Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 07, 1897, Image 3

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    Almost Blind
Scrofula Affects the Eyes -Little
Boy Treated by an Oculist With
out Relief -But Now He Is Well.
"When my little bey was three months
Old hit) eyes be:eme very sore Rnd he was
almost blind. I took him to an oculist
Vho trented him for nis inotv hs, ard left
Jiim fta bad as he wa at tlie begiunir.g.
Finally Hood's Sarcapariila vug revrra
mended and I began Riving it to him.
Ia less than three weeks lie was able
to go into the sun without coveihjjj
his eyes, and today his eye? are perfoetly
w?U, and hia ears and nose, which were
bad'y affected, are also veil. Hood's
Sarsaparilla has certainly done wonders
lor my boy." Mrs. James II. Painter,
Amador, California. Eemember
the One
True Rlnnrt
Purifier. All dmgglsts. fi.slx for $5. Get Hood's.
Hrrwl'c DJllo are only pills to take
nOOa S PIUS with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
Take Notice.
1. The sum of five cents per line win be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lists of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himBelf give as a matter of news,) and
uotices of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shad be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
el to in every Instance. '
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
Now that the great political campaign
is over and the winter Benaon again with
ne, all will want an adequate supply of
fresh and varied reading matter for the
long evenings. Cognizant of this the
Gazette has made clubbing arrangements
with a number of periodicals and now
offers the following to all new and renew
al subscribers:
The GAZETTE 12.50 and
Weekly Oregonian, f 1.60
" 8. F. Examiner, 1.50....
" N. y. Tribune, U.00
" Inter-Ocean, (1.00 ,
" 8. F. Chronicle, 11.50
Thrice-a-Week N. Y. World, 11.00
Club Rate
.... 13.50
.... 8.75
.... 3.00
.... 8 25
.... 875
Webfoot Planter, 50c 2 50
Leslie's Weekly, $1.00 5.00
Here and There.
The band ooncert. May 14, lf-97. 2 3
Jas. Wright is down from Taooma for
fliram Thornton is up from his ranch
near lone.
Lee Frenob and Billy Carroll are ic
from the range.
Minor & Co. are agents for the Shuttle
& Smith wagons. 2-3
Hood River gets the O. N. O. en
campment this year.
Tom Hattan has retaroed In his old
position with Wm. Scrivner. "
Don't forget Minor A Co.'s all-wool
suits, $6.50. World beaters. 2 3
Will Tempieton was over from Poplar,
Grant County on Tuesday last.
Mrs. Bert Simons is visiting her sister,
Mrs. O. J. Andrews, near Alpioe.
I ;,i .
anyone wisning s nutooer one wagon
will do well to call on Mm r & Co. 2 3
As we go to press word comes of the
closing of the Moody bank of The Dalles.
Jeff Hayes and wife and Joe Hayes,
Jr., arrived from Lone Rock yesterday
to remain few days.
Mrs. H. w. Bartholomew arrived
boms from a visit to Portland and Sa
lem on Wednesday morning.
Minor and Co. have just received di
reot from manufacturers one oar load of
wagons, thereby shotting off tbe middle
man. 2-3
Bud Williogbam will pull out with
the Jas. Haves sheep Drxt week and
will laod tbem on Wyoming range early
io the fall.
Mr. Antone Ringe, of the Orange
Front, one of our leading grocery estab
lishments, left on last evening's train for
the main line 00 business connected
with bis Arm.
vnrrr u mnrr.
E. W. RHEA & CO.
., ... ... .
yCZrJp17-?.--- Z -
Wanted Girl to do general house
work. See Mrs. Phill Conn. 2-tf.
Born To the wife of Harvey Phippe,
in Heppoer, Thursday, May 6,a 9-pound
Minor & Co. have the nicest line of
ladies' low shoes in the oity. No ex
ceptions. 2-3
Ladies wanting shirt waists will do
well to look around before purchasing.
Minor & Co. . 2 3
Born To the wife of "Little" Barney
Doberty, 00 Wednesday, May 5th, in
Sand Hollow, a boy.
Dr. B. F. Vangban will leave very
soon for Long Creek. Those needing
work ebonld oome in at once. tf
Rev. FiBDk Adkios and family are
down from Dayton, Wash., to visit re
latives here, arriving yesterday.
W. M. Thompson informs the Uhzete
that the roads from the mountains are
getting in good Bhape for hauling.
Moms Mack came in from Grant
county Wednesday with a lot of pelts
which readily bought 6 centB per
Late reports from the seat of war io
Greece give the Greeks the beat of it,
the latter having won two deoisive
Tom Brennan, an experienced black
smith, arrived reoently from Pendleton
and has aocepted a position with J. R
Simons & Son.
If you haven't paid your subscription
and you are behind and your paper
stone, you can guess the reason. We
can't do business on promises.
T. A. Merziee and Peter MoTntire are
in town today looking after oustomers
the former a well known traveling man,'
the latter a woolbnyer, also very well
known in Heppner.
H. J. Striokfaden and family have
moved into the Welch property, near the
power honse. Miss Emma Botsford, re
cently of Henrietta, Texas, is making
her home with tbem.
The old lady wa right when she said,
the child might die if tbey waited for the
dootor. She gBved the little one's life
with a few doges of One Minute Cough
Cure. She bad need it for croup before.
Conser & Brook.
O. . Ramus, the cod Ir actor, has sent
down to Cottnge Grove tor John Nelson,
who was for years the assistant foreman
of the flume there, to assist in his work
here in Heppner. He txpeots Mr. Nel
son here on Tuesday of next week.
J. M. Yeates is starting East with an
immense nnmber of sheep from Eastern
Orpgon, between 66,000 and 85,000 head.
qnite a number having been bought io
Morrow 00110 ty. Lon Leathera is fore
man for one band and is getting ready
to move on the trail.
Pat Barry got baok to the Heppner
country on Wednesday of this week.
Pat looks pretty badly eoorred up, and
says that tbis is the resnlt of being in
the street ear aooident at Portland re
cently. He might be taken for the in
discreet referee of a dog fight, for be
bat all of the ejmptoms thereof.
One of the best and neatest pieoes of
residence property in Heppuer will be
sold here on the 20' b met. It is known
as the Nordyke plaoe and s sitnated
near Tom Morgan's nearly every per
son io Heppner knows where to Bod it.
There is an sere and one-third in fruit
trees and garden, and the buildings are
of excellent obaraoter. Go see it. tt
Recently Dr.P.B. MoSwords wounded
very fine specimen of the hawk family
with bis rqnirrel gnn, captnring him
witbont difficulty. This morning Harry
Warren, of the City drng store, gave the
bird a spray of hydrncyaoio, or prnasio
anid, the most deadly poison in the
knowo world, and be suoonmhed imme
diately. The dootor will mount this
speoimen at once.
Oar enterprising fiieode, Joe Biber
and Antone Rings, are evidently very
much enoonrsged with the oooss of
the Orange Froot, the leading fancy
grocery bonne in town, and a oredlt to
our locality. Mr. Antone Hinge fori for
a trip on the main line to make special
arrangements for the prompt shipments
of vegetables and fruits of the season to
the end that tbey may be able to beat all
'j s ... . jjk.
fi - - V" - 7pf-'7Jf-
Spurt OB the Move to Catch a Few Good Items
He Finds Thrm.
Sport is no pbreoologist, nor is he
any great student of human nature, but
be can see a few things as plain as any
man who is not " up a tree."
Human nature is the same the world
over, only there is a general cropping
out in certain localities more do tier una
than in others.
For instnooe, there is the man who
thinks that Lis home town ought to
have better race horses. He spits to
bajoo j iioe on the sidewalk and whit
ties while his neighbor is trying to see
that there are better horses, orly be
works a great deal Bnd says little.
The former is a first eonsiu to the
man who thinks the town ought to have
a better newspaper and doesn't patron
ize it to tbe extent of a five cent pieoe
io the course of a whole month. Papers
are made like mushrooms; it doesn't cost
a bean to keep one up.
The man who thinks he has a patent
right on religion and that bis brand is
tbe only soul-saving article in tbe oamp
is a member of the same family.
The person who growls and grumbles
and finds nothing at home that is as
good as abroad, who is a faultfinder by
profession, who becomes a pessimist,
wears long whiskers and keeps from
working, belongs to the gang above
Sport learns that Gladys, who is be
ing trained by Gid Hatt, and Nora, tbe
Matlock mare, whose dam was Repetta,
sired by Leon, are both entered in the
Salem stake raoe. Hope our friends
will be lucky.
If the state and district fairs are de
pending upon tbe appropriations made
at the luBt attempt to huve a session of
legislature, or for the celeiity in whioh
Secretary Eiooaid is pushing out the
state's promises to pay, tbe 1 aces will
never be burdened with cash.
Some person did some moonliitht
work out on tbe track the other night
which was seen just as plainly as though
it bad been high noon. Awful inquisi
tive people in this world, "aiut it."
Tbe Darktown stables have the well
earned honor of the best decorated
quarters iu the colony. Tbe D irktowo
and otber piotnres are numerous.
Their horses are io good condition and
the bo.vs fi el ooiifideut ot "scooping tbe
Sport baa been all 'round and finds
that confidence abounds in profusion.
It is ol the MoKioley variety. There
are a good many sure winners for every
raoe and I tie number is increaeiog.
Sport has two horses out on tbe
range that have good breeding and
good appetites. They were supposed to
be lost but unfortunately they were seen
near town last week. Sport remembers
having paid hay and grain bills on them
to the amount of 8225, and as tbe horses
cost $22 be has been busy for tbe past
two years in figuring out tbe profits.
Matlock's stables show up some splen
did horses this year. 'Tie true that the
stable never bad more better looking
steeds at any one time. "But all that
glitters is not gold."
Cora J. is getting to be good again
and Jim Jones will put op tbe CHsh that
she can win. Yesterday she beosme
obstreperous and the rider. Widge Wbet
atone, got bluffed out aud slid off to the
ground. Widge, you must have 11101 e
b' Ckbooe if you wiaii tj win bonoia on
the laoe course.
The Neverbweats have out a petition
asking that tbe races be run on Main
street so that lbs members thereof ran
preserve their dignity and merobersbrp
io tbe order and yet enjoy the sport. A
Neversweal will never disgrace himself
by walking in the sun a halt mile even
to see a horse raoe. Besides it is un
constitutional. Several biike are said to be doing a
general banking business io towo be
sides the First National.
Hli Cnnrert at the Opera II nun Lt Nllit
Waa Wfil Hi-cviyrd.
The entertainment end concert given
Ht tbe pera borne lait nfgbt by Tbe Ed
ward Shield Company, under Ibe anapi
re of Ibe public school, wn a vry
pleating ancoeee. While tbe audieooe
waa not large, owing, do doobt, to tbe
(act that people generally did not nuder
at and tbe merit of the entertainment,
iuey were UBiisuiru ana allowed tiirir
benrly appreciation. Mr. Hbild MTonr
of the Colombia Rier and Ibe Inland
Em pirn" waa illoetreted with a large
Dumber of ?ery floe tiewa and hi da
acriplion waa intereitiug and inetrnct-
iva. lie la an ey talker aod keepa
the audience io good humor. Mr, Chaa.
II. Whitiog'e eioiring waa tbe flueal I hit
ba been beard in Ilrpi ner io many a
day. U baa a rich baritone voice and
haodlra it to perfection. Miaa KITa
Hbielde' poem, ''Jane Cobqtitet. illut
Iralrd with appropriate viewe waa nna
of tbe beM nnmhrra on the brnaram.
Tbe iwa were beaotlfnl and her ay
and nmflVctrd rendition captnred the
ndleiioe from tbe beginning.
ay epal rqnet Mr. Hbielda will
give another entertainment to night un
der lb lama antpinea. There will be ao
entire change of program; new eonga.
new pneme and new viewe. Among Ibe
via to be etniwn are a number deplet
ing aceoea at I ha reont inangnral of
I'reeijent MoKinley.
Mr. Hhield i on hia way edit to boom
the "Inland Empire" and eame here to
get eonia vieaa aronnd Heppner. H i
doing all Ihie no bia own rutxineihllilr
nil ainoe be givea one-half of lh prnf.
It to lb our eohool library fund, hi
entertainment Io niwbt ehnold be well
palrfn'!d. Hia alerenptlron and view
are tbe floe I ever eibibited here.
If other tea were roasted
fresh like Schillings Best,
some of it would be as good.
In the meantime, Schil
ling's Best is your tea.
At grocers' in packages.
a tctni( H rvmpMf
lee lho new Roeaiao Tao shr
'down at Llehteothel'. Ll'l !,
y. reeaoaewe Lrieea. ion
caooot d.i better aoy wUere. tf
The Marriage of These Two Well known Peo
ple Last Sunday.
On last Sunday evening ocourred tbe
marriage of two well known and
universally respected people of Heppoer,
Mr. N. 8. Whetstone and Mrs. E. J.
Boyer, at tbe home of the latter on
Mala street, Elder Jenkins, ot Tbe
Dalles performing the wedding rites.
Mr. and Mrs. Whetstone will continue
to reside in Heppner.
Both have a wide oirole ot ecquaint-
ances and a "world ' ot friends, and
each and every one of them join tbe
Gazette in well-wishes.
From the Exgie.
Joe Hayes is over from Heppoer buy
ing sheep tor Theodore Swaosoo, ot
Pooatella, Idaho. He is buying year
ling ewes and wethers.
Henry Murphy came up from Monu
ment early this week and was accom
panied borne by his father, who has
been in this city for some time receiving
medical treatment.
Cbas. Williams, an aged resident of
Fox Yally, died last Sunday morning of
kidney and heart trouble, after a ser
ions illness ot only one week. He was
76 years old, and had been in poor
health for several years. He was the
father of County Superintendent Will
iams of this county.
Soaly eruptions on the head, chapped
hands anil lips, cuts, bruises, scalds,
burns are quickly cured by DeWitt'a
Witon tlazel salve, it is at present the
artiole most used for piles, and it always
cures them. Conser Brock.
Have Deolded to Hold n
Mace Ieetixxo:
Way, Wednesday ui Thursday,
9 JUNE 1,
j $700.00 ;
FIRST DAY Saturday, May 29-Itace 1. Quarter mile daeh, matou raoe
between Sinner, owned by Low Tillard, nni 8wbut:k, owned by lien Swaggart,
for $100 a aide. Raoe 2. Foar aud one-half fnrlooga, free lor all. Pure, $100.
Race 3. Tbree-eishtb mile daub, free for all. Puree, $75.
SECOND DAY-Tuday. June 1 Race 4. One-half mile danh. free for all.
Puree. $100. Rnca 6. Hix bundred yard dh, free lor all. Puree, $75.
THIRD DAY Wedoeeday June 2 Race 1. Quarter mile dab. free for all
Puree, .r0. Raoe 7. Onetboaeand yarde, free for all. Puree, $100.
FOURTH DAY-Tboreday, Jnoe3
for all. Puree, $100. Race 9. Ooe balf mile, nooaolatioo raoe, for defeated
bnreee. Puree, $76. Raoe 10. Mule raoe from wire to wire, opeo to tbe world.
Puree $J6.
CONDITIONS: Tbeae racea will
Blood Horae Association. Entrance fee io all raoe. not otherwiae apeoifled, 10
per cent of amount of puree, five or more to enter, three to etart. In cae tbat
pnrgea above given do not Oil witb Ave complete rotriee, the board baa tbe power
Io rednoe tbe amoonte of tbe pnraea aa in their judgment aeem proper. Tbe di
rector reeerva tbe right to poet none any and all raoe oo ewiunt of iucLenieul
weather. If above race do oot Oil, puree
anbuitnted by tbe director. Pure will
80 per cent In aecood. All entrlet to oloae
needing tue raoe.
A. W. PATTERSON, Heareiary. W. O. MINOR, President.
E. L. FREELAND. Treamrer.
E. L Mllork. Dve MeAUe, E. O Hprry, Oeo. Harrington. Ileory rieppner.
4. w. Morrow, uki uati, ueo. Alien,
r, Mt.'vtoa,
llweit Utin'llty,
Haiiaoiiahie I'rluww.
Brand New
You Can
Next Door to
Wear prepared to fill prescription with Freeh Druf.
Our eloek i new and fraab aod an eiparianraal pliarae
eit la Io (barge at all time. Telephone conneetiroa
wltb all parte of Heppoer aud tbe Lone; Diatacoe.
Cell op No. 17
E. J. SLOCUM, Mgr.
Tbe weather warm and still no rain.
Tbe grain is in splendid condition, but
needs rain.
Our roads leading into lone are being
rapidly improved.
lone is showing the ranchers that it
oan raise fine vegetables.
In many places apples will not be as
plentiful as tbey have been.
Sheepsbearing is about completed
and shearers have left for other localities.
Will Allyn has contracted to hanl tbe
balance ot our ohnroh lumber down
next week, after which our church will
be rapidly built.
At the preaching last SuDday tbe
school house was full to ths utmost. It
beoomes neoeesary to have our ohurcb
building up soon.
Quite a number from this vicinity will
attend the Congregational meetings at
Lexington this week. Miss Lena Jorden
and Mrs. Alice Keller are ths two dele
gates present from our church.
The report is that crops in Gilliam
ooonty are very poor compared with
ours, and in tbe direction ot Pendleton
they are still better. Farmers here are
very hopeful of a bountiful harvest.
May 4, 1897. Jakb.
Tbe length of lite may be increased by
lessening dangers. Tbe majority ot peo
ple die from lung troubles. These may
be avurted by promptly nsing One
Minute Cough Cure. Conser & Brock
Attend tbe Ladies' Band conoert, May
14, 1897. 2-3.
May 29,
2 and 3.
IN PURSES ! $700.00
- Raoe8. One-half mile, bandioap, free
lie governed by tbe rulee of tbe Peoiflo
will be given for apecial ranee, to be
be divided 70 per oent to tbe flrat borae,
by 8 o'olock, p. m, oo tbe evening pre-
I I'illl IN FULL
Director. f
You Cannot do Better Anywhere.
Find It.
the PostofTice.
You Don't Expect
Goods for Nothing!
to suit the times. You want fresh
groceries and supplies ; yon want snb
stantial gents' furnishings You oan find
what you want at T. R. Howard's. . . .
TL I. Howard
Main Street. Heppner, Oregon.
At tbe old stand, have the usual
epriDg outfit of
Besides the thousand odds and ends that are too numerous to mention.
Next Door to Flrat
Hop Grold Beei
Str Brewery Company,
203 Waahlnton St., Portland, Or.
You can Woger Your
are Always at Homo at
Oo Willow Htreet, near tbe City Ball.
Tbey fry to plea all. Flo elub room Io coooectioo.
MANIC ftOwtfta
Rogers & Roberts,
-Contractor, tod BuilJera.
Plans and Estimates Given on Snort Notice.
All Kinds of Repair Work
OFFICE HOURS-Day and NiehL Leare your orders Any Old.
llacc" and Rog. or Jim will ?et 'cm. 0090000
Mrs. Julia Bradley, Prop
Guests will find the best of accom
modations in every respect
National Bank Building.
Sox that You
I. i. ftOMITe