Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 07, 1897, Image 4

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    TO TUB
Of Two Transcontinental
t Spokane Denver
St. Paul Kansas City
THE CHRONICLE rank I wit Ik ireateat
newspapers '.n the United states.
THB CHKONICLK dm no equal on ma fiemo
Coast. It leads all In ability, enterprise ana new.
THE CHRONICLE'S Telegraphic Reports ars
the latest and most reliable, Its Local News the
fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from the
ablest pens In the country.
THECHUONICLE has always oeen. ana always
will be, the friend and champion of the people as
against combinations, cliques, corporations, or
oppressions of any kind. It will be Independent
In everything neutral In nothing.
Ocean Steamers .Leave Portland
Every 5 Days For
For fall details oall on O. R. 4 N.
Agi nt at Heppner, i,r address
Gen. Pass. Agt.
Portland. Oregon.
E. McNEli-L, President and Manager.
I JiMlilil
'or-- ; i V l?-rfj. ' H
Southern Pacific
San Franolsoo I T" H -
And all point In California, via the Mt. Bhasta
mute oi tue
The (treat highway through California to all
point Kast and South. Grand Hoenin Routs
of the I'aoifio Coast. Pullman Hnffet
HlenpHrs, Beoond-olaas Bloopers
Attnched to express trains, Hltording snpenor
accommodations Tor snnond-olaas passengers.
For rat, tioknts, slenpiiig oar reservations,
atn. nail noon or address
K. KOKHLKli, Manager, K. P. ROGERS, Asst.
Hon. K. A P. agt., Portland, Oregon
The Chronicle Holldlng.
lty JVta'l, Foliage Paid.
One Wounded and Torn Btate'i Evidence
Will Board With Sapt Gilbert, of Salem
Sheriff Foreytbe, of Wallowa oounty,
reoenlly lodged David Tucker and Ben
Owenby in the "pen" for a seven years,
term each for tbe part tbey played in
the Joseph bank robbery last fall. Tbe
Statesman oommeDts as follows:
The two last named were oonvicted of
robbing the bank at Joseph, on October
1, 1890, when three men enteied the
bank about 3 o'olock, and after cover
ing four customers of the bank, and
Acting-Cashier J. D. McCully, secured
about $2000. The populaoe of the town
having been aroused tbe robbers at
tempted to make their escape, when tbe
robber, who bad tbe sack of money, was
shot down. Tucker was wounded aDd
only one man escaped, oarryiug with
bioi tbe sack of money which he had
taken from bis dead oomrade. Later
Tucker, tbe wounded robber, turned
state's evidence implicating John Mar
tin, a saloon keeper, and Benjamin
Oweuby. two well-known characters.
These were promptly arrested and thus
far Owenby and Tuoker have been cou-
vioted and now ocoupy cells in tbe pen
itentiary. Poisons engendered by food ferment
ing in a ayepepuo siomaon are toe ui-
reot oanee of rheumatism, gout, broD
ohitis, liver and kidney complaints, asth
ma, pneumonia and many nervous ailments
These results are prevented by the use
of tbe Hbaker Digestive Cordial, a
remedy discovered and prepared by tbe
Shakers of Mount Lebanon, N. Y. It
is in itself a food aDd has power to digest
other food taken with it. Thus it rests
the diseased stomach and finally mas
ters tbe worst oases of dyspepsia. It
acts promptly and fresh strength and
increase of weight soon follows. Tbe
first dose, taken immediately after eat
ing, abates the pain aud distress so
dreaded by dyspeptics. Trial butties
enough to prove its merit. 10 cents.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors reoommend it in plaeo
of Castor Oil.
County oonrt in session tbia week.
Call up phone No. 3 when you want
A French Doctor Says It May Be
: The Weekly Chronicle
W. 8, Brown, of Nebraska, will tak
out 6,000 bead of sheep from this lnoality,
leaving next week. A. M. Crea will also
start bis bands nbont the same time.
If so, be sure and see that your
ticket reads via
The Ko.ifiweste.ii Line
Great Short Uqc
Tlielr Magnificent Track, Pwrlosa Vcstlbiiled
Dining ami bleeping Car
Trulm, and Motto:
Thd Great st Wce'.ly h tho Couilry,
$1.50 a !
(Including poitngn) to any part of the United
Htuti'S. Canada and Mexico.
TFIK WBKKI.Y OHItoXlUI.K, the brightest
inrt must complete Weekly Newspaper In the
world, prints regularly 81 columns, or twelve
pages. of News. Liter iture and (ieuural Informa
tlun;alsoa magnificent Agricultural Department,
A Pleasant Experience,
A few days ago a charming lady, who
was traveling alone oeiween nr.. ram
and Chicago, was accosted by a hand
some gentleman, who invited her tn
take dinner with him. "Certainly, Mr.
Carson," sbe replied, "for the Wisonnsiu
Central Lines have tbe best dinning oar
service in tbe world ; I shall be delight
Something to Know.
It may be worth something to know
that the very best medicine for restoring
that tired out nervous system to a healthy
vigor if Electric Bitters. This medicine
is purely vegetable, acts by giving tone
to the nerve centres in the stomach,
gently stimulates the Liver and Kidneys
and aids these organs in throwing off
impurities in tbe blood. Electric Bitters
improves tbe appetite, aids digestion, and
is prononooed by those who have tried
it as tbe very best blood purifier and
oervw tocio. Try it. Sold for 50c or $1.
00 per bottle at Coneer & Brock's drug
Newt. Smith is over from Fox Valley
for John Day merchandise.
Greens and vegetables, arriving daily
at tbe Orange Front opposite City hotel
corner Main nod Willow streets. Prompt
delivery to all parts of tbe city. tf
Geo, D. Fell was over from Pend leton
Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
The all-absorbing topic, the Cuban
question, is agitating oongreaa, but in
Heppner the .. citizens are striving to
ascertain how R C. Wills, in Black
man's old stand, can offer such bargains
in shoes, spring and summer dress goods
Mr. Wills is making a specialty of tbese
lines, but he will give you bargains in
thousands of other articles. It will pay
you to see R. C. Wills before plnoing
yonr order. Mail orders a specialty
Don't forget tbe plaoe. tf
Speoinl sale of pooket knives and
pipes at half price at tbe Oraoge Front.
The assistant cook at the Pal ion out
his band badly with a deliver a tew days
The West fit-Id (Ind.) News prints tbe
following in regard to an old resident of
that place: "Frank MoAvoy, for
many years in the employ of the L., N.
A &C. Ry. here, says: 'I have used
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera nndDiarr
hoea Remedy for ten years or longer am
never without it in my family. I con
sider it the best remedy of the kiuil
maDufeo'ured. I take pleasure in rec
ommending it.' " It is a specific for all
bowel disorders. For sale by Coneer &
Scattered by
on Whose Implements tbe
Microbes Find Lodgment.
Now the real cause of baldness has
been discovered, and a French derma
tologist, Dr. Labourand, suggests a
yrof. W.H.Peke, who
makes a specialty of
Epilepsy, haa without
doubt treated and cur
ed more cases than any
living: Physician: but
success is astonishing;.
We have heard of cases
nt ao Tears' standing;
curou uy
him. Ho
work on
this dis
ease, which
he senaa
with a
large tot-
- ... , n anv sufferer
remedy. By the use of this remedy, he ; who may gen(1 tne,r p, o. and Express address.
"always on time"
has given this mad a national reputation. All
classes o( passengers carried on the vcstlhulcd
trains without extra charge. Hhlp your Irelght
ami travel over this bullous line. All agent
have tickets.
Uon. AgenL Trav. K. A P. Agt.
ith Washington Ht., Portland, Or.
Tho United States, Dominion of
Canada and Northern Mexico
. Auit too j
Map of the World
hend 92 and Get tltt Map and
Wo kly i lironlt-lo f r Ono Yar,
l08,ugM prepaid o,i M ip aud I'npjr.
M. It. rl VOlTNfr,
ProsTlctiw K, P Chronicle,
"Long distaooe" aud local 'phones
can reaoh No. 3 at the Gazette office.
Conductor Dunn and family have re
turned from their visit to Portlaud.
Smiles Irradiate the Conntenaiice.
When tioee atrocious bodily troubles,
ed," For further particulars oall on the chills and lever, avsDepsia, Kidney or
nearest ticket agent, or address J. C. rbenmatio disorders, yield, as they in
Pond. G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis., or variably do, to tbe benign action of Hos
Geo. S. Batty, Oen'l Agt. 246 Stark St tetter's Stomach Bitters, a remedy of
Portland Or. oomprenejBive use, pure in composition,
nnnbiectiooable to a . delicate palate,
A Dindoo insulted the Women's Uon- -n(i .i,nmnoh in eflWt.i. Hick head
gress in a rpeeoh down at X riaco and HC,fii i0Bg 0f appetite, flesh Bnd sleej ,
was fired out. Huob roosters ought not nMni,eBi heartburn, are among tbe phy-
to he tolerated then the opportunity to sioh1 Brj0oya00p. obviated by tbe Bitters.
says, baldness can be prevented, and in
the next generation it may be unknown.
Can the awful consequence of such a
discovery be imagined? Can people of
this generation contemplate such a so
cial condition as a total lack of bald- j
ness? What will the ballet girldo with- l
out that inspiring row of shining pates
just beyond the footlight? What will ;
the funny man do, deprived of his fund
of baldheaded jokes? Hair will grow
in vulgar abundance.
It has been known for some time
among medical men that baldness is a
disease. It has even been supposed to
be due to a specific microbe. In fact,
such an extraordinary amount of evi
dence in favor of the theory has been
accumulated that the idea is now gen
erally accepted. Dr. Labourand's in
vestigation in the subject has been ex
haustive and of such a conclusive na
ture as to add heavy reinforcements to
the already existing microbic theory.
He believes that the disease is con
tagious and that the cause of contagion
and the spreading of microbes is due
to the barber's instruments. He pre
sents strong evidence in. support of this
According to Labourand the typical
diseased hair is found at the edge of a
constantly enlarging bald spot. It is
the stump of what was once a long hair.
It is shaped like an interrogation point ;
it grows less in diameter toward the
root, and has lost its color, being either
gray or white. The normal pith canal
is wanting at the root, which is itseii
no longer bulbous and hollowed for the
papilla, but distorted in shape and
hardened. Within the root sac a little
bulb may be seen developing if ex
amined under the magnifying glass, it
is this which is said to be the cause of
the disease.
In the good hair this bulb or utricule
is full and closed, and contains in its
center comnuct clusters of microbes, a
culture of the smallest bacillus known.
As the microbe matures it may become
one one-hundredth of an inch in width,
is bent or slightly curved in shape, like
a comma, blunt at the ends and slightly
swollen in the center. Each bulb con
tains millions of these bacilli, aud to
them is attributed the cause of baldness.
Investigation shows that by the time
the hair is dead and the root and
rebaceous glands useless the microbe
which produced this effect is gone.
Thus remedies applied to the bald spot
in the hope of making hair grow again
are vain. For that glistening, white
desert is totally barren of productive
roota, and the oily bbcb are dried for-
We advise anv one wishinK a cure to address
"toi .W. H. PIXEE, r. J. Cedar St., Hew Y-v
A Write to T. 8. QmncEV,
Drawer 150, Chicago, Secre-
" , , ..flTJF tary of the Star Accident
' ' '"If Company, for Information
WrW regarding Accident Insur-ance-
Mention this paper.
r nv 60 doing you cau save
membership fee. Has paid over $000,00X00 for
accidental injuries.
Be your own Agcat.
thing to patent? rptec your mea yrom.,
bring you wealth. Write JOHN WEDDKr
BURN & CO., Patent Attorneys, Washington,
D. C. for their $1,800 prize offer.
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained and all Pat
ent business conducted for mooeratc Fees.
?nd we caSlecure patent in ies tune thaa those
remote irom vvasnnigiuu. .
Send model, drawing or photo., With descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free ol
. r... .Imj. till natrnt is secured.
a pamphlet "How to Obtain Patents," with
colt "Same- in' the U. S. and foreign countnes
sent free. Address,
Opp. Patent Office. Washington D. C.
Cummings 8c Fall,
Of the Old Reliable
Gault House,
Half block west of the Union Depot of C. B. &
Q C. M. & St. P., C. fc A . P. Ft. W. & C,
and the C. St. L. & P Railroads.
$S.oo 1151 DAY
Cor. W. Madison and Clinton 8tg.,
tice is hereby given that an annual meet
ing of the stockholders of the Farmers Ware
house company of lone will be held at the othce
of said company 1n lone, Oregon, on finluritay,
the 5th dav of June. 1H'.I7, at 1 o clock p. m., for
the purpose of electing directors and for such
other business as may be lalyt,rIa".BJ0.'c.'1
them M. J. WILLIAMS,
tnem- President.
Done at lone, this 27th day of April, 1897.
539-48 , .
Notice of Intention.
w ivnnnim AT T.A GRANDE. OREGON,
1j April 7, 1897. Notice is herebv given i that
the following named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make Bnal proof in support pt
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before County lerk, Morrow ijouniy, ureguu,
at Heppner, Oregon, on May nth, 1897, viz:
Hd. E. No. 79 for the VM HWJ4 Bee. 11 and E
N W4 Sec. 14, Tp 5 8, R 27 E W M-
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of said land, viz: Benjamin F. Hevland, Sam
uel C. Creeson, wanaer uopjue sua woviu .
Hamilton all of Heppner, Oregon.
535-46. ' ' Register.
Timber Culture, Contest.
Timber Culture-Final Proof.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, April 27th, 1897.
Corbet, of Lewisburg, Ohio, has filed no
tice of intention to make final proof before J.
W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Mb oflice in Hepp
ner, Oregon, on Saturday, the 12th day of June,
1K97, on timber culture application No 21S. for
the 8V4 8W4 NWJ4 8WH and 8WH NW of
Hection No. 24, In Township No. 1 South, Range
No 24 East.
He names as witnesses: French Burroughs,
of Heppner, Oregon, John Ritchie. John Jordan
and Oscar Mitchell all of lone. Oregon
540-51 J AS. C. MOOKK, Register.
United States Land Office,
The Dalles, Oregon, March 24, 1897.
at this offlce by O. E. Farnsworth, Hepp
ner, Or., against. Thomas Huntsberry for failure
to comply with law as to timber-culture entry
No. 2918, dated Feb. 28, 1HH8, upon the NE(4
ecu iiii KUu onrt N NEV Bee. St. To. 8 8 It
125 E, in Morrow conntv, Oregon, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry, contestant alleg
ing that said entry has been and Is abandoned
and no pari or tne saiu entry u "T, 1
broken, pianteci or cuiiivaiuu. munucu imi
ures still exist. The said parties are hereby sum
moned to appear at this office on the 22nd day
of May, 1897, at 1 o'clock p. m.. to respond and
furnlsa testimony concerning nam aiicgcu
failure. J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, Is au
thorized to tae the testimony In this case at his
office at Heppner, Oregon, on May 1ft, 1897, at
10 o'olock, a. m. J AS. F. MOORE,
733-74H negisier.
firm of Downer & 8wann, composed of V.
C. Downer and Emmett Swann, and doing gen
eral house, sign and ornamental painting in
the town or Heppner, has tnis day Deen nis
solved bv mutual consent, Emmett Swann hav
ing disposed of his Interest to D. C. Downer
who will continue business at the same loca
tion, collect a'l accounts aud pay all bills con
traded by the above hrm.
Kmmktt Swann.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 2nd day of
April 1897. 32tf-
insult will not exist.
Ilwtt & SI. Paul B'g
This Railway Co.
Operate! its traitu on the famotii blook
Lights Its trains by electricity through
out; Use the celebrated eleotrio berth read
iug lamp;
linns ipemlily runipped passenger trains
evorv day and uight between Ht. Paul
and Ohioago, aud Omaha and Chicago;
Chicano. Milwaukee &
St. Paul
. Also operate steam-heated vestilmled
trains, carrying th latest private
eotnparlment oars, library bdffel smnk
Ing car, and palace drawing room
lee perl.
Parlor para, free reclining chair can.
and tlia very beat dimug chair car
For lowest rate to any point in the
I'ni'ed HI ales or Canada, apply to
gent or dJrraa
0. J. EDDY,
J. W. CAHEY. Oeneral Agent,
Trav. Pas. Agent. Portlaud, Or,
0 VI
AnT.. iwri.tln ,kH. h anil rtrvn tl,l mar
a. i Mvrtaiii, taa l.rih.r n i,.i,ti,i it
MlMl.lr hali,LIl 4 ti,lliii,ilelt.M,a .trletlr
ronn.iwiitiql. tn.t.i weiier l.-tii miii(
Hi A'iii a We ), i aMtiiai.v,.,..
I atenia ismi Ihnntnh Mkhu 4 Iw mMK
txMual tuna la l he
xHtflir tuuri. kM emiIM nf
!.,-" 'ri.i. !. i.ia.iiiiiwi
llklws M.Mi(ha, HIMK..II .,i-iu,4 Uiit
Buua o PatsoTa smtlraa. AiMtm
MUNN 4 CO., i
I Mr.....,, h.w i,tk.
Ths Rest Ilemnly for Khenniatliini.
From the Fairhaven, N. Y., Register.
Mr. James ltowland of this village,
states that for twenty-fivo years bis wife
haa been sufferer from rheumatism. A
few nlghta ago sbe was Id such pain
that she waa nearly orazy. She ecDt Mr,
Rowland for tbe doctor, but he had read
of Chamberlaiu'i Paioe Balm and in
stead of going forth physician he went
to the store and secured a bottle of it.
Ilia wife did not ipprove of Mr. Row
land' purchase at first, but nevertbe
lesa applied the Balm thoroughly and
in an boar' time was able to go to
leep. Htie now applies it whenever she
feel an otn or pain a id find that it
alwayt give re'iet. He say that on
medioloe which she bad need ever did
her so much good. Tbe 25 and 50 oent
sizes for sale by Conser & Brook.
They are in tbe nature of signals nf dia
Iresa displayed by a disordered etomaob
liver and bowels, and disappear with
the cause that prodtioed them. Bui
these signals should be heeded at onoe
Then the woe-begone look of ohronio
ill health will speedily disappear, and
vigor and comfort restore a cheerful
aspect to tbe face. That faithful iudei
to the condition of the system nevt
fails to wear look of sunshine wbeu
tbe Bitter ia used to dispel tbe cloud.
W. J. Brown was id from tbe Lena
section on last Tuesday.
Walt. Thompson runs stage between
Tickets sstil to all point In the United
Hlates and Canada.
Frank Thorns and He Drinkell came
in from tbe telephone line Wednesday.
Cimcaoo All other f Omaha
Wasiiinotok point I Kansas Citt
Haitimou V In Hi Ht. JossrH
N Yohk I East sod nt. Luna
UvrPAtO I Southeast I, HtHsrit
Union IVpnt connections
at Ht. Paul, Minneapolis
Kansas City, Omaha, Ht.
lala and other promi
nent poiut
Baggage checked through to destination
ol tickets.
Through tickets to Japan and China, via
Taooma and Northern Psh-iOo Strain
hip Company's Una.
Joe Woolcry was op from lone Wed
nesday last.
Tin Box Fibd Yabd. The first feed
yard the teamster strikes in Ileppner
is that conducts! by William Gordon,
urit door to the Ileppner (Isistt
ranch. Mr. (lordon i acoommodating,
h a gixid yard and abundant facilities
tn take care of stock in first class shape.
Ilia price are very reasonable He baa
hay and grain for sale. Has lately
added a car hud of baled timothy.
Heppner tn IVndleton via Heppner
Eohn rttsire Line. Persons deeiroos of
visiting I'endlelno om sate tin and
money by taking Ihia tonte. Hy ao- M,w0 that it will
qnainilllkT in ageni" m ir-Tn u- i wr
ing me pibk' win ui" i-imnri"imi w,u
'i o'clock train at Echo for Pendleton.
Olhoe at City lrng More. W. D. Um,
However, the progress of baldness
can be impeded. This is accomplished
by disinfection of the skin at the edge
and in the neighborhood of the pateh
by means of an effectual, microbe-de
stroying tonic
If the microbe of baldness is an act ual
fact, as seems fairly probable, and if
the prevalence of the condition is due
to contagion, ns is the reasonable ana
logical deduction, baldness con be pre
vented and the first stages ot the dis
ease arrested by intelligent treatment
So. in time, baldness may disappear
from humanity. Chicago Times-Her
Tha Bivalves Capable of Causing Dia
It la not 'likeiy that the public will
read, or even we, the elaborate report
on the oyster and the typhoid question
just issued by the locni government
bon.nl, and theirefore. we beg tnem noi
to be alarmed at the comments thataro
Ileppner and Monument, arriving every appearing in the press on the Bubject.
day exoept Monday and leaving every Report doea not wnrrani an aiarmmi
... 4 o UL..I..I .k..n. 1 lew. 11, ITJlimilU, IK ll ii , w.c
7 . ..... r. . . dant lustiflcat ion for having raised the
eel ronie w tne interior. winaer i .t n.,. D, nw nrnvi nnt
i ijiiaroi mm vyo a mix. v - -
DrooK, agents. lv i .t. t. ponntry but In France ana
ll tT.lA.J CAaa Ka ncmaahlaa Cit
Tbe roads are Improving sere, thel .
moaniaina. . fvr.hni.1 t.wr. And the investigation
of theovater beds on our coaata, carried
out bv Dr. Bulstrode for the local gov
emrrumt board, ahows that in Mvernl
plncea oyster are exposed to the risk
of conveying the dineaae. They are
placed far fattening In ahallow water
war the fowhore, and so cloae to aewcr
out f alia aa to be pretty constantly
bat hed bv sewage. The womt plccea In
fhl8 respect 8 re Southend, Grimaby,
Shoreham snd the Isle of Wight. On
the other liand, Whitatableend several
otheir famoua hexls are beyond auspl
ohm. while a third clan la only theoret-
Tbroagn Inadvertency, many loeai 1 icallv open to uan7er. But the moat
advertiser who pay only a weekly rats comforting point brought out by the
hava been getting lb benefit of the report U that even in the worat case
semi weekly ervlce. Tb Osisite must the danger can be removed without
insist npnn bnaineaa principles and
Ihraa aim f,. a bmiI. ail mail !
Tbe Qazette will take potatoes, apples,
eggs or butter on subscription aoconnts.
Any one owing this oifioecan settle their
acoouots in this manner and can't do it
too soon to suit us.
Gid Hatt and Charley Jones are as
sociated together down at Charley's
old plaoe iu the tonsorial business.
Oall on them and get your whisker
pushed in.
IN and bv virtue of an execution issued out
of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
Conntv of Morrow, and to me directed and de
livered, upon a judgment rendered and entered
in said Court on the 1st day of March. 1897,
in favor of The Morrow County Land and
Trust Jompanv, a corporation, plaintiff, and
againBt Ed C. Allen, Martha E. Allen. Wm. M.
Ruriio, Mattie H. Rudio and J. F. Teal, as ad
ministrator of the es'ate of 1. R. Dawson, de
ceased, defendants for the sum of Two Thous
and Two Hundred and Fifteen Dollars with
interest thereon from the 21st day of November,
1H9f. at the rate of to" per cent per annum, and
One Hundred aud Fifty Dollars attorney's fees,
and the further sum of Twelve and ftO-HX) Dol
lars costs and whereas by said Judgment it was
ordered and adjudged that the following de
scribed real property, tn-wit: ixit no. ten (I")
in block No. two (2) of Looney's addition to the
town of Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon.be
sold to sstlKiy sum judgment, costs auu accru
ing costs. I will, on Wednesday,
ine ann any oi may, io-ji,
at one o'clock p. m.. of cald day, at the Court
House door in Heppner, Morrow County, Ore
gon, sell all the right, title and interest of the
said defendants, Kd C. Allen, et al., In and to
the above described property at purine
auction to the highest and best bidder for
cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the
satisfaction of saiu execution and all costs and
costs that may accrue. K. L. NAIUH K,
bnerin or morrow t;ouiuy, wregou.
By .1. W. Matlock, Deputy.
Dated April 2th. 1897. 539-47.
We have advertising space for the
professional men. Every doctor and
lawyer in town should have bis card in
the Gazette.
The regular subscription price-of tha
8emi-Weekly Gazette is 92 50 and ths
regular price of tbe Weekly Gregorian
is SI. 50. Any one subscribing for tbs
Gazette and paying for one year i
advanoe can get both the Gazette and
Weekly Oregonian tor 83.50. All old sub
scribers paying their snbsoriDtinna fcr
one year in advance will ha entitled t
Attorneys tit Xnw,
All business attended to in a prompt and satisfactory
manner. Notaries Public and Collectors.
BEPPNER, s t : ; t
What's money for?
get good things.
What's money-back
Ira? baking powder f
entree? AAvotoig extracts f
soda t snd spices f
Good Schilling s Best
For sale by
J. V. Vaughan
Columbia River and Put Sound Navigation (Jo
Leaving Alder 8treet Dock, Portland, for Astoria, Ilwaoo, Long Beacb, Oceas
Park and Nahcntta. Direct oonnectmn with Ilwaoo steamers and rail
road; also at Young's Bay with Seashore Railroad.
Leave Portlaud T A. M. Dally, except Sunday. Leave Astoria 7 P. M. Dally, except Sunday.
Leaves Portland IP. M. Pally, except Monday. Saturday night. 11 P M. Leaves Astoria Daily a
at B:t5 A. M., except Sunday and Monday, eiiuday night, 7 P.M.
Leave Portland and runs direct to Ilwaro, Tuesday snd Thursday at A. M. Saturday at 1 P. M.
Leaves Ilxaco Wednesday and Krlday at 7; A. M. Ou Sunday nlgtt at P. il.
Baggage Checked to Railroad Destination Both Reaches Free tf Expenst
For Safety, Speed, Comfort, Pleasure, Travel on ths Telephone, Bailey Oatiert and Ocean Wav
appear only oooe a
Tbe ladies will glv yon pleasant
entertainment on Friday, May 14. 2 3
For full Information, tiros cards, maps,
tickets, etc., oall ou or writ
W. C. Am aw At, A. 1) Canlton,
Agt N P lty Asst. Gru Pas. Agt.
Tha Palles.Or. Portland, Or.
Put a qnarter In jour pocket and
don't spend it till you get down to Low
Tillard'. Finest lienor and cigar.
Nr city hall. a
hlotice of Intention.
1 ASlrH K AT l AtiKAMPK. OKriiON.
I 4 April a, !";. Noll,- la hereby uii that
W llw, I Mull
Im I p- ''' i'i a ui n m
flniaVMu.4 w MMins Vj K-l
,, I. .!)-. U.J O. I., ill , l, I N X 7 f
S.lli1I. ll'.lll'.l.lii ,,, Ul Ii
Hie PiUrs, TurtlaDi i Waria Niviplioa Co.
Usvs Tb Dalle daily (-ice pt Hitmlay)
17. tn., arriving in I'orllaa I alHiul
j;t0p. m.
When yon go to Portland, stop rfT at
Tli Palles and lake a trip down tha
CulntuHii yon will enjoy it, anJ sav
General Agent.
tn, lull. ' lug inmnl settler r.. nie.1 notice ol
his Inlriill.oi to make Snal inml In supi-Tt ol
Ins t -latin, and that Hid pr.nd ill I mad Iw
li,n l ouitty I lerk n Mrm roinity, orrsjoii,
at lleiuiiief, nrrgon. on Mar la. tr, t
I Mr " r . i.nn". I 4l. .j.,,. .1
II I tt N R: lnrtae NW I are H. Tf preeeas iinrroainiuai aniiaiion
Benefit concert, by lbs Iadie' Corast
Band, si opera bouse, Friday, May 14,
i l.r7. 2-a
Tb May Magailos Number of The
Outlook haa balf a doieo illnslrated
artiole, and a great variety of other
rea.liog matter. Mr. Jnstln McCartbi's
"Ht.iry ot Gladstone'. LitV' deal large
ly with Gladstone' visit to Greec in
Ih.VH, and mncb of it t pertinent to ths
m. H r K w M
He nattir lb Minn Ins wllnraa lo pmv
tils niiitliiumis Mldemf nix'" and rultKatton
ul, aald laud vis. Me.kUh Tlpi-ell and Andy
i l .. nt U'",'"- n. Kdaardl hapinaiiand
(bailee IS.Iirtty ol liwam, it.n.
a. r. wii!''.
mv av kratswr.
TimUr Cuttvrt-Fwal Proof.
h. dire fwr Pasliralliia.
t'mTtn tts. I n Orrii .
The Imllre, trrfiti April 1. I""'
Nonif l iimauY iiIhn lit at Ja k
..n II sunlev. i4 lllltlm, irrin, haa
file.1 null' llitrlltHilt to mas Bnal pro"!
brlor J. , V,irro, I minlr ( Iris, el his '
In lteep"r. un-gon. na Monday llir rth dat ol
May, im7. n lliiilwr rulliir a i'lclliii
fmt ..c Ida M"t id lli.it to J. In l,itit.lt
I S..t II. I.a'x. No .'I I !.
IZZXZMXZrXZt : Wanted-At! Idea -rl Z??" "n.: .XUn;! l-m.nenl f.larea (3 a
naAkui.a i, Hi .. if. .'iB, L hhIiShs IHl all I i' , Kl 111- J A , M' " ' . . '
HP SWIll U I'' " nii i--jM..I i,MiiiiIi rs)r4i U' lenwir. I'J
Wagner, ths fauaou anthor ot "Tontb,"
write of ran In In "Higher Lifs of
Furopeau CitiH tb amtrpaoying
plctur ars many aud flo. Mr.
Arthur M. LXnlg tells ot tb "IVvel-.p
ment ot lbs I'ay Nursery Ides." Mr.
Cbarle II. CrandAll,lu"A Quest of Gray
Hblnglra," writes pUasantly of q laiot
old lion, aud Mveral oi Ibass bouses
ara ber ptetureJ. In lights r litotalur
a strung story by Oelava Thanel, sum
dialH p-em by Taul Uon bar, ths
rtegm poet, end an sppreelallrs arttol
ntKio Henry tan I'jkaandbia wnrk.ar
yar. Tb
I'laas, w
difficulty. Now that the povernroent
has pointed the way, it is for the local
authoritlca to carry out the tveveswy
reforms, and for oyster consumer t
insist that they are carried out. St.
Jamea Gazette.
Allt4 t ar of htld )a I ( hopln's
MiinW-r alu. a.
The value of nul:.il. In the treatment
of t ertnin forma of nenouadiwawahaa
larfore now lecn called attention to by
jinyaici ins. ()ne adiantape jiethnpaof
tills t'ictS'iutittl a ire n cy i that in the
event of ita doinir ihi g"ot It la not like
ly to do harm. In a recent nututwr of
the Gazette Medical attention waa
ilrnwn to the rrmarkalile result attend
liiir Uie ailttiinistratiou of music to a
little :irl of three, who wn afflicleil
with sn-rlous nervou disonWra, reault
I Tip In epilepsy nd paroxysm of fear.
which kept her awnk all nlirbt. Tbe
orlinary remcdiea," im-lmling bromide
of potassium, wrro trieil without any
etTrrt. and at laat the physician reconi.
mrnil.-l the mother to play sui aoft.
rather nwlurKboly music to her daugh
ter b'lor putting her to tied. Cbopin
waa recoinmrnd-l. tstm-ially th
walUea In th minor key. Th remeily
worked like a charm, for It l said that
from the night th child wriit to be I
under th Inrtuem-e of music ah lost
all her nrrvoim symptoms and e'ept
without aklttr until the morning. In
order to prove thai thia w.ts tut the re
nt . vf hut t-haui1, tii niuii? i
omit tr-t on on rniri, nti I th t h-ld
ard S nigttt vt ni wry, riot m) Intrf
furs the s-Jt jHioayf trip trtAtinrnl.
but lu'-i trr h.l.x!
Wool Growers!
Wltb MoKinley in lb Wbits Dons, ws predict higher price for wool during
tbs oomiog season, and feel assured Ibat Ileppner will attraot mors Eastern buy
ers thao formerly. Their bealqnarters will bs at tha
Wool Growers' Warehouse
and it will bs to your interest to si- r yonr wool with ns. lusnrano rst ars
also muob cheaper than last year.
Ws furnish wool sseks snd twins tt patmns payabts whn wool is H. Ws
pay freight to teamsters, snd famish blank rrceip s to woolgrowtrs on spplkatloo.
Ws hs on baud rolled barley and feed or teamsters.
Ws pay lbs highest cash price for sheep pell and bide.
Ws ars sgeiits for Little's Fluid Dip, and th famous Black Lsf Tobacoo
Mark your wool sacks fi) and direct your teamster to Ih lower Warrbonao,
Heppctr, Oregon.
R. F. HYND, Manner.
J. C. BOROgKliS, Prop
Keeps the Finest Wine?, Liquors and Cigars
Tho GAZETTE, $2,50 A Year fpr CASH,