Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, May 07, 1897, Image 2

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Wellington's New Law Relating to Sheep
Being Brought la From Uther States.
nfTS M. JL
j nr 4;f5" a v &
rMOj 7lT2 13 14 15
l'?T?ffg?Il26i87l 26129
We learn, bat not from the Ore-
goniaD, that Hod. II. V. Scott is
; u'u: 1. t,. u.
uu" 1U ui P- The Gazette beeioa in Ibis iegne the
pose of urgiog the seating ot Lot- publication of the new law passed by
belt, 8a 8 The Dalies Chronicle, 'he Washington legislature, relating to
It is quite proper that tbe chief the moving of sheep into that state, ete.
train-wrecker should be 00 hand to The entire article will not appear in
mm lssne mil win ne nuisneci ju laea
l's psppr. Every shppDtnan ebnnld
clip out this law for referenoe.
It is as follows:
8otion 1. I t at it shall be the duty
of the commissioners of eaoh county, np
on presentation to them at any regular
meeting, of a petition sinned by thrre or
more owners of sheep, residing in f'd
county, to appoint some soil able person,
being a qualified elector of sid county,
as sheep inspector of iwd oounty for two
years from the date of his appointment
and until bis successor is appointed aod
look after the plunder. The gai.g
patterned after the farmer who dis
covered the boy in the apple tree.
They fit bt throw grass, J. Thorburn
R088 and Wallace ilcCamatit, then
dirt, Tony Noltner, and now they
are trying the effect of a pebble in
Harvey Scott.
Mr. Scott goes back to convince
the senate that the legislature did
not meet and that, therefore, the
governor had the right to appoint
the senator.
The Ileppner telephone is com
pleted as far as Monument. This
is business.
A terrible storm in Oklahoma
flooded everything and caused
great lost of life last week.
W. L. Tooze, of Woodburn, has
been appointed postmaster of his
town, a deserved compliment to
a young man.
The Pendleton Tribune editori
ally mentions "a job that failed."
The Gazette would like to know
something about the job that won.
ave weight,
ate, none better, why it did not trona 0D.ce BDd dec,are ,be Bttld office va
, . . .. . , cant ana appoint tiis Buooessor, upon
vou .,c. 1. .u,, ,u iuo . . a.ulnnfw bpinu rrnted to
... r
columns ot tne Vjregonian, tne them that such sheep inspector has neg.
great paper of the Northwest, he leoted to perform any of the duties im-
thundered forth the fiat, "When Pd on him by this net, orisiuooui-
Mitchell is out of the wav the Ore. Pe,ent-
iri;irjiaiuiD will UiCCL, auu UUl u 11 t 1. u j- r
00 . 1 ahull tainra nrrinc nnnn tha ritannnroa
Detore. lie can ten 11 tnat tie as nf h a,,tiaa nf hi. ..m i.t. ni a..h.
ditor of the Oregonian, brought scribe an oath of office and enter into a
that paper's great influence to the DOnd witn two or more sureties ap
id of Joe Simon, whom it Ims re. Proved tbe oonri! oommiHSioners, in
' i I ... . .... I .. I 11 nrto - ,1 : . : .3 r
peatedly pronounced a "boss. He , ... . , , , ..
... . . the faithful performance of the duties
can ten it tuai ne joinea nanus 0f Mb office.
with Jonathan bourne, whom he 8eo 3. Suoh inspector shall have the
Joseph R. Dunlop, editor of the
Chicago Dispatch, will hhve to
serve two years in the "pen" for
sending obscene matters through
the mails.
The Pendleton Tribune has had
a fight to find out where it is at,
and to an outsider it appears
doubtful if the problem has yet
been solved.
IlEITNElt is unusually lively now
and everything augurs well for 4111
active season. Our county cm
withstand numerous onslaughts o
the forces of prosperity.
Don 0. Royd'8 paper, the Flor
ence Miner, seems lo be prosper.
ing. The subscription price is $3
per year and the general advertis
ing patronage appears to bo good
We guess Senator McBride isn'
very mad at Senator Jones for
Lfl'luu7 no Urn niimley hill lonC
enongYi nrfy't more protection for
the products of the far West, Bug
gouts the Salem Statesman, Hi
leading' republican newspaper
Oregon. It turns out that Jones
will not act with the democrat
but wanted it held in the commit
too long enough to ask for a littl
more protection for the West.
A REfiENT report of the grant
jury of Multnomah county charges
corruption among high official
' and leading private citizens. Tl
Oazotto believes that there exists
a corrupt condition of affairs dow
there. This is no new thing. Un
til recently the Simon clemeu
profited thereby and no howl was
heard. The attack on Prosecutiii
Attorney Lord and Napoleon Davis
is a political ouo nothing more.
qualified as herein proviJed: Provided,
His words ought to That the orunty commissioners may at
He can tell the sen- aDV timB move suoh sheep inspector
pronounced a traitor to the repub
ican party, to prevent the legisla
ture meeting. . lie can tell it that
he took the populist members to
bis heart and coddled them as his
Is Being Fnshed ThrooKb and Fast Near-
inx Completion.
From the Eagle.
Green Matthews arrived in Long
Creek Tuesday in the interest of the
telephone line To an Engle reporter
be stated that the oompauy's line was
connected with Bardmaa last Saturday
night A Itirgx force of men employed
and iot-i le of ten days or such a tna'ter
the line will be cooneoted at Monu
ment. Mr. Matthews has etnked out t e
line from Monument to this city, and
has a foroe of men emi loyed digging the
boles fur the pules whioh will be com
pleted this week. T. B. Harrymno, who
has a coutract lor getting out the poles
for the line between Ling Crepk and
Mounm'-nt, is busy with his contract
and jnst as soon rs tbe groin d boa
setthd so that a team can be used oil
the main trveled road, the poles will be
put on the ground.
The spring being mnoh later than an
ticipated by aP, has greatly delayed all
work ooDnected with tbe line, but the
Hue will doubtless be complete to this
city by May 20tb.
At tbe M. E chnrch, South, next San
day, preaohing in the morning by Rev.
F C. Adkio. Regular services io tbe
evening at 7:45. A oordial invitation to
.1MtiVllMil " 11.1 n. V 1 11 rt 11
these columns is published under
the direction of the "Sound Cur
rency Committee of the Reform
Club" of 52 William street, New
power to appoint not more than two dep
uties, for wbope acts he shall, io all
oases, be responsible, and by whom be
may perform any act or duty required of
him by this act; and each inspector shall
be provided by tba oonnty with a seal o(
first-born to persuade them to avoid office, which shall be inscribed in sob-
their bounded durv. He ean tell tnoe as follows: "Sheep Inspeotor of
it that he bolted the state conyen-
County, Washington," aud
oanh cif!li'inl oertifloate or renort of snob
tion and fought the regular repub. i08oeo,or shall be authenticated by such
ican nominee for congress Ellis, seal.
or no other reason than that the See 4. No person, company or cor-
indorsement of that gentleman P"''0" 6U brin r ,a"89 " bo
, , ... .. . . brought into this state any sheep or b nd
wrtlllit nruvai.r Ilia a 1 1 ur. 1 I rirr Kurt
1 b iif cheep without Hrst, and within three
aior niiuuieus position. tie cho , h. ,i. iuMin. , v,i,,i,, ,m .
tell it that he and others inveigled -beep inspector, duly appointed and
a decrepit old man to open his qualified under this aot, a certificate un-
ourse and Miivmder his monev iu M1 tn 'ffioia' BeHl of 8"0U luspeo'"'. o
H.Q nr.it ..t H.a ...III . .' H.u ihe ffdOt that the said sheep, or band of
. Hueep, huve ben pernouaUy luflueoted
honor, iu the foul swamp of poll- b BUQU ,DPP,otor, Bl)(1 ,bftl aH guoh
ticH. He can tell it that he was sheep are sound and uenlthy, and free
the David who gathered the sore- from scab or tcbieB, or other infectious
heads from all tiHrties at his noliti- ,,r contagious disease, and no peraou,
i t 4 ) i ii ii i ii company or corporation shall move or
al cave of Addullam. lie can tell , , . . , .
causd to be moved, Buy sheep or band or
it that moved by blind bite of .htt , a ,., in .hi. .t,,
MiJtthell he has, in seasou and out, another county without first, and within
fought that gentleman aud his six nioiitLs prior thereto, obtaining such
r, Itr fill niitlilaaii imm u liu oeriinoate ua is above raentiined. It
......... .... Hhull hn tliA ilntv tA Rnv uncen iiiflneotor.
tun r.ill if t tut lia nmlurfiinlf tr I r '
VltU ' tyiit J W u u low n VV I . t . i
upon request oi any person, io visu min
pun luucuH.i uuwn eiguieeu years i1RpBCt any 1)HdJ 0, hepp wi,nia
ago, that be might step from his county, or within five miles of the line
prostrate body into his seat in the of the state, unless be baa inspeoted sncb
A fiuend of ours, who is unfor
tunate enough to be io the news,
paper business, tried to say some
thing nice about a milliner in a
recent issue. She had been get
ting in an immense amount of
goods and lie remarked boldly in
Lis locals that lie was "glad to see
Ler stocking up." The milliner
was not worthy of the friendship
of the humble scribe for she got
mad as a wet hen and ran him out
of his sanctum w ith a broom.
The Gazette does not take much
stock iu the contraction currency
ieB of some of our republican,
and particularly the opinions of
the Oregouiau on th subject
The Gazette is compelled to be.
lievo that if a good, fair tariff law
is passed, one that is leasmialile
and equitable, one that will not be
tampered with at every meeting
of congrcM, thuit preventing tbfl
use of capital ou I he account of
the uncertainties and risks, the
Country will become prosperous
and our money will take care of
itcelf. The country needs to get
enough money to meet demand
aud theu wants rent Tinkering
and tampering with our money for
tho I 'fin fit c( bankers will nt
ten I t.t mak t!u ptvj ! hive con
til 'tire in tli ...i.t ii, authority.'
I ' 'i t ; 1 "in, tn ciiit ity
i. u uVt.th to which he will rmt ",0 8na lumimsomioiiMD.
descend, uo scheme of political ,rnin ,CBb or B0Bbie(1 Hhi inf,olioil,
treachery which his ears will not m oouUgioiin diseases, he shall ho-ue
drink in gladly, no assumption of the owner or person in oharge thereof
tiuth for which the dagger of his a certificate to that effect; and if oot
pen is not plucked forth, no folly ""H"Dy ?1,r" r""" T m oon
,. .. . laiiioue aud infeotions diseases he shall
tilil liUill.ilt tit llllllSA llllll ... t 11. . I
n.i..nuW ....u.o u.ua uu iu iue reTllke HBy certifleH,9 which may have
accoinplioUment ot tUe oue lusa. been issm-d by bim. aud the person
tlate desire of his disappointed holding snoh oertifioale ehall forthwith
heart- tha destruction of John II. 0D dt'mu(1. deliver tbe same to suoh in
Mitchell. T
.... . . neo. o. Hiieoever the connty onoj'
u.b Bm.r,r..i0 n. D ..ui neeoeu njinMnnHr- ,.,- have reiaon to
by the senate, let the Corbett gang believe that any disease mentioned iu
send ou its other leaders. Let it tu ot ''H beoome epidemio in certain
forward Joe Simon and Jonathan '" oy other stale or territory
Honrne. IVIten IUr.l.r 1t;inn " b.t cond.Uon.ei.sl that reUdersheep
' 1 J I I L ul -k nnsi Vttlt rtianaaa ll.e Miml lAa
uu uMvmmvu! ii una pairiois U)I)D( hy otj dulv eotefe(, , ,,
who disgraced civilization at jmrusl, designate snob localities aod
Salem. Let the senate, in its ca- prohibit tbe importatioo from tbetn of
pacity as a jury, look Uhu the
faces of (he witnesses, aud thou
seat Corbett if it can.
The American Agriculturist Explains How
Farmers Aro "Milked" by Crossroads
Stores With Credit Banks They Could i
Borrow at Low Kates of Interest They
Would Then Be Free to Bay In the
Cheapest and Sell In the Dearest Market.
The American Agriculturist, one of
the leading farm journals of this coun
try, has been running's series of excel
lent editorials on the subject of credit
banks for tha benefit of farmers. One of
the first, in the issue of Nov. 21, 1896,
discussed the agricultural credit banks
of England. It attracted considerable at
tention, aud the Grange and Farmers'
Alliance in several states are seriously
considering a trial of the system there
A recent editorial showed some of the
benefits of the Scotch credit banks which
loan small amounts to borrowers with
out collateral, but who can give at least
two good sureties. By this means a ca
pable aud trustworthy young man can
ohtaiu a few hundred dollars, at a mod
erate rate of interest, with which to
Btock a farm which he has just bought.
He decs not have to pay interest ou a
dollar more than he actually uses and
at any time can return any part of what
is borrowed and stop interest on the part
returned. Dunning Macleod, a great au
thority upon banking, says that this sys
tem, introduced yeurs ago, gave Scot
tish agriculture a prodigious stimulus,
while to it also be attributes the mar
velous development of manufactures
nl ntV.o iniluHtri"' n SontlnnH in the
ace oi adverse natural conditions. Mac-
THE Tribune, of Portland, tells
how the leading bank of Portland,
Citibett's bank, drove Suell, lleit
shu A Wood ward out of biiHiness.
The paper characterized it as a
"commercial crime." This is a
business affair and the Gazette
catiuot see where it concerns the
public. Husiuess men should not
get inti the bauds of shylocks if
they want fair treatment.
Msrrns Wolf oa Trial.
The trial of M arena Wolf. In liete t for
setting fire t.i the st irs of . Wolf A
Itroa. IhI July, hetfan Tuea.U morning
lo the criminal rmirl. It will be a hard
fotitfht fltfhl J seph Pinion, ami tlenry
Median appear for the ilwfrnw, ami (lis.
tncl Attorney I.rJ aod W. T. Hums for
pUinlilT. The npponliig counsel will al
dress esoli other only In a profr.nsl
way during" Hie trial.
Iks O. N. 0. r.rnrit.
Here will b an enatrnpinetit ( (he
Orriinn National (tuird Itm Utler part
of June or first nf July ss lb ntstrs
man. It will eonlinna from ail to ten
day. An tff r is twin, on. hv the
tfrirultural b r J to tiav tbe ei esmp
tneiit postponej anttl Mi". timber 30, ami
l have It lhn hrl.l on the ttal fair
Ktoun.la, to eonjii'ilion with ilia fair.
The aolretiittt iif a I lacs has lieru Irfl o
(letieral II. rlM an, I ha will tleoid la
few dais, Albtuy.H tleoi or UhI U er
ill robbly liarhoasn, Oeneral Wtt
snl MJts Oollini and Mitobsll, ami
SurMn Oeneral CrJrll, of his staff,
a, iiinpaBie,l by C lonal Ja-ks in, of tt.s
PnttrJ S airs ard jf, trtvtdy aft.r
nooo Insr'tr.l !.e voi',.l at lhnx
whatever is done about monetary stand:
ards, better banking accommodations
that is, better facilities for the use of
credit instruments, such as checks,
drafts, etc. are vital to the farmer's
welfare. Kor can need he or will he
pay more for these facilities than do
those in other business."
E. W. Rbna & Co., pay tbe highest
prioe for hides and pelts. tf
TDe ceienratea imported rnnning
stallion, Oalpbnrnns, will stand tbe
season in Elrppner. For iiauicnlara
call on W. O. Minor. tf
A good bicycle, eoitnble for either lady
or gentleman, in fine repnir, new pueu
matio tires, for sale cheap at Gilliam &
Bisbee's. tf
any sheep Into their ooiiuty, except
iimier suoh restrictions m are herein
after provided.
Hec. 6. Upon the rotry of snob order
of the oouoty commissioners nf any
county, t he o whims or persona in charge
any aheep whlrh are inletided to be
brniittht itito the saiJ connty again
whii'b sheep quarantine lias been tlrclar
rd, a providiuK in tha nrzt preosdiutf
section, innat forthwith notify tue sheep
insperlor of said oonnty of sneh ioteo
I'on, and such oanernr perem. lo charge
shall not allow any sheep to l brough
into the coouty until surh aheep hav
lieeo ipiaraulinf J and luspooied by ll
hrrp luspeot.ir, a provided to tbe oi
suereding aee'ion: Provided, That tin
section shall nut apply to aheep beiim
traiif p'irleil upon the railroaj thtotigti
the state of Washington lo points be
)nnd the limits of said state, and wbirb
are not allowed In rsia npo the poblio
rng i f snlil alate while being so Irsns
Heo. 7. I'poo receiving ootios of Ihe
Invntion f tbe owner or person in
chatg of any sheep, as provided io the
ls preceding section, to bnog anrb
al c'-p tnlo any connty of this stale, from
any q-iarstitmed distrit l, tbe sheep in
sprcinr if sneh comty shall forthwith
pre.l to iiarume ami iospeet sneh
sheep before they are limaht into this
state, ao I shall tit snob ahrep lo !
kept within eetlain limita desigoateil by
him, for a lrnt uf siity days, ao, shall
pause I he rwner or persoo is eharga of
ni'b sheep lo dip such aheep, or olhr
wis, treat sooli aheep for I he diaease
trrv!enl Ij the quarantined. diatrk'L
It at Ihe tipiratlon of sai I time the sai l
sheep inspector shall fin I that Said sheep
sra fres (rm any rnnlagioiit or Infer,
lions iliaeaax, h shall Issue cerlifl utle
leod declares that the use of this form
of credit has been more helpful to Scot
laud that tho richest gold or silver mines
would have been.
Tho Agriculturist theu described the
special benefits of tho branch bonks of
Scotland and Canada. Ten Scotch banks
have 1,000 branches. Each little town
where there is an agent of one of these
ten banks has practically the same bank
ing privilege! as though the headquar
ters of tbo bank were in tho town,
whereas tho American town's facilities
are confined to the little bank located
iu its midst, or, more likely, in a larger
town, village or city 10 or 20 miles
away, for it is often CO and sometimes
100 miles from points in the south and
west to the nearest bank.
We quote tho following from ono of
the more recent editorials in Tbe Agri
culturist: ' 'The agricultural credit bank de
scribed iu our previous article, or our
own very successful co-operative build
ing and loau associations, might also es
tablish branches or agencies. Thus one
society could have a representative in
every town or hamlet in a county or
group of counties, bringing its advan
tages borne to depositors and borrowers
everywhere. In this way, even In a
sparsely settled farming country, a co
operative banking society could get
enough business to be soundly success
ful. Tbe agricultural credit baulu de
scribed in the editorial referred to en
able the honest poor to co-operate in
other matter. The testimony of hun
dreds of similar Institutions in Europe
bows beyond all question that these
cmlit societies have 'encouraged co
operation in all its forms, stimulated
thrift and self help and improved the
whole moral and material condition of
thvir members.' Tbe uerd is certaiuly
urgent fi r similar effort at self help iu
very many fanning cvtuinunities in this
country as well as among workers in
other m'tipatirns. In tliene time, when
the margin ot profit is so rloee in farm
ing, iu other business, it i all the
more necessary for f.irmeni to te able to
conduct their affairs with the almost
economy, for which purpose capital at
reasonable rates of interest i au impera
tive neoeaatty.
"Whatever opinions are entertained
roncrrnuiR the standard of value, there
should be unanimity in an effort to per
tWt a sound pUn of co-cperaiive t ank
ing ibat will enable formers to help
themselves. How treat this need is eon
hardly be etoirgeratcd. Taking the
United tuu-s at a whole, we doubt if
A Good Example.
The action of the silver Republicans
in deciding to make the money issue
paramount sets a good example to the
gold Democrats, the Baltimore News
(Dem. ) says: "They must keep them
selves in readiness to support, not mere
ly by assenting vote, but by active work
and friendly counsel, any effort which
may be honestly put forward by the in
coming administration to place the
finances of tbe country upon a sound
basis. They would stultify their course
in the contest of last year if they allow
ed party cousidcrations to have so much
as a feather's weight in comparison with
their duty upon this issue of transcend
ent moment.
The Question of Branch Banks.
If small national banks are to be en
couraged in the more sparsely settled
portions of the country, the question
arises whether they should be purely
local organizations or branches of the
great metropolitan banks. The old Unit
ed States bunk had branches which, by
virtue of their connection with a large
central institution, had some advan
tages over tho local banks with which
they competed, but were in more than
one instance the objects of adverse state
legislation. This spirit of local hostility
to a bank located in another city, and
perhaps another state, left memories
which still survive and which account
in part for the opposition to branch
But the experience of England and
Scotland, Canada aud Australia, is
strongly and uniformly in favor of large
central banks with many branches. The
banks of Canada are able to maintain a
singular uniformity in the rates of in
terest in tho great commercial centers
and iu tho remote agricultural regions
because the banks of Montreal and To
ronto have their branches in Manitoba
nild th Pnrifln rocr and cm nrfoe
the surplus capital of one locality to
meet the 'leficioucy in another as it can
not be done by wholly independent
banks. The conditions in Canada are
very much like those of the United
States, and tho success of the Canadian
banks in doing what we recognize the
importance ot having done is entitled to
great weight in our considerations. In
Scotland it is well known that the
branch system has Rreatly favored those
agricultural interests which in our own
country are so much in need of financial
The preponderance of financial testi
mony is dotidedly in favor of the branch
system, most of the opposition to which
comes, or would come, from local finan
cial interests, jealous of strong outside
competition. There it a feeling of dis
trust or all banks which is born of ig
norance. It increases rapidly with the
increase or a bank's capital and the ex
tension of its operations, which aro sup
posed to prove tho bank to be a monop
oly. iron Age,
Grant Connty Opals.
While prospecting upon tbe mountain
buok of Canyon Oily, Grant county,
searching for pooket ledges, Clyde Lock-
wood and Ed Chambers panned out a
fine looking specimen ot opal, wbiob
glows with great brilliancy when held
up toward tbe light, and which would
make a magnificat t ornament if properly
out and polished. Tbe boys found tbe
preoious stone away up near the bead of
Long guloh, above tbe mining ditohes,
Believing that there are more in tbe vi
oinity ot where this speoimen was picked
up, they will keep an eye open for opals
hereafter while engaged in prospeoting
tor gold. This item was stolen from tbe
Oregonian, it having stolen it from some
otber exchange.
Fur Bale or Trade.
If you want Deppner 'property don't
fail to oonsult J. W. Morrow. Fur tbe
right person, one wno wants to garden,
milk a few ows, raise chickens, eto., I
have a fine proposition io oner one.
Once developed will produce revenue of
81i!00 yearly. Will be sold on eaay
terms, would Dot object to taking 160
acres as part payment. 523tf
Low Tillard keeps wet goods dowa
at his new place, near the eon noil
chambers. Call at The Welcome and
make yourself Bt home. tf
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The Best Salve in the world for Cats,
Bruises, Mores, TJIoers, Salt Rheum,
Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands,
Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup
tions, and positively cures Piles or oo
pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or money refunded.
Price 25 cents per box. For sale by
Conser He Brock.
Hick Mathews and V. Gentry, undur
the firm name of Mathews & Gentry,
are assooiated together in tbe birber
business in the new stand, two doors
south of the postoffioe. They solicit a
oall. tf.
Dr. John W. Rasmus is keeping tbe
best olnss of goods at tbe Bedlight and
he will treat yon right. Call In and tee
him. tf.
Are much m l.ule; always aatav
ready, efficient, satisfac- Ha . I 1
tory; prevent a cold or fever, 111 55
cure all liver Ilia, nick liead- B air
ache, jaundice, constipation, etc. Price 25 cent.
The ouljr Fills to take with Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Bryan's Mistakes Policy,
Aren't Bryan and his friends making
a gTeat mistake by continuing the dis
cussion of tbo silver question at this
time? It is nearly four years until the
next presidential election, and the peo
ple can learn a wholo lot about silver
and tbe effect of cheap money upon
wages and savings in four years. They
learned much that Bryan didn't want
them to know during the four short
months of the lost campaign. It Is no
ttceable that in the states where tbe ques
tion was most discussed the major!
tics against Bryan were heavy or his
majorities were unexpectedly small.
If tbe silverites will think of th great
amount of work done in the states west
of Pennsylvania, east of Colorado and
north of Tennessee and reflect upon tha
result uf tho election, they will, if they
aro wise and want to win iu 1000, con
clude to dn p educational work and to
prucivit ou d.iiuo leaa dangerous line. If
Uryitu and hi friends would atop talk
ing about silver for three years, it would
be ditllcuU for the "gultlhng" to fret
people to listen to their convincing argu
ments. If our hard times should unfor
tunately continue, Bryan might step oat
a few days be for o the 1900 election aud
ay. "I told you ao," and a majority of
the voter, without having given the
matter much thought, might conclude
tlmt perhnp the "crime cf 1875" was
responsible for the lack of prosperity.
Bat if they study the question for four
wholo year they will be certain that
neither silver nor any kind of chess
one-tenth cf our farmers use banks or j money ever brought prosperity to any
are withiu convenient reach of banking 'Country, though they have often brought
arcomuodatiou. W ithout it they cauuot ' hard time, i be wage earner will un
U Beat CouKh Srrno. Tastes Good. TJae SFf
fr In tlrni
The crescent waves on Cretan shores,
The cross of Christ goes down ;
The Turks are helped by Christian powers
Who bombard fort and town.
Columbia's eagle hears nor heeds
Poor Cuba's piercing cry;
Then let us drown these shameful deeds
In Bperry's "Linwood Rye."
For sale at the Belvedere saloon, E.
G. Sperry, proprietor. tf
"How to Core All Skin Diseases."
Simply apply "Swayne's Ointment. "
No internal medicine required. Cures
tetter, eczema, itob, all eruptions on tha
faoe, bands, nose, &o., leaving the skin
clear, white and healthy. Its great bend
ing and curative powers are possessed
by no otber remedy. Ask your drug
gist for Swayne's Oinlmeot.
Syrnp. Tastes Good. TJae I
roe. Sold by druggists. rl
This Is Your Opportunity.
On receipt of ten cents, cash or stnrofis,
a generous sample will be mailed of the
most populnr Catarrh nnd Hay Fever Cure
(Ely's Cream Balm) sufficient to demon
strate the great merits of the remedy.
5U Warren Kt., Sew York City.
Eev. John Tteid, Jr. . of Great Falls, Mont.,
recommended Ely'e C'rviini lialm to me. I
can emplm-iie ins i.'ni r.ient, "It is a posi
tive cure for eatarrli if ued as directed."
'.tev. FrancU W. Pcole, Pastor Central Pres.
Church, Helena, ilout.
Ely's Cream Balm is the acknowledged
euro for catarrh and contains no mercury
nor nny iujurious drug. Price, 50 cents.
J. tice is hereby given that I have on the 1st
day ot Slay, 1897, been appointed as assignee ot
tne eitite of i. W . Rivaggart, insolvent, and
all persona holding claims against said insol
vent, or his entate, are hereby notlrttd to pre
sent the same to me at my olllce in Heppner,
Morrow county, Oregon, properlv verilled by
oath according to law, within three months
after date of this notice. Ed. U. Bishop,
Heppner, Or., May 7, 1897. 642-53.
p . -
notice is hereby oiven that a
meeting of the stockholdc's of the K
tional Bank of Heppner will be held on Satur
day, June 19, 1897, between the lioms of 1" a. m.
and 4 p. m., for the purpose of voting on niacins .
the bank into voluntary liquidation and such
other matters as may come before the meeting.
This nottee is published by order of the Board
of Directors at a meeting held May 1. 1M'.)7.
u R. BisHor, Cashier,
Heppner, Or., May 7. 1S97. 6453.
to fori Weekly
Farmers and Viliaaers,
Fathers and Mothers,
Sons and Dauoliters,
All the Family.
With tbe close of the Presidential campaign THE TRIBUNE
recognizes the fact that the American people are now anxiou to gie
their time to home and baeinesa intereats. To meet this condition
politica will have far lees apace and prominence, nntil another State or
National occasion demands a renewal of the ficht for ih nnr,r.ini..
which THE TRIBUNE has labored from its inception to the present
' linn an1 n-An ( 1 A.
w-jt nuu nuu lis irrtifHt YlClOrieg.
Every possible effort will be pot forth, and money freely spent
to make THE WEEKLY TRIBUNE pre-eminently a
National Family Newspaper,
inteiesting, instructive, entertaining and indinpensable to each member
We lurnlsh "The Gazette" and "N. y. Weekly
uiuuiic uiic OUT lor jd.uu.
tin ploy rrtslil ia th trua sens. Ytt
Dlot-tcDilit cf tb Tolsms ct botioca
transacted by other people 1 done with
err ill l Itiatruuimta. Hut the aviraKf
farmer Is b lo use culy tb crvtilt tf
f ttA by tb rrvaartiul atorv, wbuli
'milks' bltu to tb tuti't f 13 to 40 pt r
crnt by t.vktnf bis stuff in trail tt far
o lb pwiiw or psrsoo ia ebar( of sneh j below market prtc, charging big r-rcnte
I "Pi rortniiiiBii tbsia la be bfongbt an wbat tbe faruirr toy, aud on top of
into ibis ttst. title ejayonf fiorUteot Isumt
a Ii is nnlavfnl for anr rrMi ! 0 ' tolD ran tol
Address all Orders to
dintauJ that 16 to 1 la au uuderbandctt
bm to lowrr wagre aod tbe farmer
tbat tby cannot, by Jujrgling with cheap
tin nry, ni t any adraut.igo tf (be trst of '
ihc wurld lu tbi' niiUUr cf prirvsof farm j
protloct. Tbis edm utioual work must i
I itoprd short, ur tha causa of frve
I. her u lost.
Do You Want a Rig ?
) Don't You Want a Place to
H Put up Your Team ?
IMU Arc You in KcvA of a Saddle
norse t
All thee can U procured at Thompson k Binna, Lower
neppner, uregon.
kill lit,
tArr Carrcae?.
Rixvak Tbiri Sam Pity 'twoi rbml
Jlamrt 11 wm tnakina bt moat, ajvl
t, bring Int.. tins .Ul- any ahmip loll- ,hU "rf ? '-Uti-n.' rf unly ; the prrllrsj broke bira a;l op. nATS!ZV,il'- rii,
r,f.r.n gr,.flM.1, r..ar I r HAmm J .f .... " , , - , ' , "1 ' ,
tVu'l.i !,,iaonrrnll 1 t'ui u.a-tof U." .; i.-h r It v ... it,
Main Street,
w r.4 Mhr ua.su
THOM PSOK t inyvc