Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 11, 1897, Image 1

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    Portland Library
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
Put in Your Spring Ad
The Gazette Does Job Work
11, 1897.
WEKKLV rIO. 7431
Tuesdays and Fridays
OTIS PATTERSON, Editor and Bus. Man.
At $2.50 per year. e.1.25 for mi months, 75 eta.
or three rnootiu, strictly in advance.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Pendleton, Oregon
Reasonable Advances
Aade on Clips of '97
At Heppner, EoLo. Pendleton, Baker
City, Elgin Bnd Huntington.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
fiTK r'ATTF.RRfl?. ARF.NT. o o t3 Be-
THI8 PAPER is kept on file at E. C. Dake's
Advertising Agenoy, 94 and 85 Merchants
Exohangs, San Francisco, California, where oou
raots for advertising can be made for it.
0. R. & N.-LOCAL CARD.
Heppner, Oregon,
Its Mountains Teem with Precloui
Stones and Metals.
Train leaves Heppner 5:45 p m. daily exoept
Sunday arriving at Heppner Junction 8:15 p. m.
Leaves Heppner .Tunoiiou 10:5U p. in. and ar
rives at Heppner 1:2(1 a m
Spokane Express No. 4 leavs Portland at 2:45
p. m and arrives at Heppner Junction 8:22 p. m.
and Uma ilia 9:26 p. m.
Portland Exoress No. 8, from Spokane, arrives
at Umatilla 5:05 a m. and Heppn r Juncti m 6:12
a. m ai'd ar ives at Portland 11:C9 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 2 leaves Poril-nd 9 p. m anil ar
rives at Heppner Junction 8:48 a. m. and at
Umatilla 5:05 a. m.
Fast Mail No. 1 leaves Umati'ln 9:25 p. m. and
arrives at eppner Junction 10:40 p. m. and at
Portland 6 a. m
For further information irquire of J. C. Hart,
Agent O. It fc N., Heppner, Ore.
Flans and Specifications famished on
Contracting a Specialty.
rW ah kinds of lumber, shinnies, sash,
doors and windows on hand and furnished at
reasonable rates. Give me your order.
All kinds of repairing done at reasonable
rates. Leave orders with r. U.
Thompson Co.
Sent Free
United States Ofliclals.
President William McKinley
V ce-Presldent Uarrot A. Hobart
Secretary of State John Sherman
Mureuiryof Treasury Lyman J. tiage
Secretary of Interior Cornelius N. Bliss
tjeorelary of War liuHsell v. Alger
Secretary of Navy John D. Long
PnsUnaster-General James (inrv
AUirney-tieneral Joseph McKenna
Secretary f Agrioulturo James Wilson
8tate of Oregon.
(Governor W. P. Lord
Seoretaryof State H. K. Kincaid
Treasurer Phil. Metschan
Hnpt. Puhlio Instruction O. M. Irwin
Attornev General C. M. Idleman
i.,,. i w- McBride
Senators i j H Mitchell
Mincer Hermann
Congressmen w.R. Ellis
Printer W. H. Leeds
!R. S. Ban.
V. A. Moore,
0. E. Wolverlon
Sixth Judicial District.
Circuit Judge Stephen A. Lowell
Prosecuting Attorney H. J. Bean
Morrow County Officials.
Joint Senator A, W. Qowan
UeDresentative J. Brown
('unty Judge A.
' Commissioners
J. W. Beckett.
" clerk
" Sheriff ,
" Treasurer
" Assessor
Surveyor ,
School Sup't ,
- '' Coroner
To any person interested in hnmarje
matters, or wbo loves animals, we will
send free, opon application, a oopy of
tbe "ALLIANCE." toe orean of this
Society. In addition to its in
tensely interesting rending, it contains a
list of tbe valuable and unusual pre
miums given by tbe paper. Address
410-4U United Charities Building, New York.
McGlure's Magazine
For 1897
A New Life of erant by Hamlin Garland The first authoritative and adequate Life of
Urant ever published. (Begins in December.) .
Rudy&rd Kipling's first American serial, "Captains Courageous." Begun in November.)
Robert Louis Stevenson's "St. Ives." Tne oniy uovei oi oieveusou sun uupuumuou
Rearms In Mav.)
Charles A. Dana. "Recollections of War Time." Mr. Dana was lonnreeoi me iuubv criucst
views ivb ' , ,, .... ... .I i m t i fi..kl nut MnA la nrnhaklv Km trot
nun ra rtt tnu i iun wtir nrnineni v k niriiiiimr 111 uiiivjuii. n vnuiiicv. sn-s t'aw..-iwi j
fitted than any other man living to give an authoritative histoiy of this period
recollections and correspondence.
.mni,M. Vjnv nf thom iinnuhiiRhftn. in connection witn mis series
ot portraits it is intended to puonrn special oiograpuici uui ..i.uo. Hcw... ......
MAKERS OF THE UNION from Washington to wncoin.
Pictures of Palestine. Specially taken under the editor's direction
Stories of Adventure. A serial by con an doylk, in wnicn ne win use nis eiraoruniry
talent for mystery and ingenuity wnicn nave, in tne -ouBnuca auiuin ...,o,
a place beside foe ana uaboriau.
i x' uiri iDvu aii fha A.tinn that ha win wrt tA rt nrinff the comma vear. witn tne exception
of two contributions to auo ner publication wnicn were eugagou uwu mm mm ai
annearin McClobb's Magazine.
inirT. f Hivni.ifH hahktj a aeries nf new animal stories in the same neia as tne "Brer
Rabbit" and the "Little Mr. TbiuiDlennger" stories.
RUDYaRD KIPLTNG. Besides "Cnptains Courageous," Kipling will contribute to mclubk
all of the short stones ne wm write aunng tne coming year.
OCTAVE THANKT is preparing for the Magazine a series of short stories in wnicn tne same
characters will appear, annougn eacn win ue uumiiiow m noun.
Anthony Hope Bret Harte Robert Barr
Frank R. Stockton Stanley Weyman Clark Russell
will all have stories in McCldrb's for the coming year,
These are only a small fraction of the great and important features of mculuri s magazine lor
1U7, the subscription pnee ot wnicn is oniy
One Dollar a Year
The new volume begins with November. Subscriptions should start with this number.
The S. S. McClure Co., New York.
Three Important Points.
FIRST-GO via. St. Paul be-
Bartholomew ctuue the lines to that point will
I. a. nuvtani r i lliu vsrtt haul aarviiw.
SECOND Se that the coupon
bfivoud St. Paul reads via. the
WiHcooBio Central because that I
line makes close connections with
all the trans-continental lines en
tering the Union Depot there, and
its Bervice is first-class in every
mrirnn t. - : . i ! . ll
p.iiniii. iniui'-ror mioi iunnu, unn
... m it
Jnstiosotthe Peaoe W. K. Kichanlson I nn VOUT DeiBUOor ana inenil 1116
(oastabl. N. 8. WheUtone . ... . aa,ntarA aa, fOP
. .. . . . . hi I yrni CD, I iva v t u. - - - -
ticket readme via. the Wisconsin
l. p. Moore fiSiwwl Central lines, or address
A. O. XJltfHB ,
B. F. Wilson Resrlrter
J. H. Bobbins rUceiver
J. W. Morrow
E. L. Vatlock
, Frank Gilliam
, J. C. Willi
....... J. W. Honor
Jay W. Hhiply
B. F, Vughan
M-o.,.. ...-.......' .Thoa, M"rnn
U xinnilmmi Geo. (!onsr. rarik
Gilliam. Arthur Minor, K. J. blooura, U.
Lichtenthal and J. H. Simons.
B oorar W. A. It charHon
T easurer L. W. Hriggs
marshal A. A. Huberts
A Campaign
Of Education
How to Get It
Jas. C. Pond,
Gen. I'as. Ant..
Milwaukee, Wis.
or Geo. S. Batty,
General Agent,
IV 8tark ft..
Portland Or.
To be educated one must read
the best literature.
The best literature Is expensive.
Leslie's Illustrated
Published at 110 tilth Avenue,
New York, It full of the best things.
Its illustrations are superb; Its
itorle" charming; and Its literary
departments are edited with con-
O. A. B.
M-wU at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of I
ov month. Ail vstrns are invuaa w iin.
Q W, Smith, . CO. FovirtA.
Adiotant, tf OoinnianoW.
Dr. P. B. McSwords,
City lfug Store,
Offlne in tbe
City Hotel.
D. J. McFaul, M. D.
OfBoe bonrs, 8 to 10 e. m., and 12 to
2 p. m , at residence. Mrs. 11. W Ich's
property, and 10 to 12. a m , to 3 to S
p, m , at offlM lo tbe rear of Uorg
jewelry store.
Hailoual BauK
PrmMeat. Cashier.
Made no Favorable Term.
First National Bank
While yon aep yonr subscription paid up yra
mb koep four brand in free of oharg.
IVir. P. ().. Hsppner. Or. Horses, P B ci left
hoaMr; oattle, same on in nip.
Cook. A. J..lna.Or. Homsa.Wonriirhtshonl
1w Cattln, samson right hipi ear mark square;
nniD off left and split in right.
li I... W M . Gallowu. Or. Cttl. R D on
ril,t nla. awailow-fork in noli eari horses, B U
nn left hip.
VI. Hma TVmilna. Or. Hons hrsndad KLY
fn left shoulder, oatlla Sams on Ufthip. hole
in right ear.
Flnrmiee, L. A., Hspnner. Or. Cattle, LF on
rislit hip; horses t with bar nndnr on right
Jon, Harry, Hoppnf. Or Horase branded I
u 1 nn tit l.fi himliW: cattle bra mad J nn
ri.ht hin. also atulerbtl in left ear. Hangs in
Morrow ooontv.
r.tl I.nna. Or. HnraM. einlTnn
loft stifls: eatlln.samonn rirht hip, ondsf half
won in riM and sulit Jl toft ear
Kimny. Mik. Heppner. Or.-Horse branded
KNY on Ufthip eattls same and orup off Ufl
aari nndnr slops oo the right
Uahey. J. W Msppnnr Or. Horses branded
I -.. . I aft kimlitari rwttl sums on left
hlo. ule over right ye, three slit ia right
Minor. Oaoar. nnppnnr nr.-ttle, M D M
rishlhiPih.Tsa. M on left shonldar.
Morgan. H. N.. Hnpptw. Or.-Hnrsee. M )
on Inft shimldw cattle same on Ml hip.
0.htrn. J. W.. Donglaa. r.i hnraas O on lf
lumldri cauls sams on rght hip,
Parker A Glaasoo. Hardman.tH, HonaslPnB
l-ft stwmliW.
r . 1 If iMlnitiui. Or. HufMl. Jr. erm
aartl mllnft shwlUri oatlle, earns o Uf hip,
ondr bt la ch ' .
Ksrtnr 1. W.. Hnppnsr. Or.-H'irsne. JO
Ufl sbnoUiar. CaiUs, ()os right hip.
1 .
V (i Hantmar. Or. rtla w i; or
lrt hi, emp off right end enoWStt ia left y-ar,
.luliin iumm WCm ift stHMildor.
Tho-np-'Hi, i. A., H-tti, Or. Horans, or
. 1... M,l la l mi lft fthnaldas.
T..,. n . HM,inar Di.-Snull eatiKall
Urt alinald-v, hnrMi eatUe sains oe left hip
with spl'l a bntk aara.
Wa t-aborg-. W. J.. Oallowar. "r. hnres
nnarlr eirr J W on
iinrir e n-U JW on right hip atid nht .!.
ntti ana knl in kfl aar. iUras ia Morruw and
I Dial 1 1 la anemias.
inmate skill.
Such a paper Is a great popular educator. It should be In every
The subscription price of Leslle'a It pe nnuin.
We make the unparalleled oiler of a copy ot
Leslie's Illustrated Weekly and our Semi-
Weekly one year for only $5.00.
No such offer was ever mails before. No such offer will ever be made
again. These two papers mske a most acceptable Christmas or birthday
gift, and will be eoustaiit reminders of the giver's kindness.
Remit by postal order or check to the
y Heppner, uregon.
Published Every Saturday
UAstor Place New York
T. A. RHCtu
Viae President I
Ass't CesMer
Trusarli I General Biilin Bo isea.
On all parte nl the world
Bought and Sold.
CollsrUnns made en all tmliiU en
rramneble Tsrete.
miry-los and n4lH-4 rroftta. US.OnO OO,
Tbe Osi-lte 4ee et o.nsti-o the
boaealf otant rreo, bo I It la avm
pe.M to M -P... tb. .-b I. e,U.0ce j
bla el iob-efipttoe, ehetb-f tbe ent. fc4. ,M .Uf,.f. o io., tw-eon. has
aerihef be Coroeltas Vaed-tbUt O
k. ..... kla himiI be koaeet lolL 1 1,1. ..nw In ll.i tm.r. ira-n. on nalur-Uy Ihe
ptgwiNT. .,np) 4., .rr. en .t-n
The Ontlonk will be In 1W, as It bas
beeo dtirln s-aoh o ile twenty sereo
tears, a History of Onr Owe Times. Io
lie various editorial (leparttneots Tbe
Outlook gives a eotnpset riew of Ibe
orl.l'a nrooreae: it follows witbftre
"r.gi.t hi'"'l L the IniportHtit pbilentbropio sod id
igni nip .iim r,.... .. 1 ... . . i.
dust rial roor-ra-oie oi me onyj oaa a
ritnt)let deparirnent ft religions new
devotes tonrb spars to the inlereels of
Ibe b-ro5 ri"s enrreat lltetsiore;
fnruiobi-e rberful table-talk abont oii
a- d tblniia: and. In ehort. elms to giv
fr.sb Inl'ifmaMoo, rrtgiiial tiheervaliuu,
abd traaonabls etilrriaiuuisot.
Cnitko Statss Lamb Orrn i,
Ia (.mnilA. (Irvsmi. March tt. 1fl97.
this oltlre by the duly vnrined and ror-
rolmrxted arlldavlt of John Me iilloosh alleg
n that lna A. M linkers who msde timber cul
tore entry No tKUat the II. H. liind Olrlce at
limine iiregon, nn
Rich Veins of Gold Which Will Sonw
Day i upenea ana kt-'ico inn
Country AU Kinds of Gems
Known to Science.
One of the mineralogicei experts of
large mining company recently re
turned to New York after an extended
rip through the south in the interest
of his organization, and, in Rpeaking
about the mineral resources of the
southern states, he said:
"I have passed through nearly all
.he mining sections of the south to ex
amine the mineral produces of the in
terests of number of capitalists, and,
after a careful survey of the field, it
s my honest belief that the future min
ng operations of this country will be
n the south, instead of the west. I
found the Appalachian range particu
larly rich in all the auriferous and ar
gentiferous ores, not only in lrginia,
but throughout the whole length into
Alabama. In Georgia the rich depos
its are well known, ond.companies are
now rapidly organizing to wine the
various ores. In South Carolina, the de
posits of monazite (crystals of a rare
metal known as cerium, used only in
hemistry, and worth $100 an ounce)
have len found so valuable that a big
industry has been built up in the Pied
mont section. It is estimated that this
iudusiiry is now valued at several mil
liona of dollars, although it is only u
few years old. When I visited the fields
everybody was looking for monazite
md the business will bring in at leiust
f 100,000 to the people of the Piedmont
ectiojv this year. Owners of apparent
ly worthless land have let it out to con
tractors at the rote of $200 an acre, ami
these miners make big profits besides
A few years ago the owners would have
been glad to have received three or four
dollars per acre for this land.
"There is more gold in the south than
any man ever imagined. Traces of it
crop up in the most unexpected places,
and there must be some valuable vein
hidden away in the mountains that w ill
some day be discovered and startle the
country. Cripple Creek will be nothing
to the southern gold fields after they
lave once been located. It seems strange,
but the fact is nevertheless true, that
the south has never beem thoroughly ex
amined for mineral and gold products.
Before the war everybody went west
to find gold, and the south was given
over to cotton, tobacco, sugar and rice.
After the war closed nothing was done
for a long time to develop the indus
tries of the southern states, but now we
are beginning to realize that a great,
undeveloped field spreads out before u.
There are score of gold prospectors
traveling through the mountains of the
south, looking for the treasures ttiut
are sure to come to light some dey. ro-
,)le speak alxut the future supply of
jold being found in Alncai vny,
more gold is buried in the Appalachian
range of mountains thn. they will una
in Africa in the next 100 years. Hut
he mountains ore so vast, and the re-
rion so little known, that it will take
me to locate the best mines even
. 1 4 ...
liter tne proepeciorw uuve urcu on.v:-
d to the place.
"Another thing about the soutnrn
mines is that rmuvy of the most precious
tones have been picked up at venom
oints, and where auch ."wel arc
prvad out on the anirfaee you can rest
wastired that there are others further
'.own under the ground. For instonee.
it Corundum IIU1 some beautiful enp
hires have been found. Here tire mmi
lint I secured from a miner. 1 lie.
vere not mining for Kflpphires, but hap
icned to pick thein up while mining foi
res. Over lot) sapphire have beei
,'ound at this plare, and moot of then
are valued at $50 to $100 and upward.
"The fact ia tluit we have a rountry
unable of producing all the precious
(tones known to science, but so much
.mention hss been given to the mining
of iron, coal, oil, sliver and gold that
the more precious products of the rock
hsve been neglected. I remember dis-
Two Birthday Gatherings Celebrated In the
' Usnal happy Manner.
The Gazette's juvenile reporter neg
lected to ohroniole tbe birthday party,
given by Miss Katie Blehm, at the resi
dence of ber parents in Beppoer, on
May 1-it, the oooasion of ber 14tb birth
day. There were 17 of her jouor friends'
present and a very enjoyable time as
bad. The refreshments were elegant
and tbe presents numerous. " '
On May 8th Mies Wills Minor gave a
"peanut party" to a number of yooog
friends who bad assembled in order to
assist ber in celebrating ber 11th birth
day. An elegant : luncheon was one of
the important features of the oooasion, J
while the presents were both numerous
snd elegant.
Tbe following were present:
Willa Miuor, Elise Bartholomew,
Mary Mo8words, Fay Bartholomew
Edith Hager, Leal a CBmpbell, Etta Rog
era, Lutie Rasmus, Essie Leezer, Katie
Blebm, Terese Liobtentbal, Bertha
Fristoe, Zoe Patterson , Honnie Abra-
bamsiok, Forrest Brians, Harry Brians,
Carrol MoFarland, Ralph Bishop, Elmer
Wills, Freddie Elder, Alfred (Jlanbitiz,
Leo Blaokmsn, Orin VaughaD, Faal
Msris, Ellis Minor, Nelson Bartholomew.
tv IS S3
Absolutely Pure
Celebrated for iU grea' leevining strength
Bnd heali lifu ness. Axsures the food against
alum and all fo ms ot adulteration common to.
the oh ap brands.
There is Nothing so Good.
There ia nothing just as good as Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Golds, so demand it and do
not permit the dealer to sell you some
substitute. He will not claim there is
anything better, bat in order to make
more profit be may claim something else
to be just as good. You want Dr. King's
New Disoovery because yon know it to
be safe and reliable, and guaranteed to
rln onnrl or money refunded. For
Coughs, Golds, Consumption and for all
Miss Kearney, of the W. C T. n., Boon to
Arrlye Front California A Good Lecturer.
Miss Belle Kearney, National Or
ganizer of the W. 0. T. U., now at
work in California, wilt be in our stale
next month and bas been ensaged o
oouae to Heppner.
We consider ourselves particularly
fortunate in this, as tbis lecture Is high
ly recommended by Miss Willard; and'
oar own Mrs. Kinney says ot ber in
"Tbe Oregon White Ribbon:"
"Miss Belle Kearney is a young lady
from Mississippi, possessed with that
rare Southern wit and eloqaenoe and
simpiy oaptivated tne sudienoe ai tne
National convention."
We hope many will avail themselves
of tbe privilege of attending ber lecture
Time and pluce will be given in a
later isbu". .
affeotions ot Throat, Chest Bod Lungs,
there is nothing so good as is Dr. King's 8,ale of 0h,0i 0jty Q. Toled0i
New Disoovery. inai uoiue ir-e
Gonser & Brook's. Regular size 50
cents and $1.00.
Lnoae County. (
Frank J. Obeney mskea oath that he it
the senior partner' of tbe firm of F. J.'
Cheney & Co., doing business in tbe
City ot Toledo, County and State afore
said, and tbat said firm will pay tbe
Rev. Fotwine will be here neit
Wednesday, May, 12tb, at whioh time be lam 0f one bnndred dollars for esoh and
will hold eervioea in tbe M. E. ohnrob, every esse of Catarrh Ibat cannot be
at 7:30. p.m. All are cordially invited Lured by Hall's Catsrrb Gore.
to attend. Frank J. Cheney.
Sworn to before me and aabeoribed in
My Nelnhbor Told Me nmenee. this 6th dsv of Decem-
About Hood's HarsBparuia ana eavisea A j, 188fli
me to try it tbis is tbe kind ot saver
Using wbicb gives Hood's Saresparills
Ibe largest sales in tbe world. Friend
tells friend Ibat Uood'S Sarsspanlla
cures ; that it gives strength, health, vi
tality and vigor, and whole neighbor
A. W. Glesson,
Notary Public
hoods nse it as a family medicine.
Hood's Pills aot easily and promptly
on tbe liver and bowels. Gate sick
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
and acts directly on tbe blood and ma
ooas surlsoes of the system. Send for
testimonials, free.
K. J. Obeney & Go., Toledo, 0.
tJTSold by druggists, 75o.
Ad extra sessioo of tbe legislature
would make tbe state's paper command
a hundred cents on tbe dollar, and it
C. C. Curtis was np from his ranobes
on lower Willow creek, on last Satnrdsy.
F. M. Conrter came lo Saturday Isst
wonld pot many other vexed questions tn(1 ,dde(1 nl ntn,9 to our toboription
iot ot the way, says an exohange.
"It Is the Beat oa Karth."
That it what Edwards k Parker, mer
chants ot Plaint, Oa., say of Gbamber
laiu'a Pain Balm, for rbeamstism,
lame beck, deep seated and masoular
pains. Bold by Oonser ft Brook.
list. He tayi oropt are looking floe.
Gbaa. Miller, ot Rbea oreek, was in
Saturday. He says tbat tbe outlook ia
good for an abnndant strawberry crop.
Any lady desiring to purchase a tew
ing maobioe should call on J. W.
Vaughan and emmine his latest lm-
T. R. Lyons left Saturday for Walla 1 proved White machines. A happy oom-
Walla. lobe absent tereral dayt. Ue
ill attend tbe tession ot the supreme
oourt at Pendleton before returning
bioatlon of a anting desk and machine
oombined. Light, rapid and easy
I running. tf.
C. O. Foqna and O. W. Smith were ia
to attend tbe meeting of tbeO. A. It
! Ratnrday. Tbe meeting was a good one
Sootblog, and not irritating, strength
in nl not waakinii. small hut. effec
tive-snob are tbe qualities of DeWitt's ann tne unsnie is n-.ur-o, ,u.. T0r,
Risers tbe fsmoat liltU etiori win oe mans so ooiq toe u-i.
state eoosmpmenl ot the u. a. a. ai
Little Early
. I a.
UIIIS. vousor
k Brook.
in P-bruarr wh laas lot 1 ilnMlv In Citlifornla. when the gold fe-
he K'4 S U and u kru Hac l7TnS. R . i.. v.i-w. un
R. W. It .hss fallnd to roniiAr wtth the timber. rr waa .i in m ""'
rultiirs law III this, that she failed to hneeh or several fairly good apeclmnM Of ill";
ranu lo lie uromin nve acres or any numnrr m . . , (Klr m ft gr Uis vellOW
arresonssld tract within one year afuir hsr monds.but In their crane lor Uie yenow
tlmlxir riiltiire entry of said tract; that she metaJ thev paKl no Btvenuon to tne pre-
never msds any Improvements upon said tract , ,,.. The knew all about fold
...,irtM,.. tim. in th.v..r liW remove from clous stones. 1 ney Klicw an aufiutgwi
aid coimiy and state and has never relumed mining, but notliing suout oim"nuj
and did st shout said time al-ndon aald ela in . , , (iIila have liern e-
11. W. Bartholomew bas secured a
position with Minor ft Go., Frank Hob
srls having given np bia place prepara
tory to leaving for Mobtana.
tbii plaoe.
"Excuse me" observed tbe man la
spectacles "but I am a inrtaon.aod tbal
it onl where the liver is." never yon
mind where the liver Is." retorted tbs
other. "If It was in bia big toe or bis
left ear DeWitt't Little Early Risers
Therefore, with the view nl Ihe cancellation
ot aaM sntrv tha said D rtlns ara hereby sum-
. . . .... . -. . i
mo ed snl reunlrwl to tw aim spiwar neiore i
t. W. Morrow. I'nuniy fieri of Morrow county
rgon. st his otlir al Heppner. In-egon, on tn
nth day ol May. n at in o ciorsa m m saio
dav then and there to produce sm h t-stlinouy
sthermsv hsve eonreruiug saia atirgannns
he Bn.l heart lo im hsd belnre tils Hralster
and K-relrrr hi La tiramls, Oregon on the lid
day ol M) , at 10 o clock a, m.
Ml. Ml. kar elver.
Notict of Intention.
.... .i a a Tub Dallss. nmnnw
Ai.rll . "7
..nti. is itrMrav fiivo HUT IMF,
.N lnl.in iism. wlllf hS Sled Iio'l'-S "I
I ht.l'.l.nUnil I n. final p'o. In S'lplipnoi
hlsrl'lm. B"d tea Salt pm$H am n wnm-im
l..r J t. M.rffn. tonnty I at lUppnsr,
I ir'.n,oa a rh l7. vts .
HI E Hn. Ml. Inr the " "W'4 ana wva
iXr.. iwi. Tf W .
.. J ik. i. .in ..I,,. itnrM tnnmv his
eni llniinus rwldsiKw upon and sallttallon ol
said land, rli ,
HaMy V. Long. John Mcrtrrln all of ll.ppiwr,
Aa.4 V. 'nnr.. fni...r.
Teachers' Examination.
,1 tha narposa M Risking an lamination nf I
II tM-rwms h may niter themselves as candl-
ilatra lor Uw-hxra of the srhoils of this county
snd statef rsialcand llfedlplnmaa.tneeniiniy,
sn'Hil siiirtnuiilnit theri.it will txild a pul
llre.snil s'..n at the court house at Urppuar,
otienliig wnlnMday, Ma lith. I"V7.
uaieo nil w oay oi mmj
4i u jav mm.tr.
school supv, orrow i,
Timber Culture Final Proof.
eaottot rou the plr oa set other
lt i, , ,p tioll? feat
ff ai, isahf".
tr ra
wn. an timner eunnr mvv
r.iloa Xu. hrf Ih. PF'4 tm riKi
,. ........I... I k m. . S n il lul.
. .- , - . -. - .
r. g.,n
r. M l r..
4V as w'jiwf.
Begibbiug with tbs fifty fiiflh volurnt,
Ibe paper will BMntne tbe regnlsr msga
line which will add greatly lo itt
0 ictetiiroee aod atlrartiveoeas. Tb
Ontlo k is pablLhed every B.lnrday
fifty. ten leenee a year. Tbe first Issue
In each tnonlb is an Illastrated Usgsiine
Number, aoatainitir sbontleloeae msay
pages se tbe ordinary Uie. together
wttb a Urge aarcber of pB-tnre.
The pn l The Onllook ie Ibree
di.llart a year la ede ence, or Ires Ibsa a
rent day.
Ha names lf
II, I e" .. f.'it '!' a i. a-
wh. aii.aa w piiy, an wi .
I'lleat l'llest Itrblng Piles.
Symptoms: Moisture; Intsose itching d fMah Bnd ,hHk fof blni 0n
and stinging ; miMt at night; worte l tnSf ynn can bet your gig-lamps. Con
. . i H.l.ft I .... . . 1l .1 l .... ..linn. tnm. I A. fl.,.nW
misted. I glieas many OI uirm I iOrstClllDg- ll suusr. tv i.ri u.v..
hey had slope d and pookrte some of orf (ufm bioh ofUn bUd ,n,l ulcerate
ne precious stone- they thww away, lomf var, .ore. Bwayoe't '-'-'7'.
If we made as uaoniiigrt invii-.." . tha itchinff and bleeding, -
;,,r diamond mining a. they do In South Ration, Z'miL.;' -ill M9 to Kansas CHr next month
Vfrice.we would find thin country much bo.,, U inmore. At dioggtits, or by end In Jnly. Tbe boys ara excellent
r.eher In materisls thnn an) hotly sntl- mtl( for eenta. Dr. Kwayne ft Hon, yo00g men t0,i ( w.b them sacoett,
,.i...t.a A (tminnnv has recently been Philadelphia.
Jtrnnled to develoiR. the mlnr of pre- ; . , The old way of delivering mestsgea
Xnw stone. In the as.uth, aiad It baa a B. H. Uoglty. trs.liog agent of tb. by pntXhoJ9 enmptli w.th the tnclsm
telephone, Hloslrates the old teutons
methods of "breaking" colds Oompsred
with their almost Inslsotsoeoot ear. by
One Minute 0avb Cure. Coneer
II rook.
Two girls of tbe town, Alice Oram.
and Eliza llmtn, left town tuJJsolf
on Friday bat were broagbt back by
. i- .1-1,1 Itiir I ri...t Northern U. It . il io town.
Illlllllier OI Bgrinai in r. v. . '
rxsminstlons. They will ;.-.-iuoe m
their work all of the precious stone.. . e
skist pwdf
(avwnag ssusda
aa ra
Now 1. tbe lime to get tbe Weekly
Oreironian. Ihe greatest newspaper Of
Ihe West With ibe Oaantie, both strict-
ly In Bdeanee.ooe year, $3.60. No better
otinbtoatori of as t papers eaa be made
'a tbe ttaU.
.tlamnmla. rinerslds. snpphlrea, lirryls,
Karnrtjt and every other gem of any
..).. Thev will Ire provided with the
proper machinery, and not with coa . rnonev.rjacL
end gold mining Implement.. It Is all IS ITlOncy Ditxr
. . . .1 ..l,l I nm tilt I 9 A - a. .
vrong to sup.e that a com or chlUMP S 13(51 Zl YOUT
miner wou d unearth ti.f? precioo. . "
stones If they bsppsned to -e n the PTOCer .
. . W. . ..n.M.. ... nil I "
mountains, i ns -rrciou. . p.. . 4T
always found where the gold and coai
fleMs ars located. Il needs distinct ma
chinery and methods, and this Is the
only way that we csn ever nope vooe-
'elon the gem resourcesiof this country.
The company which I hsve been travel-
sA VI Torn ubaim.
Few irel'ie Ibat cscb aqalrrel dee
trove II 50 worth of grain anooally
Waktlse'e Squrrsl and Oopbtr EiUr
niinator is the most effreiive aed eeo-
aomlcal Doieoo knowa. Price redoo-d
Pot ssls by
J. A. Woolery, lone
Tritr. Kalt-ltheom and Fotetna.
Tbe intense Itching and sroartinir, Incl-
Oondnotor Duon, wbo bad been appoint
ad apeeial deputy sheriff, oa Hstardsy
morning, ehargsd with larceny by Eli
Keeney. However, Ibe charge failed to
stick and Ihe girl, weot on their way
To rare all old .ores, lo heal a. lo-
Ing for has already made negotiations dentVj ttiMwiillaeaana, is instant it auaywi aolent oieer, or speeoiie onre piim, yua
for large tracts of minersl land along by applying CbamberUlo a Eye and dsshI simply apply DeWiit's Witch fiaWe
U.t APtialarhlan system, and It will Hkln Ointmeiit. Many very 'bad caaee ravordinff In dtreetMina. Ia mas-telise
make Irnmediate effortt to develop the have been permanently cured by It. It M,q will toprlae yon. Conse. ft Urock,
......... .v . .ni la anna l emciptntror iicuina mice auui
I bare no ciouox on. mvy 7 ; -s , - - ,rmu-. . ... b.,m,.. ... tha hnaleat d.f
- ... 1 a.i. nr 1 a ia."i iw -n: -p
:7.V. .0 JL. . chapped hands, chilblains, fro Mta of ,bf Ur. tt r,m0jad o0e of
, piii hip- ......... 1 "... e . - 1 ana . lAru.MI POl. I ...
old limes.
mi nea.
trlke rna
doua rem, end the nonntry
new Idea of the rvonree of tha rulnei
of tbeot)th., Philsdelphla Timea.
It 80 eSlS Onetwr ft Break Ml MltKnv
Hed f- r a steimn e FT ' I lifl-1 a r, . erta. teoime; J. A. Woolery
ed pro-iei.is lo Tb ()otl, 13 A'tor I agent. I -ne; Ni0b'ls ft tacb, Bgente
Plac., Nswt.uk Oiv. Lexing'oo,
Tbe little Island of Mslta . a
trfunrre of Ha ditrlred from the
"nrihsMi 'aeB(,A''VaB tfw,uee, Tb
oobUitf tftj ft.. teNitdjy llm
; and chronic sore eyes. M eta. per box.
JY-fl. Ll:? 11 At Heppner', w.r.bonM rbU Oobe
oVin'lltpon. 1"HI0( VUfUa punuor aim 1 -1 1 "7 ."- " r
vormlfnice. Tle-nr are not fotai im plte, bides, furs, elo. rbill sent direst
me.llclneandlbetxet.in uea to p .,.,-. burfc Hea Mm be for.
h.rao In prituw wodiVlo-l. 1 ' '.:
jw-f rww f - f-'-rr
pr'4 pTT Lwt.kay,