Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 11, 1897, Image 2

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gWSrl 251261 27l2829
Senator Frye doesn't believe the
abrogation of the reciprocity treaty
with Hawaii is possible. He Bays,
"The representatives of the sugar
trust are now seeking the abroga
tion of this treaty with more than
usual energy and activity. They
are deeply interested in abroga
tion, and I don't know of any one
else who is. In their efforts to
secure their own interests they are
misrepresenting the disadvantages
to the United States from this
treaty and concealing the advan
tages. The advantages are mani
fold and the disadvantages small."
Senator Frye is bo far east that
he imagines that no one is oppos
ing the Hawaiian reciprocity trea
ty but a few wealthy gentlemen
interested in the production of
Bugar; m short, the "sugar trust."
The senator had not heard from
the Pacific coast when he made
that statememt. He had not felt
the pulse of the U. S. senate at
that time. Since then the senate
has indicated an intention to have
no reciprocity treaty with Hawaii.
The objection that the abroga
tion of this treaty is being de
manded by a "sugar trust" of the
United States can be met with the
fact that a Hawaiian "sugar trust"
wants the treaty, and as between
a home and a foreign trust, the
American will take the former.
Besides, if rightly understood, the
American will insist upon do recip
rocity treaty with Hawaii. Al
ready the entire business elemeut
of the Pacifio coast is expressing
itself in that way. This is not a
matter of sentiment. This country
looks upon Hawaii as its adopted
child, but the time has come when,
na an independent government, it
must take care of itself in a busi
ness way.
Hon. Wayne MacVeagh has
somewhat surprised all bands by
the lavish praises he is bestowing
upon the McKinley administration,
lie says the cabinet is first class,
the diplomatic appointments Ho.
1, and the action of the president
in calling an extra session of con
greHB exactly the right thing. Mc
Yeagh also thinks that inasmuch
as the people voted for the protect
ive system congress should speed
ily give it to them whether the sys
tem be tight or wrong. Record.
And MacVeagh is exactly right
The people ought to have what
they voted for by a large majority.
If protection is the right kind of
medicine for the body politic at
the present time, it can't be given
in too large doses nor too quickly.
Hurry it up! Wilkes-barre Tele
phone. Of course he is. But if Mr.
McVeagh and others had remained
in the republcari ranks where tbey
were in 1881, there would exist no
necessity for the repeal of a tariff
Wixhinttoa'f New Law Relating to Bhrrp
Beins; Brought ja from Other titatea.
Continued from our last.
aeo. v. Any person, company or cor
poration, owning or having charge of
any ebeep infested with soab, or BDy in-
feotiooa or contagions disease, shall keep
the same, and all sheep with which socb
have been in oontact, secure from con
tact with other sheep, and shall not drive
or permit the same to go opon any pub
lic road or highway, or any inolosed land
not owned by each person, company or
corporation . Provided, That socb sheep
may be moved or driven npos socb
places and highways by first obtaining
tbe written permission of the sheep in
spector of the county w herein each sheep
may be, wbiob permission shall state tbe
time within which tbey are to be moved,
tbe plaoe to and from which, and the
ronte to be traveled.
Sec 10. It shall be, and is hereby
made, the duty of each sheep inspeotor
appointed nnder this act, to examine,
visit and inspect every band of sheep
Literature apiiearinq in
these columns is published under
the direction of the "Sound Cur
rency Committee, of the Reform
Club" of 52 William street, New
They May B Mistaken as to ttas Can
and Remedy but Not as to toe Kxist
enee of Their Trouble Why Interest Is
High In tbe West and Sonth Statistics
of Banking Power In Different Sections.
Upon tracing the movement for a
larger volume of circulation back for a
Ing the banking 'power of the several
states and territories, from which the
following abstract is compiled, to illus
trate this, point more forcibly:
AVERAGE baskiro power per capita, its it
id STATE, HS6.
Nation- Loan
al, state and
and trust Bar
prirate com- ins
banks. p?aies. banks. AIL
fnited Btates.... ISUB 110.96 tS.81 $98.8
Maximum. Rhode
Island 121.85 64.01 1SS.75 571. M I
Minimum. A r-
kansas 4.96 4.86
6 Kew En eland
States 78.P0 fO.flO 152.50 252.00
t middle states 69.74 C73 84.53 127.00
13 southern states 17.08 .04 . 18.70
8 central states.. 48.14 141 6.34 66-89
18 western states. 84.89 1 68 88.5T
4 Pacific states... 48.88 16.68 73.57
The creat disparity between the
Cure sick headache, bad asfe. I
taste in the mouth, coated s9 ill O
tongue, gas In the stomach, 111 aJ
alatreu and Indigwtlon. Do a
not weaken, but hsrs tonic effect. 29 cents.
Tb only Pills to take wtib Hood's Sanaparilia.
Jones, of Nevada, is a brick.
He is yet too much of a republican
to hold up a protective tariff law.
he bill was brought before the
senate Tuesday last The bill will
be called up May 18th.
Ground (squirrels are numerous.
No young grasshoppers have been dis
covered yet this year.
Harlan Stanton returned from Baker
City a few days ago.
Fearl Jones, and family visited on
Eight Mile Saturday and Sooday.
The ground is getting very dry.
banking facilities is seen at a glance.
The six Kew England states, with an
. a l "1. a " AAA
estimated population i 01 o.tvv,- 8(jme of the lmM haye qai, p,0UKh
18 southern states, with 20,000,000
Hiok Mathews and V. Gentry, nnder
tbe firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are associated together in tbe barber
business in tbe new stand, two doors
south of the postoflioe. They solioit a
call. If.
A good bicycle, suitable for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repair, new pneu-
matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam
Biabee's. tf
nonnlntinn shnw harelv 118 Tier canita.
score of years It will be found that it or 22 per cent of the former. Including
baa invariably manifested greatest savings banks and loan and trust corn
strength in the agricultural sections of paniea the ratio is materially reduced,
the country. Obviously, then, we must t jje south showing only 7 per cent of the
seek for the nnderlvins C&US68 111 til 86 . ..TY.i-.rtvi rrivon fnv Kpw Tvncrlnnrl An.
u,0 uuuuij uunuK iu muuiu m communities. slvzing tbe items given in the last col
aprii ana May ot eaob year. When the subject is analysed, n will , r,mn. M etated in the comptroller's ta-
oeo. ii, whenever, upon inspection do ooservea in at tne ground ior oiscon-
Harvey Scott might also see Senator
Jones while be is in Washington about
getting the proposed duties on fruits re
duced. Statesmau.
We say, Hurrah for Jones ot Nevada)
He is a protectionist, without any apol
ogies to England or tbe New York im
porters. Statesman.
Some of the Mitchell "push" want an
extra session. Tbey found it profitable
and are in hopes tbat an extra senium
would prr ve even more lucrative. Port
laud Dispatch, Tony Noltuer's paper.
And Tony don't waDt any extra ses
sion. It would end hie job on the Cor
bet t pay roll. So long as there is oo ex
tra session, there is a "prospeot for Mr.
Gorbett, or thrifty men like Tony who
are working for him think tbey oan
make 'the old mau' believe there is "
of any band or herd of sheep kept or tent at existing conditions lies in tbe
herded in aoy county of the state of Iacl lnal notwunsianamg gieatiy im
proved means oi production, notwitn-
find surh sheep, or any portion of tbem, ally re(d rate(J for the trangporta.
affected with soab or any infeotious or tion distribution of products, tbe
contagious diseases, he shall forthwith agriculturist, upon whom so large a
notify tbe owoer'or person in charge of part of our economic system is depend-
snch diseased sheep, in writing, to put ent, finds himself, generally speaking,
snoh diseased sheep, and the band or after a twelvemonth of hard work, no
herd in wbioh tbey have been kept, into Iartl,er abead taan at tce Rnning oi
luo j tar, auu iu many lusiauucs ma
accp uciu irom oou.aai wn Oiner nrnmrtinnU innnmA he htmnnt
euery, ou.j .u prooeeu immeaiateiy to Deen abe to Teduce. but has, in fact.
treat mem lor tbe cure of suob disease, increased his money obligations.
in some manner or by some means sd- It is not maintained that such is the
proved by an inspector; and aoy person, case throughout tbe laud, nor are all
company or eorooration who shall nea. agriculturists entitled to equal credit
lect for ten (10) days to put such sheep for economy. Many casea there
intn an i,,nnn , h ,h.. Ms... doubtless, where sympathy is not
uicbu. TOut l0cm ,rOU1 contact w.to tieg where digcolltent prevails the rea
other sheep, or shall refuse or neglect for .on here eiven is the true one. the dis-
ten (lU)days after such notice to proceed Bertatious of self satisfied theorists to
to treat such sheep for tbe cure ot suob the contrary notwithstanding.
diseases in some manuer or by some Numerous examinations made by
meats approved by en inspector, shall painstaking investigators warrant the
be auiltv of a miademeannr. anrt fn, utatemeni tnat tne unequal aiscriouuon
eaoh day of such negleot or refusal to
treat such sheep after ten (10) days from
ble, it is found that the states and ter
ritories representing 70 per cent of the
population have less than 83 percent of
the entire banking power, estimated at
6,700,000,000. Maurice L. Muhleman
in New York Herald.
With the vice-president's vote, the
republicans now bave a mujority ot oue
in tbe senate. With Senator Oorbett
seated, they could organize il. Oregon
iao. "Senator" Gorbett is unotious to cloy
ment. It is a crooking of tbe pregnant
bingpsof tbe knee tbat thrift may fol
low fawning, until tbe poor knee is sore
with tbe crookiog
But "Sejstor" Coibett will not be
seated. Tbe hope tbat be may is as vaiu
as tbe crying of the obild for the pretty
But tbe Doited States senate could be
orgnuized by tbe republicans, with tbe
aid ot tbe choice of tbe Oregon legisla
ture, oalled in special session. States
man. . .
each notice, suob person or corporation
shall be guilty of a separate misdemean
or, and in addition to the punishment
provided in tbis sot tbe inspeotor shall,'
n cane of a refusal or neglect to secure
snob diseased sheep from contact with
other sheep, immediately upon notioe
A FlitE in a theatre at Paris
cauHf'd over a hundred deaths, says
the dispatches.
iMrortTATloN of goods is taking
money out of the country . It will
be stoppod pretty soon.
The senate will not have the
Hawaiian sugar reciprocity propo
sition. This action means much
for Ori'ton.
The people's party lost Spokane
in the Inst election held May
4th. Thirtin a victory for Senator
John L. Wilson.
The Trans-Micsissippi congress,
of which Hon. W. J. Dryan is chief
executive officer, will hold its niuth
annual session in Salt Lake, Utah,
July 14, of this jeBr. A large at
tendance is expected.
Tbe Valley Iteoord a.iys bulldozing,
force and thogging were introduced in
the populist meating at Mdford a few
days ago. Even a populist is not an
angel. What a rude awakeiiiug tbat
whs for the goody goodies who saw
nothing but Onuteuliuu and corruption
in tbe old parties and supposed tbat all
poliiosl goortneit was in tbe "reform
oiinp. Hcseburg Plaiudealer.
The diepatolies stuta tbat Japan is
highly inoensed al the Dole government
tor refusing landiog to a lot of Jap
anese immigrants, and the press of that
country is urging tbe government to
send the immigrants bark and land no
dttr the guns of a warship. Tbey also
utga tbat tbe United Slates be taken in
band by Japan and made to ke p ber
band off of Uawatt. This sounds easy
enough I) a lot ot little people who
whipped China so easily ; but with Amcr-
ioa it is a nitiah largnr contract . Uuo
Sam is not looking for a row and it be
were, would not want to quarrel with
trundle-bed trash. Il begins to look as
Ihoiwh wa will bavetoannrx the ialanda,
for JhhI aa soon as some other govern
ment says w ahull not have tbem, we
will not only wanl but will laka tbem.
Tha Dalles Cbroniol.
Tue Greeks Lave met with an
other dofeat and retired from
PhRrsnla. The (Ireek army is
devoting too much time moving
camp to make any sort of a fight.
It reminds one of a nomndio outing
The immense amount of wool
that is coming in free of duty
moans that tliia country will be
lu'iictitti1 1 little by the new titifT
bill this year. Tim slight advance
on wool and the bettor priors paid
for aheep are on futures, not ou
pri'Bf-ut conditions.
Tnt Gazette has always lxen in
favor of the annexation of Hawaii,
rather than to sro the island g
into foreign hand, but tha annex
ation of the inland would not prove
to be a good buaineas propoaitiou.
It would give Hawaii an immense
trade with the United States. We
would get nothing iu return except
a damaged sugar industry. The
UoiUd States may be compelled
tolakain Hawaii but it alioqld be
luokt-d up u ut) u tjity latLor ll.au
Bucosdity, -
of capital and of money and the conse
quent gross inequality in interest rates
are the chief cause of tbe inability to
carry on the important business of agri
culture profitably.
The sections of the country polling
the largest silver vote in 1896 have,
generally speaking, insufficient credit
facilities. The small farmer who, ad
vancing from the condition of farm la
borer, seeks a larger measure of lnde-
uB.og g.veu na pereiooeiore provided, or pendence and greater comforts for his
in case of a refusal or negleot of tea (10) family, is not only compelled to mort
days after notioe to treat suob sheep for gage bis realty, frequently at rates as
tbe cure of suob diseases, seize such high as IS per cent, but is under the
sheep, and by enolosura or other suffl necessity of borrowing upon his pro-
oieul means, secure them from ,onlni . apeotiTe crop. Having no banking office
:., i , .... to call upou, he turns to the storekeep-
LU "IUC1 DUQFU, BUU UlUUrDU Wll UUUl I , . ... m . 1 m
unneoes-ary delay to treat tbem for tbe g0'pplje. and Uxe the boe, flrgt for
oure of suob disease; and the expense of interest npon tbe loan, second in the
such seizure, keeping and treatment, war of increased nricea for staDlea fur-
"Free Coinage" Demand Is Misleading,
If any advocate of the free coinage of
silver dollars or copper dollars or iron
dollars at any ratio, 16 to 1, more or
less, will agree to stop there and ask
nothing more, I for one am prepared to
meet bim, and in that way to stop the
present contest. Who would want them?
Not one of these men will consent to
free coinage on those terms. Not one of tender age of 14 years,
tbem would be satisfied. Not one of
them would then get what he is after
nnder the pretext tbat free coinage and
"eqtial rights of gold and silver" are all
that he wants. I challenge any one to
find an advocate of free coinage at 16 to
1 on these simple terms that both gold
and silver should be treated alike ; that
both gold and silver coins shall be made
for any one who takes the bullion to
tbe mint to any number that he wants.
I challenge any advocate of free coinage
to deny that free coinage, pure and sim
pie, is not what he demands, and not
one of them will dare to meet this chal
This demand for free coinage Is
cover intended to conceal the true pur
pose of those who ask it. Most of those
who support this measure have been de
ceived and misled. Let such men put
the question to any owner of silver
mines, to any senator or representative
in congress or to any and every candi
date on the free coinage platform in
the following terms:
"If we grant free or unlimited coin
age, witnout charge lor tne coining,
will you demand nothing more?" Not
a man who knows what the true pur
pose ia will answer "Yes" to that ques
tion. Edward Atkinson.
Mrs. Mattie Fuqna was thrown from
the cart recently as she was returning
from school and obliged to remain at
home a few days. Part of the time was
compelled to keep her bed.
Rev. St. John, an M. E. minister from
Fossil, will preach at Eight Mile Centre
school bouse on the second Sunday of
May. There will be a basket dinner at
the school bouse tbat day. Sunday
school at 3 o'clock every Sunday,
This neighborhood was surprised to
hear of tbe death of Viotor Lovgreen
He was sent to tbe hospital at Portland
for treatment bat could not rally. Hi
remains were sent borne and buried on
tbe first ot May in the Odd Fellows'
cemetery, near Hard man, by the side o
his father who died less than a year ago
He will be much missed by bis mother
his sisters and brothers although ot the
He was a great
help to bis widowed mother on the farm
and b great comfort to ber. He was a
good boy.
"Victor, where angels tune their voices
To the praises oi tbe Lamb,
And the sainted soul rejoices
In the glory or bis name.
In the realm of heavenly pleasure,
Where tbe roses ne er deoay.
We iball find you, darling Victor.
In a world of endless day.
Poor mother, she ia passing through
tbe deep waters of effliotioo. in tbis
world. May tbe Lord comfort ber.
Eight Mile, May 4tb, 1S97.
Dr. John W. ltasmus is keeping the
best olnss of goods at tbe Redlight and
be will treat you right. Call In and see
bim. tf.
Low Tillard keeps wet goods down
at bis new place, near the oounoil
obambers. (Jail at Tbe Welcome and
make yourself at home. tf
E.W. Rbea A Co., pay tbe highest
prioe for hides and pelts. tf
The oelebrated imported running
stallion, Calpburnus, will stand the
season in Heppner. For particulars
call od W. O. Minor. tf
Attend tbe Ladies' Band conoert, May
14,1897 . 2 3.
For Bale or Trade.
It yon want Heppner property don't
fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. For tbe
right person, one wno wants to garden,
milk a few oows, raise chickens, etc., I
have a fine proposition to offer one.
Onne developed will produce revenue of
81200 yearly. Will be sold on eaxv
terms, would not object to taking 160
aores as part payment. - 523tf
A laboring man named Wilson, who
formerly lived in Umatilla county, re
oently tell beir to $20,000. His present
whereabouts are unknown.
Secretary Kincaid has retained N. B
Knight aa counsel in tbe mandamus pro
castings commenced agaioat bim
What has become of tha attorney go
ral? Tha secretary of (lata ia suppled
to be soling for tha popU. Tha people
have chosen an officer to represent tbem
before tha courts and tha attorney gen
ral is tbat fllclal. He is paid to do tbe
very thing (he s.-cretaiy baa employed
Col. Knight to do. Ilia offlje is lo the
oapitof auJ ha is there rtady and will
ing to discharge the duties tha law Im-
posi'e on him. Oue of the reenlta of
this will Im tha presentation of a bill for
the state to pay tor the performance of
Work another is paid to d t. This on of
lb secretary's liltle economic. Col.
Knight was at on time a partner of
(lovernor Lord in the law business aod
represented tha opposite atitto from that
he ia Dow ei peeled to contend lor lo the
Csea of Drown . Fleisrhtter, on the
authority of tha eeorets'y to audit a
olsiin In the abeeoca ot specific appro
priation I'laindealer.
Councilman Maloaa, of the seventh
ward, has gone to Washington to saaiire
a federal position. It is Jut barely
possible that Tom will OnJ It Meier to
be king of the seventh ward thao a fool
maa Id national affairs. Dot Tommy ie
shrewd, aod may "get there." II
whooped It up lite MoKmley, atd some
body must bava "tbacB offloea." Port
land Tribune,
together with the fees ot tbe inspector
while eo gaged therin, shall be a obarge
on the sheep so seized, and tbe iuspeotor
shall hold tbe sheep until the same is
paid, aod if not paid within ten (10) days
after such treatment is oompleted, be
shall collect tbe same, together with the
costs and expenses of collection, by ad
vertising and selling suob sheep, or as
maoy thereof as may be necessary, in the
manner provided by law for tbe sale of
personal property opon exeootion: Pro
vided, No person, company or corpora
tion shall be required to dip a band of
sheep between tbe first day of December
aul the first day ot May.
Bee. 12. No owner of aoy toll bridge,
or ferry boat, or person in charge there
of, shall permit any sheep to cross socb
bridge, or go upon suob ferry boat, uo
less the peraou in obarge of suoh sheep
shall first exhibit to the person in charge
of suoh bridge or boat a valid oerliHoate
leaned by an luippctor appointed under
this act, to tbe effect that snoh sheep
are free from soab aud all ether contag
ions end infectious disease.
Sec. 13. Every certificate Issued nn
der this act to the owner of sheep con
tiououely kept withib this stale sbs'l be
on II and Void after oue year from the
data thereof, aod every eerlilloute issued
to the owner of any band of sheep which
are not continuously kept in this slate
hall be null aod void after six moot hi
from lbs data thereof.
See. 14. Each inspeotor shall be paid
three dollars per day for each day
when actually engaged in the discharge
of the duties of bis r ffloe, and fifty cents
per mile for each mile actually traveled
by bim for such purpose, aod bis bills
for encb service shall ba audited aod
paid by the oonnty commissioners ot lbs
oonotv for which be Is appointed.
Ri o. 15. Aoy person, company or cor
poration violating anv provision of this
act, or who shall fail to comply with, or
bo disregards an? order or direction
mad by any sheep Inspector nnder (lis
provision of this act, shall be liable in a
civil action for all damages sustained by
any other person, company or corpora
tion in consequence of inch violation
Snoh damaga shall be a lieo na the
sheep, which may be sold to satisfy such
lien a provided bv law.
8ec 18. Aoy person who fails ta
Senator McDrlds has bean nada chair
man ot tha commute on coast defense,
Mr. Meltflla mk no rirelentwna
....... . i . . ..... i ... i. .. . i 1A . i
u.ao.agool w.nksr, id .will do all ha J
pished and finally in the way of dis
counts or commissions npon the product
of the farm turned in as payment
These items not infrequently aggregate
80 per cent npon the actual credit ex
tended, and in a very large number of
canes tbe total exceeds 20 per cent
It is perhaps unnecessary to add that
business of any kind nnder such condi
tions would be nnpofitable.
Is it, then, surprising when the agri
culturist who knows little relatively of
the principles of sound finance, imagines
tbat an increase in the volume of money
would benefit him? Is it to be wondered
at, when he hears or reads of money go
ing begging at 3 per cent in tbe metrop
olis, he fancies that, by some hocus
poens. Wall street is constantly striving
to grind him down?
It Is our business to teacb him other
wise; to teach bim tbat the prosperity
of the commercial centers is closely in
terwoven with bis is, in fact largely
dependent npon bis welfare but tbe
lesson can only be brought home to him
by the introduction of means through
which bis own prosperity shall be as
sured. For, even as it is impossible to
interest a starving man in the plan of
salvation, so the debt ridden farmer can
only acquire faith in our views of sound
finance when relieved of his present on
crous burdens. To bim a system which
operates so unequally aa the existing
one does must appear not only unsound.
but absolutely tyrannical Any change,
he foels, would be for tbe better. Con
sequently the southern farmer demand
ed tbe reinstatement of the state bank
note system four years ago, and last
year the froe coinage of silver appeared
to bim the best solution of the difficulty.
The remedy ta manifestly not to be
found in any form ot inflation of our
circulation, but in providing by legisla
tion or otherwise increased credit facili
ties, both for long term loans upon
mortgages and short term credits upon
crepe, and a better distribution of the
cltculation which wt have.
In tbis, at in many other matter, wt
must refer for guidance to human expe
rience elsewhere. In no country has the
system of advancing short time credits
to agriculturists reached tbe high state
of development which Is found in Boot
land. Tbe Scotch banker has learned
that the farmer la, under a well guard
ed system, aa fairly entitled to credits
to float his venture as the merchant or
the manufacturer.
Scotland has one banking firm for
each 4,000 of population, and a ratio of
banking capital to total resources of
banks ot 1 to II Py this economy ia
Best Cougb Bjmp. Tsales Uood.
in time, sola py qmggiwta.
The crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry;
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Sperry's "Linwood Kye."
For sale at the Belvedere saloon, E.
G. Sperry, proprietor. tf
"How to Care All Skin Diseases."
8imply apply "Swayne's Ointment."
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itob, all eruptions on tbe
faoe, bands, nose, &o., leaving the skin
dear, wbite and healthy. Its great bead
ing and enrative powers are possessed
by no other remedy. Ask your drug
gist for 8 wayne's Ointment.
Increasing the Volume or tha Currency,-
ELY'S CREAM BALM Is s posltivecnre.
Apuly Into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 61
cents st Drneglsts or by mail : samples 10c by mail.
ELT B KOT 1 1 KKS. M Warren bu. New York ClU'.
tice is hereby siven that I have, on the 1st
day of May, 1897, been appointed as assignee of
tne estate ot (i. w . Hwaggart, insolvent, and
all persons holding claims against said Insol
vent, or his ,tate, are hereby notified to pre
sent the same to me at my office In Heppner,
roperiy verities by
. ithhi three months
morrow county, urenon. Dro
onin Becoming 10 law, w
alter date of this notice.
Heppner, Or., Muy 7, 1897.
Ed. K. Bikhop,
meeting of the stockholders ol the Na
tional Bank of Heppner will be held on Satur
day, June 19. 1897, between the hours of 1 a. m.
and ir. m., for the purnse of vnting on placing
the bank into voluntary liquidation and such
other matters as mav come before the meeting.
This notice is published bv order of the Board
of Directors at a meeting held May 1, 1897.
Er R. Bishop, Caehler.
Heppner, Or., May 7, 1897. 542-63.
ornr!y with or diareuarde any orders or the nse of capital the banks are able to
iirernoo made ty any aheep Inspector declare dirideuda averaging fully 10
nnd-r the provisions of this act, or who
violates any of tha provisions of this
act, shall be deemed auilty of a mis,!
tneanor, sod on eonvietinn thereof shall
be punished by a floe of ant lea than
flftv dollars or more than five hun
dred ($VXl) dollars.
B- e. 17. All eote an 1 parts of acts io
eoefl ct with this sot are hereby repealed.
Hee. 11 Whereas, Tbe lews or this
state are lesuffloleot lo protect tbe
sheep within thla etate against eonla.
gions and infectious dieeaeee, and large
Bomber ot sheep will be brooa&l into
this elate before lb la act would other
wise take effect, aa emergency is hereby
per cent while giving credits ordinarily
at rates rarely eireeding 4 per cent,
and every hamlet In tbe kingdom baa a
baukiug office within its limits or in its
Immediate vicinity.
Taking the state of Alabama, Missis
slppl and Arkansas ss ao eiample, it
will be found tbat those have about
4,000.000 population and 171 banking
institutions, including private bankers,
with m total capital of 1 1 7.000,000 to
tal reemircet, 1 40. 000,000, or ratio of
capital to reeonrres about I to lit,
aud one banking offlos lo IS, 000 of pr-p-ftlattoa.
Tbe rwaaoa for exorbitant Interest
rates lo the last mentioned section Is
obvious. And It will oootinoe to exist
declared ta eiiaL and this aot shall taia "olaae some means of economising can.
I-e and be in foree tmm and after He ,u!' . to dnn ,a v,1m)4- provided
piastre an I eppenval.
Tha bill
Bui) VMaajw sjrtlau J TtibMoe, I Feb. ST.
and the storekeeper ts eorrrl!ed by
r,nl" 'r UV wVT (.Jkl ff iKa rwr-. In h a ni-J
I tty V ll JMrt toUe siMa
Capital By dividing this one dollar
it becomes two, which makea more
money. I pay yon these two dollars for
wages, you see.
Labor But when I go to buy bread
I find tbem only worth one, so I don't
see it From "Robinson Crusoe's Hon
ey," by David A. Wells.
Cast Export Laws.
No civilized country can confine its
citizens within its own territory or
prohibit all commercial intercourse with
other countries. Every country, there
fore, needs money which can be need in
purchase from and in payment of its
debta to other countries. Yet, bowsoev
er great country may be, and however
absolute may be the power of its genr
em ment, its laws can bave no extrater
ritorial effect No government, there
fore, can prescribe tbe standard by
which its currency shall be rained in
lew York Mly Tribune
Farmers and Viliaoers,
Fatners and Mothers,
Sons and Dauonters,
All tne Family.
With tbe close of the Presidentisl csmpaien THE TRTRTTVr
any other country, or compel the citi- recognizes the fact that tbe American people are now anxioui to civ
tens of another country to receive its their time to home . bnainoaa Intta T ..us
curreucy save at tbe bullion value or I ,. , uri iuis conuiuoii
. i. -. iM .v. . . .v. . i uuiiuua win uhvh lar isss nruna tiui r.-..v.,. i : I 1 1 n. .
uiat viuivult iu ui uiaiavia va wis i -f .-..v. jviuiuiurutr, Ulllll RUOlucr Oiald Or
world. National occasion demands a renewal nt tba fir,r r. w
siinr Tarawa Miik. which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inoeDtion tn tha nri
r . . I I I ,. I X ! 1 - . . . 1
LP in lowa mey nave given up surer i usr, auu wuu lie Kreaiesi Victories.
and have s softer snap. Tbey make 41,
600, 000 in Iowa from their cows alone.
That beats free silver, doesn't It beats
it all hollow? Tbey make 141,600,000
soiling milk, butter, cheeee and calves,
and at the end of tbe year they bave
2V 7rlt Z7 SHXi SiW ,ntomtiB iD'tractiTe' "l indiaable to each member
the year before, Tbe Kansas cow is . . .
sticking herhead over the pasture fence. Ufp fllPnlCh "HlP f37PttV' inH "lU V llWl.l..
lowing and mooing, withber bag swell- IIU IUI IllfJU 1 U UUtUtUU (1 U 11. 7 111 t K
Irg with Ml. 000.000 worth of milk. Ttilhunv" If t ' ' ' ' WUIiy
;rt,r.r.rs: ss ' mm m i ear lur j.uu.
won't coin 136,000,000 worth of silver.
Emporia (Kan. ) Uaaelta.
Etery poanible effort will be pat forth, and money freely snent
to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper.
Address all Orders lo
Om Way I C Ri4 mt lbs SI In QMla.
i s aes
lace to
Ul tbe :.ki ln lUit
ray as4 fAi? w4 u' u tw tit ott
Do You Want a Rig ?
T t . m r ...
uon t You Want a Ph
Put up Your Team ?
Arc You in Need of a Saddle
Horse ?
Main Street,
Tbsae sanUamea are wall enaaatntad l ftrani, R.rtv. rwa m
I eaa mr, noxr s 4 Um B ekl lb sertlooa -lib IraTslln. "L 9 " Mh" ewisUst
I rk e. in leplii ik tb Uraea, '
All theao can t procured at Thompson A Binna, Lower
ueppuer, uregon.