. Brail New Dim Store YOU CAN KIND IT. Next Door to the Postofilce. MJ, PURSES ILL HE P, 1 IS POLL Wsare prepared lo All preeoriptione with Frrsh Drugs. Oar stool ( esw end freb aod an eipericoced pberma cit la In charge et ell time. Telephone eooneetioos lib ell per of Ueppner end the Long Disteone. Call ap No. 17. E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr. 4